Publishing JNA to Maven Central =============================== One Time -------- * Create an account in the [sonatype jira](!default.jspa) * Get the account enabled for publishing to the groupId (contact an existing uploader for this) * Set up your gpg keys as described [here]( Make sure you distribute your public key. * Make sure you have a settings.xml file (in directory: ${user.home}/.m2/). For example (Replace *myossrhuser* and *myossrhpwd* with the account credentials): ```xml ... ... myossrhuser myossrhpwd ... ... ``` The binaries are hosted in the Sonatype OSSRH (OSS Repository Hosting) system, and mirrored from there to maven central. See [OSSRH Guide]( for more info. Publish Snapshot ---------------- *At any time and in preparation for a release* Before doing a full jna release, we can publish a development SNAPSHOT of the "next" release for people to test. The SNAPSHOT will be published in the staging repository: []( see: []( for the various jars. To publish a development SNAPSHOT do the following: git checkout -- . ant clean ant deploy Note: Unlike stable, unchanging releases, a SNAPSHOT may be re-published at any time (and is typically deleted after a full release is performed). Publish Release --------------- * Verify the <version> tags in [pom-jna.xml]( and [pom-jna-platform.xml]( match the version (jna.version) in [build.xml]( * Run `ant -Dmaven-release=true stage`. This uploads current checkout to []( * Follow steps from [Releasing the Deployment](