# Leanpub for Sublime [Leanpub](https://leanpub.com) Markdown snippets for Sublime Text based on the [Leanpub Atom Snippets](https://github.com/msurguy/leanpub-atom-snippets) by Maks Surguy. # Installation Leanpub is available within Package Control. Just search for *Leanpub* and you'll be on your way. # Usage These snippets only work in Markdown files, because that's what Leanpub uses. The following triggers are available: - `lp-aside` - `lp-center` - `lp-code` - `lp-discussion` - `lp-error` - `lp-exercise` - `lp-generic` - `lp-img` - `lp-info` - `lp-pagebreak` - `lp-poem` - `lp-question` - `lp-tip` - `lp-warning` Once you've typed the trigger hit Tab to expand it. # License [MIT](http://jbrooksuk.mit-license.org)