* @package main class */ class FileDownload { /** * modX object * @var object */ public $modx; /** * $scriptProperties * @var array */ public $config = array(); /** * To hold error message * @var string */ private $_error = ''; /** * To hold output message * @var string */ private $_output = array(); /** * To hold placeholder array, flatten array with prefixable * @var array */ private $_placeholders = array(); /** * To hold plugin * @var array */ public $plugins; /** * To hold counting * @var array */ private $_count = array(); /** * To hold image type * @var array */ private $_imgType = array(); /** * constructor * @param modX $modx * @param array $config parameters */ public function __construct(modX $modx, $config = array()) { $this->modx = &$modx; $config['getDir'] = !empty($config['getDir']) ? $this->_checkPath($config['getDir']) : ''; $config['origDir'] = !empty($config['getDir']) ? $config['getDir'] : ''; // getDir will be overridden by setDirProp() $config['getFile'] = !empty($config['getFile']) ? $this->_checkPath($config['getFile']) : ''; $config = $this->replacePropPhs($config); $corePath = $this->modx->getOption('core_path'); $basePath = $corePath . 'components/filedownloadr/'; $assetsUrl = $this->modx->getOption('assets_url') . 'components/filedownloadr/'; $this->_output = array( 'rows' => '', 'dirRows' => '', 'fileRows' => '' ); $this->config = array_merge(array( 'corePath' => $corePath, 'basePath' => $basePath, 'modelPath' => $basePath . 'models/', 'processorsPath' => $basePath . 'processors/', 'controllersPath' => $basePath . 'controllers/', 'chunksPath' => $basePath . 'elements/chunks/', 'jsUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'js/', 'cssUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'css/', 'imgTypeUrl' => $assetsUrl . 'img/filetypes/', 'imgLocat' => $assetsUrl . 'img/filetypes/', 'assetsUrl' => $assetsUrl, 'encoding' => 'utf-8' ), $config); $this->modx->addPackage('filedownload', $this->config['modelPath']); if (!$this->modx->lexicon) { $this->modx->getService('lexicon', 'modLexicon'); } $this->modx->lexicon->load('filedownloadr:default'); $this->_imgType = $this->_imgTypeProp(); if (!empty($this->config['encoding'])) mb_internal_encoding($this->config['encoding']); if (!empty($this->config['plugins'])) { if (!$this->modx->loadClass('filedownload.FileDownloadPlugin', $this->config['modelPath'], true, true)) { $this->modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[FileDownload] could not load plugin class.'); return false; } $this->plugins = new FileDownloadPlugin($this); } } /** * Set class configuration exclusively for multiple snippet calls * @param array $config snippet's parameters */ public function setConfigs($config = array()) { // Clear previous output for subsequent snippet calls $this->_output = array( 'rows' => '', 'dirRows' => '', 'fileRows' => '' ); $config['getDir'] = !empty($config['getDir']) ? $this->_checkPath($config['getDir']) : ''; $config['origDir'] = !empty($config['getDir']) ? $config['getDir'] : ''; // getDir will be overridden by setDirProp() $config['getFile'] = !empty($config['getFile']) ? $this->_checkPath($config['getFile']) : ''; $config = $this->replacePropPhs($config); $this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config); } /** * Define individual config for the class * @param string $key array's key * @param string $val array's value */ public function setConfig($key, $val) { $this->config[$key] = $val; } public function getConfig($key) { return $this->config[$key]; } public function getConfigs() { return $this->config; } /** * Set string error for boolean returned methods * @return void */ public function setError($msg) { $this->_error = $msg; } /** * Get string error for boolean returned methods * @return string output */ public function getError() { return $this->_error; } /** * Set string output for boolean returned methods * @return void */ public function setOutput($msg) { $this->_output = $msg; } /** * Get string output for boolean returned methods * @return string output */ public function getOutput() { return $this->_output; } /** * Set internal placeholder * @param string $key key * @param string $value value * @param string $prefix add prefix if it's required */ public function setPlaceholder($key, $value, $prefix = '') { $prefix = !empty($prefix) ? $prefix : (isset($this->config['phsPrefix']) ? $this->config['phsPrefix'] : ''); $this->_placeholders[$prefix . $key] = $this->trimString($value); } /** * Set internal placeholders * @param array $placeholders placeholders in an associative array * @param string $prefix add prefix if it's required * @return mixed boolean|array of placeholders */ public function setPlaceholders($placeholders, $prefix = '') { if (empty($placeholders)) { return FALSE; } $prefix = !empty($prefix) ? $prefix : (isset($this->config['phsPrefix']) ? $this->config['phsPrefix'] : ''); $placeholders = $this->trimArray($placeholders); $placeholders = $this->implodePhs($placeholders, rtrim($prefix, '.')); // enclosed private scope $this->_placeholders = array_merge($this->_placeholders, $placeholders); // return only for this scope return $placeholders; } /** * Get internal placeholders in an associative array * @return array */ public function getPlaceholders() { return $this->_placeholders; } /** * Get an internal placeholder * @param string $key key * @return string value */ public function getPlaceholder($key) { return $this->_placeholders[$key]; } /** * Merge multi dimensional associative arrays with separator * @param array $array raw associative array * @param string $keyName parent key of this array * @param string $separator separator between the merged keys * @param array $holder to hold temporary array results * @return array one level array */ public function implodePhs(array $array, $keyName = null, $separator = '.', array $holder = array()) { $phs = !empty($holder) ? $holder : array(); foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $key = !empty($keyName) ? $keyName . $separator . $k : $k; if (is_array($v)) { $phs = $this->implodePhs($v, $key, $separator, $phs); } else { $phs[$key] = $v; } } return $phs; } /** * Trim string value * @param string $string source text * @param string $charlist defined characters to be trimmed * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.trim.php * @return string trimmed text */ public function trimString($string, $charlist = null) { if (empty($string) && !is_numeric($string)) { return ''; } $string = htmlentities($string); // blame TinyMCE! $string = preg_replace('/(Â| )+/i', '', $string); $string = trim($string, $charlist); $string = trim(preg_replace('/\s+^(\r|\n|\r\n)/', ' ', $string)); $string = html_entity_decode($string); return $string; } /** * Trim array values * @param array $array array contents * @param string $charlist [default: null] defined characters to be trimmed * @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.trim.php * @return array trimmed array */ public function trimArray($input, $charlist = null) { if (is_array($input)) { $output = array_map(array($this, 'trimArray'), $input); } else { $output = $this->trimString($input, $charlist); } return $output; } /** * Parsing template * @param string $tpl @BINDINGs options * @param array $phs placeholders * @return string parsed output * @link http://forums.modx.com/thread/74071/help-with-getchunk-and-modx-speed-please?page=2#dis-post-413789 */ public function parseTpl($tpl, array $phs = array()) { $output = ''; if (preg_match('/^(@CODE|@INLINE)/i', $tpl)) { $tplString = preg_replace('/^(@CODE|@INLINE)/i', '', $tpl); // tricks @CODE: / @INLINE: $tplString = ltrim($tplString, ':'); $tplString = trim($tplString); $output = $this->parseTplCode($tplString, $phs); } elseif (preg_match('/^@FILE/i', $tpl)) { $tplFile = preg_replace('/^@FILE/i', '', $tpl); // tricks @FILE: $tplFile = ltrim($tplFile, ':'); $tplFile = trim($tplFile); $tplFile = $this->replacePropPhs($tplFile); try { $output = $this->parseTplFile($tplFile, $phs); } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } } // ignore @CHUNK / @CHUNK: / empty @BINDING else { $tplChunk = preg_replace('/^@CHUNK/i', '', $tpl); // tricks @CHUNK: $tplChunk = ltrim($tpl, ':'); $tplChunk = trim($tpl); $chunk = $this->modx->getObject('modChunk', array('name' => $tplChunk), true); if (empty($chunk)) { // try to use @splittingred's fallback $f = $this->config['chunksPath'] . strtolower($tplChunk) . '.chunk.tpl'; try { $output = $this->parseTplFile($f, $phs); } catch (Exception $e) { $output = $e->getMessage(); return 'Chunk: ' . $tplChunk . ' is not found, neither the file ' . $output; } } else { // $output = $this->modx->getChunk($tplChunk, $phs); /** * @link http://forums.modx.com/thread/74071/help-with-getchunk-and-modx-speed-please?page=4#dis-post-464137 */ $chunk = $this->modx->getParser()->getElement('modChunk', $tplChunk); $chunk->setCacheable(false); $chunk->_processed = false; $output = $chunk->process($phs); } } return $output; } /** * Parsing inline template code * @param string $code HTML with tags * @param array $phs placeholders * @return string parsed output */ public function parseTplCode($code, array $phs = array()) { $chunk = $this->modx->newObject('modChunk'); $chunk->setContent($code); $chunk->setCacheable(false); $phs = $this->replacePropPhs($phs); $chunk->_processed = false; return $chunk->process($phs); } /** * Parsing file based template * @param string $file file path * @param array $phs placeholders * @return string parsed output * @throws Exception if file is not found */ public function parseTplFile($file, array $phs = array()) { if (!file_exists($file)) { throw new Exception('File: ' . $file . ' is not found.'); } $o = file_get_contents($file); $chunk = $this->modx->newObject('modChunk'); // just to create a name for the modChunk object. $name = strtolower(basename($file)); $name = rtrim($name, '.tpl'); $name = rtrim($name, '.chunk'); $chunk->set('name', $name); $chunk->setCacheable(false); $chunk->setContent($o); $chunk->_processed = false; $output = $chunk->process($phs); return $output; } /** * If the chunk is called by AJAX processor, it needs to be parsed for the * other elements to work, like snippet and output filters. * * Example: *

     * parseTpl('tplName', $placeholders);
     * $content = $myObject->processElementTags($content);
* * @param string $content the chunk output * @param array $options option for iteration * @return string parsed content */ public function processElementTags($content, array $options = array()) { $maxIterations = intval($this->modx->getOption('parser_max_iterations', $options, 10)); if (!$this->modx->parser) { $this->modx->getParser(); } $this->modx->parser->processElementTags('', $content, true, false, '[[', ']]', array(), $maxIterations); $this->modx->parser->processElementTags('', $content, true, true, '[[', ']]', array(), $maxIterations); return $content; } /** * Replace the property's placeholders * @param string|array $subject Property * @return array The replaced results */ public function replacePropPhs($subject) { $pattern = array( '/\{core_path\}/', '/\{base_path\}/', '/\{assets_url\}/', '/\{filemanager_path\}/', '/\[\[\+\+core_path\]\]/', '/\[\[\+\+base_path\]\]/' ); $replacement = array( $this->modx->getOption('core_path'), $this->modx->getOption('base_path'), $this->modx->getOption('assets_url'), $this->modx->getOption('filemanager_path'), $this->modx->getOption('core_path'), $this->modx->getOption('base_path') ); if (is_array($subject)) { $parsedString = array(); foreach ($subject as $k => $s) { if (is_array($s)) { $s = $this->replacePropPhs($s); } $parsedString[$k] = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $s); } return $parsedString; } else { return preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $subject); } } /** * Get the clean path array and clean up some duplicate slashes * @param string $paths multiple paths with comma separated * @return array Dir paths in an array */ private function _checkPath($paths) { $forbiddenFolders = array( realpath(MODX_CORE_PATH), realpath(MODX_PROCESSORS_PATH), realpath(MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH), realpath(MODX_MANAGER_PATH), realpath(MODX_BASE_PATH) ); $cleanPaths = array(); if (!empty($paths)) { $xPath = @explode(',', $paths); foreach ($xPath as $path) { if (empty($path)) { continue; } $path = $this->trimString($path); $realpath = realpath($path); if (empty($realpath)) { $realpath = realpath(MODX_BASE_PATH . $path); if (empty($realpath)) { continue; } } if (in_array($realpath, $forbiddenFolders)) { continue; } $cleanPaths[] = $realpath; } } return $cleanPaths; } /** * View any string as a hexdump. * * This is most commonly used to view binary data from streams * or sockets while debugging, but can be used to view any string * with non-viewable characters. * * @version 1.3.2 * @author Aidan Lister * @author Peter Waller * @link http://aidanlister.com/2004/04/viewing-binary-data-as-a-hexdump-in-php/ * @param string $data The string to be dumped * @param bool $htmloutput [default: true] Set to false for non-HTML output * @param bool $uppercase [default: false] Set to true for uppercase hex * @param bool $return [default: false] Set to true to return the dump */ public function hexdump($data, $htmloutput = true, $uppercase = false, $return = false) { // Init $hexi = ''; $ascii = ''; $dump = ($htmloutput === true) ? '
' : '';
        $offset = 0;
        $len = strlen($data);

        // Upper or lower case hexadecimal
        $x = ($uppercase === false) ? 'x' : 'X';

        // Iterate string
        for ($i = $j = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
            // Convert to hexidecimal
            $hexi .= sprintf("%02$x ", ord($data[$i]));

            // Replace non-viewable bytes with '.'
            if (ord($data[$i]) >= 32) {
                $ascii .= ($htmloutput === true) ?
                        htmlentities($data[$i]) :
            } else {
                $ascii .= '.';

            // Add extra column spacing
            if ($j === 7) {
                $hexi .= ' ';
                $ascii .= ' ';

            // Add row
            if (++$j === 16 || $i === $len - 1) {
                // Join the hexi / ascii output
                $dump .= sprintf("%04$x  %-49s  %s", $offset, $hexi, $ascii);

                // Reset vars
                $hexi = $ascii = '';
                $offset += 16;
                $j = 0;

                // Add newline
                if ($i !== $len - 1) {
                    $dump .= "\n";

        // Finish dump
        $dump .= $htmloutput === true ?
' : ''; $dump .= "\n"; // Output method if ($return === false) { echo $dump; } else { return $dump; } } /** * Retrieve the content of the given path * @param mixed $root The specified root path * @return array All contents in an array */ public function getContents() { $plugins = $this->getPlugins('OnLoad', $this->config); if ($plugins === FALSE) { // strict detection return FALSE; } $dirContents = array(); if (!empty($this->config['getDir'])) { $dirContents = $this->_getDirContents($this->config['getDir']); if (!$dirContents) $dirContents = array(); } $fileContents = array(); if (!empty($this->config['getFile'])) { $fileContents = $this->_getFileContents($this->config['getFile']); if (!$fileContents) $fileContents = array(); } $mergedContents = array(); $mergedContents = array_merge($dirContents, $fileContents); $mergedContents = $this->_checkDuplication($mergedContents); $mergedContents = $this->_getDescription($mergedContents); $mergedContents = $this->_sortOrder($mergedContents); return $mergedContents; } /** * Existed description from the chunk of the &chkDesc parameter * @param array $contents */ private function _getDescription(array $contents) { if (empty($contents)) { return $contents; } if (empty($this->config['chkDesc'])) { foreach ($contents as $key => $file) { $contents[$key]['description'] = ''; } return $contents; } $chunkContent = $this->modx->getChunk($this->config['chkDesc']); $linesX = @explode('||', $chunkContent); array_walk($linesX, create_function('&$val', '$val = trim($val);')); foreach ($linesX as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { unset($linesX[$k]); continue; } $descX = @explode('|', $v); array_walk($descX, create_function('&$val', '$val = trim($val);')); $phsReplaced = $this->replacePropPhs($descX[0]); $realPath = realpath($phsReplaced); if (!$realPath) { continue; } $desc[$realPath] = $descX[1]; } foreach ($contents as $key => $file) { $contents[$key]['description'] = ''; if (isset($desc[$file['fullPath']])) { $contents[$key]['description'] = $desc[$file['fullPath']]; } } return $contents; } /** * Check the called file contents with the registered database. * If it's not listed, auto save * @param array $file Realpath filename / dirname * @return void */ private function _checkDb(array $file) { if (empty($file)) { return FALSE; } $realPath = realpath($file['filename']); if (empty($realPath)) { return FALSE; } $fdlObj = $this->modx->getObject('FDL', array( 'ctx' => $file['ctx'], 'filename' => utf8_encode($file['filename']) )); $checked = array(); if ($fdlObj === null) { $fdlObj = $this->modx->newObject('FDL'); $fdlObj->fromArray(array( 'ctx' => $file['ctx'], 'filename' => utf8_encode($file['filename']), 'count' => 0, 'hash' => $this->_setHashedParam($file['ctx'], $file['filename']) )); $fdlObj->save(); $checked['ctx'] = $fdlObj->get('ctx'); $checked['filename'] = $fdlObj->get('filename'); $checked['count'] = $fdlObj->get('count'); $checked['hash'] = $fdlObj->get('hash'); return $checked; } else { $checked['ctx'] = $fdlObj->get('ctx'); $checked['filename'] = $fdlObj->get('filename'); $checked['count'] = $fdlObj->get('count'); $checked['hash'] = $fdlObj->get('hash'); return $checked; } return FALSE; } /** * Check any duplication output * @param array $mergedContents merging the &getDir and &getFile result * @return array Unique filenames */ private function _checkDuplication(array $mergedContents) { if (empty($mergedContents)) { return $mergedContents; } $this->_count['dirs'] = 0; $this->_count['files'] = 0; $c = array(); $d = array(); foreach ($mergedContents as $content) { if (isset($c[$content['fullPath']])) continue; $c[$content['fullPath']] = $content; $d[] = $content; if ($content['type'] === 'dir') { $this->_count['dirs']++; } else { $this->_count['files']++; } } return $d; } /** * Count the numbers retrieved objects (dirs/files) * @param string $subject the specified subject * @return int number of the subject */ public function countContents($subject) { if ($subject === 'dirs') { return $this->_count['dirs']; } elseif ($subject === 'files') { return $this->_count['files']; } else { return intval(0); } } /** * Load UTF-8 Class * @param string $callback method's name * @param array $callbackParams call back parameters (in an array) * @author Rin * @link http://forum.dklab.ru/viewtopic.php?p=91015#91015 * @return string converted text */ private function _utfRin($callback, array $callbackParams = array()) { include_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/includes/UTF8-2.1.1/UTF8.php'); include_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/includes/UTF8-2.1.1/ReflectionTypehint.php'); $utf = call_user_func_array(array('UTF8', $callback), $callbackParams); return $utf; } /** * Retrieve the content of the given directory path * @param array $paths The specified root path * @return array Dir's contents in an array */ private function _getDirContents(array $paths = array()) { if (empty($paths)) { return FALSE; } $contents = array(); foreach ($paths as $rootPath) { if (!is_dir($rootPath)) { // @todo: lexicon $this->modx->log( modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '&getDir parameter expects a correct dir path. "' . $rootPath . '" is given.' ); return FALSE; } $plugins = $this->getPlugins('BeforeDirOpen', array( 'dirPath' => $rootPath, )); if ($plugins === FALSE) { // strict detection return FALSE; } elseif ($plugins === 'continue') { continue; } $scanDir = scandir($rootPath); foreach ($scanDir as $file) { if ($file === '.' || $file === '..' || $file === 'Thumbs.db' || $file === '.htaccess' || $file === '.htpasswd' ) { continue; } $rootRealPath = realpath($rootPath); if (!$rootRealPath) { return FALSE; } $fullPath = $rootRealPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; $fileType = @filetype($fullPath); if ($fileType == 'file') { $fileInfo = $this->_fileInformation($fullPath); if (!$fileInfo) { continue; } $contents[] = $fileInfo; } elseif ($this->config['browseDirectories']) { // a directory $cdb['ctx'] = $this->modx->context->key; $cdb['filename'] = $fullPath; $cdb['count'] = $this->_getDownloadCount($cdb['ctx'], $cdb['filename']); $cdb['hash'] = $this->_getHashedParam($cdb['ctx'], $cdb['filename']); $checkedDb = $this->_checkDb($cdb); if (!$checkedDb) { continue; } $notation = $this->_aliasName($file); $alias = $notation[1]; $unixDate = filemtime($fullPath); $date = date($this->config['dateFormat'], $unixDate); $link = $this->_linkDirOpen($checkedDb['hash'], $checkedDb['ctx']); $imgType = $this->_imgType('dir'); $dir = array( 'ctx' => $checkedDb['ctx'], 'fullPath' => utf8_encode($fullPath), 'path' => utf8_encode($rootRealPath), 'filename' => utf8_encode($file), 'alias' => utf8_encode($alias), 'type' => $fileType, 'ext' => '', 'size' => '', 'sizeText' => '', 'unixdate' => $unixDate, 'date' => $date, 'image' => $this->config['imgTypeUrl'] . $imgType, 'count' => $checkedDb['count'], 'link' => $link['url'], // fallback 'url' => $link['url'], 'hash' => $checkedDb['hash'] ); $contents[] = $dir; } } $plugins = $this->getPlugins('AfterDirOpen', array( 'dirPath' => $rootPath, 'contents' => $contents, )); if ($plugins === FALSE) { // strict detection return FALSE; } elseif ($plugins === 'continue') { continue; } } return $contents; } /** * Retrieve the content of the given file path * @param array $paths The specified file path * @return array File contents in an array */ private function _getFileContents(array $paths = array()) { $contents = array(); foreach ($paths as $fileRow) { $fileInfo = $this->_fileInformation($fileRow); if (!$fileInfo) { continue; } $contents[] = $fileInfo; } return $contents; } /** * Retrieves the required information from a file * @param string $file absoulte file path or a file with an [| alias] * @return array All about the file */ private function _fileInformation($file) { $notation = $this->_aliasName($file); $path = $notation[0]; $alias = $notation[1]; $fileRealPath = realpath($path); if (!is_file($fileRealPath) || !$fileRealPath) { // @todo: lexicon $this->modx->log( modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '&getFile parameter expects a correct file path. ' . $path . ' is given.' ); return FALSE; } $baseName = basename($fileRealPath); $xBaseName = explode('.', $baseName); $tempExt = end($xBaseName); $ext = strtolower($tempExt); $size = filesize($fileRealPath); $imgType = $this->_imgType($ext); if (!$this->_isExtShown($ext)) { return FALSE; } if ($this->_isExtHidden($ext)) { return FALSE; } $cdb['ctx'] = $this->modx->context->key; $cdb['filename'] = $fileRealPath; $cdb['count'] = $this->_getDownloadCount($cdb['ctx'], $cdb['filename']); $cdb['hash'] = $this->_getHashedParam($cdb['ctx'], $cdb['filename']); $checkedDb = $this->_checkDb($cdb); if (!$checkedDb) { return FALSE; } if ($this->config['directLink']) { $link = $this->_directLinkFileDownload(utf8_decode($checkedDb['filename'])); if (!$link) return FALSE; } else { $link = $this->_linkFileDownload($checkedDb['filename'], $checkedDb['hash'], $checkedDb['ctx']); } $unixDate = filemtime($fileRealPath); $date = date($this->config['dateFormat'], $unixDate); $info = array( 'ctx' => $checkedDb['ctx'], 'fullPath' => $fileRealPath, 'path' => utf8_encode(dirname($fileRealPath)), 'filename' => utf8_encode($baseName), 'alias' => $alias, 'type' => filetype($fileRealPath), 'ext' => $ext, 'size' => $size, 'sizeText' => $this->_fileSizeText($size), 'unixdate' => $unixDate, 'date' => $date, 'image' => $this->config['imgTypeUrl'] . $imgType, 'count' => $checkedDb['count'], 'link' => $link['url'], // fallback 'url' => $link['url'], 'hash' => $checkedDb['hash'] ); return $info; } /** * Get the alias/description from the pipe ( "|" ) symbol on the snippet * @param string $path the full path * @return array [0] => the path [1] => the alias name */ private function _aliasName($path) { $xPipes = @explode('|', $path); $notation = array(); $notation[0] = trim($xPipes[0]); $notation[1] = !isset($xPipes[1]) ? '' : trim($xPipes[1]); return $notation; } /** * Get the right image type to the specified file's extension, or fall back * to the default image. * @param string $ext * @return type */ private function _imgType($ext) { return isset($this->_imgType[$ext]) ? $this->_imgType[$ext] : (isset($this->_imgType['default']) ? $this->_imgType['default'] : FALSE); } /** * Retrieve the images for the specified file extensions * @return array file type's images */ private function _imgTypeProp() { if (empty($this->config['imgLocat'])) { return FALSE; } $fdImagesChunk = $this->parseTpl($this->config['imgTypes']); $fdImagesChunkX = @explode(',', $fdImagesChunk); $imgType = array(); foreach ($fdImagesChunkX as $v) { $typeX = @explode('=', $v); $imgType[strtolower(trim($typeX[0]))] = trim($typeX[1]); } return $imgType; } /** * @todo _linkFileDownload: change the hard coded html to template * @param string $filePath file's path * @param string $hash hash * @param string $ctx specifies a context to limit URL generation to. * @return array the download link and the javascript's attribute */ private function _linkFileDownload($filePath, $hash, $ctx = 'web') { $link = array(); if ($this->config['noDownload']) { $link['url'] = $filePath; } else { $args = 'fdlfile=' . $hash; $url = $this->modx->makeUrl($this->modx->resource->get('id'), $ctx, $args); $link['url'] = $url; } $link['hash'] = $hash; return $link; } /** * Set the direct link to the file path * @param string $filePath absolute file path * @return array the download link and the javascript's attribute */ private function _directLinkFileDownload($filePath) { $link = array(); if ($this->config['noDownload']) { $link['url'] = $filePath; } else { // to use this method, the file should always be placed on the web root $corePath = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, MODX_CORE_PATH); if (stristr($filePath, $corePath)) { return FALSE; } // switching from absolute path to url is nuts $fileUrl = str_ireplace(MODX_BASE_PATH, MODX_SITE_URL, $filePath); $fileUrl = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $fileUrl); $parseUrl = parse_url($fileUrl); $url = ltrim($parseUrl['path'], '/' . MODX_HTTP_HOST); $link['url'] = MODX_URL_SCHEME . MODX_HTTP_HOST . '/' . $url; } $link['hash'] = ''; return $link; } /** * @todo _linkDirOpen: change the hard coded html to template * @param string $hash hash * @param string $ctx specifies a context to limit URL generation to. * @return array the open directory link and the javascript's attribute */ private function _linkDirOpen($hash, $ctx = 'web') { if (!$this->config['browseDirectories']) { return FALSE; } $link = array(); $args = 'fdldir=' . $hash; if (!empty($this->config['fdlid'])) { $args .= '&fdlid=' . $this->config['fdlid']; } $url = $this->modx->makeUrl($this->modx->resource->get('id'), $ctx, $args); $link['url'] = $url; $link['hash'] = $hash; return $link; } /** * Set the new value to the getDir property to browse inside the clicked * directory * @param string $hash the hashed link * @param bool $selected to patch multiple snippet call * @return bool TRUE | FALSE */ public function setDirProp($hash, $selected = true) { if (empty($hash) || !$selected) { return FALSE; } $fdlObj = $this->modx->getObject('FDL', array('hash' => $hash)); if (!$fdlObj) { return FALSE; } $ctx = $fdlObj->get('ctx'); $path = $fdlObj->get('filename'); $count = $fdlObj->get('count'); if ($this->modx->context->key !== $ctx) { return FALSE; } $this->config['getDir'] = array($path); $this->config['getFile'] = array(); // save the new count $newCount = $count + 1; $fdlObj->set('count', $newCount); if ($fdlObj->save() === false) { // @todo setDirProp: lexicon string return $this->modx->error->failure($this->modx->lexicon($this->config['prefix'] . 'err_save_counter')); } return TRUE; } /** * Download action * @param string $hash hashed text * @return void file is pulled to the browser */ public function downloadFile($hash) { if (empty($hash)) { return FALSE; } $fdlObj = $this->modx->getObject('FDL', array('hash' => $hash)); if (!$fdlObj) { return FALSE; } $ctx = $fdlObj->get('ctx'); $filePath = utf8_decode($fdlObj->get('filename')); $count = $fdlObj->get('count'); if ($this->modx->context->key !== $ctx) { return FALSE; } $plugins = $this->getPlugins('BeforeFileDownload', array( 'hash' => $hash, 'ctx' => $ctx, 'filePath' => $filePath, 'count' => $count, )); if ($plugins === FALSE) { // strict detection return FALSE; } if (file_exists($filePath)) { // required for IE if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) { ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); } @set_time_limit(300); @ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0); ob_end_clean(); //added to fix ZIP file corruption ob_start(); //added to fix ZIP file corruption header('Pragma: public'); // required header('Expires: 0'); // no cache header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Cache-Control: private', false); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($filePath)) . ' GMT'); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type:'); //added to fix ZIP file corruption header('Content-Type: "application/force-download"'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($filePath) . '"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: ' . (string) (filesize($filePath))); // provide file size header('Connection: close'); sleep(1); //Close the session to allow for header() to be sent session_write_close(); ob_flush(); flush(); $chunksize = 1 * (1024 * 1024); // how many bytes per chunk $buffer = ''; $handle = @fopen($filePath, 'rb'); if ($handle === false) { return false; } while (!feof($handle) && connection_status() == 0) { $buffer = @fread($handle, $chunksize); if (!$buffer) { die(); } echo $buffer; ob_flush(); flush(); } fclose($handle); if ($this->config['countDownloads']) { // save the new count $newCount = $count + 1; $fdlObj->set('count', $newCount); if ($fdlObj->save() === false) { // @todo downloadFile: lexicon string return $this->modx->error->failure($this->modx->lexicon('filedownload.fdl_err_save')); } } // just run this away, it doesn't matter if the return is FALSE $this->getPlugins('AfterFileDownload', array( 'hash' => $hash, 'ctx' => $ctx, 'filePath' => $filePath, 'count' => $newCount, )); exit; } return FALSE; } /** * Get the download counting for the specified file and context * @param type $ctx * @param type $filePath * @return type */ private function _getDownloadCount($ctx, $filePath) { $fdlObj = $this->modx->getObject('FDL', array( 'ctx' => $ctx, 'filename' => $filePath )); if (!$fdlObj) return ''; return $fdlObj->get('count'); } /** * Check whether the file with the specified extension is hidden from the list * @param string $ext file's extension * @return bool TRUE | FALSE */ private function _isExtHidden($ext) { if (empty($this->config['extHidden'])) { return FALSE; } $extHiddenX = @explode(',', $this->config['extHidden']); array_walk($extHiddenX, create_function('&$val', '$val = strtolower(trim($val));')); if (!in_array($ext, $extHiddenX)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Check whether the file with the specified extension is shown to the list * @param string $ext file's extension * @return bool TRUE | FALSE */ private function _isExtShown($ext) { if (empty($this->config['extShown'])) { return TRUE; } $extShownX = @explode(',', $this->config['extShown']); array_walk($extShownX, create_function('&$val', '$val = strtolower(trim($val));')); if (in_array($ext, $extShownX)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Check the user's group * @param void * @return bool TRUE | FALSE */ public function isAllowed() { if (empty($this->config['userGroups'])) { return TRUE; } else { $userGroupsX = @explode(',', $this->config['userGroups']); array_walk($userGroupsX, create_function('&$val', '$val = trim($val);')); $userAccessGroupNames = $this->_userAccessGroupNames(); $intersect = array_uintersect($userGroupsX, $userAccessGroupNames, "strcasecmp"); if (count($intersect) > 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } /** * Get logged in usergroup names * @return array access group names */ private function _userAccessGroupNames() { $userAccessGroupNames = array(); $userId = $this->modx->user->get('id'); if (empty($userId)) { return $userAccessGroupNames; } $userObj = $this->modx->getObject('modUser', $userId); $userGroupObj = $userObj->getMany('UserGroupMembers'); foreach ($userGroupObj as $uGO) { $userGroupNameObj = $this->modx->getObject('modUserGroup', $uGO->get('user_group')); $userAccessGroupNames[] = $userGroupNameObj->get('name'); } return $userAccessGroupNames; } /** * Prettify the file size with thousands unit byte * @param int $fileSize filesize() * @return string the pretty number */ private function _fileSizeText($fileSize) { if ($fileSize === 0) { $returnVal = '0 bytes'; } else if ($fileSize > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { $returnVal = (ceil($fileSize / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) * 100) / 100) . ' GB'; } else if ($fileSize > 1024 * 1024) { $returnVal = (ceil($fileSize / (1024 * 1024) * 100) / 100) . ' MB'; } else if ($fileSize > 1024) { $returnVal = (ceil($fileSize / 1024 * 100) / 100) . ' kB'; } else { $returnVal = $fileSize . ' B'; } return $returnVal; } /** * Manage the order sorting by all sorting parameters: * - sortBy * - sortOrder * - sortOrderNatural * - sortByCaseSensitive * - browseDirectories * - groupByDirectory * @param array $contents unsorted contents * @return array sorted contents */ private function _sortOrder(array $contents) { if (empty($contents)) { return $contents; } else { $sort = $contents; } if (empty($this->config['groupByDirectory'])) { $sort = $this->_groupByType($contents); } else { $sortPath = array(); foreach ($contents as $k => $file) { if (!$this->config['browseDirectories'] && $file['type'] === 'dir') { continue; } $sortPath[$file['path']][$k] = $file; } $sort = array(); foreach ($sortPath as $k => $path) { // path name for the &groupByDirectory template: tpl-group $this->_output['rows'] .= $this->_tplDirectory($k); $sort['path'][$k] = $this->_groupByType($path); } } return $sort; } /** * Grouping the contents by filetype * @param array $contents contents * @return array grouped contents */ private function _groupByType(array $contents) { if (empty($contents)) { return FALSE; } $sortType = array(); foreach ($contents as $k => $file) { if (empty($this->config['browseDirectories']) && $file['type'] === 'dir') { continue; } $sortType[$file['type']][$k] = $file; } if (empty($sortType)) { return FALSE; } foreach ($sortType as $k => $file) { if (count($file) > 1) { $sortType[$k] = $this->_sortMultiOrders($file); } } $sort = array(); $dirs = ''; if (!empty($this->config['browseDirectories']) && !empty($sortType['dir'])) { $sort['dir'] = $sortType['dir']; // template $row = 1; foreach ($sort['dir'] as $k => $v) { $v['class'] = $this->_cssDir($row); $dirs .= $this->_tplDir($v); $row++; } } $phs = array(); $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . 'classPath'] = (!empty($this->config['cssPath'])) ? ' class="' . $this->config['cssPath'] . '"' : ''; $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . 'path'] = $this->_breadcrumbs(); if (!empty($this->config['tplWrapperDir']) && !empty($dirs)) { $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . 'dirRows'] = $dirs; $this->_output['dirRows'] .= $this->parseTpl($this->config['tplWrapperDir'], $phs); } else { $this->_output['dirRows'] .= $dirs; } $files = ''; if (!empty($sortType['file'])) { $sort['file'] = $sortType['file']; // template $row = 1; foreach ($sort['file'] as $k => $v) { $v['class'] = $this->_cssFile($row, $v['ext']); $files .= $this->_tplFile($v); $row++; } } if (!empty($this->config['tplWrapperFile']) && !empty($files)) { $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . 'fileRows'] = $files; $this->_output['fileRows'] .= $this->parseTpl($this->config['tplWrapperFile'], $phs); } else { $this->_output['fileRows'] .= $files; } $this->_output['rows'] .= $this->_output['dirRows']; $this->_output['rows'] .= $this->_output['fileRows']; return $sort; } /** * Multi dimensional sorting * @param array $array content array * @param string $index order index * @param string $order asc [| void] * @param bool $natSort TRUE | FALSE * @param bool $caseSensitive TRUE | FALSE * @return array the sorted array * @link modified from http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.sort.php#104464 */ private function _sortMultiOrders($array) { if (!is_array($array) || count($array) < 1) { return $array; } $temp = array(); foreach (array_keys($array) as $key) { $temp[$key] = $array[$key][$this->config['sortBy']]; } if ($this->config['sortOrderNatural'] != 1) { if (strtolower($this->config['sortOrder']) == 'asc') { asort($temp); } else { arsort($temp); } } else { if ($this->config['sortByCaseSensitive'] != 1) { natcasesort($temp); } else { natsort($temp); } if (strtolower($this->config['sortOrder']) != 'asc') { $temp = array_reverse($temp, TRUE); } } $sorted = array(); foreach (array_keys($temp) as $key) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $sorted[] = $array[$key]; } else { $sorted[$key] = $array[$key]; } } return $sorted; } /** * Generate the class names for the directory rows * @param int $row the row number * @return string imploded class names */ private function _cssDir($row) { $totalRow = $this->_count['dirs']; $cssName = array(); if (!empty($this->config['cssDir'])) { $cssName[] = $this->config['cssDir']; } if (!empty($this->config['cssAltRow']) && $row % 2 === 1) { $cssName[] = $this->config['cssAltRow']; } if (!empty($this->config['cssFirstDir']) && $row === 1) { $cssName[] = $this->config['cssFirstDir']; } elseif (!empty($this->config['cssLastDir']) && $row === $totalRow) { $cssName[] = $this->config['cssLastDir']; } $o = ''; $cssNames = @implode(' ', $cssName); if (!empty($cssNames)) { $o = ' class="' . $cssNames . '"'; } return $o; } /** * Generate the class names for the file rows * @param int $row the row number * @param string $ext extension * @return string imploded class names */ private function _cssFile($row, $ext) { $totalRow = $this->_count['files']; $cssName = array(); if (!empty($this->config['cssFile'])) { $cssName[] = $this->config['cssFile']; } if (!empty($this->config['cssAltRow']) && $row % 2 === 1) { if ($this->_count['dirs'] % 2 === 0) { $cssName[] = $this->config['cssAltRow']; } } if (!empty($this->config['cssFirstFile']) && $row === 1) { $cssName[] = $this->config['cssFirstFile']; } elseif (!empty($this->config['cssLastFile']) && $row === $totalRow) { $cssName[] = $this->config['cssLastFile']; } if (!empty($this->config['cssExtension'])) { $cssNameExt = ''; if (!empty($this->config['cssExtensionPrefix'])) { $cssNameExt .= $this->config['cssExtensionPrefix']; } $cssNameExt .= $ext; if (!empty($this->config['cssExtensionSuffix'])) { $cssNameExt .= $this->config['cssExtensionSuffix']; } $cssName[] = $cssNameExt; } $o = ''; $cssNames = @implode(' ', $cssName); if (!empty($cssNames)) { $o = ' class="' . $cssNames . '"'; } return $o; } /** * Parsing the directory template * @param array $contents properties * @return string rendered HTML */ private function _tplDir(array $contents) { if (empty($contents)) { return ''; } foreach ($contents as $k => $v) { $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . $k] = $v; } $tpl = $this->parseTpl($this->config['tplDir'], $phs); return $tpl; } /** * Parsing the file template * @param array $fileInfo properties * @return string rendered HTML */ private function _tplFile(array $fileInfo) { if (empty($fileInfo) || empty($this->config['tplFile'])) { return ''; } foreach ($fileInfo as $k => $v) { $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . $k] = $v; } $tpl = $this->parseTpl($this->config['tplFile'], $phs); return $tpl; } /** * Path template if &groupByDirectory is enabled * @param string $path Path's name * @return string rendered HTML */ private function _tplDirectory($path) { if (empty($path) || is_array($path)) { return ''; } $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . 'class'] = (!empty($this->config['cssGroupDir'])) ? ' class="' . $this->config['cssGroupDir'] . '"' : ''; $groupPath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->config['breadcrumbSeparator'], $this->_trimPath($path)); $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . 'groupDirectory'] = $groupPath; $tpl = $this->parseTpl($this->config['tplGroupDir'], $phs); return $tpl; } /** * Wraps templates * @return string rendered template */ private function _tplWrapper() { $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . 'classPath'] = (!empty($this->config['cssPath'])) ? ' class="' . $this->config['cssPath'] . '"' : ''; $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . 'path'] = $this->_breadcrumbs(); $rows = !empty($this->_output['rows']) ? $this->_output['rows'] : ''; $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . 'rows'] = $rows; $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . 'dirRows'] = $this->_output['dirRows']; $phs[$this->config['prefix'] . 'fileRows'] = $this->_output['fileRows']; if (!empty($this->config['tplWrapper'])) { $tpl = $this->parseTpl($this->config['tplWrapper'], $phs); } else { $tpl = $rows; } return $tpl; } /** * Trim the absolute path to be a relatively safe path * @param string $path the absolute path * @return string trimmed path */ private function _trimPath($path) { $xPath = @explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->config['origDir'][0]); array_pop($xPath); $parentPath = @implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $xPath) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $trimmedPath = $path; if (FALSE !== stristr($trimmedPath, $parentPath)) { $trimmedPath = str_replace($parentPath, '', $trimmedPath); } $modxCorePath = realpath(MODX_CORE_PATH) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $modxAssetsPath = realpath(MODX_ASSETS_PATH) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (FALSE !== stristr($trimmedPath, $modxCorePath)) { $trimmedPath = str_replace($modxCorePath, '', $trimmedPath); } elseif (FALSE !== stristr($trimmedPath, $modxAssetsPath)) { $trimmedPath = str_replace($modxAssetsPath, '', $trimmedPath); } return $trimmedPath; } /** * Create a breadcrumbs link * @param void * @return string a breadcrumbs link */ private function _breadcrumbs() { if (empty($this->config['browseDirectories'])) { return ''; } $dirs = $this->config['getDir']; if (count($dirs) > 1) { return ''; } else { $path = $dirs[0]; } $trimmedPath = trim($this->_trimPath($path), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $basePath = str_replace($trimmedPath, '', $path); $trimmedPathX = @explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $trimmedPath); $trailingPath = $basePath; $trail = array(); $trailingLink = array(); $countTrimmedPathX = count($trimmedPathX); foreach ($trimmedPathX as $k => $title) { $trailingPath .= $title . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $fdlObj = $this->modx->getObject('FDL', array( 'filename' => $trailingPath )); if (!$fdlObj) { $cdb = array(); $cdb['ctx'] = $this->modx->context->key; $cdb['filename'] = $trailingPath; $checkedDb = $this->_checkDb($cdb); if (!$checkedDb) { continue; } $fdlObj = $this->modx->getObject('FDL', array( 'filename' => $trailingPath )); } $hash = $fdlObj->get('hash'); $link = $this->_linkDirOpen($hash, $this->modx->context->key); if ($k === 0) { $pageUrl = $this->modx->makeUrl($this->modx->resource->get('id')); $trail[$k] = array( $this->config['prefix'] . 'title' => $this->modx->lexicon($this->config['prefix'] . 'breadcrumb.home'), $this->config['prefix'] . 'link' => $pageUrl, $this->config['prefix'] . 'url' => $pageUrl, $this->config['prefix'] . 'hash' => '', ); } else { $trail[$k] = array( $this->config['prefix'] . 'title' => $title, $this->config['prefix'] . 'link' => $link['url'], // fallback $this->config['prefix'] . 'url' => $link['url'], $this->config['prefix'] . 'hash' => $hash, ); } if ($k < ($countTrimmedPathX - 1)) { $trailingLink[] = $this->parseTpl($this->config['tplBreadcrumb'], $trail[$k]); } else { $trailingLink[] = $title; } } $breadcrumb = @implode($this->config['breadcrumbSeparator'], $trailingLink); return $breadcrumb; } public function parseTemplate() { $o = $this->_tplWrapper(); return $o; } /** * Sets the salted parameter to the database * @param string $ctx context * @param string $filename filename * @return string hashed parameter */ private function _setHashedParam($ctx, $filename) { $input = $this->config['saltText'] . $ctx . $filename; return str_rot13(base64_encode(hash('sha512', $input))); } /** * Gets the salted parameter from the System Settings + stored hashed parameter. * @param string $ctx context * @param string $filename filename * @return string hashed parameter */ private function _getHashedParam($ctx, $filename) { $fdlObj = $this->modx->getObject('FDL', array( 'ctx' => $ctx, 'filename' => $filename )); if (!$fdlObj) { return FALSE; } return $fdlObj->get('hash'); } /** * Check whether the REQUEST parameter exists in the database. * @param string $ctx context * @param string $hash hash value * @return bool TRUE | FALSE */ public function checkHash($ctx, $hash) { $fdlObj = $this->modx->getObject('FDL', array( 'ctx' => $ctx, 'hash' => $hash )); if (!$fdlObj) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Get applied plugins and set custom properties by event's provider * @param type $eventName * @param type $customProperties * @param type $toString * @return type */ public function getPlugins($eventName, $customProperties = array(), $toString = false) { if (empty($this->plugins)) { return; } if (!is_array($customProperties)) $customProperties = array(); $this->plugins->setProperties($customProperties); return $this->plugins->getPlugins($eventName, $toString); } }