package ando.file.core import ando.file.core.FileOperator.getContext import android.content.Context import android.database.Cursor import import android.os.Build import android.provider.OpenableColumns import ando.file.core.FileSizeUtils.FileSizeType.* import ando.file.core.FileLogger.e import ando.file.core.FileLogger.i import ando.file.core.FileUri.getPathByUri import import java.math.BigDecimal /** * # FileSizeUtils * * - 1.计算文件大小: BigDecimal * * - 2.获取文件大小的方法只有两种(There are only two ways to get the file size): * * - File.length * - ContentResolver.query() */ object FileSizeUtils { enum class FileSizeType(val id: Int, val unit: String) { SIZE_TYPE_B(1, "B"), SIZE_TYPE_KB(2, "KB"), SIZE_TYPE_MB(3, "M"), SIZE_TYPE_GB(4, "GB"), SIZE_TYPE_TB(5, "TB") } // File/Dir Size //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 获取指定 `文件/文件夹` 大小 * * Get the size of the specified `file folder` */ @Throws(Exception::class) fun getFolderSize(file: File?): Long { var size = 0L if (file == null || !file.exists()) return size val files = file.listFiles() if (files.isNullOrEmpty()) return size for (i in files.indices) { size += if (files[i].isDirectory) getFolderSize(files[i]) else getFileSize(files[i]) } return size } /** * 计算`文件/文件夹`的大小 (Calculate the size of `file folder`) * * @param path 文件/文件夹的路径 * @param sizeType 指定要转换的单位类型 * @return 大小 double */ fun calculateFileOrDirSize(path: String?, scale: Int = 2, sizeType: FileSizeType): Double { if (path.isNullOrBlank()) return 0.00 return formatSizeByTypeWithoutUnit(calculateFileOrDirSize(path).toBigDecimal(), scale, sizeType).toDouble() } /** * 计算`文件/文件夹`的大小 (Calculate the size of `file folder`) * * @param path 文件/文件夹的路径 * @return Size */ fun calculateFileOrDirSize(path: String?): Long { if (path.isNullOrBlank()) return 0L val file = File(path) var blockSize = 0L try { blockSize = if (file.isDirectory) getFolderSize(file) else getFileSize(file) } catch (e: Exception) { e("Failed to get file size = $e") } i("Get file size = $blockSize") return blockSize } /** * 自动计算指定文件或指定文件夹的大小 (Automatically calculate the size of the specified file or specified folder) * * @param path 文件路径 * @return 带 B、KB、M、GB、TB 单位的字符串 */ fun getFileOrDirSizeFormatted(path: String?): String = formatFileSize(calculateFileOrDirSize(path)) /** * 获取文件大小 */ fun getFileSize(file: File?): Long = if (file?.exists() == true) file.length() else 0L fun getFileSize(uri: Uri?): Long = getFileSize(getContext(), uri) ?: 0L /** * ContentResolver.query 获取 `文件/文件夹` 大小 (Get the size of `file folder`) * * @return File Size, Unit Byte */ private fun getFileSize(context: Context, uri: Uri?): Long? = uri?.use { val zero = 0L val uriScheme = uri.scheme val cursor: Cursor? = context.contentResolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null) return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q || "content".equals(uriScheme, true)) { cursor?.use { c -> val sizeIndex: Int = c.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.SIZE) // 1.Technically the column stores an int, but cursor.getString() will do the conversion automatically. // it.getString(sizeIndex) // -> Caused by: android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 requested, with a size of 1 if (c.moveToFirst() && !c.isNull(sizeIndex)) c.getLong(sizeIndex) else zero } } else if ("file".equals(uriScheme, true)) File(getPathByUri(uri) ?: return zero).length() else zero } // format size //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 保留两位小数, 不带单位 (Keep two decimal places, no unit) */ fun formatFileSize(size: Long): String = formatFileSize(size, 2, true) /** * @param scale 精确到小数点以后几位 (Accurate to a few decimal places) */ fun formatFileSize(size: Long, scale: Int, withUnit: Boolean = false): String { val divisor = 1024L //ROUND_DOWN 1023 -> 1023B ; ROUND_HALF_UP 1023 -> 1KB val kiloByte: BigDecimal = formatSizeByTypeWithDivisor(BigDecimal.valueOf(size), scale, SIZE_TYPE_B, divisor) if (kiloByte.toDouble() < 1) { return "${kiloByte.toPlainString()}${if (withUnit) SIZE_TYPE_B.unit else ""}" } //KB val megaByte = formatSizeByTypeWithDivisor(kiloByte, scale, SIZE_TYPE_KB, divisor) if (megaByte.toDouble() < 1) { return "${kiloByte.toPlainString()}${if (withUnit) SIZE_TYPE_KB.unit else ""}" } //M val gigaByte = formatSizeByTypeWithDivisor(megaByte, scale, SIZE_TYPE_MB, divisor) if (gigaByte.toDouble() < 1) { return "${megaByte.toPlainString()}${if (withUnit) SIZE_TYPE_MB.unit else ""}" } //GB val teraBytes = formatSizeByTypeWithDivisor(gigaByte, scale, SIZE_TYPE_GB, divisor) if (teraBytes.toDouble() < 1) { return "${gigaByte.toPlainString()}${if (withUnit) SIZE_TYPE_GB.unit else ""}" } //TB return "${teraBytes.toPlainString()}${if (withUnit) SIZE_TYPE_TB.unit else ""}" } /** * ### 转换文件大小不带单位, 注:没有单位,可自定义. 如: sizeType为`FileSizeType.SIZE_TYPE_MB`则返回`2.383`, 即`2.383M` * * The converted file size does not have a unit. Note: There is no unit and can be customized. * For example: sizeType is `FileSizeType.SIZE_TYPE_MB` then returns `2.383`, that is, `2.383M` * * - BigDecimal 实现提供(相对)精确的除法运算。当发生除不尽的情况时(ArithmeticException),由scale参数指定精度,以后的数字四舍五入 * * - * *
     *      注: 禁止使用构造方法BigDecimal(double)的方式把double值转化为BigDecimal对象
     *      说明:反编译出的字节码文件显示每次循环都会new出一个StringBuilder对象,然后进行append操作,最后通过toString方法返回String对象,造成内存资源浪费。
     *      BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(megaByte));
* * @param size 大小 Byte * @param scale 精确到小数点以后几位 */ fun formatSizeByTypeWithoutUnit(size: BigDecimal, scale: Int, sizeType: FileSizeType): BigDecimal = size.divide( BigDecimal.valueOf( when (sizeType) { SIZE_TYPE_B -> 1L SIZE_TYPE_KB -> 1024L SIZE_TYPE_MB -> 1024L * 1024L SIZE_TYPE_GB -> 1024L * 1024L * 1024L SIZE_TYPE_TB -> 1024L * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L } ), scale, //ROUND_DOWN 1023 -> 1023B ; ROUND_HALF_UP 1023 -> 1KB if (sizeType == SIZE_TYPE_B) BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN else BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP ) fun formatSizeByTypeWithDivisor(size: BigDecimal, scale: Int, sizeType: FileSizeType, divisor: Long): BigDecimal = size.divide( BigDecimal.valueOf(divisor), scale, //ROUND_DOWN 1023 -> 1023B ; ROUND_HALF_UP 1023 -> 1KB if (sizeType == SIZE_TYPE_B) BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN else BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP ) /** * 转换文件大小带单位, 注:带单位 2.383M * * Convert file size with unit, note: with unit 2.383M */ fun formatSizeByTypeWithUnit(size: Long, scale: Int, sizeType: FileSizeType): String { return "${formatSizeByTypeWithoutUnit(size.toBigDecimal(), scale, sizeType).toPlainString()}${sizeType.unit}" } }