--- tags: meeting, infrastructure project: infrastructure --- # 2021-07-06 [:movie_camera:](https://zoom.us/j/92454301214?pwd=aEVoUi9EanpaakN3L1ZxRlpDQk5Ddz09) [:calendar:](https://jenkins.io/event-calendar/) [:speech_balloon:](https://jenkins.io/chat/#jenkins-infra) [:email:](https://groups.google.com/g/jenkins-infra) [:pencil:](https://hackmd.io/aB8M0bZHRoG4HgLblK7sJQ) ## Attendees * @olblak * @dduportal * @MarkEWaite * Aditya ## Announcement :loudspeaker: 1. / ## Notes :book: * JFrog Incident? * Unable to move new security release into final location * Daniel applied a workaround to show the new security release * Created a virtual maven repository that wrapped the real repository and security repository * JFrog discussion ongoing (is there a location where we can see upcoming upgrades and outages) * Requested that we send email to support@jfrog.com in future * Open a support request with them to ask how we could be notified of upgrades * Docker image builds were delayed * Trusted + CI.j stabilization: :white_check_mark: * Have not had a major incident in the last two weeks * Fixes operating as expected * Thanks to all who assisted including Daniel & Tim * Updatecli: issue with ghcr blocked the k8s management * Let's wait: it's summer, no emergency, and @olblak is releasing a fix soon * jenkinsci/docker * Multi Arch controller images: [issues#1139](https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/issues/1139) * Tests Framework cleanup + parallelization * Significant performance improvement with `buildx` and `bake` * Test cleanup in progress as well * Puppet (jenkins-infra/jenkins-infra) * archives.jenkins.io transition from Rackspace * Arm infrastructure works well on Oracle cloud * Need to run Ubuntu 20.04 to use Arm on Oracle cloud * Gem update being evaluated for Ubuntu 20.04 * Other infra currently running Ubuntu 18.04 * Can puppet modules be tracked with Dependabot or updatecli? * OV: Not at the moment * Using Vagrant with Docker provider for tests? * Considering ways to test puppet changes without deploy to prod * Previously created PR's from staging to master * Will add tests to assure we can deploy pull requests * CI.j: agent as code * @dduportal working on this * Terraform 1.0: if we got time this week, otherwise later this month * @dduportal proposing upgrades one repository at a time * Tool installer metadata issue [JENKINS-60229](https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-60229) - @MarkEWaite * Metadata signature check failing for Allure plugin * No sha256 data in the JSON for Allure plugin * Other installers seem to include sha256 in the JSON * What is the flow of data and checks for tool installers? * Evaluating a move away from Google Analytics to other service * Plausible overran quota quickly * Matomo prototype started by Gavin Mogan [link](https://jenkins-matomo.do.g4v.dev) * See [Discourse topic](https://community.jenkins.io/t/analytics-for-plugins-jenkins-io-matomo/169) ## Action Points :muscle: * Publish Video on youtube - @olblak * Publish notes on jenkins-infra/documentation @olblak Next meeting note - [2021-07-13](https://hackmd.io/yXH7xGiiQkqLwS7R1TjW5A)