# Sublime Evaluate [![Gittip](http://badgr.co/gittip/jbrooksuk.png)](https://www.gittip.com/jbrooksuk/) A powerful plugin which returns the value of selected regions. # Evaluation Environment Sublime Evaluate is able to evaluate the `math` and `datetime` import as part of its enviroment. This opens up access to a whole range of Python functions such as: ```python math.atan2(80, 40) math.pi * 60 datetime.date(2013,4,2) # Returns a formatted date datetime.date.today() ``` We can also perform morecomplex expressions such as: ```python (math.pi * 2) / math.pi * 0.5 ``` # Evaluate Shell Script Sublime Evaluate also supports evaluating code as shell script, Just add a `!` at the beginning: ```bash ! echo hello # > hello ! ! true; echo $? # > 1 # Even multilines ! for i in `seq 10`; do echo I got a $i done ``` #### Current Working Dir Current working dir is the Sublime install dir. You can get it with a `!pwd`. #### Stderr Stderr is captured as well as stdout. #### Timeout Currently a 5s timeout is set. You code will be terminated when it runs more than 5s. #### OS/Sublime Support Though the it is supposed to work on all OSs / Sublime 2/3, this feature is tested on macOS + Sublime 3. Please kindly report to us if you find an issue. We'd be happy to fix it. #### Demo ![](shell-eval.gif) # License MIT - [http://jbrooksuk.mit-license.org](http://jbrooksuk.mit-license.org)