schema_version: 1 name: "jboss-datagrid-7/datagrid71-openshift" description: "Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 7.1 for OpenShift container image" version: "1.4" from: "jboss-datagrid-7/datagrid71:latest" labels: - name: "com.redhat.component" value: "jboss-datagrid-7-datagrid71-openshift-container" - name: "io.k8s.description" value: "Provides a scalable in-memory distributed database designed for fast access to large volumes of data." - name: "io.k8s.display-name" value: "JBoss Data Grid 7.1" - name: "io.openshift.expose-services" value: "8080:http" - name: "io.openshift.tags" value: "datagrid,java,jboss,xpaas" - name: "io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url" value: "image:///usr/local/s2i" envs: - name: "JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS" value: "org.jboss.logmanager,jdk.nashorn.api" - name: "DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME" value: "jdgadmin" - name: "JAVA_OPTS_APPEND" example: "-Dfoo=bar" description: "Server startup options." - name: "JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS_APPEND" example: "org.jboss.byteman" description: "Comma-separated list of package names that will be appended to the JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS environment variable." - name: "JGROUPS_CLUSTER_PASSWORD" example: "miR0JaDR" description: "A password to control access to the JGroup. Needs to be set consistently cluster-wide. The image default is to use the `OPENSHIFT_KUBE_PING_LABELS` variable value, however the JBoss application templates generate and supply a random value." - name: CACHE_NAMES description: "List of caches to configure. Defaults to default,memcached" example: "addressbook,addressbook_indexed" - name: DEFAULT_CACHE description: "Indicates the default cache for this cache container." example: "addressbook" - name: CACHE_CONTAINER_START description: "Should this cache container be started on server startup, or lazily when requested by a service or deployment. Defaults to LAZY" example: "EAGER" - name: CACHE_CONTAINER_STATISTICS description: "Determines whether or not the cache container should collect statistics. Disable for optimal performance. Default is true" example: "false" - name: TRANSPORT_LOCK_TIMEOUT description: "Infinispan uses a distributed lock to maintain a coherent transaction log during state transfer or rehashing, which means that only one cache can be doing state transfer or rehashing at the same time. This constraint is in place because more than one cache could be involved in a transaction. This timeout controls the time to wait to acquire a distributed lock. Defaults to 240000" example: "120000" - name: "CACHE_EXPIRATION_LIFESPAN" description: "Maximum lifespan, in milliseconds, of a cache entry, after which the entry is expired cluster-wide." example: "10000" - name: "CACHE_EXPIRATION_MAX_IDLE" description: "Maximum idle time, in milliseconds, a cache entry will be maintained in the cache. If the idle time is exceeded, then the entry will be expired cluster-wide. " example: "10000" - name: "CACHE_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL" description: "Interval, in milliseconds, between subsequent runs to purge expired entries from memory and any cache stores. " example: "5000" - name: CONTAINER_SECURITY_IDENTITY_ROLE_MAPPER description: "Set a role mapper for this cache container. Valid values are: identity-role-mapper,common-name-role-mapper,cluster-role-mapper,custom-role-mapper" example: "identity-role-mapper" - name: CONTAINER_SECURITY_CUSTOM_ROLE_MAPPER_CLASS description: "Class of the custom principal to role mapper" example: "com.acme.CustomRoleMapper" - name: CONTAINER_SECURITY_ROLES description: "Defines role names and assigns permissions to them." example: "admin=ALL,reader=READ,writer=WRITE" - name: INFINISPAN_CONNECTORS description: "Comma separated list of connectors to configure. Defaults to hotrod,memcached,rest. Beware, if you enable authorization or authentication on your cache you should remove memcached as the protocol is insecure." example: "hotrod" - name: HOTROD_SERVICE_NAME description: "Name of the OpenShift service used to expose HotRod externally." example: "DATAGRID_APP_HOTROD" - name: HOTROD_AUTHENTICATION description: "If defined the hotrod-connectors will be configured with authentication in the ApplicationRealm." example: "true" - name: HOTROD_ENCRYPTION description: "If defined the hotrod-connectors will be configured with encryption in the ApplicationRealm." example: "true" - name: ENCRYPTION_REQUIRE_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH description: "Whether to require client certificate authentication. Defaults to false." example: "true" - name: MEMCACHED_CACHE description: "The name of the cache to use for the Memcached connector." example: "memcached" - name: REST_SECURITY_DOMAIN description: "The security domain to use for authentication/authorization purposes. Defaults to none (no authentication)" example: "other" - name: "USERNAME" example: "openshift" description: "Username for JDG user" - name: "PASSWORD" example: "p@ssw0rd" description: "The password to access the JDG Caches. Must be different than username; must not be root, admin, or administrator; must contain at least 8 characters, 1 alphabetic character(s), 1 digit(s), and 1 non-alphanumeric symbol(s). (optional)" - name: DATAGRID_SPLIT example: true description: "Allow multiple instances to share the same Persistent Volume. If set to true each instance will use a separate area within the Persistent Volume as its data directory. Default is unset." - name: SCRIPT_DEBUG description: If set to true, ensurses that the bash scripts are executed with the -x option, printing the commands and their arguments as they are executed. example: "true" - name: "PROBE_DISABLE_BOOT_ERRORS_CHECK" example: "true" description: Disable the boot errors check in the probes. ports: - value: 8443 - value: 11211 - value: 11222 - value: 11333 modules: repositories: - name: cct_module git: url: ref: master install: - name: dynamic-resources - name: s2i-common - name: java-alternatives - name: os-eap7-openshift - name: os-eap-s2i - name: os-java-jolokia - name: jolokia - name: os-eap7-openshift - name: os-eap7-modules - name: os-eap7-ping - name: os-eap-launch - name: os-eap7-launch - name: os-eap-logging - name: os-eap-probes - name: jboss-maven - name: os-eap-db-drivers - name: datagrid7-openshift - name: os-jdg7-conffiles - name: os-java-run - name: os-partition - name: os-jdg7-launch - name: os-eap-extensions - name: openshift-layer - name: openshift-passwd - name: os-logging osbs: repository: name: containers/jboss-datagrid-7 branch: jb-datagrid-7.1-openshift-rhel-7