state("braid", "steam") { int world : 0x1F718C; int level : 0x1F7190; bool flagPole : 0x1F942C; int gameFrames : 0x1F9434; } state("braid", "standalone") { int world : 0x1F110C; int level : 0x1F1110; bool flagPole : 0x1F33AC; int gameFrames : 0x1F33B4; } state("braid", "kanban55") { int world : 0x18B93C; int level : 0x18B940; bool flagPole : 0x18DBDC; int gameFrames : 0x18DBE4; } startup { settings.Add("Split when returning to the house", true); settings.Add("Split when touching a flagpole", false); settings.Add("Split when completing and exiting a puzzle level", false); settings.Add("Split when initially collecting a piece", false); settings.Add("Split when exiting The Cloud Bridge after collecting 2 pieces", false); settings.Add("Split when exiting Leap of Faith after collecting 1 piece", false); settings.Add("Split when exiting Lair in World 3", false); settings.Add("Split when entering the Braid level", false); settings.Add("Split when exiting the Braid level", false); settings.Add("Split when exiting lobby levels", false); settings.Add("Split when exiting the house", false); vars.logFilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\autosplitter_braid.log"; vars.log = (Action)((string logLine) => { string time = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy hh:mm:ss:fff"); System.IO.File.AppendAllText(vars.logFilePath, time + ": " + logLine + "\r\n"); }); try { vars.log("Autosplitter loaded"); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e) { System.IO.File.Create(vars.logFilePath); vars.log("Autosplitter loaded, log file created"); } } init { vars.piecesBase = 0x0; // location of first piece minus 0x338 if (modules.First().ModuleMemorySize == 7663616) { version = "steam"; vars.piecesBase = 0x1F829C; vars.log("Using steam version"); } if (modules.First().ModuleMemorySize == 7639040) { version = "standalone"; vars.piecesBase = 0x1F221C; vars.log("Using standalone version"); } if (modules.First().ModuleMemorySize == 7229440) { version = "kanban55"; vars.piecesBase = 0x18CA4C; vars.log("Using kanban55 version"); } // IDs are in display order in the top left vars.pieceMap = new Dictionary> { // Name : List of piece indices {"0-0", new List()}, // House {"0-1", new List()}, // World 1 lobby {"0-2", new List()}, // World 2 lobby {"0-3", new List()}, // World 3 lobby {"0-4", new List()}, // World 4 lobby {"0-5", new List()}, // World 5 lobby {"0-6", new List()}, // World 6 lobby {"0-8", new List()}, // Epilogue {"1-4", new List()}, {"1-3", new List()}, {"1-2", new List()}, {"1-1", new List()}, // Braid {"2-1", new List{6, 5, 1}}, // Three Easy Pieces {"2-2", new List{9, 10, 4, 2}}, // The Cloud Bridge {"2-3", new List{8}}, // Hunt! {"2-4", new List{11, 12, 7, 3}}, // Leap of Faith {"3-1", new List{}}, // The Pit {"3-2", new List{2}}, // There and Back Again {"3-3", new List{4, 6}}, // Phase {"3-4", new List{12, 7}}, // The Ground Beneath Her Feet {"3-5", new List{8, 1}}, // Tight Channels {"3-6", new List{3, 9, 10}}, // Irreversible {"3-7", new List{}}, // Lair {"3-8", new List{5, 11}}, // A Tingling {"4-1", new List{}}, // The Pit {"4-2", new List{5, 6, 9}}, // Jumpman {"4-3", new List{12, 10}}, // Just Out of Reach {"4-4", new List{7}}, // Hunt! {"4-5", new List{3, 8}}, // Movement by Degrees {"4-6", new List{4, 1}}, // Movement, Amplified {"4-7", new List{11, 2}}, // Fickle Companion {"5-1", new List{5}}, // The Pit {"5-2", new List{4, 9}}, // So Distant {"5-3", new List{2, 12}}, // [unnamed] {"5-4", new List{7, 8, 1}}, // Crossing the Gap {"5-5", new List{3, 10}}, // Window of Opportunity {"5-6", new List{11}}, // Lair {"5-7", new List{6}}, // Fragile Companion {"6-1", new List{}}, // The Pit? {"6-2", new List{11}}, // There and Back Again {"6-3", new List{8, 10}}, // Phase? {"6-4", new List{4, 12, 1}}, // Cascade {"6-5", new List{3, 9}}, // Impassable Foliage {"6-6", new List{5, 2, 6}}, // Elevator Action {"6-7", new List{7}}, // In Another Castle }; vars.completedLevels = new Dictionary(); // Name : completion foreach (string level in vars.pieceMap.Keys) vars.completedLevels[level] = false; vars.collectedPieces = new Dictionary(); // ID : state vars.currentPieces = new Dictionary(); // ID : pointer for (int world=2; world<=6; world++) { for (int piece=1; piece<=12; piece++) { vars.collectedPieces[vars.piecesBase + (0x18C * world) + (0x20 * piece)] = false; } } vars.log("Finished initializing"); } isLoading { return true; // Disable gameTime approximation } gameTime { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(current.gameFrames/60.0); } start { if (old.gameFrames == 0 && current.gameFrames > 0) { var pieces = new List(vars.collectedPieces.Keys); foreach (int piece in pieces) { vars.collectedPieces[piece] = false; } var worlds = new List(vars.completedLevels.Keys); foreach (string world in worlds) { vars.completedLevels[world] = false; } vars.log("Started a new run"); return true; } } reset { if (old.gameFrames > 0 && current.gameFrames == 0) { vars.log("Resetting run"); return true; } } split { if ( != || old.level != current.level) { string oldName = + "-" + old.level; string currentName = + "-" + current.level; vars.log("Changed from " + oldName + " to " + currentName); int missingPieces = 0; foreach (int piece in vars.currentPieces.Keys) { if (vars.collectedPieces[piece] == false) { missingPieces++; } } vars.log(oldName + " still has " + missingPieces + " missing pieces"); // Prepare for the next level vars.currentPieces.Clear(); // Kanban55 bug: 3-8 -> 3-0 -> 0-0 (but 3-0 is not a valid level) if (vars.pieceMap.ContainsKey(currentName)) { foreach (var puzzleId in vars.pieceMap[currentName]) { int address = vars.piecesBase + (0x18C * + (0x20 * puzzleId); vars.currentPieces[address] = new DeepPointer(address); } } if (vars.completedLevels.ContainsKey(oldName)) { vars.log("Level completion state: " + vars.completedLevels[oldName]); // Ensure that we don't try to split for a level again. This value will // be reset to false if a piece is collected in the level. if (vars.completedLevels[oldName] == false) { vars.log("Completed " + oldName); vars.completedLevels[oldName] = true; if (oldName == "0-8" && currentName == "0-0") { vars.log("Exited the epilogue"); return true; } if ( != 0 && currentName == "0-0") { vars.log("Returned to house"); return settings["Split when returning to the house"]; } if (oldName == "1-2" && currentName == "1-1") { vars.log("Entered Braid"); return settings["Split when entering the Braid level"]; } if (oldName == "1-1" && currentName == "0-8") { vars.log("Exited Braid"); return settings["Split when exiting the Braid level"]; } if (oldName == "3-7" && currentName == "3-8") { vars.log("Exited W3 Lair"); return settings["Split when exiting Lair in World 3"]; } // missingPieces was computed above, before we cleared vars.curentPieces if (oldName == "2-2" && missingPieces == 2) { vars.log("Exited Cloud Bridge (2 missing pieces)"); return settings["Split when exiting The Cloud Bridge after collecting 2 pieces"]; } if (oldName == "2-4" && missingPieces == 3) { vars.log("Exited Leap of Faith (3 missing pieces)"); return settings["Split when exiting Leap of Faith after collecting 1 piece"]; } if (oldName == "0-0") { vars.completedLevels[oldName] = false; vars.log("Exited the house"); return settings["Split when exiting the house"]; } if ( == 0) { vars.log("Exited the lobby"); return settings["Split when exiting lobby levels"]; } if (missingPieces == 0) { vars.log("Completed a puzzle level (0 missing pieces)"); return settings["Split when completing and exiting a puzzle level"]; } } } } // The "game is paused for the flagpole" logic is re-used on the meta-puzzles, // so ensure that we're actually in an end-of-world level if (old.flagPole == false && current.flagPole == true) { string currentName = + "-" + current.level; if (currentName == "2-4" || currentName == "3-8" || currentName == "4-7" || currentName == "5-7" || currentName == "6-7") { vars.log("Touched a flagpole"); return settings["Split when touching a flagpole"]; } } foreach (int piece in vars.currentPieces.Keys) { if (vars.collectedPieces[piece] == false) { if (vars.currentPieces[piece].Deref(game) == true) { vars.log("Collected piece 0x" + piece.ToString("X") + " in level " + current.level); vars.collectedPieces[piece] = true; // Collected a piece so the world is not complete yet vars.completedLevels[ + "-" + current.level] = false; return settings["Split when initially collecting a piece"]; } } } }