{ "kind": "Template", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "annotations": { "iconClass": "icon-eap", "tags": "eap,javaee,java,jboss", "version": "20.0", "openshift.io/display-name": "JBoss EAP CD + AMQ 7 with passthrough TLS", "openshift.io/provider-display-name": "Red Hat, Inc.", "description": "An example JBoss Enterprise Application Platform continuous delivery application using Red Hat JBoss AMQ with persistence and secure communication using https. For more information about using this template, see https://github.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-7-openshift-image/blob/eap-cd/README.adoc", "template.openshift.io/long-description": "This template defines resources needed to develop a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform continuous delivery based application, including a build configuration, application deployment configuration, using Red Hat JBoss AMQ with persistence and secure communication using passthrough TLS.", "template.openshift.io/documentation-url": "https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-jboss-enterprise-application-platform/", "template.openshift.io/support-url": "https://access.redhat.com" }, "name": "eap-cd-amq-persistent-s2i" }, "labels": { "template": "eap-cd-amq-persistent-s2i", "xpaas": "20.0" }, "message": "A new JBoss EAP CD and AMQ persistent based application with SSL support has been created in your project. The username/password for accessing the AMQ service is ${MQ_USERNAME}/${MQ_PASSWORD}. Please be sure to create the following secrets: \"${HTTPS_SECRET}\" containing the ${HTTPS_KEYSTORE} file used for serving secure content; \"${JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_SECRET}\" containing the ${JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_KEYSTORE} file used for securing JGroups communications.", "parameters": [ { "displayName": "Application Name", "description": "The name for the application.", "name": "APPLICATION_NAME", "value": "eap-app", "required": true }, { "displayName": "Custom https Route Hostname", "description": "Custom hostname for https service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: secure--.", "name": "HOSTNAME_HTTPS", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Git Repository URL", "description": "Git source URI for application", "name": "SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL", "value": "https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts.git", "required": true }, { "displayName": "Git Reference", "description": "Git branch/tag reference", "name": "SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF", "value": "openshift", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Context Directory", "description": "Path within Git project to build; empty for root project directory.", "name": "CONTEXT_DIR", "value": "helloworld-mdb", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Galleon layers", "description": "Comma separated list of Galleon layers to provision a server.", "name": "GALLEON_PROVISION_LAYERS", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Enable ExampleDS datasource", "description": "Enable ExampleDS datasource.", "name": "ENABLE_GENERATE_DEFAULT_DATASOURCE", "value": "false", "required": false }, { "displayName": "AMQ Volume Size", "description": "Size of the volume used by AMQ for persisting messages.", "name": "VOLUME_CAPACITY", "value": "1Gi", "required": true }, { "displayName": "JMS Connection Factory JNDI Name", "description": "JNDI name for connection factory used by applications to connect to the broker, e.g. java:jboss/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory", "name": "MQ_JNDI", "value": "java:jboss/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Split the data directory?", "description": "Split the data directory for each node in a mesh.", "name": "AMQ_SPLIT", "value": "false", "required": false }, { "displayName": "AMQ Protocols", "description": "Broker protocols to configure, separated by commas. Allowed values are: `openwire`, `amqp`, `stomp` and `mqtt`. Only `openwire` is supported by EAP.", "name": "MQ_PROTOCOL", "value": "openwire", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Queues", "description": "Queue names, separated by commas. These queues will be automatically created when the broker starts. Also, they will be made accessible as JNDI resources in EAP. Note that all queues used by the application *must* be specified here in order to be created automatically on the remote AMQ broker.", "name": "MQ_QUEUES", "value": "HelloWorldMDBQueue", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Topics", "description": "Topic names, separated by commas. These topics will be automatically created when the broker starts. Also, they will be made accessible as JNDI resources in EAP. Note that all topics used by the application *must* be specified here in order to be created automatically on the remote AMQ broker.", "name": "MQ_TOPICS", "value": "HelloWorldMDBTopic", "required": false }, { "displayName": "AMQ Serializable Packages", "description": "List of packages that are allowed to be serialized for use in ObjectMessage, separated by commas. If your app doesn't use ObjectMessages, leave this blank. This is a security enforcement. For the rationale, see http://activemq.apache.org/objectmessage.html", "name": "MQ_SERIALIZABLE_PACKAGES", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Server Keystore Secret Name", "description": "The name of the secret containing the keystore file", "name": "HTTPS_SECRET", "value": "eap7-app-secret", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Server Keystore Filename", "description": "The name of the keystore file within the secret", "name": "HTTPS_KEYSTORE", "value": "keystore.jks", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Server Keystore Type", "description": "The type of the keystore file (JKS or JCEKS)", "name": "HTTPS_KEYSTORE_TYPE", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Server Certificate Name", "description": "The name associated with the server certificate", "name": "HTTPS_NAME", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Server Keystore Password", "description": "The password for the keystore and certificate", "name": "HTTPS_PASSWORD", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "AMQ Username", "description": "User name for standard broker user. It is required for connecting to the broker. If left empty, it will be generated.", "name": "MQ_USERNAME", "from": "user[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}", "generate": "expression", "required": false }, { "displayName": "AMQ Password", "description": "Password for standard broker user. It is required for connecting to the broker. If left empty, it will be generated.", "name": "MQ_PASSWORD", "from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}", "generate": "expression", "required": false }, { "displayName": "AMQ Role", "description": "AMQ Role for authenticated user", "name": "MQ_ROLE", "value": "admin" }, { "displayName": "AMQ Mesh Discovery Type", "description": "The discovery agent type to use for discovering mesh endpoints. 'dns' will use OpenShift's DNS service to resolve endpoints. 'kube' will use Kubernetes REST API to resolve service endpoints. If using 'kube' the service account for the pod must have the 'view' role, which can be added via 'oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount::default' where is the project namespace.", "name": "AMQ_MESH_DISCOVERY_TYPE", "value": "dns", "required": false }, { "displayName": "AMQ Storage Limit", "description": "The AMQ storage usage limit", "name": "AMQ_STORAGE_USAGE_LIMIT", "value": "100 gb", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Github Webhook Secret", "description": "GitHub trigger secret", "name": "GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET", "from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}", "generate": "expression", "required": true }, { "displayName": "Generic Webhook Secret", "description": "Generic build trigger secret", "name": "GENERIC_WEBHOOK_SECRET", "from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}", "generate": "expression", "required": true }, { "displayName": "ImageStream Namespace", "description": "Namespace in which the ImageStreams for Red Hat Middleware images are installed. These ImageStreams are normally installed in the openshift namespace. You should only need to modify this if you've installed the ImageStreams in a different namespace/project.", "name": "IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE", "value": "openshift", "required": true }, { "displayName": "JGroups Secret Name", "description": "The name of the secret containing the keystore file", "name": "JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_SECRET", "value": "eap7-app-secret", "required": false }, { "displayName": "JGroups Keystore Filename", "description": "The name of the keystore file within the secret", "name": "JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_KEYSTORE", "value": "jgroups.jceks", "required": false }, { "displayName": "JGroups Certificate Name", "description": "The name associated with the server certificate", "name": "JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_NAME", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "JGroups Keystore Password", "description": "The password for the keystore and certificate", "name": "JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_PASSWORD", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "JGroups Cluster Password", "description": "JGroups cluster password", "name": "JGROUPS_CLUSTER_PASSWORD", "from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}", "generate": "expression", "required": true }, { "displayName": "Deploy Exploded Archives", "description": "Controls whether exploded deployment content should be automatically deployed", "name": "AUTO_DEPLOY_EXPLODED", "value": "false", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Maven mirror URL", "description": "Maven mirror to use for S2I builds", "name": "MAVEN_MIRROR_URL", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Maven Additional Arguments", "description": "Maven additional arguments to use for S2I builds", "name": "MAVEN_ARGS_APPEND", "value": "-Dcom.redhat.xpaas.repo.jbossorg", "required": false }, { "description": "List of directories from which archives will be copied into the deployment folder. If unspecified, all archives in /target will be copied.", "name": "ARTIFACT_DIR", "value": "", "required": false }, { "description": "Container memory limit", "name": "MEMORY_LIMIT", "value": "1Gi", "required": false } ], "objects": [ { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "ports": [ { "port": 8080, "targetPort": 8080 } ], "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } }, "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "The web server's HTTP port.", "service.alpha.openshift.io/dependencies": "[{\"name\": \"${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq-tcp\", \"kind\": \"Service\"}]" } } }, { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "ports": [ { "port": 8443, "targetPort": 8443 } ], "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } }, "metadata": { "name": "secure-${APPLICATION_NAME}", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "The web server's HTTPS port.", "service.alpha.openshift.io/dependencies": "[{\"name\": \"${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq-tcp\", \"kind\": \"Service\"}]" } } }, { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "publishNotReadyAddresses": true, "clusterIP": "None", "ports": [ { "name": "ping", "port": 8888 } ], "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } }, "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-ping", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "service.alpha.kubernetes.io/tolerate-unready-endpoints": "true", "description": "The JGroups ping port for clustering." } } }, { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "ports": [ { "port": 61616, "targetPort": 61616 } ], "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq" } }, "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq-tcp", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "The broker's OpenWire port." } } }, { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "clusterIP": "None", "ports": [ { "name": "mesh", "port": 61616 } ], "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq" } }, "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq-mesh", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "service.alpha.kubernetes.io/tolerate-unready-endpoints": "true", "description": "Supports node discovery for mesh formation." } } }, { "kind": "Route", "apiVersion": "v1", "id": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-http", "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "Route for application's HTTP service." } }, "spec": { "to": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } } }, { "kind": "Route", "apiVersion": "v1", "id": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-https", "metadata": { "name": "secure-${APPLICATION_NAME}", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "Route for application's HTTPS service." } }, "spec": { "host": "${HOSTNAME_HTTPS}", "to": { "name": "secure-${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "tls": { "termination": "passthrough" } } }, { "kind": "ImageStream", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } } }, { "kind": "ImageStream", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-build-artifacts", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } } }, { "kind": "BuildConfig", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-build-artifacts", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } }, "spec": { "source": { "type": "Git", "git": { "uri": "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL}", "ref": "${SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF}" }, "contextDir": "${CONTEXT_DIR}" }, "strategy": { "type": "Source", "sourceStrategy": { "env": [ { "name": "MAVEN_MIRROR_URL", "value": "${MAVEN_MIRROR_URL}" }, { "name": "MAVEN_ARGS_APPEND", "value": "${MAVEN_ARGS_APPEND}" }, { "name": "GALLEON_PROVISION_LAYERS", "value": "${GALLEON_PROVISION_LAYERS}" }, { "name": "GALLEON_PROVISION_DEFAULT_FAT_SERVER", "value": "true" }, { "name": "ARTIFACT_DIR", "value": "${ARTIFACT_DIR}" } ], "forcePull": true, "incremental": true, "from": { "kind": "ImageStreamTag", "namespace": "${IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE}", "name": "eap-cd-openshift:latest" } } }, "output": { "to": { "kind": "ImageStreamTag", "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-build-artifacts:latest" } }, "triggers": [ { "type": "GitHub", "github": { "secret": "${GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET}" } }, { "type": "Generic", "generic": { "secret": "${GENERIC_WEBHOOK_SECRET}" } }, { "type": "ImageChange", "imageChange": {} }, { "type": "ConfigChange" } ] } }, { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "BuildConfig", "metadata": { "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "spec": { "output": { "to": { "kind": "ImageStreamTag", "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}:latest" } }, "source": { "dockerfile": "FROM eap-cd-runtime-openshift:latest\nCOPY /server $JBOSS_HOME\nUSER root\nRUN chown -R jboss:root $JBOSS_HOME && chmod -R ug+rwX $JBOSS_HOME\nUSER jboss\nCMD $JBOSS_HOME/bin/openshift-launch.sh", "images": [ { "from": { "kind": "ImageStreamTag", "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-build-artifacts:latest" }, "paths": [ { "sourcePath": "/s2i-output/server/", "destinationDir": "." } ] } ] }, "strategy": { "dockerStrategy": { "imageOptimizationPolicy": "SkipLayers", "from": { "kind": "ImageStreamTag", "name": "eap-cd-runtime-openshift:latest", "namespace": "${IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE}" } }, "type": "Docker" }, "triggers": [ { "type": "ImageChange", "imageChange": { "from": { "kind": "ImageStreamTag", "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-build-artifacts:latest" } } }, { "type": "ConfigChange" } ] } }, { "kind": "DeploymentConfig", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } }, "spec": { "strategy": { "type": "Recreate" }, "triggers": [ { "type": "ImageChange", "imageChangeParams": { "automatic": true, "containerNames": [ "${APPLICATION_NAME}" ], "from": { "kind": "ImageStreamTag", "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}:latest" } } }, { "type": "ConfigChange" } ], "replicas": 1, "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "template": { "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}", "labels": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}", "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } }, "spec": { "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 60, "containers": [ { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}", "image": "${APPLICATION_NAME}", "imagePullPolicy": "Always", "resources": { "limits": { "memory": "${MEMORY_LIMIT}" } }, "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "eap-keystore-volume", "mountPath": "/etc/eap-secret-volume", "readOnly": true }, { "name": "eap-jgroups-keystore-volume", "mountPath": "/etc/jgroups-encrypt-secret-volume", "readOnly": true } ], "livenessProbe": { "exec": { "command": [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "/opt/eap/bin/livenessProbe.sh" ] }, "initialDelaySeconds": 60 }, "readinessProbe": { "exec": { "command": [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "/opt/eap/bin/readinessProbe.sh" ] }, "initialDelaySeconds": 10 }, "ports": [ { "name": "jolokia", "containerPort": 8778, "protocol": "TCP" }, { "name": "http", "containerPort": 8080, "protocol": "TCP" }, { "name": "https", "containerPort": 8443, "protocol": "TCP" }, { "name": "ping", "containerPort": 8888, "protocol": "TCP" } ], "env": [ { "name": "MQ_SERVICE_PREFIX_MAPPING", "value": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq7=MQ" }, { "name": "MQ_JNDI", "value": "${MQ_JNDI}" }, { "name": "MQ_USERNAME", "value": "${MQ_USERNAME}" }, { "name": "MQ_PASSWORD", "value": "${MQ_PASSWORD}" }, { "name": "MQ_PROTOCOL", "value": "tcp" }, { "name": "MQ_QUEUES", "value": "${MQ_QUEUES}" }, { "name": "MQ_TOPICS", "value": "${MQ_TOPICS}" }, { "name": "MQ_SERIALIZABLE_PACKAGES", "value": "${MQ_SERIALIZABLE_PACKAGES}" }, { "name": "JGROUPS_PING_PROTOCOL", "value": "dns.DNS_PING" }, { "name": "OPENSHIFT_DNS_PING_SERVICE_NAME", "value": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-ping" }, { "name": "OPENSHIFT_DNS_PING_SERVICE_PORT", "value": "8888" }, { "name": "HTTPS_KEYSTORE_DIR", "value": "/etc/eap-secret-volume" }, { "name": "HTTPS_KEYSTORE", "value": "${HTTPS_KEYSTORE}" }, { "name": "HTTPS_KEYSTORE_TYPE", "value": "${HTTPS_KEYSTORE_TYPE}" }, { "name": "HTTPS_NAME", "value": "${HTTPS_NAME}" }, { "name": "HTTPS_PASSWORD", "value": "${HTTPS_PASSWORD}" }, { "name": "JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_SECRET", "value": "${JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_SECRET}" }, { "name": "JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_KEYSTORE_DIR", "value": "/etc/jgroups-encrypt-secret-volume" }, { "name": "JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_KEYSTORE", "value": "${JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_KEYSTORE}" }, { "name": "JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_NAME", "value": "${JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_NAME}" }, { "name": "JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_PASSWORD", "value": "${JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_PASSWORD}" }, { "name": "JGROUPS_CLUSTER_PASSWORD", "value": "${JGROUPS_CLUSTER_PASSWORD}" }, { "name": "AUTO_DEPLOY_EXPLODED", "value": "${AUTO_DEPLOY_EXPLODED}" }, { "name": "ENABLE_GENERATE_DEFAULT_DATASOURCE", "value": "${ENABLE_GENERATE_DEFAULT_DATASOURCE}" } ] } ], "volumes": [ { "name": "eap-keystore-volume", "secret": { "secretName": "${HTTPS_SECRET}" } }, { "name": "eap-jgroups-keystore-volume", "secret": { "secretName": "${JGROUPS_ENCRYPT_SECRET}" } } ] } } } }, { "kind": "DeploymentConfig", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } }, "spec": { "strategy": { "type": "Rolling", "rollingParams": { "maxSurge": 0 } }, "triggers": [ { "type": "ImageChange", "imageChangeParams": { "automatic": true, "containerNames": [ "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq" ], "from": { "kind": "ImageStreamTag", "namespace": "${IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE}", "name": "amq-broker-72-openshift:1.1" } } }, { "type": "ConfigChange" } ], "replicas": 1, "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq" }, "template": { "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq", "labels": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq", "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } }, "spec": { "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 60, "containers": [ { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq", "image": "amq-broker-72-openshift", "imagePullPolicy": "Always", "readinessProbe": { "exec": { "command": [ "/bin/bash", "-c", "/opt/amq/bin/readinessProbe.sh" ] } }, "ports": [ { "name": "console-jolokia", "containerPort": 8161, "protocol": "TCP" }, { "name": "amqp", "containerPort": 5672, "protocol": "TCP" }, { "name": "amqp-ssl", "containerPort": 5671, "protocol": "TCP" }, { "name": "mqtt", "containerPort": 1883, "protocol": "TCP" }, { "name": "stomp", "containerPort": 61613, "protocol": "TCP" }, { "name": "stomp-ssl", "containerPort": 61612, "protocol": "TCP" }, { "name": "tcp", "containerPort": 61616, "protocol": "TCP" }, { "name": "tcp-ssl", "containerPort": 61617, "protocol": "TCP" } ], "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": "/opt/amq/data/kahadb", "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq-pvol" } ], "env": [ { "name": "AMQ_USER", "value": "${MQ_USERNAME}" }, { "name": "AMQ_PASSWORD", "value": "${MQ_PASSWORD}" }, { "name": "AMQ_ROLE", "value": "${MQ_ROLE}" }, { "name": "AMQ_TRANSPORTS", "value": "${MQ_PROTOCOL}" }, { "name": "AMQ_QUEUES", "value": "${MQ_QUEUES}" }, { "name": "AMQ_ADDRESSES", "value": "${MQ_TOPICS}" }, { "name": "MQ_SERIALIZABLE_PACKAGES", "value": "${MQ_SERIALIZABLE_PACKAGES}" }, { "name": "AMQ_SPLIT", "value": "${AMQ_SPLIT}" }, { "name": "AMQ_MESH_DISCOVERY_TYPE", "value": "${AMQ_MESH_DISCOVERY_TYPE}" }, { "name": "AMQ_MESH_SERVICE_NAME", "value": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq-mesh" }, { "name": "AMQ_MESH_SERVICE_NAMESPACE", "valueFrom": { "fieldRef": { "fieldPath": "metadata.namespace" } } }, { "name": "AMQ_STORAGE_USAGE_LIMIT", "value": "${AMQ_STORAGE_USAGE_LIMIT}" } ] } ], "volumes": [ { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq-pvol", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq-claim" } } ] } } } }, { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "PersistentVolumeClaim", "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-amq-claim", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } }, "spec": { "accessModes": [ "ReadWriteOnce" ], "resources": { "requests": { "storage": "${VOLUME_CAPACITY}" } } } } ] }