  "id": "learn-php-basics",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "summary": {
    "title": "Introduction",
    "description": "This is an introduction to your tutorial. It will show up on the first page when your tutorial is started."
  "config": {
    "testRunner": {
      "command": "composer test",
      "args": {
        "tap": ""
      "directory": ".stack-elevate"
    "setup": {
      "commands": [
        "cd .stack-elevate && composer install"
      "commits": [
    "repo": {
      "uri": "https://github.com/stack-elevate/learn-php-basics",
      "branch": "v0.1.0"
    "dependencies": [
        "name": "php",
        "version": ">=8.2"
  "levels": [
      "id": "1",
      "title": "Create index.html Updated",
      "summary": "Optional summary for Level 1",
      "content": "Here's where you can put a description, examples, and instructions for the lesson.",
      "steps": [
          "id": "1.1",
          "content": "This is the test text. Create an `index.html` file to pass this lesson.",
          "hints": [
            "This is a hint to help people through the test",
            "Second hint for 1.1, don't worry if the hints don't show up yet"
          "setup": {
            "commits": [
          "solution": {
            "commits": [