{ "({0} clients{1})":"({0} clients{1})", "/{0} requires parameters":"/{0} requires parameters", "{0} said: {1}":"{0} said: {1}", "Accept":"Accept", "Activity detection":"Activity detection", "Allow presenting":"Allow presenting", "(anon)":"(anon)", "Anonymous":"Anonymous", "audio only":"audio only", "auto":"auto", "Back to home":"Back to home", "bad context type":"bad context type", "Blackboard mode":"Blackboard mode", "broadcast a video or audio file":"broadcast a video or audio file", "Broadcast file":"Broadcast file", " by {0}":" by {0}", "Camera:":"Camera:", "Camera and microphone":"Camera and microphone", "Cancel":"Cancel", "Cancelled.":"Cancelled.", "Cancelled: {0}":"Cancelled: {0}", "(Choosing 'Accept' will disclose your IP address.)":"(Choosing 'Accept' will disclose your IP address.)", "clear the chat history":"clear the chat history", "Closing unknown stream":"Closing unknown stream", "Connect":"Connect", "Connecting...":"Connecting...", "corrupt data":"corrupt data", "Couldn't connect: {0}":"Couldn't connect: {0}", "Couldn't fetch groups: {0}":"Couldn't fetch groups: {0}", "Couldn't fetch stats: {0}":"Couldn't fetch stats: {0}", "Couldn't fetch status: ":"Couldn't fetch status: ", "Couldn't find user":"Couldn't find user", "Couldn't find volume slider":"Couldn't find volume slider", "Couldn't set filter: ":"Couldn't set filter: ", " Disable":" Disable", "Disconnected":"Disconnected", "Display audio-only users":"Display audio-only users", "display this help": "display this help", "Done.":"Done.", "empty message":"empty message", " Enable":" Enable", "Enable at start:":"Enable at start:", "everything":"everything", "Filter:":"Filter:", "Filters are not supported on this platform":"Filters are not supported on this platform", "Forbid presenting":"Forbid presenting", "Full screen not supported!":"Full screen not supported!", "Galène statistics":"Galène statistics", "give operator status":"give operator status", "give user the right to present":"give user the right to present", "Group:":"Group:", "High-quality audio":"High-quality audio", "Join":"Join", "Kick out":"Kick out", "kick out a user":"kick out a user", "leave group":"leave group", "list subgroups":"list subgroups", "locked":"locked", "lock this group":"lock this group", "Logout":"Logout", "low":"low", "lowest":"lowest", "low quality":"low quality", "Media Options":"Media Options", "[message]":"[message]", "message":"message", "Microphone":"Microphone", "Microphone:":"Microphone:", "Mirror view":"Mirror view", "/msg requires parameters":"/msg requires parameters", "Mute":"Mute", "mute all remote users":"mute all remote users", "mute a remote user":"mute a remote user", "(No group found.)":"(No group found.)", "Noise suppression":"Noise suppression", "No media for stream":"No media for stream", "none":"none", "normal":"normal", "No such group":"No such group", "Not connected":"Not connected", "nothing":"nothing", "Nothing":"Nothing", "off":"off", "on":"on", "operator":"operator", "(op, presenter)":"(op, presenter)", "Other Settings":"Other Settings", " Page not found!":" Page not found!", "Password":"Password", "Picture in Picture not supported.":"Picture in Picture not supported.", "presenter":"presenter", "Press Enable to enable your camera or microphone":"Press Enable to enable your camera or microphone", "Public groups":"Public groups", "raise hand":"raise hand", "Raise hand":"Raise hand", "Receive:":"Receive:", "Receiving...":"Receiving...", "Reject":"Reject", "(remote)":"(remote)", "Removing unknown media":"Removing unknown media", "renegotiate media streams":"renegotiate media streams", "Restart media":"Restart media", "revoke operator status":"revoke operator status", "revoke the right to present":"revoke the right to present", "screenshare only":"screenshare only", "Send:":"Send:", "send a file (this will disclose your IP address)":"send a file (this will disclose your IP address)", "send a private message":"send a private message", "send a warning to all users":"send a warning to all users", "send a warning to a user":"send a warning to a user", "Send file":"Send file", "Setting nonempty stream":"Setting nonempty stream", "Setting throughput of down stream":"Setting throughput of down stream", "Share Screen":"Share Screen", "Simulcast:":"Simulcast:", "start recording":"start recording", "stop recording":"stop recording", "The Server":"The Server", "The server said: ":"The server said: ", "The server said: {0} {1}":"The server said: {0} {1}", "This browser doesn't support file playback":"This browser doesn't support file playback", "This browser doesn't support WebRTC":"This browser doesn't support WebRTC", "This group is locked":"This group is locked", "Type /help for help":"Type /help for help", "Uknown command /{0}, type /help for help":"Uknown command /{0}, type /help for help", "Unexpected id for user menu":"Unexpected id for user menu", "Unknown down stream":"Unknown down stream", "Unknown filter {0}":"Unknown filter {0}", "Unknown join message":"Unknown join message", "Unknown user {0}":"Unknown user {0}", "Unknown value {0} in request":"Unknown value {0} in request", "unlimited":"unlimited", "unlock this group, revert the effect of /lock":"unlock this group, revert the effect of /lock", "unraise hand":"unraise hand", "Unraise hand":"Unraise hand", "user":"user", "User {0} offered to send us a file called {1} of size {2}":"User {0} offered to send us a file called {1} of size {2}", "user [message]":"user [message]", "user message":"user message", "Username":"Username", " We can't find the page you're looking for.":" We can't find the page you're looking for.", "We have offered to send a file called {0} to user {1}":"We have offered to send a file called {0} to user {1}", "You are not allowed to record":"You are not allowed to record", "You are not an operator":"You are not an operator", "You are not authorised to present.":"You are not authorised to present.", "You have been muted":"You have been muted", "You have been muted{0}":"You have been muted{0}", "Your browser does not support presenting arbitrary files":"Your browser does not support presenting arbitrary files", "Your browser does not support screen sharing":"Your browser does not support screen sharing" }