# DemoSecrets This project is helps us to how we can manage the secrets in the configurations `(appsetting.json)` **For debuging in local** `Right click Project`->`Manage user secrets` Then manage all your secrets in `secrets.json` **Managing secrets in Azure KeyVault** update the appsettings.json with corresponding values `"myConnectionString": <your actual connection string>, "Vault": <keyvaultname>, "ClientId": <application id>, "ClientSecret": <application id secret> ` Find the full article explaination [here in TechNet](https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/51871.net-core-2-managing-secrets-in-web-apps.aspx) **Priority of getting values from config** 1. AzureKeyVault 2. secrets.json 3. appsetting.json