# Changelog ## 1.0.0.alpha-3 * Remove the `model` builder as I have never seen or heard of it used. * Upgrade packages, including MobX to v6. * Remove `peerDependencies` as they cause more trouble than they are worth. * Remove dependency on `mobx-utils` and copy over the the `moveItems` from there. ## 1.0.0.alpha-2 * Conditional types for better inference of `T` in `ICollection` [(#8](https://github.com/jeffijoe/libx/pull/8), [dezayasa](https://github.com/dezayasa)) * Upgrade all packages ## 1.0.0.alpha-1 * Fluid model builder ## 1.0.0 * 🚨 **Breaking**: upgraded to MobX v4. To keep using MobX <= v3, use the LibX 0.x release. * ✨ **New**: add `referenceOne` and `referenceMany` utility functions. ## 0.3.0 * Added factory-based model API. * Internal ID map for faster `get` lookups. ## 0.2.2 * Added `collection.forEach` and `collection.at`. ## 0.2.1 * Added `collection.move(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number)` which calls `items.move` on the inner Observable Array ## 0.2.0 * parsing a 3+ level deep parent->child->parent structure no longer results in duplicate models. This works by checking the collection _after parsing_ to see if a model with the same ID was added to the collection. If it was, parse the data _again_ but while _updating the existing model_. Refer to the README for an example. ## 0.1.7 * Calling `collection.get(undefined)` no longer errors when passed null or undefined. ## 0.1.6 * Added LoDash `orderBy` - [#2](https://github.com/jeffijoe/libx/issues/2) ## 0.1.4 * Added more docs * More LoDash functions ## 0.1.3 * Moved LoDash and MobX out of dependencies and into peerDependencies. ## 0.1.2 * Fixed a stack overflow in `create` ## 0.1.1 * More tests * Rearranged overloads ## 0.1.0 * First official release