schema_version: 1 name: "jboss-datavirt-6/datavirt63-openshift" description: "Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization 6 for OpenShift container image" version: "1.5" from: "jboss-datavirt-6/datavirt63:latest" labels: - name: "com.redhat.component" value: "jboss-datavirt-6-datavirt63-openshift-container" - name: "io.k8s.description" value: "Platform for running JBoss Data Virtualization" - name: "io.k8s.display-name" value: "JBoss Data Virtualization 6.3" - name: "io.openshift.expose-services" value: "8080:http" - name: "io.openshift.tags" value: "builder,datavirt,datavirt6" - name: "io.openshift.s2i.scripts-url" value: "image:///usr/local/s2i" envs: - name: "STI_BUILDER" value: "jee" - name: "JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS" value: "org.jboss.logmanager" - name: "DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME" value: "eapadmin" - name: "JAVA_OPTS_APPEND" example: "-Dfoo=bar" description: "Server startup options." - name: "MQ_SIMPLE_DEFAULT_PHYSICAL_DESTINATION" example: "false" description: "For backwards compatability, set to true to use 'MyQueue' and 'MyTopic' as physical destination name defaults instead of 'queue/MyQueue' and 'topic/MyTopic'." - name: SCRIPT_DEBUG description: If set to true, ensurses that the bash scripts are executed with the -x option, printing the commands and their arguments as they are executed. example: "true" - name: JAVA_MAX_MEM_RATIO description: This is used to calculate a default maximal heap memory based on a containers restriction. If used in a container without any memory constraints for the container then this option has no effect. If there is a memory constraint then `-Xmx` is set to a ratio of the container available memory as set here. The default is `50` which means 50% of the available memory is used as an upper boundary. You can skip this mechanism by setting this value to `0` in which case no `-Xmx` option is added. example: "50" - name: JAVA_INITIAL_MEM_RATIO description: This is used to calculate a default initial heap memory based the maximumal heap memory. The default is `100` which means 100% of the maximal heap is used for the initial heap size. You can skip this mechanism by setting this value to `0` in which case no `-Xms` option is added. example: "100" - name: JAVA_MAX_INITIAL_MEM description: The maximum size of the initial heap memory, if the calculated default initial heap is larger then it will be capped at this value. The default is 4096 MB. example: "4096" - name: JAVA_CORE_LIMIT description: Core limit as described in Used to configure the number of GC threads and parallelism for ForkJoinPool. Defaults to container core limit. example: "2" - name: JAVA_DIAGNOSTICS description: Set this to get some diagnostics information to standard output when things are happening. **Disabled by default.** example: "true" - name: GC_MIN_HEAP_FREE_RATIO description: Minimum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid expansion. example: "20" - name: GC_MAX_HEAP_FREE_RATIO description: Maximum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid shrinking. example: "40" - name: GC_TIME_RATIO description: Specifies the ratio of the time spent outside the garbage collection (for example, the time spent for application execution) to the time spent in the garbage collection. example: "4" - name: GC_ADAPTIVE_SIZE_POLICY_WEIGHT description: The weighting given to the current GC time versus previous GC times. example: "90" - name: GC_MAX_METASPACE_SIZE description: The maximum metaspace size. example: "100" - name: CUSTOM_INSTALL_DIRECTORIES description: A list of comma-separated directories used for installation and configuration of artifacts for the image during the S2I process. example: "custom,shared" - name: "VDB_DIRS" example: "src/vdbs" description: "Comma-delimited list of directories containing VDB files targeted for deployment" - name: "CONTAINER_HEAP_PERCENT" example: 0.5 description: Deprecated. See JAVA_MAX_MEM_RATIO. - name: "INITIAL_HEAP_PERCENT" example: 0.5 description: Deprecated. See JAVA_INITIAL_MEM_RATIO. - name: "PROBE_DISABLE_BOOT_ERRORS_CHECK" example: "true" description: Disable the boot errors check in the probes. ports: - value: 8443 - value: 31000 - value: 35432 - value: 31443 modules: repositories: - name: cct_module git: url: ref: master install: - name: dynamic-resources - name: s2i-common - name: java-alternatives - name: os-eap64-openshift - name: os-eap-s2i - name: os-java-jolokia - name: jolokia - name: os-eap64-openshift - name: os-eap64-modules - name: os-eap64-ping - name: os-eap-launch - name: os-eap64-launch - name: os-eap-logging - name: os-eap-probes - name: jboss-maven - name: os-eap-db-drivers - name: os-eap-sso - name: os-eap64-sso - name: os-eap-deployment-scanner - name: os-eap-extensions - name: os-datavirt-s2i - name: openshift-layer - name: openshift-passwd - name: os-java-run - name: os-datavirt - name: os-logging packages: repositories: - jboss-os - jboss-rhscl install: - rh-mongodb32-mongo-java-driver - postgresql-jdbc - mysql-connector-java - hostname - postgresql - mariadb - python-requests - python-enum34 - PyYAML artifacts: - path: javax.json-1.0.4.jar md5: 569870f975deeeb6691fcb9bc02a9555 - path: jboss-logmanager-ext-1.0.0.Alpha2-redhat-1.jar md5: 7c743e35463db5f55f415dd666d705c5 - path: oauth-20100527.jar md5: 91c7c70579f95b7ddee95b2143a49b41 - path: sha256: 27507943c1e43b630d68b725f5adb62a02292add95b31f4ce46507a7f7c21ee8 - path: sha256: 65002ff52457d15faa7c38008e886e43c0a40bfbef3b0875b9e2098f4140355d - path: tomcat-7-valves-1.0.3.Final-redhat-1.jar md5: f286f6748e6d134ed0a9dadd8320ecd2 run: user: 185 cmd: - "/opt/eap/bin/" osbs: repository: name: containers/jboss-datavirt-6 branch: jb-datavirt-6.3-openshift-rhel-7