# CoberturaCoverage This is a [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com) plugin that makes displaying lines of code not covered by a test using Cobertura reports. ## Features * Syntax highlighting * Including multiple files * Stripping file name parts to match the path your tests run in ## Install Through [Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Package%20Control) (recommended): `Command Palette` > `Package Control: Install Package` > `CoberturaCoverage` ## Configuration `Preferences` > `CoberturaCoverage` > `Settings – User` * `coverage_on_load` - Display coverage on load, defaults to False * `coverage_report_locations` - This is a fully qualified path to your report .xml files * `strip_locations` - A list of locations which to remove from the beginning of a coverage report's filename. An example is: * I run my coverage reports in /home/jeffrand/tested_code, which may not show up in the coverage report's file names, but will be in my path as its opened in sublime, so I want to strip that location from the file's name ## Usage There is not default command for toggling CoberturaCoverage. Set you own like this: ``` [ { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+n"], "command": "toggle_coverage_report" } ] ```