jpsType: install jpsVersion: '1.7.2' id: wordpress name: WordPress Standalone Kit categories: - apps/blogs - apps/content-management - apps/wordpress logo: homepage: description: text: WordPress Standalone with built-in kit for choosing optimal application servers and a set of advanced features for running websites and blogs. WordPress CMS deployed as a lightweight standalone container with minimal allocated resources for cost efficiency. short: WordPress Standalone with built-in kit for choosing optimal application servers and a set of advanced features for running websites and blogs baseUrl: onBeforeInit: /scripts/beforeInit.js?_r=${fn.random} onBeforeInstall: /scripts/beforeInstall.js?_r=${fn.random} nodes: definedInOnBeforeInstall skipNodeEmails: true settings: fields: - caption: PHP version type: list name: php_engine default: php8.3 required: true width: 225 values: - value: php8.3 caption: PHP 8.3 - value: php8.2 caption: PHP 8.2 - value: php8.1 caption: PHP 8.1 - value: php8.0 caption: PHP 8.0 - caption: Advanced Features type: displayfield name: displayfield markup: - caption: Install LiteSpeed High-Performance Web Server type: checkbox name: ls-addon value: true disabled: false tooltip: "If this option is disabled, the cluster will be installed using NGINX load balancer and application servers" showIf: true: - caption: WordPress Brute Force Attack Protection type: checkbox name: wp_protect value: true disabled: false tooltip: "Secure WordPress Admin Panel with LiteSpeed Brute Force Protection that limits failed login attempts. Default action is Throttle and number of allowed attempts is 100" - caption: Web Application Firewall type: checkbox name: waf value: true disabled: false tooltip: "Protect web sites with LiteSpeed built-in WAF based on Free ModSecurity Rules from Comodo" false: - caption: WordPress Brute Force Attack Protection type: checkbox name: wp_protect value: false disabled: true tooltip: "Secure WordPress Admin Panel with LiteSpeed Brute Force Protection that limits failed login attempts. Default action is Throttle and number of allowed attempts is 100" - caption: Web Application Firewall type: checkbox name: waf value: false disabled: true tooltip: "Protect web sites with LiteSpeed built-in WAF based on Free ModSecurity Rules from Comodo" - caption: Install Let's Encrypt SSL with Auto-Renewal type: checkbox name: le-addon value: true disabled: false tooltip: "Advanced integration with Let's Encrypt certificate authority that simplifies and automates the process of issuing, configuring and updating trusted custom SSL certificates." - caption: Install Lightning-Fast Premium CDN type: checkbox name: cdn-addon value: true disabled: false tooltip: "Jelastic CDN is an HTTP/3 premium content delivery network of 160+ Super PoPs (points of presence) with bandwidth capacity up to 115 Tbps, advanced caching and acceleration strategies based on best-in-class IP Anycast technology." - caption: Install WordPress Multisite Network type: checkbox name: mu-addon value: false disabled: false tooltip: "Multisite is a type of WordPress installation that allows you to create and manage a network of multiple websites from a single WordPress dashboard. This lets you easily make changes and keep all of your websites updated from one place." - caption: Install WooCommerce type: checkbox name: woocommerce value: false disabled: false tooltip: "WooCommerce is a free open-source e-commerce plugin designed specifically for WordPress. This is a great platform for a store of any size." - type: displayfield hideLabel: true hidden: true name: bl_count markup: mixins: - - /scripts/common.yml globals: isSingleDeploy: ${settings.isSingleDeploy:true} WP_CLUSTER_PATH: DB_USER: ${settings.DB_USER:user-[fn.random]} DB_PASS: ${settings.DB_PASS:[fn.password(10)]} DB_HOST: PROTOCOL: http WP_ADMIN_PASS: ${settings.WP_ADMIN_PASS:[fn.password(10)]} SUCCESS: default onInstall: - addLimits - addMetadata - initLEsettings - setupNode: nodeId: cp - if (${globals.isSingleDeploy}): - setProtocol - setDomain - createUserDB - installWordpress - if (${}): installMultisite - if (${settings.le-addon:false}): - installLEaddon - setupLEdomain - if (${settings.cdn-addon:false}): - installCDN - setupCDN - if (${settings.woocommerce:false}): installWoocommerce - install: - jps: /scripts/events.jps?_r=${fn.random} - jps: ${globals.WP_CLUSTER_PATH}/scripts/addons.jps?_r=${fn.random} - if ('${settings.success_email}' != 'false'): - return: type: success message: /success/text/success-${globals.SUCCESS}.md?_r=${fn.random} email: /success/email/success-${nodes.cp.master.nodeType}-${globals.SUCCESS}.md?_r=${fn.random} actions: addLimits: - env.control.ApplyNodeGroupData[cp]: data: validation : maxCount: 1 addMetadata: script: | var metadata = { project: "${settings.project:default}", projectScope: "${settings.projectScope:production}" }; return api.env.control.ApplyEnvProperty ? api.env.control.ApplyEnvProperty('${}', session, metadata) : api.env.control.ApplyNodeGroupData('${}', session, 'cp', metadata); setProtocol: - script: | return { result:0, ssl: jelastic.billing.account.GetQuotas('environment.jelasticssl.enabled').array[0].value } - if (${response.ssl} || ${settings.le-addon:false}): setGlobals: PROTOCOL: https setDomain: - script: ${globals.WP_CLUSTER_PATH}/scripts/idna.js domains: ${env.domain} - setGlobals: DOMAIN: ${} installLEaddon: - install:${fn.random} nodeGroup: cp skipEmail: true settings: test: false skipEmail: true fallbackToX1: true withExtIp: ${globals.isExtIP} initLEsettings: - script: | return { result:0, extIP: Boolean(jelastic.billing.account.GetQuotas('environment.externalip.enabled').array[0].value) } - setGlobals: isExtIP: ${response.extIP} - cmd[cp]: |- [ ! -d /var/lib/jelastic/keys/letsencrypt ] && mkdir -p /var/lib/jelastic/keys/letsencrypt; echo "webroot=true" > /var/lib/jelastic/keys/letsencrypt/settings-custom; echo "webrootPath=/var/www/webroot/ROOT" >> /var/lib/jelastic/keys/letsencrypt/settings-custom; echo "test=false" >> /var/lib/jelastic/keys/letsencrypt/settings-custom; echo "withExtIp=${globals.isExtIP}" >> /var/lib/jelastic/keys/letsencrypt/settings-custom; user: root setupLEdomain: - cmd[cp]: |- source /opt/letsencrypt/settings; bash ~/bin/ --url https://${domain}; installCDN: - install:${fn.random} nodeGroup: cp skipEmail: true settings: note: ${settings.noteCDN:} setupCDN: - script: return"c05ffa5b45628a2a0c95467ebca8a0b4", session, "", {partnerCode:1}) - setGlobals: CDN_URL: ${globals.PROTOCOL}://${env.envName}-${response.response.partnerCode} CDN: ${env.envName}-${response.response.partnerCode} SUCCESS: cdn - install: ${globals.WP_CLUSTER_PATH}/scripts/setupCDN.jps installMultisite: - install: ${globals.WP_CLUSTER_PATH}/addons/multisite.jps installWordpress: - install: ${globals.WP_CLUSTER_PATH}/scripts/installWP.jps settings: db_host: ${globals.DB_HOST} db_user: ${globals.DB_USER} db_pass: ${globals.DB_PASS} redis_host: /var/run/redis/redis.sock redis_port: 0 wp_admin_pass: ${globals.WP_ADMIN_PASS} wp_title: "Hello World" wp_url: ${globals.PROTOCOL}://${globals.DOMAIN}/ cluster: false setupNode: - log: OPTIMIZATION - install:${fn.random} settings: targetGroup: cp targetNodes: ${this.nodeId} optimization: wordpress createUserDB: - log: Create user for DataBase - cmd [cp]: |- wget ${baseUrl}/configs/sqldb/wordpress.cnf -O /etc/mysql/conf.d/wordpress.cnf &>> /var/log/run.log; wget -O ~/ &>> /var/log/run.log; bash ~/ ${globals.DB_USER} ${globals.DB_PASS} &>> /var/log/run.log; jem passwd set -p ${globals.DB_PASS} &>> /var/log/run.log; user: root installWoocommerce: cmd[${}]: |- wp plugin install woocommerce --version=${globals.version_woocommerce} --activate --path=/var/www/webroot/ROOT &>> /var/log/run.log; startPage: ${env.url}