# 1.1.0 * update dependencies to support openssl 3 (thanks @TimB87) # 1.0.2 * cleanup help output # 1.0.1 * add `functions` directories to fpath if functions are found * updated dependencies # 1.0.0 * Finally released! * :warning: if you are updating from 0.8.2 (last published crates.io version) this will break your config! * read the changelog for 0.9.0 on how to update * Thank you @ralsei and @tekumara # 0.9.0 * Deprecated `load`, `update`, and `list` * Write to stdout instead of ~/.config/zr * Use XDG_CACHE_DIR/zr or $HOME/.cache/zr for caching plugins * Added support for completions, thanks @Avi-D-coder! * Strip binary, reducing size from 4.9Mb to 1.8Mb * Removed dependency on clap, reducing size by 700kb # 0.8.2 * Support git ssh credentials during updates! # 0.8.1 * Only add a directory to PATH and fpath if there are executable files inside (non-windows specific) # 0.8.0 - Removed `-h` shorthand for `--home`, now `-h` is for `--help` * Bumped minor version of deps # 0.7.2 * Bumped patch version of deps # 0.7.1 + Added some documentation which can be seen with `cargo doc -p zr --open`. * Removed extraneous `plugins` directory * Bumped minor version of libc crate # 0.7.0 We finally have support for arbitrary git sources! It is recommended to delete your `ZR_HOME` directory. If you are cloning from non-github repo, and specifying the plugin path, you must have `.git` as a separator so `zr` knows what part of the path points to the git repo, and what points to the file. See the readme for examples. + added --home, -h config flag to specify home + added non-github repository support zr supports https://whatever.com/some/repo[.git/path/to/files.zsh] - Breaking change: plugins are cloned into top-level `ZR_HOME` (no author/name subdirectories) - Breaking change: `zr list` now shows full identifier for sources (no author/name shortname) # 0.6.6 + Update to rust 2018 # 0.6.5 + Fix path generation on windows (thanks @nshtg!) # 0.6.4 + Update dependencies + Minor cleanup # 0.6.3 + Update dependencies # 0.6.2 + License under the MPL-2.0 + Publish to crates.io # 0.6.1 + Create supporting directories if they do not exist # 0.6.0 sabanus - Breaking change: `load` now requires the path to be part of the plugin definition zr load author/plugin some/file.zsh Now must be zr load author/plugin/some/file.zsh This fixes a lot of brittleness # 0.5.0 + Added sample zshrc benchmark - Removed `add` and `reset` # 0.4.8 + Added output when cloning repositories - Deprecated `add` and `reset`, as `load` is fast enough, and you can regen when mtime is different via [[ ~/.zshrc -nt ~/.zr/init.zsh ]] && { zr load \ ... } # 0.4.6 fink Added `load` command, which is about twice as fast as generating init.zsh. If you had a *zshrc* that looked like: zr add some/plugin zr add other/plugin some/file.zsh You can migrate to zr load \ some/plugin \ other/plugin some/file.zsh Which will generate everything in one go. This might be fast enough to always regenerate init.zsh on shell load. Also added benchmarks, which can be run on nightly now. # 0.4.3 neotoma This is the first public release of zr! Thank you to [SX91](https://github.com/SX91) for contributing fixes for linux.