#Makey Makey Survey Game! #Written by Jennifer Fox <jenfoxbot@gmail.com> '''---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * "THE COFFEE-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * <jenfoxbot@gmail.com> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a coffee in return. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' from __future__ import print_function import subprocess #Create/Open file to store survey results file = open('SurveyResults.txt', 'a') #Matrix to store questions -- change/add questions to customize your survey questions = ['What is your favorite mythical creature?', 'What is your favorite breakfast?', 'What is your favorite subject in school?'] #Dictionary to store question choices -- change/add responses for each question. #Change dictionary keys to reflect Makey Makey header pin letter assignments choices = [{'w' : 'Dragon, duh', 'a' : 'Unicorn forever!', 's' : 'Hippogriff, because why', 'd' : 'Do faeries count?', 'f' : 'Yoda, me choose'}, {'w': 'Toast!', 'a': 'Eggs & Bacon', 's': 'Pancakes', 'd': 'Oatmeal', 'f': 'Bagel and cream cheese'}, {'w': 'Science/Math!', 'a': 'Art/Music!', 's' : 'English/Writing', 'd': 'History/Philosophy', 'f': 'All of them!'}] #Ask survey question and print choices, take response, return reponse def takeVote(questionNum, questions, choices): message = format('Question %s: %s \n Choices: %s. \n (Push "submit" after selection) \n' %(questionNum, questions, sorted(choices.values()))) vote = getValidInput(message, choices.keys()) return choices[vote] #Require user to validate survey choice (prevents random inputs) def checkVote(vote): print('Your vote is: ', vote, '\n') #Reprogram two Makey Makey into 'y' and 'n' keys, or switch key codes to correspond to existing Makey Makey assignments (e.g. 'g' or ' ') response = getValidInput('Is this correct? Please select the "yes" or "no" touch pads, then push "submit". ', ['y', 'n']) if response == 'y': print('Success!! \n You have voted for: ', vote, '\n Next question loading...', end = '\n\n') return True elif response == 'n': print('Resetting choice...', end = '\n\n') return False #Function ensures that user inputs a valid response def getValidInput(message, valid_inputs): while True: response = input(message) if len(response) == 0: print('Whoops! Something broke.. Try again!', end = '\n\n') elif response[0] in valid_inputs: return response[0] else: print('Sorry -- Your selection is not possible. Please try again.', end = '\n\n') #Run the survey -- cycle through each question and corresponding choices, log user response if user validates choice. def takeSurvey(): print('Welcome to the Survey Game! Please choose your survey responses using the objects in front of you, then push "submit".', end = '\n\n') #For each question, take a vote for i, question in enumerate(questions): vote = takeVote(i+1, questions[i], choices[i]) #For each vote, check user validation -- if False (aka "no"), re-ask same question while not checkVote(vote): vote = takeVote(i+1, questions[i], choices[i]) file.write(questions[i] + '\t' + vote + '\n') def main(): print('Makey Makey Survey Game. \n Designed by Jennifer Fox <jenfoxbot@gmail.com>', end = '\n\n') try: while True: takeSurvey() except KeyboardInterrupt: file.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main() file.close()