bl_info = { "name": "VF Point Array", "author": "John Einselen - Vectorform LLC", "version": (1, 8, 2), "blender": (2, 90, 0), "location": "Scene > VF Tools > Point Array", "description": "Creates point arrays in cubic array, golden angle, and poisson disc sampling patterns", "warning": "inexperienced developer, use at your own risk", "doc_url": "", "tracker_url": "", "category": "3D View"} # Based on the following resources: # # # # # # # # # # ...and pulling some nice improvements from the related AN7 Point Generator import bpy import bmesh from random import uniform from mathutils import Vector import math import time # Data import support from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import re # Volume Field import support import struct ########################################################################### # Main classes class VF_Point_Grid(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "vfpointgrid.create" bl_label = "Replace Mesh" bl_description = "Create a grid of points using the selected options, deleting and replacing the currently selected mesh" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): grid_x = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.grid_count[0] # X distribution radius grid_y = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.grid_count[1] # Y distribution radius grid_z = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.grid_count[2] # Z distribution radius scale_random = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_random scale_max = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_maximum # maximum radius of the generated point scale_min = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_minimum # minimum radius of the generated point space = scale_max*2.0 # Spacing of the grid elements rotation_rand = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.rotation_random ground = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.grid_ground # Get the selected object obj = bpy.context.object # Stop processing if no valid mesh is found if obj is None or obj.type != 'MESH': print('VF Point Array error: no mesh object selected') return {'CANCELLED'} # Switch out of editing mode if active if obj.mode != 'OBJECT': object_mode = obj.mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT') else: object_mode = None # Create a new bmesh bm = # Set up attribute layers # We don't need to check for an existing vertex layer because this is a fresh Bmesh pi ='index') ps ='scale') pr ='rotation') # Advanced attribute layers relativeX = 0.0 if grid_x == 1 else 1.0 / ((float(grid_x) - 1) * space) relativeY = 0.0 if grid_y == 1 else 1.0 / ((float(grid_y) - 1) * space) relativeZ = 0.0 if grid_z == 1 else 1.0 / ((float(grid_z) - 1) * space) pu ='position_relative') pd ='position_distance') # Index setup count = grid_x * grid_y * grid_z - 1.0 i = 0 # Create points for _y in range(0, grid_y): # Swizzled channel order to support Volume Fields export to Unity for _z in range(0, grid_z): # Swizzled channel order to support Volume Fields export to Unity for _x in range(0, grid_x): pointX = (float(_x) - grid_x*0.5 + 0.5)*space pointY = (float(_y) - grid_y*0.5 + 0.5)*space if ground: pointZ = (float(_z) + 0.5)*space positionRelative = Vector([pointX * relativeX * 2.0, pointY * relativeY * 2.0, pointZ * relativeZ]) else: pointZ = (float(_z) - grid_z*0.5 + 0.5)*space positionRelative = Vector([pointX * relativeX * 2.0, pointY * relativeY * 2.0, pointZ * relativeZ * 2.0]) v =, pointY, pointZ)) v[pi] = 0.0 if i == 0.0 else i / count v[ps] = scale_max if not scale_random else uniform(scale_min, scale_max) v[pr] = Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if not rotation_rand else Vector([uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)]) v[pu] = positionRelative v[pd] = positionRelative.length i += 1 # Connect vertices if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.polyline: bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() for i in range(len(bm.verts)-1):[bm.verts[i], bm.verts[i+1]]) # Replace object with new mesh data bm.to_mesh( # This ensures the viewport updates # Store the grid settings to custom mesh properties if obj.type == 'MESH': mesh = mesh['vf_point_grid_x'] = grid_x mesh['vf_point_grid_y'] = grid_y mesh['vf_point_grid_z'] = grid_z # Reset to original mode if object_mode is not None: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = object_mode) return {'FINISHED'} class VF_Point_Golden(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "vfpointgolden.create" bl_label = "Replace Mesh" bl_description = "Create a flat array of points using the golden angle, deleting and replacing the currently selected mesh" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): count = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.golden_count # X distribution radius scale_random = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_random scale_max = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_maximum # maximum radius of the generated point scale_min = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_minimum # minimum radius of the generated point space = scale_max # Spacing of the grid elements rotation_rand = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.rotation_random fill = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.golden_fill # Get the selected object obj = bpy.context.object # Stop processing if no valid mesh is found if obj is None or obj.type != 'MESH': print('VF Point Array error: no mesh object selected') return {'CANCELLED'} # Switch out of editing mode if active if obj.mode != 'OBJECT': object_mode = obj.mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT') else: object_mode = None # Create a new bmesh bm = # Set up attribute layers pi ='index') ps ='scale') pr ='rotation') if fill: v = * 0.8660254037844386467637231707529361834714026269051903140279034897, 0.0, 0.0)) # Magic value: sin(60°) v[pi] = 0 v[ps] = scale_max if not scale_random else uniform(scale_min, scale_max) v[pr] = Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if not rotation_rand else Vector([uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)]) count -= 1 for i in range(1, count+1): # The original code incorrectly set the starting vertex at 0...and while Fermat's Spiral can benefit from an extra point near the start, the exact centre does not work #theta = i * math.radians(137.5) theta = i * 2.3999632297286533222315555066336138531249990110581150429351127507 # many thanks to WolframAlpha for the numerical accuracy r = space * math.sqrt(i) v = * r, math.sin(theta) * r, 0.0)) v[pi] = i / count if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.golden_fill else (0.0 if i == 1 else (i - 1.0) / (count - 1.0)) v[ps] = scale_max if not scale_random else uniform(scale_min, scale_max) v[pr] = Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if not rotation_rand else Vector([uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)]) # Connect vertices if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.polyline: bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() for i in range(len(bm.verts)-1):[bm.verts[i], bm.verts[i+1]]) # Replace object with new mesh data bm.to_mesh( # This ensures the viewport updates # Reset to original mode if object_mode is not None: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = object_mode) return {'FINISHED'} class VF_Point_Pack(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "vfpointpack.create" bl_label = "Replace Mesh" bl_description = "Create points using the selected options, deleting and replacing the currently selected mesh" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): elements = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.max_elements # target number of points failures = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.max_failures # maximum number of consecutive failures attempts = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.max_attempts # maximum number of iterations to try and meet the target number of points shapeX = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.area_size[0] * 0.5 # X distribution radius shapeY = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.area_size[1] * 0.5 # Y distribution radius shapeZ = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.area_size[2] * 0.5 # Z distribution radius circular = True if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.area_shape == "CYLINDER" else False # enable circular masking spherical = True if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.area_shape == "SPHERE" else False # enable spherical masking hull = True if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.area_shape == "HULL" else False # enable spherical hull masking trim = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.area_truncate * 2.0 - 1.0 # trim hull extent within = True if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.area_alignment == "RADIUS" else False # enable radius compensation to force all elements to fit within the shape boundary scale_random = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_random scale_max = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_maximum # maximum radius of the generated point scale_min = scale_max if not scale_random else bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_minimum # minimum radius of the generated point rotation_rand = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.rotation_random # Get the selected object obj = bpy.context.object # Stop processing if no valid mesh is found if obj is None or obj.type != 'MESH': print('VF Point Array error: no mesh object selected') return {'CANCELLED'} # Switch out of editing mode if active if obj.mode != 'OBJECT': object_mode = obj.mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT') else: object_mode = None # Create a new bmesh bm = # Set up attribute layers pi ='index') ps ='scale') pr ='rotation') # Advanced attribute layers...designed for some pretty specific projects, but may be helpful in others relativeX = 0.0 if shapeX == 0.0 else 1.0 / shapeX relativeY = 0.0 if shapeY == 0.0 else 1.0 / shapeY relativeZ = 0.0 if shapeZ == 0.0 else 1.0 / shapeZ pu ='position_relative') pd ='position_distance') # Start timer timer = str(time.time()) # Create points with poisson disc sampling points = [] count = 0 failmax = 0 # This is entirely for reporting purposes and is not needed structurally iteration = 0 # Loop until we're too tired to continue... while len(points) < elements and count < failures and iteration < attempts: iteration += 1 count += 1 # Create check system (this prevents unnecessary cycles by exiting early if possible) check = 0 # Generate random radius radius = uniform(scale_min, scale_max) # Create volume x = shapeX y = shapeY z = shapeZ if hull: # Create normalised vector for the hull shape # This is a super easy way to generate random, albeit NOT evenly random, hulls...only works at full size, and begins to exhibit corner density when the trim value is above -1 temp = Vector([uniform(-1.0, 1.0), uniform(-1.0, 1.0), uniform(trim, 1.0)]).normalized() # Check to see if the point is too far out of bounds if (temp[2] < trim): check = 1 # Create point definition with radius point = [temp[0]*x, temp[1]*y, temp[2]*z, radius] else: # Set up edge limits (if enabled) if within: x -= radius y -= radius z -= radius # Prevent divide-by-zero errors x = max(x, 0.0000001) y = max(y, 0.0000001) z = max(z, 0.0000001) # Create point definition with radius point = [uniform(-x, x), uniform(-y, y), uniform(-z, z), radius] # Check if point is within circular or spherical bounds (if enabled) if spherical: check = int(Vector([point[0]/x, point[1]/y, point[2]/z]).length) elif circular: check = int(Vector([point[0]/x, point[1]/y, 0.0]).length) # Check if it overlaps with other radii i = 0 while i < len(points) and check == 0: if Vector([points[i][0]-point[0], points[i][1]-point[1], points[i][2]-point[2]]).length < (points[i][3] + point[3]): check = 1 i += 1 # If no collisions are detected, add the point to the list and reset the failure counter if check == 0: points.append(point) failmax = max(failmax, count) # This is entirely for reporting purposes and is not needed structurally # if count > failuresHalf: # This is a hard-coded efficiency attempt, dropping the maximum scale if we're getting a lot of failures # scale_max = mediumR count = 0 # One last check, in case the stop cause was maximum failure count and this value wasn't updated in a successful check status failmax = max(failmax, count) # This is entirely for reporting purposes and is not needed structurally # Index setup count = len(points) - 1.0 i = 0.0 # This creates vertices from the points list for p in points: v =[0], p[1], p[2])) v[pi] = 0.0 if i == 0.0 else i / count i += 1.0 v[ps] = p[3] v[pr] = Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if not rotation_rand else Vector([uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)]) positionRelative = Vector([p[0] * relativeX, p[1] * relativeY, p[2] * relativeZ]) v[pu] = positionRelative v[pd] = positionRelative.length # Update the feedback strings context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.feedback_elements = str(len(points)) context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.feedback_failures = str(failmax) context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.feedback_attempts = str(iteration) context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.feedback_time = str(round(time.time() - float(timer), 2)) # Connect vertices if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.polyline: bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() for i in range(len(bm.verts)-1):[bm.verts[i], bm.verts[i+1]]) # Replace object with new mesh data bm.to_mesh( # This ensures the viewport updates # Reset to original mode if object_mode is not None: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = object_mode) return {'FINISHED'} class VF_Position_Data_Import(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "vfpositiondataimport.create" bl_label = "Import Position Data" bl_description = "Create a point cloud or poly line using the selected options and source data" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): # Load data data_name = 'VF_Position_Data_Import' # Internal data-block if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.data_source == 'INT': # Load internal CSV data source = int(bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.data_text) data_name =[source].name source =[source].as_string() # Attempting to cleanse the input data by removing all lines that contain unusable data such as headers, nan/inf, and empty columns or rows source = re.sub(r'^.*([a-z]).*\n|^(\,.*||.*\,)\n|\"', '', source, flags=re.MULTILINE).rstrip() # Create multidimensional array from string data data = np.array([np.fromstring(i, dtype=float, sep=',') for i in source.split('\n')]) # External data file else: # Load external CSV/NPY data source = bpy.path.abspath(bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.data_file) data_suffix = Path(source).suffix data_name = Path(source).name # Alternatively use ".stem" for just the file name without extension if data_suffix == ".csv": data = np.loadtxt(source, delimiter=',', skiprows=1, dtype='str') # The process of importing questionable CSV data is far more nightmarish than it has any right to be, so here's a stupid "numbers only" filter for row in data: for i, string in enumerate(row): string = re.sub(r'[^\d\.\-]', '', string) try: row[i] = float(string) except: row[i] = np.nan elif data_suffix == ".npy": data = np.load(source) # Process data # Return an error if the array contains less than two rows or one column if len(data) < 2 or len(data[1]) < 1: return {'CANCELLED'} # Remove all rows that have non-numeric data data = data[np.isfinite(data.astype("float")).all(axis=1)] # Load point settings scale_random = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_random scale_max = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_maximum # maximum radius of the generated point scale_min = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_minimum # minimum radius of the generated point rotation_rand = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.rotation_random # Get or create object if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.data_target == 'NAME': # obj = bpy.context.scene.objects.get(data_name) if not obj: # # Create a new mesh, a new object that uses that mesh, and then link that object in the scene mesh = obj =, mesh) = obj # Deselect all other items, and select the newly created mesh object bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') obj.select_set(True); else: # Get the currently active object obj = bpy.context.object # Stop processing if no valid mesh is found if obj is None or obj.type != 'MESH': print('VF Point Array error: no mesh object selected') return {'CANCELLED'} # Switch out of editing mode if active if obj.mode != 'OBJECT': object_mode = obj.mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT') else: object_mode = None # Create a new bmesh bm = # Set up attribute layers # We don't need to check for an existing vertex layer because this is a fresh Bmesh pi ='index') ps ='scale') pr ='rotation') # Cycle through rows count = len(data) for i, row in enumerate(data): pointX = float(row[0]) if len(row) > 0 else 0.0 pointY = float(row[1]) if len(row) > 1 else 0.0 pointZ = float(row[2]) if len(row) > 2 else 0.0 v =, float(pointY), float(pointZ))) v[pi] = 0.0 if i == 0.0 else i / count v[ps] = scale_max if not scale_random else uniform(scale_min, scale_max) v[pr] = Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) if not rotation_rand else Vector([uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)]) # Connect vertices if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.polyline: bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() for i in range(len(bm.verts)-1):[bm.verts[i], bm.verts[i+1]]) # Replace object with new mesh data bm.to_mesh( # This ensures the viewport updates # Reset to original mode if object_mode is not None: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = object_mode) return {'FINISHED'} class VF_Volume_Field_Import(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "vfvolumefieldimport.create" bl_label = "Import Volume Field" bl_description = "Create a volume field from a Unity 3D .vf file" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} def execute(self, context): # Load external Volume Field binary data source = bpy.path.abspath(bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.field_file) data_suffix = Path(source).suffix data_name = Path(source).name # Alternatively use ".stem" for just the file name without extension # Cancel if the input file is an invalid format if data_suffix != ".vf": print('VF Point Array error: input file is an invalid format') return {'CANCELLED'} # Define the format strings for parsing fourcc_format = '4s' volume_grid_format = 'HHH' float_data_format = 'f' vector_data_format = 'fff' # Define persistent variables is_float_data = False grid_x = 0 grid_y = 0 grid_z = 0 # Open the binary file for reading with open(source, 'rb') as file: # Read the FourCC fourcc = struct.unpack(fourcc_format,[0].decode('utf-8') # Check if it's float or vector data is_float_data = fourcc[3] == 'F' # Read the volume size grid_x, grid_y, grid_z = struct.unpack(volume_grid_format, # Calculate the stride based on the data type stride = 1 if is_float_data else 3 # Read the data (XYZ order doesn't matter here, it's just reading the series of values) data = [] for _x in range(grid_x): for _y in range(grid_y): for _z in range(grid_z): if is_float_data: value = struct.unpack(float_data_format,[0] else: value = struct.unpack(vector_data_format, data.append(value) # Load point settings scale_random = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_random scale_max = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_maximum # maximum radius of the generated point scale_min = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_minimum # minimum radius of the generated point rotation_rand = bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.rotation_random space = scale_max * 2.0 offset_x = (grid_x - 1) * space * -0.5 if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.field_center else 0.0 offset_y = (grid_z - 1) * space * -0.5 if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.field_center else 0.0 offset_z = (grid_y - 1) * space * -0.5 if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.field_center else 0.0 # Get or create object if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.field_target == 'NAME': # obj = bpy.context.scene.objects.get(data_name) if not obj: # # Create a new mesh, a new object that uses that mesh, and then link that object in the scene mesh = obj =, mesh) = obj # Deselect all other items, and select the newly created mesh object bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') obj.select_set(True); else: # Get the currently active object obj = bpy.context.object # Stop processing if no valid mesh is found if obj is None or obj.type != 'MESH': print('VF Point Array error: no mesh object selected') return {'CANCELLED'} # Switch out of editing mode if active if obj.mode != 'OBJECT': object_mode = obj.mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT') else: object_mode = None # Create a new bmesh bm = # Set up attribute layers # We don't need to check for an existing vertex layer because this is a fresh Bmesh pi ='index') ps ='scale') pr ='rotation') pv ='field_vector') pf ='field_float') # Create geometry and assign field values count = len(data) - 1 i = 0 vec = Vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # Used for float data for _y in range(grid_z): # First step in swizzled channel order for _z in range(grid_y): # First step in swizzled channel order for _x in range(grid_x): v = * space + offset_x, _y * space + offset_y, _z * space + offset_z)) v[pi] = 0.0 if i == 0 else i / count v[ps] = scale_max if not scale_random else uniform(scale_min, scale_max) if is_float_data: v[pv] = vec v[pf] = data[i] v[pr] = vec if not rotation_rand else Vector([uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi), uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)]) else: vec = Vector(tuple(data[i])).xzy # Second step in swizzled channel order v[pv] = vec v[pf] = vec.length v[pr] = vec.to_track_quat('Z','Y').to_euler() i += 1 # Connect vertices if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.polyline: bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() for i in range(len(bm.verts)-1):[bm.verts[i], bm.verts[i+1]]) # Replace object with new mesh data bm.to_mesh( # This ensures the viewport updates # Store the grid settings to custom mesh properties if obj.type == 'MESH': mesh = mesh['vf_point_grid_x'] = grid_x mesh['vf_point_grid_y'] = grid_y mesh['vf_point_grid_z'] = grid_z # Reset to original mode if object_mode is not None: bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = object_mode) return {'FINISHED'} ########################################################################### # Dynamic ENUM for text datablocks def textblocks_Enum(self,context): EnumItems = [] i = 0 for text in EnumItems.append((str(i),, text.lines[0].body)) i += 1 return EnumItems ########################################################################### # File selection functions for external data files def set_data_file(self, value): file_path = Path(bpy.path.abspath(value)) if file_path.is_file(): if "csv" in file_path.suffix or "npy" in file_path.suffix: self["data_file"] = value def get_data_file(self): return self.get("data_file",["data_file"].default) def set_field_file(self, value): file_path = Path(bpy.path.abspath(value)) if file_path.is_file(): if "vf" in file_path.suffix: self["data_file"] = value def get_field_file(self): return self.get("data_file",["data_file"].default) ########################################################################### # Data cleanup for NumPy CSV import def data_converter(var): return float(re.sub(r'[^\d\-\.]', "", var)) ########################################################################### # Project settings and UI rendering classes class vfPointArraySettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): array_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Array Type', description='The style of point array to create', items=[ ('GRID', 'Cubic Grid', 'Cubic array of points'), ('GOLDEN', 'Golden Angle', 'Spherical area, will be disabled if any of the dimensions are smaller than the maximum point size'), ('PACK', 'Poisson Disc', 'Generates random points while deleting any that overlap'), (None), ('DATA', 'Position Data (CSV/NPY)', 'Generates points from external files (CSV or NPY format) or internal text datablocks (CSV only)'), ('FIELD', 'Volume Field (Unity 3D)', 'Generates points from an external VF format file') ], default='GRID') # Global point settings scale_random: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Random Radius", description="Randomise scale between maximum and minimum", default=False) scale_minimum: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Radius", description="Minimum scale of the generated points", default=0.2, step=10, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=1.0, min=0.0001, max=10.0,) scale_maximum: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Radius", description="Maximum scale of the generated points", default=0.4, step=10, soft_min=0.1, soft_max=1.0, min=0.0001, max=10.0,) rotation_random: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Random Rotation", description="Rotate each generated point randomly", default=False) polyline: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Polyline", description="Sequentially connect data points as a polygon line", default=False) # Cubic Grid settings grid_count: bpy.props.IntVectorProperty( name="Count", subtype="XYZ", description="Number of points created in each dimension", default=[4, 4, 4], step=1, soft_min=1, soft_max=32, min=1, max=1024) grid_ground: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Grounded", description="Align the base of the cubic grid to Z = 0.0", default=False) # Golden Angle settings # Often goes by Fibonacci or Vogel spiral, a specific type of Fermat spiral using the golden angle golden_count: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Count", description="Number of points to create in the golden angle spiral", default=128, step=32, soft_min=10, soft_max=10000, min=1, max=100000,) golden_fill: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Fill Gap", description="Starts the pattern with an extra point near the middle, better filling the visual gap that occurs in a true Vogel array", default=False) # Poisson Disc settings area_shape: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Area Shape', description='Mask for the area where points will be created', items=[ ('BOX', 'Box', 'Cubic area, setting one of the dimensions to 0 will create a flat square or rectangle'), ('CYLINDER', 'Cylinder', 'Cylindrical area, setting the Z dimension to 0 will create a flat circle or oval'), ('SPHERE', 'Sphere', 'Spherical area, will be disabled if any of the dimensions are smaller than the maximum point size'), ('HULL', 'Hull', 'Spherical hull, adding points just to the surface of a spherical area'), ], default='BOX') area_size: bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name="Dimensions", subtype="XYZ", description="Size of the area where points will be created", default=[4.0, 4.0, 4.0], step=10, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=10.0, min=0.0, max=1000.0) area_alignment: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Alignment', description='Sets how points align to the boundary of the array', items=[ ('CENTER', 'Center', 'Points will be contained within the area, but the radius will extend beyond the boundary'), ('RADIUS', 'Radius', 'Fits the point radius within the boundary area (if the radius is larger than a dimension, it will still extend beyond)') ], default='CENTER') area_truncate: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Truncate", description="Trims the extent of the hull starting at -Z", default=0.0, step=10, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) # Point generation limits max_elements: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Points", description="The maximum number of points that can be created (higher numbers will attempt to fill the space more)", default=1000, step=10, soft_min=10, soft_max=1000, min=1, max=10000,) max_failures: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Failures", description="The maximum number of consecutive failures before quitting (higher numbers won't give up when the odds are poor)", default=10000, step=100, soft_min=100, soft_max=100000, min=10, max=1000000,) max_attempts: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Attempts", description="The maximum number of placement attempts before quitting (higher numbers can take minutes to process)", default=1000000, step=1000, soft_min=1000, soft_max=10000000, min=100, max=100000000,) # Persistent feedback data feedback_elements: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Feedback", description="Stores the total points from the last created array", default="",) feedback_failures: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Feedback", description="Stores the maximum number of consecutive failures from the last created array", default="",) feedback_attempts: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Feedback", description="Stores the total attempts from the last created array", default="",) feedback_time: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Feedback", description="Stores the total time spent processing the last created array", default="",) # Position Data import settings data_source: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Source', description='Create or replace object of same name, or replace currently selected object mesh data', items=[ ('EXT', 'External', 'Imports CSV or NPY format data from external file source'), ('INT', 'Internal', 'Imports CSV format data from internal Blender text datablock') ], default='EXT') data_text: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name = "Text", description = "Available text blocks", items = textblocks_Enum) data_file: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="File", description="Select external CSV or NPY data source file", default="", maxlen=4096, subtype="FILE_PATH", set=set_data_file, get=get_data_file) data_target: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Target', description='Create or replace object of same name, or replace currently selected object mesh data', items=[ ('SELECTED', 'Selected', 'Replaces currently selected object mesh data'), ('NAME', 'Name', 'Creates or replaces an object of the same name as the data source') ], default='SELECTED') # Volume Field import settings field_file: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="File", description="Select external VF data source file", default="", maxlen=4096, subtype="FILE_PATH", set=set_field_file, get=get_field_file) field_target: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Target', description='Create or replace object of same name, or replace currently selected object mesh data', items=[ ('SELECTED', 'Selected', 'Replaces currently selected object mesh data'), ('NAME', 'Name', 'Creates or replaces an object of the same name as the data source') ], default='SELECTED') field_center: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Center", description="Aligns the imported data by total size instead of the lower right corner", default=True) class VFTOOLS_PT_point_array(bpy.types.Panel): bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" bl_region_type = "UI" bl_category = 'VF Tools' bl_order = 4 bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} bl_label = "Point Array" bl_idname = "VFTOOLS_PT_point_array" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def draw_header(self, context): try: layout = self.layout except Exception as exc: print(str(exc) + " | Error in VF Point Array panel header") def draw(self, context): try: layout = self.layout layout.use_property_split = True layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'array_type') # Messaging variables target_name = '' ui_button = '' ui_message = '' # Cubic Grid UI if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.array_type == "GRID": col=layout.column() col.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'grid_count') if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_random: row = layout.row() row.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_minimum') row.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_maximum') else: layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_maximum') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_random') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'rotation_random') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'polyline') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'grid_ground') if is not None and == "MESH": target_name = ui_button = 'Replace "' + target_name + '"' ui_message = 'Generate ' + str(bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.grid_count[0] * bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.grid_count[1] * bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.grid_count[2]) + ' points' else: ui_button = '' ui_message = 'no mesh selected' # Display create button if ui_button: layout.operator(VF_Point_Grid.bl_idname, text=ui_button) # Golden Angle UI elif bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.array_type == "GOLDEN": layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'golden_count') if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_random: row = layout.row() row.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_minimum') row.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_maximum') else: layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_maximum') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_random') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'rotation_random') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'polyline') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'golden_fill') if is not None and == "MESH": target_name = ui_button = 'Replace "' + target_name + '"' ui_message = '' else: ui_button = '' ui_message = 'no mesh selected' # Display create button if ui_button: layout.operator(VF_Point_Golden.bl_idname, text=ui_button) # Poisson Disc UI elif bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.array_type == "PACK": layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'area_shape') col=layout.column() col.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'area_size') if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.area_shape == "HULL": layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'area_truncate') else: layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'area_alignment', expand=True) # Point settings if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_random: row = layout.row() row.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_minimum') row.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_maximum') else: layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_maximum') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_random') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'rotation_random') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'polyline') # Limits layout.label(text='Iteration Limits') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'max_elements') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'max_failures') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'max_attempts') if is not None and == "MESH": target_name = ui_button = 'Replace "' + target_name + '"' if len(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.feedback_time) > 0: ui_message = [ 'Points created: ' + str(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.feedback_elements), 'Consecutive fails: ' + str(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.feedback_failures), 'Total attempts: ' + str(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.feedback_attempts), 'Processing Time: ' + str(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.feedback_time) ] else: ui_message = '' else: ui_button = '' ui_message = 'no mesh selected' # Display create button if ui_button: layout.operator(VF_Point_Pack.bl_idname, text=ui_button) # Position Data Import UI elif bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.array_type == "DATA": layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'data_source', expand=True) # Initialise data source boolean file_selected = False # Internal CSV text datablock import if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.data_source == 'INT': if len( > 0: layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'data_text') file_selected = True if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.data_text else False if file_selected: target_name =[int(bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.data_text)].name else: ui_message = 'no text blocks available' # External CSV/NPY file import else: layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'data_file') file_selected = True if len(bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.data_file) > 4 else False if file_selected: target_name = Path(bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.data_file).name else: ui_message = 'no data file chosen' # General settings if file_selected: # General settings if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_random: row = layout.row() row.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_minimum') row.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_maximum') else: layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_maximum') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_random') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'rotation_random') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'polyline') # Target object layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'data_target', expand=True) if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.data_target == 'NAME': if bpy.context.scene.objects.get(target_name): ui_button = 'Replace "' + target_name + '"' ui_message = '' else: ui_button = 'Create "' + target_name + '"' ui_message = '' else: if is not None and == "MESH": target_name = ui_button = 'Replace "' + target_name + '"' ui_message = '' else: ui_button = '' ui_message = 'no mesh selected' # Display import button if ui_button: layout.operator(VF_Position_Data_Import.bl_idname, text=ui_button) # Volume Field UI elif bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.array_type == "FIELD": # Initialise data source boolean file_selected = False # Display file input UI layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'field_file') file_selected = True if len(bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.field_file) > 4 else False if file_selected: target_name = Path(bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.field_file).name else: ui_message = 'no volume field chosen' # General settings if file_selected: # General settings if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.scale_random: row = layout.row() row.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_minimum') row.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_maximum') else: layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_maximum') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'scale_random') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'rotation_random') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'polyline') layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'field_center') # Target object layout.prop(context.scene.vf_point_array_settings, 'field_target', expand=True) if bpy.context.scene.vf_point_array_settings.field_target == 'NAME': if bpy.context.scene.objects.get(target_name): ui_button = 'Replace "' + target_name + '"' ui_message = '' else: ui_button = 'Create "' + target_name + '"' ui_message = '' else: if is not None and == "MESH": target_name = ui_button = 'Replace "' + target_name + '"' ui_message = '' else: ui_button = '' ui_message = 'no mesh selected' # Display import button if ui_button: layout.operator(VF_Volume_Field_Import.bl_idname, text=ui_button) # Display data message if ui_message: box = if type(ui_message) == str: box.label(text=str(ui_message)) else: boxcol=box.column() for ui_row in ui_message: boxcol.label(text=str(ui_row)) except Exception as exc: print(str(exc) + " | Error in VF Point Array panel") classes = (VF_Point_Grid, VF_Point_Golden, VF_Point_Pack, VF_Position_Data_Import, VF_Volume_Field_Import, vfPointArraySettings, VFTOOLS_PT_point_array) ########################################################################### # Addon registration functions def register(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) bpy.types.Scene.vf_point_array_settings = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=vfPointArraySettings) def unregister(): for cls in reversed(classes): bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls) del bpy.types.Scene.vf_point_array_settings if __name__ == "__main__": register()