from PIL import Image import subprocess from time import sleep import os from textwrap import wrap import base64 import struct # "Virtual Printer" solution, INS'hAck 2018 # WTFPL 2018 JBZ Team # For this to work you'll need the png-transparent.png file from here # rm the junk left from previous run, if any if os.path.exists("data.png"): os.remove("data.png") if os.path.exists("blue_channel.bmp"): os.remove("blue_channel.bmp") # print the blank page'curl -s -X POST -H "User-Agent: curl/7.55.1" --form "f=@png-transparent.png" > data.png', shell=True) sleep(2) # crop the page at the first matrix, but only the blue channel'convert data.png -channel B -separate -crop 1121x141+50+50 +repage blue_channel.bmp', shell=True) sleep(1) # decode the matrix using only the columns flag_img ="blue_channel.bmp") w,h = flag_img.size msg='' for x in range(0, w-1, 20): for y in range(0, h, 20): r,g,b = flag_img.getpixel((x,y)) if r == 255: msg += '0' else: msg+='1' msg = wrap(msg, 8) finalmsg = "" for k in msg: finalmsg = finalmsg + (chr(int(k, 2))) # ip: xxxx # d; xxx # S/N: xxxxxxxxx fm = finalmsg[23:-1] serialbsf = base64.b64encode(fm) print "This should get you the flag:" print 'curl -X POST -H "User-Agent: curl/7.55.1" -d "sn=' + serialbsf + '"'