package ando.file.core import ando.file.core.FileMimeType.getMimeType import ando.file.core.FileUri.getPathByUri import android.database.Cursor import import import import import android.os.Build import android.provider.MediaStore import android.provider.OpenableColumns import import org.json.JSONObject import* import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.channels.FileChannel import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.* /** * # FileUtils * * @author javakam * @date 2019/11/15 14:37 */ object FileUtils { //Media File Info //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 查找 bucketId 对应的媒体文件的时间信息(Find the time information of the media file corresponding to bucketId) * * @param targetBucketId Media File bucketId * @return dateAdded, dateModified, dateExpires */ fun getMediaShotTime(targetBucketId: Long? = null, block: (Long, Long, Long) -> Unit) { //MediaStoreUtils 中 val dateModifiedColumn = it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_ADDED) //改为 val dateCreatedColumn // // val projection = arrayOf( MediaStore.Files.FileColumns._ID, "bucket_id", MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.DATE_ADDED, MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.DATE_MODIFIED, "date_expires", MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN, MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.DATA, MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE ) val selection = (MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE + "=" + MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE) // val selection = (MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE + "=" // + MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE // + " OR " // + MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE + " = " // + MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) val cursor: Cursor? = FileOperator.getContext().contentResolver.query( MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external"), projection, selection, null, MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.DATE_ADDED + " DESC" ) cursor?.use { val bucketIdColumn: Int = it.getColumnIndex("bucket_id") val dateAddedColumn = it.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATE_ADDED) val dateModifiedColumn = it.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATE_MODIFIED) val dateExpiresColumn = it.getColumnIndex("date_expires") val dateTakenColumn = it.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATE_ADDED) while (it.moveToNext()) { //moveToFirst val bucketId: Long = it.getLong(bucketIdColumn) if (bucketId == targetBucketId) { val dateAdded = it.getLong(dateAddedColumn) val dateModified = it.getLong(dateModifiedColumn) val dateExpires = it.getLong(dateExpiresColumn) val dateTaken = it.getLong(dateTakenColumn) /* 注: dateModified 才是照片的真正拍摄时间, 而 dateAdded 是把文件重命名后的或者其他操作修改后的时间... 感觉Android把这俩时间搞反了 dateModified DATE_MODIFIED 1657785037 2022-07-14 15:50:37 dateAdded DATE_ADDED 1657786785 2022-07-14 16:19:45 */ //bucketId=-1739773001 ; dateAdded=1657786785 ; dateModified=1657785037 ; dateExpires=0 ; dateTaken=1657785037173 FileLogger.i( "123", "bucketId=$bucketId ; dateAdded=$dateAdded ; dateModified=$dateModified " + "; dateExpires=$dateExpires ; dateTaken=$dateTaken" ) block.invoke(dateAdded, dateModified, dateExpires) return@use } } } } /** * 获取媒体文件的"拍摄时间" (Get the "shooting time" of the media file) * * 【注】获取拍摄时间优先级: 图片(ExifInterface) ; 视频,音频(MediaMetadataRetriever) ; 最后如果前两者都没获取到时间, 则使用文件最后修改时间(lastModified) * * 【Note】Get the shooting time priority: Picture (ExifInterface); Video, Audio (MediaMetadataRetriever); Finally, if the first two do not get the time, use the last modified time of the file (lastModified) */ fun getMediaShotTime(uri: Uri?, block: (Long) -> Unit) { if (uri == null) return block.invoke(-1) //直接使用 File(mediaFile.path) 获取不到信息 (No information can be obtained directly using File(mediaFile.path)) //eg: /storage/emulated/0/Movies/VID_20210621_17180117.mp4 true false 1624267109000 ; isFile=false isDirectory=false lastModified=0 val fileReal = File(getPathByUri(uri) ?: return block.invoke(-1)) if (!fileReal.exists() || fileReal.isDirectory) return block.invoke(-1) //如果 ExifInterface 或 MediaMetadataRetriever 没有获取到时间,使用 lastModified 时间 //If ExifInterface or MediaMetadataRetriever does not get the time, use the lastModified time var fileLastModifiedTime: Long = fileReal.lastModified() fileLastModifiedTime = if (fileLastModifiedTime > 0) fileLastModifiedTime else System.currentTimeMillis() FileLogger.d( "isFile=${fileReal.isFile} isDirectory=${fileReal.isDirectory} lastModified=$fileLastModifiedTime" ) //注意:先用 ExifInterface , 后用 MediaMetadataRetriever (Note: Use ExifInterface first, then MediaMetadataRetriever) //如果给把图片的 Uri 交给 MediaMetadataRetriever 处理会报错: setDataSource failed: status = 0x80000000 //If the Uri of the picture is handed over to MediaMetadataRetriever for processing, an error will be reported: setDataSource failed: status = 0x80000000 try { FileOperator.getContext().contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)?.use { i: InputStream -> val exifInterface = ExifInterface(i) val dateTime: String? = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_DATETIME) val modifiedTime: Long // 图片(Image) // longitude = 0/1,0/1,0/1 // latitude=0/1,0/1,0/1 // device_type=NEX 3 5G // dateTime=2021:07:12 14:36:30 // dateTimeOriginal=2021:07:12 14:36:30 // dateTimeDigitized=2021:07:12 14:36:30 if (dateTime.isNullOrBlank()) {//1.视频,音频 (Video, audio) //ExifInterface 获取到的 ExifInterface.TAG_DATETIME 返回 null, 使用 MediaMetadataRetriever 重新获取 //ExifInterface.TAG_DATETIME obtained by ExifInterface returns null, use MediaMetadataRetriever to get it again val mmr = MediaMetadataRetriever() modifiedTime = try { mmr.setDataSource(FileOperator.getContext(), uri) //获取媒体的日期(Date the media was acquired): "20210708T070344.000Z" val dateString = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_DATE) formatMediaMetadataKeyDate(dateString)?.time ?: fileLastModifiedTime } catch (e: Exception) { FileLogger.e("getMediaShotTime: ${e.message}") fileLastModifiedTime } finally { mmr.release() } } else {//2.图片(Image) ExifInterface.TAG_DATETIME dateTime=2021:07:12 14:36:30 modifiedTime = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault()).parse(dateTime)?.time ?: fileLastModifiedTime } block.invoke(modifiedTime) } ?: block.invoke(fileLastModifiedTime) } catch (t: Throwable) { FileLogger.e("getMediaShotTime by uri: ${t.message}") } } fun getMediaShotTime(path: String?, block: (Long) -> Unit) { if (path.isNullOrBlank()) return block.invoke(-1) try { val fileReal = File(path) if (!fileReal.exists() || fileReal.isDirectory) return block.invoke(-1) val uri = FileUri.getUriByPath(path) ?: return block.invoke(-1) getMediaShotTime(uri = uri, block = block) } catch (t: Throwable) { FileLogger.e("getMediaShotTime by path: ${t.message}") } } /** * "20210708T070344.000Z" 👉 Date() * * 转换 MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_DATE 特殊的时间格式 * (Convert MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_DATE to special time format) * * > Thanks * * * * * * @param date "20210708T070344.000Z" * @return Date Object */ fun formatMediaMetadataKeyDate(date: String?): Date? { if (date.isNullOrBlank()) return null var inputDate: Date? = null try { inputDate = SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSS Z", Locale.getDefault()).parse(date.replace("Z", " UTC")) ?: return null } catch (e: Exception) { FileLogger.w("error parsing date: $e") try { inputDate = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy MM dd.SSS Z", Locale.getDefault()).parse(date.replace("Z", " UTC")) ?: return null } catch (ex: Exception) { FileLogger.e("error parsing date: $ex") } } FileLogger.i("formatMediaMetadataKeyDate: ${inputDate?.time}") return inputDate } /** * 获取"音频或视频"文件的详细信息 (Use MediaMetadataRetriever) * * Get details for the Audio or Video file */ fun getMediaInfoByMediaMetadataRetriever(uri: Uri?): JSONObject? { uri?.apply { val mmr = MediaMetadataRetriever() try { mmr.setDataSource(FileOperator.getContext(), uri) //获得媒体专辑的标题 val albumString = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM) //获取媒体的艺术家信息 val artistString = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ARTIST) //获取媒体标题信息 val titleString = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE) //获取媒体类型 val mimetypeString = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_MIMETYPE) //获取媒体持续时间 val durationString = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_DURATION) //获取媒体比特率,位率 val bitrateString = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_BITRATE) //获取媒体的日期 val dateString = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_DATE) //如果媒体包含视频,这个键就会检索它的宽度。 val video_width = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH) //如果媒体包含视频,这个键就会检索它的高度。 val video_height = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT) //元数据键,用于检索歌曲的数量,如音频、视频、文本,在数据源中,如mp4或3gpp文件。 val NUM_TRACKS = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_NUM_TRACKS) //检索数字字符串的元数据键,该字符串描述了音频数据源的哪个部分来自于 val DISC_NUMBER = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_DISC_NUMBER) //表演者或艺术家的信息。 val ALBUMARTIST = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUMARTIST) //作者 val AUTHOR = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_AUTHOR) //元数据键检索在原始记录中描述音频数据源的顺序的数字字符串。 val CD_TRACK_NUMBER = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_CD_TRACK_NUMBER) //帧速率 val CAPTURE_FRAMERATE = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_CAPTURE_FRAMERATE) } else { "" } //检索音乐专辑编译状态的元数据键。 val COMPILATION = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_COMPILATION) //元数据键检索关于数据源的composer的信息 val COMPOSER = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_COMPOSER) //获取数据源的内容类型或类型的元数据键。 val GENRE = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_GENRE) //如果这个键存在,那么媒体就包含了音频内容。 val HAS_AUDIO = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_HAS_AUDIO) //如果这个密钥存在,那么媒体就包含了视频内容。 val HAS_VIDEO = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_HAS_VIDEO) //如果可用,此键将检索位置信息。 val LOCATION = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_LOCATION) //如果有的话,这个键可以获取视频旋转角度的角度。 val VIDEO_ROTATION = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_ROTATION) //元数据键,用于检索数据源的写入器(如lyriwriter)的信息。 val WRITER = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_WRITER) //元数据键,用于检索数据源创建或修改时的年份。 val YEAR = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_YEAR) //此选项用于getFrameAtTime(long、int),以检索与最近(在时间)或给定时间最接近的数据源相关联的同步(或键)框架。 val CLOSEST_SYNC = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_CLOSEST_SYNC) //该选项用于getFrameAtTime(long、int),用于检索与最近或给定时间最接近的数据源相关的帧(不一定是关键帧)。 val CLOSEST = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_CLOSEST) //这个选项用于getFrameAtTime,以检索与在给定时间之前或在给定时间内的数据源相关联的同步(或键)框架。 val PREVIOUS_SYNC = mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_PREVIOUS_SYNC) val jsonObject = JSONObject() jsonObject.put("●Uri", uri) jsonObject.put("●媒体专辑的标题 METADATA_KEY_ALBUM", realValue(albumString)) jsonObject.put("●媒体艺术家信息 METADATA_KEY_ARTIST", realValue(artistString)) jsonObject.put("●媒体标题信息 METADATA_KEY_TITLE", realValue(titleString)) jsonObject.put("●媒体类型 METADATA_KEY_MIMETYPE", realValue(mimetypeString)) jsonObject.put("●媒体持续时间 METADATA_KEY_DURATION", realValue(durationString)) jsonObject.put("●媒体比特率,位率 METADATA_KEY_BITRATE", realValue(bitrateString)) jsonObject.put("●媒体的日期 METADATA_KEY_DATE", realValue(dateString)) jsonObject.put("●如果媒体包含视频,这个键就会检索它的宽度 METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH", realValue(video_width)) jsonObject.put("●如果媒体包含视频,这个键就会检索它的高度 METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT", realValue(video_height)) jsonObject.put( "●元数据键,用于检索歌曲的数量,如音频、视频、文本,在数据源中,如mp4或3gpp文件 METADATA_KEY_NUM_TRACKS", realValue(NUM_TRACKS) ) jsonObject.put("●检索数字字符串的元数据键,该字符串描述了音频数据源的哪个部分来自于 METADATA_KEY_DISC_NUMBER", realValue(DISC_NUMBER)) jsonObject.put("●表演者或艺术家的信息 METADATA_KEY_ALBUMARTIST", realValue(ALBUMARTIST)) jsonObject.put("●作者 METADATA_KEY_AUTHOR", realValue(AUTHOR)) jsonObject.put("●元数据键检索在原始记录中描述音频数据源的顺序的数字字符串 METADATA_KEY_CD_TRACK_NUMBER", realValue(CD_TRACK_NUMBER)) jsonObject.put("●帧速率 METADATA_KEY_CAPTURE_FRAMERATE", realValue(CAPTURE_FRAMERATE)) jsonObject.put("●检索音乐专辑编译状态的元数据键 METADATA_KEY_COMPILATION", realValue(COMPILATION)) jsonObject.put("●元数据键检索关于数据源的composer的信息 METADATA_KEY_COMPOSER", realValue(COMPOSER)) jsonObject.put("●获取数据源的内容类型或类型的元数据键 METADATA_KEY_GENRE", realValue(GENRE)) jsonObject.put("●如果这个键存在,那么媒体就包含了音频内容 METADATA_KEY_HAS_AUDIO", realValue(HAS_AUDIO)) jsonObject.put("●如果这个密钥存在,那么媒体就包含了视频内容 METADATA_KEY_HAS_VIDEO", realValue(HAS_VIDEO)) jsonObject.put("●如果可用,此键将检索位置信息 METADATA_KEY_LOCATION", realValue(LOCATION)) jsonObject.put("●如果有的话,这个键可以获取视频旋转角度的角度 METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_ROTATION", realValue(VIDEO_ROTATION)) jsonObject.put("●元数据键,用于检索数据源的写入器(如lyriwriter)的信息 METADATA_KEY_WRITER", realValue(WRITER)) jsonObject.put("●元数据键,用于检索数据源创建或修改时的年份 METADATA_KEY_YEAR", realValue(YEAR)) jsonObject.put( "●此选项用于getFrameAtTime(long、int),以检索与最近(在时间)或给定时间最接近的数据源相关联的同步(或键)框架 OPTION_CLOSEST_SYNC", realValue(CLOSEST_SYNC) ) jsonObject.put( "●该选项用于getFrameAtTime(long、int),用于检索与最近或给定时间最接近的数据源相关的帧(不一定是关键帧) OPTION_CLOSEST", realValue(CLOSEST) ) jsonObject.put( "●这个选项用于getFrameAtTime,以检索与在给定时间之前或在给定时间内的数据源相关联的同步(或键)框架 OPTION_PREVIOUS_SYNC", realValue(PREVIOUS_SYNC) ) return jsonObject } catch (e: Exception) { FileLogger.e("getMediaInfoByMediaMetadataRetriever: ${e.message}") } finally { mmr.release() } } return null } /** * 获取"图片"文件的详细信息 (Use ExifInterface) * * Get details for the Picture file */ fun getMediaInfoByExifInterface(uri: Uri?): JSONObject? { uri?.use { try { FileOperator.getContext().contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)?.use { i: InputStream -> //很简单,传入源文件地址就可以 val exifInterface = ExifInterface(i) val longitude = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE) val latitude = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE) val length = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH) val width = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH) val aperture = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_APERTURE_VALUE) //光圈 val iso = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_ISO_SPEED) val balance = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_WHITE_BALANCE) //白平衡 val exposure = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_EXPOSURE_TIME) //曝光时间 val foch_length = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_FOCAL_LENGTH) //焦距 val gps_altitude_ref = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE_REF) //海拔高度 val device_type = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_MODEL) val dateTime = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_DATETIME) val dateTimeOriginal = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_DATETIME_ORIGINAL) val dateTimeDigitized = exifInterface.getAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_DATETIME_DIGITIZED) //图片 // longitude = 0/1,0/1,0/1 // latitude=0/1,0/1,0/1 // device_type=NEX 3 5G // dateTime=2021:07:12 14:36:30 // dateTimeOriginal=2021:07:12 14:36:30 // dateTimeDigitized=2021:07:12 14:36:30 val jsonObject = JSONObject() jsonObject.put("●Uri", uri) jsonObject.put("●GPS经度 TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE", realValue(longitude)) jsonObject.put("●GPS纬度 TAG_GPS_LATITUDE", realValue(latitude)) jsonObject.put("●图像长度 TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH", realValue(length)) jsonObject.put("●图像宽度 TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH", realValue(width)) jsonObject.put("●光圈 TAG_APERTURE_VALUE", realValue(aperture)) jsonObject.put("●ISO感光度 TAG_ISO_SPEED", realValue(iso)) jsonObject.put("●白平衡 TAG_WHITE_BALANCE", realValue(balance)) jsonObject.put("●曝光时间 TAG_EXPOSURE_TIME", realValue(exposure)) jsonObject.put("●焦距 TAG_FOCAL_LENGTH", realValue(foch_length)) jsonObject.put("●GPS海拔高度 TAG_GPS_ALTITUDE_REF", realValue(gps_altitude_ref)) jsonObject.put("●设备类型 TAG_MODEL", realValue(device_type)) jsonObject.put("●图像被更改的日期和时间 TAG_DATETIME", realValue(dateTime)) jsonObject.put("●原始图像数据生成的日期和时间 TAG_DATETIME_ORIGINAL", realValue(dateTimeOriginal)) jsonObject.put("●图像被存储为数字数据的日期和时间 TAG_DATETIME_DIGITIZED", realValue(dateTimeDigitized)) return jsonObject } } catch (t: Throwable) { FileLogger.e("getMediaInfoByExifInterface: ${t.message}") } } return null } private fun realValue(any: Any?): String = "${any ?: "NULL"}" //File Check //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 检查 Uri 对应的文件是否为 图片 */ fun checkImage(uri: Uri?): Boolean { val options = BitmapFactory.Options() options.inJustDecodeBounds = true BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(FileGlobal.openFileDescriptor(uri, FileGlobal.MODE_READ_ONLY)?.fileDescriptor, null, options) return options.outWidth != -1 } /** * 1. 检查 Uri 是否正确 * 2. Uri 对应的文件是否存在 (可能是已删除, 也肯是系统 db 存有 Uri 相关记录, 但是文件失效或者损坏) * * EN * 1. Check if Uri is correct * 2. Whether the file corresponding to Uri exists (may be deleted, or the system db has Uri related records, but the file is invalid or damaged) * * */ fun checkUri(uri: Uri?): Boolean { if (uri == null) return false val resolver = FileOperator.getContext().contentResolver //1. Check Uri var cursor: Cursor? = null val isUriExist: Boolean = try { cursor = resolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null) //cursor null: content Uri was invalid or some other error occurred //cursor.moveToFirst() false: Uri was ok but no entry found. (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) } catch (t: Throwable) { FileLogger.e("1.Check Uri Error: ${t.message}") false } finally { try { cursor?.close() } catch (t: Throwable) { } } //2. Check File Exist //如果系统 db 存有 Uri 相关记录, 但是文件失效或者损坏 (If the system db has Uri related records, but the file is invalid or damaged) var ins: InputStream? = null val isFileExist: Boolean = try { ins = resolver.openInputStream(uri) // file exists true } catch (t: Throwable) { // File was not found eg: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) FileLogger.e("2. Check File Exist Error: ${t.message}") false } finally { try { ins?.close() } catch (t: Throwable) { } } return isUriExist && isFileExist } // File Extension //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * ### 通过文件 Uri 获取后缀 eg: txt, png, exe... * * - 先使用 ContentResolver 去查询, 如果返回""则再尝试使用Uri.toString()去查询 * * - 参考: [storage-samples/ActionOpenDocument]( */ fun getExtension(uri: Uri?): String { return uri?.use { var name = FileOperator.getContext().contentResolver.query(this, null, null, null, null)?.use { c: Cursor -> if (c.moveToFirst()) { val i = c.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME) getExtension(c.getString(if (i < 0) 0 else i)) } else "" } ?: "" if (name.isBlank()) name = getExtension(this.toString()) name } ?: "" } /** * Gets the extension of a file name, like ".png" or ".jpg". *

* url : https://app-xxx-oss/xxx.gif * or * fileName : xxx.gif * * @param fullExtension true ".png" ; false "png" * @return fullExtension=false, "gif"; * fullExtension=true, ".gif" substring时不加1 */ fun getExtension(pathOrName: String?, split: Char, fullExtension: Boolean = false): String { if (pathOrName.isNullOrBlank()) return "" val dot = pathOrName.lastIndexOf(split) return if (dot != -1) pathOrName.substring( if (fullExtension) dot else (dot + 1) ).lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) else "" // No extension. } /** * @return [√] "png" ; [×] ".png" */ fun getExtension(pathOrName: String): String = getExtension(pathOrName, '.', false) /** * @return [√] ".png" ; [×] "png" */ fun getExtensionFull(pathOrName: String): String = getExtension(pathOrName, '.', true) /** * 修改文件的后缀 * * eg: changeFileExtension(originName = "/xxx/xxx/test.txt", '.', "jpeg") */ fun changeFileExtension(pathOrName: String, split: Char, newExtension: String): String { if (pathOrName.isBlank()) { return "" } val dot = pathOrName.lastIndexOf(split) if (dot != -1) { val endIndex = dot + 1 return pathOrName.substring(0, endIndex).lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) + newExtension } return "" } //File Name //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * ### 路径分割 * * ``` * eg: * srcPath=/storage/emulated/0/Movies/myVideo.mp4 path=/storage/emulated/0/Movies name=myVideo suffix=mp4 nameSuffix=myVideo.mp4 * * /xxx/xxx/note.txt -> path: /xxx/xxx name: note suffix: txt * ///note.txt -> path: /// name: note suffix: txt * /note.txt -> path: "" name: note suffix: txt * note.txt -> path: "" name: note suffix: txt * ``` */ fun splitFilePath( srcPath: String?, nameSplit: Char = '/', suffixSplit: Char = '.', block: ((path: String, name: String, suffix: String, nameSuffix: String) -> Unit)? = null, ) { if (srcPath.isNullOrBlank()) return val cut = srcPath.lastIndexOf(nameSplit) // /xxx/xxx/note.txt +0: /xxx/xxx +1: /xxx/xxx/ val path = if (cut == -1) "" else srcPath.substring(0, cut) val nameSuffix = if (cut == -1) srcPath else srcPath.substring(cut + 1) val dot = nameSuffix.lastIndexOf(suffixSplit) if (dot != -1) { val suffix = nameSuffix.substring((dot + 1)).lowercase(Locale.getDefault()) val name = nameSuffix.substring(0, dot) FileLogger.d("splitFilePath srcPath=$srcPath path=$path name=$name suffix=$suffix nameSuffix=$nameSuffix") block?.invoke(path, name, suffix, nameSuffix) } } /** * abc.jpg -> abc */ fun getFileNameNoSuffix(path: String): String { var nameNoSuffix = path splitFilePath(srcPath = path) { _: String, name: String, _: String, _: String -> nameNoSuffix = name } return nameNoSuffix } /** * abc.jpg -> jpg */ fun getFileNameSuffix(path: String): String { var nameSuffix = path splitFilePath(srcPath = path) { _: String, _: String, suffix: String, _: String -> nameSuffix = suffix } return nameSuffix } /** * /storage/emulated/0/Movies/myVideo.mp4 -> /storage/emulated/0/Movies */ fun getFilePathFromFullPath(path: String?, split: Char = '/'): String? { if (path.isNullOrBlank()) return null val cut = path.lastIndexOf(split) // (cut+1): /storage/emulated/0/Movies/ if (cut != -1) return path.substring(0, cut) return path } /** * /storage/emulated/0/Movies/myVideo.mp4 -> myVideo.mp4 */ fun getFileNameFromPath(path: String?, split: Char = '/'): String? { if (path.isNullOrBlank()) return null val cut = path.lastIndexOf(split) if (cut != -1) return path.substring(cut + 1) return path } /** * /storage/emulated/0/Movies/myVideo.mp4 -> myVideo.mp4 */ fun getFileNameFromUri(uri: Uri?): String? = uri?.use { var filename: String? = null val resolver = FileOperator.getContext().contentResolver val mimeType = resolver.getType(uri) if (mimeType == null) { filename = getFileNameFromPath(getPathByUri(uri)) } else { resolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null)?.use { c: Cursor -> val nameIndex = c.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME) if (c.moveToFirst()) filename = c.getString(nameIndex) } } if (FileOperator.isDebug()) { FileLogger.i("getFileNameFromUri: $mimeType $filename") } filename } //File Read //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 读取文本文件中的内容 * * Read the contents of the text file */ fun readFileText(stream: InputStream?): String? { if (stream == null) return null val content = StringBuilder() try { val reader = InputStreamReader(stream) val bufferedReader = BufferedReader(reader) var line: String? while (bufferedReader.readLine().also { line = it } != null) { content.append(line).append("\n") } bufferedReader.close() reader.close() stream.close() } catch (e: Exception) { FileLogger.e(e.message) } return content.toString() } fun readFileText(uri: Uri?): String? = uri?.use { readFileText(FileOperator.getContext().contentResolver.openInputStream(this)) } fun readFileBytes(stream: InputStream?): ByteArray? = stream?.use { var byteArray: ByteArray? = null try { val buffer = ByteArrayOutputStream() var nRead: Int val data = ByteArray(1024) while (, 0, data.size).also { nRead = it } != -1) { buffer.write(data, 0, nRead) } buffer.flush() byteArray = buffer.toByteArray() buffer.close() } catch (e: IOException) { FileLogger.e("readFileBytes: ${e.message}") } return byteArray } fun readFileBytes(uri: Uri?): ByteArray? = uri?.use { readFileBytes(FileOperator.getContext().contentResolver.openInputStream(this)) } //File Write //---------------------------------------------------------------- fun createFile(file: File?, overwrite: Boolean = false): File? = createFile(file?.parent, file?.name, overwrite) /** * 创建文件 (Create a file) * * eg: filePath is getExternalCacheDir() , fileName is xxx.json * * System path: /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/ando.guard/cache/xxx.json */ fun createFile(filePath: String?, fileName: String?, overwrite: Boolean = false): File? { if (filePath.isNullOrBlank() || fileName.isNullOrBlank()) return null if (!createDirectory(filePath)) return null var file = File(filePath, fileName) if (file.exists()) { if (file.isDirectory) file.delete() if (!overwrite) { splitFilePath(fileName) { _, name, suffix, _ -> var index = 0 while (file.exists()) { index++ file = File(filePath, "$name($index).$suffix") //FileLogger.w("createFile ${file.path} exist=${file.exists()} ") } } } else file.delete() } try { if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile() } } catch (e: IOException) { FileLogger.e(e.toString()) } return file } /** * 创建目录 (Create a directory) */ fun createDirectory(filePath: String?): Boolean { if (filePath.isNullOrBlank()) return false val file = File(filePath) if (file.exists()) { if (!file.isDirectory) file.delete() else return true } return file.mkdirs() } /** * 把 ByteArray 写到 target(File) 中 (Write ByteArray to target(File)) * * eg: /storage/.../xxx.txt */ fun writeBytes2File(bytes: ByteArray, target: File): File { val channel: FileChannel = target.outputStream().channel channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)) channel.force(true)//强制刷新 channel.close() FileLogger.i("writeBytesToFile target= ${target.length()}") return target } fun write2File(bitmap: Bitmap, pathAndName: String?, overwrite: Boolean = false) { if (pathAndName.isNullOrBlank()) return write2File(bitmap, File(pathAndName), overwrite) } fun write2File(bitmap: Bitmap, filePath: String?, fileName: String?, overwrite: Boolean = false) { if (filePath.isNullOrBlank() || fileName.isNullOrBlank()) return write2File(bitmap, File(filePath, fileName), overwrite) } /** * Bitmap保存为本地文件 (Save Bitmap as a local file) */ fun write2File(bitmap: Bitmap, file: File?, overwrite: Boolean = false) { if (file == null) return if (file.exists()) { if (file.isDirectory) file.delete() if (overwrite) file.delete() else return } var out: BufferedOutputStream? = null try { out = BufferedOutputStream(FileOutputStream(file)) bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, out) } catch (e: FileNotFoundException) { FileLogger.e(e.message) } finally { out?.close() } } fun write2File(input: InputStream, pathAndName: String?, overwrite: Boolean = false): File? { if (pathAndName.isNullOrBlank()) return null return write2File(input, File(pathAndName), overwrite) } fun write2File(input: InputStream, filePath: String?, fileName: String?, overwrite: Boolean = false): File? { if (filePath.isNullOrBlank() || fileName.isNullOrBlank()) return null return write2File(input, File(filePath, fileName), overwrite) } fun write2File(input: InputStream, file: File?, overwrite: Boolean = false): File? { if (file == null) return null var target: File? = null var output: FileOutputStream? = null try { val dir = file.parentFile if (dir == null || !dir.exists()) { dir?.mkdirs() } if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory) file.delete() if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile() } else {//Exist if (overwrite) file.delete() else { if (file.exists()) { target = createFile(file, false) } } } output = if (!overwrite && target != null) FileOutputStream(target) else FileOutputStream(file) val b = ByteArray(8 * 1024) var length: Int while ( { length = it } != -1) { output.write(b, 0, length) } output.flush() } catch (e: IOException) { e.printStackTrace() } finally { try { input.close() output?.close() } catch (e: IOException) { e.printStackTrace() } } return target ?: file } //File Rename //---------------------------------------------------------------- fun renameFile(oldFileUri: Uri, newFileDirectory: String? = null, newFileName: String, newFileNameSuffix: String? = null): File? { return renameFile( oldFile = File(FileUri.getPathByUri(oldFileUri) ?: return null), newFileDirectory = newFileDirectory, newFileName = newFileName, newFileNameSuffix = newFileNameSuffix ) } fun renameFile(oldFilePath: String, newFileDirectory: String? = null, newFileName: String, newFileNameSuffix: String? = null): File? { return renameFile( oldFile = File(oldFilePath), newFileDirectory = newFileDirectory, newFileName = newFileName, newFileNameSuffix = newFileNameSuffix ) } /** * 重命名, 会覆盖原文件 * * @param newFileDirectory 新文件路径, 默认不变 * @param newFileName 新文件名称 * @param newFileNameSuffix 新文件后缀, 默认不变 * * @return 重命名成功后, 返回新的文件 */ fun renameFile(oldFile: File, newFileDirectory: String? = null, newFileName: String, newFileNameSuffix: String? = null): File? { val destDirectory = if (newFileDirectory.isNullOrBlank()) oldFile.parent else newFileDirectory val destFileSuffix = if (newFileNameSuffix.isNullOrBlank()) getFileNameSuffix( else newFileNameSuffix val dest = File(destDirectory, "$newFileName.$destFileSuffix") if (dest.exists()) dest.delete() return if (oldFile.renameTo(dest)) dest else null } //File Copy //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * ### 拷贝文件到指定路径和名称 (Copy the file to the specified path and name) * * 效率和`kotlin-stdlib-1.4.21.jar`中的``基本相当 * ```kotlin * fun File.copyTo(target: File, overwrite: Boolean = false, bufferSize: Int = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE): File * ``` * Usage: * ```kotlin * boolean copyResult = FileUtils.copyFile(fileOld, getExternalFilesDir(null).getPath(), "test.txt"); * File targetFile = new File(getExternalFilesDir(null).getPath() + "/" + "test.txt"); * ``` * * @param src 源文件 Source File * @param destFilePath 目标文件路径(Target file path) * @param destFileName 目标文件名称(Target file name) * @param overwrite 覆盖目标文件 */ fun copyFile( src: File, destFilePath: String, destFileName: String, overwrite: Boolean = false, ): File? { if (!src.exists() || destFilePath.isBlank() || destFileName.isBlank()) return null val dest: File? if (overwrite) { dest = File(destFilePath + File.separator + destFileName) if (dest.exists()) dest.delete() // delete file } else { dest = createFile(destFilePath, destFileName, false) } try { dest?.createNewFile() } catch (e: IOException) { FileLogger.e(e.toString()) } var srcChannel: FileChannel? = null var dstChannel: FileChannel? = null try { srcChannel = FileInputStream(src).channel dstChannel = FileOutputStream(dest).channel srcChannel.transferTo(0, srcChannel.size(), dstChannel) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } finally { srcChannel?.close() dstChannel?.close() } return dest } //File Delete //---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @return 返回0表示删除失败 (EN: Returns 0 to indicate that the deletion failed) */ fun deleteFile(uri: Uri?): Int = getPathByUri(uri)?.run { deleteFileWithoutExcludeNames(File(this), null) } ?: 0 fun deleteFile(pathAndName: String?): Int = if (pathAndName.isNullOrBlank()) 0 else deleteFileWithoutExcludeNames(File(pathAndName), null) /** * 删除文件或文件夹 * * Delete files or directories * * @param file * @return Int 删除`文件/文件夹`数量 (Delete the number of `file folders`) */ fun deleteFile(file: File?): Int = deleteFileWithoutExcludeNames(file, null) /** * 删除文件或文件夹 * * Delete files or directories *

* 建议异步处理 * * @param file `文件/文件夹` * @param excludeFiles 指定名称的一些`文件/文件夹`不做删除 (Some `files/directory` with specified names are not deleted) * @return Int 删除`文件/文件夹`数量 (Delete the number of `file folders`) */ fun deleteFileWithoutExcludeNames(file: File?, vararg excludeFiles: String?): Int { var count = 0 if (file == null || !file.exists()) return count if (file.isDirectory) { val children = file.listFiles() if (children.isNullOrEmpty() && shouldFileDelete(file, *excludeFiles)) { if (file.delete()) count++ //delete directory } else { var i = 0 while (children != null && i < children.size) { count += deleteFileWithoutExcludeNames(children[i], null) i++ } } } if (excludeFiles.isNullOrEmpty()) { if (file.delete()) count++ } else { if (shouldFileDelete(file, *excludeFiles)) if (file.delete()) count++ } return count } private fun shouldFileDelete(file: File, vararg excludeFiles: String?): Boolean { var shouldDelete = true excludeFiles.forEach { shouldDelete = (it?.equals(, true) != true) if (shouldDelete) return@forEach } return shouldDelete } fun deleteFilesNotDir(uri: Uri?): Boolean = getPathByUri(uri)?.run { deleteFilesNotDir(File(this)) } ?: false /** * 只删除文件,不删除文件夹 (Only delete files, not folders) * * 如果 `File(dirPath).isDirectory==false`, 那么将不做后续处理 * * If `File(dirPath).isDirectory==false`, then no subsequent processing will be done * * @param dirPath directory path */ fun deleteFilesNotDir(dirPath: String?): Boolean = if (dirPath.isNullOrBlank()) false else deleteFilesNotDir(File(dirPath)) /** * 只删除文件,不删除文件夹 (Only delete files, not folders) * * @param dir directory */ fun deleteFilesNotDir(dir: File?): Boolean { if (dir == null || !dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory) return false val children = dir.list() if (children.isNullOrEmpty()) return true val len = children.size var child: File? for (i in 0 until len) { child = File(dir, children[i]) val success: Boolean = if (child.isDirectory) { if (child.list() == null || child.list()?.isEmpty() == true) { continue } deleteFilesNotDir(child) } else { child.delete() } if (!success) return false if (i == len - 1) return true } return false } /** * 移除超过指定期限的文件(Remove files older than specified age) * eg: 移除超过一个月的文件(Remove files older than a month) maxFileAge=2678400000L * * @param directoryPath 期限 */ fun deleteFilesOutDate(directoryPath: String, maxFileAge: Long = 2678400000L) { // Used to examplify deletion of files more than 1 month old // Note the L that tells the compiler to interpret the number as a Long val MAXFILEAGE = maxFileAge // 1 month in milliseconds // Get file handle to the directory. In this case the application files dir val dir: File = File(directoryPath) // Obtain list of files in the directory. // listFiles() returns a list of File objects to each file found. val files = dir.listFiles() if (files.isNullOrEmpty()) return // Loop through all files for (f in files) { // Get the last modified date. Milliseconds since 1970 val lastModified = f.lastModified() // Do stuff here to deal with the file.. // For instance delete files older than 1 month if (lastModified + MAXFILEAGE < System.currentTimeMillis()) { f.delete() } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- fun isLocal(url: String?): Boolean = !url.isNullOrBlank() && !url.startsWith("http") && !url.startsWith("https") fun isGif(mimeType: String?): Boolean = !mimeType.isNullOrBlank() && mimeType.equals("image/gif", true) fun isGif(uri: Uri?): Boolean = if (uri == null) false else isGif(getMimeType(uri)) }