/** * WeMo Connect * * Author: Jason Cheatham * Last updated: 2021-03-21, 17:07:01-0400 * * Based on the original Wemo (Connect) Advanced app by SmartThings, updated by * superuser-ule 2016-02-24 * * Original Copyright 2015 SmartThings * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ definition( name: 'WeMo Connect', namespace: 'jason0x43', author: 'Jason Cheatham', description: 'Allows you to integrate your WeMo devices with Hubitat.', singleInstance: true, iconUrl: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Partner/wemo.png', iconX2Url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Partner/wemo@2x.png', importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jason0x43/hubitat/master/apps/jason0x43-wemo_connect.groovy' ) preferences { page(name: 'mainPage') } import hubitat.helper.HexUtils def mainPage() { debugLog("mainPage: Rendering main with state: ${state}") // Reset the refresh state if the last refresh was more than 60 seconds ago if ( !state.refreshCount || !state.lastRefresh || (now() - state.lastRefresh) > 60000 ) { debugLog("mainPage: Resetting refresh count and discovered devices") state.refreshCount = 0 state.discoveredDevices = [:] } state.minDriverVersion = 4 def refreshCount = state.refreshCount state.refreshCount = refreshCount + 1 state.lastRefresh = now() // ssdp request every 30 seconds discoverAllWemoTypes() def devices = getKnownDevices() debugLog("mainPage: Known devices: ${devices}") def deviceLabels = [:] devices.each { mac, data -> deviceLabels[mac] = data.label } dynamicPage( name: 'mainPage', install: true, uninstall: true, refreshInterval: 30 ) { section('

Device Discovery

') { paragraph( 'Device discovery messages are being broadcast every 30 ' + 'seconds. Any devices on the local network should show up ' + 'within a minute or two.' ) input( 'selectedDevices', 'enum', required: false, title: "Select Wemo Devices \n(${devices.size() ?: 0} found)", multiple: true, options: deviceLabels ) } section('


') { input( 'interval', 'number', title: 'How often should WeMo devices be refreshed? ' + '(minutes, default is 5, max is 59)', defaultValue: 5 ) input( 'debugLogging', 'bool', title: 'Enable debug logging', defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true ) } } } def installed() { log.info('Installed') initialize() } def updated() { log.info('Updated') initialize() } def uninstalled() { log.info('Uninstalling') // Remove any child devices created by this app getChildDevices().each { device -> log.info("Removing child device ${device}") deleteChildDevice(device.deviceNetworkId) } } def initialize() { log.info('Initializing') unschedule() if (selectedDevices) { initDevices() } def interval = Math.min(settings.interval ?: 5, 59) // cron fields: // seconds // minutes // hours // day of month // month // day of week // year debugLog("initialize: scheduling discovery for every ${interval} minutes") schedule("0 0/${interval} * * * ?", refreshDevices) } def refreshDevices() { log.info('Refreshing Wemo devices') getChildDevices().each { device -> device.refresh() } discoverAllWemoTypes() } def childGetHostAddress(device) { debugLog("childGetHostAddress: getting address for ${device}") def hexIp = device.getDataValue('ip') def hexPort = device.getDataValue('port') debugLog("childGetHostAddress: hexIp = ${hexIp}") debugLog("childGetHostAddress: hexPort = ${hexPort}") try { return toDecimalAddress("${hexIp}:${hexPort}") } catch (Throwable t) { info.warn("Error parsing child address: $t"); return null } } def childGetBinaryState(child) { log.info("Getting state for ${child}") debugLog( "childGetBinaryState: sending request to ${childGetHostAddress(child)}" ) new hubitat.device.HubSoapAction( path: '/upnp/control/basicevent1', urn: 'urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1', action: 'GetBinaryState', headers: [ HOST: childGetHostAddress(child) ] ) } def childResubscribe(child) { log.info("Resubscribing ${child}") def sid = child.getDataValue('subscriptionId') if (sid == null) { debugLog( "childResubscribe: No existing subscription for ${child} -- " + "subscribing" ) return childSubscribe(child) } debugLog("childResubscribe: renewing ${child} subscription to ${sid}") // Clear the existing SID -- it should be set if the resubscribe succeeds debugLog('childReubscribe: clearing existing sid') child.updateDataValue('subscriptionId', null) debugLog( "childResubscribe: sending request to ${childGetHostAddress(child)}" ) new hubitat.device.HubAction([ method: 'SUBSCRIBE', path: '/upnp/event/basicevent1', headers: [ HOST: childGetHostAddress(child), TIMEOUT: "Second-${getSubscriptionTimeout()}", SID: "uuid:${sid}" ] ], child.deviceNetworkId) } def childSetBinaryState(child, state, brightness = null) { log.info("Setting binary state for ${child}") def body = [ BinaryState: "$state" ] if (brightness != null) { body.brightness = "$brightness" } debugLog( "childSetBinaryState: sending binary state request to " + "${childGetHostAddress(child)}" ) new hubitat.device.HubSoapAction( path: '/upnp/control/basicevent1', urn: 'urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1', action: 'SetBinaryState', body: body, headers: [ Host: childGetHostAddress(child) ] ) } def childSubscribe(child) { log.info("Subscribing to events for ${child}") // Clear out any current subscription ID; will be reset when the // subscription completes debugLog('childSubscribe: clearing existing sid') child.updateDataValue('subscriptionId', '') debugLog( "childSubscribe: sending subscribe request to " + "${childGetHostAddress(child)}" ) new hubitat.device.HubAction([ method: 'SUBSCRIBE', path: '/upnp/event/basicevent1', headers: [ HOST: childGetHostAddress(child), CALLBACK: "", NT: 'upnp:event', TIMEOUT: "Second-${getSubscriptionTimeout()}" ] ], child.deviceNetworkId) } def childSubscribeIfNecessary(child) { debugLog("childSubscribeIfNecessary: checking subscription for ${child}") def sid = child.getDataValue('subscriptionId') if (sid == null) { debugLog( "childSubscribeIfNecessary: no active subscription -- subscribing" ) childSubscribe(child) } else { debugLog("childSubscribeIfNecessary: active subscription -- skipping") } } def childSyncTime(child) { debugLog("childSyncTime: requesting sync for ${child}") def now = new Date(); def tz = location.timeZone; def offset = tz.getOffset(now.getTime()) def offsetHours = (offset / 1000 / 60 / 60).intValue() def tzOffset = (offsetHours < 0 ? '-' : '') + String.format('%02d.00', Math.abs(offsetHours)) def isDst = tz.inDaylightTime(now) def hasDst = tz.observesDaylightTime() debugLog( "childSyncTime: sending sync request to ${childGetHostAddress(child)}" ) new hubitat.device.HubSoapAction( path: '/upnp/control/timesync1', url: 'urn:Belkin:service:timesync:1', action: 'TimeSync', body: [ UTC: getTime(), TimeZone: tzOffset, dst: isDst ? 1 : 0, DstSupported: hasDst ? 1 : 0 ], headers: [ HOST: childGetHostAddress(child) ] ) } def childUnsubscribe(child) { debugLog("childUnsubscribe: unsubscribing ${child}") def sid = child.getDataValue('subscriptionId') // Clear out the current subscription ID debugLog('childUnsubscribe: clearing existing sid') child.updateDataValue('subscriptionId', '') debugLog( "childUnsubscribe: sending unsubscribe request to " + "${childGetHostAddress(child)}" ) new hubitat.device.HubAction([ method: 'UNSUBSCRIBE', path: '/upnp/event/basicevent1', headers: [ HOST: childGetHostAddress(child), SID: "uuid:${sid}" ] ], child.deviceNetworkId) } def childUpdateSubscription(message, child) { def headerString = message.header if (isSubscriptionHeader(headerString)) { def sid = getSubscriptionId(headerString) debugLog( "childUpdateSubscription: updating subscriptionId for ${child} " + "to ${sid}" ) child.updateDataValue('subscriptionId', sid) } } def getSubscriptionId(header) { def sid = (header =~ /SID: uuid:.*/) ? (header =~ /SID: uuid:.*/)[0] : '0' sid -= 'SID: uuid:'.trim() return sid; } def getSubscriptionTimeout() { return 60 * (settings.interval ?: 5) } def getTime() { // This is essentially System.currentTimeMillis()/1000, but System is // disallowed by the sandbox. ((new GregorianCalendar().time.time / 1000l).toInteger()).toString() } /** * Handle the setup.xml data for a device * * The device descriptor in body.device should match up, more or less, with * the device descriptor returned by parseDiscoveryMessage. */ def handleSetupXml(response) { def body = response.xml def device = body.device def deviceType = "${device.deviceType}" def friendlyName = "${device.friendlyName}" debugLog( "handleSetupXml: Handling setup.xml for ${deviceType}" + " (friendly name is '${friendlyName}')" ) if ( deviceType.startsWith('urn:Belkin:device:controllee:1') || deviceType.startsWith('urn:Belkin:device:insight:1') || deviceType.startsWith('urn:Belkin:device:Maker:1') || deviceType.startsWith('urn:Belkin:device:sensor') || deviceType.startsWith('urn:Belkin:device:lightswitch') || deviceType.startsWith('urn:Belkin:device:dimmer') ) { def entry = getDiscoveredDevices().find { it.key.contains("${device.UDN}") } if (entry) { def dev = entry.value debugLog("handleSetupXml: updating ${dev}") dev.name = friendlyName dev.verified = true } else { log.error("/setup.xml returned a wemo device that doesn't exist") } } } def handleSsdpEvent(evt) { def description = evt.description def hub = evt?.hubId def parsedEvent = parseDiscoveryMessage(description) parsedEvent << ['hub': hub] debugLog("handleSsdpEvent: Parsed discovery message: ${parsedEvent}") def usn = parsedEvent.ssdpUSN.toString() def device = getDiscoveredDevice(usn) if (device) { debugLog("handleSsdpEvent: Found cached device data for ${usn}") // Ensure the cached ip and port agree with what's in the discovery // event device.ip = parsedEvent.ip device.port = parsedEvent.port def child = getChildDevice(device.mac) if (child != null) { debugLog( "handleSsdpEvent: Updating IP address for" + " ${child} [${device.mac}]" ) updateChildAddress(child, device.ip, device.port) } } else { debugLog( "handleSsdpEvent: Adding ${parsedEvent.mac} to list of" + " known devices" ) def id = parsedEvent.ssdpUSN.toString() device = parsedEvent state.discoveredDevices[id] = device } if (!device.verified) { debugLog("handleSsdpEvent: Verifying ${device}") getSetupXml("${device.ip}:${device.port}") } } private hexToInt(hex) { Integer.parseInt(hex, 16) } private hexToIp(hex) { [ hexToInt(hex[0..1]), hexToInt(hex[2..3]), hexToInt(hex[4..5]), hexToInt(hex[6..7]) ].join('.') } private debugLog(message) { if (settings.debugLogging) { log.debug message } } private discoverAllWemoTypes() { def targets = [ 'urn:Belkin:device:insight:1', 'urn:Belkin:device:Maker:1', 'urn:Belkin:device:controllee:1', 'urn:Belkin:device:sensor:1', 'urn:Belkin:device:lightswitch:1', 'urn:Belkin:device:dimmer:1' ] def targetStr = "${targets}" if (state.subscribed != targetStr) { targets.each { target -> subscribe(location, "ssdpTerm.${target}", handleSsdpEvent) debugLog('discoverAllWemoTypes: subscribed to ' + target) } state.subscribed = targetStr } debugLog("discoverAllWemoTypes: Sending discovery message for ${targets}") sendHubCommand( new hubitat.device.HubAction( "lan discovery ${targets.join('/')}", hubitat.device.Protocol.LAN ) ) } private getCallbackAddress() { def hub = location.hubs[0]; def localIp = hub.getDataValue('localIP') def localPort = hub.getDataValue('localSrvPortTCP') "${localIp}:${localPort}" } private getKnownDevices() { debugLog('getKnownDevices: Creating list of known devices') // Known devices are a combination of existing (child) devices and newly // discovered devices. def knownDevices = [:] // First, populate the known devices list with existing devices def existingDevices = getChildDevices() existingDevices.each { device -> def mac = device.deviceNetworkId def name = device.label ?: device.name knownDevices[mac] = [ mac: mac, name: name, ip: device.getDataValue('ip'), port: device.getDataValue('port'), typeName: device.typeName, needsUpdate: device.getDriverVersion() < state.minDriverVersion ] debugLog( "getKnownDevices: Added already-installed device ${mac}:${name}" ) } // Next, populate the list with verified devices (those from which a // setup.xml has been retrieved). def verifiedDevices = getDiscoveredDevices(true) debugLog("getKnownDevices: verified devices: ${verifiedDevices}") verifiedDevices.each { key, device -> def mac = device.mac if (knownDevices.containsKey(mac)) { def knownDevice = knownDevices[mac] // If there's a verified device corresponding to an already- // installed device, update the installed device's name based // on the name of the verified device. def name = device.name if (name != null && name != knownDevice.name) { knownDevice.name = "${name} (installed as ${knownDevice.name})" debugLog("getKnownDevices: Updated name for ${mac} to ${name}") } } else { def name = device.name ?: "WeMo device ${device.ssdpUSN.split(':')[1][-3..-1]}" knownDevices[mac] = [ mac: mac, name: name, ip: device.ip, port: device.port, // The ssdpTerm and hub will be used if a new child device is // created ssdpTerm: device.ssdpTerm, hub: device.hub ] debugLog( "getKnownDevices: Added discovered device ${knownDevices[mac]}" ) } } debugLog("getKnownDevices: Known devices: ${knownDevices}") knownDevices.each { mac, device -> def address try { address = "${hexToIp(device.ip)}:${hexToInt(device.port)}" } catch (Throwable t) { address = "" log.warn("Error parsing device address: $t"); } def text = "${device.name} [MAC: ${mac}, IP: ${address}" if (device.typeName) { def needsUpdate = device.needsUpdate ? '  << Driver needs update >>' : '' text += ", Driver: ${device.typeName}] ${needsUpdate}" } else { text += ']' } knownDevices[mac].label = "
  • ${text}
  • " } return knownDevices } private getSetupXml(hexIpAddress) { def hostAddress try { hostAddress = toDecimalAddress(hexIpAddress) } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Error parsing address ${hexIpAddress}: $t") return } debugLog("getSetupXml: requesting setup.xml from ${hostAddress}") sendHubCommand( new hubitat.device.HubAction( [ method: 'GET', path: '/setup.xml', headers: [ HOST: hostAddress ], ], null, [ callback: handleSetupXml ] ) ) } private getDiscoveredDevices(isVerified = false) { debugLog( "getDiscoveredDevices: Getting discovered" + "${isVerified ? ' and verified' : ''} devices" ) if (!state.discoveredDevices) { state.discoveredDevices = [:] } if (isVerified) { debugLog( "getDiscoveredDevices: Finding verified devices in " + "${state.discoveredDevices}" ) return state.discoveredDevices.findAll { it.value?.verified } } return state.discoveredDevices } private getDiscoveredDevice(usn) { debugLog("getDiscoveredDevice: Getting discovered device with USN ${usn}") return getDiscoveredDevices()[usn] } private initDevices() { debugLog('initDevices: Initializing devices') def knownDevices = getKnownDevices() selectedDevices.each { dni -> debugLog( "initDevices: Looking for selected device ${dni} in known " + "devices..." ) def selectedDevice = knownDevices[dni] if (selectedDevice) { debugLog( "initDevices: Found device; looking for existing child with " + "dni ${dni}" ) def child = getChildDevice(dni) if (!child) { def driverName def namespace = 'jason0x43' debugLog( "initDevices: Creating WeMo device for ${selectedDevice}" ) switch (selectedDevice.ssdpTerm) { case ~/.*insight.*/: driverName = 'Wemo Insight Switch' break // The Light Switch and Switch use the same driver case ~/.*lightswitch.*/: case ~/.*controllee.*/: driverName = 'Wemo Switch' break case ~/.*sensor.*/: driverName = 'Wemo Motion' break case ~/.*dimmer.*/: driverName = 'Wemo Dimmer' break case ~/.*Maker.*/: driverName = 'Wemo Maker' break } if (driverName) { child = addChildDevice( namespace, driverName, selectedDevice.mac, selectedDevice.hub, [ 'label': selectedDevice.name ?: 'Wemo Device', 'data': [ 'mac': selectedDevice.mac, 'ip': selectedDevice.ip, 'port': selectedDevice.port ] ] ) log.info( "initDevices: Created ${child.displayName} with id: " + "${child.id}, MAC: ${child.deviceNetworkId}" ) } else { log.warn("initDevices: No driver for ${selectedDevice})") } } else { debugLog( "initDevices: Updating IP address for ${child}" ) updateChildAddress( child, selectedDevice.ip, selectedDevice.port ) } if (child) { debugLog('initDevices: Setting up device subscription...') child.refresh() } } else { log.warn( "initDevices: Could not find device ${dni} in ${knownDevices}" ) } } } private isSubscriptionHeader(header) { if (header == null) { return false; } header.contains("SID: uuid:") && header.contains('TIMEOUT:'); } /** * Parse a discovery message, returning a device descriptor */ private parseDiscoveryMessage(description) { def device = [:] def parts = description.split(',') debugLog("parseDiscoveryMessage: Parsing discovery message: $description") parts.each { part -> part = part.trim() def valueStr; switch (part) { case { it .startsWith('devicetype:') }: valueString = part.split(':')[1].trim() device.deviceType = valueString break case { it.startsWith('mac:') }: valueString = part.split(':')[1].trim() if (valueString) { device.mac = valueString } break case { it.startsWith('networkAddress:') }: valueString = part.split(':')[1].trim() if (valueString) { device.ip = valueString } break case { it.startsWith('deviceAddress:') }: valueString = part.split(':')[1].trim() if (valueString) { device.port = valueString } break case { it.startsWith('ssdpPath:') }: valueString = part.split(':')[1].trim() if (valueString) { device.ssdpPath = valueString } break case { it.startsWith('ssdpUSN:') }: part -= 'ssdpUSN:' valueString = part.split('::')[0].trim() if (valueString) { device.ssdpUSN = valueString } break case { it.startsWith('ssdpTerm:') }: part -= 'ssdpTerm:' valueString = part.trim() if (valueString) { device.ssdpTerm = valueString } break case { it.startsWith('headers:') }: part -= 'headers:' valueString = part.trim() if (valueString) { device.headers = valueString } break case { it.startsWith('body:') }: part -= 'body:' valueString = part.trim() if (valueString) { device.body = valueString } break } } device } private toDecimalAddress(address) { debugLog("toDecimalAddress: converting ${address}") def parts = address.split(':') ip = parts[0] port = parts[1] "${hexToIp(ip)}:${hexToInt(port)}" } private updateChildAddress(child, ip, port) { debugLog( "updateChildAddress: Updating address of ${child} to ${ip}:${port}" ) def address = "${ip}:${port}" def decimalAddress try { decimalAddress = toDecimalAddress(address) } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Error parsing address ${address}: $t") return } log.info( "Verifying that IP for ${child} is set to ${decimalAddress}" ) def existingIp = child.getDataValue('ip') if (ip && existingIp && ip != existingIp) { try { debugLog( "childSync: Updating IP from ${hexToIp(existingIp)} to " + "${hexToIp(ip)}" ) } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Error parsing addresses $existingIp, $ip: $t") debugLog("childSync: Updating IP from ${existingIp} to ${ip}") } child.updateDataValue('ip', ip) } def existingPort = child.getDataValue('port') if (port != null && existingPort != null && port != existingPort) { try { debugLog( "childSync: Updating port from ${hexToInt(existingPort)} to " + "${hexToInt(port)}" ) } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Error parsing ports $existingPort, $port: $t") debugLog( "childSync: Updating port from ${existingPort} to ${port}" ) } child.updateDataValue('port', port) } childSubscribe(child) }