#!/bin/bash proj=$1 #Project name, use upper case for the first letter dbhost=$2 #Database hostname. In case of database cluster use layer name sqld to ensure HA DNS RR failover. More details at: https://docs.jelastic.com/container-dns-hostnames#layer-hostnames usr=$3 #Database entry point username pswd=$4 #Database entry point password if [[ $# -lt 4 ]] ; then echo;echo Not enough arguments supplied!;echo;echo Usage: $0 Project_name db_host db_username db_password;echo;echo Use upper case for the first letter in Project_name;echo;echo Example: ./newdb-project.sh Myproject sqldb.mysqldb.jelastic.com jelastic-user jelastic-passwd;echo;exit exit 1 fi WEBROOT=/var/www/webroot mypath=$WEBROOT/ROOT/$proj envfile=$mypath/.env database=$mypath/config/database.php cd $WEBROOT/ROOT laravel new $proj #Creates new Laravel Project cd $mypath export lowercase=`echo $proj | awk '{print tolower($0)}'` #Changes Project name to lowercase mysql -u$usr -p$pswd -h$dbhost -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $lowercase;" #Changes database credentials in file: .env #sed -i "s|mysql|pgsql|g" $envfile #Uncomment this line in case of PostgreSQL database or change regexp to use other database type. By default Laravel uses MySQL database sed -i "s|^DB_HOST=*.*|DB_HOST=$dbhost|g" $envfile sed -i "s|^DB_DATABASE=*.*|DB_DATABASE=$lowercase|g" $envfile sed -i "s|^DB_USERNAME=*.*|DB_USERNAME=$usr|g" $envfile sed -i "s|^DB_PASSWORD=*.*|DB_PASSWORD=$pswd|g" $envfile #Changes database credentials in file: config/databse.php sed -i "s|'DB_HOST', ''|'DB_HOST', '$dbhost'|g" $database sed -i "s|'DB_DATABASE', 'forge'|'DB_DATABASE', '$lowercase'|g" $database sed -i "s|'DB_USERNAME', 'forge'|'DB_USERNAME', '$usr'|g" $database sed -i "s|'DB_PASSWORD', ''|'DB_PASSWORD', '$pswd'|g" $database #php artisan make:auth #Rolls out authentications system composer require laravel/ui php artisan ui vue --auth php artisan make:migration create_$lowercase\_table --create=$lowercase #Prepares migration lastletter='s' #To create a table name the project name should be changed to plural adding s letter tablename=$lowercase$lastletter sed -i "s|$lowercase|$tablename|g" $mypath/database/migrations/*$lowercase_table.php #Adds more fields to table structure such as title, url and description sed -i "s|\$table->bigIncrements('id');|\$table->bigIncrements('id');\n\$table->string('title');\n\$table->string('url');\n\$table->text('description');|g" $mypath/database/migrations/*$lowercase_table.php #Generates model factory files that allow to generate fake data that we'll use to fill our database php artisan make:model --factory $proj sed -i "s|\/\/|'title' => substr(\$faker->sentence(2), 0, -1),\n'url' => \$faker->url,\n'description' => \$faker->paragraph,|g" $mypath/database/factories/$proj\Factory.php #Fills out the table with fake data###### php artisan make:seeder $proj\TableSeeder sed -i "s|\/\/|factory(App\\\\$proj::class, 5)->create();|g" $mypath/database/seeds/$proj\TableSeeder.php sed -i "s|\/\/ \$this->call(UsersTableSeeder::class);|\$this->call($proj\TableSeeder::class);|g" $mypath/database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php php artisan migrate:refresh --seed ######################################### #Reads fake data from the table for testing to make sure the data were inserted into the table mysql -u$usr -p$pswd -h$dbhost -e "select * from $lowercase.$tablename\G;" #Next code block is related to displaying the fake generated data stored in the table and updates the table with data we want(Jelastic related links) #Replaces content of routes/web.php######### rm -f $mypath/routes/web.php #Updates a root route by getting a collection of urls from the table and passing them to be displayed cat << EOF >> $mypath/routes/web.php \$links]); }); EOF ########################################### #Updates welcome page to show all the urls read from the table sed -n '/|
\n@foreach (\$links as \$link)\nurl }}\">{{ \$link->title }}\n@endforeach|g" $mypath/resources/views/welcome.blade1.php mv $mypath/resources/views/welcome.blade1.php $mypath/resources/views/welcome.blade.php #Submit and Insert routes are added cat << EOF >> $mypath/routes/web.php Route::get('/submit', function () { return view('insertForm'); }); Route::post('/insert', 'Controller@insert'); EOF #Creates an Insert Form template in the simple HTML style with Jelastic related predefined useful links cat << EOF >> $mypath/resources/views/insertForm.blade.php Laravel links update
Edit links and press Replace
{{ csrf_field() }}
{{ csrf_field() }}

EOF #Rewrites Controller to recreate table before insert new data cat << EOF > $mypath/app/Http/Controllers/Controller.php input('title1'); \$url1 = \$req->input('url1'); \$description1 = \$req->input('description1'); \$title2 = \$req->input('title2'); \$url2 = \$req->input('url2'); \$description2 = \$req->input('description2'); \$title3 = \$req->input('title3'); \$url3 = \$req->input('url3'); \$description3 = \$req->input('description3'); \$title4 = \$req->input('title4'); \$url4 = \$req->input('url4'); \$description4 = \$req->input('description4'); \$title5 = \$req->input('title5'); \$url5 = \$req->input('url5'); \$description5 = \$req->input('description5'); DB::table("$tablename")->delete(); \$data1 = array("title"=>\$title1,"url"=>\$url1,"description"=>\$description1); DB::table("$tablename")->insert(\$data1); \$data2 = array("title"=>\$title2,"url"=>\$url2,"description"=>\$description2); DB::table("$tablename")->insert(\$data2); \$data3 = array("title"=>\$title3,"url"=>\$url3,"description"=>\$description3); DB::table("$tablename")->insert(\$data3); \$data4 = array("title"=>\$title4,"url"=>\$url4,"description"=>\$description4); DB::table("$tablename")->insert(\$data4); \$data5 = array("title"=>\$title5,"url"=>\$url5,"description"=>\$description5); DB::table("$tablename")->insert(\$data5); return redirect('/'); } } EOF #Adds "Replace" link to the welcome page that leads to Insert Form sed -i "s| \+Laravel|\tLaravel\n\t

Replace links


|g" $mypath/resources/views/welcome.blade.php echo echo -e "Open in browser \\033[1;32m\033[1mhttp://${HOSTNAME}/$proj/public\033[0m\\033[0;39m " echo