newPackage("Matroids", AuxiliaryFiles => true, Version => "1.7.0", Date => "February 6, 2024", Authors => {{ Name => "Justin Chen", Email => ""}}, Headline => "a package for computations with matroids", Keywords => {"Matroids"}, HomePage => "", PackageExports => {"Graphs", "Posets"}, DebuggingMode => true, Certification => { "journal name" => "The Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry", "journal URI" => "", "article title" => "Matroids: a Macaulay2 package", "acceptance date" => "27 September 2018", "published article URI" => "", "published article DOI" => "10.2140/jsag.2019.9.19", "published code URI" => "", "repository code URI" => "", "release at publication" => "cf37f5a1eefc2fe7e6eef2868718256106805027", -- git commit number in hex "version at publication" => "0.9.7", "volume number" => "9", "volume URI" => "" } ) export { "Matroid", "matroid", "ParallelEdges", "Loops", "groundSet", "indicesOf", "bases", "nonbases", "circuits", "fundamentalCircuit", "loops", "coloops", "isDependent", "closure", "flats", "latticeOfFlats", "restriction", "deletion", "contraction", "minor", "hasMinor", "isBinary", "is3Connected", "getSeparation", "seriesConnection", "parallelConnection", "sum2", "simpleMatroid", "CheckWellDefined", "extension", "coextension", "elementaryQuotient", "isQuotient", "isElementaryQuotient", "modularCut", "isModularCut", "isLinearSubclass", "linearSubclass", "relaxation", "relabel", "quickIsomorphismTest", "getIsos", "isoTypes", "tutteEvaluate", "chromaticPolynomial", "getCycles", "basisIndicatorMatrix", "maxWeightBasis", "idealChowRing", "Presentation", "ChowRingOptions", "FlatOrder", "cogeneratorChowRing", "idealOrlikSolomonAlgebra", "isNonCrossing", "isPositivelyOriented", "positiveOrientation", "isPositivelyOrientable", "kruskalSpanningForest", "coordinatingPath", "rescalingRepresentative", "searchRepresentation", "Attempts", "setRepresentation", "getRepresentation", "storedRepresentation", "uniformMatroid", "affineGeometry", "projectiveGeometry", "thetaMatroid", "binarySpike", "spike", "swirl", "wheel", "whirl", "specificMatroid", "allMatroids", "allMinors", "toSageMatroid", "fromSageMatroid", "writeToString", "saveMatroid", "readFromFile" } Matroid = new Type of HashTable Matroid.synonym = "matroid" globalAssignment Matroid net Matroid := M -> ( net ofClass class M | " of rank " | toString(M.rank) | " on " | toString(#M.groundSet) | " elements" ) Matroid == Matroid := (M, N) -> M.groundSet === N.groundSet and set bases M === set bases N matroid = method(Options => {EntryMode => "bases", ParallelEdges => {}, Loops => {}}) matroid (List, List) := Matroid => opts -> (E, L) -> ( L = unique L; if #L > 0 and not instance(L#0, Set) then L = indicesOf(E, L); G := set(0..<#E); B := if opts.EntryMode == "bases" then ( if #L == 0 then error "matroid: There must be at least one basis" else L ) else if opts.EntryMode == "nonbases" then ( if #L == 0 then {G} else subsets(G, #(L#0)) - set L ) else if opts.EntryMode == "circuits" then ( x := getSymbol "x"; R := QQ(monoid[x_0..x_(#E-1)]); I := monomialIdeal({0_R} | L/(c -> product(c/(i -> R_i)))); allVars := product gens R; (dual I)_* / (g -> set indices(allVars//g)) ); M := new Matroid from { symbol groundSet => G, symbol bases => B, symbol rank => #(B#0), cache => new CacheTable from {symbol groundSet => E} }; if opts.EntryMode == "circuits" then ( M.cache.ideal = I; M.cache.circuits = L; ) else if opts.EntryMode == "nonbases" then M.cache.nonbases = L; M ) matroid List := Matroid => opts -> L -> matroid(sort unique flatten L, L, opts) matroid (ZZ, List) := Matroid => opts -> (n, L) -> matroid(toList(0.. opts -> (E, N, r) -> ( -- non-spanning circuits if #N > 0 and not instance(N#0, Set) then N = N/set; spanningCircuits := subsets(E, r+1)/set - set flatten apply(N, c -> apply(subsets(E - c, r+1 - #c)/set, s -> s + c)); matroid(E, N | spanningCircuits, EntryMode => "circuits") ) matroid Matrix := Matroid => opts -> A -> ( k := rank A; setRepresentation(matroid(apply(numcols A, i -> A_{i}), (select(subsets(numcols A, k), S -> rank A_S == k))/set), A) ) matroid Graph := Matroid => opts -> G -> ( P := opts.ParallelEdges; L := opts.Loops/(v -> set{v}); e := #edges G; E := hashTable apply(e, i -> (edges G)#i => i); C := getCycles G/(c -> set apply(#c-1, i -> E#(set{c#i, c#(i+1)}))); for i from 0 to #P - 1 do ( C = C | select(C, c -> member(E#(P#i), c))/(c -> c - set{E#(P#i)} + set{e+i}) | {set{E#(P#i), e + i}}; ); M := matroid(edges G | P | L, C | apply(#L, i -> set{e + #P + i}), EntryMode => "circuits"); if #L == 0 and #P == 0 then M.cache.graph = G; I := id_(ZZ^(#G.vertexSet)); A := incidenceMatrix G; if #P > 0 then A = A | matrix{apply(P/toList, p -> I_{p#0} + I_{p#1})}; if #L > 0 then A = A | map(ZZ^(numrows A), ZZ^(#L), 0); setRepresentation(M, sub(A, ZZ/2)) ) matroid (List, MonomialIdeal) := Matroid => opts -> (E, I) -> ( allVars := product gens ring I; M := matroid(E, (dual I)_* / (g -> set indices(allVars//g))); M.cache.ideal = I; M ) matroid Ideal := Matroid => opts -> I -> ( J := if instance(I, MonomialIdeal) then I else monomialIdeal I; -- The following is ~2x faster than isSquareFree if (J == I and isSubset(set flatten flatten(J_*/exponents), set{0,1})) then matroid(gens ring J, J) else error "matroid: Expected a squarefree monomial ideal" ) ideal Matroid := MonomialIdeal => M -> ( -- Stanley-Reisner ideal of independence complex if M.cache.?ideal then M.cache.ideal else M.cache.ideal = ( x := getSymbol "x"; R := QQ(monoid [x_0..x_(#M.groundSet - 1)]); dual monomialIdeal({0_R} | apply(bases M, b -> product(toList(M.groundSet - b) /(i -> R_i)))) ) ) isWellDefined Matroid := Boolean => M -> ( K := keys M; expectedKeys := set { symbol groundSet, symbol bases, symbol rank, symbol cache }; if set K =!= expectedKeys then ( if debugLevel > 0 then ( added := toList(K - expectedKeys); missing := toList(expectedKeys - K); if #added > 0 then printerr("isWellDefined: unexpected key(s): " | toString added); if #missing > 0 then printerr("isWellDefined: missing keys(s): " | toString missing); ); return false ); if not M.groundSet === set(0..<#M.groundSet) then ( if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("isWellDefined: expected groundSet to be " | toString set(0..<#M.groundSet)); return false ); if not (instance(M.bases, List) and all(bases M, b -> instance(b, Set) and isSubset(b, M.groundSet))) then ( if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("isWellDefined: expected bases to be a list of subsets of groundSet"); return false ); if not all(M.bases, b -> #b === M.rank) then ( if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("isWellDefined: expected rank to be the size of all bases"); return false ); if M.cache.?storedRepresentation then ( A := M.cache.storedRepresentation; if numcols A =!= #M.groundSet or rank A =!= rank M then ( if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("isWellDefined: storedRepresentation is invalid"); return false ); ); -- circuit elimination I := ideal dual M; if numgens ideal M < numgens I then I = ideal M; R := ring I; J := ideal flatten apply(subsets(I_*, 2), p -> (indices gcd(p#0,p#1))/(i -> p#0*p#1//(R_i^2))); numgens J == 0 or isSubset(J, I) ) Matroid _ ZZ := (M, i) -> M.cache.groundSet#i Matroid _ List := (M, S) -> (M.cache.groundSet)_S Matroid _ Set := (M, S) -> S/(i -> M.cache.groundSet#i) Matroid _* := M -> M.cache.groundSet groundSet = method() groundSet Matroid := Set => M -> M.groundSet indicesOf = method() indicesOf (List, List) := List => (E, L) -> ( -- L: list of lists H := hashTable apply(#E, i -> E_i => i); L/(l -> set(l/(i -> H#i))) ) -- indicesOf (List, Sequence) := List => (E, L) -> ( -- L: sequence of sets -- H := hashTable apply(#E, i -> E_i => i); -- toList(L/(l -> l/(i -> H#i))) -- ) indicesOf (Matroid, List) := List => (M, L) -> ( if #L == 0 then return {}; if not M.cache.?indices then M.cache.indices = hashTable apply(#M.groundSet, i -> M_i => i); if not M.cache.indices#?(L#0) then ( if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("indicesOf: " | toString(L#0) | " is not a member of " | toString(M_*) | ". Treating " | toString(L#0) | " as an index (cf. 'help groundSet')..."); L ) else L/(l -> M.cache.indices#l) ) bases = method() bases Matroid := List => M -> M.bases nonbases = method() nonbases Matroid := List => M -> ( if M.cache.?nonbases then M.cache.nonbases else M.cache.nonbases = subsets(M.groundSet, rank M) - set M.bases ) circuits = method() circuits Matroid := List => M -> ( if M.cache.?circuits then M.cache.circuits else M.cache.circuits = (ideal M)_*/indices/set ) fundamentalCircuit = method() fundamentalCircuit (Matroid, List, Thing) := Set => (M, I, e) -> fundamentalCircuit(M, set indicesOf(M, I), (indicesOf(M, {e}))#0) fundamentalCircuit (Matroid, Set, ZZ) := Set => (M, I, e) -> ( J := I + set{e}; for c in circuits M do if isSubset(c, J) then return c; error("fundamentalCircuit: Expected " | toString J | " to be dependent"); ) loops = method() loops Matroid := List => M -> toList(M.groundSet - flatten(bases M / toList)) coloops = method() coloops Matroid := List => M -> loops dual M independentSets Matroid := List => opts -> M -> unique flatten((bases M)/subsets) independentSets (Matroid, ZZ) := List => opts -> (M, r) -> unique flatten(bases M/(b -> subsets(b, r))) independentSets (Matroid, List) := List => opts -> (M, S) -> independentSets(M, set indicesOf(M, S)) independentSets (Matroid, Set) := List => opts -> (M, S) -> ( H := hashTable transpose({toList(0..<#S)} | {sort keys S}); apply(bases restriction(M, S), b -> b/(i -> H#i)) ) isDependent = method() isDependent (Matroid, List) := Boolean => (M, S) -> isDependent(M, set indicesOf(M, S)) isDependent (Matroid, Set) := Boolean => (M, S) -> ( if #S > rank M then return true; I := ideal M; product(S/(i -> (ring I)_i)) % I == 0 ) rank Matroid := ZZ => M -> M.rank rank (Matroid, List) := ZZ => (M, S) -> rank(M, set indicesOf(M, S)) rank (Matroid, Set) := ZZ => (M, S) -> ( if not M.cache#?"ranks" then M.cache#"ranks" = new MutableHashTable; if M.cache#"ranks"#?S then M.cache#"ranks"#S else M.cache#"ranks"#S = ( S0 := sort keys S; if M.cache.?rankFunction then (M.cache.rankFunction)(S0) else ( I := ideal M; R := ring I; dim (map((coefficientRing R)(monoid [(gens R)_S0]), R))(I) ) ) ) closure = method() closure (Matroid, List) := List => (M, S) -> toList closure(M, set indicesOf(M, S)) closure (Matroid, Set) := Set => (M, S) -> ( r := rank(M, S); if r == rank M then return M.groundSet; S + set select(toList(M.groundSet - S), s -> r == rank(M, S + set{s})) ) -- the 'hyperplanes' methods is defined in 'Polyhedra' hyperplanes Matroid := List => M -> ( if M.cache.?hyperplanes then M.cache.hyperplanes else M.cache.hyperplanes = (circuits dual M)/(c -> M.groundSet - c) ) flats = method() flats (Matroid, ZZ, String) := List => (M, r, mode) -> ( -- computes all intersections of r hyperplanes (which contains all flats of rank = rank M - r) if mode === "corank" then ( if not M.cache#?"flatsOfCorank" then M.cache#"flatsOfCorank" = new MutableHashTable from {0 => {M.groundSet}, 1 => hyperplanes M}; if M.cache#"flatsOfCorank"#?r then M.cache#"flatsOfCorank"#r else M.cache#"flatsOfCorank"#r = unique flatten apply(flats(M, r-1, "corank"), f -> apply(hyperplanes M, h -> h*f)) ) else select(flats M, f -> rank_M f === r) ) flats (Matroid, ZZ) := List => (M, r) -> flats(M, r, "rank") flats Matroid := List => M -> ( if M.cache.?flats then M.cache.flats else M.cache.flats = ( if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("flats: Finding hyperplanes..."); H := hyperplanes M; if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("flats: " | toString(#H) | " hyperplanes found. Computing intersections of hyperplanes..."); E := M.groundSet; flatList := H; newFlats := H; M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable" = new MutableHashTable from apply(H, h -> (h, new MutableHashTable from {(h,1),(E,1)})); M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable"#E = new MutableHashTable from {(E,1)}; while true do ( newFlats = unique flatten apply(newFlats, f -> apply(select(H, h -> not isSubset(f, h)), h -> ( g := h*f; if M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable"#?g then M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable"#g#f = 1 else M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable"#g = new MutableHashTable from {(g,1),(f,1),(h,1),(E,1)}; g )) ) - set flatList; if #newFlats == 0 then break; if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("flats: " | toString(#newFlats) | " new flats found..."); flatList = newFlats | flatList; ); append(sort(flatList - set H, f -> #f) | H, E) ) ) latticeOfFlats = method() -- latticeOfFlats Matroid := Poset => M -> poset(flats M/toList/sort, (a, b) -> isSubset(a, b)) latticeOfFlats Matroid := Poset => M -> ( if not M.cache#?"flatsRelations" then M.cache#"flatsRelations" = ( H := hyperplanes M; E := M.groundSet; F01 := flats M; F2 := drop(drop(F01, 1), -1); if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("latticeOfFlats: Finding transitive closure of precomputed relations..."); scan(#F2 - #H, i -> ( f := F2#(-(#H)-1-i); scan(toList(set flatten apply(keys M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable"#f, k -> keys M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable"#k) - keys M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable"#f), k -> M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable"#f#k = 1); )); M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable"#(F01#0) = new MutableHashTable from apply(F01, f -> (f,1)); if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("latticeOfFlats: Creating relations matrix..."); M.cache#"flatsRelationsMatrix" = matrix apply(F01, f -> apply(F01, f1 -> if M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable"#f#?f1 then 1 else 0)); if debugLevel > 1 then printerr("latticeOfFlats: relations matrix has rank " | toString(rank M.cache#"flatsRelationsMatrix")); if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("latticeOfFlats: Creating relation pairs..."); sort flatten apply(keys M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable", k -> ( k0 := sort keys k; apply((keys M.cache#"flatsRelationsTable"#k - set{k})/keys/sort, f -> {k0,f}) )) ); poset(flats M/toList/sort, M.cache#"flatsRelations", M.cache#"flatsRelationsMatrix", AntisymmetryStrategy => "none") ) fVector Matroid := HashTable => M -> hashTable pairs tally(flats M/rank_M) dual Matroid := Matroid => {} >> opts -> M -> ( if M.cache.?dual then M.cache.dual else M.cache.dual = ( D := matroid(M_*, (bases M)/(b -> M.groundSet - b)); D.cache.dual = M; if M.cache.?storedRepresentation then ( try ( (r, A) := (rank M, reducedRowEchelonForm M.cache.storedRepresentation); pivs := hashTable((a,b) -> a, pivots A); nonpivs := sort toList(M.groundSet - values pivs); perm := inversePermutation(apply(r, i -> pivs#i) | nonpivs); setRepresentation(D, ((-1)*transpose submatrix(A, toList(0.. 0 then printerr "dual: could not compute induced dual representation"; D )) else D ) ) restriction = method() restriction (Matroid, List) := Matroid => (M, S) -> restriction(M, set indicesOf(M, S)) restriction (Matroid, Set) := Matroid => (M, S) -> ( -- assumes S is a subset of M.groundSet (not M_*) S0 := sort keys S; N := matroid(M_S0, ( -- H := hashTable(identity, apply(bases M, b -> (I := S*b; (#I, I)))); -- unique indicesOf(S0, sequence deepSplice H#(max keys H)) -- H := hashTable apply(bases M, b -> (I := S*b; (I, #I))); -- r := max values H; -- indicesOf(S0, toSequence select(keys H, k -> H#k == r)) -- B := sort(unique(bases M/(b -> S*b)), I -> #I); -- indicesOf(S0, drop(B, {0, position(B, I -> #I == #(B#-1)) - 1}) /toList) B := bases M/(b -> S*b); r := max sizes B; indicesOf(S0, unique select(B, b -> #b == r) /toList) )); if M.cache.?storedRepresentation then setRepresentation(N, M.cache.storedRepresentation_S0) else N ) Matroid | Set := (M, S) -> restriction(M, S) Matroid | List := (M, S) -> restriction(M, S) -- Note: for tuttePolynomial, do not use ideal M to compute restriction! deletion = method() deletion (Matroid, List) := Matroid => (M, S) -> deletion(M, set indicesOf(M, S)) deletion (Matroid, Set) := Matroid => (M, S) -> restriction(M, M.groundSet - S) Matroid \ Set := (M, S) -> deletion(M, S) Matroid \ List := (M, S) -> deletion(M, S) contraction = method() contraction (Matroid, List) := Matroid => (M, S) -> contraction(M, set indicesOf(M, S)) contraction (Matroid, Set) := Matroid => (M, S) -> ( D := dual M; dual deletion(D, S) ) -- necessary to prevent error with represented matroids over rings that reducedRowEchelonForm cannot handle (e.g. ZZ) Matroid / Set := (M, S) -> contraction(M, S) Matroid / List := (M, S) -> contraction(M, S) minor = method() minor (Matroid, List, List) := Matroid => (M, X, Y) -> minor(M, set indicesOf(M, X), set indicesOf(M, Y)) minor (Matroid, Set, Set) := Matroid => (M, X, Y) -> ( if #(X*Y) > 0 then error "minor: Expected disjoint sets"; N := M / X; N \ set((toList Y)/(y -> position(N_*, e -> M_y === e))) ) hasMinor = method(Options => {Strategy => "flats"}) hasMinor (Matroid, Matroid) := Boolean => opts -> (M, N) -> ( (n, m) := (#N.groundSet, #M.groundSet); if n > m or rank N > rank M or #bases N > #bases M then return false; if n == m then return M == N; if opts.Strategy === "flats" and isSimple N then ( v := fVector N; truncatedLattice := select(flats(M, rank N, "corank"), f -> rank_M f >= rank M - rank N); possibleFlats := select(truncatedLattice, f -> rank_M f == rank M - rank N); truncatedLattice = truncatedLattice - set possibleFlats; for f in possibleFlats do ( if any(1.. #select(truncatedLattice, F -> rank_M F == rank M - rank N + i and isSubset(f, F)) < v#i) then continue; if debugLevel > 1 then printerr("hasMinor: testing flat " | toString(f)); Mf := M/f; for Y in independentSets(dual Mf, m - n - #f) do ( if areIsomorphic(N, Mf \ Y) then ( if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("hasMinor: Contract "|toString f|", delete "|toString (Y/(y -> (sort toList(M.groundSet - f))#y))); return true; ); ); ); ) else ( for X in independentSets(M, rank M - rank N) do ( MX := M / X; for Y in independentSets(dual MX, m - n - rank M + rank N) do ( if areIsomorphic(N, MX \ Y) then ( if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("hasMinor: Contract "|toString X|", delete "|toString (Y/(y -> (sort toList(M.groundSet - X))#y))); return true; ); ); ); ); false ) isBinary = method() isBinary Matroid := Boolean => M -> ( I := ideal dual M; if #I_* > #(ideal M)_* then I = ideal M; all(subsets(I_*, 2), s -> (lcm s//gcd s) % I == 0) ) Matroid + Matroid := (M, N) -> ( (E, B2) := (M_*, bases N); if not(E === N_*) then ( if #set(M_*) < #(M_*) or #set(N_*) < #(N_*) then error "Matroid + Matroid: Cannot have duplicate elements in M or N - cf. ``help (symbol +, Matroid, Matroid)\" for details"; E = unique(M_* | N_*); phi := hashTable apply(#N.groundSet, i -> i => position(E, e -> e === N_i)); B2 = bases N/(b -> b/(i -> phi#i)); ); H := partition(b -> #b, unique flatten table(bases M, B2, plus)); matroid(E, H#(max keys H)) ) Matroid ++ Matroid := (M, N) -> ( n := #M.groundSet; B := bases N/(b -> b/(i -> i + n)); matroid(M_*/(e -> (e,0)) | N_*/(e -> (e,1)), unique flatten table(bases M, B, plus)) ) getComponentsRecursive := (S, C) -> ( if #S == 0 then return {} else if #(set S*set flatten(C/toList)) == 0 then return subsets(S, 1); comp0 := select(S, s -> any(C, c -> isSubset(set{s, S#0}, c))); C = select(C, c -> #(c*set comp0) == 0); join({comp0}, getComponentsRecursive(toList(set S - comp0), C)) ) components Matroid := List => M -> ( singles := join(loops M, coloops M); join(subsets(singles, 1), getComponentsRecursive(toList(M.groundSet - singles), circuits M))/set/restriction_M ) isConnected Matroid := Boolean => M -> ( I := ideal dual M; if #I_* > #(ideal M)_* then I = ideal M; all(subsets(gens ring I, 2)/product, p -> any(I_*, g -> g % p == 0) ) ) is3Connected = method() is3Connected Matroid := Boolean => M -> isConnected M and getSeparation(M, 2) === null getSeparation = method() getSeparation (Matroid, ZZ) := Set => (M, k) -> ( if k > #M_*/2 then ( if debugLevel > 0 then printerr "getSeparation: No k-separation exists for size reasons"; return null ); if debugLevel > 0 then printerr "getSeparation: Checking existence of minimal k-separator..."; indepCocircs := select(circuits dual M, c -> #c == k and not isDependent(M, c)); coindepCircs := select(circuits M, c -> #c == k and not isDependent(dual M, c)); for X in indepCocircs | coindepCircs do if rank(M, X) + rank(dual M, X) - k <= k-1 then return X; if debugLevel > 0 then printerr "getSeparation: Checking existence of nonminimal k-separator..."; flatsCoflats := toList(set flats M * set flats dual M); sepCands := reverse sort(select(flatsCoflats, X -> #X > k and #X < #M_* - k), f -> #f); for X in sepCands do if rank(M, X) + rank(dual M, X) - #X <= k-1 then return X; null ) seriesConnection = method() seriesConnection (Matroid, Matroid) := Matroid => (M, N) -> ( -- assumes basepoint of 0 if member(0, loops M) then return (M / set{0}) ++ N; if member(0, coloops M) then M ++ (N \ set{0}); n := #M_*; D := apply(circuits N, c -> c/(i -> if i > 0 then i = i + n - 1 else 0)); C1 := select(circuits M, c -> not member(0, c)); D1 := select(D, c -> not member(0, c)); (C2, D2) := (circuits M - set C1, D - set D1); matroid(toList(0..n+#N_*-2), C1 | D1 | flatten table(C2, D2, plus), EntryMode => "circuits") ) parallelConnection = method() parallelConnection (Matroid, Matroid) := Matroid => (M, N) -> dual seriesConnection(dual M, dual N) sum2 = method() sum2 (Matroid, Matroid) := Matroid => (M, N) -> ( if member(0, loops M | loops N | coloops M | coloops N) then error "sum2: Expected basepoint 0 to not be a loop/coloop in either M or N"; seriesConnection(M, N) / set{0} ) isSimple Matroid := Boolean => M -> min sizes circuits M > 2 simpleMatroid = method() simpleMatroid Matroid := Matroid => M -> M \ set(select((ideal M)_*, m -> first degree m <= 2)/indices/last) -- (CO)EXTENSIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------- extension = method(Options => {CheckWellDefined => false, EntryMode => "modular cut"}) extension (Matroid, List) := Matroid => o -> (M, K) -> ( K' := if o.EntryMode == "hyerplanes" then ( modularCut(M, K, CheckWellDefined => o.CheckWellDefined) ) else ( if o.CheckWellDefined and not isModularCut(M, K) then ( error "extension: Expected the second argument to be a modular cut of the matroid given as the first argument." ); K/toList/sort ); E := toList M.groundSet; e := (max E) + 1; B := bases M; r := rank M; B' := select(hyperplanes M, H -> not (set K')#?H ); B' = unique flatten apply(B', H -> apply(select(B, b -> #(b*H) == r - 1 ), b -> b*H ) ); B' = apply(B', I -> I + set {e}); matroid(E|{e}, B|B') ) extension (Matroid, Set) := Matroid => o -> (M, F) -> ( if not (set flats M)#?F then ( error "extension: Expected the second argument to be a flat of the matroid given as the first argument." ); E := toList M.groundSet; e := (max E) + 1; B := bases M; r := rank M; B' := select(hyperplanes M, H -> not isSubset(F, H) ); B' = unique flatten apply(B', H -> apply(select(B, b -> #(b*H) == r - 1 ), b -> b*H ) ); B' = apply(B', I -> I + set {e}); matroid(E|{e}, B|B') ) extension Matroid := Matroid => o -> M -> extension(M, M.groundSet) ----------------------------------------------------------------- coextension = method() coextension Matroid := Matroid => M -> dual extension dual M -- MATROID QUOTIENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- elementaryQuotient = method(Options => {CheckWellDefined => false, EntryMode => "modular cut"}) elementaryQuotient (Matroid, List) := Matroid => o -> (M, K) -> ( N := extension(M, K, o); e := max toList N.groundSet; N/{e} ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- truncate (Set, Matroid) := {} >> o -> (F, M) -> ( if not (set flats M)#?F then ( error "truncate: Expected a set that is a flat of the matroid." ); M' := extension(M, F); e := max toList M'.groundSet; M'/{e} ) truncate Matroid := {} >> o -> M -> truncate(M.groundSet, M, o) truncate (ZZ, Matroid) := {} >> o -> (i, M) -> ( if i < 0 then error "truncate: Expected a non-negative integer."; if i == 0 then M else truncate(i - 1, truncate(M, o), o) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- isQuotient = method() isQuotient (Matroid, Matroid) := Boolean => (M', M) -> ( M.groundSet === M'.groundSet and isSubset(flats M', flats M) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- isElementaryQuotient = method() isElementaryQuotient (Matroid, Matroid) := Boolean => (M', M) -> ( isQuotient(M', M) and rank M' == rank M - 1 ) -- MODULAR CUTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- modularCut = method(Options => {CheckWellDefined => false}) modularCut (Matroid, Matroid) := List => o -> (M', M) -> ( if not isElementaryQuotient(M', M) then ( error "modularCut: Expected the first argument to be an elementary quotient matroid of the second argument." ); select(flats M', f -> rank(M, f) - rank(M', f) == 1)/toList/sort ) modularCut (Matroid, List) := o -> (M, H) -> ( if o.CheckWellDefined and not isLinearSubclass(M, H) then ( error "modularCut: Expected a list of hyperplanes forming a linear subclass of the matroid." ); select(flats M, f -> isSubset(select(hyperplanes M, h -> isSubset(f, h)), H/toList/set) ) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- isModularCut = method() isModularCut (Matroid, List) := Boolean => (M, K) -> ( K' := set (K/toList/set); L := latticeOfFlats M; set (filter(L, K/toList/sort)/set) === K' and all(subsets(K', 2)/toList, p -> ( u := p#0 + p#1; m := (p#0)*(p#1); if rank(M, p#0) + rank(M, p#1) == rank(M, u) + rank(M, m) then K'#?m else true )) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- isLinearSubclass = method() isLinearSubclass (Matroid, List) := (M, LS) -> ( H := LS/toList/set; if not isSubset(H, hyperplanes M) then ( error "isLinearSubclass: Expected a list of hyperplanes of the matroid." ); coatH := apply(select(subsets(H, 2), h -> rank(M, h#0*h#1) == rank M - 2), h -> h#0*h#1); isSubset(flatten apply(coatH, f -> select(hyperplanes M, h -> isSubset(f, h) ) ), H) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- linearSubclass = method(Options => {CheckWellDefined => false}) linearSubclass (Matroid, List) := o -> (M, K) -> ( if o.CheckWellDefined and not isModularCut(M, K) then ( error "linearSubclass: Expected a list of flats forming a modular cut of the matroid." ); (toList ((set (K/set))*(set hyperplanes M))) ) linearSubclass (Matroid, Matroid) := o -> (M, N) -> linearSubclass(N, modularCut(M, N) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- relaxation = method(Options => {CheckWellDefined => false}) relaxation (Matroid, List) := Matroid => opts -> (M, S) -> relaxation(M, set indicesOf(M, S), CheckWellDefined => true) relaxation (Matroid, Set) := Matroid => opts -> (M, S) -> ( if not opts.CheckWellDefined or (member(S, circuits M) and member(S, hyperplanes M)) then matroid(M_*, append(bases M, S)) else error "relaxation: Expected circuit-hyperplane" ) relaxation Matroid := Matroid => opts -> M -> ( CH := set circuits M * set hyperplanes M; if #CH == 0 then error "relaxation: No circuit hyperplanes!"; relaxation(M, first toList CH) ) relabel = method() relabel (Matroid, HashTable) := Matroid => (M, perm) -> ( if set keys perm =!= set values perm then error "relabel: Not a permutation!"; H := hashTable apply(#M_*, i -> i => if perm#?i then perm#i else i); matroid(M_*, (bases M)/(b -> b/(i -> H#i))) ) relabel (Matroid, List) := Matroid => (M, perm) -> ( if not all(perm, e -> instance(e, Option)) then perm = apply(#M_*, i -> i => perm#i); relabel(M, hashTable perm) ) relabel Matroid := Matroid => M -> ( E := toList(0..<#M_*); relabel(M, (transpose{E, random E})/toSequence//hashTable) ) -- Recursively finds all permutations inducing a bijection on circuits (note: permutations(10) is already slow on a typical machine) getIsos = method() getIsos (Matroid, Matroid) := List => (M, N) -> ( (C, D, e) := (sort(circuits M, c -> #c), circuits N, #M.groundSet); if not(e === #N.groundSet and tally sizes C === tally sizes D) then return {}; if #C === 0 or #C#0 === 1 + rank M then return permutations e; if e > 5 then ( isos := new MutableHashTable; c0 := hashTable apply(#C#0, i -> (keys C#0)#i => i); shiftedIndices := apply(e, i -> i - #select(keys c0, j -> j < i)); for d0 in select(D, d -> #d == #c0)/toList do ( d1 := sort keys(N.groundSet - d0); d1 = hashTable apply(#d1, i -> i => d1#i); table(getIsos(M \ C#0, N \ set d0), permutations d0, (p, q) -> ( candidate := apply(e, i -> if c0#?i then q#(c0#i) else (d1)#(p#(shiftedIndices#i))); if all(C, c -> member(c/(i -> candidate#i), D)) then isos#candidate = 1; )) ); keys isos ) else select(permutations(e), p -> all(C, c -> member(c/(i -> p#i), D))) ) isomorphism (Matroid, Matroid) := HashTable => (M, N) -> ( -- assumes (M, N) satisfy "Could be isomorphic" by quickIsomorphismTest if M == N then return hashTable apply(#M_*, i -> (i, i)); ------------------------------- -- DFS: 9/12/23 ------------------------------- (C, D) := (sort((circuits M)/keys/sort, c -> #c), sort((circuits N)/keys/sort, c -> #c)); if tally sizes C =!= tally sizes D then return null; numLoops := position(C, c -> #c > 1); -- numLoops cannot be null, since M != N loopStore := apply(numLoops, i -> {C#i#0, D#i#0}); coloopStore := pack(2, mingle((toList M.groundSet - set flatten C, toList N.groundSet - set flatten D)/sort)); (C, D) = (C_(toList(numLoops..<#C)), D_(toList(numLoops..<#D))); (circUnionM, circUnionN) := (C, D)/flatten/unique; C1 := C; c0slice := sliceBySizeList(C1#0, C1); coverCircuits := {C1#0} | while c0slice#?0 list ( C1 = sort(c0slice#0, c -> #c); c0slice = sliceBySizeList(C1#0, C1); C1#0 ); extraElts := circUnionM - set flatten coverCircuits; sym := permutations toList(0..<#extraElts); level := 0; c := coverCircuits#level; pattern := (values sliceBySizeList(c, C))/sizes/tally; searchTree := new MutableList from {flatten((select(D, d -> #d == #c and pattern === (values sliceBySizeList(d, D))/sizes/tally))/permutations)}; phi := new MutableHashTable from (apply(circUnionM, e -> {e, null}) | loopStore | coloopStore); while #searchTree#0 > 0 do { if #searchTree#level > 0 then scan(#c, i -> phi#(c#i) = searchTree#level#0#i); if #searchTree#level == 0 then ( scan(#c, i -> phi#(c#i) = null); level = level - 1; c = coverCircuits#level; searchTree#level = drop(searchTree#level, 1); ) else if level < #coverCircuits - 1 then ( level = level + 1; c = coverCircuits#level; pattern = (values sliceBySizeList(c, C))/sizes/tally; candidates := select(D, d -> #d == #c and #(set d * set values phi) == 0 and pattern === (values sliceBySizeList(d, D))/sizes/tally); searchTree#level = flatten(candidates/permutations); if debugLevel > 0 then << "\rSearch tree: " << toString apply(#searchTree, i -> #searchTree#i) << flush; ) else ( extraEltsN := circUnionN - set values phi; for p in sym do ( scan(#extraElts, i -> phi#(extraElts#i) = extraEltsN#(p#i)); if all(C, circ -> member(sort(circ/(i -> phi#i)), D)) then return hashTable pairs phi; ); scan(#extraElts, i -> phi#(extraElts#i) = null); searchTree#level = drop(searchTree#level, 1); ); }; ------------------------------- -- Old algorithm ------------------------------- -- local coloopStore, local C, local D, local e, local C1, local c0slice; -- local coverCircuits, local H, local candidates, local extraElts, local F, local E; -- coloopStore = (M, N)/coloops/sort; -- sort is crucial! -- if #(coloopStore#0) > 0 then (M, N) = (M \ (coloopStore#0), N \ (coloopStore#1)); -- reduces both (M, N) to unions of circuits -- (C, D, e) = (sort(circuits M, c -> #c), sort(circuits N, d -> #d), #M.groundSet); -- if tally sizes C =!= tally sizes D then return null; -- if #C == 0 then return hashTable pack(2, mingle coloopStore); -- C1 = C; -- c0slice = sliceBySize(C1#0, C1); -- coverCircuits = {C1#0} | while c0slice#?0 list ( -- C1 = sort(c0slice#0, c -> #c); -- c0slice = sliceBySize(C1#0, C1); -- C1#0 -- ); -- creates maximal list of disjoint circuits in M, covering as much of M.groundSet as possible -- H = apply(coverCircuits, c -> (c, select(D, d -> #d == #c and (values sliceBySize(c, C))/sizes/tally === (values sliceBySize(d, D))/sizes/tally))); -- creates list of ordered pairs: first element is member of coverCircuits, second element is list of circuits in N which have the same "intersection size pattern" as the first element -- if min sizes(H/last) == 0 then return; -- candidates = {H}; -- for i to #coverCircuits-1 do ( -- candidates = flatten apply(candidates, cand -> apply(#last(cand#i), j -> ( -- append(cand_{0.. (S#0, select(S#1, s -> #(s*((last(cand#i))#j)) == 0))) -- ))) -- ); -- "de-nests" second-element lists of H (i.e. each list member becomes its own item, but keeping only those which are disjoint from previously matched circuits of N -- extraElts = M.groundSet - flatten(coverCircuits/toList); -- E = flatten(append(coverCircuits, extraElts)/keys/sort); -- if #extraElts > 0 then candidates = apply(candidates, cand -> cand | {(extraElts, N.groundSet - flatten(cand/last/toList))}); -- for cand in candidates do ( -- for f in fold((a,b) -> flatten table(a,b,identity), cand/last/keys/permutations) /deepSplice/join do ( -- F = hashTable apply(e, i -> E#i => f#i); -- if all(C, c -> member(c/(i -> F#i), D)) then return ( -- if #(coloopStore#0) == 0 then F else ( -- F = pairs F; -- for i to #(coloopStore#0)-1 do F = apply(F, p -> (p#0 + (if p#0 >= coloopStore#0#i then 1 else 0), p#1 + (if p#1 >= coloopStore#1#i then 1 else 0))); -- hashTable(pack(2, mingle coloopStore) | F) -- ) -- ); -- ); -- ); ) quickIsomorphismTest = method() quickIsomorphismTest (Matroid, Matroid) := String => (M, N) -> ( (r, b, e) := (rank M, #bases M, #M.groundSet); if not (r == rank N and b == #bases N and e == #N.groundSet) then return "false"; if M == N then ( if debugLevel > 0 then printerr "quickIsomorphismTest: Matroids are equal"; return "true" ); if not(betti ideal M === betti ideal N) then return "false"; if min(b, binomial(e, r) - b) <= 1 then ( if debugLevel > 0 then printerr "quickIsomorphismTest: At most 1 basis/nonbasis"; return "true" ); try ( alarm 2; ret := if not betti res dual ideal M === betti res dual ideal N then "false"; alarm 0; ret ) else ( alarm 0; "Could be isomorphic" ) ) areIsomorphic (Matroid, Matroid) := Boolean => (M, N) -> ( testResult := quickIsomorphismTest(M, N); if member(testResult, {null, "Could be isomorphic"}) then not(isomorphism(M, N) === null) else value testResult ) isoTypes = method() isoTypes List := List => L -> ( isoClasses := {}; for o in L do ( isNewIsoClass := for c in isoClasses do if areIsomorphic(c, o) then break false; if isNewIsoClass =!= false then isoClasses = append(isoClasses, o); ); isoClasses ) tuttePolynomialRing := ZZ(monoid(["x","y"]/getSymbol)) tuttePolynomial (Matroid, Ring) := RingElement => memoize((M, R) -> ( a := coloops M; b := loops M; if #a + #b == #M.groundSet then R_0^#a*R_1^#b else ( c := set{(keys((bases M)#0 - a))#0}; tuttePolynomial(deletion(M, c), R) + tuttePolynomial(contraction(M, c), R) ) )) tuttePolynomial Matroid := RingElement => M -> tuttePolynomial(matroid(M_*, bases M), tuttePolynomialRing) -- avoids computing induced representations for deletions/contractions, when M has a storedRepresentation tutteEvaluate = method() tutteEvaluate (Matroid, Thing, Thing) := Thing => (M, a, b) -> ( T := tuttePolynomial M; sub(T, {(ring T)_0 => a, (ring T)_1 => b}) ) characteristicPolynomial Matroid := RingElement => opts -> M -> ( T := tuttePolynomial M; R := ZZ(monoid([getSymbol "x"])); (map(R, ring T, {1 - R_0, 0}))((-1)^(rank M)*T) ) chromaticPolynomial = method() chromaticPolynomial Graph := RingElement => G -> ( P := characteristicPolynomial matroid G; (ring P)_0^(#connectedComponents G)*P ) getCycles = method() getCycles Graph := List => G -> ( if not isConnected G then return flatten((connectedComponents G)/(c -> getCycles inducedSubgraph(G, c))); G = graph edges G; -- removes loops if #edges G < #G.vertexSet then return {}; -- G is a tree while true do ( nonLeaves := select(G.vertexSet, v -> #neighbors(G, v) > 1); if #nonLeaves == #G.vertexSet then break; if #nonLeaves == 0 then return {}; G = inducedSubgraph(G, nonLeaves); ); cycles := {}; while #G.vertexSet > 2 do ( cycles = join(cycles, select(getClosedWalks(G, G.vertexSet#0, #G.vertexSet), p -> p#1 < p#(#p - 2))); G = deleteVertices(G, {G.vertexSet#0}); ); cycles ) getClosedWalks = method() getClosedWalks (Graph, Thing, ZZ) := List => (G, v, l) -> ( -- Returns walks at v of length <= l N := toList(neighbors(G, v)); paths := N/(n -> {v, n}); walks := {}; for i from 2 to l - 1 do ( paths = flatten(paths/(p -> (toList(neighbors(G, last p) - set{v} - set p))/(n -> append(p, n)))); walks = join(walks, (select(paths, p -> member(last p, N)))/(w -> append(w, v))); ); walks ) basisIndicatorMatrix = method() basisIndicatorMatrix Matroid := Matrix => M -> ( initVector := toList M.groundSet; transpose matrix(bases M/(b -> initVector/(i -> if member(i, b) then 1 else 0))) ) independenceComplex Matroid := SimplicialComplex => M -> simplicialComplex ideal M maxWeightBasis = method() maxWeightBasis (Matroid, List) := Set => (M, w) -> ( maxWeightSol := set{}; W := (rsort apply(#w, i -> (w#i, i)))/last; while not member(maxWeightSol, bases M) do ( for i from 0 to #W-1 do ( augmentedSol := maxWeightSol + set{W#i}; if not isDependent(M, augmentedSol) then ( maxWeightSol = augmentedSol; W = W_(delete(i, toList(0..<#W))); break; ); ); ); maxWeightSol ) idealChowRing = method(Options => {CoefficientRing => QQ, ChowRingOptions => new OptionTable from {MonomialOrder => GLex}, Presentation => "standard", Variable => "x", FlatOrder => null}) idealChowRing Matroid := Ideal => opts -> M -> ( x := getSymbol opts.Variable; N := monoid[apply((flats M)/toList/sort, f -> x_f), opts.ChowRingOptions]; k := opts.CoefficientRing; S := k(N); x = hashTable apply(S_*, v -> last baseName v => v); if opts.Presentation =!= "standard" then ( L := latticeOfFlats M; L' := subposet(L, select(vertexSet L, F -> rank(M, F) >= if opts.Presentation === "FY" then 1 else 2 )); RM := L'.RelationMatrix; incomp := apply(flatten apply(numColumns RM, j -> apply(select(j, i -> RM_j_i == 0), i -> {j, i}) ), p -> {L'_(p#0), L'_(p#1)} ); ); I := if opts.Presentation === "simplicial" then ( mu := moebiusFunction L; ideal apply(incomp, F -> ( l := sum apply(select(vertexSet L', G -> compare(L, F#0, G)), G -> mu#(F#0, G)*x#G); l' := sum apply(select(vertexSet L', G -> compare(L, F#1, G)), G -> mu#(F#1, G)*x#G); l*l' )) ) else if opts.Presentation === "atom-free" then ( I1 := ideal apply(incomp, F -> x#(F#0)*x#(F#1)); I2 := ideal flatten apply(atoms L, a -> apply(select(vertexSet L', F -> not compare(L, a, F) ), F -> (x#F)*(sum apply(select(vertexSet L', G -> compare(L, a, G) and compare(L, F, G) ), G -> x#G ) ) )); I3 := ideal apply(subsets(atoms L, 2), F -> ( l := sum apply(select(vertexSet L', G -> compare(L, F#0, G)), G -> x#G); l' := sum apply(select(vertexSet L', G -> compare(L, F#1, G)), G -> x#G); l*l' )); I1 + I2 + I3 ) else if opts.Presentation === "FY" then ( I1 = ideal apply(incomp, F -> x#(F#0)*x#(F#1)); I2 = ideal apply(atoms L, a -> sum apply(select(vertexSet L', G -> compare(L, a, G)), G -> x#G )); I1 + I2 ) else ( F := delete({}, delete(M.groundSet, flats M)/toList/sort); I2 = ideal(select(subsets(F, 2), s -> #unique(s#0 | s#1) > max(#(s#0), #(s#1)))/(p -> x#(p#0)*x#(p#1))); L0 := sum(select(F, f -> member(0, f))/(f -> x#f)); I2 + ideal((1..#M.groundSet - 1)/(i -> sum(select(F, f -> member(i, f))/(f -> x#f)) - L0)) ); if opts.FlatOrder =!= null then ( orderedVars := apply(opts.FlatOrder, f -> x#f); if set support I =!= set orderedVars then ( error "idealChowRing: Expected FlatOrder to match the support of the Chow ring ideal." ); ) else orderedVars = support I; sub(I, k(monoid[orderedVars, opts.ChowRingOptions]) ) ) cogeneratorChowRing = method() cogeneratorChowRing Matroid := RingElement => M -> ( -- sorted flats makes this 3x faster t := getSymbol "t"; I := trim idealChowRing M; R := ring I; W := R[apply(gens R, v -> t_(last baseName v))]; sub(value (factor((sum(#gens R, i -> W_i*R_i))^(rank M - 1) % sub(I, W)))#1, QQ[gens W]) ) idealOrlikSolomonAlgebra = method(Options => {CoefficientRing => QQ, Variable => "e"}) idealOrlikSolomonAlgebra Matroid := Ideal => opts -> M -> ( V := sort toList M.groundSet; e := getSymbol opts.Variable; E := (opts.CoefficientRing)[apply(V, v -> e_v), SkewCommutative => true]; e = hashTable apply(E_*, v -> last baseName v => v); trim ideal apply(circuits M/toList, c -> sum(#c, i -> product(#c, j -> if i == j then 1 else (-1)^j*e#(c#j)))) -- Cir := apply(circuits M,C->toList C); -- return trim ideal apply(Cir,c->sum for i from 0 to length c - 1 list -- product for j from 0 to length c - 1 list if i == j then 1 -- else (-1)^j*e#j); ) ------------------------------------------ -- Positive Orientability (cf. Thm 5.2 in ------------------------------------------ isNonCrossing = method() isNonCrossing (List, List) := Boolean => (C, D) -> ( -- assumes C and D are disjoint (minC, maxC, minD, maxD) := (min C, max C, min D, max D); (minC < minD and maxC > maxD) or (minD < minC and maxD > maxC) ) isNonCrossing (Set, Set) := Boolean => (C, D) -> isNonCrossing(toList C, toList D) isPositivelyOriented = method() isPositivelyOriented Matroid := Boolean => M -> ( all(circuits M, C -> all(select(circuits dual M, D -> #(D * C) == 0), D -> isNonCrossing(C, D))) ) positiveOrientation = method() positiveOrientation Matroid := List => M -> ( aut := getIsos(M, M); checkedPerms := new MutableHashTable; for phi in permutations (#M_*) do ( if checkedPerms#?phi then continue; if isPositivelyOriented matroid(M_*, (circuits M)/(C -> C/(e -> phi#e)), EntryMode => "circuits") then return phi; scan(aut, f -> checkedPerms#(phi_f) = 1); ); null -- any(permutations (#M_*), phi -> isPositivelyOriented matroid(M_*, (circuits M)/(C -> C/(e -> phi#e)), EntryMode => "circuits")) ) isPositivelyOrientable = method() isPositivelyOrientable Matroid := Boolean => M -> positiveOrientation M =!= null -- Search for representations kruskalSpanningForest = method() kruskalSpanningForest Graph := Graph => G -> ( comps := new MutableHashTable from (vertices G/(v -> set{v} => 1)); k := #connectedComponents G; graph(vertices G, for e in edges G list ( if #comps == k then break; ic := select(2, keys comps, c -> #(c*e) > 0); if #ic == 1 then continue; remove(comps, ic#0); remove(comps, ic#1); comps#(ic#0 + ic#1) = 1; e )) ) coordinatingPath = method(Options => {Outputs => "withBasis"}) coordinatingPath Matroid := List => opts -> M -> ( if not M.cache#?"coordinatingPath" then M.cache#"coordinatingPath" = ( B := sort toList first bases M; D := sort toList (M.groundSet - B); S := toList(0.. (C := fundamentalCircuit(M, set B, d); select(S, i -> not member(B#i, C)))); BG := graph(B | D, flatten apply(#D, i -> apply(B - set(B_(zeroPos#i)), j -> {j, D#i}))); onePos := (edges kruskalSpanningForest BG)/toList/sort; M.cache#"coordinatingPathBasis" = apply(onePos, p -> ( b := if member(p#0, B) then p#0 else p#1; (position(S, i -> B#i === b), first(p - set{b})) )) | apply(#B, i -> (i, B#i)); onePos ); if opts.Outputs === "withBasis" then M.cache#"coordinatingPathBasis" else M.cache#"coordinatingPath" ) -- randomNonzero = method() randomNonzero := k -> ( a := random k; while a == 0 do a = random k; a ) rescalingRepresentative = method() rescalingRepresentative (Matrix, List) := Matrix => (A, O) -> ( if A == 0 then return A; k := ring A; r := numrows A; -- assumes A is full rank B := take(O, -r)/last; A = inverse(A_B) * A; colHash := hashTable((a,b) -> flatten{a, b}, drop(O, -r) /reverse); E := id_(k^r); if any(values colHash, v -> instance(v, List)) then ( C := matrix flatten apply(select(keys colHash, k -> instance(colHash#k, List)), c -> ( apply(drop(colHash#c, 1), row -> { A_((colHash#c)#0,c)*E^{(colHash#c)#0} - A_(row,c)*E^{row} }) )); K := gens ker C; D := diagonalMatrix flatten entries sum(numcols K, i -> randomNonzero k * K_{i}); -- attempts to get element of K with all nonzero entries A = D*A; ); A*inverse diagonalMatrix apply(numcols A, j -> if colHash#?j then A_(if instance(colHash#j, ZZ) then colHash#j else colHash#j#0, j) else if member(j, B) then A_(position(B, p -> j == p), j) else 1_k) ) searchRepresentation = method(Options => {symbol Attempts => 1000}) searchRepresentation (Matroid, GaloisField) := Matrix => opts -> (M, k) -> ( (r, n) := (rank M, #M.groundSet); B := sort toList first bases M; D := sort toList (M.groundSet - B); zeroPos := apply(D, d -> (C := fundamentalCircuit(M, set B, d); select(toList(0.. not member(B#i, C)))); O := coordinatingPath M; Z := flatten apply(#D, j -> apply(zeroPos#j, i -> (i, D#j))); knownPos := O | Z | flatten apply(r, i -> apply(delete(i, toList(0.. (i, B#j))); unknowns := toList((0,0)..(r-1,n-1)) - set knownPos; if debugLevel > 0 then << "searchRepresentation: #unknowns = " << #unknowns << endl; A := new MutableMatrix from map(k^r, k^n, 0); scan(O, p -> A_p = 1); -- M.cache#"representationCandidate" = matrix A; (viable, total) := (0, 0); maxAttempts := min(opts.Attempts, (k.order - 1)^(#unknowns)); foundRep := while total < maxAttempts do ( total = total + 1; if debugLevel > 0 then << "\rsearchRepresentation: Testing candidate " << viable << "/" << total << " ... " << flush; scan(unknowns, u -> A_u = randomNonzero k ); N := matroid matrix A; if #bases N === #bases M then ( viable = viable + 1; if areIsomorphic(M, N) then break true; ); ); if foundRep === null then ( msg := if total === (k.order - 1)^(#unknowns) then ( (if total == 1 then "" else "likely ") | "no representation exists" ) else "please try again"; if debugLevel > 0 then printerr("searchRepresentation: Could not find representation - " | msg); return; ); A = matrix A_((sort pairs isomorphism(M, N))/last); -- makes matroid A == M rescalingRepresentative(A, O) ) setRepresentation = method() setRepresentation (Matroid, Matrix) := Matroid => (M, A) -> ( M.cache.storedRepresentation = A; M.cache.rankFunction = S -> rank A_S; M ) getRepresentation = method() getRepresentation Matroid := Thing => M -> ( if M.cache.?graph then M.cache.graph -- graph(join(M_*, (flatten(select(M_*, c -> #c == 1)/toList))/(v -> {v,v}))) else if M.cache.?storedRepresentation then M.cache.storedRepresentation else ( printerr("getRepresentation: No representation stored"); null ) ) uniformMatroid = method() uniformMatroid (ZZ, ZZ) := Matroid => (k, n) -> ( if k > n then (k,n) = (n,k); matroid(toList(0.. (n, p) -> matroid affineMatrix(n, p) affineMatrix = (n, p) -> sub(transpose matrix toList((prepend(1,n:0)..prepend(1,n:p-1))/toList), ZZ/p) projectiveGeometry = method() projectiveGeometry (ZZ, ZZ) := Matroid => (n, p) -> matroid projectiveMatrix(n, p) projectiveMatrix = (n, p) -> ( if n == 0 then return matrix{{1_(ZZ/p)}}; affineMatrix(n, p) | (matrix{toList((p^n-1)//(p-1):0_(ZZ/p))} || projectiveMatrix(n-1, p)) ) thetaMatroid = method() thetaMatroid ZZ := Matroid => n -> ( (X, Y) := (toList(0.. if i =!= j then (X | {Y#i}) - set{j})) | flatten table(subsets(X, n-2), subsets(Y, 2), (s,t) -> s | t))/set) ) binarySpike = method() -- unique binary tipped r-spike binarySpike ZZ := Matroid => r -> matroid(id_((ZZ/2)^r) | matrix table(r, r+1, (i,j) -> if i == j then 0 else 1)) spike = method() spike (ZZ, List) := Matroid => (r, C3) -> ( -- tipped r-spike E := toList(0..2*r); C1 := toList apply(r, i -> {0, 2*i+1, 2*(i+1)}); C2 := apply(subsets(r, 2), p -> {2*p#0+1, 2*(p#0+1), 2*p#1+1, 2*(p#1+1)}); C := C1 | C2 | C3; C4 := select(subsets(E, r+1), s -> not any(C, c -> isSubset(c, s))); matroid(E, C | C4, EntryMode => "circuits") ) spike ZZ := Matroid => r -> spike(r, {}) -- free tipped r-spike swirl = method() swirl ZZ := Matroid => r -> matroid(toList(0..<2*r), ( -- free rank-r swirl (flatten flatten table(r, r-3, (i,j) -> ( v := toList apply(j, k -> 2*(i+k+1)); zChoices := toList((set{0,1})^**j/deepSplice/toList); apply(zChoices, z -> {2*i, 2*i+1} | (z + v) | {2*(i+j+1), 2*(i+j+1)+1}) )))/(c -> c/(i -> i % (2*r))) ), r) wheel = method() wheel ZZ := Matroid => r -> if r == 2 then matroid(wheelGraph 3, ParallelEdges => {set{1,2}}) else matroid wheelGraph(r+1) whirl = method() whirl ZZ := Matroid => r -> relaxation wheel r specificMatroid = method() specificMatroid String := Matroid => name -> ( if name == "U24" then ( uniformMatroid(2, 4) ) else if name == "C5" then ( matroid(toList(0..4), {{0,1,2}}/set, EntryMode => "nonbases") ) else if name == "fano" or name == "F7" then ( projectiveGeometry(2, 2) ) else if name == "nonfano" or name == "F7-" then ( relaxation(specificMatroid "fano", set{4,5,6}) ) else if name == "V8+" then ( spike 4 \ set{0} ) else if name == "vamos" then ( relaxation(specificMatroid "V8+", set{4,5,6,7}) ) else if name == "pappus" then ( matroid(toList(0..8), {{0,1,2},{0,4,6},{0,5,7},{1,3,6},{1,5,8},{2,3,7},{2,4,8},{3,4,5},{6,7,8}}/set, EntryMode => "nonbases") ) else if name == "nonpappus" then ( relaxation(specificMatroid "pappus", set{6,7,8}) ) else if name == "nondesargues" then ( matroid(toList(0..9), {{0,2,5},{0,1,4},{0,7,8},{1,3,5},{2,3,4},{2,6,8},{3,6,9},{4,8,9},{5,6,7}}/set, EntryMode => "nonbases") ) else if name == "betsyRoss" then ( -- matroid(id_((GF 4)^3) | matrix{{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1},{a,1,a+1,1,0,a+1,a+1,1},{a,a+1,1,0,a+1,a+1,a,a}}) matroid(id_((ZZ/5)^3) | matrix{{1,2,-2,1,2,2,1,1},{1,-2,-1,-1,0,1,-2,-1},{1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1}}) ) else if name == "AG32" then ( affineGeometry(3, 2) ) else if name == "AG32'" then ( relaxation(affineGeometry(3,2), set{1,3,4,6}) ) else if name == "F8" then ( relaxation(specificMatroid "AG32'", set{0,1,6,7}) ) else if name == "J" then ( matroid matrix{{0_(ZZ/3),0,1,1,1,0,0,0},{1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0},{0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0},{1,0,0,0,-1,0,-1,1}} ) else if name == "L8" then ( matroid(toList(0..7), {{0,1,2,3},{0,1,4,5},{1,3,4,6},{1,2,5,6},{0,3,4,7},{0,2,5,7},{2,3,6,7},{4,5,6,7}}/set, EntryMode => "nonbases") ) else if name == "O7" then ( matroid matrix {{1_(ZZ/3),1,1,1,1,1,0},{0,0,1,1,-1,-1,1},{1,-1,0,-1,1,-1,1}} ) else if name == "P6" then ( relaxation(specificMatroid "Q6", set{0,1,2}) ) else if name == "P7" then ( matroid(toList(0..6), {{0,1,2},{0,3,4},{0,5,6},{1,3,5},{2,4,6}}/set, EntryMode => "nonbases") ) else if name == "P8" then ( matroid(id_((ZZ/3)^4) | matrix{{0,1,1,-1},{1,0,1,1},{1,1,0,1},{-1,1,1,0}}) ) else if name == "P8=" then ( matroid(id_((ZZ/5)^4) | matrix{{1,1,1,1},{1,1,3,4},{1,4,0,4},{1,2,1,0}}) ) else if name == "Q3(GF(3)*)" then ( matroid matrix{{1_(ZZ/3),1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0},{0,0,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1},{1,-1,0,1,-1,0,-1,1,-1}} ) else if name == "Q6" then ( matroid(toList(0..5), {{0,1,2},{0,3,4}}/set, EntryMode => "nonbases") ) else if name == "Q8" then ( relaxation(specificMatroid "R8", set{0,2,4,6}) ) else if name == "R6" then ( sum2(uniformMatroid(2,4), uniformMatroid(2,4)) ) else if name == "R8" then ( relaxation(specificMatroid "AG32'", set{0,2,5,7}) ) else if name == "R9" then ( matroid(toList(0..8), {{1,2,3},{3,4,5},{3,4,6},{3,5,6},{4,5,6},{6,7,1},{1,4,0},{1,5,8},{2,4,7},{2,5,0},{2,6,8},{3,7,8},{3,7,0},{3,8,0},{7,8,0}}/set, EntryMode => "nonbases") ) else if name == "R9A" then ( matroid(toList(0..8),{{0,1,2,7},{0,1,3,4},{0,1,5,8},{0,2,3,8},{0,2,4,6},{0,3,6,7},{0,4,5,7},{1,2,3,5},{1,3,7,8},{1,4,6,8},{2,4,7,8},{3,4,5,8},{5,6,7,8}}/set, EntryMode => "nonbases") ) else if name == "R9B" then ( matroid(toList(0..8),{{0,1,2,7},{0,1,3,4},{0,1,6,8},{0,2,4,6},{0,3,5,8},{0,4,7,8},{1,2,3,5},{1,2,4,8},{1,3,7,8},{1,4,5,7},{2,3,6,7},{3,4,6,8},{5,6,7,8}}/set, EntryMode => "nonbases") ) else if name == "R10" then ( matroid(id_((ZZ/2)^5) | matrix{{1,1,0,0,1},{1,1,1,0,0},{0,1,1,1,0},{0,0,1,1,1},{1,0,0,1,1}}) ) else if name == "R12" then ( matroid(id_((ZZ/2)^6) | matrix{{1,1,1,0,0,0},{1,1,0,1,0,0},{1,0,0,0,1,0},{0,1,0,0,0,1},{0,0,1,0,1,1},{0,0,0,1,1,1}}) ) else if name == "S8" then ( matroid(id_((ZZ/2)^4) | matrix{{0,1,1,1},{1,0,1,1},{1,1,0,1},{1,1,1,1}}) ) else if name == "S5612" then ( matroid(id_((ZZ/3)^6) | matrix{{0,1,1,1,1,1},{1,0,1,-1,-1,1},{1,1,0,1,-1,-1},{1,-1,1,0,1,-1},{1,-1,-1,1,0,1},{1,1,-1,-1,1,0}}) ) else if name == "T8" then ( matroid(id_((ZZ/3)^4) | matrix{{0,1,1,1},{1,0,1,1},{1,1,0,1},{1,1,1,0}}) ) else if name == "T12" then ( matroid(id_((ZZ/2)^6) | matrix{{1,1,0,0,0,1},{1,0,0,0,1,1},{0,0,0,1,1,1},{0,0,1,1,1,0},{0,1,1,1,0,0},{1,1,1,0,0,0}}) ) else error "specificMatroid: Name string must be one of: fano/F7, nonfano/F7-, vamos, pappus, nonpappus, nondesargues, betsyRoss, AG32, AG32', C5, F8, J, L8, O7, P6, P7, P8, P8=, Q3(GF(3)*), Q6, Q8, R6, R8, R9, R9A, R9B, R10, R12, S8, S5612, T8, T12, U24, V8+" ) specificMatroid Symbol := Matroid => s -> specificMatroid toString s allMatroids = method() allMatroids (ZZ, ZZ) := List => (n, r) -> ( if r > n then (n, r) = (r, n); if r > n//2 then return allMatroids(n, n-r)/dual; E := toList(0.. matroid(E, take(subsets(n, 1), i+1), EntryMode => "nonbases")); if n > 9 then error "allMatroids: Can only return all matroids on <= 9 elements"; PE := reverse sort subsets(set E, r); dir := first select(path, p -> fileExists(p | "Matroids/SmallMatroids.txt")); db := if (n, r) =!= (9, 4) then ( numMatroids := {7,13,23,38,37,108,58,325,940,87,1275}; -- cf. Table 1 in K := {(4,2),(5,2),(6,2),(6,3),(7,2),(7,3),(8,2),(8,3),(8,4),(9,2),(9,3)}; H := hashTable apply(#K, i -> K#i => {2*i+1+sum take(numMatroids,i), 2*i+sum take(numMatroids,i+1)}); take(lines get(dir | "Matroids/SmallMatroids.txt"), H#(n,r)) ) else lines get(dir | "Matroids/r4n9.txt"); apply(db, l -> matroid(E, PE_(positions(characters l, c -> c === "*")))) ) allMatroids ZZ := List => n -> flatten apply(n+1, i -> allMatroids(n, i)) allMinors = method() allMinors (Matroid, Matroid) := List => (M, N) -> ( flatten apply(independentSets(M, rank M - rank N), X -> ( C := M/X; apply(select(independentSets(dual C, #C.groundSet - #N.groundSet), Y -> areIsomorphic(N, C\Y)), Y -> {X, Y/(y -> (sort toList(M.groundSet - X))#y)}) ))) -- Sage matroid conversions toSageMatroid = method() toSageMatroid Matroid := String => M -> ( -- for matroids on <= 26 elements alphabet := separate("","abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); G := concatenate alphabet_(toList(0..<#M.groundSet)); B := concatenate apply(bases M, b -> "'" | concatenate alphabet_(sort toList b) | "',"); "Matroid(groundset = '" | G | "', bases = [" | substring(B, 0, #B - 1) | "])" ) fromSageMatroid = method() fromSageMatroid String := Matroid => s -> ( L := separate("',",replace(" |\\[|\\]|groundset|bases|=","",s)); s0 := L#0; s0 = substring(s0,0,8) | "{" | demark(",", separate("", substring(s0,9))); L = drop(L, -1) | {replace("'\\)","",L#-1)}; bases := demark("},", apply(drop(L, 1), t -> "{" | demark(",", drop(separate("", t), 1)))); value(replace("M", "m", s0) | "}, {" | bases | "}})") ) -- Writing to file toExternalString Set := toString writeToString = method() writeToString Thing := String => T -> ( if not instance(T, HashTable) then return toExternalString T; K := select(keys T, k -> instance(T#k, MutableHashTable)); "new " | toString class T | " from {\n" | demark(",\n", for k in keys T - set K list ( try ( toExternalString k | " => " | toExternalString T#k ) else ( if debugLevel > 0 then << "Could not externalize key " << k << endl; continue ) )) | (if #K > 0 then ",\n" else "") | demark(",\n", for k in K list ( toExternalString k | " => " | writeToString T#k )) | "\n}" ) saveMatroid = method() saveMatroid (Matroid, String) := String => (M, file) -> ( s := replace("QQ\\[x_0\\.\\.x_" | toString(#M_* - 1) | "\\]", "matroidRing", writeToString M); (openOut file) << "matroidRing = " << toExternalString ring ideal M << ";" << endl << s << close; file ) saveMatroid Matroid := String => M -> saveMatroid(M, temporaryFileName()) readFromFile = method() readFromFile String := Thing => file -> value get file -- Miscellaneous general purpose helper functions -- sorts L by values of f (note: L should not involve sequences at all, due to deepSplice) sort (List, Function) := opts -> (L, f) -> ( H := hashTable(identity, apply(L, l -> f(l) => l)); deepSplice join apply(sort keys H, k -> H#k) ) sizes = L -> L/(l -> #l) sliceBySize = (s, L) -> partition(l -> #(l*s), L) -- intersects a set against a list of sets, and records sizes sliceBySizeList = (s, L) -> ( -- intersects a list against a list of lists, and records sizes s = set s; partition(l -> #(s * set l), L) ) -- note: this is different from sliceBySize(set s, L/set) load "./Matroids/doc-Matroids.m2" load "./Matroids/tests-Matroids.m2" end-- restart loadPackage("Matroids", Reload => true) uninstallPackage "Matroids" installPackage "Matroids" installPackage("Matroids", RerunExamples => true) viewHelp "Matroids" check "Matroids" -- TODO: -- Update documentation -- reducedRowEchelonForm does not work with initial zero rows => cannot compute induced representation for e.g. (matroid completeGraph 4) / set{0,1,3}