"; $output .= "$fDate  $fTime"; $output .= "

"; $output .= ""; $output .= ""; $counter += 1; } $fDur = ($tNow - $fModTime) / 3600; $hours = number_format($fDur,1); // hours with 1 decimal place $tString = @date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $tNow); echo "Thumbnails"; echo "
"; diskSpace($pathToVideo); // print disk usage echo "    PiKrellCam     "; echo "{$counter} in {$hours} hr"; echo "

"; echo $output; // send out the completed HTML web page echo "
"; // end of HTML file } function diskSpace( $vdir ){ // http://www.thecave.info/display-disk-free-space-percentage-in-php/ $df = disk_free_space($vdir); // total free $dt = disk_total_space($vdir); // total on disk $du = sprintf('%.0f',($dt - $df) / (1024*1024));; // total used (Mbytes) $dp = sprintf('%.1f',(($dt - $df) / $dt) * 100); // percent used echo "{$du} MB  (${dp} %)"; } showGallery("media/videos/","media/thumbs/"); // video and thumbnail directories ?>