*r-plugin.txt* *vim-r-plugin* Vim-R-plugin~ Plugin to work with R~ Authors: Jakson A. Aquino Jose Claudio Faria Version: 1.3.1 For Vim version >= 7.4.1579 1. Overview |r-plugin-overview| 2. Main features |r-plugin-features| 3. Installation |r-plugin-installation| 4. Use |r-plugin-use| 5. Known bugs and workarounds |r-plugin-known-bugs| 6. Options |r-plugin-options| 7. Custom key bindings |r-plugin-key-bindings| 8. License and files |r-plugin-files| 9. FAQ and tips |r-plugin-tips| 10. News |r-plugin-news| ============================================================================== *r-plugin-overview* 1. Overview~ This plugin improves Vim's support for editing R code and makes it possible to integrate Vim with R. On Unix (Linux, Mac OS X, etc), the combination Neovim + Nvim-R + nvimcom works better. Please, see: https://github.com/jalvesaq/Nvim-R This plugin uses some ideas and code from Johannes Ranke's (vim-r-plugin), Eric Van Dewoestine's (screen.vim plugin), Vincent Nijs (R.vim for Mac OS X) and some ideas from the Tinn-R (Windows only) project. The latest stable version of this plugin is available at: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2628 Feedback is welcomed. Please submit bug reports to the developers. Do not like a feature? Tell us and we may add an option to disable it. If you have any comments or questions, please post them at: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/vim-r-plugin The plugin should emit useful warnings if you do things it was not programmed to deal with. Cryptic error message are bugs... Please report them at: https://github.com/jcfaria/Vim-R-plugin/issues We do not plan to take the initiative of writing code for new features, but patches and git pull requests are welcome. If you want a feature that only few people might be interested in, you can write a script to be sourced by the Vim-R-plugin (see |vimrplugin_source|). ============================================================================== *r-plugin-features* 2. Main features~ * Syntax highlighting for R code, including: - Special characters in strings. - Functions of loaded packages. - Special highlighting for R output (.Rout files). - Spell check only strings and comments. - Fold code when foldmethod=syntax. * Syntax highlighting for RHelp, RMarkdown and RreStructuredText. * Smart indentation for R, RHelp, Rnoweb, RMarkdown and RreStructuredText. * Integrated communication with R: - Start/Close R. - Send lines, selection, paragraphs, functions, blocks, entire file. - Send commands with the object under cursor as argument: help, args, plot, print, str, summary, example, names. - Send to R the Sweave, knit and pdflatex commands. * Omni completion (auto-completion) for R objects (.GlobalEnv and loaded packages). * Auto-completion of function arguments. * Auto-completion of knitr chunk options. * Ability to see R's documentation in a Vim's buffer: - Automatic calculation of the best layout of the R documentation buffer (split the window either horizontally or vertically according to the available room). - Automatic formatting of the text to fit the panel width. - Send code and commands to R (useful to run examples). - Jump to another R documentation. - Syntax highlighting of R documentation. * Object Browser (.GlobalEnv and loaded packages): - Send commands with the object under cursor as argument. - Call R's `help()` with the object under cursor as argument. - Syntax highlighting of the Object Browser. * SyncTeX support. * Most of the plugin's behavior is customizable. ============================================================================== *r-plugin-installation* 3. Installation~ The installation instructions are split in six sections: 3.1. Preliminary system setup on Windows 3.2. Preliminary system setup on Unix 3.3. Plugin installation 3.4. Troubleshooting 3.5. Optional steps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1. Preliminary system setup on Windows~ Before installing the plugin, you should install several external dependencies: * R's version must be >= 3.0.0: http://www.r-project.org/ * vimcom = 1.3-1: https://github.com/jalvesaq/VimCom/releases Note: If you cannot build vimcom yourself, you will want to download and install the zip file. * Vim's version must be >= 7.4.1579: http://www.vim.org/download.php To get the latest version, look for Vim "without Cream". * Only if you write Rnoweb code: * Sumatra PDF viewer >= 3.0. * MikTeX or other LaTeX distribution. * Perl (required to run `latexmk`). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2. Preliminary system setup on Unix (Linux, Mac OS X, etc)~ Before installing the plugin, you should install its dependencies: Depends:~ Vim, GVim >= 7.4.1579: http://www.vim.org/download.php You might have to look for "Vim without Cream". Note: The Vim-R-plugin requires Vim compiled with |+channel|, |+job| and |+conceal| features. In Normal mode, do `:version` to check if your Vim has these features. R >= 3.0.0: http://www.r-project.org/ vimcom = 1.3-1: https://github.com/jalvesaq/VimCom/releases Tmux >= 1.8: http://tmux.sourceforge.net Tmux is necessary to send commands from Vim to R Console. wmctrl: http://tomas.styblo.name/wmctrl/ Required for better SyncTeX support under X Server. Suggests:~ colorout: https://github.com/jalvesaq/colorout/releases Colorizes the R output. setwidth: An R package that can be installed with the command `install.packages("setwidth")`. The library setwidth adjusts the value of `options("width")` whenever the terminal is resized. ncurses-term: http://invisible-island.net/ncurses Might be necessary if you want support for 256 colors at the terminal emulator. latexmk: Automate the compilation of LaTeX documents. See examples in |vimrplugin_latexcmd|. Note: Vim, R, Tmux, ncurses-term and latexmk are already packaged for most GNU/Linux distributions and other Unix variants. Unfortunately their installation instructions vary widely and are beyond the scope of this documentation. Put the following lines in your `~/.Rprofile`: > if(interactive()){ library(colorout) library(setwidth) } < Before proceeding, you have to start a new shell session to have the alias enabled. If you start Vim in a terminal emulator, inside of a Tmux session, the plugin will split the Tmux window in two and start R in the other pane. This is the recommended way of running the plugin on Linux (read |r-plugin-tmux| for details). If you either use GVim or Vim not inside a Tmux session the plugin will start R in a external terminal emulator. This is useful if you have two monitors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3. Plugin installation (instructions for all systems)~ You need to activate plugins and indentation according to 'filetype'. You should have at least the following options at the top or near the very top of your |vimrc| (but below `set` `runtimepath`, if you have set it): > set nocompatible syntax enable filetype plugin on filetype indent on < Download the latest version of the plugin from: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2628 If you either are on Windows or prefer to use a graphical interface, start the file manager, find the file `Vim-R-plugin.vmb` and open it with GVim or MacVim. Otherwise, start a terminal emulator, go to the directory where you have downloaded the plugin and type: > vim Vim-R-plugin.vmb < Then, in Vim, type: > :so % < Press to start the installation and press the bar as many times as necessary to finish the installation. You should, then, quit Vim. Note: If you need to install the plugin in a non default directory, do `:UseVimball` `[path]`. In this case, the configuration of Vim's 'runtimepath' must be done before the command "filetype on" in both the system and the user |vimrc| files, otherwise, some file types might not be correctly recognized. The plugin is installed and will be activated next time that you start to edit an R script. You may want to improve the configuration of your |vimrc| for a better use of the plugin. Please, see |r-plugin-vimrc-setup|. If you want to uninstall the plugin, do > :RmVimball Vim-R-plugin < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4. Troubleshooting (if the plugin doesn't work)~ Note: The is '\' by default. The plugin is a |file-type| plugin. It will be active only if you are editing a .R, .Rnw, .Rd, Rmd, or Rrst file. The menu items will not be visible and the key bindings will not be active while editing either unnamed files or files with name extensions other than the mentioned above. If the plugin is active, pressing rf should start R. Did you see warning messages but they disappeared before you have had time to read them? Type the command |:messages| in Normal mode to see them again. On Windows, if R does not start and you get an error message instead, you may want to set the path to your Rgui.exe in your |vimrc|, for example (please adapt to your installation): > let vimrplugin_r_path = 'C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.2.2\\bin\\i386' < Are you using Debian, Ubuntu or other Debian based Linux distribution? If yes, you may prefer to install the Debian package available at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByMBQcSs9G7KYkotRGpRYjlLVDg Did you see the message "VimCom port not found"? This means that R is not running, the vimcom package is not installed (or is installed but is not loaded), or R was not started by Vim. If R takes more than 5 seconds to load, you should adjust the value of |vimrplugin_vimcom_wait|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.5. Optional steps~ 3.5.1 Customize the plugin~ Please, read the section |r-plugin-options|. Emacs/ESS users should read the section |r-plugin-indenting| of this document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.5.2 Install additional plugins~ You may be interested in installing additional general plugins to get functionality not provided by this file type plugin. Particularly interesting are vim-signature, csv.vim and snipMate. Please read |r-plugin-tips| for details. If you edit Rnoweb files, you may want to try LaTeX-Box for omnicompletion of LaTeX code (see |r-plugin-latex-box| for details). ============================================================================== *r-plugin-use* 4. Use~ 4.1. Key bindings~ Note: The is '\' by default. Note: It is recommended the use of different keys for and to avoid clashes between filetype plugins and general plugins key binds. See |filetype-plugins|, |maplocalleader| and |r-plugin-localleader|. To use the plugin, open a .R, .Rnw, .Rd, .Rmd or .Rrst file with Vim and type rf. Then, you will be able to use the plugin key bindings to send commands to R. This plugin has many key bindings, which correspond with menu entries. In the list below, the backslash represents the . Not all menu items and key bindings are enabled in all filetypes supported by the plugin (r, rnoweb, rhelp, rrst, rmd). Menu entry Default shortcut~ Start/Close . Start R (default) \rf . Start R (custom) \rc -------------------------------------------------------- . Close R (no save) \rq . Stop R :RStop ----------------------------------------------------------- Send . File \aa . File (echo) \ae . File (open .Rout) \ao -------------------------------------------------------- . Block (cur) \bb . Block (cur, echo) \be . Block (cur, down) \bd . Block (cur, echo and down) \ba -------------------------------------------------------- . Chunk (cur) \cc . Chunk (cur, echo) \ce . Chunk (cur, down) \cd . Chunk (cur, echo and down) \ca . Chunk (from first to here) \ch -------------------------------------------------------- . Function (cur) \ff . Function (cur, echo) \fe . Function (cur and down) \fd . Function (cur, echo and down) \fa -------------------------------------------------------- . Selection \ss . Selection (echo) \se . Selection (and down) \sd . Selection (echo and down) \sa . Selection (evaluate and insert output in new tab) \so -------------------------------------------------------- . Paragraph \pp . Paragraph (echo) \pe . Paragraph (and down) \pd . Paragraph (echo and down) \pa -------------------------------------------------------- . Line \l . Line (and down) \d . Line (and new one) \q . Left part of line (cur) \r . Right part of line (cur) \r . Line (evaluate and insert the output as comment) \o ----------------------------------------------------------- Command . List space \rl . Clear console \rr . Clear all \rm -------------------------------------------------------- . Print (cur) \rp . Names (cur) \rn . Structure (cur) \rt . View data.frame (cur) \rv -------------------------------------------------------- . Arguments (cur) \ra . Example (cur) \re . Help (cur) \rh -------------------------------------------------------- . Summary (cur) \rs . Plot (cur) \rg . Plot and summary (cur) \rb -------------------------------------------------------- . Set working directory (cur file path) \rd -------------------------------------------------------- . Sweave (cur file) \sw . Sweave and PDF (cur file) \sp . Sweave, BibTeX and PDF (cur file) (Linux/Unix) \sb -------------------------------------------------------- . Knit (cur file) \kn . Knit and PDF (cur file) \kp . Knit, BibTeX and PDF (cur file) (Linux/Unix) \kb . Knit and Beamer PDF (cur file) (only .Rmd) \kl . Knit and Open Document (cur file) (only .Rmd) \ko . Knit and Word Document (cur file) (only .Rmd) \kw . Knit and HTML (cur file, verbose) (only .Rmd) \kh . Spin (cur file) (only .R) \ks -------------------------------------------------------- . Open PDF (cur file) \op . Search forward (SyncTeX) \gp . Go to LaTeX (SyncTeX) \gt -------------------------------------------------------- . Build tags file (cur dir) :RBuildTags ----------------------------------------------------------- Edit . Insert "<-" _ . Complete object name ^X^O . Complete function arguments ^X^A -------------------------------------------------------- . Indent (line) == . Indent (selected lines) = . Indent (whole buffer) gg=G -------------------------------------------------------- . Toggle comment (line, sel) \xx . Comment (line, sel) \xc . Uncomment (line, sel) \xu . Add/Align right comment (line, sel) \; -------------------------------------------------------- . Go (next R chunk) \gn . Go (previous R chunk) \gN ----------------------------------------------------------- Object Browser . Show/Update \ro . Expand (all lists) \r= . Collapse (all lists) \r- . Toggle (cur) Enter ----------------------------------------------------------- Help (plugin) Help (R) :Rhelp ----------------------------------------------------------- Please see |r-plugin-key-bindings| to learn how to customize the key bindings without editing the plugin directly. The plugin commands that send code to R Console are the most commonly used. If the code to be sent to R has a single line it is sent directly to R Console, but if it has more than one line (a selection of lines, a block of lines between two marks, a paragraph etc) the lines are written to a file and the plugin sends to R the command to source the file. To send to R Console the line currently under the cursor you should type d. If you want to see what lines are being sourced when sending a selection of lines, you can use either se or sa instead of ss. The command o runs in the background the R command `print(line)`, where `line` is the line under cursor, and adds the output as commented lines to the source code. If the cursor is over the header of an R chunk with the `child` option (from Rnoweb, RMarkdown or RreStructuredText document), and you use one of the commands that send a single line of code to R, then the plugin will send to R the command to knit the child document. After the send, sweave and knit commands, Vim will save the current buffer if it has any pending changes before performing the tasks. After ao, Vim will run "R CMD BATCH --no-restore --no-save" on the current file and show the resulting .Rout file in a new tab. Please see |vimrplugin_routnotab| if you prefer that the file is open in a new split window. Note: The command ao, silently writes the current buffer to its file if it was modified and deletes the .Rout file if it exists. R syntax uses " <- " to assign values to variables which is inconvenient to type. In insert mode, typing a single underscore, "_", will write " <- ", unless you are typing inside a string. The replacement will always happen if syntax highlighting is off (see |:syn-on| and |:syn-off|). If necessary, it is possible to insert an actual underscore into your file by typing a second underscore. This behavior is similar to the EMACS ESS mode some users may be familiar with and is enabled by default. You have to change the value of |vimrplugin_assign| to disable underscore replacement. When you press rh, the plugin shows the help for the function under the cursor. The plugin also checks the class of the object passed as argument to the function to try to figure out whether the function is a generic one and whether it is more appropriate to show a specific method. The same procedure is followed with rp, that is, while printing an object. For example, if you run the code below and, then, press rh and rp over the two occurrences of `summary`, the plugin will show different help documents and print different function methods in each case: > y <- rnorm(100) x <- rnorm(100) m <- lm(y ~ x) summary(x) summary(m) < If the object under the cursor is a data.frame or a matrix, rv will show it in a new tab. If the csv.vim plugin is not installed, the Vim-R-plugin will warn you about that (see |r-plugin-df-view|). Specially useful commands from the csv.vim plugin are |:CSVHeader|, |:ArrangeColumn| and |:CSVHiColumn|. It can be installed from: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2830 When completing object names (CTRL-X CTRL-O) and function arguments (CTRL-X CTRL-A) you have to press CTRL-N to go foward in the list and CTRL-P to go backward (see |popupmenu-completion|). Note: if using Vim in a terminal emulator, Tmux will capture the CTRL-A command. You have to do CTRL-A twice to pass a single CTRL-A to Vim. For rnoweb, rmd and rrst file types, CTRL-X CTRL-A can also be used to complete knitr chunk options if the cursor is inside the chunk header. If R is not running or if it is running but is busy the completion will be based on information from the packages listed by |vimrplugin_start_libs| (provided that the libraries were loaded at least once during a session of Vim-R-plugin usage). Otherwise, the pop up menu for completion of function arguments will include an additional line with the name of the library where the function is (if the function name can be found in more than one library) and the function method (if what is being shown are the arguments of a method and not of the function itself). For library() and require(), when completing the first argument, the popup list shows the names of installed packages, but only if R is running. To get help on an R topic, type in Vim (Normal mode): > :Rhelp topic < The command may be abbreviated to :Rh and you can either press to trigger the autocompletion of R objects names or hit CTRL-D to list the possible completions (see |cmdline-completion| for details on the various ways of getting command-line completion). The list of objects used for completion is the same available for omnicompletion (see |vimrplugin_start_libs|). You may close the R documentation buffer by simply pressing `q`. You can source all .R files in a directory with the Normal mode command :RSourceDir, which accepts an optional argument (the directory to be sourced). *:Rinsert* The command :Rinsert inserts one or more lines with the output of the R command sent to R. By using this command we can avoid the need of copying and pasting the output R from its console to Vim. For example, to insert the output of `dput(levels(var))`, where `var` is a factor vector, we could do in Vim: > :Rinsert dput(levels(var)) < The output inserted by :Rinsert is limited to 5012 characters. The command :Rformat calls the function `tidy_source()` of formatR package to format either the entire buffer or the selected lines. The value of the `width.cutoff` argument is set to the buffer's 'textwidth' if it is not outside the range 20-180. Se R help on `tidy_source` for details on how to control the function behavior. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2. Edition of Rnoweb files~ In Rnoweb files (.Rnw), when the cursor is over the `@` character, which finishes an R chunk, the sending of all commands to R is suspended and the shortcut to send the current line makes the cursor to jump to the next chunk. While editing Rnoweb files, the following commands are available in Normal mode: [count]gn : go to the next chunk of R code [count]gN : go to the previous chunk of R code The commands cc, ce, cd and ca send the current chunk of R code to R Console. The command ch sends the R code from the first chunk up to the current line. The commands kn builds the .tex file from the Rnoweb one using the knitr package and kp compiles the pdf; for Sweave, the commands are, respectively sw and sp. On Linux, if using Evince, Okular or Zathura, you can jump from the Rnoweb file to the PDF with the command gp. To jump from a specific location in the PDF to the corresponding line in the Rnoweb, in either Evince or Zathura you should press , and in Okular . No configuration is required if you use Evince, Gnome-Terminal and the knitr package, and work with single file Rnoweb documents. Otherwise, see |r-plugin-SyncTeX| for configuration details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3. Omni completion and the highlighting of functions~ The plugin adds some features to the default syntax highlight of R code. One such feature is the highlight of R functions. However, functions are highlighted only if their libraries are loaded by R (but see |vimrplugin_start_libs|). Note: If you have too many loaded packages Vim may be unable to load the list of functions for syntax highlight. Vim can automatically complete the names of R objects when CTRL-X CTRL-O is pressed in insert mode (see |omni-completion| for details). Omni completion shows in a pop up menu the name of the object, its class and its environment (most frequently, its package name). If the object is a function, the plugin can also show the function arguments in a separate preview window (this feature is disabled by default: see |vimrplugin_show_args|). If a data.frame is found, while building the list of objects, the columns in the data.frame are added to the list. When you try to use omni completion to complete the name of a data.frame, the columns are not shown. But when the data.frame name is already complete, and you have inserted the '$' symbol, omni completion will show the column names. Only the names of objects in .GlobalEnv and in loaded libraries are completed. If either R is not running, only objects of libraries listed in |vimrplugin_start_libs| will have their names completed. When you load a new library in R, only the current buffer has the highlighting of function names immediately updated. If you have other buffers open, they will be updated when you enter them. Vim uses one file to store the names of .GlobalEnv objects and a list of files for all other objects. The .GlobalEnv list is stored in the `$VIMRPLUGIN_TMPDIR` directory and is deleted when you quits Vim. The other files are stored in the `$VIMR_COMPLDIR` directory and remain available until you manually delete them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.4. The Object Browser~ You have to use ro to start the Object Browser. The Object Browser has two views: .GlobalEnv and Libraries. If you either press or double click (GVim or Vim with 'mouse' set to "a") on the first line of the Object Browser, you will toggle the view between the objects in .GlobalEnv and the currently loaded libraries. The Object Browser requires the |+conceal| feature to correctly align list items. In the .GlobalEnv view, if an object has the attribute "label", it will also be displayed. In the Object Browser window, while in Normal mode, you can either press or double click (GVim only) over a data.frame or list to show/hide its elements (not if viewing the content of loaded libraries). If you are running R in an environment where the string UTF-8 is part of either LC_MESSAGES or LC_ALL variables, unicode line drawing characters will be used to draw lines in the Object Browser. This is the case of most Linux distributions. In the Libraries view, you can either double click or press on a library name to see its objects. In the Object Browser, the libraries have the color defined by the PreProc highlighting group. The other objects have their colors defined by the return value of some R functions. Each line in the table below shows a highlighting group and the corresponding type of R object: PreProc libraries Number numeric String character Special factor Boolean logical Type list Function function Statement s4 Comment promise (lazy load object) One limitation of the Object Browser is that objects made available by the command `data()` are only links to the actual objects (promises of lazily loading the object when needed) and their real classes are not recognized in the GlobalEnv view. The same problem happens when the `knitr` option `cache.lazy=TRUE`. If you press over the name of the object in the Object Browser, it will be actually loaded by the command (ran in the background): > obj <- obj < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.5. Commenting and uncommenting lines~ You can toggle the state of a line as either commented or uncommented by typing xx. The string used to comment the line will be "# ", "## " or "### ", depending on the values of |vimrplugin_indent_commented| and |r_indent_ess_comments|. You can also add the string "# " to the beginning of a line by typing xc and remove it with xu. In this case, you can set the value of vimrplugin_rcomment_string to control what string will be added to the beginning of the line. Example: > let vimrplugin_rcomment_string = "# " < Finally, you can also add comments to the right of a line with the ; shortcut. By default, the comment starts at the 40th column, which can be changed by setting the value of r_indent_comment_column, as below: > let r_indent_comment_column = 20 < If the line is longer than 38 characters, the comment will start two columns after the last character in the line. If you are running ; over a selection of lines, the comments will be aligned according to the longest line. Note: While typing comments the leader comment string is automatically added to new lines when you reach 'textwidth' but not when you press . Please, read the Vim help about 'formatoptions' and |fo-table|. For example, you can add the following line to your |vimrc| if you want the comment string being added after : > autocmd FileType r setlocal formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=croql < Tip: You can use Vim substitution command `:%s/#.*//` to delete all comments in a buffer (see |:s| and |pattern-overview|). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *:RBuildTags* 4.6. Build a tags file to jump to function definitions~ Vim can jump to functions defined in other files if you press CTRL-] over the name of a function, but it needs a tags file to be able to find the function definition (see |tags-and-searches|). The command :RBuildTags calls the R function `rtags()` to build the tags file for the R scripts in the current directory. Please read |r-plugin-tagsfile| to learn how to create a tags file referencing source code located in other directories, including the entire R source code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-tmux* 4.7. Tmux usage~ When running either GVim or Vim in a terminal emulator (Linux/Unix only), the Vim-R-plugin will use Tmux to start R in a separate terminal emulator. R will be running inside a Tmux session, but you will hardly notice any difference from R running directly in the terminal emulator. The remaining of this section refers to the case of starting R when Vim already is in a Tmux session, that is, if you do: > tmux vim filename.R exit < In this case, the terminal window is split in two regions: one for Vim and the other for Tmux. Then, it's useful (but not required) to know some Tmux commands. After you finished editing the file, you have to type `exit` to quit the Tmux session. Note: Starting GVim within a Tmux session is not supported. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-tmux-setup* 4.7.1 Tmux configuration~ If, as recommended, you always prefer to run Tmux before running you have to create your `~/.tmux.conf` if it does not exist yet. You may put the lines below in your `~/.tmux.conf` as a starting point to your own configuration file: > # Use instead of the default as Tmux prefix set-option -g prefix C-a unbind-key C-b bind-key C-a send-prefix # Options enable mouse support in Tmux set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@' # For Tmux < 2.1 set -g mode-mouse on set -g mouse-select-pane on set -g mouse-resize-pane on # For Tmux >= 2.1 set -g mouse on # Act more like vim: set-window-option -g mode-keys vi bind h select-pane -L bind j select-pane -D bind k select-pane -U bind l select-pane -R unbind p bind p paste-buffer bind -t vi-copy v begin-selection bind -t vi-copy y copy-selection < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.7.2 Key bindings and mouse support~ The Tmux configuration file suggested above configures Tmux to use vi key bindings. It also configures Tmux to react to mouse clicks. You should be able to switch the active pane by clicking on an inactive pane, to resize the panes by clicking on the border line and dragging it, and to scroll the R Console with the mouse wheel. When you use the mouse wheel, Tmux enters in its copy/scroll back mode (see below). The configuration script also sets as the Tmux escape character (the default is ), that is, you have to type before typing a Tmux command. Below are the most useful key bindings for Tmux with the tmux.conf shown above: arrow keys : Move the cursor to the Tmux panel above, below, at the right or at the left of the current one. : Move the panel division upward one line, that is, resize the panels. Repeat to move more. will move the division downward one line. If you are using the vertical split, you should use and to resize the panels. [ : Enter the copy/scroll back mode. You can use , and vi key bindings to move the cursor around the panel. Press q to quit copy mode. ] : Paste the content of Tmux paste buffer. z : Hide/show all panes except the current one. Note: If you mistakenly press , you have to type `fg` to get Tmux back to the foreground. While in the copy and scroll back mode, the following key bindings are very useful: q : Quit the copy and scroll mode. : Start text selection. v : Start rectangular text selection. : Copy the selection to Tmux paste buffer. Please, read the manual page of Tmux if you want to change the Tmux configuration and learn more commands. To read the Tmux manual, type in the terminal emulator: > man tmux < Note: Because was configured as the Tmux escape character, it will not be passed to applications running under Tmux. To send to either R or Vim you have to type . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.7.3 Copying and pasting~ You do not need to copy code from Vim to R because you can use the plugin's shortcuts to send the code. For pasting the output of R commands into Vim's buffer, you can use the command |:Rinsert|. If you want to copy text from an application running inside the Tmux to another application also running in Tmux, as explained in the previous subsection, you can enter in Tmux copy/scroll mode, select the text, copy it, switch to the other application pane and, then, paste. However, if you want to copy something from either Vim or R to another application not running inside Tmux, Tmux may prevent the X server from capturing the text selected by the mouse. This can be prevented by pressing the key, as it suspends the capturing of mouse events by tmux. If you keep pressed while selecting text with the mouse, it will be available in the X server clipboard and can be inserted into other windows using the middle mouse button. It can of course also be inserted into a tmux window using and the middle mouse button. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-remote* 4.7.2 Remote access~ The Vim-R-plugin can not send commands from a local Vim to a remote R, but you can access the remote machine through ssh and run Tmux, Vim and R in the remote machine. Tmux should not be running in the local machine because some environment variables could pass from the local to the remote Tmux and confuse the plugin. With Tmux, you can detach the Vim-R session and reattach it later (but the connection with the XServer could be lost in the process). This is useful if you plan to begin the use the Vim-R-plugin in a machine and later move to another computer and access your previous Vim-R session remotely. Below is the step-by-step procedure to run the Vim-R remotely: - Start Tmux: tmux - Start Vim: vim script.R - Use Vim to start an R session: rf - Send code from Vim to R, and, then, detach Vim and R with d The command will be d if you have not set as the escape character in your ~/.tmux.conf. - Some time later (even if accessing the machine remotely) reattach the Tmux session: tmux attach ============================================================================== *r-plugin-known-bugs* 5. Known bugs and workarounds~ Known bugs that will not be fixed are listed in this section. Some of them can not be fixed because they depend on missing features in either R or Vim; others would be very time consuming to fix without breaking anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.1. R's source() issues~ The R's `source()` function of the base package prints an extra new line between commands if the option echo = TRUE, and error and warning messages are printed only after the entire code is sourced. This makes it more difficult to find errors in the code sent to R. Details: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2012-December/065352.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.2. The menu may not reflect some of your custom key bindings~ If you have created a custom key binding for the Vim-R-plugin, the menu in GVim will not always reflect the correct key binding if it is not the same for Normal, Visual and Insert modes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.3. Functions are not always correctly sent to R~ The plugin is only capable of recognizing functions defined using the `<-` operator. Also, only current function scope is sent to R. See: https://github.com/jcfaria/Vim-R-plugin/issues/94 https://github.com/jalvesaq/Nvim-R/issues/34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.4. Wrong message that "R is busy" (Windows only)~ On Windows, when code is sent from Vim to R Console, the vimcom library sets the value of the internal variable `r_is_busy` to 1. The value is set back to 0 when any code is successfully evaluated. If you send invalid code to R, there will be no successful evaluation of code and the value of `r_is_busy` will remain set to 1. If you then try to update the Object Browser, see the R documentation for any function, or do other tasks that require the hidden evaluation of code by R, the vimcom library will refuse to do the tasks to avoid any risk of corrupting R's memory. It will tell Vim that "R is busy" and Vim will display this message. Everything should work as expected again after any valid code is executed in the R Console. The vimcom library is started with the state `busy`. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-SyncTeX-win* 5.5. SyncTeX on Windows~ On Windows, backward search with Sumatra pop ups a console window which quickly disappears (it is `vclientserver` running the required command). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.6. R must be started by Vim~ The communication between Vim and R will work only if R was started by Vim through the rf command because the plugin was designed to connect each Vim instance with its own R instance. If you start R before Vim, it will not inherit from Vim the environment variables VIMRPLUGIN_TMPDIR, VIMR_COMPLDIR, VIMEDITOR_SVRNM, VIMINSTANCEID, and VIMR_SECRET. The first one is the path used by the R package vimcom to save temporary files used by the Vim-R-plugin to: perform omnicompletion, show R documentation in a Vim buffer, and update the Object Browser. The two last ones are used by the Vim-R-plugin and by vimcom to know that the connections are valid. If you use Vim to start R, but then close Vim, some variables will become outdated. Additionally, the Vim-R-plugin sets the value of its internal variable SendCmdToR from SendCmdToR_fake to the appropriate value when R is successfully started. It is possible to set the values of all those variables manually, but, as you can see below, it is not practical to do so. If you have either started R before Vim or closed Vim and opened it again and really want full communication between Vim and R, you can try the following (not all procedures are necessary for all cases): In Normal mode Vim do: > :echo g:rplugin_tmpdir :echo g:rplugin_compldir :echo $VIMINSTANCEID :echo $VIMR_SECRET :echo $VIMEDITOR_SVRNM < In R do: > detach("package:vimcom", unload = TRUE) Sys.setenv(VIMRPLUGIN_TMPDIR="T") # where "T" is what Vim has echoed Sys.setenv(VIMINSTANCEID="I") # where "I" is what Vim has echoed Sys.setenv(VIMR_SECRET"="S") # where "S" is what Vim has echoed Sys.setenv(VIMEDITOR_SVRNM"="N") # where "N" is what Vim has echoed Sys.setenv(VIMR_COMPLDIR"="C") # where "C" is what Vim has echoed library(vimcom) < If you are running R in a terminal emulator (Linux/Unix) Vim still needs to know the name of Tmux session and Tmux pane where R is running. So, in R do: > Sys.getenv("TMUX_PANE") < and the following Tmux command: > :display-message -p '#S' < And in Normal mode Vim do: > :let rplugin_rconsole_pane = "X" :let rplugin_tmuxsname = "Y" < Finally, do one of the commands below in Normal mode Vim, according to how R is running: > let SendCmdToR = function('SendCmdToR_TmuxSplit') let SendCmdToR = function('SendCmdToR_Term') let SendCmdToR = function('SendCmdToR_OSX') let SendCmdToR = function('SendCmdToR_Windows') < ============================================================================== *r-plugin-options* 6. Options~ |vimrplugin_term| External terminal to be used |vimrplugin_term_cmd| Complete command to open an external terminal |vimrplugin_sleeptime| Delay while sending commands in MS Windows |vimrplugin_save_win_pos| Save positions of R and GVim windows |vimrplugin_set_home_env| Set the value of $HOME for R |vimrplugin_arrange_windows| Restore positions of R and GVim windows |vimrplugin_assign| Convert '_' into ' <- ' |vimrplugin_assign_map| Choose what to convert into ' <- ' |vimrplugin_rnowebchunk| Convert '<' into '<<>>=\n@' in Rnoweb files |vimrplugin_objbr_place| Placement of Object Browser |vimrplugin_objbr_w| Initial width of Object Browser window |vimrplugin_tmux_ob| Run Object Browser in Tmux pane |vimrplugin_objbr_opendf| Display data.frames open in the Object Browser |vimrplugin_objbr_openlist| Display lists open in the Object Browser |vimrplugin_objbr_allnames| Display hidden objects in the Object Browser |vimrplugin_objbr_labelerr| Show error if "label" attribute is invalid |vimrplugin_vimpager| Use Vim to see R documentation |vimrplugin_editor_w| Minimum width of R script buffer |vimrplugin_help_w| Desired width of R documentation buffer |vimrplugin_i386| Use 32 bit version of R |vimrplugin_r_path| Directory where R is |vimrplugin_r_args| Arguments to pass to R |vimrplugin_start_libs| Objects for omnicompletion and syntax highlight |vimrplugin_routnotab| Show output of R CMD BATCH in new window |vimrplugin_indent_commented| Indent lines commented with the \xx command |vimrplugin_rcomment_string| String to comment code with \xx and \o |vimrplugin_notmuxconf| Don't use a specially built Tmux config file |vimrplugin_rconsole_height| The number of lines of R Console (Tmux split) |vimrplugin_vsplit| Make Tmux split the window vertically |vimrplugin_rconsole_width| The number of columns of R Console (Tmux split) |vimrplugin_tmux_title| Set Tmux window title to "VimR" |vimrplugin_applescript| Use osascript in Mac OS X |vimrplugin_listmethods| Do `vim.list.args()` instead of `args()` |vimrplugin_specialplot| Do `vim.plot()` instead of `plot()` |vimrplugin_source_args| Arguments to R `source()` function |vimrplugin_latexcmd| Command to run on .tex files |vimrplugin_latexmk| Define wether `latexmk` should be run |vimrplugin_texerr| Show a summary of LaTeX errors after compilation |vimrplugin_sweaveargs| Arguments do `Sweave()` |vimrplugin_rmd_environment| Environment in which to save evaluated rmd code |vimrplugin_never_unmake_menu| Do not unmake the menu when switching buffers |vimrplugin_map_r| Use 'r' to send lines and selected text |vimrplugin_ca_ck| Add ^A^K to the beginning of commands |vimrplugin_pdfviewer| PDF application used to open PDF documents |vimrplugin_openpdf| Open PDF after processing rnoweb file |vimrplugin_openhtml| Open HTML after processing either Rrst or Rmd |vimrplugin_strict_rst| Code style for generated rst files |vimrplugin_insert_mode_cmds| Allow R commands in insert mode |vimrplugin_allnames| Show names which begin with a dot |vimrplugin_rmhidden| Remove hidden objects from R workspace |vimrplugin_source| Source additional scripts |vimrplugin_show_args| Show extra information during omnicompletion |vimrplugin_args_in_stline| Set 'statusline' to function arguments |vimrplugin_vimcom_wait| Time to wait for vimcom loading |vimrplugin_vim_wd| Start R in Vim's working directory |vimrplugin_after_start| System command to execute after R startup |vimrplugin_user_maps_only| Only set user specified key bindings |vimrplugin_tmpdir| Where temporary files are created |vimrplugin_compldir| Where lists for omnicompletion are stored |r-plugin-df-view| Options for visualizing a data.frame or matrix |r-plugin-SyncTeX| Options for SyncTeX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_term* 6.1. Terminal emulator (Linux/Unix only, but not Mac OS X)~ Note: The options of this section are ignored on Mac OS X, where the command `open` is called to run the default application used to run shell scripts. The plugin uses the first terminal emulator that it finds in the following list: 1. gnome-terminal, 2. konsole, 3. xfce4-terminal, 4. iterm, 5. Eterm, 6. (u)rxvt, 7. aterm, 8. roxterm, 9. terminator, 10. xterm. If Vim does not select your favorite terminal emulator, you may define it in your |vimrc| by setting the variable vimrplugin_term, as shown below: > let vimrplugin_term = "xterm" < *vimrplugin_term_cmd* If your terminal emulator is not listed above, or if you are not satisfied with the way your terminal emulator is called by the plugin, you may define in your |vimrc| the variable vimrplugin_term_cmd, as in the examples below: > let vimrplugin_term_cmd = "gnome-terminal --title R -e" let vimrplugin_term_cmd = "terminator --title R -x" < Please, look at the manual of your terminal emulator to know how to call it. The last argument must be the one which precedes the command to be executed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_sleeptime* *vimrplugin_save_win_pos* *vimrplugin_set_home_env* *vimrplugin_arrange_windows* 6.2. Options specific to Windows~ The plugin gives to R a small amount of time to process the paste command. The default value is 100 milliseconds, but you should experiment different values. The example show how to adjust the value of sleeptime in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_sleeptime = 30 < By default, the Vim-R-plugin will save the positions of R Console and GVim windows when you quit R with the rq command, and it will restore the positions of the windows when you start R. If you do not like this behavior, you can put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_save_win_pos = 0 let vimrplugin_arrange_windows = 0 < If you want R and GVim windows always in a specific arrangement, regardless of their state when you have quited R for the last time, you should arrange them in the way you want, quit R, change in your |vimrc| only the value of vimrplugin_save_win_pos and, finally, quit Vim. The plugin sets `$HOME` as the Windows register value for "Personal" "Shell Folders" which is the same value set by R. However, if you have set `$HOME` yourself with the intention of changing the default value of `$HOME` assumed by R, you will want to put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_set_home_env = 0 < Note: the old option vimrplugin_Rterm was deprecated because the C code to send strings from Vim to Windows PowerShell is not working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_rnowebchunk* *vimrplugin_assign_map* *vimrplugin_assign* 6.3. Assignment operator and Rnoweb completion of code block~ In Rnoweb files, a `<` is replaced with `<<>>=\n@`. To disable this feature, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_rnowebchunk = 0 < While editing R code, `_` is replaced with `<-`. If you want to bind other keys to be replaced by `<-`, set the value of |vimrplugin_assign_map| in your |vimrc|, as in the example below which emulates RStudio behavior (may only work on GVim): > let vimrplugin_assign_map = "" < Note: If you are using Vim in a terminal emulator, you have to put in your |vimrc|: > set =^[- let vimrplugin_assign_map = "" < where `^[` is obtained by pressing CTRL-V CTRL-[ in Insert mode. Note: You can't map , as StatET does because in Vim only alphabetic letters can be mapped in combination with the CTRL key. To completely disable this feature, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_assign = 0 < If you need to type many object names with underscores, you may want to change the value vimrplugin_assign to 2. Then, you will have to type two `_` to get them converted into `<-`. Alternatively, if the value of vimrplugin_assign is 3, the plugin will run the following command in each buffer containing R code (R, Rnoweb, Rhelp, Rrst, and Rmd): > iabb _ <- < That is, the underscore will be replaced with the assign operator only if it is preceded by a space and followed by a non-word character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_objbr_place* *vimrplugin_objbr_w* *vimrplugin_tmux_ob* *vimrplugin_objbr_opendf* *vimrplugin_objbr_openlist* *vimrplugin_objbr_allnames* *vimrplugin_objbr_labelerr* 6.4. Object Browser options~ By default, the Object Browser will be created with 40 columns. The minimum width of the Object Browser window is 9 columns. You can change the object browser's default width by setting the value of |vimrplugin_objbr_w| in your |vimrc|, as below: > let vimrplugin_objbr_w = 30 < The Object Browser is created by splitting the Vim script window, but if Vim is running in a terminal emulator inside a Tmux session, the Object Browser will be created in an independent Vim instance in a Tmux pane. If you prefer the Object Browser always created as a Vim split window, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_tmux_ob = 0 < Valid values for the Object Browser placement are "script" or "console" and "right" or "left" separated by a comma. Examples: > let vimrplugin_objbr_place = "script,right" let vimrplugin_objbr_place = "console,left" < The "console" option is valid only if Vim is running inside of a Tmux session. Below is an example of setup of some other options in the |vimrc| that control the behavior of the Object Browser: > let vimrplugin_objbr_opendf = 1 " Show data.frames elements let vimrplugin_objbr_openlist = 0 " Show lists elements let vimrplugin_objbr_allnames = 0 " Show .GlobalEnv hidden objects let vimrplugin_objbr_labelerr = 1 " Warn if label is not a valid text < Objects whose names start with a "." are hidden by default. If you want that they are displayed in the Object Browser, set the value of `vimrplugin_objbr_allnames` to `1`. when a `data.frame` appears in the Object Browser for the first time, its elements are immediately displayed, but the elements of a `list` are displayed only if it is explicitly opened. The options `vimrplugin_objbr_opendf` and `vimrplugin_objbr_openlist` control the initial status (either opened or closed) of, respectively, `data.frames` and `lists`. The options are ignored for `data.frames` and `lists` of libraries which are always started closed. If an object R's workspace has the attribute `"label"`, it is displayed in Nvim's Object Browser. If the `"label"` attribute is not of class `"character"`, and if `vimrplugin_objbr_labelerr` is `1`, an error message is printed in the Object Browser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_vimpager* *vimrplugin_editor_w* *vimrplugin_help_w* 6.5. Vim as pager for R help~ 6.5.1. Quick setup~ If you do not want to see R documentation in a Vim's buffer, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_vimpager = "no" < If you want to see R documentation in Vim, but are not satisfied with the way it works, please, read the subsection 6.5.2 below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.5.2. Details and other options:~ The plugin key bindings will remain active in the documentation buffer allowing you to send commands to R as you would do do while editing an R script. You can, for example, use rh to jump to another R help document. The valid values of vimrplugin_vimpager are: "tab" : Show the help document in a new tab. If there is already a tab with an R help document tab, use it. This is the default. "vertical" : Split the window vertically if the editor width is large enough; otherwise, split the window horizontally and attempt to set the window height to at least 20 lines. "horizontal": Split the window horizontally. "tabnew" : Show the help document in a new tab. "no" : Do not show R documentation in Vim. The window will be considered large enough if it has more columns than vimrplugin_editor_w + vimrplugin_help_w. These variables control the minimum width of the editor window and the help window, and their default values are, respectively, 66 and 46. Thus, if you want to have more control over Vim's behavior while opening R's documentations, you will want to set different values to some variables in your |vimrc|, as in the example: > let vimrplugin_editor_w = 80 let vimrplugin_editor_h = 60 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_i386* 6.6. Use 32 bit version of R (Windows and Mac OS X only)~ If you are using a 64 bit Windows or a 64 bit Mac OS X, but prefer to run the 32 bit version of R, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_i386 = 1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_r_path* 6.7. R path~ Vim will run the first R executable in the path. You can set an alternative R path in your |vimrc| as in the examples: > let vimrplugin_r_path = "/path/to/my/preferred/R/version/bin" let vimrplugin_r_path = "C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.1.2\\bin\\i386" < On Windows, Vim will try to find the R install path in the Windows Registry. You can set a different R version for specific R scripts in your |vimrc|. Example: > autocmd BufReadPre ~/old* let vimrplugin_r_path='~/app/R-2.8.1/bin' < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_r_args* 6.8. Arguments to R~ Set this option in your |vimrc| if you want to pass command line arguments to R at the startup. Example: > let vimrplugin_r_args = "--sdi --no-save --quiet" < On Linux, there is no default value for |vimrplugin_r_args|. On Windows, the default value is "--sdi", but you may change it to "--mdi" if you do not like the SDI style of the graphical user interface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_start_libs* 6.9. Omnicompletion and syntax highlight of R functions~ The list of functions to be highlighted and the list of objects for omnicompletion are built dynamically as the libraries are loaded by R. However, you can set the value of vimrplugin_start_libs if you want that the functions and objects of specific packages are respectively highlighted and available for omnicompletion even if R is not running yet. By default, only the functions of vanilla R are always highlighted. Below is the default value of vimrplugin_start_libs: > let vimrplugin_start_libs = "base,stats,graphics,grDevices,utils,methods" < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_routnotab* 6.10. Options for .Rout file file type~ After the command ao, Vim will save the current buffer if it has any pending changes, run `R CMD BATCH --no-restore --no-save` on the current file and show the resulting .Rout file in a new tab. If you prefer that the file is open in a new split window, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_routnotab = 1 < By default, the R commands in .Rout files are highlighted with the color of comments, and only the output of commands has some of its elements highlighted (numbers, strings, index of vectors, warnings and errors). If you prefer that R commands in the R output are highlighted as they are in R scripts, put the following in your |vimrc|: > let Rout_more_colors = 1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_indent_commented* *r_indent_ess_comments* *vimrplugin_rcomment_string* 6.11. Indent commented lines~ You can type xx to comment out a line or selected lines. If the line already starts with a comment string, it will be removed. After adding the comment string, the line will be reindented by default. To turn off the automatic indentation, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_indent_commented = 0 < What string will be added to the beginning of the line depends on the values of vimrplugin_indent_commented and r_indent_ess_comments according to the table below (see |r-plugin-indenting|): > vimrplugin_indent_commented r_indent_ess_comments string 1 0 # 0 0 # 1 1 ## 0 1 ### < The string used to comment text with xc, xu, xx and o is defined by vimrplugin_rcomment_string. Example: > let vimrplugin_rcomment_string = "# " < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_notmuxconf* 6.12. Tmux configuration (Linux/Unix only)~ GVim (or Vim running R in an external terminal emulator) runs Tmux with a specially built configuration file. If you want to use your own ~/.tmux.conf, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_notmuxconf = 1 < If you opted for using your own configuration file, the plugin will write a minimum configuration which will set the value of four environment variables required for the communication with R and then source your own configuration file (~/.tmux.conf). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_rconsole_height* *vimrplugin_vsplit* *vimrplugin_rconsole_width* *vimrplugin_tmux_title* 6.13. Integration with Tmux (Linux/Unix only)~ These three options are valid only when Vim is started inside a Tmux session. In this case, when you type rf, the terminal will be split in two regions and R will run in one of them. By default, the Vim-R-plugin will tell Tmux to split the terminal window horizontally and you can set in your |vimrc| the initial number of lines of the Tmux pane running R as in the example below: > let vimrplugin_rconsole_height = 15 < If you prefer to split it vertically: > let vimrplugin_vsplit = 1 < In this case, you can choose the initial number of columns of R Console: > let vimrplugin_rconsole_width = 15 < Tmux automatically renames window titles to the command currently running. The Vim-R-plugin sets the title of the window where Vim and R are running to "VimR". This title will be visible only if Tmux status bar is "on", and it is useful only if you have created new windows with the c command. You can change the value of vimrplugin_tmux_title to either set a different title or let Tmux set the title automatically. Examples: > let vimrplugin_tmux_title = "Vim-R" let vimrplugin_tmux_title = "automatic" < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_applescript* 6.14. Integration with AppleScript (OS X only)~ In Mac OS X, the plugin will try to send commands to R gui using AppleScript. If you prefer to run R in an external terminal emulator, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_applescript = 0 < If Vim is running inside Tmux, the terminal will be split in two regions. Otherwise, R will start in an external terminal emulator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_listmethods* *vimrplugin_specialplot* 6.15. Special R functions~ The R function `args()` lists the arguments of a function, but not the arguments of its methods. If you want that the plugin calls the function `vim.list.args()` after ra, you have to add to your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_listmethods = 1 < By default, R makes a scatterplot of numeric vectors. The function `vim.plot()` do both a histogram and a boxplot. The function can be called by the plugin after rg if you put the following line in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_specialplot = 1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_source_args* 6.16. Arguments to R source() function~ When you send multiple lines of code to R (a selection of lines, a paragraph, code between two marks or a R chunk of code), the Vim-R-plugin saves the lines in a temporary file and, then, sends to R the command `source()` to read the temporary file. You can add arguments to be passed to R's `source()` function. Example: > let vimrplugin_source_args = "max.deparse.length = 300" < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_sweaveargs* *vimrplugin_latexcmd* *vimrplugin_latexmk* *vimrplugin_texerr* 6.17. LaTeX options~ To produce a pdf document from the .tex file generated by either `Sweave()` or `knit()` command, if vimrplugin_latexmk = 1 and both `latexmk` and `perl` (which is required to run `latexmk`) are installed and in the path, the vimcom package calls: > latexmk -pdflatex="pdflatex -file-line-error -synctex=1" -pdf < Otherwise, it calls: > pdflatex -file-line-error -synctex=1 < You can use the options vimrplugin_latexcmd and vimrplugin_latexmk to change this behavior. Examples: > let vimrplugin_latexmk = 0 let vimrplugin_latexcmd = "latex" let vimrplugin_latexcmd = 'latexmk -pdf -pdflatex="xelatex %O -synctex=1 %S"' < By default, vimrplugin_latexmk is 0 on Windows and 1 on other systems. If you want to pass arguments to the `Sweave()` function, set the value of the vimrplugin_sweaveargs variable. If the value of `vimrplugin_texerr` is `1`, a summary of LaTeX errors and warnings are produced by the compilation of the .tex document into .pdf file will be output to R Console at the end of the compilation. So, you do not have to scroll the R Console seeking for these messages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_rmd_environment* 6.18. Rmd environment~ When rendering an Rmd file, the code can be evaluated (and saved) in a specified environment. The default value is `.GlobalEnv` which makes the objects stored in the Rmd file available on the R console. If you do not want the objects stored in the Rmd file to be available in the global environment, you can set > let vimrplugin_rmd_environment = "new.env()" < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_never_unmake_menu* 6.19. Never unmake the R menu~ Use this option if you want that the "R" menu item in GVim is not deleted when you change from one buffer to another, for example, when going from an .R file to a .txt one: > let vimrplugin_never_unmake_menu = 1 < When this option is enabled all menu items are created regardless of the file type. If you have added R related tool bar buttons (see |r-plugin-toolbar|) the buttons also are created at the plugin startup and kept while you go to different file type buffers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_map_r* 6.20. Map 'r'~ If the variable |vimrplugin_map_r| exists, the plugin will map the letter 'r' to send lines to R when there are visually selected lines, for compatibility with the original plugin. To activate this option, insert the following into |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_map_r = 1 < You may want to add the following three lines to your |vimrc| which were in Johannes Ranke's plugin and will increase compatibility with code edited with Emacs: > set expandtab set shiftwidth=4 set tabstop=8 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_ca_ck* 6.21. Add ^A^K to the beginning of commands~ When one types in the R Console the cursor goes to the beginning of the line and when one types the characters to the right of the cursor are deleted. This is useful to avoid characters left on the R Console being mixed with commands sent by Vim. However, sending may be problematic if using Tmux. The Vim-R-plugin will add to every command if you put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_ca_ck = 1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_pdfviewer* *vimrplugin_openpdf* *vimrplugin_openhtml* 6.22. Open PDF after processing rnoweb, rmd or rrst files~ The plugin can automatically open the pdf file generated by pdflatex, after either `Sweave()` or `knit()`. This behavior is controlled by the variable |vimrplugin_openpdf| whose value may be 0 (do not open the pdf), 1 (open only the first time that pdflatex is called) or a number higher than 1 (always open the pdf). For example, if you want that the pdf application is started automatically but do not want the terminal (or GVim) losing focus every time that you generate the pdf, you should put in put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_openpdf = 1 < If you use Linux or other Unix and eventually use the system console (without the X server) you may want to put in your |vimrc|: > if $DISPLAY != "" let vimrplugin_openpdf = 1 endif < Note: If the pdf is already open, some pdf readers will automatically update the pdf; others will lock the pdf file and prevent R from successfully compiling it again. You can change the value of vimrplugin_pdfviewer in your |vimrc| to define what PDF viewer will be called. Example: > let vimrplugin_pdfviewer = "zathura" < If editing an Rmd file, you can produce the html result with kh. The html file will be automatically opened if you put the following in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_openhtml = 1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_rrstcompiler* *vimrplugin_strict_rst* *vimrplugin_rst2pdfpath* *vimrplugin_rst2pdfargs* 6.23. Support to RreStructuredText file~ By default, the Vim-R-plugin sends the command `render_rst(strict=TRUE)` to R before using R's `knit()` function to convert an Rrst file into an rst one. If you prefer the non strict rst code, put the following in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_strict_rst = 0 < You can also set the value of vimrplugin_rst2pdfpath (the path to rst2pdf application), vimrplugin_rrstcompiler (the compiler argument to be passed to R function knit2pdf), and vimrplugin_rst2pdfargs (further arguments to be passed to R function knit2pdf). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_insert_mode_cmds* 6.24. Allow R commands in insert mode~ Vim-R commands are designed to work in insert mode as well as normal mode. However, depending on your , this can make it very difficult to write R packages or Sweave files. For example, if is set to the `\` character, typing `\dQuote` in a .Rd file tries to send the command! The option vimrplugin_insert_mode_cmds disables commands in insert mode. To use it, add the following to your |vimrc|: > let g:vimrplugin_insert_mode_cmds = 0 < The default value is 1, for consistency with earlier versions. See also: |r-plugin-localleader|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_allnames* *vimrplugin_rmhidden* 6.25. Show/remove hidden objects~ Hidden objects are not included in the list of objects for omni completion. If you prefer to include them, put in your |vimrc|: > let g:vimrplugin_allnames = 1 < Hidden objects are removed from R workspace when you do rm. If you prefer to remove only visible objects, put in your |vimrc|: > let g:vimrplugin_rmhidden = 0 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_source* 6.26. Source additional scripts~ This variable should contain a comma separated list of Vim scripts to be sourced by the Vim-R-plugin. These scripts may provide additional functionality and/or change the behavior of the Vim-R-plugin. If you have such scripts, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_source = "~/path/to/MyScript.vim,/path/to/AnotherScript.vim" < Currently, there are only two scripts known to extend the Vim-R-plugin features: Support to the devtools R package~ https://github.com/mllg/vim-devtools-plugin Basic integration with GNU screen~ https://github.com/ssayols/screenR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_show_args* *vimrplugin_args_in_stline* 6.28. Function arguments~ If you want that Vim shows a preview window with the function arguments as you do omnicompletion, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_show_args = 1 < The preview window is not shown by default because it is more convenient to run to complete the function arguments. The preview window will be shown only if "preview" is also included in your 'completeopt'. If you want that function arguments are displayed in Vim's status line when you insert `(`, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_args_in_stline = 1 < The status line is restored when `)` is typed. This option is useful only if the window has a status line. See |laststatus|. If the string with the list of arguments is longer than the status line width, the list is not displayed completely. This argument is incompatible with any plugin that changes the status line because it is always restored to the value that it had at Vim's startup. Functions of .GlobalEnv do not have their arguments displayed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_vimcom_wait* 6.29. Time to wait for vimcom loading~ The Vim-R-plugin waits 5000 milliseconds for vimcom package to be loaded during R startup. It then checks whether you are using the correct version of vimcom. If 5000 milliseconds is not enough to your R startup, then set a higher value for the variable in your |vimrc|. Example: > let vimrplugin_vimcom_wait = 10000 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_vim_wd* 6.30 Start R in working directory of Vim~ When you are editing an R file (.R, .Rnw, .Rd, .Rmd, .Rrst) and start R, the R package vimcom runs the command `setwd()` with the directory of the file being edited as argument, that is, the R working directory becomes the same directory of the R file. If you want R's working directory to be the same as Vim's working directory, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_vim_wd = 1 < This option is useful only for those who did not enable 'autochdir'. If you prefer that the Vim-R-plugin does not set the working directory in any way, put in |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_vim_wd = -1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_after_start* 6.31 System command to execute after R startup~ If you want that Vim executes a command right after R startup, set the value of vimrplugin_after_start in your |vimrc|. For example, if you are using GVim and running R in the Gnome-terminal, `~/bin` is in your path, and you want to resize and change the positions of GVim and the Terminal windows, you may create a script `~/bin/after_R_start` with the following contents > #!/bin/sh wmctrl -F -r R -e 0,0,200,1200,800 wmctrl -r GVIM -e 0,300,40,1200,800 < make the script executable, and put in your |vimrc|: > if has("gui_running") let vimrplugin_after_start = "after_R_start" endif < On Mac OS X, if you are using MacVim and R.app, the `~/bin/after_R_start` contents might be: > #!/bin/sh osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to set the bounds of the front window to {0, 200, 1200, 1000}' osascript -e 'tell application "MacVim" to set the bounds of the front window to {300, 40, 1500, 840}' < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_user_maps_only* 6.32 Only set key bindings that are user specified~ The Vim-R-plugin sets many default key bindings. The user can set custom key bindings (|r-plugin-key-bindings|). If you wish the Vim-R-plugin to only set those key-bindings specified by the user, put in your vimrc: > let vimrplugin_user_maps_only = 1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *vimrplugin_tmpdir* *vimrplugin_compldir* 6.33 Temporary files directories~ You can change the directories where temporary files are created and stored by setting in your |vimrc| the values of vimrplugin_tmpdir and vimrplugin_compldir, as in the example below: > let vimrplugin_tmpdir = "/dev/shm/R_tmp_dir" let vimrplugin_compldir = "~/.cache/Vim-R-plugin" < The default paths of these directories depend on the operating system. If you want to know they are, while editing an R file, do in Normal mode: > :echo g:rplugin_tmpdir :echo g:rplugin_compldir < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.34. Disable syntax highlight of R functions~ If you want to disable the syntax highlight of R functions put in your |vimrc|: > let R_hi_fun = 0 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-df-view* 6.35 View a data.frame or matrix~ The csv.vim plugin helps to visualize and edit csv files, and if it is not installed, the Vim-R-plugin will warn you about that when you do rv. If you do not want to install the csv.vim plugin, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_csv_warn = 0 < If you rather prefer to see the table in a graphical viewer, you should set the value of vimrplugin_csv_app in your |vimrc|. Examples: > let vimrplugin_csv_app = "localc" let vimrplugin_csv_app = "c:/Program Files (x86)/LibreOffice 4/program/scalc.exe" < There is also the option of configuring the Vim-R-plugin to run an R command to display the data. Example: > let vimrplugin_df_viewer = "relimp::showData(%s, font = 'Courier 14')" < The value of vimrplugin_df_viewer is a string and the substring `%s` is replaced by the name of the object under the cursor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-SyncTeX* 6.36 SyncTeX support~ SyncTeX is a set of communication systems used by some PDF viewers and by some text editors which allow users to jump from a specific line in the text editor to the corresponding line in the PDF viewer and vice-versa. The Vim-R-plugin has support for Evince, Zathura and Okular SyncTeX systems. To completely disable SyncTeX support, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_synctex = 0 < The application `wmctrl` is required to raise both the PDF viewer and Vim windows. No configuration is required if you use Evince and the knitr package, and single file Rnoweb documents. Otherwise, keep reading... If you use `Sweave()` rather than `knit()`, you must put in your Rnoweb document: > \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} < If you work with a master document and child subdocuments, each child subdocument (TeX and Rnoweb alike) should include the following line: > % !Rnw root = master.Rnw < where `master.Rnw` must be replaced with the name of the actual master document. Note: The current knitr package (version 1.7) has at least two limitations: - It has no SyncTeX support for child documents. The correspondence data point to lines just below child chunks in the master document and not to somewhere in the child documents themselves. See: https://github.com/yihui/knitr/issues/225 - It only starts registering the concordance after the first chunk. So, it is recommended that you put the first chunk of R code just after the `\begin{document}` command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.36.1 Evince configuration~ No configuration should be required. Note: If Evince is not started yet when you try to jump to the PDF document for the first time, it will start, but will not jump to desired line; you have to press gp again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.36.2 Okular configuration~ You have to configure Okular to call Vim during backward searches. In Okular, click in: > Settings Configure Okular Editor Dropdown menu: Custom Text Editor Command: vclientserver '%f' %l In the command above, replace `vim` with `gvim` if you use GVim. If Evince is not installed in your system, the Vim-R-plugin will automatically use Okular as the PDF viewer. Otherwise, you have to set the value of |vimrplugin_pdfviewer| to "okular": > let vimrplugin_pdfviewer = "okular" < Note: If the PDF document is already open the first time that you jump to it, and if Okular was not started with the `--unique` argument, another instance of Okular will be started. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.36.3 Zathura configuration~ No configuration should be required if Evince is not installed. If evince is installed, put in your |vimrc|: > let vimrplugin_pdfviewer = "zathura" < Zathura version must be >= 0.3.1. Note: If Zathura is not started yet when you try to jump to the PDF document for the first time, it will start, but will not jump to desired line; you have to press gp again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.36.4 Skim with MacVim configuration (Mac OS X)~ You have to configure Skim to call `vclientserver` during backward searches. In Skim click in the drop down menu and fill the fields: > Skim Settings Sync Preset: Custom Command: vclientserver Arguments: '%file' %line < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.36.5 Sumatra configuration (Windows)~ No configuration is required. ============================================================================== *r-plugin-key-bindings* 7. Custom key bindings~ When creating custom key bindings for the Vim-R-plugin, it is necessary to create three maps for most functions because the way the function is called is different in each Vim mode. Thus, key bindings must be made for Normal mode, Insert mode, and Visual mode. To customize a key binding you should put in your |vimrc| something like: > nmap sr RStart imap sr RStart vmap sr RStart < The above example shows how to change key binding used to start R from rf to sr. Only the custom key bindings for Normal mode are shown in Vim's menu, but you can type |:map| to see the complete list of current mappings, and below is the list of the names for custom key bindings (the prefix RE means "echo"; RD, "cursor down"; RED, both "echo" and "down"): Start/Close R~ RStart RCustomStart RClose RSaveClose Clear R console~ RClearAll RClearConsole Edit R code~ RSimpleComment RSimpleUnComment RToggleComment RRightComment RCompleteArgs RIndent RNextRChunk RPreviousRChunk Send line or part of it to R~ RSendLine RDSendLine RSendLAndOpenNewOne RNLeftPart RNRightPart RILeftPart RIRightPart RDSendLineAndInsertOutput Send code to R console~ RSendSelection RESendSelection RDSendSelection REDSendSelection RSendSelAndInsertOutput RSendMBlock RESendMBlock RDSendMBlock REDSendMBlock RSendParagraph RESendParagraph RDSendParagraph REDSendParagraph RSendFunction RESendFunction RDSendFunction REDSendFunction RSendFile RESendFile Send command to R~ RHelp RPlot RSPlot RShowArgs RShowEx RShowRout RObjectNames RObjectPr RObjectStr RViewDF RSetwd RSummary RListSpace Support to Sweave and knitr~ RSendChunk RDSendChunk RESendChunk REDSendChunk RSendChunkFH (from the first chunk to here) RBibTeX (Sweave) RBibTeXK (Knitr) RSweave RKnit RMakeHTML RMakePDF (Sweave) RMakePDFK (Knitr) RMakePDFKb (.Rmd, beamer) RMakeODT (.Rmd, Open document) RMakeWord (.Rmd, Word document) RMakeRmd (rmarkdown default) RMakeAll (rmarkdown all in yaml) ROpenPDF RSyncFor (SyncTeX search forward) RGoToTeX (Got to LaTeX output) RSpinFile RNextRChunk RPreviousRChunk Object browser~ RUpdateObjBrowser ROpenLists RCloseLists The completion of function arguments only happens in Insert mode. To customize its keybind you should put in your |vimrc| something as in the example: > imap RCompleteArgs < The plugin also contains a function called RAction which allows you to build ad-hoc commands to R. This function takes the name of an R function such as "levels" or "table" and the word under the cursor, and passes them to R as a command. For example, if your cursor is sitting on top of the object called gender and you call the RAction function, with an argument such as levels, Vim will pass the command `levels(gender)` to R, which will show you the levels of the object gender. To make it even easier to use this and other functions, you could write custom key bindings in your |vimrc|, as in the examples below: > map rk :call RAction("levels") map t :call RAction("tail") map h :call RAction("head") < If the command that you want to send does not require an R object as argument, you can create a shortcut to it by following the example: > map s :call g:SendCmdToR("search()") < See also: |vimrplugin_source|. ============================================================================== *r-plugin-files* 8. License and files~ The Vim-R-plugin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Vim-R-plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/ The files released with Vim runtime files are distributed under the Vim Charityware license. The following files are part of the plugin and should be in your ~/.vim directory after the installation: autoload/rcomplete.vim doc/r-plugin.txt ftdetect/r.vim ftplugin/r_rplugin.vim ftplugin/rbrowser.vim ftplugin/rdoc.vim ftplugin/rhelp_rplugin.vim ftplugin/rmd_rplugin.vim ftplugin/rnoweb_rplugin.vim ftplugin/rrst_rplugin.vim r-plugin/common_buffer.vim r-plugin/common_global.vim r-plugin/functions.vim r-plugin/gui_running.vim r-plugin/osx.vim r-plugin/r.snippets r-plugin/rmd.snippets r-plugin/setcompldir.vim r-plugin/synctex_evince_backward.py r-plugin/synctex_evince_forward.py r-plugin/windows.vim syntax/rbrowser.vim syntax/rdoc.vim syntax/rout.vim ============================================================================== *r-plugin-tips* 9. FAQ and tips~ 9.1. Is it possible to stop R from within Vim?~ Yes. In Normal mode do `:RStop` and Vim will send SIGINT to R which is the same signal sent when you press CTRL-C into R's Console. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.2. Html help and custom pager~ If you prefer to see help pages in an html browser, put in your `~/.Rprofile`: > options(help_type = "html") < and in your |vimrc| (see |vimrplugin_vimpager|): > let vimrplugin_vimpager = "no" < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-showmarks* 9.3. How do marked blocks work?~ Vim allows you to put several marks (bookmarks) in buffers (see |mark|). The most commonly used marks are the lowercase alphabet letters. If the cursor is between any two marks, the plugin will send the lines between them to R if you press bb. If the cursor is above the first mark, the plugin will send from the beginning of the file to the mark. If the cursor is below the last mark, the plugin will send from the mark to the end of the file. The mark above the cursor is included and the mark below is excluded from the block to be sent to R. To create a mark, press m in Normal mode. We recommended the use of either ShowMarks or vim-signature which show what lines have marks defined. The plugins are available at: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=152 https://github.com/kshenoy/vim-signature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-snippets* 9.4. Use snipMate~ You probably will want to use the snipMate plugin to insert snippets of code in your R script. The plugin may be downloaded from: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2540 The snipMate plugin does not come with snippets for R, but you can copy the files r.snippets and rmd.snippets that ship with the Vim-R-plugin (look at the r-plugin directory) to the snippets directory. The files have only a few snippets, but they will help you to get started. If you usually edit rnoweb files, you may also want to create an rnoweb.snippets by concatenating both tex.snippets and r.snippets. If you edit R documentation, you may want to create an rhelp.snippets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-bindings* 9.5. Easier key bindings for most used commands~ The most used commands from Vim-R-plugin probably are "Send line" and "Send selection". You may find it a good idea to map them to the space bar in your |vimrc| (suggestion made by Iago Mosqueira): > vmap RDSendSelection nmap RDSendLine < You may also want to remap : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2269005/how-can-i-change-the-keybinding-used-to-autocomplete-in-vim Note: Not all mappings work in all versions of Vim. Some mappings may not work on GVim on Windows, and others may not work on Vim running in a terminal emulator or in Linux Console. The use of , and keys in mappings are particularly problematic. See: https://github.com/jcfaria/Vim-R-plugin/issues/111 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-localleader* 9.6. Remap the ~ People writing Rnoweb documents may find it better to use a comma or other key as the instead of the default backslash (see |maplocalleader|). For example, to change the to a comma, put at the beginning of your |vimrc| (before any mapping command): > let maplocalleader = "," < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-tagsfile* 9.7. Use a tags file to jump to function definitions~ Vim can jump to a function definition if it finds a "tags" file with the information about the place where the function is defined. To generate the tags file, use the R function `rtags()`, which will build an Emacs tags file. If Vim was compiled with the feature |emacs_tags|, it will be able to read the tags file. Otherwise, you can use the vimcom function `etags2ctags()` to convert the Emacs tags file into a Vim's one. To jump to a function definition, put the cursor over the function name and hit CTRL-]. Please, read |tagsrch.txt| for details on how to use tags files, specially the section |tags-option|. You could, for example, download and unpack R's source code, start R inside the ~/.vim directory and do the following commands: > rtags(path = "/path/to/R/source/code", recursive = TRUE, ofile = "RTAGS") etags2ctags("RTAGS", "Rtags") < Then, you would quit R and do the following command in the terminal emulator: > ctags --languages=C,Fortran,Java,Tcl -R -f RsrcTags /path/to/R/source/code < Finally, you would put the following in your |vimrc|, optionally inside an |autocmd-group|: > autocmd FileType r set tags+=~/.vim/Rtags,~/.vim/RsrcTags autocmd FileType rnoweb set tags+=~/.vim/Rtags,~/.vim/RsrcTags < Note: While defining the autocmd, the Rtags path must be put before RsrcTags. Example on how to test whether your setup is ok: 1. Type `mapply()` in an R script and save the buffer. 2. Press CTRL-] over "mapply" (Vim should jump to "mapply.R"). 3. Locate the string "do_mapply", which is the name of a C function. 4. Press CTRL-] over "do_mapply" (Vim sould jump to "mapply.c"). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-indenting* 9.8. Indenting setup~ Note: In Normal mode, type |==| to indent the current line and gg=G to format the entire buffer (see |gg|, |=| and |G| for details). These are Vim commands; they are not specific to R code. The Vim-R-plugin includes a script to automatically indent R files. By default, the script aligns function arguments if they span for multiple lines. If you prefer do not have the arguments of functions aligned, put in your |vimrc|: > let r_indent_align_args = 0 < By default, all lines beginning with a comment character, `#`, get the same indentation level of the normal R code. Users of Emacs/ESS may be used to have lines beginning with a single `#` indented in the 40th column, `##` indented as R code, and `###` not indented. If you prefer that lines beginning with comment characters are aligned as they are by Emacs/ESS, put in your |vimrc|: > let r_indent_ess_comments = 1 < If you prefer that lines beginning with a single # are aligned at a column different from the 40th one, you should set a new value to the variable r_indent_comment_column, as in the example below: > let r_indent_comment_column = 30 < By default any code after a line that ends with "<-" is indented. Emacs/ESS does not indent the code if it is a top level function. If you prefer that the Vim-R-plugin behaves like Emacs/ESS in this regard, put in your |vimrc|: > let r_indent_ess_compatible = 1 < Below is an example of indentation with and without this option enabled: > ### r_indent_ess_compatible = 1 ### r_indent_ess_compatible = 0 foo <- foo <- function(x) function(x) { { paste(x) paste(x) } } < Notes: (1) Not all code indented by Emacs/ESS will be indented by the Vim-R-plugin in the same way, and, in some circumstances it may be necessary to make changes in the code to get it properly indented by Vim (you may have to either put or remove braces and line breaks). (2) Indenting is not a file type plugin option. It is a feature defined in indent/r.vim. That is why it is documented in this section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-folding* 9.9. Folding setup~ Vim has several methods of folding text (see |fold-methods| and |fold-commands|). To enable the syntax method of folding for R files, put in your |vimrc|: > let r_syntax_folding = 1 < With the above option, Vim will load R files with all folds closed. If you prefer to start editing files with all folds open, put in your |vimrc|: > set nofoldenable < Notes: (1) Enabling folding may slow down Vim. (2) Folding is not a file type plugin option. It is a feature defined in syntax/r.vim. Note: Indentation of R code is very slow because the indentation algorithm sometimes goes backwards looking for an opening parenthesis or brace or for the beginning of a `for`, `if` or `while` statement. This is necessary because the indentation level of a given line depends on the indentation level of the previous line, but the previous line is not always the line above. It's the line where the statement immediately above started. Of course someone may develop a better algorithm in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.10. Highlight chunk header as R code~ By default, Vim will highlight chunk headers of RMarkdown and RreStructuredText with a single color. Chunk headers should contain valid R code when the code is processed by knitr, so you may want to highlight them as such. You can do this by putting in your |vimrc|: > let rrst_syn_hl_chunk = 1 let rmd_syn_hl_chunk = 1 < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.11. Automatically close parenthesis~ Some people want Vim automatically inserting a closing parenthesis, bracket or brace when an open one has being typed. The page below explains how to achieve this goal: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Automatically_append_closing_characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.12. Automatic line breaks~ By default, while editing R code, Vim does not break lines when you are typing if you reach the column defined by the 'textwidth' option. If you prefer that Vim breaks the R code automatically put in your |vimrc|: > autocmd FileType r setlocal formatoptions+=t < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.13. Vim with 256 colors in a terminal emulator (Linux/Unix only)~ If you want 256 colors support in Vim, install the package ncurses-term. Then put in your `~/.bashrc` the lines suggested at |r-plugin-bash-setup|. You have to search the internet for color schemes supporting 256 colors, download and copy them to ~/.vim/colors. You may use the command |:colorscheme| to try them one by one before setting your preference in your |vimrc|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.14. Run your Makefile from within R~ Do you have many Rnoweb files included in a master tex or Rnoweb file and use a Makefile to build the pdf? You may consider it useful to put the following line in your |vimrc|: > nmap sm :update:call g:SendCmdToR('system("make")') < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-Rprofile* 9.15. Edit your ~/.Rprofile~ You may want to edit your `~/.Rprofile` in addition to considering the suggestions of |r-plugin-R-setup| you may also want to put the following lines in your `~/.Rprofile` if you are using Linux: > grDevices::X11.options(width = 4.5, height = 4, ypos = 0, xpos = 1000, pointsize = 10) < The `X11.options()` is used to choose the position and dimensions of the X11 graphical device. You can also install the application wmctrl and create shortcuts in your desktop environment to the commands > wmctrl -r "R Graphics" -b add,above wmctrl -r "R Graphics" -b remove,above < which will toggle the "always on top" state of the X11 device window. Alternatively, you can right click on the X11 device window title bar and choose "Always on top". This is useful to emulate a feature present in R IDEs which can display R plots in a separate panel. Although we can not embed an R graphical device in Vim, we can at least make it always visible over the terminal emulator or the GVim window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.16. Debugging R functions~ The Vim-R-Plugin does not have debugging facilities, but you may want to use the R package "debug": > install.packages("debug") library(debug) mtrace(function_name) < Once the library is installed and loaded, you should use `mtrace(function_name)` to enable the debugging of a function. Then, the next time that the function is called it will enter in debugging mode. Once debugging a function, you can hit to evaluate the current line, `go(n)` to go to line `n` in the function and `qqq()` to quit the function (See debug's help for details). A useful tip is to click on the title bar of the debug window and choose "Always on top" or a similar option provided by your desktop manager. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-latex-box* 9.17. Integration with LaTeX-Box~ LaTeX-Box does not automatically recognize Rnoweb files as a valid LaTeX file. You have to tell LaTeX-BoX that the .tex file compiled by either `knitr()` or `Sweave()` is the main LaTeX file. You can do this in two ways. Suppose that your Rnoweb file is called report.Rnw... You can: (1) Create an empty file called "report.tex.latexmain". or (2) Put in the first 5 lines of report.Rnw: % For LaTeX-Box: root = report.tex Of course you must run either `knitr()` or `Sweave()` before trying LaTeX-Box omnicompletion. Please, read LaTeX-Box documentation for more information. See also: |vimrplugin_latexcmd|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *r-plugin-quick-setup* 9.18. Suggested setup for the Vim-R-plugin~ Please, look at section |r-plugin-options| if you want information about the Vim-r-plugin customization. Here are some suggestions of configuration of Vim, Bash, Tmux and R. To understand what you are doing, and change the configuration to your taste, please read this document from the beginning. *r-plugin-vimrc-setup* ~/.vimrc~ > " Minimum required configuration: set nocompatible syntax on filetype plugin on filetype indent on " Change Leader and LocalLeader keys: let maplocalleader = "," let mapleader = ";" " Use Ctrl+Space to do omnicompletion: if has("gui_running") inoremap else inoremap endif " Press the space bar to send lines and selection to R: vmap RDSendSelection nmap RDSendLine " The lines below are suggestions for Vim in general and are not " specific to the improvement of the Vim-R-plugin. " Highlight the last searched pattern: set hlsearch " Show where the next pattern is as you type it: set incsearch " By default, Vim indents code by 8 spaces. Most people prefer 4 " spaces: set sw=4 " Search "Vim colorscheme 256" in the internet and download color " schemes that supports 256 colors in the terminal emulator. Then, " uncomment the code below to set you color scheme: "colorscheme not_defined < *r-plugin-R-setup* ~/.Rprofile~ > if(interactive()){ options(vimcom.verbose = 1) # Load the required libraries: library(colorout) library(setwidth) # Use the text based web browser w3m to navigate through R docs # in Linux Console after help.start(): if(Sys.getenv("TMUX") != "" && Sys.getenv("DISPLAY") == "") options(browser = function(u) system(paste0("tmux new-window 'w3m ", u, "'"))) } < *r-plugin-bash-setup* ~/.bashrc (Linux, Mac OS X, and other Unix systems):~ > # Change the TERM environment variable (to get 256 colors) even if you are # accessing your system through ssh and using either Tmux or GNU Screen: if [ "$TERM" = "xterm" ] || [ "$TERM" = "xterm-256color" ] then export TERM=xterm-256color export HAS_256_COLORS=yes fi if [ "$TERM" = "screen" ] && [ "$HAS_256_COLORS" = "yes" ] then export TERM=screen-256color fi < Finally, if you want to use vi key bindings in Bash or other shell: ~/.inputrc~ > set editing-mode vi set keymap vi < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.19. Syntax highlight of .Rout files~ You can set the foreground colors of R output in your |vimrc|. The example below is for a terminal emulator that supports 256 colors (see |:highlight|): > if &t_Co == 256 let rout_color_input = 'ctermfg=247' let rout_color_normal = 'ctermfg=202' let rout_color_number = 'ctermfg=214' let rout_color_integer = 'ctermfg=214' let rout_color_float = 'ctermfg=214' let rout_color_complex = 'ctermfg=214' let rout_color_negnum = 'ctermfg=209' let rout_color_negfloat = 'ctermfg=209' let rout_color_date = 'ctermfg=184' let rout_color_true = 'ctermfg=78' let rout_color_false = 'ctermfg=203' let rout_color_inf = 'ctermfg=39' let rout_color_constant = 'ctermfg=179' let rout_color_string = 'ctermfg=172' let rout_color_error = 'ctermfg=15 ctermbg=1' let rout_color_warn = 'ctermfg=1' let rout_color_index = 'ctermfg=186' endif < To know what number corresponds to your preferred color (among the 256 possibilities), hover you mouse pointer over the table of colors made in R by the following command: > library("colorout") show256Colors() < If you prefer that R output is highlighted using you current |:colorscheme|, put in your |vimrc|: > let rout_follow_colorscheme = 1 < ============================================================================== *r-plugin-news* 10. News~ 1.3.1 (2016-03-16) * Require vimcom 1.3-1 and Vim >= 7.4.1579. 1.3.0 (2016-03-12) * Fix missing files in vimball: r-plugin/tmux.vim, r-plugin/tmux_split.vim and r-plugin/extern_term.vim. 1.2.9 (2016-03-11) * Delete option vimrplugin_restart * Use the +channel feature instead of +clientserver. 1.2.8 (2016-02-20) * New option (Windows only): vimrplugin_set_home_env. * Fix bug on Windows: R starting minimized after trying to quit R minimized. 1.2.7 (2015-11-27) * Fix incompatibility with Tmux 2.1. 1.2.6 (2015-06-12) * Improve support for lazy load objects in the Object Browser. * Remove option vimrplugin_vim_window (use $WINDOWID instead). * Fix bug that prevented GVim 64 bit of finding libVimR.dll. 1.2.5 (2015-05-06) * New command to evaluate selection and get output in newtab: \so * The command \ao no longer blocks Vim. * New command (\rv) and new options (vimrplugin_csv_warn, vimrplugin_csv_app and vimrplugin_df_viewer). * Bring back the "echo" send commands because some users need them. 1.2.4 (2015-04-22) * Deleted r-plugin/global_R_plugin.vim. See: https://github.com/jalvesaq/vimcmdline 1.2.3 (2015-04-09) * Official runtime files were deleted. See: https://github.com/jalvesaq/R-Vim-runtime * News options to control the Object Browser: vimrplugin_objbr_opendf, vimrplugin_objbr_openlist, vimrplugin_objbr_allnames and vimrplugin_objbr_labelerr. * New option to control LaTeX compilation: vimrplugin_texerr. * Fix setting of R working directory on Mac OS X. 1.2.2 (2015-03-24) * Remove option to start R with the --vanilla argument. See vimrplugin_r_args for an alternative. * Minor bug fixes. 1.2.1 (2015-03-05) * Minor bug fixes. * New options: vimrplugin_after_start, vimrplugin_args_in_stline, vimrplugin_save_win_pos and vimrplugin_arrange_windows. * Remove option vimrplugin_maxdeparse, remove the "echo" send commands and add the option vimrplugin_source_args. 1.2 (2015-01-18) * Remove support for Neovim. See: https://github.com/jalvesaq/Nvim-R * Remove command :RpluginConfig. * Remove option vimrplugin_Rterm. * Change commands gn and gN to gn and gN. * Change default value of vimrplugin_openpdf to 2. * Options vimrplugin_sleeptime now should be in miliseconds. * Replace option vimrplugin_external_ob with vimrplugin_tmux_ob. * Rename vimrplugin_permanent_libs to vimrplugin_start_libs. * Rename vimrplugin_routmorecolors to Rout_more_colors. * New command: :RStop. * No longer require +python feature; require +libcall instead. * Support for SyncTeX on Windows and Mac OS X. * New option: vimrplugin_latexmk 1.1 (2014-11-13) * Version update for Linux/Unix only. May not work on Windows or Mac. * Minor bug fixes. * The option vimrplugin_assign now accepts the values 0, 1 and 2. * SyncTeX support (Evince, Okular and Zathura): - New options: vimrplugin_synctex and vimrplugin_vim_window. - Deprecated option: vimrplugin_openpdf_quietly 1.0 (2014-07-02) * The package now depends on vimcom (which is fully featured and is no longer on CRAN). * Neovim support. * vimrplugin_openpdf now accepts three values: 0, 1 and 2. * New command \o evaluates current line in R and inserts the output in the script. * New options: vimrplugin_vimcom_wait, vimrplugin_vim_wd, and vimrplugin_tmux_title. * Minor bug fixes. (2014-02-01) * Minor bug fixes. * Delete temporary files on VimLeave event. * Support to R package slidify (thanks to Michael Lerch). * New option: vimrplugin_rcomment_string. (2013-11-30) * The list of objects for omnicompletion and the list of functions for syntax highlight now are built dynamically. Deprecated commands and options: :RUpdateObjList, :RAddLibToList, vimrplugin_buildwait. New option: vimrplugin_permanent_libs. * New options: vimrplugin_show_args. * New command \ch: send to R Console all R code from the first chunk up to this line. * Remove toolbar icons (they still may be added back manually by interested users). * If latexmk is installed, use it by default to compile the pdf. (2013-11-06) * Minor bug fixes. (2013-10-31) * Minor bug fixes. (2013-10-12) * Minor bug fixes. (2013-09-24) * Minor bug fixes. * The package now depends on vimcom.plus. * The support to GNU Screen, VimShell and Conque Shell was dropped. The screen plugin no longer is used. * The delete command was removed from the Object Browser. * New options: vimrplugin_vsplit, vimrplugin_rconsole_height and vimrplugin_rconsole_width. * New option: vimrplugin_restart. * Show elements of S4 objects in the Object Browser. (2013-04-11) * Minor bug fixes. * New option: vimrplugin_source. (2013-02-01) * Update vimcom version requirement to 0.9-7 (fix incompatibility with tcltk package on Unix). * Change the default value of vimrplugin_rmhidden to 0. * New option for Windows: vimrplugin_Rterm. * New simpler un/comment commands: xc and xu. * Remove options vimrplugin_nosingler and vimrplugin_by_vim_instance. (2012-12-11) * Enable mouse on Tmux again. 0.9.9 (2012-12-03) * New commands: :Rinsert and :Rformat. * Automatically update the Object Browser in GVim. * On MS Windows, don't raise the R Console before sending CTRL-V to it. * Search for vimcom in both IPv4 and IPv6 ports (thanks to Zé Loff for writing the patch). 0.9.8 (2012-10-13) * Open PDF automatically after processing Rnoweb file if vimrplugin_openpdf = 1 (thanks to Tomaz Ficko for suggesting the feature). Open it quietly if vimrplugin_openpdf_quietly = 1. Open it manually with \op. * Open HTML automatically after processing either Rmd or Rrst file if vimrplugin_openhtml = 1. Generate strict rst code if vimrplugin_strict_rst = 1. * Remove option vimrplugin_knitargs. * Start last R if there is more than one installed on Windows (thanks to Alex Zvoleff for reporting the bug and writing the patch). * Alex Zvoleff added support to Rrst file type. * michelk added support to Rmd file type. * For Rnoweb, Rmd and Rrst file types, CTRL-X CTRL-A completes knitr chunk options if the cursor is inside the chunk header. * New option: vimrplugin_rmhidden. * New option: vimrplugin_insert_mode_cmds (thanks to Charles R. Hogg III). * New command :RAddLibToList to add the objects of specific libraries to omnicompletion. * Thanks to genrich and NagatoPain for other bug fixes and code improvements. * New option: vimrplugin_assign_map. The option vimrplugin_underscore was renamed to vimrplugin_assign 0.9.7 (2012-05-04) * Use the R package vimcom: - Automatic update of the Object Browser when running R in a Tmux session. - The following options are now set on the vimcom R package and no longer in the Vim-R-plugin: allnames, open_df, and open_list. - New command in normal and visual modes when on the Object Browser: "d" deletes objects and detach libraries. New option: vimrplugin_ob_sleep. * New option, vimrplugin_external_ob, to open the Object Browser in a Tmux pane in the external terminal running R. * New command :Rhelp (thanks for Nir Atias for suggesting the new feature). * Remove the command :RUpdateObjListAll because Vim may not load the syntax file if it is too big. * Add support to knitr package. * New command :RSourceDir. * New key bindings \r and \r. * Correctly send selected blocks. 0.9.6 (2011-12-13) * Fix path to R source() command on Windows. * New default value of vimrplugin_vimpager = "tab". * New default value of vimrplugin_objbr_place = "editor,right" * Autocompletion of function arguments with . 0.9.5 (2011-12-07) * Changed the way that blocks are sent to R. * Added "terminal" to the list of known terminal emulators (thanks for "i5m" for the patch). * Use Tmux to start the Object Browser beside the R console if vimrplugin_objbr_place =~ "console". * The file r-plugin/omniList was renamed to r-plugin/omnils because its field separator changed. 111114 (2011-11-14) * Changed key binding for commenting/uncommenting code from \cc to \xx. * Added function SendChunkToR() and its corresponding key bindings: \cc, \ce, \cd and \ca (thanks to Xavier Fernández i Marín for suggesting the feature). * New option (vimrplugin_ca_ck) was created to fix bug reported by Xavier Fernández i Marín: spurious ^A^K being added to lines sent to R. * Don't blink the menu and toolbar buttons when doing omni completion. * Use Tmux to run R in an external terminal emulator. 111014 (2011-10-14) * Fixed spell check bug in R documentation files (.Rd). * Fixed beep bug when sending commands to R. * New option: vimrplugin_notmuxconf. * Fixed bug when starting tmux before vim: the environment variable VIMRPLUGIN_TMPDIR was not being set. Thanks to Michel Lang for reporting the bug and helping to track its source, and thanks to Eric Dewoestine for explaining how to fix the bug. * Fixed bug in code indentation after unbalanced brackets and parenthesis when r_indent_align_args = 0 (thanks to Chris Neff and Peng Yu for reporting the bugs). * Really make the use of AppleScript the default on OS X (thanks for Jason for reporting the bug). 110805 (2011-08-05) * New option: vimrplugin_tmux. * Set Tmux as the default instead of either GNU Screen or Conque Shell. * Document Tmux as the preferred way of running the plugin on Linux. * Vim-LaTeX-suite plugin can be used with Rnoweb files without any additional configuration. The necessary code was added to the ftplugin/rnoweb.vim. * Added count argument to normal mode commands gn and gN (thanks to Ivan Bezerra for the suggestion). 110614 (2011-06-14) * When doing the command \rh, the plugin tries to show the help for the method corresponding to the class of the object passed as argument to the function. The same with \rp (thanks to Thomas Scheike for suggesting the feature). * Removed script rpager.sh. * Added script global_r_plugin.vim to allow the use of the plugin with any file type. 110222 (2011-02-22) * Added syntax/rhelp.vim. * New command for rnoweb files: BibTeX current file (\sb). * New commands for the Object Browser: open visible lists (\r=) and close visible lists (\r-). * Reorganization of the GUI menu. 110208 (2011-02-08) * Fixed bug in "else if" constructions (thanks to Dan Kelley for reporting the bug). * Support for commenting/uncommenting lines. 110203 (2011-02-03) * Fixed bug in :RUpdateObjList when the function arguments included S4 objects (thanks to Gerhard Schoefl for reporting the bug). * Improvements in indentation of R code (thanks to Dan Kelley for finding and reporting indentation bugs and testing many versions of indent/r.vim). * New indentation options: r_indent_align_args, r_indent_ess_comments, r_indent_comment_column, and r_indent_ess_compatible. * New file: indent/rhelp.vim. 110117 (2011-01-17) * Fixed indentation bug in Rnoweb files (thanks to Dan Kelley for reporting the bug). 101217 (2010-12-17) * Renamed the function SendCmdToScreen to SendCmdToR. * Clear the current line in the R console before sending a new line. * Always starts R on the script's directory. * Don't send "^@$" as part of a paragraph in rnoweb files (thanks to Fabio Correa for reporting the bug). * More useful warning message when PyWin32 isn't installed. * Initial support to AppleScript on Mac OS X (thanks to Vincent Nijs for writing and testing the code). 101121 (2010-11-21) * Fix for when whoami returns domain name on Windows (thanks to "Si" for fixing the bug). 101118 (2010-11-18) * New command: :RUpdateObjListAll. * New option: vimrplugin_allnames. * Allow the use of Python 3.1 on Windows. * Minor improvements in indentation of R code. * The file r-plugin/omni_list was renamed to r-plugin/omniList because its field separator changed to ";". * Fixed bug that was causing ^H to be exhibited in the R documentation in some systems. (Thanks to Helge Liebert for reporting the problem). 101107 (2010-11-07) * New feature: complete chunk block when '<' is pressed in rnoweb files. * New option: vimrplugin_rnowebchunk. * New key bindings in Normal mode for Rnoweb files: gn (go to next R code chunk) and gN (go to previous R code chunk). * New command: :RBuildTags. * Added fold capability to syntax/r.vim. * Improved indentation of rnoweb files: thanks to Johannes Tanzler for writing the tex.vim indent script and for permitting its inclusion in the Vim-R-plugin. * R CMD BATCH now is called with --no-restore --no-save (key binding \ro). * The file r-plugin/omnilist now has an additional field and was renamed as omni_list. * Use 64 bit version of R by default on Windows if the directory bin/x64 exists. * New Windows only option: vimrplugin_i386. 101025 (2010-10-25) * New option: vimrplugin_routmorecolors. * Fixed bug in the Object Browser when a data.frame or list had just one element (thanks to Jan Larres for reporting the bug). * Do not copy omnilist and functions.vim to ~/.vim/r-plugin if the directory where the plugin is installed is writable (thanks to Jan Larres for the suggestion). 101023 (2010-10-23) * New options: vimrplugin_objbr_place and vimrplugin_objbr_w. * New default value: vimrplugin_vimpager = "vertical" * The R help can now be seen in a Vim buffer on MS Windows. * Fix width of help text when R version >= 2.12.0. * Implemented actions in the Object Browser: summary, print, etc... * Browse libraries objects in Object Browser. 101016 (2010-10-16) * Minor bug fixes in the Object Browser. 101015 (2010-10-15) * New feature: Object Browser. * Conque Shell will be used if installed unless explicitly told otherwise in the vimrc. * New valid value for vimrplugin_vimpager: "tabnew" 100923 (2010-09-23) * New option: vimrplugin_vimpager. * Do not let Vim translate "File" in R menu. * Fixed bug when the option vimrplugin_r_path was used (thanks to Asis Hallab for reporting the bug), * Fixed bug (E687) when user created custom key binding (thanks to Philippe Glaziou for reporting the bug). 100917 (2010-09-17) * Changed the use of vimrplugin_r_path: now the option includes only the directory part of the path. * Initial support to Conque Shell plugin. Thanks to "il_principe orange" for suggesting the use of Conque Shell, "ZyX-I" for writing the initial code to use Conque Shell, and Nico Raffo for writing the plugin and additional code to integrate both plugins. * New options: vimrplugin_conqueplugin and vimrplugin_conquevsplit. * New option: vimrplugin_r_args. * Fixed bug when the plugin was installed in a directory other than ~/.vim (thanks to Tom Link). * Initial support for Vim-R communication on Windows using Python. 100825 (2010-08-25) * Minor improvements in syntax highlighting. * New option: vimrplugin_buildwait. * New option: vimrplugin_r_path (thanks to Asis Hallab). 100803 (2010-08-03) * Fixed bug in .Rsource name making in some systems. 100801 (2010-08-01) * Dropped options vimrplugin_hstart and vimrplugin_browser_time. * If ~/.vim/r-plugin/functions.vim is not found, try to copy it from /usr/share/vim/addons/r-plugin/functions.vim. * Minor bug fixes. 100730 (2010-07-30) * Added menu item and key binding for run "R CMD BATCH" and open the resulting ".Rout" file. * Fixed bug when more than one Vim instance used the same file to send multiple lines of code to R (thanks to Bart for reporting the bug). 100728 (2010-07-28) * Adapted the plugin to allow the creation of a Debian package. 100719 (2010-07-19) * Added options vimrplugin_listmethods and vimrplugin_specialplot. * Improved syntax highlight of R batch output (.Rout files). * No longer uses the external programs grep, awk and sed to build the additional syntax file containing the list of functions. 100710 (2010-07-10) * Fixed :RUpdateObjList bug when list had length 0. 100707 (2010-07-07) * Fixed 'E329: No menu "R"' when more than one file were loaded simultaneously by calling vim with either -p or -o parameters. Thanks to Peng Yu for reporting the bug. * Correctly recognize a newly created file with extension ".R" as an R script file. 100521 (2010-05-12) * Replaced "-t" with "--title" to make xfce4-terminal work again. 100512 (2010-05-12) * Thanks to Tortonesi Mauro who wrote a patch to make the plugin work with pathogen.vim. * Added simple syntax highlight for .Rout files. * Increased the time limit of RUpdateObjList to two minutes. * Improvement in the syntax highlight based on code written by Zhuojun Chen. * Thanks to Scott Kostyshak who helped to improve the documentation. * Iago Mosqueira suggested that the plugin should be able to run one R process for each Vim instance, and his suggestion was implemented with the option vimrplugin_by_vim_instance. 091223 (2009-12-23) * Syntax highlight for R functions. * Added "info" field to omni completion (thanks to Ben Kujala for writing the original code). 091016 (2009-10-16) * The plugin now can run together with screen.vim, thanks to Eric Van Dewoestine, the author of screen.vim, who added script integration to screen.vim. * Andy Choens has made many improvements on the documentation. * Added the possibility of custom key binding creation to call any R function with the word under cursor as argument. * The key bindings related with Sweave are activated even if the file type is not rnoweb. * Replaced with in the key bindings. * Added "Send Paragraph" commands. 091004 (2009-10-04) * Jose Claudio Faria has begun to work in the project as co-author. * Some ideas from Tinn-R project were ported to the plugin. * The main menu has new items and the toolbar new icons. * Documentation improvements. 090828 (2009-08-28) * Faster startup. * Better support for Rnoweb files: the cursor goes to '^<<' if the sent line is '^@$'. 090811 (2009-08-12) * Now use screen instead of funnel.pl. The bugs and limitations related with funnel.pl are solved. * Deleted key binding for R-devel. * Automatically detect available terminal emulators and choose one of them. * By default, no longer calls help.start() the first time that CTRL-H is pressed. 090810 (2009-08-10) * Added R icons for some terminal emulators. * Removed the script open-gvim-here. You may use Vim's option autochdir. * Added option vimrplugin_term. * Improved indentation script. * Changed key binding from Shift-Enter, which doesn't work in any terminal, to Alt-Enter, which at least works in xterm. 090610 (2009-06-11) * The options expandtab, shiftwidth and tabstop are no longer set by the plugin. * Better word detection before calling R's help(). * Fixed bug in underscore replacement. * Fixed small bug in code indentation. * Added script rpager.sh. * Added two new plugin options: no underscore replacement and fixed name for the pipe file instead of random one. 090523 (2009-05-23) * Key bindings now are customizable. * Default key binding for calling R's args() changed to Shift-F1. * New R script rargs.R gives better results for generic functions than R's args() called directly. 090519 (2009-05-20) * Don't send large blocks of code to R to avoid xterm freezing. * Automatically call help.start() after CTRL-H is pressed for the first time, and wait 4 seconds for the browser start before calling R's help(). These features are customizable. * Fixed tags file script. 090516 (2009-05-16) * Added documentation. * Added ability to send function to R, revert the automatic conversion of "_" into "<-" and call R's help(). * Added archive with some files to ease desktop integration, if desired. 090507 (2009-05-08) * Initial upload vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl