# SublimeWebColors [![Gittip](http://badgr.co/gittip/jbrooksuk.png)](https://www.gittip.com/jbrooksuk/) SublimeWebColors is a plugin for the growing popular editor [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com). It simply lists all CSS3 color names `indigo, gold, firebrick` etc and expands them to their representing hex codes; `#4B0082, #FFD700, #B22222`. SublimeWebColors also appends all CSS3 color names such `indigo, gold, firebrick` into the query suggestions list. ## Compatibility This plugin is fully compatible with Sublime Text 2 and 3! ## Installation Easiest way is to install via [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/installation), just search for "SublimeWebColors". If you don't have Package Control (which you should do, it's amazing) then you can use Git. Just clone this directory to your Sublime Text `/Packages` directory. ## Usage Completions will only be displayed when the cursor is under a CSS scope. This is currently static, however I plan on adding a way to add scopes via a configuration file. - Windows: The default binding is set to ctrl+shift+u - Linux: The default binding is set to ctrl+shift+u - OSX: The default binding is set to super+shift+u You can change these by overwriting the appropriate `*.sublime-keymap` ## Credit `webcolors.py` is a Python library developed by James Bennett, see [BitBucket](https://bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/webcolors/) for his code. ## License MIT - [http://jbrooksuk.mit-license.org](http://jbrooksuk.mit-license.org)