# Eschaton Color Scheme This slightly desaturated, non-candy looking scheme is based on the Material-Theme dark scheme so it naturally blends in with the Material Theme. ES6 adapted, JSON 5 levels coloring, JSX and CSS enhancement. ## Presentation ![Eschaton](https://www.dropbox.com/s/b9focu1jhmd4jg1/eschaton_screenGrab.jpeg?dl=1) ## Installation Designed to be working with the latest [Sublime Text 3](http://www.sublimetext.com/3dev). ### Using Sublime Package Control If you are using [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control), you can easily install Eschaton Color Scheme via the `Package Control: Install Package` menu item. The Eschaton color scheme is listed as `Eschaton Color Scheme` in the packages list. ### Using Git Alternatively, you can install the color scheme and keep up to date by cloning the repo directly into your `Packages` directory in the Sublime Text application settings area. You can locate your Sublime Text `Packages` directory by using the menu item `Preferences -> Browse Packages...`. While inside the `Packages` directory, clone the color scheme repository using the command below: git clone https://github.com/jeanmichelcote/eschaton.git ## Activating the color scheme * Open your User Settings Preferences file `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User` * Add (or update) your color scheme entry to be `"color_scheme": "Packages/Eschaton Color Scheme/Eschaton.tmTheme"` **Example Sublime Text 3 User Settings** { "color_scheme": "Packages/Eschaton Color Scheme/Eschaton.tmTheme" } ## License Eschaton color scheme is licensed under the [WTFPL License](http://www.wtfpl.net/).