function d3waffle() { var margin = {top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10}, icon = "■", scale = 1, rows = 10, adjust = 0.8, colorscale = d3.scale.category20(), appearancetimes = function(d, i){ return 500; }, height = 200, magic_padding = 5; function chart(selection) { selection.each(function(data) { selection.selectAll("*").remove(); /* setting parameters and data */ var idcontainer = selection[0][0].id; // I need to change thiz plz var total = d3.sum(data, function(d) { return d.value; }); /* updating data */ data.forEach(function(d, i){ data[i].class = slugify(; data[i].scalevalue = Math.round(data[i].value*scale); data[i].percent = data[i].value/total; }); var totalscales = d3.sum(data, function(d){ return d.scalevalue; }) var cols = Math.ceil(totalscales/rows); var griddata = cartesianprod(d3.range(cols), d3.range(rows)); var detaildata = []; data.forEach(function(d){ d3.range(d.scalevalue).forEach(function(e){ detaildata.push({ name:, class: d.class }) }); }); detaildata.forEach(function(d, i){ detaildata[i].col = griddata[i][0]; detaildata[i].row = griddata[i][1]; }) /*console.log("detail data length: ", detaildata.length)*/ var gridSize = ((height - - margin.bottom) / rows) /* setting the container */ var svg = selection.append("svg") .attr("width", "100%") .attr("height", height + "px") .append("g") .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")") .style("cursor", "default"); var tooltip ="body") .append("div") .attr("class", "waffle-tooltip") .style("position", "absolute") .style("text-align", "right") .style("background", "#333") .style("margin", "3px") .style("color","white") .style("padding","3px") .style("border","0px") .style("border-radius","3px") // 3px rule .style("opacity",0) .style("cursor", "default"); var nodes = svg.selectAll(".node") .data(detaildata) .enter().append("g") .attr("class", "node") .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + (d.col)*gridSize + "," + (rows - d.row - 1)*gridSize + ")"; }); /* this is necesary, when the icons are small/thin activate mouseout */ nodes.append("text") .style("opacity", 0) .html(icon) .attr('class', function(d){ return d.class; }) .attr('font-family', 'FontAwesome') .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + gridSize/2 + "," + 5/6*gridSize + ")"; }) .style("text-anchor", "middle") .style('fill', function(d){ return colorscale(d.class); }) .style("font-size", function(d) { val = 9; val2 = 2.5; textsize = Math.min(val2 * gridSize, (val2 * gridSize - val) / this.getComputedTextLength() * val); return textsize * adjust + "px"; }) .on("mouseover", mouseover) .on("mouseout", mouseout) .on("mousemove", mousemove) .transition() .duration(appearancetimes) .style("opacity", 1); nodes.append("rect") .style("fill", "white") .attr('class', function(d){ return d.class; }) .style("stroke", "gray") .attr("width", gridSize) .attr("height", gridSize) .on("mouseover", mouseover) .on("mouseout", mouseout) .on("mousemove", mousemove) .style("opacity", 0) var legend = svg.selectAll('.legend') .data(data) .enter().append('g') .attr('class', function(d){ return "legend" + " " + d.class; }) .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + (cols*gridSize + magic_padding) + "," + magic_padding + ")"; }) legend.append('text') .attr('x', gridSize) .attr('y', function(d, i){ return i * gridSize + i * magic_padding / 2;}) .style("opacity", 1) .html(function(d){ return icon; }) .attr('class', function(d){ return d.class; }) .attr('font-family', 'FontAwesome') .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + gridSize/2 + "," + 5/6*gridSize + ")"; }) .style('fill', function(d){ return colorscale(d.class); }) /*.style("font-size", function(d) { val = 9; val2 = 2.5; textsize = Math.min(val2 * gridSize, (val2 * gridSize - val) / this.getComputedTextLength() * val); return textsize * adjust + "px"; });*/ legend.append('text') .attr('x', 1.5*gridSize + magic_padding) .attr('y', function(d, i){ return i * gridSize + i * magic_padding / 2;}) .style("opacity", 1) .html(function(d){ return; }) .attr('class', function(d){ return "waffle-legend-text" + " " + d.class; }) .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + gridSize/2 + "," + 5/6*gridSize + ")"; }) function mouseover(d){ tooltip.transition().duration(100).style("opacity", .9); el = data.filter(function(e){ return ==})[0] txt = "" + "
" + d3.format(',')(el.value) + "
(" + d3.format(".0%")(el.percent) + ")" tooltip.html(txt);"#" + idcontainer).selectAll("text").transition().duration(100).style("opacity", 0.2);"#" + idcontainer).selectAll("text." + d.class).transition().duration(100).style("opacity", 1); } function mouseout(d){ tooltip.transition().duration(100).style("opacity", 0);"#" + idcontainer).selectAll("text").transition().duration(100).style("opacity", 1); } function mousemove(d){ tooltip .style("left", (d3.event.pageX + 0 ) + "px") .style("top", (d3.event.pageY + - 70) + "px"); } }); } chart.width = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return width; width = _; return chart; }; chart.height = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return height; height = _; return chart; }; chart.rows = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return rows; rows = _; return chart; }; chart.icon = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return icon; icon = _; return chart; }; chart.scale = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return scale; scale = _; return chart; }; chart.colorscale = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return colorscale; colorscale = _; return chart; }; chart.appearancetimes = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return appearancetimes; appearancetimes = _; return chart; }; chart.adjust = function(_) { if (!arguments.length) return adjust; adjust = _; return chart; }; return chart; } function slugify(text){ return text.toString().toLowerCase() .replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with - .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars .replace(/\-\-+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single - .trim(); // Trim - from end of text } /* */ function cartesianprod(paramArray) { function addTo(curr, args) { var i, copy, rest = args.slice(1), last = !rest.length, result = []; for (i = 0; i < args[0].length; i++) { copy = curr.slice(); copy.push(args[0][i]); if (last) { result.push(copy); } else { result = result.concat(addTo(copy, rest)); } } return result; } return addTo([],; }