pdd v1.7 2022-12-03 - fix pip install - document zsh completion script generator usage - makefile option to install completion scripts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdd v1.6 2022-08-27 - long variants for short program options - completion scripts for Bash, Fish and Zsh - add support for pyhton 3.10 (dropped 3.6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdd v1.5 2020-10-10 - updated auto-generated package list - drop python 3.5 support, add 3.9 - maintenance release ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdd v1.4 2019-04-04 - Support hiding cursor on OSX - Command piggybacking with countdown timer - Show current time for timers - Disable showing epoch time on `pdd` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdd v1.3.1 2018-08-08 This is a minor release. Changes include: - Show epoch time with timestamp - Adds MANIFEST file for PyPI - Disabled packaging for Ubuntu 17.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdd v1.3 2018-07-01 What's in? - Custom resolution for stopwatch (default - milliseconds) - Option `-q` (quiet) to run timers in the background - Show timers in reverse video - Use ISO 8601 format for dates - Some Windows-specific fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdd v1.2 2018-05-20 What's in? - Countdown timer (option `-c`) - Millisecond resolution stopwatch (option `-s`) - Packages generated for several new distros ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdd v1.1 2017-09-26 What's in? - Short weekday in date add, sub - Day of the week on a date - Show seconds in timeslice add and subtract - Show number of earlier or later in timeslice add and subtract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdd v1.0 2017-07-19 What's in? - Calculate date difference - Calculate time difference - Calculate diff from *today* and *now* - Add, subtract duration (timeslice) to/from date (time) - Show current date, time and timezone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------