var_names labels experiment ID of C1 chip (i.e. processing date in YYYYMMDD) well Well of C1 chip (96 total, rows A-H, cols 1-12) cell_number The number of cells observed in the well via microscopy concentration The cDNA concentration of the well prior to library prep ERCC The dilution factor of the ERCC spike-ins individual.1 Individual # 1 included on this C1 chip individual.2 Individual # 2 included on this C1 chip image_individual The chip label for the image files image_label The well label for the image files raw The number of raw reads umi The number of reads with a valid UMI mapped The number of reads with a valid UMI that mapped to a genome unmapped The number of reads with a valid UMI that did *not* map to a genome reads_ercc The number of reads that mapped to the ERCC spike-in transcripts reads_hs The number of reads that mapped to the H. sapiens genome reads_egfp The number of reads that mapped to the FUCCI EGFP transgene reads_mcherry The number of reads that mapped to the FUCCI mCherry transgene molecules The number of molecules (i.e. post UMI-deduplication) mol_ercc The number of molecules that mapped to the ERCC spike-in transcripts mol_hs The number of molecules that mapped to the H. sapiens genome mol_egfp The number of molecules that mapped to the FUCCI EGFP transgene mol_mcherry The number of molecules that mapped to the FUCCI mCherry transgene detect_ercc The number of ERCC genes with at least one molecule detect_hs The number of H. sapiens genes with at least one molecule chip_id verifyBamID: The predicted individual based on the sequencing data chipmix verifyBamID: chipmix is a metric for detecting sample swaps freemix verifyBamID: freemix is a measure of contamination. 0 == good & 0.5 == bad snps verifyBamID: The number of SNPs that passed thresholds for AF and missingness reads verifyBamID: The number of sequences that overlapped SNPs avg_dp verifyBamID: The average sequencing depth that covered a SNP min_dp verifyBamID: A minimun depth threshold for QC only (affects snps_w_min) snps_w_min verifyBamID: The number of SNPs that had the minimum depth (min_dp); QC only valid_id verifyBamID: Is the predicted individual 1 of the 2 added to the C1 chip? cut_off_reads QC filter: number of mapped reads > 85th percentile among zero-cell samples unmapped_ratios QC filter: among reads with a valid UMI, number of unmapped/number of mapped (unmapped/umi) cut_off_unmapped QC filter: unmapped ratio < 30th percentile among zero-cell samples ercc_percentage QC filter: number of reads mapped to ERCC/total sample mapped reads (reads_ercc/mapped) cut_off_ercc QC filter: ercc percentage < 15th percentile among zero-cell samples cut_off_genes QC filter: number of endogenous genes with at least one molecule (detect_hs) > 85th percentile among zero-cell samples ercc_conversion QC filter: among ERCC, number of molecules/number of mapped reads (mol_ercc/reads_ercc) conversion QC filter: among endogenous genes, number of molecules/number of mapped reads (mol_hs/reads_hs) conversion_outlier QC filter: microscopy detects 1 cell AND ERCC conversion rate > .094 molecule_outlier QC filter: Is the sample an outlier in total molecule count? filter_all QC filter: Does the sample pass all the QC filters? cell_number==1, mol_egfp >0, valid_id==1, cut_off_reads==TRUE, cut_off_ercc==TRUE, cut_off_genes=TRUE rfp.median.log10sum mCherry background-corrected intensity (log10sum) gfp.median.log10sum EGFP background-corrected intensity (log10sum) dapi.median.log10sum DAPI background-corrected intensity (log10sum) rfp.median.log10sum.adjust mCherry background-corrected intensity adjusted for C1 batch(log10sum) gfp.median.log10sum.adjust EGFP background-corrected intensity adjusted for C1 batch (log10sum) dapi.median.log10sum.adjust DAPI background-corrected intensity adjusted for C1 batch (log10sum) size nucleus size perimeter nucleus perimeter eccentricity nucleus eccentricity theta cell time