# Copyright 2018, 2019, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl. # The version of this inputs file. Do not modify. version: create-weblogic-sample-domain-inputs-v1 # Port number for admin server adminPort: 7001 # Name of the Admin Server adminServerName: admin-server # Unique ID identifying a domain. # This ID must not contain an underscope ("_"), and must be lowercase and unique across all domains # in a Kubernetes cluster. domainUID: sample-domain1 # Determines which WebLogic Servers the operator will start up # Legal values are "NEVER", "IF_NEEDED", or "ADMIN_ONLY" serverStartPolicy: IF_NEEDED # Cluster name clusterName: cluster-1 # Number of managed servers to generate for the domain configuredManagedServerCount: 5 # Number of managed servers to initially start for the domain initialManagedServerReplicas: 2 # Base string used to generate managed server names managedServerNameBase: managed-server # Port number for each managed server managedServerPort: 8001 # Boolean indicating if production mode is enabled for the domain productionModeEnabled: true # WebLogic Server Docker image that the operator uses to start the domain. # # The create domain scripts generate a WebLogic Server Docker image with a domain home in it. # By default, the scripts tag the generated WebLogic server Docker image as either # `domain-home-in-image` or `domain-home-in-image-wdt` based on the `domainHomeImageBuildPath` # property, and use it to set the `image` element in the generated domain YAML file. # # If this property is set, the create domain scripts will use the value specified, instead of the # default value, to tag the generated image and set the `image` in the domain YAML file. # # A unique value is required for each domain that is created using the scripts. # # If you are running the sample scripts from a machine that is remote to the Kubernetes cluster where # the domain is going to be running, you need to set this property to the image name that is intended # to be used in a registry local to that Kubernetes cluster. You also need to push the `image` to # that registry before starting the domain using the `kubectl create -f` or `kubectl apply -f` command. # See README.md for more help. image: javiermugueta/weblogic: # Image pull policy # Legal values are "IfNotPresent", "Always", or "Never" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Name of the Kubernetes secret to access the Docker Store to pull the WebLogic Server Docker image # The presence of the secret will be validated when this parameter is enabled. imagePullSecretName: containerregistryoraclecom # Name of the Kubernetes secret for the Admin Server's username and password # The name must be lowercase. # If not specified, the value is derived from the domainUID as -weblogic-credentials weblogicCredentialsSecretName: sample-domain1-weblogic-credentials # Whether to include server .out to the pod's stdout. # The default is true. includeServerOutInPodLog: true # Specifies whether the log home is stored on the persistent volume. # If set to true, then you must specify the 'logHome', 'persistentVolumeClaimName' # and 'domainPVMountPath' properties. # The default is false. logHomeOnPV: false # The in-pod location for domain log, server logs, server out, and node manager log files # If not specified, the value is derived from the domainUID as /shared/logs/ # This parameter is required if 'logHomeOnPV' is true. # Otherwise, it is ignored. logHome: /shared/logs/domain1 # Port for the T3Channel of the NetworkAccessPoint t3ChannelPort: 30012 # Public address for T3Channel of the NetworkAccessPoint. This value should be set to the # kubernetes server address, which you can get by running "kubectl cluster-info". If this # value is not set to that address, WLST will not be able to connect from outside the # kubernetes cluster. #t3PublicAddress: # Boolean to indicate if the channel should be exposed as a service exposeAdminT3Channel: false # NodePort to expose for the admin server adminNodePort: 30701 # Boolean to indicate if the adminNodePort will be exposed exposeAdminNodePort: true # Name of the domain namespace namespace: sample-domain1-ns # Java Option for WebLogic Server javaOptions: -Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false # Name of the persistent volume claim # If not specified, the value is derived from the domainUID as -weblogic-sample-pvc # This parameter is required if 'logHomeOnPV' is true. # Otherwise, it is ignored. persistentVolumeClaimName: domain1-weblogic-sample-pvc # Mount path of the domain persistent volume. # This parameter is required if 'logHomeOnPV' is true. # Otherwise, it is ignored. domainPVMountPath: /shared # Base WebLogic binary image used to build the WebLogic domain image # The operator requires WebLogic Server with patch 29135930 applied. # The WebLogic Docker image, `weblogic:`, has all the necessary patches applied. # Refer to [WebLogic Docker images](../../../../../site/weblogic-docker-images.md) for details on how # to obtain or create the image. # See README.md for more help. domainHomeImageBase: container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/weblogic: # Location of the WebLogic "domain home in image" Docker image sample in the # `https://github.com/oracle/docker-images.git` project. # If not specified, use "./docker-images/OracleWebLogic/samples/12213-domain-home-in-image". # Another possible value is "./docker-images/OracleWebLogic/samples/12213-domain-home-in-image-wdt", # which uses WDT, instead of WLST, to generate the domain configuration. domainHomeImageBuildPath: ./docker-images/OracleWebLogic/samples/12213-domain-home-in-image