bl_info = { "name": "VF Autosave Render + Output Variables", "author": "John Einselen - Vectorform LLC, based on work by tstscr(florianfelix)", "version": (2, 8, 6), "blender": (3, 2, 0), "location": "Scene Output Properties > Output Panel > Autosave Render", "description": "Automatically saves rendered images with custom naming", "doc_url": "", "tracker_url": "", "category": "Render"} # General features import bpy from import persistent import datetime import time import json # File paths import os from pathlib import Path # Variable data import platform from re import findall, search, sub, M as multiline # FFmpeg system access import subprocess from shutil import which # Email notifications import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText # Pushover notifications import requests # Format validation lists IMAGE_FORMATS = ( 'BMP', 'IRIS', 'PNG', 'JPEG', 'JPEG2000', 'TARGA', 'TARGA_RAW', 'CINEON', 'DPX', 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER', 'OPEN_EXR', 'HDR', 'TIFF') IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = ( 'bmp', 'rgb', 'png', 'jpg', 'jp2', 'tga', 'cin', 'dpx', 'exr', 'hdr', 'tif') FFMPEG_FORMATS = ( 'BMP', 'PNG', 'JPEG', 'DPX', 'OPEN_EXR', 'TIFF') # Available variables # Includes both headers (string starting with "title,") and variables (string with brackets, commas segment multi-variable lines) variableArray = ["title,Project,SCENE_DATA", "{project}", "{scene}", "{viewlayer}", "{collection}", "{camera}", "{item}", "{material}", "{node}", "title,Image,NODE_COMPOSITING", "{display}", "{colorspace}", "{look}", "{exposure}", "{gamma}", "{curves}", "{compositing}", "title,Render,SCENE", "{engine}", "{device}", "{samples}", "{features}", "{duration}", "{rtime}", "{rH},{rM},{rS}", "title,System,DESKTOP", "{host}", "{processor}", "{platform}", "{system}", "{release}", "{python}", "{blender}", "title,Identifier,COPY_ID", "{date}", "{y},{m},{d}", "{time}", "{H},{M},{S}", "{serial}", "{frame}", "{batch}"] ########################################################################### # Pre-render function # •Set render status variables # •Save start time for calculations # •Replace output variables @persistent def autosave_render_start(scene): # Save start time in seconds as a string to the addon settings bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.start_date = str(time.time()) # Set estimated render time active to false (must render at least one frame before estimating time remaining) bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_active = False # Set video sequence tracking (separate from render active above) bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_sequence = False bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_sequence_processing = False # Track usage of the output serial usage globally to ensure it can be accessed before/after rendering # Set it to false ahead of processing to ensure no errors occur (usually only if there's a crash of some sort) bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial_used = False # Filter output file path if enabled if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.render_output_variables: # Save original file path bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_path = filepath = scene.render.filepath # Check if the serial variable is used if '{serial}' in filepath: filepath = filepath.replace("{serial}", format(bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial, '04')) bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial_used = True # Replace scene filepath output with the processed version scene.render.filepath = replaceVariables(filepath) # Filter compositing node file path if turned on in the plugin settings and compositing is enabled if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.render_output_variables and bpy.context.scene.use_nodes: # Iterate through Compositor nodes, adding all file output node path and sub-path variables to a dictionary node_settings = {} for node in bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes: # Check if the node is a File Output node if isinstance(node, bpy.types.CompositorNodeOutputFile): # Save the base_path property and the file_slots dictionary entry node_settings[] = { "base_path": node.base_path, "file_slots": {} } # Replace dynamic variables if '{serial}' in node.base_path: bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial_used = True node.base_path = replaceVariables(node.base_path, serial=bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial) # Save and then process the sub-path property of each file slot for i, slot in enumerate(node.file_slots): node_settings[]["file_slots"][i] = { "path": slot.path } # Replace dynamic variables if '{serial}' in slot.path: bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial_used = True slot.path = replaceVariables(slot.path, serial=bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial) # Convert the dictionary to JSON format and save to the plugin preferences for safekeeping while rendering bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_nodes = json.dumps(node_settings) ########################################################################### # During render function # •Remaining render time estimation @persistent def autosave_render_estimate(scene): # Save starting frame (before setting active to true, this should only happen once during a sequence) if not bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_active: bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_frame = bpy.context.scene.frame_current # If video sequence is inactive and our current frame is not our starting frame, assume we're rendering a sequence if not bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_sequence and bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_frame < bpy.context.scene.frame_current: bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_sequence = True # If it's not the last frame, estimate time remaining if bpy.context.scene.frame_current < bpy.context.scene.frame_end: bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_active = True # Elapsed time (Current - Render Start) render_time = time.time() - float(bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.start_date) # Divide by number of frames completed render_time /= bpy.context.scene.frame_current - bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_frame + 1.0 # Multiply by number of frames assumed unrendered (does not account for previously completed frames beyond the current frame) render_time *= bpy.context.scene.frame_end - bpy.context.scene.frame_current # Convert to readable and store bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_value = secondsToReadable(render_time) # print('Estimated Time Remaining: ' + bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_value) else: bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_active = False ########################################################################### # Post-render function # •Compile output video using FFmpeg # •Autosave final rendered image # •Reset render status variables # •Reset output paths with original keywords # •Send render complete alerts # •Save log file @persistent def autosave_render_end(scene): # Set estimated render time active to false (render is complete or canceled, estimate display and FFmpeg check is no longer needed) bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_active = False # Calculate elapsed render time render_time = round(time.time() - float(bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.start_date), 2) # Update total render time bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.total_render_time = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.total_render_time + render_time # Output video files if FFmpeg processing is enabled, the command appears to exist, and the image format output is supported if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.ffmpeg_processing and bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.ffmpeg_exists and bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format in FFMPEG_FORMATS and bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_sequence: # Create initial command base ffmpeg_location = bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.ffmpeg_location # Create absolute path and strip trailing spaces absolute_path = bpy.path.abspath(scene.render.filepath).rstrip() # Replace frame number placeholder with asterisk or add trailing asterisk if "#" in absolute_path: absolute_path = sub(r'#+(?!.*#)', "*", absolute_path) else: absolute_path += "*" # Create input image glob pattern glob_pattern = '-pattern_type glob -i "' + absolute_path + scene.render.file_extension + '"' # Create floating point FPS value fps_float = '-r ' + str(scene.render.fps / scene.render.fps_base) # ProRes output if bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_prores: # Set FFmpeg processing to true so the Image View window can display status bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_sequence_processing = True if len(bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_prores_location) > 1: # Replace with custom string output_path = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_prores_location # Replace dynamic variables if '{serial}' in output_path: bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial_used = True output_path = replaceVariables(output_path, rendertime=render_time, serial=bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial) # Convert relative path into absolute path for Python and CLI compatibility output_path = bpy.path.abspath(output_path) # Create the project subfolder if it doesn't already exist output_dir = sub(r'[^/]*$', "", output_path) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Wrap with FFmpeg settings output_path = '-y "' + output_path + '"' # FFmpeg location ffmpeg_command = ffmpeg_location # Frame rate ffmpeg_command += ' ' + fps_float # Image sequence pattern ffmpeg_command += ' ' + glob_pattern # ProRes format ffmpeg_command += ' -c:v prores -pix_fmt yuv422p10le' # ProRes profile (Proxy, LT, 422 HQ) ffmpeg_command += ' -profile:v ' + str(bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_prores_quality) # Final output settings ffmpeg_command += ' -vendor apl0 -an -sn' # Output file path ffmpeg_command += ' ' + output_path + '.mov' # Remove any accidental double spaces ffmpeg_command = sub(r'\s{2,}', " ", ffmpeg_command) # Print command to the terminal print('FFmpeg ProRes command:') print(ffmpeg_command) print('') # Run FFmpeg command try:, shell=True) print('') except Exception as exc: print(str(exc) + " | Error in VF Autosave Render: failed to process FFmpeg ProRes command") # MP4 output if bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_mp4: # Set FFmpeg processing to true so the Image View window can display status bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_sequence_processing = True if len(bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_mp4_location) > 1: # Replace with custom string output_path = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_mp4_location # Replace dynamic variables if '{serial}' in output_path: bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial_used = True output_path = replaceVariables(output_path, rendertime=render_time, serial=bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial) # Convert relative path into absolute path for Python and CLI compatibility output_path = bpy.path.abspath(output_path) # Create the project subfolder if it doesn't already exist output_dir = sub(r'[^/]*$', "", output_path) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Wrap with FFmpeg settings output_path = '-y "' + output_path + '"' # FFmpeg location ffmpeg_command = ffmpeg_location # Frame rate ffmpeg_command += ' ' + fps_float # Image sequence pattern ffmpeg_command += ' ' + glob_pattern # MP4 format ffmpeg_command += ' -c:v libx264 -preset slow' # MP4 quality (0-51 from highest to lowest quality) ffmpeg_command += ' -crf ' + str(bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_mp4_quality) # Final output settings ffmpeg_command += ' -pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags rtphint' # Output file path ffmpeg_command += ' ' + output_path + '.mp4' # Remove any accidental double or more spaces ffmpeg_command = sub(r'\s{2,}', " ", ffmpeg_command) # Print command to the terminal print('FFmpeg MP4 command:') print(ffmpeg_command) print('') # Run FFmpeg command try:, shell=True) print('') except Exception as exc: print(str(exc) + " | Error in VF Autosave Render: failed to process FFmpeg MP4 command") # Custom output if bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_custom: # Set FFmpeg processing to true so the Image View window can display status bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_sequence_processing = True if len(bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_custom_location) > 1: # Replace with custom string output_path = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_custom_location # Replace dynamic variables if '{serial}' in output_path: bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial_used = True output_path = replaceVariables(output_path, rendertime=render_time, serial=bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial) # Convert relative path into absolute path for Python and CLI compatibility output_path = bpy.path.abspath(output_path) # Create the project subfolder if it doesn't already exist output_dir = sub(r'[^/]*$', "", output_path) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Wrap with FFmpeg settings output_path = '-y "' + output_path + '"' # FFmpeg location ffmpeg_command = ffmpeg_location + ' ' + bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_custom_command # Replace variables ffmpeg_command = ffmpeg_command.replace("{fps}", fps_float) ffmpeg_command = ffmpeg_command.replace("{input}", glob_pattern) ffmpeg_command = ffmpeg_command.replace("{output}", output_path) # Remove any accidental double spaces ffmpeg_command = sub(r'\s{2,}', " ", ffmpeg_command) # Print command to the terminal print('FFmpeg custom command:') print(ffmpeg_command) print('') # Run FFmpeg command try:, shell=True) print('') except Exception as exc: print(str(exc) + " | Error in VF Autosave Render: failed to process FFmpeg custom command") # Increment the output serial number if it was used any output path if bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial_used: bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial += 1 # Set video sequence status to false bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_sequence = False bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_sequence_processing = False # Restore unprocessed file path if processing is enabled if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.render_output_variables and bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_path: scene.render.filepath = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_path # Restore unprocessed node output file path if processing is enabled, compositing is enabled, and a file output node exists with the default node name if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.render_output_variables and bpy.context.scene.use_nodes and len(bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_nodes) > 2: # Get the JSON data from the preferences string where it was stashed json_data = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_nodes # If the JSON data is not empty, deserialize it and restore the node settings if json_data: node_settings = json.loads(json_data) for node_name, node_data in node_settings.items(): node = bpy.context.scene.node_tree.nodes.get(node_name) if isinstance(node, bpy.types.CompositorNodeOutputFile): node.base_path = node_data.get("base_path", node.base_path) file_slots_data = node_data.get("file_slots", {}) for i, slot_data in file_slots_data.items(): slot = node.file_slots[int(i)] if slot: slot.path = slot_data.get("path", slot.path) # Get project name (used by both autosave render and the external log file) projectname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename([0] # Autosave render if (bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.enable_autosave_render) and # Save original file format settings original_format = scene.render.image_settings.file_format original_colormode = scene.render.image_settings.color_mode original_colordepth = scene.render.image_settings.color_depth # Set up render output formatting with override if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_format_override: file_format = bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_format_global else: file_format = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_format if file_format == 'SCENE': if original_format not in IMAGE_FORMATS: print('VF Autosave Render: {} is not an image format. Image not saved.'.format(original_format)) return {'CANCELLED'} elif file_format == 'JPEG': scene.render.image_settings.file_format = 'JPEG' elif file_format == 'PNG': scene.render.image_settings.file_format = 'PNG' elif file_format == 'OPEN_EXR': scene.render.image_settings.file_format = 'OPEN_EXR' extension = scene.render.file_extension # Get location variable with override and project path replacement if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_location_override: filepath = bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_location_global else: filepath = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_location # If the file path contains one or fewer characters, replace it with the project path if len(filepath) <= 1: filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, projectname) # Convert relative path into absolute path for Python compatibility filepath = bpy.path.abspath(filepath) # Process elements that aren't available in the global variable replacement # The autosave serial number and override are separate from the project serial number serialUsedGlobal = False serialUsed = False serialNumber = -1 if '{serial}' in filepath: if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_location_override: serialNumber = bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_serial_global serialUsedGlobal = True else: serialNumber = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_serial serialUsed = True # Replace global variables in the output path string filepath = replaceVariables(filepath, rendertime=render_time, serial=serialNumber) # Create the project subfolder if it doesn't already exist (otherwise subsequent operations will fail) if not os.path.exists(filepath): os.makedirs(filepath) # Get file name type with override if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_name_override: file_name_type = bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_name_type_global else: file_name_type = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_name_type # Create the output file name string if file_name_type == 'SERIAL': # Generate dynamic serial number # Finds all of the image files that start with projectname in the selected directory files = [f for f in os.listdir(filepath) if f.startswith(projectname) and f.lower().endswith(IMAGE_EXTENSIONS)] # Searches the file collection and returns the next highest number as a 4 digit string def save_number_from_files(files): highest = -1 if files: for f in files: # find filenames that end with four or more digits suffix = findall(r'\d{4,}$', os.path.splitext(f)[0].split(projectname)[-1], multiline) if suffix: if int(suffix[-1]) > highest: highest = int(suffix[-1]) return format(highest+1, '04') # Create string with serial number filename = '{project}-' + save_number_from_files(files) elif file_name_type == 'DATE': filename = '{project} {date} {time}' elif file_name_type == 'RENDER': filename = '{project} {engine} {duration}' else: # Load custom file name with override if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_name_override: filename = bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_name_custom_global else: filename = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_name_custom if '{serial}' in filename: if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_location_override: serialNumber = bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_serial_global serialUsedGlobal = True else: serialNumber = bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_serial serialUsed = True # Replace global variables in the output name string filename = replaceVariables(filename, rendertime=render_time, serial=serialNumber) # Finish local and global serial number updates if serialUsedGlobal: bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_serial_global += 1 if serialUsed: bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_serial += 1 # Combine file path and file name using system separator, add extension filepath = os.path.join(filepath, filename) + extension # Save image file image =['Render Result'] if not image: print('VF Autosave Render: Render Result not found. Image not saved.') return {'CANCELLED'} # Please note that multilayer EXR files are currently unsupported in the Python API - image.save_render(filepath, scene=None) # Consider using bpy.context.scene if different compression settings are desired per-scene # Restore original user settings for render output scene.render.image_settings.file_format = original_format scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = original_colormode scene.render.image_settings.color_depth = original_colordepth # Render complete notifications, only if the time spent rendering exceeds the minimum time defined in the preferences if render_time > float(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.minimum_time): if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.email_enable: # Subject line variable replacement subject = replaceVariables( bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.email_subject, rendertime=render_time, serial=bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial ) # Body text variable replacement message = replaceVariables( bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.email_message, rendertime=render_time, serial=bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial ) send_email(subject, message) if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.pushover_enable and len(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.pushover_key) == 30 and len(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.pushover_app) == 30: subject = replaceVariables( bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.pushover_subject, rendertime=render_time, serial=bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial ) message = replaceVariables( bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.pushover_message, rendertime=render_time, serial=bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial ) send_pushover(subject, message) # MacOS Siri text-to-speech announcement # Re-check Say location just to be extra-sure (otherwise this is only checked when the add-on is first enable) bpy.context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences.check_macos_say_location() if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.macos_say_exists and bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.macos_say_enable: message = replaceVariables( bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.macos_say_message, rendertime=render_time, serial=bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.output_file_serial ) os.system('say "' + message + '"') # Save external log file if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.external_render_time: # Log file settings logname = bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.external_log_name logname = logname.replace("{project}", projectname) logpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, logname) # Limited to locations local to the project file logtitle = 'Total Render Time: ' logtime = 0.00 # Get previous time spent rendering, if log file exists, and convert formatted string into seconds if os.path.exists(logpath): with open(logpath) as filein: logtime =, '') logtime = readableToSeconds(logtime) # Create log file directory location if it doesn't exist elif not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(logpath)): # Safety net just in case a folder was included in the file name entry os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(logpath)) # Add the latest render time logtime += float(render_time) # Convert seconds into formatted string logtime = secondsToReadable(logtime) # Write log file with open(logpath, 'w') as fileout: fileout.write(logtitle + logtime) return {'FINISHED'} ########################################################################### # Variable replacement function # •Prepopulate data that requires more logic # •Replace all variables # •Replaces {duration}{rtime}{rH}{rM}{rS} only if valid 0.0+ float is provided # •Replaces {serial} only if valid 0+ integer is provided def replaceVariables(string, rendertime=-1.0, serial=-1): # Get scene from context scene = bpy.context.scene # Get render engine feature sets if bpy.context.engine == 'BLENDER_WORKBENCH': renderEngine = 'Workbench' renderDevice = 'GPU' renderSamples = scene.display.render_aa renderFeatures = scene.display.shading.light.title().replace("Matcap", "MatCap") + '+' + scene.display.shading.color_type.title() elif bpy.context.engine == 'BLENDER_EEVEE': renderEngine = 'Eevee' renderDevice = 'GPU' renderSamples = str(scene.eevee.taa_render_samples) + '+' + str(scene.eevee.sss_samples) + '+' + str(scene.eevee.volumetric_samples) renderFeaturesArray = [] if scene.eevee.use_gtao: renderFeaturesArray.append('AO') if scene.eevee.use_bloom: renderFeaturesArray.append('Bloom') if scene.eevee.use_ssr: renderFeaturesArray.append('SSR') if scene.eevee.use_motion_blur: renderFeaturesArray.append('MB' + str(scene.eevee.motion_blur_steps)) renderFeatures = 'None' if len(renderFeaturesArray) == 0 else '+'.join(renderFeaturesArray) elif bpy.context.engine == 'CYCLES': renderEngine = 'Cycles' renderDevice = scene.cycles.device # Add compute device type if GPU is enabled # if renderDevice == "GPU": # renderDevice += '_' + bpy.context.preferences.addons["cycles"].preferences.compute_device_type renderSamples = str(round(scene.cycles.adaptive_threshold, 4)) + '+' + str(scene.cycles.samples) + '+' + str(scene.cycles.adaptive_min_samples) renderFeatures = str(scene.cycles.max_bounces) + '+' + str(scene.cycles.diffuse_bounces) + '+' + str(scene.cycles.glossy_bounces) + '+' + str(scene.cycles.transmission_bounces) + '+' + str(scene.cycles.volume_bounces) + '+' + str(scene.cycles.transparent_max_bounces) elif bpy.context.engine == 'RPR': renderEngine = 'ProRender' # Compile array of enabled devices renderDevicesArray = [] if bpy.context.preferences.addons["rprblender"].preferences.settings.final_devices.cpu_state: renderDevicesArray.append('CPU') for gpu in bpy.context.preferences.addons["rprblender"].preferences.settings.final_devices.available_gpu_states: if gpu: renderDevicesArray.append('GPU') renderDevice = 'None' if len(renderDevicesArray) == 0 else '+'.join(renderDevicesArray) renderSamples = str(scene.rpr.limits.min_samples) + '+' + str(scene.rpr.limits.max_samples) + '+' + str(round(scene.rpr.limits.noise_threshold, 4)) renderFeatures = str(scene.rpr.max_ray_depth) + '+' + str(scene.rpr.diffuse_depth) + '+' + str(scene.rpr.glossy_depth) + '+' + str(scene.rpr.refraction_depth) + '+' + str(scene.rpr.glossy_refraction_depth) + '+' + str(scene.rpr.shadow_depth) elif bpy.context.engine == 'LUXCORE': renderEngine = 'LuxCore' renderDevice = 'CPU' if scene.luxcore.config.device == 'CPU' else 'GPU' # Samples returns the halt conditions for time, samples, and/or noise threshold renderSamples = '' if scene.luxcore.halt.use_time: renderSamples += str(scene.luxcore.halt.time) + 's' if scene.luxcore.halt.use_samples: if len(renderSamples) > 0: renderSamples += '+' renderSamples += str(scene.luxcore.halt.samples) if scene.luxcore.halt.use_noise_thresh: if len(renderSamples) > 0: renderSamples += '+' renderSamples += str(scene.luxcore.halt.noise_thresh) + '+' + str(scene.luxcore.halt.noise_thresh_warmup) + '+' + str(scene.luxcore.halt.noise_thresh_step) # Features include the number of paths or bounces (depending on engine selected) and denoising if enabled if scene.luxcore.config.engine == 'PATH': renderEngine += '-Path' renderFeatures = str(scene.luxcore.config.path.depth_total) + '+' + str(scene.luxcore.config.path.depth_diffuse) + '+' + str(scene.luxcore.config.path.depth_glossy) + '+' + str(scene.luxcore.config.path.depth_specular) else: renderEngine += '-Bidir' renderFeatures = str(scene.luxcore.config.bidir_path_maxdepth) + '+' + str(scene.luxcore.config.bidir_light_maxdepth) if scene.luxcore.denoiser.enabled: renderFeatures += '+' + str(scene.luxcore.denoiser.type) else: renderEngine = bpy.context.engine renderDevice = 'unknown' renderSamples = 'unknown' renderFeatures = 'unknown' # Get conditional project variables Item > Material > Node projectItem = projectMaterial = projectNode = 'None' if # Set active object name projectItem = if # Set active material slot name projectMaterial = if and if == 'TEX_IMAGE' and # Set active texture node image name projectNode = else: # Set active node name projectNode = # Set node name to the Batch Render Target if active and available if scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_active and scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_type == 'imgs' and and[scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_material].node_tree.nodes.get(scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_node): projectNode =[scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_material].node_tree.nodes.get(scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_node) # Remove file extension from image node names (this could be unhelpful when comparing renders with .psd versus .jpg texture sources) projectNode = sub(r'\.\w{3,4}$', '', projectNode) # Using "replace" instead of "format" because format fails ungracefully when an exact match isn't found # Project variables string = string.replace("{project}", os.path.splitext(os.path.basename([0]) string = string.replace("{scene}", string = string.replace("{viewlayer}", string = string.replace("{collection}", scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_collection_name if len(scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_collection_name) > 0 else string = string.replace("{camera}", string = string.replace("{item}", projectItem) string = string.replace("{material}", projectMaterial) string = string.replace("{node}", projectNode) # Image variables sceneOverride = scene.render.image_settings if bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_management == "OVERRIDE" else scene string = string.replace("{display}", sceneOverride.display_settings.display_device.replace(" ", "").replace(".", "")) string = string.replace("{viewtransform}", "{colorspace}") # Alternative variable (backwards compatibility may be removed at a later date) string = string.replace("{colorspace}", "{space}") # Alternative variable (backwards compatibility may be removed at a later date) string = string.replace("{space}", sceneOverride.view_settings.view_transform.replace(" ", "")) string = string.replace("{look}", sceneOverride.view_settings.look.replace(" ", "").replace("AgX-", "").replace("FalseColor-", "")) string = string.replace("{exposure}", str(sceneOverride.view_settings.exposure)) string = string.replace("{gamma}", str(sceneOverride.view_settings.gamma)) string = string.replace("{curves}", "Curves" if sceneOverride.view_settings.use_curve_mapping else "None") string = string.replace("{compositing}", "Compositing" if scene.use_nodes else "None") # Rendering variables string = string.replace("{renderengine}", "{engine}") # Alternative variable (backwards compatibility may be removed at a later date) string = string.replace("{engine}", renderEngine) string = string.replace("{device}", renderDevice) string = string.replace("{samples}", renderSamples) string = string.replace("{features}", renderFeatures) if rendertime >= 0.0: # Only enabled if a value is supplied string = string.replace("{rendertime}", "{duration}") # Alternative variable (backwards compatibility may be removed at a later date) string = string.replace("{duration}", str(rendertime) + 's') rH, rM, rS = secondsToStrings(rendertime) string = string.replace("{rtime}", rH + '-' + rM + '-' + rS) string = string.replace("{rH}", rH) string = string.replace("{rM}", rM) string = string.replace("{rS}", rS) # System variables string = string.replace("{host}", platform.node().split('.')[0]) string = string.replace("{processor}", platform.processor()) # Alternate: platform.machine() provides the same information in many cases string = string.replace("{platform}", platform.platform()) string = string.replace("{system}", platform.system().replace("Darwin", "macOS")) # Alternate: {os} string = string.replace("{release}", platform.mac_ver()[0] if platform.system() == "Darwin" else platform.release()) # Alternate: {system} string = string.replace("{python}", platform.python_version()) string = string.replace("{version}", "{blender}") # Alternative variable (backwards compatibility may be removed at a later date) string = string.replace("{blender}", + '-' + # Identifier variables string = string.replace("{date}",'%Y-%m-%d')) string = string.replace("{year}", "{y}") # Alternative variable string = string.replace("{y}",'%Y')) string = string.replace("{month}", "{m}") # Alternative variable string = string.replace("{m}",'%m')) string = string.replace("{day}", "{d}") # Alternative variable string = string.replace("{d}",'%d')) string = string.replace("{time}",'%H-%M-%S')) string = string.replace("{hour}", "{H}") # Alternative variable string = string.replace("{H}",'%H')) string = string.replace("{minute}", "{M}") # Alternative variable string = string.replace("{M}",'%M')) string = string.replace("{second}", "{S}") # Alternative variable string = string.replace("{S}",'%S')) if serial >= 0: # Only enabled if a value is supplied string = string.replace("{serial}", format(serial, '04')) string = string.replace("{frame}", format(scene.frame_current, '04')) # Consider adding hash-mark support for inserting frames: sub(r'#+(?!.*#)', "", absolute_path) # Batch variables string = string.replace("{index}", "{batch}") # Alternative variable (backwards compatibility may be removed at a later date) string = string.replace("{batch}", format(scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index, '04')) return string ########################################################################### # Time conversion functions (because datetime doesn't like zero-numbered days or hours over 24) # •Convert float seconds into string as [hour, minute, second] array (hours expand indefinitely, will not roll over into days) # •Convert float seconds into string in HH:MM:SS.## format (hours expand indefinitely, will not roll over into days) # •Convert string in HH:MM:SS.## format into float seconds def secondsToStrings(sec): seconds, decimals = divmod(float(sec), 1) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) return [ "%d" % (hours), "%02d" % (minutes), "%02d.%02d" % (seconds, round(decimals*100)) ] def secondsToReadable(seconds): h, m, s = secondsToStrings(seconds) return h + ":" + m + ":" + s def readableToSeconds(readable): hours, minutes, seconds = readable.split(':') return int(hours)*3600 + int(minutes)*60 + float(seconds) ########################################################################### # Copy string to clipboard class AutosaveRenderCopyToClipboard(bpy.types.Operator): """Copy variable to the clipboard""" bl_label = "Copy to clipboard" bl_idname = "vf.autosave_render_copy_to_clipboard" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'} string: bpy.props.StringProperty() def invoke(self, context, event): context.window_manager.clipboard = self.string # Close the popup panel by temporarily moving the mouse x, y = event.mouse_x, event.mouse_y context.window.cursor_warp(10, 10) move_back = lambda: context.window.cursor_warp(x, y), first_interval=0.001) return {'FINISHED'} ########################################################################### # Notification system functions # •Send email notification # •Send Pushover notification def send_email(subject, message): try: msg = MIMEText(message) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.email_from msg['To'] = bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.email_to with smtplib.SMTP_SSL(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.email_server, bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.email_port) as smtp_server: smtp_server.login(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.email_from, bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.email_password) smtp_server.sendmail(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.email_from, bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.email_to.split(', '), msg.as_string()) except Exception as exc: print(str(exc) + " | Error in VF Autosave Render: failed to send email notification") def send_pushover(subject, message): try: r ='', data = { "token": bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.pushover_app, "user": bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.pushover_key, "title": subject, "message": message }) if r.status_code == 200: print(r.text) if r.status_code == 500: print('Error in VF Autosave Render: Pushover notification service unavailable') print(r.text) else: print('Error in VF Autosave Render: Pushover URL request failed') print(r.text) except Exception as exc: print(str(exc) + " | Error in VF Autosave Render: failed to send Pushover notification") ########################################################################### # Global user preferences and UI rendering class class AutosaveRenderPreferences(bpy.types.AddonPreferences): bl_idname = __name__ # Global Variables render_output_variables: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Render Variables', description='Implements dynamic keywords in the Output directory and Compositing tab "File Output" nodes', default=True) # Autosave Images enable_autosave_render: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Autosave Images", description="Automatically saves numbered or dated images in a directory alongside the project file or in a custom location", default=True) show_autosave_render_overrides: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Global Overrides", description="Show available global overrides, replacing local project settings", default=False) # Override individual project autosave location and file name settings file_location_override: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Override File Location", description='Global override for the per-project directory setting', default=False) file_location_global: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Global File Location", description="Leave a single forward slash to auto generate folders alongside project files", default="/", maxlen=4096, subtype="DIR_PATH") file_name_override: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Override File Name", description='Global override for the per-project autosave file name setting', default=False) file_name_type_global: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Global File Name', description='Autosaves files with the project name and serial number, project name and date, or custom naming pattern', items=[ ('SERIAL', 'Project Name + Serial Number', 'Save files with a sequential serial number'), ('DATE', 'Project Name + Date & Time', 'Save files with the local date and time'), ('RENDER', 'Project Name + Render Engine + Render Time', 'Save files with the render engine and render time'), ('CUSTOM', 'Custom String', 'Save files with a custom string format'), ], default='SERIAL') file_name_custom_global: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Global Custom String", description="Format a custom string using the variables listed below", default="{project}-{serial}", maxlen=4096) file_serial_global: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Global Serial Number", description="Current serial number, automatically increments with every render (must be manually updated when installing a plugin update)") file_format_override: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Override File Format", description='Global override for the per-project autosave file format setting', default=False) file_format_global: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Global File Format', description='Image format used for the automatically saved render files', items=[ ('SCENE', 'Project Setting', 'Same format as set in output panel'), ('PNG', 'PNG', 'Save as png'), ('JPEG', 'JPEG', 'Save as jpeg'), ('OPEN_EXR', 'OpenEXR', 'Save as exr'), ], default='PNG') # Autosave Videos - FFMPEG output processing ffmpeg_processing: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Autosave Videos', description='Enables FFmpeg image sequence compilation options in the Output panel', default=True) ffmpeg_location: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="FFmpeg location", description="System location where the the FFmpeg command line interface is installed", default="/opt/local/bin/ffmpeg", maxlen=4096, update=lambda self, context: self.check_ffmpeg_location()) ffmpeg_location_previous: bpy.props.StringProperty(default="") ffmpeg_exists: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="FFmpeg exists", description='Stores the existence of FFmpeg at the defined system location', default=False) # Validate the ffmpeg location string on value change and plugin registration def check_ffmpeg_location(self): # Ensure it points at ffmpeg if not self.ffmpeg_location.endswith('ffmpeg'): self.ffmpeg_location = self.ffmpeg_location + 'ffmpeg' # Test if it's a valid path and replace with valid path if such exists if self.ffmpeg_location != self.ffmpeg_location_previous: if which(self.ffmpeg_location) is None: if which("ffmpeg") is None: self.ffmpeg_exists = False else: self.ffmpeg_location = which("ffmpeg") self.ffmpeg_exists = True else: self.ffmpeg_exists = True self.ffmpeg_location_previous = self.ffmpeg_location # Render Time Tracking show_estimated_render_time: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Show Estimated Render Time", description='Adds estimated remaining render time display to the image editor menu bar while rendering', default=True) show_total_render_time: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Show Project Render Time", description='Displays the total time spent rendering a project in the output panel', default=True) external_render_time: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Save External Render Time Log", description='Saves the total time spent rendering to an external log file', default=False) external_log_name: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="File Name", description="Log file name; use {project} for per-project tracking, remove it for per-directory tracking", default="{project}-TotalRenderTime.txt", maxlen=4096) # Render Complete Notifications minimum_time: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Minimum Render Time", description="Minimum rendering time required before notifications will be enabled, in seconds", default=300) # Email notifications email_enable: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Email Notification', description='Enable email notifications', default=False) email_server: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="SMTP Server", description="SMTP server address", default="", maxlen=64) email_port: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="SMTP Port", description="Port number used by the SMTP server", default=465) email_from: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Username", description="Email address of the account emails will be sent from", default="", maxlen=64) email_password: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Password", description="Password of the account emails will be sent from (Gmail accounts require 2FA and a custom single-use App Password)", default="password", subtype="PASSWORD") email_to: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Recipients", description="Comma separated list of recipient addresses, use to get the correct address for text messages", default=",", maxlen=1024) email_subject: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Email Subject", description="Text string sent as the email subject line", default="{project} rendering completed", maxlen=1024) email_message: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Email Body", description="Text string sent as the email body copy", default="{project} rendering completed in {rH}:{rM}:{rS} on {host}", maxlen=4096) # Pushover app notifications pushover_enable: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Pushover Notification', description='Enable Pushover mobile device push notifications (requires non-subscription app and user account', default=False) pushover_key: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Pushover User Key", description="Pushover user key, available after setting up a user account", default="EnterUserKeyHere", maxlen=64) pushover_app: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Pushover App Token", description="Pushover application token, available after setting up a custom application", default="EnterAppTokenHere", maxlen=64) pushover_subject: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Pushover Title", description="Notification title that will be sent to Pushover devices", default="{project} rendering completed", maxlen=1024) pushover_message: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Pushover Message", description="Notification message that will be sent to Pushover devices", default="{project} rendering completed in {rH}:{rM}:{rS} on {host}", maxlen=4096) # MacOS Siri text-to-speech announcement macos_say_enable: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Siri Announcement', description='Enable MacOS Siri text-to-speech announcements', default=False) macos_say_exists: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="MacOS Say exists", description='Stores the existence of MacOS Say', default=False) macos_say_message: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Siri Message", description="Message that Siri will read out loud", default="{project} rendering completed in {rH} hours, {rM} minutes, and {rS} seconds", maxlen=2048) # Validate the MacOS Say location on plugin registration def check_macos_say_location(self): # Test if it's a valid path self.macos_say_exists = False if which('say') is None else True # User Interface def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout # General Preferences: grid1 = layout.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=2, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=False) # Output variables grid1.prop(self, "render_output_variables") ops = grid1.operator(AutosaveRenderVariablePopup.bl_idname, text = "Variable List", icon = "LINENUMBERS_OFF") ops.postrender = True # Autosave Videos - FFmpeg Sequencing grid1.prop(self, "ffmpeg_processing") input = grid1.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=2, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=False) if not self.ffmpeg_processing: = False input.enabled = False input.prop(self, "ffmpeg_location", text="") # Location exists success/fail if self.ffmpeg_exists: input.label(text="✔︎ installed") else: input.label(text="✘ missing") # Autosave Images grid1.prop(self, "enable_autosave_render") input = grid1.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=2, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=False) if self.file_location_override or self.file_name_override or self.file_format_override or not self.enable_autosave_render: input.separator() elif self.show_autosave_render_overrides: input.prop(self, "show_autosave_render_overrides", icon = "DISCLOSURE_TRI_DOWN", emboss = False) else: input.prop(self, "show_autosave_render_overrides", icon = "DISCLOSURE_TRI_RIGHT", emboss = False) input.separator() # Autosave Images - Global Overrides Section if (self.show_autosave_render_overrides or self.file_location_override or self.file_name_override or self.file_format_override) and self.enable_autosave_render: # Subgrid Layout margin = layout.row() margin.separator(factor=2.0) subgrid = margin.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=2, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=False) margin.separator(factor=2.0) # File location subgrid.prop(self, "file_location_override") input = subgrid.column(align=True) if not self.file_location_override: = False input.enabled = False input.prop(self, "file_location_global", text='') # Display global serial number if used if self.file_location_override and '{serial}' in self.file_location_global: input.prop(self, "file_serial_global") input.separator() # File name subgrid.prop(self, "file_name_override") input = subgrid.column(align=True) if not self.file_name_override: = False input.enabled = False input.prop(self, "file_name_type_global", text='', icon='FILE_TEXT') if (self.file_name_type_global == 'CUSTOM'): input.prop(self, "file_name_custom_global", text='') if self.file_name_override and self.file_name_type_global == 'CUSTOM' and '{serial}' in self.file_name_custom_global: input.prop(self, "file_serial_global") input.separator() # File format subgrid.prop(self, "file_format_override") input = subgrid.column() if not self.file_format_override: = False input.enabled = False input.prop(self, "file_format_global", text='', icon='FILE_IMAGE') if self.file_format_override and self.file_format_global == 'SCENE' and bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER': error = error.label(text="Python API can only save single layer EXR files") error.label(text="Report:") # Render Time Data layout.separator(factor = 2.0) grid2 = layout.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=2, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=False) # Render time preferences grid2.prop(self, "show_estimated_render_time") grid2.separator() grid2.prop(self, "show_total_render_time") input = grid2.column() if not self.show_total_render_time: = False input.enabled = False input.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'total_render_time') grid2.prop(self, "external_render_time") input = grid2.column() if not self.external_render_time: = False input.enabled = False input.prop(self, "external_log_name", text='') # Render Completed Notifications layout.separator(factor = 2.0) grid3 = layout.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=1, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=False) # Minimum render time before notifications are enabled row1 = grid3.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=2, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=False) row1.label(text="Render Completed Notifications") row1.prop(self, "minimum_time", icon="TIME") # Email notifications grid3.prop(self, "email_enable") if self.email_enable: # Subgrid Layout margin = grid3.row() margin.separator(factor=2.0) subgrid = margin.column() margin.separator(factor=2.0) # Security Warning box = warning = box.column(align=True) warning.label(text="WARNING:") warning.label(text="Blender does not encrypt settings and stores credentials as plain text,") warning.label(text="account details entered here are NOT SECURED in the file system") # Account settings1 = subgrid.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=2, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=False) column1 = settings1.column(align=True) column1.label(text="Server") column1.prop(self, "email_server", text="", icon="EXPORT") column1.prop(self, "email_port") column2 = settings1.column(align=True) column2.label(text="Account") column2.prop(self, "email_from", text="", icon="USER") column2.prop(self, "email_password", text="", icon="LOCKED") # Message subgrid.separator(factor=0.5) settings2 = subgrid.column(align=True) settings2.label(text="Message") settings2.prop(self, "email_to", text="", icon="USER") settings2.prop(self, "email_subject", text="", icon="FILE_TEXT") settings2.prop(self, "email_message", text="", icon="ALIGN_JUSTIFY") # Spacing subgrid.separator(factor=2.0) # Pushover notifications grid3.prop(self, "pushover_enable") if self.pushover_enable: # Subgrid Layout margin = grid3.row() margin.separator(factor=2.0) subgrid = margin.column() margin.separator(factor=2.0) # Security Warning box = warning = box.column(align=True) warning.label(text="WARNING:") warning.label(text="Blender does not encrypt settings and stores credentials as plain text,") warning.label(text="API keys entered here are NOT SECURED in the file system") # Account settings1 = subgrid.column(align=True) settings1.label(text="Account") row = settings1.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns=2, even_columns=True, even_rows=False, align=True) row.prop(self, "pushover_key", text="", icon="USER") row.prop(self, "pushover_app", text="", icon="MODIFIER_DATA") if self.pushover_enable and (len(self.pushover_key) != 30 or len(self.pushover_app) != 30): warning = warning.label(text='Please enter 30-character API strings for both user key and app token', icon="ERROR") # Message subgrid.separator(factor=0.5) settings2 = subgrid.column(align=True) settings2.label(text="Message") settings2.prop(self, "pushover_subject", text="", icon="FILE_TEXT") settings2.prop(self, "pushover_message", text="", icon="ALIGN_JUSTIFY") # Spacing subgrid.separator(factor = 2.0) # Apple MacOS Siri text-to-speech announcement if self.macos_say_exists: grid3.prop(self, "macos_say_enable") if self.macos_say_enable: # Subgrid Layout margin = grid3.row() margin.separator(factor=2.0) subgrid = margin.column() margin.separator(factor=2.0) # Message subgrid.prop(self, "macos_say_message", text='', icon="PLAY_SOUND") ########################################################################### # Local project settings class AutosaveRenderSettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): file_location: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="File Location", description="Leave a single forward slash to auto generate folders alongside project files", default="/", maxlen=4096, subtype="DIR_PATH") file_name_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='File Name', description='Autosaves files with the project name and serial number, project name and date, or custom naming pattern', items=[ ('SERIAL', 'Project Name + Serial Number', 'Save files with a sequential serial number'), ('DATE', 'Project Name + Date & Time', 'Save files with the local date and time'), ('RENDER', 'Project Name + Render Engine + Render Time', 'Save files with the render engine and render time'), ('CUSTOM', 'Custom String', 'Save files with a custom string format'), ], default='SERIAL') file_name_custom: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Custom String", description="Format a custom string using the variables listed below", default="{project}-{serial}-{engine}-{duration}", maxlen=4096) file_serial: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Serial Number", description="Current serial number, automatically increments with every render") file_format: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='File Format', description='Image format used for the automatically saved render files', items=[ ('SCENE', 'Project Setting', 'Same format as set in output panel'), ('PNG', 'PNG', 'Save as png'), ('JPEG', 'JPEG', 'Save as jpeg'), ('OPEN_EXR', 'OpenEXR', 'Save as exr'), ], default='JPEG') # Variables for render time calculation start_date: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Render Start Date", description="Stores the date when rendering started in seconds as a string", default="") total_render_time: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Total Render Time", description="Stores the total time spent rendering in seconds", default=0) # Variables for render time estimation estimated_render_time_active: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Render Active", description="Indicates if rendering is currently active", default=False) estimated_render_time_frame: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Starting frame", description="Saves the starting frame when render begins (helps correctly estimate partial renders)", default=0) estimated_render_time_value: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Estimated Render Time", description="Stores the estimated time remaining to render", default="0:00:00.00") # Variables for output file path processing output_file_path: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Original Render Path", description="Stores the original render path as a string to allow for successful restoration after rendering completes", default="") output_file_nodes: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Original Node Path", description="Stores the original node path as a string to allow for successful restoration after rendering completes", default="") output_file_serial: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Serial Number", description="Current serial number, automatically increments with every render") output_file_serial_used: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Output Serial Number Used", description="Indicates if any of the output modules use the {serial} variable", default=False) # FFmpeg image sequence compilation autosave_video_sequence: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Sequence Active", description="Indicates if a sequence is being rendering to ensure FFmpeg is enabled only when more than one frame has been rendered", default=False) autosave_video_sequence_processing: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Sequence Processing", description="Indicates if sequence processing is currently active", default=False) autosave_video_prores: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Enable ProRes Output", description="Automatically compiles completed image sequences into a ProRes compressed .mov file", default=False) autosave_video_prores_quality: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='ProRes Quality', description='Video codec used', items=[ ('0', 'Proxy', 'ProResProxy'), ('1', 'LT', 'ProResLT'), ('2', '422', 'ProRes422'), ('3', 'HQ', 'ProRes422HQ'), ], default='3') autosave_video_prores_location: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Custom File Location", description="Set ProRes file output location and name, use single forward slash to save alongside image sequence", default="//../Renders/{project}", maxlen=4096, subtype="DIR_PATH") autosave_video_mp4: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Enable MP4 Output", description="Automatically compiles completed image sequences into an H.264 compressed .mp4 file", default=False) autosave_video_mp4_quality: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Compression Level", description="CRF value where 0 is uncompressed and 51 is the lowest quality possible; 23 is the FFmpeg default but 18 produces better results (closer to visually lossless)", default=18, step=2, soft_min=2, soft_max=48, min=0, max=51) autosave_video_mp4_location: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Custom File Location", description="Set MP4 file output location and name, use single forward slash to save alongside image sequence", default="//../Previews/{project}", maxlen=4096, subtype="DIR_PATH") autosave_video_custom: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Enable Custom Output", description="Automatically compiles completed image sequences using a custom FFmpeg string", default=False) autosave_video_custom_command: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Custom FFmpeg Command", description="Custom FFmpeg command line string; {input} {fps} {output} variables must be included, but the command path is automatically prepended", default='{fps} {input} -vf scale=-2:1080 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 18 -pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags +rtphint -movflags +faststart {output}_1080p.mp4', #{fps} {input} -c:v hevc_videotoolbox -pix_fmt bgra -b:v 1M -alpha_quality 1 -allow_sw 1 -vtag hvc1 {output} #{fps} {input} -c:v hevc_videotoolbox -require_sw 1 -allow_sw 1 -alpha_quality 1.0 -vtag hvc1 {output} #{fps} {input} -pix_fmt yuva420p {output}_alpha.webm #{fps} {input} -c:v libvpx -pix_fmt yuva420p -crf 16 -b:v 1M -auto-alt-ref 0 {output}_alpha.webm maxlen=4096) autosave_video_custom_location: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Custom File Location", description="Set custom command file output location and name, use single forward slash to save alongside image sequence", default="/", maxlen=4096, subtype="DIR_PATH") # Batch rendering options batch_active: bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Batch Rendering Active", description="Tracks status of batch rendering", default=False) batch_type: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Batch Type', description='Choose the batch rendering system', items=[ ('cams', 'Cameras', 'Batch render all specified cameras'), ('cols', 'Collections', 'Batch render all specified collections'), ('itms', 'Items', 'Batch render all specified items'), (None), ('imgs', 'Images', 'Batch render using images from specified folder'), ], default='itms') batch_range: bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Range', description='Batch render single frame or full timeline sequence', items=[ ('img', 'Image', 'Batch render a single frame for each element'), ('anim', 'Animation', 'Batch render the timeline range for each element') ], default='img') # Batch cameras # Uses the active camera for output variables # Batch collections batch_collection_name: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Collection Name", description="Name of the collection currently being rendered (bypasses view_layer settings that aren't updated during processing)", default="") # Batch items # Uses the active item for output variables # Batch images batch_images_location: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Source Folder", description="Source folder of images to be used in batch rendering", default="", maxlen=4096, subtype="DIR_PATH") batch_images_material: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Target Material", description='Target material for batch rendering images', default='', maxlen=4096) batch_images_node: bpy.props.StringProperty( name="Target Node", description='Target node for batch rendering images', default='', maxlen=4096) # Batch index batch_index: bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Batch Index (set during rendering)", description="Dynamically populated during batch rendering with the current camera, collection, item, or image index integer starting with 0", default=0, step=1) batch_factor: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Batch Factor (set during rendering)", description="Dynamically populated during batch rendering with the current position (0-1) within the batch", default=0.25, min=0, max=1, subtype="FACTOR") batch_random: bpy.props.FloatProperty( name="Batch Random (set during rendering)", description="Dynamically populated during batch rendering with a random value (0-1) from the current factor hash", default=0.75, min=0, max=1, subtype="FACTOR") ########################################################################### # Output Properties panel UI rendering classes # •Autosave Videos panel # •Autosave Render panel class RENDER_PT_autosave_video(bpy.types.Panel): bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "render" bl_label = "Autosave Videos" bl_parent_id = "RENDER_PT_output" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return ( # Check if FFmpeg processing is enabled bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.ffmpeg_processing # Check if the FFmpeg appears to be valid and bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.ffmpeg_exists ) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation # Check if the output format is supported by FFmpeg if not bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format in FFMPEG_FORMATS: error = error.label(text='"' + bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format + '" output format is not supported by FFmpeg') error.label(text="Supported image formats: " + ', '.join(FFMPEG_FORMATS)) layout = layout.column() = False layout.enabled = False # Variable list popup button ops = layout.operator(AutosaveRenderVariablePopup.bl_idname, text = "Variable List", icon = "LINENUMBERS_OFF") ops.postrender = True # Display serial number if used in any enabled FFmpeg output paths paths = '' if bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_prores: paths += bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_prores_location if bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_mp4: paths += bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_mp4_location if bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_custom: paths += bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_custom_location input = layout.row() input.use_property_split = True if not '{serial}' in paths: = False input.enabled = False input.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'output_file_serial') # ProRes alternate UI layout.separator() row1 = layout.row() row1a = row1.row() row1a.scale_x = 0.8333 row1a.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'autosave_video_prores', text='Create ProRes') row1b = row1.row(align=True) row1b.scale_x = 0.25 row1b.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'autosave_video_prores_quality', expand=True) row2 = layout.row() row2.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'autosave_video_prores_location', text='') if not bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_prores: = False row1b.enabled = False = False row2.enabled = False # MP4 alternate UI layout.separator() row1 = layout.row() row1a = row1.row() row1a.scale_x = 0.8333 row1a.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'autosave_video_mp4', text='Create MP4') row1b = row1.row() row1b.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'autosave_video_mp4_quality', slider=True) row2 = layout.row() row2.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'autosave_video_mp4_location', text='') if not bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_mp4: = False row1b.enabled = False = False row2.enabled = False # Custom alternate UI layout.separator() row1 = layout.row() row1a = row1.row() row1a.scale_x = 0.8333 row1a.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'autosave_video_custom', text='Create Custom') row1b = row1.row() row1b.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'autosave_video_custom_command', text='') row2 = layout.row() row2.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'autosave_video_custom_location', text='') if not bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_custom: = False row1b.enabled = False = False row2.enabled = False class RENDER_PT_autosave_render(bpy.types.Panel): bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "render" bl_label = "Autosave Images" bl_parent_id = "RENDER_PT_output" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return ( # Check if autosaving images is enabled bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.enable_autosave_render ) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation layout.use_property_split = True # Variable list popup button ops = layout.operator(AutosaveRenderVariablePopup.bl_idname, text = "Variable List", icon = "LINENUMBERS_OFF") ops.postrender = True # Local project serial number # Global serial number is listed inline with the path or file override, if used input = layout.row() input.use_property_split = True if not (('{serial}' in bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_location and not bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_location_override) or (bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_name_type == 'CUSTOM' and '{serial}' in bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_name_custom and not bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_name_override)): = False input.enabled = False input.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'file_serial') # File location with global override if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_location_override: override = layout.row() override.use_property_split = True = False override.prop(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences, 'file_location_global') if '{serial}' in bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_location_global: override.prop(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences, "file_serial_global", text="") else: layout.use_property_split = False layout.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'file_location', text="") layout.use_property_split = True # File name with global override if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_name_override: override = layout.row() = False override.prop(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences, 'file_name_type_global', icon='FILE_TEXT') if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_name_override and bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_name_type_global == 'CUSTOM': override.prop(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences, "file_name_custom_global", text='') if '{serial}' in bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_name_custom_global: override.prop(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences, "file_serial_global", text="") else: layout.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'file_name_type', icon='FILE_TEXT') if bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_name_type == 'CUSTOM': layout.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'file_name_custom') # File format with global override if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_format_override: override = layout.row() = False override.prop(bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences, 'file_format_global', icon='FILE_IMAGE') else: layout.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'file_format', icon='FILE_IMAGE') # Multilayer EXR warning if bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER' and (bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_format_global == 'SCENE' and bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_format_override or bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.file_format == 'SCENE' and not bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.file_format_override): error = error.label(text="Python API can only save single layer EXR files") error.label(text="Report:") ########################################################################### # Variable info popup and serial number UI # •Variable list popup panel # •Add variable list button and serial input at the top of the Render tab > Output panel # •Add variable list button and serial input at the top of the Compositing workspace > Node tab > Properties panel # Popup panel UI class AutosaveRenderVariablePopup(bpy.types.Operator): """List of the available variables""" bl_label = "Variable List" bl_idname = "vf.autosave_render_variable_popup" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'INTERNAL'} postrender: bpy.props.BoolProperty() @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def execute(self, context):{'INFO'}, "YES") return {'FINISHED'} def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_popup(self, width=520) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout grid = self.layout.grid_flow(row_major=True, columns = 5, even_columns = True, even_rows = True) for item in variableArray: # Display headers if item.startswith('title,'): x = item.split(',') col = grid.column() col.label(text = x[1], icon = x[2]) # Display list elements elif item not in ["{duration}", "{rtime}", "{rH},{rM},{rS}", "{frame}"] or self.postrender: if ',' in item: subrow = col.row(align = True) for subitem in item.split(','): ops = subrow.operator(AutosaveRenderCopyToClipboard.bl_idname, text = subitem, emboss = False) ops.string = subitem else: ops = col.operator(AutosaveRenderCopyToClipboard.bl_idname, text = item, emboss = False) ops.string = item layout.label(text = 'Click a variable to copy it to the clipboard', icon = "COPYDOWN") # Render output UI def RENDER_PT_output_path_variable_list(self, context): if not (False) and bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.render_output_variables: # UI layout for Scene Output layout = self.layout ops = layout.operator(AutosaveRenderVariablePopup.bl_idname, text = "Variable List", icon = "LINENUMBERS_OFF") # LINENUMBERS_OFF, THREE_DOTS, SHORTDISPLAY, ALIGN_JUSTIFY ops.postrender = False layout.use_property_decorate = False layout.use_property_split = True input = layout.row() if not '{serial}' in bpy.context.scene.render.filepath: = False input.enabled = False input.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'output_file_serial') # Node output UI def NODE_PT_output_path_variable_list(self, context): if not (False) and bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.render_output_variables: active_node = if isinstance(active_node, bpy.types.CompositorNodeOutputFile): # Get file path and all output file names from the current active node paths = [] for slot in paths.append(slot.path) paths = ''.join(paths) # UI layout for Node Properties layout = self.layout layout.use_property_decorate = False layout.use_property_split = True ops = layout.operator(AutosaveRenderVariablePopup.bl_idname, text = "Variable List", icon = "LINENUMBERS_OFF") ops.postrender = False input = layout.row() if not '{serial}' in paths: = False input.enabled = False input.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'output_file_serial') layout.use_property_split = False # Base path interface doesn't specify false, it assumes it, so the UI gets screwed up if we don't reset here ########################################################################### # Display total render time at the bottom of the Render tab > Output panel def RENDER_PT_total_render_time_display(self, context): if not (False) and bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.show_total_render_time: layout = self.layout box = box.label(text="Total time spent rendering: "+secondsToReadable(bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.total_render_time)) ########################################################################### # Display estimated time remaining in the Image viewer during rendering def image_viewer_feedback_display(self, context): if bpy.context.preferences.addons['VF_autosaveRender'].preferences.show_estimated_render_time and bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_active: self.layout.separator() box = box.label(text=" Estimated Time Remaining: " + bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.estimated_render_time_value + " ") if bpy.context.scene.autosave_render_settings.autosave_video_sequence_processing: self.layout.separator() box = box.label(text=" FFmpeg Image Sequence Processing... ") ########################################################################### # Batch Render Functions # •Process batch rendering queue # •Cameras # •Collections # •Items (objects and/or lights) # •Images (requires specific folder input and target material node) # •Set target material > node for Batch Render Images # Process batch rendering queue class VF_autosave_render_batch(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = 'render.vf_autosave_render_batch' bl_label = 'Begin Batch Render' bl_description = "Batch render specified elements" bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return ( True ) def invoke(self, context, event): return context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self) def draw(self, context): try: layout = self.layout layout.label(text="Blender will be unresponsive while processing, proceed?") except Exception as exc: print(str(exc) + ' | Error in VF Autosave Render + Output Variables: Begin Batch Render confirmation header') def execute(self, context): context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_active = True # Preserve manually entered batch index and values original_batch_index = context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index original_batch_factor = context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_factor original_batch_random = context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_random # Batch render cameras if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_type == 'cams': # Preserve original active camera and render resolution original_camera = original_resolution_x = context.scene.render.resolution_x original_resolution_y = context.scene.render.resolution_y # If cameras are selected if len(context.selected_objects) > 0 and len([obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.type == 'CAMERA']) > 0: source_cameras = [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.type == 'CAMERA'] # If no cameras are selected, check for an active collection with cameras elif context.view_layer.active_layer_collection and len(context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects) > 0 and len([obj for obj in context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects if obj.type == 'CAMERA']) > 0: source_cameras = [obj for obj in context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects if obj.type == 'CAMERA'] # If still no cameras are available, return cancelled else: context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_active = False print('VF Autosave Batch Render: Cameras not found.') return {'CANCELLED'} # Reset batch index value context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index = 0 # Set length of batch collection batch_length = len(source_cameras) - 1 # Render each camera in the list for cam in source_cameras: # Set batch values context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_factor = context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index / batch_length context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_random = hash(context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_factor * 0.9998 + 0.0001) / 1000000 % 1 # Set rendering camera to current camera = cam # Set scene resolution from camera name if appended "#x#" pattern is found resolution_match = search(r'(\d+)x(\d+)$', if resolution_match != None: context.scene.render.resolution_x = int( context.scene.render.resolution_y = int( original_camera_name = = original_camera_name.replace(, "") # If no resolution is supplied, reset to original settings (allows mixing of custom and default resolutions in a single batch render) else: context.scene.render.resolution_x = original_resolution_x context.scene.render.resolution_y = original_resolution_y # Render if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_range == 'img': # Render Still bpy.ops.render.render(animation=False, write_still=True, use_viewport=True) else: # Sequence bpy.ops.render.render(animation=True, use_viewport=True) # Restore camera name if it was changed to remove the resolution if resolution_match != None: = original_camera_name # Increment index value context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index += 1 # Restore original active camera and render resolution = original_camera context.scene.render.resolution_x = original_resolution_x context.scene.render.resolution_y = original_resolution_y # Batch render collections if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_type == 'cols': # If we need to support direct selection of multiple collections... # # ...but for now I'm keeping this simpler # If child collections exist if len(context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.children) > 0: source_collections = [col for col in context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.children] # If no collections are available, return cancelled else: context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_active = False print('VF Autosave Batch Render: Collections not found.') return {'CANCELLED'} # Store the render status of each collection and disable source_collections_hidden = [] source_collections_excluded = [] for col in source_collections: # Using both exclude and hide_render status to ensure each collection is for-sure enabled when rendering source_collections_hidden.append(col.collection.hide_render) source_collections_excluded.append(col.exclude) col.collection.hide_render = True col.exclude = True print('hidden status:') print(dir(source_collections_hidden)) print('excluded status:') print(dir(source_collections_excluded)) # Reset batch index value context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index = 0 # Set length of batch collection batch_length = len(source_collections) - 1 # Render each collection in the list for col in source_collections: # Set batch values context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_factor = context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index / batch_length context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_random = hash(context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_factor * 0.9998 + 0.0001) / 1000000 % 1 # Set current collection name context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_collection_name = # Set current collection rendering status col.collection.hide_render = False col.exclude = False # Render if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_range == 'img': # Render Still bpy.ops.render.render(animation=False, write_still=True, use_viewport=True) else: # Sequence bpy.ops.render.render(animation=True, use_viewport=True) # Disable the collection again col.collection.hide_render = True col.exclude = True # Increment index value context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index += 1 # Restore enabled status if len(source_collections_hidden) > 0 and len(source_collections_hidden) == len(source_collections_excluded): for i, col in enumerate(source_collections): col.collection.hide_render = source_collections_hidden[i] col.exclude = source_collections_excluded[i] # Reset batch rendering variable context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_collection_name = '' # Batch render items if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_type == 'itms': # Preserve original item selection original_selection = [obj for obj in context.selected_objects] # Preserve active item original_active = # If non-camera items are selected if len(context.selected_objects) > 0 and len([obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.type != 'CAMERA']) > 0: source_items = [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.type != 'CAMERA'] # If no items are selected, check for an active collection with non-camera items elif context.view_layer.active_layer_collection and len(context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects) > 0 and len([obj for obj in context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects if obj.type != 'CAMERA']) > 0: source_items = [obj for obj in context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects if obj.type != 'CAMERA'] # If still no items are available, return cancelled else: context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_active = False print('VF Autosave Batch Render: Items not found.') return {'CANCELLED'} # Store the render status of each object and disable rendering source_items_hidden = [] for obj in source_items: source_items_hidden.append(obj.hide_render) obj.hide_render = True obj.select_set(False) # Reset batch index value context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index = 0 # Set length of batch collection batch_length = len(source_items) - 1 # Render each item in the list for obj in source_items: # Set batch values context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_factor = context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index / batch_length context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_random = hash(context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_factor * 0.9998 + 0.0001) / 1000000 % 1 # Set current object to selected, active, and renderable obj.select_set(True) = obj obj.hide_render = False # Render if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_range == 'img': # Render Still bpy.ops.render.render(animation=False, write_still=True, use_viewport=True) else: # Sequence bpy.ops.render.render(animation=True, use_viewport=True) # Disable the object again (don't worry about active, next loop will reset it) obj.select_set(False) obj.hide_render = True # Increment index value context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index += 1 # Restore render status if len(source_items_hidden) > 0: for i, obj in enumerate(source_items): obj.hide_render = source_items_hidden[i] # Restore original selection if original_selection: for obj in original_selection: obj.select_set(True) # Restore original active item if original_active: = original_active # Batch render images if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_type == 'imgs': # Get source folder and target names source_folder = bpy.path.abspath(context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_location) source_images = [] if os.path.isdir(source_folder): # Image extensions attribute is undocumented # source_images = [f for f in os.listdir(source_folder) if f.lower().endswith(tuple(bpy.path.extensions_image))] source_images.sort() else: context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_active = False print('VF Autosave Batch Render: Image source directory not found.') return {'CANCELLED'} # The folder should be checked in the UI before starting, but this is a backup safety if triggered via Python # Get target target_material = context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_material target_node = context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_node target = None if and[target_material].node_tree.nodes.get(target_node) and[target_material].node_tree.nodes.get(target_node).type == 'TEX_IMAGE': target =[target_material].node_tree.nodes.get(target_node) else: context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_active = False print('VF Autosave Batch Render: Target material node not found.') return {'CANCELLED'} # Save current image, if assigned original_image = None if target.image.has_data: original_image =[target_material].node_tree.nodes.get(target_node).image # Reset batch index value context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index = 0 # Set length of batch collection batch_length = len(source_images) - 1 # Batch render images (assumes we've already cancelled if there's an error with the folder) for img_file in source_images: # Set batch values context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_factor = context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index / batch_length context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_random = hash(context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_factor * 0.9998 + 0.0001) / 1000000 % 1 # Import as new image if it doesn't already exist image =, img_file), check_existing=True) # Set node image to the new image target.image = image # Render if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_range == 'img': # Render Still bpy.ops.render.render(animation=False, write_still=True, use_viewport=True) else: # Sequence bpy.ops.render.render(animation=True, use_viewport=True) # Increment index value context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index += 1 # Reset node to original texture, if previously assigned if original_image: target.image = original_image # Restore manually entered batch index context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index = original_batch_index context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_active = False return {'FINISHED'} # Set target material > node for Batch Render Images class VF_autosave_render_batch_assign_image_target(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = 'render.vf_autosave_render_batch_assign_image_target' bl_label = 'Assign image target' bl_description = "Assign active node in material as target for batch rendering images" bl_space_type = "NODE_EDITOR" bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): # Check if necessary object > material > node > node type is selected return ( and and and == 'TEX_IMAGE' ) def execute(self, context): # Assign active material from active object context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_material = # Assign active node from active material from active object context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_node = return {'FINISHED'} # Manually set camera and/or render resolution class VF_autosave_render_batch_camera_update(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = 'render.vf_autosave_render_batch_camera_update' bl_label = 'Update batch rendering camera' bl_description = "Update batch rendering camera" bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" list_offset: bpy.props.IntProperty() = 0 @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def execute(self, context): # Get current camera target_camera = # If offset, get previous or next camera from selection or collection if self.list_offset != 0: # If cameras are selected if len(context.selected_objects) > 0 and len([obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.type == 'CAMERA']) > 0: source_cameras = [obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.type == 'CAMERA'] # If no cameras are selected, check for an active collection with cameras elif context.view_layer.active_layer_collection and len(context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects) > 0 and len([obj for obj in context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects if obj.type == 'CAMERA']) > 0: source_cameras = [obj for obj in context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects if obj.type == 'CAMERA'] # If still no cameras are available, return cancelled else: context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_active = False print('VF Autosave Batch Render: Cameras not found.') return {'CANCELLED'} batch_length = len(source_cameras) - 1 # If active camera is in the current group, offset from that position if target_camera in source_cameras: index = source_cameras.index(target_camera) + self.list_offset if index < 0: index += batch_length + 1 elif index > batch_length: index -= batch_length + 1 context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index = index target_camera = source_cameras[index] # Otherwise start at zero else: context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index = 0 target_camera = source_cameras[0] # Set batch values context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_factor = context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_index / batch_length context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_random = hash(context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_factor * 0.9998 + 0.0001) / 1000000 % 1 # Set rendering camera to current camera and make the item active for editing = target_camera = target_camera # Set scene resolution from camera name if appended "#x#" pattern is found resolution_match = search(r'(\d+)x(\d+)$', if resolution_match != None: context.scene.render.resolution_x = int( context.scene.render.resolution_y = int( return {'FINISHED'} ########################################################################### # Batch Render UI # •VF Tools > Batch Render Panel # •Cameras # •Collections # •Items (objects and/or lights) # •Images (with folder and material node selection) class VFTOOLS_PT_autosave_batch_setup(bpy.types.Panel): bl_idname = 'VFTOOLS_PT_batch_render_setup' bl_label = 'Batch Render' bl_description = 'Manage batch rendering options' bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' bl_region_type = 'UI' bl_category = 'VF Tools' bl_order = 24 bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return True def draw_header(self, context): try: layout = self.layout except Exception as exc: print(str(exc) + ' | Error in VF Autosave Render + Output Variables: Batch Render panel header') def draw(self, context): if True: # UI Layout layout = self.layout layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation # General variables batch_count = 0 batch_error = False # Batch type input0 = layout.column(align=True) input0.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'batch_type', text='') input1 = layout.column(align=True) input2 = layout.column(align=True) # Settings for Cameras if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_type == 'cams': # Direct selection of cameras batch_count = len([obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.type == 'CAMERA']) # Set up feedback message for selected cameras if batch_count > 0: if batch_count == 1: feedback_text=str(batch_count) + ' camera selected' else: feedback_text=str(batch_count) + ' cameras selected' feedback_icon='CAMERA_DATA' # Alt: VIEW_CAMERA # If no cameras are selected, check for an active collection elif context.view_layer.active_layer_collection and len(context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects) > 0 and len([obj for obj in context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects if obj.type == 'CAMERA']) > 0: batch_count = len([obj for obj in context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects if obj.type == 'CAMERA']) if batch_count == 1: feedback_text=str(batch_count) + ' camera in collection' else: feedback_text=str(batch_count) + ' cameras in collection' feedback_icon='OUTLINER_COLLECTION' # If still no items are selected, display an error else: feedback_text='Invalid selection' feedback_icon='ERROR' # Display feedback feedback = feedback.label(text=feedback_text, icon=feedback_icon) # Display previous / update / next camera buttons if feedback_icon != "ERROR": buttons = input1.row(align=True) # Switch to previous camera in list if batch_count > 1: op0 = buttons.operator(VF_autosave_render_batch_camera_update.bl_idname, text = "Previous", icon = "TRIA_LEFT") # op0.list_offset = -1 # Update current camera op1 = buttons.operator(VF_autosave_render_batch_camera_update.bl_idname, text = "Update", icon = "FILE_REFRESH") # op1.list_offset = 0 # Switch to next camera in list if batch_count > 1: op2 = buttons.operator(VF_autosave_render_batch_camera_update.bl_idname, text = "Next", icon = "TRIA_RIGHT") # op2.list_offset = 1 # Settings for Collections if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_type == 'cols': # Collection children (no direct selection of collections currently supported) batch_count = len(context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.children) # Set up feedback message for child collections if batch_count > 0: if batch_count == 1: feedback_text=str(batch_count) + ' sub-collection available' else: feedback_text=str(batch_count) + ' sub-collections available' feedback_icon='OUTLINER_COLLECTION' # If no collections are available, display an error else: feedback_text='Invalid selection' feedback_icon='ERROR' # Display feedback feedback = feedback.label(text=feedback_text, icon=feedback_icon) # Settings for Items if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_type == 'itms': # Direct selection of items batch_count = len([obj for obj in context.selected_objects if obj.type != 'CAMERA']) # Set up feedback message for selected items if batch_count > 0: if batch_count == 1: feedback_text=str(batch_count) + ' item selected' else: feedback_text=str(batch_count) + ' items selected' feedback_icon='OBJECT_DATA' # If no items are selected, check for an active collection elif context.view_layer.active_layer_collection and len(context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects) > 0 and len([obj for obj in context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects if obj.type != 'CAMERA']) > 0: batch_count = len([obj for obj in context.view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection.all_objects if obj.type != 'CAMERA']) if batch_count == 1: feedback_text=str(batch_count) + ' item in collection' else: feedback_text=str(batch_count) + ' items in collection' feedback_icon='OUTLINER_COLLECTION' # If still no items are selected, display an error else: feedback_text='Invalid selection' feedback_icon='ERROR' # Display feedback feedback = feedback.label(text=feedback_text, icon=feedback_icon) # Settings for Images if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_type == 'imgs': # Source directory input1.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'batch_images_location', text='') # Get source folder and image count source_folder = bpy.path.abspath(context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_location) if os.path.isdir(source_folder): # Image extensions attribute is undocumented # source_images = [f for f in os.listdir(source_folder) if f.lower().endswith(tuple(bpy.path.extensions_image))] batch_count = len(source_images) feedback_text=str(batch_count) + ' images found' feedback_icon='IMAGE_DATA' else: feedback_text='Invalid location' feedback_icon='ERROR' batch_error = True feedback = feedback.label(text=feedback_text, icon=feedback_icon) # Material node assignment if and and and == 'TEX_IMAGE': target_text = 'Assign ' + + ' > ' + target_icon = 'IMPORT' else: target_text = 'Assign Image Node' target_icon = 'ERROR' input2.operator(VF_autosave_render_batch_assign_image_target.bl_idname, text=target_text) # List the assigned material node if it exists if and[context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_material].node_tree.nodes.get(context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_node): feedback_text = context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_material + ' > ' + context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_images_node feedback_icon = 'NODE' else: feedback_text = 'Select object > material > image node' feedback_icon = 'ERROR' batch_error = True feedback = feedback.label(text=feedback_text, icon=feedback_icon) # Not-really-read-only batch index and values field = layout.column(align=True) field.label(text="Batch values (set during rendering)") field.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'batch_index', text='Index', icon='MODIFIER') # PREFERENCES MODIFIER field.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'batch_factor', text='Factor', icon='MODIFIER') # PREFERENCES MODIFIER field.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'batch_random', text='Random', icon='MODIFIER') # PREFERENCES MODIFIER # Final settings and start render input3 = layout.column(align=True) # Batch range setting (still or sequence) buttons = input3.row(align=True) buttons.prop(context.scene.autosave_render_settings, 'batch_range', expand = True) # Start Batch Render button with title feedback button = input3.row(align=True) if batch_count == 0 or batch_error: = False button.enabled = False batch_text = 'Batch Render' batch_icon = 'ERROR' else: batch_text = 'Batch Render ' batch_text += str(batch_count) if context.scene.autosave_render_settings.batch_range == 'img': batch_text += ' Image' batch_icon = 'RENDER_STILL' else: batch_text += ' Animation' batch_icon = 'RENDER_ANIMATION' batch_text += 's' if batch_count > 1 else '' button.operator(VF_autosave_render_batch.bl_idname, text=batch_text, icon=batch_icon) ########################################################################### # Addon registration functions # •Define classes being registered # •Registration function # •Unregistration function classes = (AutosaveRenderPreferences, AutosaveRenderSettings, RENDER_PT_autosave_video, RENDER_PT_autosave_render, AutosaveRenderVariablePopup, AutosaveRenderCopyToClipboard, VF_autosave_render_batch_assign_image_target, VF_autosave_render_batch, VF_autosave_render_batch_camera_update, VFTOOLS_PT_autosave_batch_setup) def register(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) # Settings reference bpy.types.Scene.autosave_render_settings = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=AutosaveRenderSettings) # Rendering events # Render estimate display bpy.types.IMAGE_MT_editor_menus.append(image_viewer_feedback_display) # Variable info popup bpy.types.RENDER_PT_output.prepend(RENDER_PT_output_path_variable_list) bpy.types.RENDER_PT_output.append(RENDER_PT_total_render_time_display) bpy.types.NODE_PT_active_node_properties.prepend(NODE_PT_output_path_variable_list) ## Update FFmpeg location bpy.context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences.check_ffmpeg_location() bpy.context.preferences.addons[__name__].preferences.check_macos_say_location() def unregister(): for cls in reversed(classes): bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls) # Settings reference del bpy.types.Scene.autosave_render_settings # Rendering events # Render estimate display bpy.types.IMAGE_MT_editor_menus.remove(image_viewer_feedback_display) # Variable info popup bpy.types.RENDER_PT_output.remove(RENDER_PT_output_path_variable_list) bpy.types.RENDER_PT_output.remove(RENDER_PT_total_render_time_display) bpy.types.NODE_PT_active_node_properties.remove(NODE_PT_output_path_variable_list) if __name__ == "__main__": register()