#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2008 Henri Hakkinen # # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Arun Prakash Jana # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import argparse import atexit import collections import codecs import functools import gzip import html.entities import html.parser import http.client from http.client import HTTPSConnection import locale import logging import os import signal import socket import ssl import sys import textwrap import urllib.parse import webbrowser # Python optional dependency compatibility layer try: import readline except ImportError: pass # Basic setup try: import setproctitle setproctitle.setproctitle('googler') except Exception: pass logging.basicConfig(format='[%(levelname)s] %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger() def sigint_handler(signum, frame): print('\nInterrupted.', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) # Constants _VERSION_ = '2.9' COLORMAP = {k: '\x1b[%sm' % v for k, v in { 'a': '30', 'b': '31', 'c': '32', 'd': '33', 'e': '34', 'f': '35', 'g': '36', 'h': '37', 'i': '90', 'j': '91', 'k': '92', 'l': '93', 'm': '94', 'n': '95', 'o': '96', 'p': '97', 'A': '30;1', 'B': '31;1', 'C': '32;1', 'D': '33;1', 'E': '34;1', 'F': '35;1', 'G': '36;1', 'H': '37;1', 'I': '90;1', 'J': '91;1', 'K': '92;1', 'L': '93;1', 'M': '94;1', 'N': '95;1', 'O': '96;1', 'P': '97;1', 'x': '0', 'X': '1', 'y': '7', 'Y': '7;1', }.items()} # Disguise as Firefox on Ubuntu USER_AGENT = ('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:48.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0') ua = True # User Agent is enabled by default # Self-upgrade parameters # # Downstream packagers are recommended to turn off the entire self-upgrade # mechanism through # # make disable-self-upgrade # # before running `make install'. ENABLE_SELF_UPGRADE_MECHANISM=True API_REPO_BASE = 'https://api.github.com/repos/jarun/googler' RAW_DOWNLOAD_REPO_BASE = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarun/googler' # Global helper functions def open_url(url): """Open an URL in the user's default web browser. Whether the browser's output (both stdout and stderr) are suppressed depends on the boolean attribute ``open_url.suppress_browser_output``. If the attribute is not set upon a call, set it to a default value, which means False if BROWSER is set to a known text-based browser -- elinks, links, lynx or w3m; or True otherwise. """ if not hasattr(open_url, 'suppress_browser_output'): open_url.suppress_browser_output = (os.getenv('BROWSER') not in ['elinks', 'links', 'lynx', 'w3m']) logger.debug('Opening %s', url) if open_url.suppress_browser_output: _stderr = os.dup(2) os.close(2) _stdout = os.dup(1) os.close(1) fd = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR) os.dup2(fd, 2) os.dup2(fd, 1) try: webbrowser.open(url) finally: if open_url.suppress_browser_output: os.close(fd) os.dup2(_stderr, 2) os.dup2(_stdout, 1) def printerr(msg): """Print message, verbatim, to stderr. ``msg`` could be any stringifiable value. """ print(msg, file=sys.stderr) def unwrap(text): """Unwrap text.""" lines = text.split('\n') result = '' for i in range(len(lines) - 1): result += lines[i] if not lines[i]: # Paragraph break result += '\n\n' elif lines[i + 1]: # Next line is not paragraph break, add space result += ' ' # Handle last line result += lines[-1] if lines[-1] else '\n' return result def check_stdout_encoding(): """Make sure stdout encoding is utf-8. If not, print error message and intrustructions, then exit with status 1. This function is a no-op on win32 because encoding on win32 is messy, and let's just hope for the best. /s """ if sys.platform == 'win32': return # Use codecs.lookup to resolve text encoding alias encoding = codecs.lookup(sys.stdout.encoding).name if encoding != 'utf-8': locale_lang, locale_encoding = locale.getlocale() if locale_lang is None: locale_lang = '' if locale_encoding is None: locale_encoding = '' ioencoding = os.getenv('PYTHONIOENCODING', 'not set') sys.stderr.write(unwrap(textwrap.dedent("""\ stdout encoding '{encoding}' detected. googler requires utf-8 to work properly. The wrong encoding may be due to a non-UTF-8 locale or an improper PYTHONIOENCODING. (For the record, your locale language is {locale_lang} and locale encoding is {locale_encoding}; your PYTHONIOENCODING is {ioencoding}.) Please set a UTF-8 locale (e.g., en_US.UTF-8) or set PYTHONIOENCODING to utf-8. """.format( encoding=encoding, locale_lang=locale_lang, locale_encoding=locale_encoding, ioencoding=ioencoding, )))) sys.exit(1) # Classes class TLS1_2Connection(HTTPSConnection): """Overrides HTTPSConnection.connect to specify TLS version NOTE: TLS 1.2 is supported from Python 3.4 """ def __init__(self, host, **kwargs): HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, host, **kwargs) def connect(self, notweak=False): sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port), self.timeout, self.source_address) # Optimizations not available on OS X if not notweak and sys.platform.startswith('linux'): sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_QUICKACK, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_RCVBUF, 524288) if getattr(self, '_tunnel_host', None): self.sock = sock elif not notweak: # Try to use TLS 1.2 ssl_context = None if hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_TLS'): # Since Python 3.5.3 ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS) ssl_context.options |= (ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 | ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1) elif hasattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2'): # Since Python 3.4 ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) if ssl_context: self.sock = ssl_context.wrap_socket(sock) return # Fallback HTTPSConnection.connect(self) class GoogleUrl(object): """ This class constructs the Google Search/News URL. This class is modeled on urllib.parse.ParseResult for familiarity, which means it supports reading of all six attributes -- scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment -- of urllib.parse.ParseResult, as well as the geturl() method. However, the attributes (properties) and methods listed below should be the preferred methods of access to this class. Parameters ---------- opts : dict or argparse.Namespace, optional See the ``opts`` parameter of `update`. Other Parameters ---------------- See "Other Parameters" of `update`. Attributes ---------- hostname : str Read-write property. keywords : str or list of strs Read-write property. news : bool Read-only property. url : str Read-only property. Methods ------- full() relative() update(opts=None, **kwargs) set_queries(**kwargs) unset_queries(*args) next_page() prev_page() first_page() """ def __init__(self, opts=None, **kwargs): self.scheme = 'https' # self.netloc is a calculated property self.path = '/search' self.params = '' # self.query is a calculated property self.fragment = '' self._tld = None self._num = 10 self._start = 0 self._keywords = [] self._site = None self._query_dict = { 'ie': 'UTF-8', 'oe': 'UTF-8', } self.update(opts, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return self.url @property def url(self): """The full Google URL you want.""" return self.full() @property def hostname(self): """The hostname.""" return self.netloc @hostname.setter def hostname(self, hostname): self.netloc = hostname @property def keywords(self): """The keywords, either a str or a list of strs.""" return self._keywords @keywords.setter def keywords(self, keywords): self._keywords = keywords @property def news(self): """Whether the URL is for Google News.""" return 'tbm' in self._query_dict and self._query_dict['tbm'] == 'nws' def full(self): """Return the full URL. Returns ------- str """ url = (self.scheme + ':') if self.scheme else '' url += '//' + self.netloc + self.relative() return url def relative(self): """Return the relative URL (without scheme and authority). Authority (see RFC 3986 section 3.2), or netloc in the terminology of urllib.parse, basically means the hostname here. The relative URL is good for making HTTP(S) requests to a known host. Returns ------- str """ rel = self.path if self.params: rel += ';' + self.params if self.query: rel += '?' + self.query if self.fragment: rel += '#' + self.fragment return rel def update(self, opts=None, **kwargs): """Update the URL with the given options. Parameters ---------- opts : dict or argparse.Namespace, optional Carries options that affect the Google Search/News URL. The list of currently recognized option keys with expected value types: duration: str (GooglerArgumentParser.is_duration) exact: bool keywords: str or list of strs lang: str news: bool num: int site: str start: int tld: str Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs The `kwargs` dict extends `opts`, that is, options can be specified either way, in `opts` or as individual keyword arguments. """ if opts is None: opts = {} if hasattr(opts, '__dict__'): opts = opts.__dict__ opts.update(kwargs) qd = self._query_dict if 'duration' in opts and opts['duration']: qd['tbs'] = 'qdr:%s' % opts['duration'] if 'exact' in opts: if opts['exact']: qd['nfpr'] = 1 else: qd.pop('nfpr', None) if 'keywords' in opts: self._keywords = opts['keywords'] if 'lang' in opts and opts['lang']: qd['hl'] = opts['lang'] if 'news' in opts: if opts['news']: qd['tbm'] = 'nws' else: qd.pop('tbm', None) if 'num' in opts: self._num = opts['num'] if 'site' in opts: self._site = opts['site'] if 'start' in opts: self._start = opts['start'] if 'tld' in opts: self._tld = opts['tld'] def set_queries(self, **kwargs): """Forcefully set queries outside the normal `update` mechanism. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs Arbitrary key value pairs to be set in the query string. All keys and values should be stringifiable. Note that certain keys, e.g., ``q``, have their values constructed on the fly, so setting those has no actual effect. """ for k, v in kwargs.items(): self._query_dict[k] = v def unset_queries(self, *args): """Forcefully unset queries outside the normal `update` mechanism. Other Parameters ---------------- args Arbitrary keys to be unset. No exception is raised if a key does not exist in the first place. Note that certain keys, e.g., ``q``, are always included in the resulting URL, so unsetting those has no actual effect. """ for k in args: self._query_dict.pop(k, None) def next_page(self): """Navigate to the next page.""" self._start += self._num def prev_page(self): """Navigate to the previous page. Raises ------ ValueError If already at the first page (``start=0`` in the current query string). """ if self._start == 0: raise ValueError('Already at the first page.') self._start = (self._start - self._num) if self._start > self._num else 0 def first_page(self): """Navigate to the first page. Raises ------ ValueError If already at the first page (``start=0`` in the current query string). """ if self._start == 0: raise ValueError('Already at the first page.') self._start = 0 # Data source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Google_domains # Scraper script: https://gist.github.com/zmwangx/b976e83c14552fe18b71 TLD_TO_DOMAIN_MAP = { 'ac': 'google.ac', 'ad': 'google.ad', 'ae': 'google.ae', 'af': 'google.com.af', 'ag': 'google.com.ag', 'ai': 'google.com.ai', 'al': 'google.al', 'am': 'google.am', 'ao': 'google.co.ao', 'ar': 'google.com.ar', 'as': 'google.as', 'at': 'google.at', 'au': 'google.com.au', 'az': 'google.az', 'ba': 'google.ba', 'bd': 'google.com.bd', 'be': 'google.be', 'bf': 'google.bf', 'bg': 'google.bg', 'bh': 'google.com.bh', 'bi': 'google.bi', 'bj': 'google.bj', 'bn': 'google.com.bn', 'bo': 'google.com.bo', 'br': 'google.com.br', 'bs': 'google.bs', 'bt': 'google.bt', 'bw': 'google.co.bw', 'by': 'google.by', 'bz': 'google.com.bz', 'ca': 'google.ca', 'cat': 'google.cat', 'cc': 'google.cc', 'cd': 'google.cd', 'cf': 'google.cf', 'cg': 'google.cg', 'ch': 'google.ch', 'ci': 'google.ci', 'ck': 'google.co.ck', 'cl': 'google.cl', 'cm': 'google.cm', 'cn': 'google.cn', 'co': 'google.com.co', 'cr': 'google.co.cr', 'cu': 'google.com.cu', 'cv': 'google.cv', 'cy': 'google.com.cy', 'cz': 'google.cz', 'de': 'google.de', 'dj': 'google.dj', 'dk': 'google.dk', 'dm': 'google.dm', 'do': 'google.com.do', 'dz': 'google.dz', 'ec': 'google.com.ec', 'ee': 'google.ee', 'eg': 'google.com.eg', 'es': 'google.es', 'et': 'google.com.et', 'fi': 'google.fi', 'fj': 'google.com.fj', 'fm': 'google.fm', 'fr': 'google.fr', 'ga': 'google.ga', 'ge': 'google.ge', 'gf': 'google.gf', 'gg': 'google.gg', 'gh': 'google.com.gh', 'gi': 'google.com.gi', 'gl': 'google.gl', 'gm': 'google.gm', 'gp': 'google.gp', 'gr': 'google.gr', 'gt': 'google.com.gt', 'gy': 'google.gy', 'hk': 'google.com.hk', 'hn': 'google.hn', 'hr': 'google.hr', 'ht': 'google.ht', 'hu': 'google.hu', 'id': 'google.co.id', 'ie': 'google.ie', 'il': 'google.co.il', 'im': 'google.im', 'in': 'google.co.in', 'io': 'google.io', 'iq': 'google.iq', 'is': 'google.is', 'it': 'google.it', 'je': 'google.je', 'jm': 'google.com.jm', 'jo': 'google.jo', 'jp': 'google.co.jp', 'ke': 'google.co.ke', 'kg': 'google.kg', 'kh': 'google.com.kh', 'ki': 'google.ki', 'kr': 'google.co.kr', 'kw': 'google.com.kw', 'kz': 'google.kz', 'la': 'google.la', 'lb': 'google.com.lb', 'lc': 'google.com.lc', 'li': 'google.li', 'lk': 'google.lk', 'ls': 'google.co.ls', 'lt': 'google.lt', 'lu': 'google.lu', 'lv': 'google.lv', 'ly': 'google.com.ly', 'ma': 'google.co.ma', 'md': 'google.md', 'me': 'google.me', 'mg': 'google.mg', 'mk': 'google.mk', 'ml': 'google.ml', 'mm': 'google.com.mm', 'mn': 'google.mn', 'ms': 'google.ms', 'mt': 'google.com.mt', 'mu': 'google.mu', 'mv': 'google.mv', 'mw': 'google.mw', 'mx': 'google.com.mx', 'my': 'google.com.my', 'mz': 'google.co.mz', 'na': 'google.com.na', 'ne': 'google.ne', 'nf': 'google.com.nf', 'ng': 'google.com.ng', 'ni': 'google.com.ni', 'nl': 'google.nl', 'no': 'google.no', 'np': 'google.com.np', 'nr': 'google.nr', 'nu': 'google.nu', 'nz': 'google.co.nz', 'om': 'google.com.om', 'pa': 'google.com.pa', 'pe': 'google.com.pe', 'pg': 'google.com.pg', 'ph': 'google.com.ph', 'pk': 'google.com.pk', 'pl': 'google.pl', 'pn': 'google.co.pn', 'pr': 'google.com.pr', 'ps': 'google.ps', 'pt': 'google.pt', 'py': 'google.com.py', 'qa': 'google.com.qa', 'ro': 'google.ro', 'rs': 'google.rs', 'ru': 'google.ru', 'rw': 'google.rw', 'sa': 'google.com.sa', 'sb': 'google.com.sb', 'sc': 'google.sc', 'se': 'google.se', 'sg': 'google.com.sg', 'sh': 'google.sh', 'si': 'google.si', 'sk': 'google.sk', 'sl': 'google.com.sl', 'sm': 'google.sm', 'sn': 'google.sn', 'so': 'google.so', 'sr': 'google.sr', 'st': 'google.st', 'sv': 'google.com.sv', 'td': 'google.td', 'tg': 'google.tg', 'th': 'google.co.th', 'tj': 'google.com.tj', 'tk': 'google.tk', 'tl': 'google.tl', 'tm': 'google.tm', 'tn': 'google.tn', 'to': 'google.to', 'tr': 'google.com.tr', 'tt': 'google.tt', 'tw': 'google.com.tw', 'tz': 'google.co.tz', 'ua': 'google.com.ua', 'ug': 'google.co.ug', 'uk': 'google.co.uk', 'uy': 'google.com.uy', 'uz': 'google.co.uz', 'vc': 'google.com.vc', 've': 'google.co.ve', 'vg': 'google.vg', 'vi': 'google.co.vi', 'vn': 'google.com.vn', 'vu': 'google.vu', 'ws': 'google.ws', 'za': 'google.co.za', 'zm': 'google.co.zm', 'zw': 'google.co.zw', } @property def netloc(self): """The hostname.""" try: return 'www.' + self.TLD_TO_DOMAIN_MAP[self._tld] except KeyError: return 'www.google.com' @property def query(self): """The query string.""" qd = {} qd.update(self._query_dict) qd['num'] = self._num qd['start'] = self._start # Construct the q query q = '' keywords = self._keywords if keywords: if isinstance(keywords, list): q += '+'.join([urllib.parse.quote_plus(kw) for kw in keywords]) else: q += urllib.parse.quote_plus(keywords) if self._site: q += '+site:' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(self._site) qd['q'] = q return '&'.join(['%s=%s' % (k, qd[k]) for k in sorted(qd.keys())]) class GoogleConnectionError(Exception): pass class GoogleConnection(object): """ This class facilitates connecting to and fetching from Google. Parameters ---------- See http.client.HTTPSConnection for documentation of the parameters. Raises ------ GoogleConnectionError Attributes ---------- host : str The currently connected host. Read-only property. Use `new_connection` to change host. Methods ------- new_connection(host=None, port=None, timeout=45) renew_connection(timeout=45) fetch_page(url) close() """ def __init__(self, host, port=None, timeout=45, proxy=None, notweak=False): self._host = None self._port = None self._proxy = proxy self._notweak = notweak self._conn = None self.new_connection(host, port=port, timeout=timeout) self.cookie = '' @property def host(self): """The host currently connected to.""" return self._host def new_connection(self, host=None, port=None, timeout=45): """Close the current connection (if any) and establish a new one. Parameters ---------- See http.client.HTTPSConnection for documentation of the parameters. Renew the connection (i.e., reuse the current host and port) if host is None or empty. Raises ------ GoogleConnectionError """ if self._conn: self._conn.close() if not host: host = self._host port = self._port self._host = host self._port = port host_display = host + (':%d' % port if port else '') proxy = self._proxy if proxy: logger.debug('Connecting to proxy server %s', proxy) self._conn = TLS1_2Connection(proxy, timeout=timeout) logger.debug('Tunnelling to host %s' % host_display) self._conn.set_tunnel(host, port=port) try: self._conn.connect(self._notweak) except Exception as e: msg = 'Failed to connect to proxy server %s: %s.' % (proxy, e) raise GoogleConnectionError(msg) else: logger.debug('Connecting to new host %s', host_display) self._conn = TLS1_2Connection(host, port=port, timeout=timeout) try: self._conn.connect(self._notweak) except Exception as e: msg = 'Failed to connect to %s: %s.' % (host_display, e) raise GoogleConnectionError(msg) def renew_connection(self, timeout=45): """Renew current connection. Equivalent to ``new_connection(timeout=timeout)``. """ self.new_connection(timeout=timeout) def fetch_page(self, url): """Fetch a URL. Allows one reconnection and multiple redirections before failing and raising GoogleConnectionError. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL to fetch, relative to the host. Raises ------ GoogleConnectionError When not getting HTTP 200 even after the allowed one reconnection and/or one redirection, or when Google is blocking query due to unsual activity. Returns ------- str Response payload, gunzipped (if applicable) and decoded (in UTF-8). """ try: self._raw_get(url) except (http.client.HTTPException, OSError) as e: logger.debug('Got exception: %s.', e) logger.debug('Attempting to reconnect...') self.renew_connection() try: self._raw_get(url) except http.client.HTTPException as e: logger.debug('Got exception: %s.', e) raise GoogleConnectionError("Failed to get '%s'." % url) resp = self._resp redirect_counter = 0 while resp.status != 200 and redirect_counter < 3: if resp.status in {301, 302, 303, 307, 308}: redirection_url = resp.getheader('location', '') if 'sorry/IndexRedirect?' in redirection_url: raise GoogleConnectionError('Connection blocked due to unusual activity.') self._redirect(redirection_url) resp = self._resp redirect_counter += 1 else: break if resp.status != 200: raise GoogleConnectionError('Got HTTP %d: %s' % (resp.status, resp.reason)) payload = resp.read() try: return gzip.decompress(payload).decode('utf-8') except OSError: # Not gzipped return payload.decode('utf-8') def _redirect(self, url): """Redirect to and fetch a new URL. Like `_raw_get`, the response is stored in ``self._resp``. A new connection is made if redirecting to a different host. Parameters ---------- url : str If absolute and points to a different host, make a new connection. Raises ------ GoogleConnectionError """ logger.debug('Redirecting to URL %s', url) segments = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) host = segments.netloc if host != self._host: self.new_connection(host) relurl = urllib.parse.urlunparse(('', '') + segments[2:]) try: self._raw_get(relurl) except http.client.HTTPException as e: logger.debug('Got exception: %s.', e) raise GoogleConnectionError("Failed to get '%s'." % url) def _raw_get(self, url): """Make a raw HTTP GET request. No status check (which implies no redirection). Response can be accessed from ``self._resp``. Parameters ---------- url : str URL relative to the host, used in the GET request. Raises ------ http.client.HTTPException """ logger.debug('Fetching URL %s', url) self._conn.request('GET', url, None, { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT if ua else '', 'Cookie': self.cookie, 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'DNT': '1', }) self._resp = self._conn.getresponse() if self.cookie == '': complete_cookie = self._resp.getheader('Set-Cookie') # Cookie won't be available is already blocked if complete_cookie is not None: self.cookie = complete_cookie[:complete_cookie.find(';')] logger.debug('Cookie: %s' % self.cookie) def close(self): """Close the connection (if one is active).""" if self._conn: self._conn.close() def annotate_tag(annotated_starttag_handler): # See parser logic within the GoogleParser class for documentation. # # In particular, search for "Ignore List" to view detailed # documentation of the ignore list. # # annotated_starttag_handler(self, tag: str, attrsdict: dict) -> annotation # Returns: HTMLParser.handle_starttag(self, tag: str, attrs: list) -> None def handler(self, tag, attrs): # Get context; assumes that the handler is called SCOPE_start context = annotated_starttag_handler.__name__[:-6] # If context is 'ignore', ignore all tests if context == 'ignore': self.insert_annotation(tag, None) return attrs = dict(attrs) # Compare against ignore list ignored = False for selector in self.IGNORE_LIST: for attr in selector: if attr == 'tag': if tag != selector['tag']: break elif attr == 'class': tag_classes = set(self.classes(attrs)) selector_classes = set(self.classes(selector)) if not selector_classes.issubset(tag_classes): break else: if attrs[attr] != selector[attr]: break else: # Passed all criteria of the selector ignored = True break # If tag matches ignore list, annotate and hand over to ignore_* if ignored: self.insert_annotation(tag, context + '_ignored') self.set_handlers_to('ignore') return # Standard annotation = annotated_starttag_handler(self, tag, attrs) self.insert_annotation(tag, annotation) return handler def retrieve_tag_annotation(annotated_endtag_handler): # See parser logic within the GoogleParser class for documentation. # # annotated_endtag_handler(self, tag: str, annotation) -> None # Returns: HTMLParser.handle_endtag(self, tag: str) -> None def handler(self, tag): try: annotation = self.tag_annotations[tag].pop() except IndexError: # Malformed HTML -- more close tags than open tags annotation = None annotated_endtag_handler(self, tag, annotation) return handler class GoogleParser(html.parser.HTMLParser): """The members of this class parse the result HTML page fetched from Google server for a query. The custom parser looks for tags enclosing search results and extracts the URL, title and text for each search result. After parsing the complete HTML page results are returned in a list of objects of class Result. """ # Parser logic: # # - Guiding principles: # # 1. Tag handlers are contextual; # # 2. Contexual starttag and endtag handlers should come in pairs # and have a clear hierarchy; # # 3. Starttag handlers should only yield control to a pair of # child handlers (that is, one level down the hierachy), and # correspondingly, endtag handlers should only return control # to the parent (that is, the pair of handlers that gave it # control in the first place). # # Principle 3 is meant to enforce a (possibly implicit) stack # structure and thus prevent careless jumps that result in what's # essentially spaghetti code with liberal use of GOTOs. # # - HTMLParser.handle_endtag gives us a bare tag name without # context, which is not good for enforcing principle 3 when we # have, say, nested div tags. # # In order to precisely identify the matching opening tag, we # maintain a stack for each tag name with *annotations*. Important # opening tags (e.g., the ones where child handlers are # registered) can be annotated so that when we can watch for the # annotation in the endtag handler, and when the appropriate # annotation is popped, we perform the corresponding action (e.g., # switch back to old handlers). # # To facilitate this, each starttag handler is decorated with # @annotate_tag, which accepts a return value that is the # annotation (None by default), and additionally converts attrs to # a dict, which is much easier to work with; and each endtag # handler is decorated with @retrieve_tag_annotation which sends # an additional parameter that is the retrieved annotation to the # handler. # # Note that some of our tag annotation stacks leak over time: this # happens to tags like and
which are not # closed. However, these tags play no structural role, and come # only in small quantities, so it's not really a problem. # # - All textual data (result title, result abstract, etc.) are # processed through a set of shared handlers. These handlers store # text in a shared buffer self.textbuf which can be retrieved and # cleared at appropriate times. # # Data (including charrefs and entityrefs) are ignored initially, # and when data needs to be recorded, the start_populating_textbuf # method is called to register the appropriate data, charref and # entityref handlers so that they append to self.textbuf. When # recording ends, pop_textbuf should be called to extract the text # and clear the buffer. stop_populating_textbuf returns the # handlers to their pristine state (ignoring data). # # Methods: # - start_populating_textbuf(self, data_transformer: Callable[[str], str]) -> None # - pop_textbuf(self) -> str # - stop_populating_textbuf(self) -> None # # - Outermost starttag and endtag handler methods: root_*. The whole # parser starts and ends in this state. # # - Each result is wrapped in a
tag with class "g". # # #
# # - For each result, the first

tag with class "r" contains the # hyperlinked title, and the (optional) first
tag with class # "s" contains the abstract of the result. # # #


# # - Each title looks like # #

# # # file type (e.g. [PDF]) # # # result title # #

# # - For each abstract, the first tag with class "st" contains # the body text of the abstract. # # # # abstract text with markup on keywords # # # - Certain results may come with sitelinks, secondary results that # are usually subdomains or deep links within the primary # result. They are organized into a tag, and each sitelink # is in a separate
: # # # # # # # ... # # # ... #
# # Then for each sitelink, the hyperlinked title is in an

tag # with class "r", and the abstract is in a
tag with class # "st". They are not necessarily on the same level, but we don't # really care. # # #

# # sitelink title # #

# # #
# abstract text #
# # - Sometimes Google autocorrects a query. Whenever this happens # there will be a block whose English version reads "Showing # results for ... Search instead for ...", and the HTML # looks like # # Showing results for # google #
# # # We collect the text inside a.spell as the suggested spelling # (self.suggested_spelling). # # Note that: # # 1. When npfr=1 (exact), there could still be an # a.spell, in a block that reads (English version) "Did you mean: # ...". Therefore, we only consider the query autocorrected when a # meaningful .spell_orig is also present (self.autocorrected). # # 2. A few garbage display:none, empty tags related to spell # appear to be always present: span#srfm.spell, a#srfl.spell, # span#sifm.spell_orig, a#sifl.spell_orig. We need to exclude # the ids srfm, srfl, sifm and sifl from our consideration. # # - Sometimes Google omits similar (more like duplicate) result # entries. Whenever this happens there will be a notice in p#ofr. The way # to unfilter is to simply add '&filter=0' to the query string. # # # Google News # # - Google News results differ from Google Search results in the # following ways: # # For each result, the title in the same format, but there's a # metadata field in a
tag with class "slp", and the abstract # isn't as deeply embedded: it's in a
tag on the same level # with class "st". # # #

# ... # source # - # publishing time #
# abstract text again with markup on keywords #
# # # Ignore List # # - As good as our result criteria might be, sometimes results of # dubious value (usually from Google's value-add features) slip # through. The "People also ask" feature is a good example of this # type (a sample query is "VPN"; see screenshot # https://i.imgur.com/yfcsoQz.png). In these cases, we may want to # skip enclosing containers entirely. The ignore list feature is # designed for this purpose. # # The current ignore list is available in self.IGNORE_LIST. Each # entry (called a "selector") is a dict of attribute-value # pairs. Each attribute is matched verbatim to a tag's attribute, # except the "class" attribute, where we test for inclusion # instead (e.g. "c b a" matches "a b", just like it matches the # CSS selector ".a.b"). There's also a special "attribute" -- tag, # the meaning of which is obvious. A tag has to match all given # attributes to be considered a match for the selector. # # When a match is found, the tag is annotated as SCOPE_ignored, # where SCOPE is the current handler scope (e.g., root, result, # title, etc.), and the scope is switched to 'ignore'. All # descendants of the tag are ignored. When the corresponding end # tag is finally reach, the former scope is restored. # # # User Agent disabled (differences) # # 1. For Google News results,
is followed by tag #
# # 2. File mime type follows
# e.g. search - '3 hours youtube' # # # 10 Jun 2014 - 179 min - # Uploaded by Meditation Relax Music # #
3 HOURS Best Relaxing Music 'Romantic Piano" Background Music for Stress ... 3:03 ... #
# # 8. There's no a.spell_orig when the query is autocorrected; the # tag (linking to the exact search) is wrapped in the # span.spell_orig. def __init__(self, news=False): html.parser.HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.news = news self.autocorrected = False self.suggested_spelling = None self.filtered = False self.results = [] self.index = 0 self.textbuf = '' self.tag_annotations = {} self.set_handlers_to('root') ### Ignore list ### IGNORE_LIST = [ # "People also ask" # Sample query: VPN # Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/yfcsoQz.png { 'tag': 'div', 'class': 'related-question-pair' } ] ### Tag handlers ### @annotate_tag def root_start(self, tag, attrs): # We omit Google's "smart card" results (term coined by me) by # guarding against the 'g-blk' class (sample response: https://git.io/voJgB) if tag == 'div' and 'g' in self.classes(attrs) and 'g-blk' not in self.classes(attrs): # Initialize result field registers self.title = '' self.url = '' self.abstract = '' self.metadata = '' # Only used for Google News self.sitelinks = [] # Guard against sitelinks, which also have titles and # abstracts. In the case of news, guard against "card # sections" (secondary results to the same event). self.title_registered = False self.abstract_registered = False self.metadata_registered = False # Only used for Google News self.set_handlers_to('result') return 'result' # Autocorrect if tag == 'span' and 'spell_orig' in self.classes(attrs) and attrs.get('id') != 'sifm': self.autocorrected = True return if tag == 'a' and 'spell' in self.classes(attrs) and attrs.get('id') != 'srfl': self.start_populating_textbuf() return 'spell' # Omitted results if tag == 'p' and attrs.get('id') == 'ofr': self.filtered = True @retrieve_tag_annotation def root_end(self, tag, annotation): if annotation == 'spell': self.stop_populating_textbuf() self.suggested_spelling = self.pop_textbuf() @annotate_tag def result_start(self, tag, attrs): if not ua and tag == 'span' and 'mime' in self.classes(attrs): self.start_populating_textbuf() return 'title_filetype' if not self.title_registered and tag == 'h3' and 'r' in self.classes(attrs): self.set_handlers_to('title') return 'title' if not self.abstract_registered and tag == 'div' and 's' in self.classes(attrs): self.set_handlers_to('abstract') return 'abstract' if not ua and not self.abstract_registered \ and tag == 'span' and 'st' in self.classes(attrs): self.start_populating_textbuf(lambda text: text + ' ') return 'abstract_gservices' if not self.sitelinks and tag == 'table': if ua or (not self.news and 'ts' not in self.classes(attrs)): self.set_handlers_to('sitelink_table') return 'sitelink_table' if self.news: if not self.metadata_registered and tag == 'div' and 'slp' in self.classes(attrs): # Change metadata field separator from '-' to ', ' for better appearance if ua: self.start_populating_textbuf(lambda text: ', ' if text == '-' else text) else: self.start_populating_textbuf(lambda text: text.replace(' -', ',', 1) if ' - ' in text else text) return 'news_metadata' if not self.abstract_registered and tag == 'div' and 'st' in self.classes(attrs): self.start_populating_textbuf() return 'news_abstract' @retrieve_tag_annotation def result_end(self, tag, annotation): if annotation == 'result': if self.url: self.index += 1 result = Result(self.index, self.title, self.url, self.abstract, metadata=self.metadata if self.metadata else None, sitelinks=self.sitelinks) self.results.append(result) self.set_handlers_to('root') elif annotation == 'news_metadata': self.stop_populating_textbuf() self.metadata = self.pop_textbuf() self.metadata_registered = True elif annotation == 'news_abstract': self.stop_populating_textbuf() self.abstract = self.pop_textbuf() self.abstract_registered = True elif annotation == 'abstract_gservices': self.stop_populating_textbuf() self.abstract = self.pop_textbuf().replace(' ', ' ') self.abstract_registered = False @annotate_tag def title_start(self, tag, attrs): if ua and tag == 'span': # Print a space after the filetype indicator self.start_populating_textbuf(lambda text: text + ' ') return 'title_filetype' if tag == 'a' and 'href' in attrs: # Skip 'News for', 'Images for' search links if attrs['href'].startswith('/search'): return self.url = attrs['href'] try: start = self.url.index('?q=') + len('?q=') end = self.url.index('&sa=', start) self.url = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(self.url[start:end]) except ValueError: pass self.start_populating_textbuf() return 'title_link' @retrieve_tag_annotation def title_end(self, tag, annotation): if annotation == 'title_filetype': self.stop_populating_textbuf() elif annotation == 'title_link': self.stop_populating_textbuf() self.title = self.pop_textbuf() self.title_registered = True elif annotation == 'title': self.set_handlers_to('result') @annotate_tag def abstract_start(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'span' and 'st' in self.classes(attrs): self.start_populating_textbuf() return 'abstract_text' @retrieve_tag_annotation def abstract_end(self, tag, annotation): if annotation == 'abstract_text': self.stop_populating_textbuf() self.abstract = self.pop_textbuf() self.abstract_registered = False elif annotation == 'abstract': self.set_handlers_to('result') @annotate_tag def sitelink_table_start(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'td': # Initialize a new sitelink self.current_sitelink = Sitelink('', '', '') self.set_handlers_to('sitelink') return 'sitelink' @retrieve_tag_annotation def sitelink_table_end(self, tag, annotation): if annotation == 'sitelink_table': self.set_handlers_to('result') @annotate_tag def sitelink_start(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'h3' and 'r' in self.classes(attrs): self.set_handlers_to('sitelink_title') return 'sitelink_title' if tag == 'div' and 'st' in self.classes(attrs): self.start_populating_textbuf() return 'sitelink_abstract' @retrieve_tag_annotation def sitelink_end(self, tag, annotation): if annotation == 'sitelink_abstract': self.stop_populating_textbuf() self.current_sitelink.abstract = self.pop_textbuf() elif annotation == 'sitelink': if self.current_sitelink.url: self.sitelinks.append(self.current_sitelink) self.set_handlers_to('sitelink_table') @annotate_tag def sitelink_title_start(self, tag, attrs): if tag == 'a' and 'href' in attrs: self.current_sitelink.url = attrs['href'] try: start = self.current_sitelink.url.index('?q=') + len('?q=') end = self.current_sitelink.url.index('&sa=', start) self.current_sitelink.url = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(self.current_sitelink.url[start:end]) except ValueError: pass self.start_populating_textbuf() return 'sitelink_title_link' @retrieve_tag_annotation def sitelink_title_end(self, tag, annotation): if annotation == 'sitelink_title_link': self.stop_populating_textbuf() self.current_sitelink.title = self.pop_textbuf() elif annotation == 'sitelink_title': self.set_handlers_to('sitelink') ### Generic methods ### # Set handle_starttag to SCOPE_start, and handle_endtag to SCOPE_end. def set_handlers_to(self, scope): self.handle_starttag = getattr(self, scope + '_start') self.handle_endtag = getattr(self, scope + '_end') def insert_annotation(self, tag, annotation): if tag not in self.tag_annotations: self.tag_annotations[tag] = [] self.tag_annotations[tag].append(annotation) @annotate_tag def ignore_start(self, tag, attrs): pass @retrieve_tag_annotation def ignore_end(self, tag, annotation): if annotation and annotation.endswith('_ignored'): # Strip '-ignore' suffix from annotation to obtain the outer # context name. context = annotation[:-8] self.set_handlers_to(context) def start_populating_textbuf(self, data_transformer=None): if data_transformer is None: # Record data verbatim self.handle_data = self.record_data else: def record_transformed_data(data): self.textbuf += data_transformer(data) self.handle_data = record_transformed_data self.handle_entityref = self.record_entityref self.handle_charref = self.record_charref def pop_textbuf(self): text = self.textbuf self.textbuf = '' return text def stop_populating_textbuf(self): self.handle_data = lambda data: None self.handle_entityref = lambda ref: None self.handle_charref = lambda ref: None def record_data(self, data): self.textbuf += data def record_entityref(self, ref): try: self.textbuf += chr(html.entities.name2codepoint[ref]) except KeyError: # Entity name not found; most likely rather sloppy HTML # where a literal ampersand is not escaped; For instance, # the HTML response returned by # # googler -c au -l ko expected # # contains the following tag # #

expected market return s&p 500

# # where &p is interpreted by HTMLParser as an entity (this # behaviour seems to be specific to Python 2.7). self.textbuf += '&' + ref def record_charref(self, ref): if ref.startswith('x'): char = chr(int(ref[1:], 16)) else: char = chr(int(ref)) self.textbuf += char @staticmethod def classes(attrs): """Get tag's classes from its attribute dict.""" return attrs.get('class', '').split() class Sitelink(object): """Container for a sitelink.""" def __init__(self, title, url, abstract): self.title = title self.url = url self.abstract = abstract self.index = '' Colors = collections.namedtuple('Colors', 'index, title, url, metadata, abstract, prompt, reset') class Result(object): """ Container for one search result, with output helpers. Parameters ---------- index : int or str title : str url : str abstract : str metadata : str, optional Only applicable to Google News results, with publisher name and publishing time. sitelinks : list, optional List of ``SiteLink`` objects. Attributes ---------- index : str title : str url : str abstract : str metadata : str or None sitelinks : list Class Variables --------------- colors : str Methods ------- print() jsonizable_object() urltable() """ # Class variables colors = None def __init__(self, index, title, url, abstract, metadata=None, sitelinks=None): index = str(index) self.index = index self.title = title self.url = url self.abstract = abstract self.metadata = metadata self.sitelinks = [] if sitelinks is None else sitelinks self._urltable = {index: url} subindex = 'a' for sitelink in sitelinks: fullindex = index + subindex sitelink.index = fullindex self._urltable[fullindex] = sitelink.url subindex = chr(ord(subindex) + 1) def _print_title_and_url(self, index, title, url, indent=0): colors = self.colors # Pad index and url with `indent` number of spaces index = ' ' * indent + str(index) url = ' ' * indent + url if colors: print(colors.index + index + colors.reset, end='') print(' ' + colors.title + title + colors.reset) print(colors.url + url + colors.reset) else: print(' %s %s\n%s' % (index, title, url)) def _print_metadata_and_abstract(self, abstract, metadata=None, indent=0): colors = self.colors try: columns, _ = os.get_terminal_size() except OSError: columns = 0 if metadata: if colors: print(colors.metadata + metadata + colors.reset) else: print(metadata) if colors: print(colors.abstract, end='') if columns > indent + 1: # Try to fill to columns fillwidth = columns - indent - 1 for line in textwrap.wrap(abstract.replace('\n', ''), width=fillwidth): print('%s%s' % (' ' * indent, line)) print('') else: print('%s\n' % abstract.replace('\n', ' ')) if colors: print(colors.reset, end='') def print(self): """Print the result entry.""" self._print_title_and_url(self.index, self.title, self.url) self._print_metadata_and_abstract(self.abstract, metadata=self.metadata) for sitelink in self.sitelinks: self._print_title_and_url(sitelink.index, sitelink.title, sitelink.url, indent=4) self._print_metadata_and_abstract(sitelink.abstract, indent=4) def jsonizable_object(self): """Return a JSON-serializable dict representing the result entry.""" obj = { 'title': self.title, 'url': self.url, 'abstract': self.abstract } if self.metadata: obj['metadata'] = self.metadata if self.sitelinks: obj['sitelinks'] = [sitelink.__dict__ for sitelink in self.sitelinks] return obj def urltable(self): """Return a index-to-URL table for the current result. Normally, the table contains only a single entry, but when the result contains sidelinks, all sidelinks are included in this table. Returns ------- dict A dict mapping indices (strs) to URLs (also strs). Indices of sitelinks are the original index appended by lowercase letters a, b, c, etc. """ return self._urltable class GooglerCmdException(Exception): pass class NoKeywordsException(GooglerCmdException): pass def require_keywords(method): # Require keywords to be set before we run a GooglerCmd method. If # no keywords have been set, raise a NoKeywordsException. @functools.wraps(method) def enforced_method(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.keywords: raise NoKeywordsException('No keywords.') method(self, *args, **kwargs) return enforced_method def no_argument(method): # Normalize a do_* method of GooglerCmd that takes no argument to # one that takes an arg, but issue a warning when an nonempty # argument is given. @functools.wraps(method) def enforced_method(self, arg): if arg: method_name = arg.__name__ command_name = method_name[3:] if method_name.startswith('do_') else method_name logger.warning("Argument to the '%s' command ignored.", command_name) method(self) return enforced_method class GooglerCmd(object): """ Command line interpreter and executor class for googler. Inspired by PSL cmd.Cmd. Parameters ---------- opts : argparse.Namespace Options and/or arguments. Attributes ---------- options : argparse.Namespace Options that are currently in effect. Read-only attribute. keywords : str or list or strs Current keywords. Read-only attribute Methods ------- fetch() display_results(prelude='\n', json_output=False) fetch_and_display(prelude='\n', json_output=False, interactive=True) read_next_command() help() cmdloop() """ # Class variables colors = None def __init__(self, opts): super().__init__() self._opts = opts self._google_url = GoogleUrl(opts) proxy = opts.proxy if hasattr(opts, 'proxy') else None self._conn = GoogleConnection(self._google_url.hostname, proxy=proxy, notweak=opts.notweak) atexit.register(self._conn.close) self.results = [] self._autocorrected_to = None self._results_filtered = False self._urltable = {} @property def options(self): """Current options.""" return self._opts @property def keywords(self): """Current keywords.""" return self._google_url.keywords @require_keywords def fetch(self): """Fetch a page and parse for results. Results are stored in ``self.results``. Raises ------ GoogleConnectionError See Also -------- fetch_and_display """ # This method also sets self._results_filtered and # self._urltable. page = self._conn.fetch_page(self._google_url.relative()) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): import tempfile fd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='googler-response-') os.close(fd) with open(tmpfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write(page) logger.debug("Response body written to '%s'.", tmpfile) parser = GoogleParser(news=self._google_url.news) parser.feed(page) self.results = parser.results self._autocorrected_to = parser.suggested_spelling if parser.autocorrected else None self._results_filtered = parser.filtered self._urltable = {} for r in self.results: self._urltable.update(r.urltable()) @require_keywords def display_results(self, prelude='\n', json_output=False): """Display results stored in ``self.results``. Parameters ---------- See `fetch_and_display`. """ if json_output: # JSON output import json results_object = [r.jsonizable_object() for r in self.results] print(json.dumps(results_object, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False)) else: # Regular output if not self.results: print('No results.', file=sys.stderr) else: sys.stderr.write(prelude) for r in self.results: r.print() @require_keywords def fetch_and_display(self, prelude='\n', json_output=False, interactive=True): """Fetch a page and display results. Results are stored in ``self.results``. Parameters ---------- prelude : str, optional A string that is written to stderr before showing actual results, usually serving as a separator. Default is an empty line. json_output : bool, optional Whether to dump results in JSON format. Default is False. interactive : bool, optional Whether to show contextual instructions, when e.g. Google has filtered the results. Default is True. Raises ------ GoogleConnectionError See Also -------- fetch display_results """ self.fetch() colors = self.colors if self._autocorrected_to: if colors: # Underline the keywords autocorrected_to = '\x1b[4m' + self._autocorrected_to + '\x1b[24m' else: autocorrected_to = self._autocorrected_to autocorrect_info = ('Showing results for %s; enter "x" for an exact search.' % autocorrected_to) printerr('') if colors: printerr(colors.prompt + autocorrect_info + colors.reset) else: printerr('** ' + autocorrect_info) self.display_results(prelude=prelude, json_output=json_output) if self._results_filtered: unfilter_info = 'Enter "unfilter" to show similar results Google omitted.' if colors: printerr(colors.prompt + unfilter_info + colors.reset) else: printerr('** ' + unfilter_info) printerr('') def read_next_command(self): """Show omniprompt and read user command line. Command line is always stripped, and each consecutive group of whitespace is replaced with a single space charater. If the command line is empty after stripping, when ignore it and keep reading. Exit with status 0 if we get EOF or an empty line (pre-strip, that is, a raw ) twice in a row. The new command line (non-empty) is stored in ``self.cmd``. """ colors = self.colors message = 'googler (? for help)' prompt = (colors.prompt + message + colors.reset + ' ') if colors else (message + ': ') enter_count = 0 while True: try: cmd = input(prompt) except EOFError: sys.exit(0) if not cmd: enter_count += 1 if enter_count == 2: # Double sys.exit(0) else: enter_count = 0 cmd = ' '.join(cmd.split()) if cmd: self.cmd = cmd break @staticmethod def help(): GooglerArgumentParser.print_omniprompt_help(sys.stderr) printerr('') @require_keywords @no_argument def do_first(self): self._google_url.first_page() self.fetch_and_display() def do_google(self, arg): # Update keywords and reconstruct URL self._opts.keywords = arg self._google_url = GoogleUrl(self._opts) self.fetch_and_display() @require_keywords @no_argument def do_next(self): # If > 5 results are being fetched each time, # block next when no parsed results in current fetch if not self.results and self._google_url._num > 5: print('No results.', file=sys.stderr) else: self._google_url.next_page() self.fetch_and_display() @require_keywords @no_argument def do_open(self): open_url(self._google_url.full()) @require_keywords @no_argument def do_previous(self): try: self._google_url.prev_page() except ValueError as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) return self.fetch_and_display() @require_keywords @no_argument def do_exact(self): # Reset start to 0 when exact is applied. self._google_url.update(start=0, exact=True) self.fetch_and_display() @require_keywords @no_argument def do_unfilter(self): # Reset start to 0 when unfilter is applied. self._google_url.update(start=0) self._google_url.set_queries(filter=0) self.fetch_and_display() def cmdloop(self): """Run REPL.""" if self.keywords: self.fetch_and_display() else: printerr('Please initiate a query.') while True: self.read_next_command() # TODO: Automatic dispatcher # # We can't write a dispatcher for now because that could # change behaviors of the prompt. However, we have already # laid a lot of ground work for the dispatcher, e.g., the # `no_argument' decorator. try: cmd = self.cmd if cmd == 'f': self.do_first('') elif cmd.startswith('g '): self.do_google(cmd[2:]) elif cmd == 'n': self.do_next('') elif cmd == 'o': self.do_open('') elif cmd == 'p': self.do_previous('') elif cmd == 'q': break elif cmd == 'x': self.do_exact('') elif cmd == 'unfilter': self.do_unfilter('') elif cmd == '?': self.help() elif cmd in self._urltable: open_url(self._urltable[cmd]) elif self.keywords and cmd.isdigit() and int(cmd) < 100: printerr('Index out of bound. To search for the number, use g.') else: self.do_google(cmd) except NoKeywordsException: printerr('Initiate a query first.') class GooglerArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """Custom argument parser for googler.""" # Print omniprompt help @staticmethod def print_omniprompt_help(file=None): file = sys.stderr if file is None else file file.write(textwrap.dedent(""" omniprompt keys: n, p fetch the next or previous set of search results index open the result corresponding to index in browser f jump to the first page o open the current search in browser g keywords new Google search for 'keywords' with original options q, ^D, double Enter exit googler ? show omniprompt help * any other string initiates a new search with original options """)) # Print information on googler @staticmethod def print_general_info(file=None): file = sys.stderr if file is None else file file.write(textwrap.dedent(""" Version %s Copyright (C) 2008 Henri Hakkinen Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Arun Prakash Jana Zhiming Wang License: GPLv3 Webpage: https://github.com/jarun/googler """ % _VERSION_)) # Augment print_help to print more than synopsis and options def print_help(self, file=None): super().print_help(file) self.print_omniprompt_help(file) self.print_general_info(file) # Automatically print full help text on error def error(self, message): sys.stderr.write('%s: error: %s\n\n' % (self.prog, message)) self.print_help(sys.stderr) self.exit(2) # Type guards @staticmethod def positive_int(arg): """Try to convert a string into a positive integer.""" try: n = int(arg) assert n > 0 return n except (ValueError, AssertionError): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('%s is not a positive integer' % arg) @staticmethod def nonnegative_int(arg): """Try to convert a string into a nonnegative integer.""" try: n = int(arg) assert n >= 0 return n except (ValueError, AssertionError): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('%s is not a non-negative integer' % arg) @staticmethod def is_duration(arg): """Check if a string is a valid duration accepted by Google. A valid duration is of the form dNUM, where d is a single letter h (hour), d (day), w (week), m (month), or y (year), and NUM is a non-negative integer. """ try: if arg[0] not in ('h', 'd', 'w', 'm', 'y') or int(arg[1:]) < 0: raise ValueError except (TypeError, IndexError, ValueError): raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('%s is not a valid duration' % arg) return arg @staticmethod def is_colorstr(arg): """Check if a string is a valid color string.""" try: assert len(arg) == 6 for c in arg: assert c in COLORMAP except AssertionError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('%s is not a valid color string' % arg) return arg # Self-upgrade mechanism def system_is_windows(): """Checks if the underlying system is Windows (Cygwin included).""" return sys.platform in {'win32', 'cygwin'} def download_latest_googler(include_git=False): """Download latest googler to a temp file. By default, the latest released version is downloaded, but if `include_git` is specified, then the latest git master is downloaded instead. Parameters ---------- include_git : bool, optional Download from git master. Default is False. Returns ------- (git_ref, path): tuple A tuple containing the git reference (either name of the latest tag or SHA of the latest commit) and path to the downloaded file. """ import urllib.request if include_git: # Get SHA of latest commit on master request = urllib.request.Request('%s/commits/master' % API_REPO_BASE, headers={'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3.sha'}) response = urllib.request.urlopen(request) if response.status != 200: raise http.client.HTTPException(response.reason) git_ref = response.read().decode('utf-8') else: # Get name of latest tag request = urllib.request.Request('%s/tags?per_page=1' % API_REPO_BASE, headers={'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'}) response = urllib.request.urlopen(request) if response.status != 200: raise http.client.HTTPException(response.reason) import json git_ref = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))[0]['name'] # Download googler to a tempfile googler_download_url = '%s/%s/googler' % (RAW_DOWNLOAD_REPO_BASE, git_ref) printerr('Downloading %s' % googler_download_url) request = urllib.request.Request(googler_download_url, headers={'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'}) import tempfile fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() atexit.register(lambda: os.remove(path) if os.path.exists(path) else None) os.close(fd) with open(path, 'wb') as fp: with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as response: if response.status != 200: raise http.client.HTTPException(response.reason) payload = response.read() try: fp.write(gzip.decompress(payload)) except OSError: fp.write(payload) return git_ref, path def self_replace(path): """Replace the current script with a specified file. Both paths (the specified path and path to the current script) are resolved to absolute, symlink-free paths. Upon replacement, the owner and mode signatures of the current script are preserved. The caller needs to have the necessary permissions. Replacement won't happen if the specified file is the same (content-wise) as the current script. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the replacement file. Returns ------- bool True if replaced, False if skipped (specified file is the same as the current script). """ if system_is_windows(): raise NotImplementedError('Self upgrade not supported on Windows.') import filecmp import shutil path = os.path.realpath(path) self_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) if filecmp.cmp(path, self_path): return False self_stat = os.stat(self_path) os.chown(path, self_stat.st_uid, self_stat.st_gid) os.chmod(path, self_stat.st_mode) shutil.move(path, self_path) return True def self_upgrade(include_git=False): """Perform in-place self-upgrade. Parameters ---------- include_git : bool, optional See `download_latest_googler`. Default is False. """ git_ref, path = download_latest_googler(include_git=include_git) if self_replace(path): printerr('Upgraded to %s.' % git_ref) else: printerr('Already up to date.') # Miscellaneous functions def https_proxy_from_environment(): if 'https_proxy' not in os.environ: return None proxy = urllib.parse.urlparse(os.environ['https_proxy']).netloc # urlparse recognizes a netloc only if it is introduced by '//' # (https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.parse.html#urllib.parse.urlparse). # This means a bare host:port like 'localhost:8118' won't be # recognized. In that case, try again with the '//' prefix. if not proxy: proxy = urllib.parse.urlparse('//' + os.environ['https_proxy']).netloc return proxy if proxy else None def parse_args(args=None, namespace=None): """Parse googler arguments/options. Parameters ---------- args : list, optional Arguments to parse. Default is ``sys.argv``. namespace : argparse.Namespace Namespace to write to. Default is a new namespace. Returns ------- argparse.Namespace Namespace with parsed arguments / options. """ colorstr_env = os.getenv('GOOGLER_COLORS') argparser = GooglerArgumentParser(description='Google from the command-line.') addarg = argparser.add_argument addarg('-s', '--start', type=argparser.nonnegative_int, default=0, metavar='N', help='start at the Nth result') addarg('-n', '--count', dest='num', type=argparser.positive_int, default=10, metavar='N', help='show N results (default 10)') addarg('-N', '--news', action='store_true', help='show results from news section') addarg('-c', '--tld', metavar='TLD', help="""country-specific search with top-level domain .TLD, e.g., 'in' for India. Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Google_domains""") addarg('-l', '--lang', metavar='LANG', help='display in language LANG') addarg('-x', '--exact', action='store_true', help='disable automatic spelling correction') addarg('-C', '--nocolor', dest='colorize', action='store_false', help='disable color output') addarg('--colors', dest='colorstr', type=argparser.is_colorstr, default=colorstr_env if colorstr_env else 'GKlgxy', metavar='COLORS', help='set output colors (see man page for details)') addarg('-j', '--first', '--lucky', dest='lucky', action='store_true', help='open the first result in web browser and exit') addarg('-t', '--time', dest='duration', type=argparser.is_duration, metavar='dN', help='time limit search ' '[h5 (5 hrs), d5 (5 days), w5 (5 weeks), m5 (5 months), y5 (5 years)]') addarg('-w', '--site', metavar='SITE', help='search a site using Google') addarg('-p', '--proxy', default=https_proxy_from_environment(), help='tunnel traffic through an HTTPS proxy (HOST:PORT)') addarg('--noua', action='store_true', help='disable user agent') addarg('--notweak', action='store_true', help='disable TCP optimizations and forced TLS 1.2') addarg('--json', action='store_true', help='output in JSON format; implies --exact and --noprompt') addarg('--enable-browser-output', action='store_true', help='do not suppress browser output (stdout and stderr)') addarg('--np', '--noprompt', dest='noninteractive', action='store_true', help='search and exit, do not prompt') addarg('keywords', nargs='*', metavar='KEYWORD', help='search keywords') if ENABLE_SELF_UPGRADE_MECHANISM and not system_is_windows(): addarg('-u', '--upgrade', action='store_true', help='perform in-place self-upgrade') addarg('--include-git', action='store_true', help='when used with --upgrade, upgrade to latest git master') addarg('-v', '--version', action='version', version=_VERSION_) addarg('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debugging') return argparser.parse_args(args, namespace) def main(): global ua try: opts = parse_args() # --json implies --exact if opts.json: opts.exact = True # Set logging level if opts.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.debug('Version %s', _VERSION_) # Handle self-upgrade if hasattr(opts, 'upgrade') and opts.upgrade: self_upgrade(include_git=opts.include_git) sys.exit(0) check_stdout_encoding() if opts.keywords: try: # Add cmdline args to readline history readline.add_history(' '.join(opts.keywords)) except Exception: pass # Set colors if opts.colorize: colors = Colors(*[COLORMAP[c] for c in opts.colorstr], reset=COLORMAP['x']) else: colors = None Result.colors = colors GooglerCmd.colors = colors # Handle browser output suppression if opts.enable_browser_output: open_url.suppress_browser_output = False if opts.noua: ua = False repl = GooglerCmd(opts) if opts.json or opts.lucky or opts.noninteractive: # Non-interactive mode repl.fetch() if opts.lucky: if repl.results: open_url(repl.results[0].url) else: print('No results.', file=sys.stderr) else: repl.display_results(prelude='', json_output=opts.json) sys.exit(0) else: # Interactive mode repl.cmdloop() except Exception as e: # If debugging mode is enabled, let the exception through for a traceback; # otherwise, only print the exception error message. if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): raise else: logger.error(e) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()