# PyYapf Sublime Text 2-3 plugin to run the [YAPF](https://github.com/google/yapf) Python formatter ## Usage By default, press `Ctrl-Alt-F` to format the current selection (or the entire document if nothing is selected). You can also `Ctrl-Shift-P` (Mac: `Cmd-Shift-P`) and select "PyYapf: Format Selection" or "PyYapf: Format Document". To automatically run YAPF on the current document before saving, use the `on_save` setting. ## Installation 1. Install YAPF (if you haven't already): ``` pip install yapf ``` 2. Install Sublime Package Control by following the instructions [here](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) (if you haven't already). 3. `Ctrl-Shift-P` (Mac: `Cmd-Shift-P`) and choose "Package Control: Install Package". 4. Find "PyYapf Python Formatter" in the list (type in a few characters and you should see it). Alternatively, install manually by navigating to Sublime's `Packages` folder and cloning this repository: git clone https://github.com/jason-kane/PyYapf.git "PyYapf Python Formatter" ## Problems? This makes it pretty easy to find valid python code that makes Yapf choke or give bad formatting. Please try to reduce any problems to a minimal example and [let the YAPF folks know](https://github.com/google/yapf/issues). If there is something wrong with this plugin, [add an issue](https://github.com/jason-kane/PyYapf/issues) on GitHub and I'll try to address it. ## Distribution [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/PyYapf%20Python%20Formatter) ## LICENSE Apache v2 per LICENSE. Do what you want; if you fix something please share it.