# Shellcaster settings # -------------------- # Specifies where podcast episodes that are downloaded will be stored. # Defaults: # $XDG_DATA_HOME/shellcaster/ or $HOME/.local/share/shellcaster/ on Linux # $HOME/Library/Application Support/shellcaster/ on Mac # C:\Users\\AppData\Local\shellcaster\ on Windows #download_path = "~/.local/share/shellcaster/" # Command to use to play episodes. Use "%s" to indicate where file/URL # will be entered to the command. # Default: vlc %s #play_command = "vlc %s" # Configures what happens when new episodes are found as podcasts are # synced: # - "always" will automatically download all new episodes; # - "ask-selected" will open a popup window to let you select which # episodes to download, with all of them selected by default; # - "ask-unselected" will open a popup window to let you select which # episodes to download, with NONE of them selected by default; # - "never" will never automatically download new episodes. # Default: "ask-unselected" #download_new_episodes = "ask-unselected" # Maximum number of files to download simultaneously. Setting this too # high could result in network requests being denied. A good general # guide would be to set this to the number of processor cores on your # computer. # Default: 3 #simultaneous_downloads = 3 # Maximum number of times to retry connecting to a URL to sync a # podcast or download an episode. # Default: 3 #max_retries = 3 [keybindings] # Keybindings must be an array of one or more strings. # If you want to distinguish between a regular alphanumeric key # and Shift+key, you can use the capital letter that you would normally # type when pressing Shift+key (e.g., Shift+"r" will give you "R"). # Other special characters and their config string: # Arrow keys: "Left", "Right", "Up", "Down" # Ctrl+key: "C-key" (e.g., "C-r" means Ctrl+"r") # Shift+key: "S-key" (e.g., "S-Del" means Shift+Delete) # Insert ("Ins"), Delete ("Del"), Home ("Home"), End ("End"), # Page up ("PgUp"), Page down ("PgDn"), Tab ("Tab") # Enter ("Enter"), Escape ("Esc") -- be aware that on some terminals the # Escape key waits for further input before passing it along to # shellcaster, so you might notice a delay with this key # Don't try to use backslash, or you're gonna have a bad time left = [ "Left", "h" ] right = [ "Right", "l" ] up = [ "Up", "k" ] down = [ "Down", "j" ] big_up = [ "K" ] big_down = [ "J" ] page_up = [ "PgUp" ] page_down = [ "PgDn" ] go_top = [ "g" ] go_bot = [ "G" ] add_feed = [ "a" ] sync = [ "s" ] sync_all = [ "S" ] play = [ "Enter", "p" ] mark_played = [ "m" ] mark_all_played = [ "M" ] download = [ "d" ] download_all = [ "D" ] delete = [ "x" ] delete_all = [ "X" ] remove = [ "r" ] remove_all = [ "R" ] filter_played = [ "1" ] filter_downloaded = [ "2" ] help = [ "?" ] quit = [ "q" ] [colors] # Colors can be identified in three ways: # 1. Using color names defined by your terminal: # - black, darkgrey, red, darkred, green, darkgreen, yellow, # darkyellow, blue, darkblue, magenta, darkmagenta, cyan, # darkcyan, white, or grey # - The special color name "terminal" can also be used to specify # your terminal's default foreground or background color; this is # particularly useful if your terminal background is transparent -- # use "terminal" for the background colors below. # 2. Using a hex code in the format "#ff0000" or "#FF0000" to specify # RGB values. # 3. Using an RGB value in the format "rgb(255, 0, 0)" where each number # is a value between 0 and 255. # Note that, as might be expected, the ability to set colors depends on # the capabilities of your terminal. Config options set below are ignored # on terminals without the ability to add/change colors. # all regular text normal_foreground = "grey" normal_background = "black" # colors for bolded text, including podcasts/episodes that are unplayed, # and some titles bold_foreground = "white" bold_background = "black" # colors for the currently selected podcast/episode highlighted_active_foreground = "rgb(85, 85, 85)" highlighted_active_background = "rgb(209, 164, 0)" # colors for the selected podcast, when the cursor is on the episode # menu; podcast is selected, but not currently "active" highlighted_foreground = "rgb(85, 85, 85)" highlighted_background = "rgb(173, 173, 173)" # text for error messages error_foreground = "red" error_background = "black"