# LSP-gnols This is a helper package that automatically installs and updates [`gnols`][1] for Sublime Text. See [Setting up Sublime Text 4 for Gno development][8] for more information. ## Requirements To use this package, you must install the [Gno][6], [Terminus][4], and [LSP][3] packages. > **Note** > > It's recommended, but not required, to install the [LSP-json][2] package > which will provide auto-completion and validation for this package's > settings. You also need to have the [`gno`][7] binary installed. If the server can't find it on your `$PATH`, you'll need to manually specify its location in your settings: ```json { "settings": { "gno": "/path/to/gno" } } ``` ## Configuration There are multiple ways to configure the package and the language server. - Global configuration: `Preferences > Package Settings > LSP > Servers > LSP-gnols` - Project-specific configuration: from the Command Palette run `Project: Edit Project` and add your settings in: ```js { "settings": { "LSP": { "LSP-gnols": { "settings": { // Put your settings here } } } } } ``` [1]: https://github.com/jdkato/gnols [2]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/LSP-json [3]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/LSP [4]: https://www.sublimetext.com/ [5]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Terminus [6]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Gno [7]: https://github.com/gnolang/gno [8]: https://dev.to/jdkato/setting-up-sublime-text-4-for-gno-development-2km3