#!/bin/bash # SafeSearch List Generator for Pi-hole 4.0 and above # Created by Jayke Peters ## Define Global Variables ## ENABLE IN PIHOLE? YOUTUBE=False me=`basename "$0"` VERSION="1.6.1" # Fixed IP Address for Duckduckgo. Added SafeSearch for pixabay..., also fixed spelling error file="/tmp/safesearch.txt" conf="/etc/dnsmasq.d/05-restrict.conf" url="https://www.google.com/supported_domains" ## Logging Variables log="/var/log/${me}.log" maxRuns=10 ## Arrays # Host Records!!! hostRecords=( "host-record=forcesafesearch.google.com," "host-record=safe.duckduckgo.com," "host-record=restrict.youtube.com," "host-record=strict.bing.com," "host-record=safesearch.pixabay.com," ) ytSS=( "cname=www.youtube.com,restrict.youtube.com" "cname=m.youtube.com,restrict.youtube.com" "cname=youtubei.googleapis.com,restrict.youtube.com" "cname=youtube.googleapis.com,restrict.youtube.com" "cname=www.youtube-nocookie.com,restrict.youtube.com" ) bingSS=( "cname=bing.com,www.bing.com,strict.bing.com" ) badEXACT=( "www.ecosia.org" "images.search.yahoo.com" "video.search.yahoo.com" "search.aol.com" "gibiru.com" "www.startpage.com" ) duckduckgoSS=( "cname=duckduckgo.com,www.duckduckgo.com,start.duckduckgo.com,safe.duckduckgo.com" "cname=duck.com,www.duck.com,safe.duckduckgo.com" ) pixabaySS=( "cname=pixabay.com,safesearch.pixabay.com" ) REGEX=( "(^|\.).+xxx$" "(^|\.).+sexy$" "(^|\.).+webcam$" "(^|\.).+sex$" "(^|\.).+porn$" "(^|\.).+tube$" "(^|\.).+cam$" "(^|\.).+adult$" ) ## Setup Logging exec 2>>$log logger() { write() { echo [`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%3N'`]: "$*" >> $log } print() { echo [`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%3N'`]: "$*" } all() { write "$*" print "$*" } pass() { echo "$*" } error() { write "$*" pass "$*" } begin() { # Enforce Run Count runNum=$(cat $log | grep 'STARTED' | wc -l) if [ $runNum == $maxRuns ]; then print FLUSHING LOG rm -rf $log fi write STARTED } end() { write STOPPED # https://wtanaka.com/node/7719 end=$(cat $log|awk '{print length}'|sort -nr|head -1) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5349718/how-can-i-repeat-a-character-in-bash line=$(for ((i=1; i<=$end; i++)); do echo -n =; done) pass $line >> $log } # Take Input "$@" } ## Check Sudo if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ];then echo "Please run this script with sudo!" exit 1 fi ## START LOGGING EVERYTHING logger begin silently() { "$@" &>/dev/null } preCheck() { # Check for sudo rights checkSudo # Is there an old file? if [ -f "$file" ]; then logger all Removing "$file" rm "$file" fi } generate() { # Download List into an Array logger all Retrieving List from Google domains=($(curl $url 2>/dev/null)) # Append File Header echo "# $file generated on $(date '+%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') by $(hostname)" >> "${file}" echo "# Google SafeSearch Implementation" >> "${file}" # Add host records for line in "${hostRecords[@]}"; do echo "$line" >> "${file}" done # Generate list of domains for domain in "${domains[@]}"; do dom=$(echo $domain | cut -c 2-) echo cname=$dom,"www""$domain",forcesafesearch.google.com >> "${file}" done # Get the number of domains count=$(cat $file | grep 'forcesafesearch.google.com' | wc -l) total=$(($count * 2)) logger all ''$count' TLDs' logger all ''$total' Domains' # YouTube SafeSearch if [ "$YOUTUBE" == "True" ]; then for line in "${ytSS[@]}" do echo "$line" >> "${file}" done fi # DuckDuckGo SafeSearch for line in "${duckduckgoSS[@]}" do echo "$line" >> "${file}" done # Bing Strict Setting for line in "${bingSS[@]}" do echo "$line" >> "${file}" done # Pixabay for line in "${pixabaySS[@]}" do echo "$line" >> "${file}" done # Enable In Hosts and Pi-hole if [ "$ENABLE" == "True" ]; then logger all 'ENABLING SAFESEARCH FOR PI-HOLE' if [ -f "$conf" ]; then rm -Rf "$conf" cp -R "$file" "$conf" else cp -R "$file" "$conf" fi for host in "${ssHosts[@]}"; do if ! grep -Fxq "$host" "$hosts"; then echo "$host" >> "$hosts" fi done # Extra Blocking logger all 'BLOCKING OTHER BAD SITES' silently pihole -b "${badEXACT[@]}" silently pihole --regex "${REGEX[@]}" # We do not need to do "pihole restartdns" # The above commands reload it every time... fi } main() { preCheck generate } quiet() { silently main } web() { silently main logger pass $file } help() { # Log Invalid Arguments if [ ! -z "$*" ]; then # https://linuxconfig.org/how-do-i-print-all-arguments-submitted-on-a-command-line-from-a-bash-script args=("$@") logger error INVALID ARGUMENT: "${args[@]}" sleep 1 clear fi # Print Usage Information clear logger pass "$me version $version Usage: $me [options] Example: '$me --web' -e, --enable Enable SafeSearch -d, --disable Disable SafeSearch -w, --web For use with PHP Script -s, --silent Execute Script Silently -v, --version Display the Script's Version -h, --help Display this help message" } enable() { ENABLE=True main } disable() { logger all 'Removing Temp File' rm -rf "$file" logger all 'Removing Config File' rm -rf "$conf" logger all 'Unblocking Domains and TLDs' silently pihole regex --delmode "${REGEX[@]}" silently pihole blacklist --delmode "${badEXACT[@]}" logger all 'Restarting DNS' silently pihole restartdns logger all 'SafeSearch is Disabled!' } ## Check for user input if [[ $# = 0 ]]; then main else logger write "ARGUMENTS: $1" case "${1}" in *e | *enable ) enable;; *d | *disable) disable;; *w | *web ) web;; *s | *silent* ) quiet;; *v | *version) echo -e 'Current Version:\t' "$VERSION";; *h | *help ) help;; * ) help "$@";; esac fi ## STOP LOGGING EVERYTHING logger end