/**@license * __ _____ ________ __ * / // _ /__ __ _____ ___ __ _/__ ___/__ ___ ______ __ __ __ ___ / / * __ / // // // // // _ // _// // / / // _ // _// // // \/ // _ \/ / * / / // // // // // ___// / / // / / // ___// / / / / // // /\ // // / /__ * \___//____ \\___//____//_/ _\_ / /_//____//_/ /_/ /_//_//_/ /_/ \__\_\___/ * \/ /____/ * http://terminal.jcubic.pl * * This is object enchancment that will add pipe operator and redirects to commands * * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Jakub Jankiewicz * Released under the MIT license * */ /* global define */ (function(factory) { var root; if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { root = window; } else if (typeof self !== 'undefined') { root = self; } else if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { root = global; } else { throw new Error('Unknow context'); } if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. // istanbul ignore next define(['jquery', 'jquery.terminal'], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { // Node/CommonJS module.exports = function(root, jQuery) { if (jQuery === undefined) { // require('jQuery') returns a factory that requires window to // build a jQuery instance, we normalize how we use modules // that require this pattern but the window provided is a noop // if it's defined (how jquery works) if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { jQuery = require('jquery'); } else { jQuery = require('jquery')(root); } } if (!jQuery.fn.terminal) { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { require('jquery.terminal'); } else { require('jquery.terminal')(jQuery); } } factory(jQuery); return jQuery; }; } else { // Browser // istanbul ignore next factory(root.jQuery); } })(function($) { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // :: split over array - returns array of arrays // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function array_split(array, splitter) { var test_fn; if (typeof splitter === 'function') { test_fn = splitter; } else if (splitter instanceof RegExp) { test_fn = function(item) { if (item instanceof RegExp) { item = item.source; } else if (typeof item !== 'string') { item = item.toString(); } var m = item.match(splitter); if (m) { if (m.length > 1) { return m.slice(1); } return true; } }; } else { test_fn = function(item) { return splitter === item; }; } var output = []; var sub = []; array.forEach(function(item, i) { var check = test_fn(item, i); if (check) { output.push(sub); sub = []; if (check instanceof Array) { output.push(check); } } else { sub.push(item); } }); output.push(sub); return output; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function is_function(obj) { return typeof obj === 'function'; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.terminal.defaults.strings.pipeNestedInterpreterError = 'You can\'t pipe nested ' + 'interpreter'; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.terminal.pipe = function pipe(interpreter, options) { var settings = $.extend({ processArguments: true, overwrite: undefined, redirects: {} }, options); var overwrite_buffer; var term; var orig; var command_index; var process_redirect = false; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function parse_redirect(args, re) { var redirects = []; if (args.length) { var cmd_redirect, settings_redirect; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { var operator = null; if (args[i].length === 1 && args[i][0].match(re)) { operator = args[i][0]; } if (operator) { for (var j = settings.redirects.length; j--;) { if (operator === settings.redirects[j].name) { settings_redirect = settings.redirects[j]; break; } } cmd_redirect = { fn: settings_redirect.callback, args: [] }; redirects.push(cmd_redirect); } else { cmd_redirect.args = args[i]; } } } return redirects; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function is_pipe(cmd) { var quotes = [''].concat(cmd.args_quotes); return function(string, i) { return string === '|' && !quotes[i]; }; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function tokens(cmd) { return [cmd.name].concat(cmd.args); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function parse_command(command) { var cmd; if (term.settings().processArguments) { cmd = $.terminal.parse_command(command); } else { cmd = $.terminal.split_command(command); } var index = 1; return array_split(tokens(cmd), is_pipe(cmd)).map(function(args, i) { var result = { redirects: [] }; var len = args.length; if (settings.redirects.length) { var redirect_names = settings.redirects.map(function(redirect) { return $.terminal.escape_regex(redirect.name); }); var re = new RegExp('^(' + redirect_names.join('|') + ')$'); var split_args = array_split(args, re); if (split_args.length > 1) { args = split_args[0]; result.redirects = parse_redirect(split_args.slice(1), re); } } if (i === 0) { result.args_quotes = args.map(function(_, i) { return cmd.args_quotes[i]; }); } else { result.args_quotes = args.map(function(_, i) { return cmd.args_quotes[i + index]; }).slice(1); } index += len; result.name = args[0]; result.args = args.slice(1); return result; }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function overwrite(command) { return command.overwrite === true || typeof command.overwrite === 'undefined' || settings.overwrite === true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function redirects(command) { var defer = $.Deferred(); if (overwrite(command)) { overwrite_buffer = true; } function resolve() { overwrite_buffer = false; defer.resolve(); } if (command.redirects.length) { var i = 0; (function loop() { var redirect = command.redirects[i++]; if (redirect) { var fn = redirect.fn; var args = redirect.args; continuation(fn.apply(term, args), function(value) { echo_non_empty(value); loop(); }, 'redirect loop'); } else { resolve(); } })(); } else { resolve(); } return defer.promise(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function continuation(promise, callback) { if (promise && promise.then) { promise.then(callback); return promise; } else { callback(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function echo_non_empty(value) { if (typeof value !== 'undefined') { term.echo(value); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function single_command(commands) { return commands.length === 1 && !commands[0].redirects.length; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function make_tty() { var tty = { read: function(message, callback) { // in case we return read() call from interpreter // we can't access force_awake flag in term (it's invoked later) if (term.paused()) { term.resume(); } if ((command_index === 0 && !tty.buffer) || process_redirect) { term.push = orig.push; term.echo = orig.echo; var ret = orig.read.apply(term, arguments); return ret.then(function(value) { term.push = tty.push; term.echo = tty.echo; return value; }); } else { var text; if (tty.buffer) { text = tty.buffer.replace(/\n$/, ''); delete tty.buffer; } var d = new $.Deferred(); if (is_function(callback)) { callback(text); } d.resolve(text); return d.promise(); } }, echo: function(string, options) { if (overwrite_buffer) { overwrite_buffer = false; tty.buffer = ''; } tty.options = tty.options || []; tty.options.push(options); tty.buffer = (tty.buffer || '') + string + '\n'; }, push: function() { this.error(strings(this).pipeNestedInterpreterError); } }; return tty; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function strings(term) { var term_settings = term.settings(); return $.extend( {}, $.terminal.defaults.strings, term_settings && term_settings.strings || {} ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function error(message) { var echo = term.echo; term.echo = orig.echo; term.error(message); term.echo = echo; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function unparse(string) { if (term.settings().processArguments) { return string.replace(/(['"()])/g, '\\$1'); } else { return string.replace(/ /g, '\\ '); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function stringify(cmd) { return cmd.name + ' ' + cmd.args.map(function(arg, i) { if (cmd.args_quotes[i]) { var quote = cmd.args_quotes[i]; return quote + unparse(arg) + quote; } if (typeof arg === 'string') { return arg.replace(/ /g, '\\ '); } return arg; }).join(' '); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return function(command, t) { command_index = -1; term = t; // for echo_non_empty and function that call it var term_settings = term.settings(); if (!orig) { orig = { echo: term.echo, read: term.read, push: term.push }; } var tty = make_tty(); var commands = parse_command(command); function loop(callback) { var i = 0; var d = new $.Deferred(); return (function inner() { var cmd = commands[i++]; if (cmd) { process_redirect = true; redirects(cmd).then(function() { process_redirect = false; if (!commands[i]) { $.extend(term, {echo: orig.echo, push: orig.push}); } command_index++; var ret = callback(cmd); if (ret === false) { return inner(); } else { return continuation(ret, inner, 'inner'); } }); } else { d.resolve(); } return d.promise(); })(); } if (single_command(commands)) { var cmd = commands[0]; if (is_function(interpreter)) { return interpreter.call(term, stringify(cmd), term); } else if (is_function(interpreter[cmd.name])) { return interpreter[cmd.name].apply(term, cmd.args); } else if ($.isPlainObject(interpreter[cmd.name])) { term.push(interpreter[cmd.name], { prompt: cmd.name + '> ', name: cmd.name, completion: Object.keys(interpreter[cmd.name]) }); } else if (is_function(term_settings.onCommandNotFound)) { term_settings.onCommandNotFound.call(term, command, term); } else { error(sprintf(strings(term).commandNotFound, cmd.name)); } } else { //term = term.duplicate(); $.extend(term, tty); var stop_error = false; var promise = loop(function(cmd) { var ret; if (is_function(interpreter)) { // this branch will be always invoked with new API // using pipe option var str = stringify(cmd); // this resume and exec is needed for rpc // because it use pause/resume and not promises // TODO: refactor RPC in terminal term.resume(); ret = term.exec(str, true); return continuation(ret, echo_non_empty); } else { var inter = interpreter[cmd.name]; if (is_function(inter)) { ret = inter.apply(term, cmd.args); return continuation(ret, echo_non_empty); } else { if ($.isPlainObject(inter)) { error(strings(term).pipeNestedInterpreterError); } else if (is_function(term_settings.onCommandNotFound)) { if (!stop_error) { term_settings.onCommandNotFound.call( term, command, term ); stop_error = true; } } else { error(sprintf(strings(term).commandNotFound, cmd.name)); } return false; } } }); return promise.then(function() { $.extend(term, orig); }); } }; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- var init = $.fn.terminal; $.fn.terminal = function(interpreter, options) { if (options && options.pipe) { var settings = $.extend({}, options, { onInit: function() { var defer = $.Deferred(); if (options && options.pipe) { var interpreter = $.terminal.pipe(this.commands(), options); this.set_interpreter(interpreter).then(defer.resolve); } else { defer.resolve(); } if (options && is_function(options.onInit)) { var self = this; defer.then(function() { options.onInit.call(self, self); }); } } }); } return init.call(this, interpreter, settings || options); }; });