{ "kind": "Template", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "annotations": { "description": "Application template for Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite 7.0 and MySQL applications.", "iconClass": "icon-jboss", "tags": "bpmsuite,jboss,xpaas", "version": "1.4.0", "openshift.io/display-name": "Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite 7.0 + MySQL (Ephemeral with https)" }, "name": "bpmsuite70-full-mysql" }, "labels": { "template": "bpmsuite70-full-mysql", "xpaas": "1.4.0" }, "message": "A new BPMS application (using MySQL) has been created in your project. The username/password for accessing the BPMS Business Central interface is ${KIE_ADMIN_USER}/${KIE_ADMIN_PWD}. For accessing the MySQL database \"${DB_DATABASE}\" use the credentials ${DB_USERNAME}/${DB_PASSWORD}. Please be sure to create the \"bpmsuite-service-account\" service account and the secret named \"${HTTPS_SECRET}\" containing the ${HTTPS_KEYSTORE} file used for serving secure content.", "parameters": [ { "displayName": "EAP Admin User", "description": "EAP administrator username", "name": "ADMIN_USERNAME", "value": "eapadmin", "required": false }, { "displayName": "EAP Admin Password", "description": "EAP administrator password", "name": "ADMIN_PASSWORD", "from": "[a-zA-Z]{6}[0-9]{1}!", "generate": "expression", "required": false }, { "displayName": "KIE Admin User", "description": "KIE administrator username", "name": "KIE_ADMIN_USER", "value": "adminUser", "required": false }, { "displayName": "KIE Admin Password", "description": "KIE administrator password", "name": "KIE_ADMIN_PWD", "from": "[a-zA-Z]{6}[0-9]{1}!", "generate": "expression", "required": false }, { "displayName": "KIE Server Controller User", "description": "KIE server controller username (Sets the org.kie.server.controller.user system property)", "name": "KIE_SERVER_CONTROLLER_USER", "value": "controllerUser", "required": false }, { "displayName": "KIE Server Controller Password", "description": "KIE server controller password (Sets the org.kie.server.controller.pwd system property)", "name": "KIE_SERVER_CONTROLLER_PWD", "from": "[a-zA-Z]{6}[0-9]{1}!", "generate": "expression", "required": false }, { "displayName": "KIE Server User", "description": "KIE execution server username (Sets the org.kie.server.user system property)", "name": "KIE_SERVER_USER", "value": "executionUser", "required": false }, { "displayName": "KIE Server Password", "description": "KIE execution server password (Sets the org.kie.server.pwd system property)", "name": "KIE_SERVER_PWD", "from": "[a-zA-Z]{6}[0-9]{1}!", "generate": "expression", "required": false }, { "displayName": "KIE Server Bypass Auth User", "description": "KIE execution server bypass auth user (Sets the org.kie.server.bypass.auth.user system property)", "name": "KIE_SERVER_BYPASS_AUTH_USER", "value": "false", "required": false }, { "displayName": "KIE Server Persistence Dialect", "description": "KIE execution server persistence dialect (Sets the org.kie.server.persistence.dialect system property)", "name": "KIE_SERVER_PERSISTENCE_DIALECT", "value": "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect", "required": false }, { "displayName": "KIE Server Persistence DS", "description": "KIE execution server persistence datasource (Sets the org.kie.server.persistence.ds system property)", "name": "KIE_SERVER_PERSISTENCE_DS", "value": "java:/jboss/datasources/ExampleDS", "required": false }, { "displayName": "KIE Server Persistence TM", "description": "KIE execution server persistence transaction manager (Sets the org.kie.server.persistence.tm system property)", "name": "KIE_SERVER_PERSISTENCE_TM", "value": "org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.internal.JBossAppServerJtaPlatform", "required": false }, { "displayName": "KIE MBeans", "description": "KIE execution server mbeans enabled/disabled (Sets the kie.mbeans and kie.scanner.mbeans system properties)", "name": "KIE_MBEANS", "value": "enabled", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Drools Server Filter Classes", "description": "KIE execution server class filtering (Sets the org.drools.server.filter.classes system property)", "name": "DROOLS_SERVER_FILTER_CLASSES", "value": "true", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Application Name", "description": "The name for the application.", "name": "APPLICATION_NAME", "value": "myapp", "required": true }, { "displayName": "Business Central Custom http Route Hostname", "description": "Custom hostname for http service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: -buscentr-.", "name": "BUSINESS_CENTRAL_HOSTNAME_HTTP", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Busines Central Custom https Route Hostname", "description": "Custom hostname for https service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: secure--buscentr-.", "name": "BUSINESS_CENTRAL_HOSTNAME_HTTPS", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Execution Server Custom http Route Hostname", "description": "Custom hostname for http service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: -execserv-.", "name": "EXECUTION_SERVER_HOSTNAME_HTTP", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Execution Server Custom https Route Hostname", "description": "Custom hostname for https service route. Leave blank for default hostname, e.g.: secure--execserv-.", "name": "EXECUTION_SERVER_HOSTNAME_HTTPS", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Database JNDI Name", "description": "Database JNDI name used by application to resolve the datasource, e.g. java:/jboss/datasources/ExampleDS", "name": "DB_JNDI", "value": "java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Database Name", "description": "Database name", "name": "DB_DATABASE", "value": "root", "required": true }, { "displayName": "Queues", "description": "Queue names", "name": "HORNETQ_QUEUES", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Topics", "description": "Topic names", "name": "HORNETQ_TOPICS", "value": "", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Server Keystore Secret Name", "description": "The name of the secret containing the keystore file", "name": "HTTPS_SECRET", "value": "bpmsuite-app-secret", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Server Keystore Filename", "description": "The name of the keystore file within the secret", "name": "HTTPS_KEYSTORE", "value": "keystore.jks", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Server Certificate Name", "description": "The name associated with the server certificate", "name": "HTTPS_NAME", "value": "jboss", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Server Keystore Password", "description": "The password for the keystore and certificate", "name": "HTTPS_PASSWORD", "value": "mykeystorepass", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Database Username", "description": "Database user name", "name": "DB_USERNAME", "from": "user[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}", "generate": "expression", "required": true }, { "displayName": "Database Password", "description": "Database user password", "name": "DB_PASSWORD", "from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}", "generate": "expression", "required": true }, { "displayName": "Datasource Minimum Pool Size", "description": "Sets xa-pool/min-pool-size for the configured datasource.", "name": "DB_MIN_POOL_SIZE", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Datasource Maximum Pool Size", "description": "Sets xa-pool/max-pool-size for the configured datasource.", "name": "DB_MAX_POOL_SIZE", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Datasource Transaction Isolation", "description": "Sets transaction-isolation for the configured datasource.", "name": "DB_TX_ISOLATION", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Timer service data store refresh interval (in milliseconds)", "description": "Sets refresh-interval for the EJB timer service database-data-store.", "name": "TIMER_SERVICE_DATA_STORE_REFRESH_INTERVAL", "value": "30000", "required": false }, { "displayName": "MySQL Lower Case Table Names", "description": "Sets how the table names are stored and compared.", "name": "MYSQL_LOWER_CASE_TABLE_NAMES", "required": false }, { "displayName": "MySQL Maximum number of connections", "description": "The maximum permitted number of simultaneous client connections.", "name": "MYSQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS", "required": false }, { "displayName": "MySQL FullText Minimum Word Length", "description": "The minimum length of the word to be included in a FULLTEXT index.", "name": "MYSQL_FT_MIN_WORD_LEN", "required": false }, { "displayName": "MySQL FullText Maximum Word Length", "description": "The maximum length of the word to be included in a FULLTEXT index.", "name": "MYSQL_FT_MAX_WORD_LEN", "required": false }, { "displayName": "MySQL AIO", "description": "Controls the innodb_use_native_aio setting value if the native AIO is broken.", "name": "MYSQL_AIO", "required": false }, { "displayName": "HornetQ Password", "description": "HornetQ cluster admin password", "name": "HORNETQ_CLUSTER_PASSWORD", "from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}", "generate": "expression", "required": true }, { "displayName": "ImageStream Namespace", "description": "Namespace in which the ImageStreams for Red Hat Middleware images are installed. These ImageStreams are normally installed in the openshift namespace. You should only need to modify this if you've installed the ImageStreams in a different namespace/project.", "name": "IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE", "value": "openshift", "required": true }, { "displayName": "MySQL Image Stream Tag", "description": "The tag to use for the \"mysql\" image stream. Typically, this aligns with the major.minor version of MySQL.", "name": "MYSQL_IMAGE_STREAM_TAG", "value": "5.7", "required": true }, { "displayName": "Maven repository URL", "description": "Fully qualified URL to a Maven repository. If unspecified, will fall back to Business Central service.", "name": "MAVEN_REPO_URL", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Maven repository username", "description": "Username to access the Maven repository. If using Business Central, will have to match KIE_ADMIN_USER. Default is \"adminUser\".", "name": "MAVEN_REPO_USERNAME", "value": "adminUser", "required": false }, { "displayName": "Maven repository password", "description": "Password to access the Maven repository. If using Business Central, will have to match KIE_ADMIN_PWD. No default specified.", "name": "MAVEN_REPO_PASSWORD", "required": false } ], "objects": [ { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "ports": [ { "port": 8080, "targetPort": 8080 } ], "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr" } }, "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "The business central web server's http port.", "service.alpha.openshift.io/dependencies": "[{\"name\": \"${APPLICATION_NAME}-mysql\", \"kind\": \"Service\"}]" } } }, { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "ports": [ { "port": 8443, "targetPort": 8443 } ], "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr" } }, "metadata": { "name": "secure-${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "The business central web server's https port.", "service.alpha.openshift.io/dependencies": "[{\"name\": \"${APPLICATION_NAME}-mysql\", \"kind\": \"Service\"}]" } } }, { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "ports": [ { "port": 8080, "targetPort": 8080 } ], "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-execserv" } }, "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-execserv", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "The execution server web server's http port.", "service.alpha.openshift.io/dependencies": "[{\"name\": \"${APPLICATION_NAME}-mysql\", \"kind\": \"Service\"},{\"name\": \"${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr\", \"kind\": \"Service\"}]" } } }, { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "ports": [ { "port": 8443, "targetPort": 8443 } ], "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-execserv" } }, "metadata": { "name": "secure-${APPLICATION_NAME}-execserv", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "The execution server web server's https port.", "service.alpha.openshift.io/dependencies": "[{\"name\": \"${APPLICATION_NAME}-mysql\", \"kind\": \"Service\"},{\"name\": \"${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr\", \"kind\": \"Service\"}]" } } }, { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "ports": [ { "port": 3306, "targetPort": 3306 } ], "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-mysql" } }, "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-mysql", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "The database server's port." } } }, { "kind": "Route", "apiVersion": "v1", "id": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr-http", "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "Route for business central's http service." } }, "spec": { "host": "${BUSINESS_CENTRAL_HOSTNAME_HTTP}", "to": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr" } } }, { "kind": "Route", "apiVersion": "v1", "id": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr-https", "metadata": { "name": "secure-${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "Route for business central's https service." } }, "spec": { "host": "${BUSINESS_CENTRAL_HOSTNAME_HTTPS}", "to": { "name": "secure-${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr" }, "tls": { "termination": "passthrough" } } }, { "kind": "Route", "apiVersion": "v1", "id": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-execserv-http", "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-execserv", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "Route for execution server's http service." } }, "spec": { "host": "${EXECUTION_SERVER_HOSTNAME_HTTP}", "to": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-execserv" } } }, { "kind": "Route", "apiVersion": "v1", "id": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-execserv-https", "metadata": { "name": "secure-${APPLICATION_NAME}-execserv", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" }, "annotations": { "description": "Route for execution server's https service." } }, "spec": { "host": "${EXECUTION_SERVER_HOSTNAME_HTTPS}", "to": { "name": "secure-${APPLICATION_NAME}-execserv" }, "tls": { "termination": "passthrough" } } }, { "kind": "DeploymentConfig", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr", "labels": { "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } }, "spec": { "strategy": { "type": "Recreate" }, "triggers": [ { "type": "ImageChange", "imageChangeParams": { "automatic": true, "containerNames": [ "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr" ], "from": { "kind": "ImageStreamTag", "namespace": "${IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE}", "name": "jboss-bpmsuite70-businesscentral-openshift:TP" } } }, { "type": "ConfigChange" } ], "replicas": 1, "selector": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr" }, "template": { "metadata": { "name": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr", "labels": { "deploymentConfig": "${APPLICATION_NAME}-buscentr", "application": "${APPLICATION_NAME}" } }, "spec": { "serviceAccountName": "bpmsuite-service-account", 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