Format Apex Log ============= Sublime text plugin that formats, highlights and folds [apex log files]( Apex logs are difficult to read without additional spacing, this plugin will make apex logs easier to read. The plugin: * formats JSON objects in USER_DEBUG or FATAL_ERROR log lines by adding a new line and increasing indentation after '(', '{', '[', and adding a new line and decreasing indendation after ')', '}', or ']'. * removes lines containing ENTER_SYSTEM_MODE and EXIT_SYSTEM_MODE * folds * 'CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE' to 'CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE_END' * 'SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN' to 'SOQL_EXECUTE_END' * validation rule blocks in triggers * 'SELECT' to 'FROM', to hide long field lists in debugged queries * highlights USER_DEBUG statements Installation ============ * Install via [sublime text package control]( search for 'format apex log' * To manually install clone source code to Sublime Text packages folder. Usage ===== Use one of the following: * Bring up the command palette (it's `⌘ + shift + p` in OS X and `ctrl + shift + p` in Windows or Linux) and type `format-apex-log` and select `format-apex-log: Format This Apex Log` command. * Use `ctrl + alt + e`