#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Cuckoo Foundation. # This file is part of Cuckoo Sandbox - http://www.cuckoosandbox.org # See the file 'docs/LICENSE' for copying permission. import argparse import cgi import io import json import os import platform import re import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys import tempfile import traceback import zipfile import SimpleHTTPServer import SocketServer AGENT_VERSION = "0.10" AGENT_FEATURES = [ "execpy", "pinning", "logs", "largefile", "unicodepath", ] sys.stdout = io.BytesIO() sys.stderr = io.BytesIO() class MiniHTTPRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): server_version = "Cuckoo Agent" def do_GET(self): request.client_ip, request.client_port = self.client_address request.form = {} request.files = {} request.method = "GET" self.httpd.handle(self) def do_POST(self): environ = { "REQUEST_METHOD": "POST", "CONTENT_TYPE": self.headers.get("Content-Type"), } form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=self.rfile, headers=self.headers, environ=environ) request.client_ip, request.client_port = self.client_address request.form = {} request.files = {} request.method = "POST" # Another pretty fancy workaround. Since we provide backwards # compatibility with the Old Agent we will get an xmlrpc request # from the analyzer when the analysis has finished. Now xmlrpc being # xmlrpc we're getting text/xml as content-type which cgi does not # handle. This check detects when there is no available data rather # than getting a hard exception trying to do so. if form.list: for key in form.keys(): value = form[key] if value.filename: request.files[key] = value.file else: request.form[key] = value.value.decode("utf8") self.httpd.handle(self) class MiniHTTPServer(object): def __init__(self): self.handler = MiniHTTPRequestHandler # Reference back to the server. self.handler.httpd = self self.routes = { "GET": [], "POST": [], } def run(self, host="", port=8000): self.s = SocketServer.TCPServer((host, port), self.handler) self.s.allow_reuse_address = True self.s.serve_forever() def route(self, path, methods=["GET"]): def register(fn): for method in methods: self.routes[method].append((re.compile(path + "$"), fn)) return fn return register def handle(self, obj): if "client_ip" in state and request.client_ip != state["client_ip"]: if request.client_ip != "": return if obj.path != "/status" or request.method != "POST": return for route, fn in self.routes[obj.command]: if route.match(obj.path): ret = fn() break else: ret = json_error(404, message="Route not found") ret.init() obj.send_response(ret.status_code) ret.headers(obj) obj.end_headers() if isinstance(ret, jsonify): obj.wfile.write(ret.json()) elif isinstance(ret, send_file): ret.write(obj.wfile) def shutdown(self): # BaseServer also features a .shutdown() method, but you can't use # that from the same thread as that will deadlock the whole thing. self.s._BaseServer__shutdown_request = True class jsonify(object): """Wrapper that represents Flask.jsonify functionality.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.status_code = 200 self.values = kwargs def init(self): pass def json(self): return json.dumps(self.values) def headers(self, obj): pass class send_file(object): """Wrapper that represents Flask.send_file functionality.""" def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.status_code = 200 def init(self): if not os.path.isfile(self.path): self.status_code = 404 self.length = 0 else: self.length = os.path.getsize(self.path) def write(self, sock): if not self.length: return with open(self.path, "rb") as f: while True: buf = f.read(1024 * 1024) if not buf: break sock.write(buf) def headers(self, obj): obj.send_header("Content-Length", self.length) class request(object): form = {} files = {} client_ip = None client_port = None method = None environ = { "werkzeug.server.shutdown": lambda: app.shutdown(), } app = MiniHTTPServer() state = {} def json_error(error_code, message): r = jsonify(message=message, error_code=error_code) r.status_code = error_code return r def json_exception(message): r = jsonify(message=message, error_code=500, traceback=traceback.format_exc()) r.status_code = 500 return r def json_success(message, **kwargs): return jsonify(message=message, **kwargs) @app.route("/") def get_index(): return json_success( "Cuckoo Agent!", version=AGENT_VERSION, features=AGENT_FEATURES ) @app.route("/status") def get_status(): return json_success("Analysis status", status=state.get("status"), description=state.get("description")) @app.route("/status", methods=["POST"]) def put_status(): if "status" not in request.form: return json_error(400, "No status has been provided") state["status"] = request.form["status"] state["description"] = request.form.get("description") return json_success("Analysis status updated") @app.route("/logs") def get_logs(): return json_success( "Agent logs", stdout=sys.stdout.getvalue(), stderr=sys.stderr.getvalue() ) @app.route("/system") def get_system(): return json_success("System", system=platform.system()) @app.route("/environ") def get_environ(): return json_success("Environment variables", environ=dict(os.environ)) @app.route("/path") def get_path(): return json_success("Agent path", filepath=os.path.abspath(__file__)) @app.route("/mkdir", methods=["POST"]) def do_mkdir(): if "dirpath" not in request.form: return json_error(400, "No dirpath has been provided") mode = int(request.form.get("mode", 0777)) try: os.makedirs(request.form["dirpath"], mode=mode) except: return json_exception("Error creating directory") return json_success("Successfully created directory") @app.route("/mktemp", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def do_mktemp(): suffix = request.form.get("suffix", "") prefix = request.form.get("prefix", "tmp") dirpath = request.form.get("dirpath") try: fd, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=dirpath) except: return json_exception("Error creating temporary file") os.close(fd) return json_success("Successfully created temporary file", filepath=filepath) @app.route("/mkdtemp", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def do_mkdtemp(): suffix = request.form.get("suffix", "") prefix = request.form.get("prefix", "tmp") dirpath = request.form.get("dirpath") try: dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=dirpath) except: return json_exception("Error creating temporary directory") return json_success("Successfully created temporary directory", dirpath=dirpath) @app.route("/store", methods=["POST"]) def do_store(): if "filepath" not in request.form: return json_error(400, "No filepath has been provided") if "file" not in request.files: return json_error(400, "No file has been provided") try: with open(request.form["filepath"], "wb") as f: shutil.copyfileobj(request.files["file"], f, 10*1024*1024) except: return json_exception("Error storing file") return json_success("Successfully stored file") @app.route("/retrieve", methods=["POST"]) def do_retrieve(): if "filepath" not in request.form: return json_error(400, "No filepath has been provided") return send_file(request.form["filepath"]) @app.route("/extract", methods=["POST"]) def do_extract(): if "dirpath" not in request.form: return json_error(400, "No dirpath has been provided") if "zipfile" not in request.files: return json_error(400, "No zip file has been provided") try: with zipfile.ZipFile(request.files["zipfile"], "r") as archive: archive.extractall(request.form["dirpath"]) except: return json_exception("Error extracting zip file") return json_success("Successfully extracted zip file") @app.route("/remove", methods=["POST"]) def do_remove(): if "path" not in request.form: return json_error(400, "No path has been provided") try: if os.path.isdir(request.form["path"]): # Mark all files as readable so they can be deleted. for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(request.form["path"]): for filename in filenames: os.chmod(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), stat.S_IWRITE) shutil.rmtree(request.form["path"]) message = "Successfully deleted directory" elif os.path.isfile(request.form["path"]): os.chmod(request.form["path"], stat.S_IWRITE) os.remove(request.form["path"]) message = "Successfully deleted file" else: return json_error(404, "Path provided does not exist") except: return json_exception("Error removing file or directory") return json_success(message) @app.route("/execute", methods=["POST"]) def do_execute(): if "command" not in request.form: return json_error(400, "No command has been provided") # Execute the command asynchronously? As a shell command? async = "async" in request.form shell = "shell" in request.form cwd = request.form.get("cwd") stdout = stderr = None try: if async: subprocess.Popen(request.form["command"], shell=shell, cwd=cwd) else: p = subprocess.Popen( request.form["command"], shell=shell, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() except: return json_exception("Error executing command") return json_success("Successfully executed command", stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) @app.route("/execpy", methods=["POST"]) def do_execpy(): if "filepath" not in request.form: return json_error(400, "No Python file has been provided") # Execute the command asynchronously? As a shell command? async = "async" in request.form cwd = request.form.get("cwd") stdout = stderr = None args = [ sys.executable, request.form["filepath"], ] try: if async: subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=cwd) else: p = subprocess.Popen(args, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() except: return json_exception("Error executing command") return json_success("Successfully executed command", stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) @app.route("/pinning") def do_pinning(): if "client_ip" in state: return json_error(500, "Agent has already been pinned to an IP!") state["client_ip"] = request.client_ip return json_success("Successfully pinned Agent", client_ip=request.client_ip) @app.route("/kill") def do_kill(): shutdown = request.environ.get("werkzeug.server.shutdown") if shutdown is None: return json_error(500, "Not running with the Werkzeug server") shutdown() return json_success("Quit the Cuckoo Agent") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("host", nargs="?", default="") parser.add_argument("port", nargs="?", default="8000") args = parser.parse_args() app.run(host=args.host, port=int(args.port))