# Tabs To Table [![Gittip](http://badgr.co/gittip/jbrooksuk.png)](https://www.gittip.com/jbrooksuk/) Converts tabular data into a glorious table format. # Installation Available in Package Control, just search *TabsToTable*! # Example ``` Position Elevation 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.17 2.00 0.37 3.00 0.58 4.00 0.76 5.00 0.99 6.00 1.20 7.00 1.45 8.00 1.69 9.00 1.86 10.00 2.06 11.00 2.24 12.00 2.48 13.00 2.65 ``` Converts to: ``` Position Elevation 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.17 2.00 0.37 3.00 0.58 4.00 0.76 5.00 0.99 6.00 1.20 7.00 1.45 8.00 1.69 9.00 1.86 10.00 2.06 11.00 2.24 12.00 2.48 13.00 2.65 ``` # Usage - **Windows:** CTRL+Alt+T - **OSX:** Super+Alt+T - **Linux:** Ctrl+Alt+T # Configure TabsToTable is customisable! Valid settings are: - `col_separator` - How are columns split up? - `col_align` - aligns text to the "left" or "right" of the column. - `col_wrap` - wraps the left and right side of each column with the `col_separator` value. **This value includes no whitespace.** # Props Big props go to [Dr. Drang](http://www.leancrew.com/all-this/) for his post, [Updated Text Tables bundle](http://www.leancrew.com/all-this/2008/09/updated-text-tables-bundle-for-textmate/). # License MIT - [http://jbrooksuk.mit-license.org](http://jbrooksuk.mit-license.org)