# AppendComma Sublime package to append commas at the end of a line. Place a comma at the end of the cursor's current line(s) by pressing: + Command+Option+, on OS X + Ctrl+Alt+, on Windows and Linux You can also automatically go to the next line at the same time with these shortcuts: + Command+Option+Shift+, on OS X + Ctrl+Alt+Shift+, on Windows and Linux ## Other Features + If a line already ends with a comma, no comma will be added + When appending a comma to a line ending in a comment, the comma will be placed before the comment ## Installation Install [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) and search for AppendComma ## Thanks This project is a fork of [AppendSemiColon](https://github.com/MauriceZ/AppendSemiColon) from [MauriceZ](https://github.com/MauriceZ); thanks!