startDelaySecs: 5 ssl: false blacklistObjectNames: ["java.lang:*"] rules: # Context level - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesCompleted' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesCompleted help: Exchanges Completed type: COUNTER labels: context: $1 type: context - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesFailed' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesFailed help: Exchanges Failed type: COUNTER labels: context: $1 type: context - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesInflight' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesInflight help: Exchanges Inflight type: GAUGE labels: context: $1 type: context - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesTotal' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesTotal help: Exchanges Total type: COUNTER labels: context: $1 type: context - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>FailuresHandled' name: org.apache.camel.FailuresHandled help: Failures Handled labels: context: $1 type: context type: COUNTER - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExternalRedeliveries' name: org.apache.camel.ExternalRedeliveries help: External Redeliveries labels: context: $1 type: context type: COUNTER - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MaxProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.MaxProcessingTime help: Maximum Processing Time labels: context: $1 type: context type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MeanProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.MeanProcessingTime help: Mean Processing Time labels: context: $1 type: context type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MinProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.MinProcessingTime help: Minimum Processing Time labels: context: $1 type: context type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>LastProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.LastProcessingTime help: Last Processing Time labels: context: $1 type: context type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>DeltaProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.DeltaProcessingTime help: Delta Processing Time labels: context: $1 type: context type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>Redeliveries' name: org.apache.camel.Redeliveries help: Redeliveries labels: context: $1 type: context type: COUNTER - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>TotalProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.TotalProcessingTime help: Total Processing Time labels: context: $1 type: context type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>InflightExchanges' name: org.apache.camel.InflightExchanges help: Inflight Exchanges labels: context: $1 type: context type: GAUGE # Route level - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesCompleted' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesCompleted help: Exchanges Completed type: COUNTER labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesFailed' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesFailed help: Exchanges Failed type: COUNTER labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesInflight' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesInflight help: Exchanges Inflight type: GAUGE labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesTotal' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesTotal help: Exchanges Total type: COUNTER labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>FailuresHandled' name: org.apache.camel.FailuresHandled help: Failures Handled labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes type: COUNTER - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExternalRedeliveries' name: org.apache.camel.ExternalRedeliveries help: External Redeliveries labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes type: COUNTER - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MaxProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.MaxProcessingTime help: Maximum Processing Time labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MeanProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.MeanProcessingTime help: Mean Processing Time labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MinProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.MinProcessingTime help: Minimum Processing Time labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>LastProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.LastProcessingTime help: Last Processing Time labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>DeltaProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.DeltaProcessingTime help: Delta Processing Time labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>Redeliveries' name: org.apache.camel.Redeliveries help: Redeliveries labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes type: COUNTER - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>TotalProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.TotalProcessingTime help: Total Processing Time labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>OldestInflightDuration' name: org.apache.camel.OldestInflightDuration help: Oldest Inflight Exchange Duration labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>InflightExchanges' name: org.apache.camel.InflightExchanges help: Inflight Exchanges labels: context: $1 route: $2 type: routes type: GAUGE # Processor level - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesCompleted' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesCompleted help: Exchanges Completed type: COUNTER labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesFailed' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesFailed help: Exchanges Failed type: COUNTER labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesInflight' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesInflight help: Exchanges Inflight type: GAUGE labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExchangesTotal' name: org.apache.camel.ExchangesTotal help: Exchanges Total type: COUNTER labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>FailuresHandled' name: org.apache.camel.FailuresHandled help: Failures Handled labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors type: COUNTER - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ExternalRedeliveries' name: org.apache.camel.ExternalRedeliveries help: External Redeliveries labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors type: COUNTER - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MaxProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.MaxProcessingTime help: Maximum Processing Time labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MeanProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.MeanProcessingTime help: Mean Processing Time labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MinProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.MinProcessingTime help: Minimum Processing Time labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>LastProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.LastProcessingTime help: Last Processing Time labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>DeltaProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.DeltaProcessingTime help: Delta Processing Time labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>Redeliveries' name: org.apache.camel.Redeliveries help: Redeliveries labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors type: COUNTER - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>TotalProcessingTime' name: org.apache.camel.TotalProcessingTime help: Total Processing Time labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>InflightExchanges' name: org.apache.camel.InflightExchanges help: Inflight Exchanges labels: context: $1 processor: $2 type: processors type: COUNTER # Consumers - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>InflightExchanges' name: org.apache.camel.InflightExchanges help: Inflight Exchanges labels: context: $1 consumer: $2 type: consumers type: GAUGE # Services - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MaxDuration' name: org.apache.camel.MaxDuration help: Maximum Duration labels: context: $1 service: $2 type: services type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MeanDuration' name: org.apache.camel.MeanDuration help: Mean Duration labels: context: $1 service: $2 type: services type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>MinDuration' name: org.apache.camel.MinDuration help: Minimum Duration labels: context: $1 service: $2 type: services type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>TotalDuration' name: org.apache.camel.TotalDuration help: Total Duration labels: context: $1 service: $2 type: services type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ThreadsBlocked' name: org.apache.camel.ThreadsBlocked help: Threads Blocked labels: context: $1 service: $2 type: services type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.camel<>ThreadsInterrupted' name: org.apache.camel.ThreadsInterrupted help: Threads Interrupted labels: context: $1 service: $2 type: services type: GAUGE - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>NumLogicalRuntimeFaults' name: org.apache.cxf.NumLogicalRuntimeFaults help: Number of logical runtime faults type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 operation: $5 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>NumLogicalRuntimeFaults' name: org.apache.cxf.NumLogicalRuntimeFaults help: Number of logical runtime faults type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>AvgResponseTime' name: org.apache.cxf.AvgResponseTime help: Average Response Time type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 operation: $5 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>AvgResponseTime' name: org.apache.cxf.AvgResponseTime help: Average Response Time type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>NumInvocations' name: org.apache.cxf.NumInvocations help: Number of invocations type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 operation: $5 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>NumInvocations' name: org.apache.cxf.NumInvocations help: Number of invocations type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>MaxResponseTime' name: org.apache.cxf.MaxResponseTime help: Maximum Response Time type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 operation: $5 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>MaxResponseTime' name: org.apache.cxf.MaxResponseTime help: Maximum Response Time type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>MinResponseTime' name: org.apache.cxf.MinResponseTime help: Minimum Response Time type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 operation: $5 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>MinResponseTime' name: org.apache.cxf.MinResponseTime help: Minimum Response Time type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>TotalHandlingTime' name: org.apache.cxf.TotalHandlingTime help: Total Handling Time type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 operation: $5 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>TotalHandlingTime' name: org.apache.cxf.TotalHandlingTime help: Total Handling Time type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>NumRuntimeFaults' name: org.apache.cxf.NumRuntimeFaults help: Number of runtime faults type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 operation: $5 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>NumRuntimeFaults' name: org.apache.cxf.NumRuntimeFaults help: Number of runtime faults type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>NumUnCheckedApplicationFaults' name: org.apache.cxf.NumUnCheckedApplicationFaults help: Number of unchecked application faults type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 operation: $5 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>NumUnCheckedApplicationFaults' name: org.apache.cxf.NumUnCheckedApplicationFaults help: Number of unchecked application faults type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>NumCheckedApplicationFaults' name: org.apache.cxf.NumCheckedApplicationFaults help: Number of checked application faults type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4 operation: $5 - pattern: 'org.apache.cxf<>NumCheckedApplicationFaults' name: org.apache.cxf.NumCheckedApplicationFaults help: Number of checked application faults type: GAUGE labels: $1 type: $2 service: $3 port: $4