#Requires -Version 5 # # To run this script remotely type this in your PowerShell # (where ... are the arguments you want to pass to JBang): # iex "& { $(iwr -useb https://ps.jbang.dev) } ..." # # An alternative way is to type: # & ([scriptblock]::Create($(iwr -useb https://ps.jbang.dev))) ... # Which even allows you to store the command in a variable for re-use: # $jbang = ([scriptblock]::Create($(iwr -useb https://ps.jbang.dev))) # & $jbang ... # $old_erroractionpreference=$erroractionpreference $erroractionpreference='stop' $old_progresspreference=$global:progresspreference $global:progresspreference='SilentlyContinue' # Check that we're running the correct PowerShell if (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) -lt 5) { [Console]::Error.WriteLine("PowerShell 5 or later is required to run. For instruction on how to update,") [Console]::Error.WriteLine("see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/setup/installing-windows-powershell") break } # Check that the correct Execution Policy is set $allowedExecutionPolicy = @('Unrestricted', 'RemoteSigned', 'ByPass') if ((Get-ExecutionPolicy).ToString() -notin $allowedExecutionPolicy) { [Console]::Error.WriteLine("PowerShell requires an execution policy in [$($allowedExecutionPolicy -join ", ")] to continue.") [Console]::Error.WriteLine("For example, to set the execution policy to 'RemoteSigned' please run :") [Console]::Error.WriteLine("'Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser'") break } if ([System.Enum]::GetNames([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]) -notcontains 'Tls12') { [Console]::Error.WriteLine(".NET Framework 4.5 or later is required to run. For instructions on how to update,") [Console]::Error.WriteLine("see: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download") break } # The Java version to install when it's not installed on the system yet if (-not (Test-Path env:JBANG_DEFAULT_JAVA_VERSION)) { $javaVersion='17' } else { $javaVersion=$env:JBANG_DEFAULT_JAVA_VERSION } $os='windows' $arch='x64' $libc_type='c_std_lib' if (-not (Test-Path env:JBANG_JDK_VENDOR)) { if (($javaVersion -eq 8) -or ($javaVersion -eq 11) -or ($javaVersion -ge 17)) { $distro='temurin' } else { $distro='aoj' } } else { $distro=$env:JBANG_JDK_VENDOR } if (-not (Test-Path env:JBANG_DIR)) { $JBDIR="$env:userprofile\.jbang" } else { $JBDIR=$env:JBANG_DIR } if (-not (Test-Path env:JBANG_CACHE_DIR)) { $TDIR="$JBDIR\cache" } else { $TDIR=$env:JBANG_CACHE_DIR } # resolve application jar path from script location and convert to windows path when using cygwin if (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\jbang.jar") { $jarPath="$PSScriptRoot\jbang.jar" } elseif (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\.jbang\jbang.jar") { $jarPath="$PSScriptRoot\.jbang\jbang.jar" } else { if (-not (Test-Path "$JBDIR\bin\jbang.jar") -or -not (Test-Path "$JBDIR\bin\jbang.ps1")) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$TDIR\urls" >$null 2>&1 if (-not (Test-Path env:JBANG_DOWNLOAD_VERSION)) { $jburl="https://github.com/jbangdev/jbang/releases/latest/download/jbang.zip" } else { $jburl="https://github.com/jbangdev/jbang/releases/download/v$env:JBANG_DOWNLOAD_VERSION/jbang.zip"; } [Console]::Error.WriteLine("Downloading JBang $env:JBANG_DOWNLOAD_VERSION...") try { Invoke-WebRequest "$jburl" -OutFile "$TDIR\urls\jbang.zip"; $ok=$? } catch { $ok=$false $err=$_ } if (-not ($ok)) { [Console]::Error.WriteLine("Error downloading JBang from $jburl to $TDIR\urls\jbang.zip") [Console]::Error.WriteLine($err) break } [Console]::Error.WriteLine("Installing JBang...") Remove-Item -LiteralPath "$TDIR\urls\jbang" -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore >$null 2>&1 try { Expand-Archive -Path "$TDIR\urls\jbang.zip" -DestinationPath "$TDIR\urls"; $ok=$? } catch { $ok=$false $err=$_ } if (-not ($ok)) { [Console]::Error.WriteLine("Error unzipping JBang from $TDIR\urls\jbang.zip to $TDIR\urls") [Console]::Error.WriteLine($err) break } New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$JBDIR\bin" >$null 2>&1 Remove-Item -LiteralPath "$JBDIR\bin\jbang" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore >$null 2>&1 Remove-Item -Path "$JBDIR\bin\jbang.*" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore >$null 2>&1 Copy-Item -Path "$TDIR\urls\jbang\bin\*" -Destination "$JBDIR\bin" -Force >$null 2>&1 } . "$JBDIR\bin\jbang.ps1" @args break } if (Test-Path "$jarPath.new") { # a new jbang version was found, we replace the old one with it Move-Item -Path "$jarPath.new" -Destination "$jarPath" -Force } # Find/get a JDK $JAVA_EXEC="" if (Test-Path env:JAVA_HOME) { # Determine if a (working) JDK is available in JAVA_HOME if (Test-Path "$env:JAVA_HOME\bin\javac.exe") { $JAVA_EXEC="$env:JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe" } else { [Console]::Error.WriteLine("JAVA_HOME is set but does not seem to point to a valid Java JDK") } } if ($JAVA_EXEC -eq "") { # Determine if a (working) JDK is available on the PATH $ok=$false; try { if (Get-Command "javac") { $ok=$true } } catch {} if ($ok) { $env:JAVA_HOME="" $JAVA_EXEC="java.exe" } elseif (Test-Path "$JBDIR\currentjdk\bin\javac") { $env:JAVA_HOME="$JBDIR\currentjdk" $JAVA_EXEC="$JBDIR\currentjdk\bin\java" } else { $env:JAVA_HOME="$TDIR\jdks\$javaVersion" $JAVA_EXEC="$env:JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe" # Check if we installed a JDK before if (-not (Test-Path "$TDIR\jdks\$javaVersion")) { # If not, download and install it New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$TDIR\jdks" >$null 2>&1 [Console]::Error.WriteLine("Downloading JDK $javaVersion. Be patient, this can take several minutes...") $jdkurl="https://api.foojay.io/disco/v3.0/directuris?distro=$distro&javafx_bundled=false&libc_type=$libc_type&archive_type=zip&operating_system=$os&package_type=jdk&version=$javaVersion&architecture=$arch&latest=available" try { Invoke-WebRequest "$jdkurl" -OutFile "$TDIR\bootstrap-jdk.zip"; $ok=$? } catch { $ok=$false } if (-not ($ok)) { [Console]::Error.WriteLine("Error downloading JDK"); break } [Console]::Error.WriteLine("Installing JDK $javaVersion...") Remove-Item -LiteralPath "$TDIR\jdks\$javaVersion.tmp" -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore >$null 2>&1 try { Expand-Archive -Path "$TDIR\bootstrap-jdk.zip" -DestinationPath "$TDIR\jdks\$javaVersion.tmp"; $ok=$? } catch { $ok=$false } if (-not ($ok)) { [Console]::Error.WriteLine("Error installing JDK"); break } $dirs=Get-ChildItem -Directory -Path "$TDIR\jdks\$javaVersion.tmp" foreach ($d in $dirs) { $p=$d.FullName Move-Item -Path "$p\*" -Destination "$TDIR\jdks\$javaVersion.tmp" -Force } # Check if the JDK was installed properly $ok=$false; try { & $TDIR\jdks\$javaVersion.tmp\bin\javac -version >$null 2>&1; $ok=$true } catch {} if (-not ($ok)) { [Console]::Error.WriteLine("Error installing JDK"); break } # Activate the downloaded JDK giving it its proper name Rename-Item -Path "$TDIR\jdks\$javaVersion.tmp" -NewName "$javaVersion" >$null 2>&1 # Set the current JDK & "$JAVA_EXEC" -classpath "$jarPath" dev.jbang.Main jdk default $javaVersion } } } $env:JBANG_RUNTIME_SHELL="powershell" $env:JBANG_STDIN_NOTTY=$MyInvocation.ExpectingInput $env:JBANG_LAUNCH_CMD = $PSCommandPath $output = & "$JAVA_EXEC" $env:JBANG_JAVA_OPTIONS -classpath "$jarPath" dev.jbang.Main @args $err=$LASTEXITCODE $erroractionpreference=$old_erroractionpreference $global:progresspreference=$old_progresspreference if ($err -eq 255) { Invoke-Expression "& $output" } elseif ($output -ne "") { Write-Output $output break } else { break }