#!/bin/sh URLBASIC="https://plex.tv/api/downloads/5.json" URLPLEXPASS="https://plex.tv/api/downloads/5.json?channel=plexpass" DOWNLOADPATH="/tmp" LOGPATH="/var/log" LOGFILE="PMS_Updater.log" PMSPARENTPATH="/usr/local/share" PMSLIVEFOLDER="plexmediaserver-plexpass" PMSBAKFOLDER="plexmediaserver-plexpass.bak" SERVICENAME="plexmediaserver_plexpass" export PYTHONHOME="$PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/Resources/Python" CERTFILE="/usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt" AUTOUPDATE=0 FORCEUPDATE=0 VERBOSE=0 REMOVE=0 LOGGING=1 PLEXPASS=1 # Initialize CURRENTVER to the script max so if reading the current version fails # for some reason we don't blindly clobber things CURRENTVER=9999.9999.9999.9999.9999 usage() { cat << EOF usage: $0 options This script will search the plex.tv download site for a download link and if it is newer than the currently installed version the script will download and optionaly install the new version. OPTIONS: -u PlexPass username If -u is specified without -p then the script will prompt the user to enter the password when needed -p PlexPass password -c PlexPass user/password file When wget is run with username and password on the command line, that information is displayed in the process list for all to see. A more secure method is to create a file readable only by root that is formatted like this: user={Your Username Here} password={Your Password Here} -l Local file to install instead of latest from Plex.tv -d download folder (default /tmp) Ignored if -l is used -a Auto Update to newer version -f Force Update even if version is not newer -r Remove update packages older than current version Done before any update actions are taken. -v Verbose -n Use normal version (not PlexPass) version EOF } ## LogMsg() ## READS: STDIN (Piped input) $1 (passed in string) $LOGPATH $LOGFILE ## MODIFIES: NONE ## ## Writes log entries to $LOGGINGPATH/$LOGGINGFILE LogMsg() { if [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then SWITCH="-n"; fi while read IN; do tdStamp=`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M.%S"` if [ $LOGGING = 1 ]; then echo "$tdStamp $IN" >> $LOGPATH/$LOGFILE; fi if [ $VERBOSE = 1 ] || [ "$1" = "-f" ]; then echo $SWITCH $IN; fi done } ## verNum() ## READS: $1 (passed in string) ## MODIFIES: NONE ## ## Converts the Plex version string to a mathmatically comparable ## number by removing non numericals and padding each section with zeros ## so v0. becomes 00000009000900100485 ## NOTE: Plex version numbers appear to have changed from something like ## v0. ## to ## v1.0.0.2261-a17e99e ## Unfortunately this makes the new 1.X versions appear to be an older ## version than the 0.9.X versions. This sed hack will append a .0 version ## to the 1.X version so that it will now behave correctly. The new 1.X will ## now looks omething like: ## ## And will convert it to the proper long form such as: ## 00010000000022610000 verNum() { echo "$@" | sed -e 's/^.*[^\.]\([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\)\([^\.]\)/\1.0\2/' | awk -F. '{ printf("%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d", $1,$2,$3,$4,$5)}' } ## removeOlder() ## READS: $DOWNLOADPATH $PMSPATTERN $CURRENTVER $VERBOSE $LOGGING ## MODIFIES: NONE ## ## Searches $DOWNLOADPATH for PMS install packages and removes versions older ## than $CURRENTVER removeOlder() { for FOUNDINSTALLFILE in `ls $DOWNLOADPATH/$PMSPATTERN` do { if [ $(verNum `basename $FOUNDINSTALLFILE`) -lt $(verNum $CURRENTVER) ]; then { echo Removing $FOUNDINSTALLFILE | LogMsg rm -f $FOUNDINSTALLFILE 2>&1 | LogMsg } fi } done } ## webGet() ## READS: $1 (URL) $DOWNLOADPATH $USERPASSFILE $USERNAME $PASSWORD $VERBOSE $LOGGING ## MODIFIES: NONE ## ## invoke wget with configured account info webGet() { local LOGININFO="" local QUIET="--quiet" if [ $PLEXPASS = 1 ]; then if [ ! "x$USERPASSFILE" = "x" ] && [ -e $USERPASSFILE ]; then LOGININFO="--config=$USERPASSFILE" elif [ ! "x$USERNAME" = "x" ]; then if [ "x$PASSWORD" = "x" ]; then LOGININFO="--http-user=$USERNAME --ask-password" else LOGININFO="--http-user=$USERNAME --http-password=$PASSWORD" fi fi fi if [ $VERBOSE = 1 ]; then QUIET=""; fi echo Downloading $1 | LogMsg wget $QUIET $LOGININFO --auth-no-challenge --ca-certificate=$CERTFILE --timestamping --directory-prefix="$DOWNLOADPATH" "$1" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo Error downloading $1 exit 1 else echo Download Complete | LogMsg fi } ## findLatest() ## READS: $URLBASIC $URLPLEXPASS $DOWNLOADPATH $PMSPATTERN $VERBOSE $lOGGING ## MODIFIES: $DOWNLOADURL ## ## connects to the Plex.tv download site and scrapes for the latest download link findLatest() { if [ $PLEXPASS = 1 ]; then local URL=$URLPLEXPASS; else local URL=$URLBASIC; fi if [ $VERBOSE = 1 ]; then echo Using URL $URL; fi local SCRAPEFILE=`basename $URL` webGet "$URL" || exit $? echo Searching $URL for the FreeBSD download URL ..... | LogMsg -n DOWNLOADURL=`cat $DOWNLOADPATH/$SCRAPEFILE | $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/Plex\ Script\ Host -c 'import sys, json; myobj = json.load(sys.stdin); print(myobj["computer"]["FreeBSD"]["releases"][0]["url"]);'` if [ "x$DOWNLOADURL" = "x" ]; then { # DOWNLOADURL is zero length, i.e. nothing matched PMSPATTERN. Error and exit echo Could not find a FreeBSD download link on page $URL | LogMsg -f exit 1 } else { echo Done. | LogMsg -f } fi } ## applyUpdate() ## READS: $PMSPARENTPATH $PMSLIVEFOLDER $PMSBAKFOLDER $LOCALINSTALLFILE $VERBOSE $LOGGING ## MODIFIES: NONE ## ## Removes anything in the specified backup location, stops ## Plex, moves the current to backup, then tries to extract the new zip ## to the live location. If there is an error while unpacking the files ## are deleted and the backup is moved back. Plex is then started. ## It could be possible to check status after starting a new plex and ## rolling back if it does not start, should check that it is running ## properly before hand to avoid constantly trying to update a broken ## install applyUpdate() { echo Removing previous PMS Backup ..... | LogMsg -n rm -rf $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSBAKFOLDER 2>&1 | LogMsg echo Done. | LogMsg -f echo Stopping Plex Media Server .....| LogMsg -n service $SERVICENAME stop 2>&1 echo Done. | LogMsg -f echo Moving current Plex Media Server to backup location .....| LogMsg -n mv $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/ $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSBAKFOLDER/ 2>&1 | LogMsg echo Done. | LogMsg -f echo Extracting $LOCALINSTALLFILE .....| LogMsg -n mkdir $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/ 2>&1 | LogMsg tar -xj --strip-components 1 --file $LOCALINSTALLFILE --directory $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/ 2>&1 | LogMsg -f if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then { echo Error exctracting $LOCALINSTALLFILE. Rolling back to previous version. | LogMsg -f rm -rf $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/ 2>&1 | LogMsg -f mv $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSBAKFOLDER/ $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/ 2>&1 | LogMsg -f } else { echo Done. | LogMsg -f } fi ln -s $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/Plex\ Media\ Server $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/Plex_Media_Server 2>&1 | LogMsg ln -s $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/lib/libpython2.7.so.1 $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/libpython2.7.so 2>&1 | LogMsg echo Starting Plex Media Server .....| LogMsg -n service $SERVICENAME start echo Done. | LogMsg -f } while getopts x."u:p:c:l:d:afvrn" OPTION do case $OPTION in u) USERNAME=$OPTARG ;; p) PASSWORD=$OPTARG ;; c) USERPASSFILE=$OPTARG ;; l) LOCALINSTALLFILE=$OPTARG ;; d) DOWNLOADPATH=$OPTARG ;; a) AUTOUPDATE=1 ;; f) FORCEUPDATE=1 ;; v) VERBOSE=1 ;; r) REMOVE=1 ;; n) PLEXPASS=0 ;; ?) usage; exit 1 ;; esac done # Change variables depending on PLEXPASS option. if [ $PLEXPASS = 0 ]; then { PMSLIVEFOLDER="plexmediaserver" PMSBAKFOLDER="plexmediaserver.bak" SERVICENAME="plexmediaserver" } fi # Get the current version CURRENTVER=`export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/lib; $PMSPARENTPATH/$PMSLIVEFOLDER/Plex\ Media\ Server --version` if [ $REMOVE = 1 ]; then removeOlder; fi if [ "x$LOCALINSTALLFILE" = "x" ]; then { # No local source provided, check the web findLatest || exit $? if [ $FORCEUPDATE = 1 ] || [ $(verNum `basename $DOWNLOADURL`) -gt $(verNum $CURRENTVER) ]; then { webGet "$DOWNLOADURL" || exit $? LOCALINSTALLFILE="$DOWNLOADPATH/`basename $DOWNLOADURL`" } else { echo Already running latest version $CURRENTVER | LogMsg exit } fi } elif [ ! $FORCEUPDATE = 1 ] && [ $(verNum `basename $LOCALINSTALLFILE`) -le $(verNum $CURRENTVER) ]; then { echo Already running version $CURRENTVER | LogMsg echo Use -f to force install $LOCALINSTALLFILE | LogMsg exit } fi # If either update flag is set then verify archive integrity and install if [ $FORCEUPDATE = 1 ] || [ $AUTOUPDATE = 1 ]; then { echo Verifying $LOCALINSTALLFILE ..... | LogMsg -n bzip2 -t $LOCALINSTALLFILE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then { echo $LOCALINSTALLFILE is not a valid archive, cannot update with this file. | LogMsg -f } else { echo Done | LogMsg -f applyUpdate } fi } fi