# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY ON GITHUB IF YOU HAVE COMMIT ACCESS # ALL CHANGES MUST GO THROUGH PULL REQUESTS # MALFORMED FILE CONTENTS WILL BREAK THE SITE BUILD - version: "2.47" date: 2017-02-19 changes: - type: bug message: > Update Groovy to 2.4.8 to address memory leak issue. Do not use this version if you are running Pipeline builds unless you also update Pipeline: Groovy to 2.28 or higher. references: - issue: 33358 - issue: 42189 - type: bug message: Windows service restart did not retain build queue. issue: 32820 - type: bug message: Exceptions during Jenkins cleanup step should not block restart. issue: 42164 - type: rfe message: Upgrade Remoting to version 3.5. references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#35 title: full changelog - type: bug message: > Remoting 3.5: Remoting clients now accept lowercase (HTTP 2) headers sent by reverse proxies. issue: 40710 - type: rfe message: > Remoting 3.5: Add option to specify the Remoting protocol to use on the client. issue: 41730 - type: bug message: > Remoting 3.5: Stability improvements. references: - issue: 41513 - issue: 41852 - type: bug message: > Developer: Snapshot builds of plugins that had dependencies on other snapshot builds were not having their version numbers compared correctly. issue: 41899 # Not noting PR 847 because it doesn't look significant enough # Neither are PRs 2724, 2755, 2753, 2742, 2749, 2747 - version: "2.48" date: 2017-02-26 changes: - type: rfe message: > Upgrade Apache Commons Collections to version 3.2.2. Note: Jenkins has been using a denylist to prevent exploiting the serialization vulnerability in 3.2.1 since before 3.2.2 was released. issue: 31598 pull: 2761 - type: rfe message: Use redirect URLs on jenkins.io instead of linking to wiki pages directly, allowing future reorganization of documentation without breaking links in Jenkins. pull: 2756 - type: bug message: Fix performance issue in deduplication of lists of tool installers. issue: 42141 pull: 2752 - type: bug message: Use of the remote API to create items in views (/view/…/createItem) didn't actually add items to views since Jenkins 2.22. issue: 41128 pull: 2760 - type: bug message: > Do not display a warning when an SCM trigger has no schedules (either to disable SCM post-commit hooks, or to enable them without polling). issue: 42194 pull: 2758 - type: rfe message: > Developer: Allow referencing radio buttons in f:validateButton validation methods. pull: 2734 - version: "2.49" date: 2017-03-05 changes: - type: bug message: Do not attempt to find the next occurrence of an impossible date such as June 31st in validation of trigger schedules. issue: 41864 pull: 2759 - type: bug message: Remove invalid translations in Slovene. issue: 41756 pull: 2767 - version: "2.50" date: 2017-03-11 changes: - type: rfe message: > Allow searching by build parameter values in the Build History widget. issue: 40718 pull: 2683 - type: rfe message: > Searching in the Build History widget takes into account user preferences (case sensitivity by default). pull: 2683 - type: rfe message: > When creating temporary files, use the jenkins prefix instead of the old hudson one. pull: 2778 - type: bug message: > Fix relative links in the SCM polling administrative monitor. pull: 2780 - type: bug message: > Update Remoting from 3.5 to 3.7 in order to prevent file descriptor leaks on agents in the case of multiple connection attempts. references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#37 title: full changelog issue: 42371 pull: 2773 - type: major rfe message: > Upgrade the Windows Agent Installer module from 1.6 to 1.7. This change picks major updates in Windows service management logic. This fix caused a critical regression in the WMI Windows Agents Plugin (JENKINS-42724). Update to WMI Windows Agents 1.3.1 in order to get the fix applied. references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#17 title: full changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module#upgrading-old-agents title: guide to upgrading old Windows service agents pull: 2765 - type: major rfe message: > Windows services: Upgrade the bundled Windows Service Wrapper from 1.18 to 2.0.2. references: - url: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md title: full changelog pull: 2765 - type: rfe message: > Windows services: Enable Runaway Process Killer by default in new agent and controller installations. issue: 39231 pull: 2765 - type: rfe message: > Windows services: Enable auto-upgrade of Remoting on newly installed agents if they are connected by HTTPS. issue: 39237 pull: 2765 - type: rfe message: > Windows services: Add support of shared directories mapping in Windows agent services. references: - url: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/doc/extensions/sharedDirectoryMapper.md title: Shared Directory Mapper documentation issue: 23487 pull: 2765 - type: rfe message: > Windows services: Change the default Agent service display name prefix to Jenkins agent %ID%. issue: 42468 pull: 2765 - type: bug message: > Windows services: Prevent agent connection reset issues when WinSW gets terminated due to the system shutdown. issue: 22692 pull: 2765 - type: bug message: > Windows services: Integrate various stability and performance fixes in Windows Service Wrapper from 1.18 to 2.0.2. There are many fixes around configuration options and process termination. pull: 2765 references: - url: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md title: full changelog - type: bug message: > Prevent file descriptor leaks when Windows Service installer fails to read data from the service startup log. issue: 42670 pull: 2793 - type: rfe message: > Select controls in Jenkins Web UI now show the spinner icon while waiting for the list of possible options during AJAX. requests. issue: 42443 pull: 2771 - type: rfe message: > Improve plugin access performance in the default PluginManager implementation. issue: 42585 pull: 2769 - type: rfe message: > Internal API: Allow providing a custom task name in Run/Schedule UI via the AlternativeUiTextProvider extension. issue: 34522 pull: 2772 - type: bug message: Search results page did not correctly encode query parameters. issue: 42390 pull: 2781 - version: "2.51" date: 2017-03-19 changes: - type: major bug pull: 2803 issue: 42724 message: Restore WMI Windows Agents Plugin 1.2 compatibility by restoring windows-service/jenkins.xml, regression in 2.50. - type: rfe pull: 2796 message: > SSHD 1.10: Move SSH server port configuration to security options page. - type: rfe message: Update Russian localization. pull: 2798 - type: rfe message: Update French localization. issue: 42627 pull: 2787 - type: bug message: > Internal: Make sure system threads run as SYSTEM. issue: 42556 pull: 2792 - type: rfe message: > Internal API: Add the ability for ItemListener to veto copy operations. issue: 34691 pull: 2782 - type: bug message: > Internal API: Make Run#compareTo work across jobs. issue: 42319 pull: 2762 - type: rfe message: > Internal API: Save Jenkins after calling setSecurityRealm or setAuthorizationStrategy. pull: 2790 - type: rfe message: > Internal API: Annotate PermissionGroup#owner @Nonnull. pull: 2805 - version: "2.52" date: 2017-03-26 changes: - type: bug message: Computer#addAction would throw an UnsupportedOperationException since Jenkins 2.30. Such a call site was released in SSH Build Agents Plugin 1.15 for SECURITY-161. references: - issue: 42969 - url: /security/advisory/2017-03-20/ title: security advisory including SECURITY-161 pull: 2819 - type: rfe message: Update German localization. pull: 2777 - type: rfe message: > Remove localizations with very low coverage: Albanian, Basque, Belarusian, Bengali, Esperanto, Galician, Georgian, Gujarati, Hindi, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Kannada, Macedonian, Marathi, Mongolian, Occitan, Punjabi, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu, Thai. pull: 2813 - version: "2.53" date: 2017-04-02 changes: - type: major bug message: > Update to Windows Service Wrapper 2.0.3 and Windows Agent Installer 1.8 to prevent conversion of environment variables to lowercase in the agent executable, regression in Jenkins 2.50. pull: 2826 references: - issue: 42744 - url: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#203 title: WinSW Changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#18 title: Windows Agent Installer changelog - type: rfe message: > GC Performance: Avoid using FileInputStream and FileOutputStream in the core codebase. references: - url: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8080225 title: JDK-8080225 - issue: 42934 pull: 2816 - type: bug message: > Packaging: Do not invoke recursive chown in JENKINS_HOME during the RPM post-install step unless owned by a different user. issue: 23273 - type: rfe issue: 34670 pull: 2445 message: > Internal API: Add support of a new full screen mode in layout.jelly. - version: "2.54" date: 2017-04-09 changes: # Not notable PRs: 2833, 2830, and 2519 were just internal cleanup; #2832 a very minor localization change - type: major rfe message: > Jenkins (controller and agents) now requires Java 8 to run. references: - issue: 27624 - issue: 42709 - pull: 2802 - url: /blog/2017/04/10/jenkins-has-upgraded-to-java-8/ title: announcement blog post - type: major rfe message: > Non-Remoting-based CLI. references: - issue: 41745 - pull: 2795 - url: /blog/2017/04/11/new-cli/ title: announcement blog post - type: rfe message: > Disable SSH server by default. issue: 33595 - type: rfe message: > Use case-insensitive search by default for new and anonymous users. pull: 2801 issue: 42645 - type: bug message: > Introduce status indicator for skipped download job. issue: 40848 pull: 2705 - type: bug message: > Properly handle saving system configuration when disabling all, or all but one, administrative monitors. issue: 42852 pull: 2828 - type: bug message: > When validating a cron expression, consider the specified time zone. pull: 2824 issue: 43228 - version: "2.55" date: 2017-04-15 changes: - type: major bug message: > Packaging: Debian package now requires Java 8. (causes regression since 2.54). issue: 43495 - type: rfe message: > Added fine-grain logging of FullDuplexHttpService to diagnose issues when establishing an HTTP Duplex connection. pull: 2481 - type: bug message: > Update LibZFS from 0.5 to 0.8 to fix compatibility issues with ZFS filesystem and illumos distributions. issue: 41932 pull: 2776 - type: bug message: > Before deleting jobs, try to abort the running builds. Error will be thrown instead of the job deletion if its builds cannot be aborted. issue: 35160 pull: 2789 - type: bug message: > Ensure that Cloud.PROVISION is properly initialized during the configuration loading. issue: 43279 pull: 2835 - type: bug message: > Fix log message formatting when migrating AllView names due to JENKINS-38606". issue: 43611 pull: 2821 - type: bug message: > Setup wizard gets into bad state when failures like network issues happen. issue: 41778 pull: 2825 - type: bug message: > Catch and log RuntimeException in Computer#setNode() when updating the Computer list. issue: 42043 pull: 2836 - type: bug message: > SSH CLI client authenticator 1.4. Add missing SSH Public Key field validation in user configuration. issue: 16337 pull: 2840 - type: rfe message: > Internal API: SSH CLI client authenticator 1.3. Expose PublicKeySignatureWriter to plugins. pull: 2840 - version: "2.56" date: 2017-04-23 changes: - type: bug message: > Plugins did not expect InvalidPathException to be thrown in file-related methods, so wrap them in IOException to restore behavior (regression in 2.55). issue: 43531 pull: 2849 - type: bug message: > Remove links in stack traces to the stacktrace.jenkins-ci.org service that has been shut down. issue: 42861 pull: 2811 - type: bug message: > If an exception is thrown while rendering an HTTP response, just log the stack trace on the server side, without trying to send an error page to the client. issue: 21695 pull: 2834 - type: bug message: > Prevent NullPointerException when a non-existent default view is specified in Configure System. issue: 42717 pull: 2815 - type: bug message: > Deleting jobs with running builds could result in NullPointerException (regression in 2.55). issue: 43653 pull: 2854 # PR 2856: Not worth noting - version: "2.57" date: 2017-04-26 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2017-04-26/ title: security advisory - version: "2.58" date: 2017-04-30 changes: - type: rfe message: Use build display names in RSS feed titles. pull: 2845 - type: rfe message: > Update the Trilead SSH library to get support of new Mac, Key, and Key Exchange Algorithms. references: - issue: 33021 - issue: 26379 - issue: 31549 pull: 2848 - type: rfe message: > Migrate legacy users only once per restart to improve performance of the user retrieval logic. pull: 2862 issue: 43936 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Pick up the latest release of version-number library. pull: 2851 issue: 43733 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Refactor ProcessTree.Windows logic to propagate errors. pull: 2859 issue: 43825 - version: "2.59" date: 2017-05-07 changes: - type: major bug message: Move to latest version of Trilead to fix SSH connection issues following a previous Trilead upgrade. references: - issue: 42959 - issue: 43979 - issue: 44046 pull: 2872 - type: rfe message: Prevent Internet Explorer from caching AJAX requests using Cache-Control header. pull: 2861 issue: 43929 - type: bug message: Properly fail with error when updating view with CLI using input of a different view type. pull: 2804 issue: 42728 - type: bug message: > Fix AccessDeniedException in "Build after other projects are built" when user has Discover permission but not Read. issue: 42707 pull: 2846 - type: bug message: Properly log failure due to empty archive in Pipeline. issue: 38005 pull: 2823 - type: bug message: Prevent rare NullPointerException if an admin user is created in the setup wizard after first disabling CSRF protection. pull: 2868 issue: 44010 # not notable: # Do not load detached plugins during tests #2829 # Improved OldDataMonitorTest.unlocatableRun #2860 # Indicate the actual protocol being served by TcpSlaveAgentListener #2863 # Suppressing test flakiness #2871 - version: "2.60" date: 2017-05-10 changes: - type: rfe message: > Update to Windows Service Wrapper 2.1.0 to support new features: download command with authentication, flag for startup failure on download error, Delayed Automatic Start mode. issue: 43737 pull: 2870 - type: rfe message: > Windows services: Add system property that allows disabling WinSW automatic upgrade on agents. pull: 2870 references: - issue: 43603 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module#disabling-automatic-upgrade title: more information - type: bug message: > Windows services: Restore compatibility of the WindowsSlaveInstaller#generateSlaveXml() method (regression in 2.50, no known external usages). issue: 42745 pull: 2870 - type: bug message: > Windows services: Prevent fatal file descriptor leak when agent service installer fails to read data from the service startup.log. issue: 43930 pull: 2870 - type: bug message: > Use full display name for runs in RSS feed to restore the project name there (regression in 2.59). issue: 44117 pull: 2878 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Generalize the changelog API to support non-AbstractBuild run types. issue: 24141 pull: 2730 - version: "2.61" date: 2017-05-14 changes: - type: major rfe message: > Upgrade Groovy from 2.4.8 to 2.4.11. references: - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.9.html title: Groovy 2.4.9 changelog - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.10.html title: Groovy 2.4.10 changelog - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.11.html title: Groovy 2.4.11 changelog # pull: 2814 - type: major rfe message: > Integration of Winstone 4.0: Upgrade bundled Jetty from 9.2.15.v20160210 to 9.4.5.v20170502. This removes support for the deprecated SPDY protocol. The --spdy parameter has been removed accordingly and Jenkins may refuse to start if it's set. pull: 2850 issue: 43713 references: - title: full changelog url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#40" - type: bug message: > Jetty 9.4.5: Prevent the 400 Bad Host header error for HttpChannelOverHttp when operating behind reverse proxy. pull: 2850 references: - issue: 40693 - title: corresponding Jetty issue url: "https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/issues/592" - type: rfe message: > Update the Mailer plugin version installed when updating from very old Jenkins releases to include the fix for SECURITY-372, the SSH Build Agents plugin for SECURITY-161, and the Script Security plugin for SECURITY-258. references: - url: /security/advisory/2017-03-20/ title: SECURITY-372 - url: /security/advisory/2017-03-20/ title: SECURITY-161 - url: /security/advisory/2016-04-11/ title: SECURITY-258 # pull: 2817 - type: rfe message: Freestyle projects may now list Pipeline jobs as downstream and trigger them, without needing to use the Parameterized Trigger plugin or reverse triggers ("Build after other projects are built"). issue: 28113 pull: 2873 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Define enabling/disabling in ParameterizedJob rather than AbstractProject. issue: 27299 pull: 2866 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Offer default methods on ParameterizedJob to have less boilerplate code. pull: 2864 # pull 2884: too minor (Javadoc) - version: "2.62" date: 2017-05-21 changes: - type: rfe message: > Fixed Pipeline compatibility for a number of CLI commands (delete-builds, list-changes, console, set-build-description, and set-build-display-name), as well as some issues affecting error reporting in other commands when used with Pipeline. pull: 2874 references: - issue: 30785 - issue: 41527 - type: rfe message: > If you have the Authorize Project plugin installed and configured, its configuration will now be treated as final with respect to the behavior of Job/Build checks from Build other projects and Build after other projects are built. Formerly, if a Per-project configurable Build Authorization was enabled globally but some projects did not specify an Authorization, the two aforementioned checks would automatically fall back to checking as anonymous (typically denying build permission). To restore the former behavior, explicitly configure a Project default Build Authorization to be Run as anonymous. Note that this will affect all build-scoped permission checks, including for example Agent/Build. issue: 22949 pull: 2881 - type: rfe message: > Internal API: Tasks.getAuthenticationOf now honors authentication contributed by QueueItemAuthenticatorProvider extensions. pull: 2880 - type: rfe message: > Update WinP from 1.24 to 1.25 to improve performance and diagnostics of issues like JENKINS-30782. pull: 2893 references: - title: full changelog url: "https://github.com/kohsuke/winp/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#125" - type: bug message: > Fix for NullPointerException while initiating some SSH connections (regression in 2.59). issue: 44120 pull: 2888 - type: bug message: > Prevent StackOverflowError in log recorder when Winstone-Jetty debug logging is enabled. (regression in 2.61) pull: 2894 references: - issue: 44330 - title: corresponding Jetty issue url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/issues/1563 # pull 2879: too minor (interface default methods to get rid of internal hackery) # pull 2306 too minor and irrelevant for default Jenkins - version: "2.63" date: 2017-05-28 changes: [] - version: "2.64" date: 2017-06-04 changes: - type: rfe message: > Moved agent port and protocol configuration out of "security" (authentication and authorization) block in Configure Global Security. issue: 4478 pull: 2900 - type: rfe message: > Add section headers for Markup Formatter and CSRF Protection in Configure Global Security form to make these options more obvious. pull: 2900 - type: rfe message: > Use one-column layout for REST API documentation (.../api URLs). pull: 2905 issue: 44563 - type: bug message: > Update jnr-posix from 3.0.1 to 3.0.41 to pick up improvements and fixes in the POSIX platforms support. pull: 2904 - type: bug message: > Jenkins failed to perform some cleanup tasks, including saving the build queue, if stopped via REST /exit, CLI shutdown, or when restarting from Install as Windows Service. pull: 2908 issue: 44589 - type: bug message: > Don't check whether disabled administrative monitors are active or not on the Manage Jenkins page. issue: 44608 pull: 2909 - type: bug message: > Do not submit form when pressing Enter in the plugin manager's filter field. pull: 2902 issue: 44523 - type: rfe message: > Plugin Development: Jenkins now no longer publishes a war-for-test artifact. Plugins using this or a later version of Jenkins as baseline need to use plugin parent POM 2.30 or later. pull: 2899 issue: 24064 # pull: 2901 too minor: Annotate Launcher and LauncherDecorator methods # pull: 2906 too minor: Make functional tests a little quieter so we can focus on test output rather than boilerplate logging # pull: 2907 too minor: Noting functionality which really ought to have been factored out into external-monitor-job but could not be - version: "2.65" date: 2017-06-11 changes: - type: bug message: > Prevent NullPointerException when calling restart CLI command (regression in 2.57). issue: 44769 pull: 2912 - type: major bug message: > Packaging: Docker alpine image had a Jenkins-incompatible JDK installation (regression in 2.64). references: - issue: 44733 - title: corresponding Alpine Linux issue url: https://bugs.alpinelinux.org/issues/7372 - version: "2.66" date: 2017-06-18 changes: - type: bug message: > When starting the jenkins.war directly, properly check for Java 8 as minimum instead of Java 7 before proceeding. issue: 44764 pull: 2917 - type: rfe message: > Allow overriding the Jenkins session ID suffix so it doesn't change on every restart, possibly resulting in too many cookies. pull: 2917 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/extras-executable-war#jetty-session-ids title: how to set session ID - issue: 25046 - issue: 44894 - type: bug message: > Fix resource loading in plugins using the PluginFirstClassLoader, e.g. loading Groovy classes from plugin resources. pull: 2916 issue: 44898 - type: bug message: > Prevent possible NullPointerException when listing remote directories using the FilePath#list() and FilePath#listDirectories() APIs. pull: 2914 issue: 44942 - version: "2.67" date: 2017-06-25 changes: - type: rfe message: > Enable simpler syntax for upstream build trigger in pipelines. issue: 34464 pull: 2895 - type: rfe message: > Remove the "JNLP" protocol references from the TCP Agent Listener log messages. issue: 44103 pull: 2896 - type: bug message: > Internal: Update Annotation Indexer to 1.12 to work around JRE bug in tests. references: - url: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8182744 title: JDK-8182744 pull: 2924 - version: "2.68" date: 2017-07-02 changes: - type: major rfe message: > Update Remoting from 3.7 to 3.10 adding opt-in support for work directories and improving logging in Jenkins agents. references: - title: work directory documentation url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/docs/workDir.md - title: logging documentation url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/docs/logging.md - title: Remoting changelog url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#38 - issue: 39370 - type: rfe message: > The reload-configuration CLI command now waits until the reload is finished, and returns an error code if the reload failed. issue: 45256 pull: 2931 - type: bug message: > Follow HTTP redirects while initiating CLI connection. issue: 44361 pull: 2897 - type: bug message: > Add documentation for time zone specification for cron patterns (e.g. SCM polling). issue: 9283 pull: 2927 - type: bug message: > Robustness improvements related to agent connections. references: - issue: 43496 - issue: 38527 pull: 2922 # also pull: 2923 - version: "2.69" date: 2017-07-09 changes: - type: major rfe message: > SSHD Module 2.0: Update from SSHD Core 0.14.0 to Apache MINA SSHD 1.6.0 in Jenkins core and Jenkins CLI. references: - title: changelog url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/sshd-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#20 - title: plugin compatibility notice url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/sshd-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#20-compatibility-notice - issue: 43668 pull: 2853 - type: rfe message: > SSHD Module 2.0: Enable aes192ctr and aes256ctr ciphers if JVM supports unlimited-strength encryption. issue: 39738 pull: 2853 - version: "2.70" date: 2017-07-16 changes: - type: bug message: > Fix version number shown in 2.0 upgrade wizard. issue: 45459 - version: "2.71" date: 2017-07-23 changes: - type: rfe message: > Winstone 4.1: Add Jetty HTTP/2 connector and corresponding options for Winstone-Jetty. references: - issue: 45438 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone#http2-support title: enabling HTTP/2 support in Winstone-Jetty pull: 2937 - type: rfe message: > Don't reload user records from disk unless explicitly requested to improve performance of user record access. issue: 45737 pull: 2928 - type: bug message: > Prevent NullPointerException in Jenkins#getRootURL() while the instance is not fully loaded yet. issue: 34914 pull: 2935 - type: bug message: > Contributions to the PATH environment variable could result in malformed values on agents on a platform different from the controller's. issue: 14807 pull: 2936 - type: bug message: > JNLP for launching agents now requests Java 8. pull: 2944 issue: 45679 - type: bug message: > Prevent NullPointerException when a previous completed build is missing for upstream culprits check. issue: 45516 pull: 2941 - type: bug message: > Correctly show or suppress warnings about undefined parameters based on hudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters system property. issue: 45519 pull: 2939 - type: bug message: > Internal: Delete obsolete SECURITY-144-compat exclusion that can break tests. pull: 2940 issue: 25625 - version: "2.72" date: 2017-07-30 changes: - type: rfe message: > Enable Remoting work directories by default for newly created agents launched via JNLP (Java Web Start Launcher). pull: 2945 references: - issue: 44112 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/docs/workDir.md title: feature documentation - type: rfe message: > Always follow redirects for downloading update center metadata, so misbehaving plugins cannot break it. pull: 2951 issue: 38185 - type: rfe message: > Minor optimization to queue maintenance routines and printing of console notes, mainly for the benefit of Pipeline node blocks. issue: 45553 pull: 2947 # and 2948 - type: bug message: > Don't monitor response time on offline agents. issue: 20272 pull: 2911 - version: "2.73" date: 2017-08-06 changes: - type: rfe message: > Avoid unnecessary locking to improve performance related to actions. issue: 45244 pull: 2933 - type: rfe message: > Improve performance when reading the console text of a build. issue: 45915 pull: 2958 - type: rfe message: > Add Polish translations for setup wizard. pull: 2952 - type: bug message: > Reliably close build log file when using chained BuildListeners. references: - issue: 45057 - issue: 43199 pull: 2954 - type: bug message: > Modify the JNLPLauncher configuration page to work around regression in Docker Plugin (regression in 2.72). issue: 45895 pull: 2962 # pull: 2960 not notable enough # pull: 2963 not notable enough # pull: 2964 not notable enough - version: "2.74" date: 2017-08-15 changes: - type: major rfe message: > Upgrade Stapler library from 1.250 to 1.252. references: - pull: 2956 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md title: Stapler changelog - type: major bug message: > Stapler 1.252: Prevent file handle leak in LargeText#GzipAwareSession. issue: 45903 pull: 2956 - type: major bug message: > Prevent core or plugin code from mistakenly attempting to serialize jobs, builds, and users except in their intended top-level XML file positions, preventing a class of serious deserialization-related errors. issue: 45892 pull: 2957 - type: bug message: > Stapler 1.252: Restore ability to attach views to interfaces (regression in Jenkins 2.46). issue: 43715 pull: 2956 - type: rfe message: > Improve Polish localization. pull: 2974 - type: rfe message: > Log name of the executor thread that died to improve diagnosability. issue: 42376 pull: 2970 - type: bug message: > Prevent caching of the item categories list by the browser to prevent stale data. pull: 2973 issue: 43848 - type: rfe message: > Update Agent Installer module to 1.6 for minor fixes and enhancements. references: - pull: 2965 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/slave-installer-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#16 title: changelog - type: bug message: > Show display name of the current view in window title. # Improvement too minor: Only use the special 'Dashboard' label outside any folder pull: 2969 - type: bug message: > Include culprits in XML and JSON API again (regression in 2.60). issue: 46082 pull: 2978 - type: bug message: > Improve robustness of the reverse build trigger ("Build after other projects are built"). pull: 2966 issue: 45909 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Cleanup of Maven dependencies in Jenkins core, allowing plugins depending on this version or later to build without “upper bound” dependency warnings on recent Maven HPI Plugin releases. pull: 2956 # pull: 2971 not notable enough # pull: 2968 not notable enough - version: "2.75" date: 2017-08-20 changes: - type: rfe message: > Update Windows service wrapper from 2.1.0 to 2.1.2 and Windows Agent Installer from 1.9 to 1.9.1. references: - url: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md title: Windows service wrapper changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md title: Windows agent installer changelog - pull: 2987 - issue: 46282 - type: rfe message: > Disable obsolete JNLP, JNLP2, and CLI protocols on new Jenkins installations during Setup Wizard. references: - issue: 45841 - url: /blog/2017/08/11/remoting-update/ title: announcement blog post pull: 2950 - type: bug message: > Button to validate proxy configuration in Manage Plugins now works correctly with NTLM authorization. pull: 2984 issue: 46288 # pull: 2981 not notable - version: "2.76" date: 2017-08-27 changes: - type: major rfe message: > Update Remoting from 3.10 to 3.11 to improve stability and diagnosability. references: - issue: 37567 - issue: 43985 - issue: 45023 - issue: 45233 - issue: 45522 - issue: 46259 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#311 title: full changelog pull: 2988 - type: rfe message: > Major update of the Bulgarian translation. pull: 2983 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Allow EnvironmentContributingAction to support Run in addition to AbstractProject. issue: 29537 pull: 2993 # amends 2975 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Updated parent POM; Jenkins core now requires Maven 3.3.9 or newer to build. pull: 2985 - version: "2.77" date: 2017-09-03 changes: - type: rfe message: > Default the built-in Jenkins Update Center URL to https://updates.jenkins.io instead of obsolete HTTP endpoint. This requires a JRE compatible with Let's Encrypt, e.g. Oracle JRE 8u101. pull: 2996 - type: bug message: > Fix problem with auto upgrade when using custom JENKINS_HOME on Windows. issue: 13153 pull: 2992 - type: bug message: > Administrative monitor did not detect when Tomcat's URL escaping does not permit forward slashes. issue: 31068 pull: 2977 - type: bug message: > Fix broken UI for users with Discover permission when renaming a job. issue: 41637 pull: 2910 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Avoid code duplication using default methods. pull: 2999 # pull: 2997 too minor # pull: 2989 too minor / don't want to give impression that this use is supported - version: "2.78" date: 2017-09-10 changes: - type: rfe message: > Moved Jenkins agent runtime to agent.jar file name, and deprecate (but still support) use of legacy slave.jar. Introduce the AGENTJAR_URL environment variable as replacement for SLAVEJAR_URL. pull: 3004 issue: 35451 - type: bug message: > Accept Basic authentication headers case-insensitively. pull: 3002 issue: 44663 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Implement DescriptorByNameOwner using Java 8 interface default method. Make Computer a DescriptorByNameOwner allowing its use as @AncestorInPath. pull: 3009 # pull: 2959 not notable enough # pull: 3001 not notable enough # pull: 2995 not notable enough # pull: 2986 was reverted by 3013 - version: "2.79" date: 2017-09-17 changes: - type: major bug message: > Fix random failures to use passphrase-protected ed25519 SSH private keys (regression in 2.73). issue: 46754 pull: 3026 - type: major bug message: > Update Remoting library from 3.11 to 3.12 to fix regression in Jenkins 2.68 when using non-writable home directories. references: - issue: 45755 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#312 title: full changelog - url: /doc/upgrade-guide/2.73/#known-issue-agent-connection-failures-involving-jenkins-masters-with-undefined-or-non-writable-home-directory title: issue description in 2.73.1 upgrade guide pull: 3025 - type: rfe message: > Add description of nodes to their remote API. issue: 42854 pull: 2807 - type: bug message: > Disconnect node on ping timeout instead of leaving the channel half open. pull: 3005 issue: 46680 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Require Java 8u101 to build Jenkins, as that's the minimum required to run it since 2.77. pull: 3015 # pull 2998 (parent POM) doesn't seem notable enough # pull 3000 impact unknown. Just some minor robustness fix? # pull 3023 too minor - version: "2.80" date: 2017-09-24 changes: - type: rfe message: > Improve error reporting when failing to archive artifacts. pull: 2976 - type: bug message: > Save the current Jenkins version whenever saving the Jenkins object, e.g. when saving the global security configuration. Plugins may rely on this information for data migration that would be triggered unnecessarily. pull: 3010 issue: 42577 - type: bug message: > Prevent possible NullPointerException when removing an item from a list view due to a race condition. pull: 3007 issue: 23411 - type: bug message: > Avoid a possible server-side timeout on long-running CLI commands using plain HTTP mode by sending periodic pings from the client. pull: 3011 issue: 46659 - type: bug message: > Renaming or moving a folder failed to properly move build directories of its children when using custom build directory, resulting of loss of their builds. pull: 2932 issue: 44657 - type: rfe message: > Developer: Deprecate hudson.util.TimeUnit2 and replace with java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit. pull: 2892 # pull 3019 too minor (CLI crumb code cleanup) # pull 3024 too minor (JTH update) # pull 3027 too minor (clean up tests) # pull 3020 too minor (suppress compiler warnings) # pull 3032 too minor (imports) # pull 3039 too minor (test fixed) - version: "2.81" date: 2017-09-27 changes: - type: security message: > Jenkins 2.80 did not initialize the setup wizard on new installations, causing various security options including authentication and authorization to be turned off by default, granting anonymous administrator access. references: - url: /security/advisory/2017-09-27/ title: security advisory - url: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/jenkinsci-advisories/4fo3FKaLPeg/OuCcovu3AgAJ title: notification - issue: 47139 pull: 3050 - version: "2.82" date: 2017-10-01 changes: - type: major bug message: > favicon.ico and other binary resource files were broken since 2.79 because they were incorrectly filtered during the build. issue: 47127 pull: 3052 - type: bug message: > Don't log warning when an anonymous user sends an invalid crumb, usually just an expired session. issue: 40344 pull: 3049 - type: major bug message: > Developer: Fix TimeDuration time unit handling and its incorrect usage. TimeDuration uses milliseconds as the default unit. It was supposed to parse sec or secs suffix to interpret the number as seconds, but that never worked. issue: 44052 pull: 3043 - type: bug message: > Developer: Create a copy of a list of parameters in ParametersAction constructor before storing them to improve robustness when the caller reuses that list. issue: 45472 pull: 3028 # pull 3054 too minor (Chinese translation) # pull 3053 too minor (JTH update) # pull 3058 too minor (followup to #3043) - version: "2.83" date: 2017-10-08 changes: - type: bug message: > Fix potential HTTP 414 error in form validation of long Batch/Shell tool installer scripts. issue: 47058 pull: 3037 - type: bug message: > Fix link from build cause or page header to user profile in case of unusual user names. pull: 3046 issue: 32623 - type: bug message: > Properly display agent launch arguments when using nested launch methods. issue: 47056 pull: 3034 # pull 3056 too minor (Chinese l10n) # pull 3041 fixed a test # pull 3031 got reverted # pull 3062 reverted 2031 # pull 3040 reduces log clutter only - version: "2.84" date: 2017-10-11 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2017-10-11/ title: security advisory - version: "2.85" date: 2017-10-15 changes: - type: rfe message: > Upgrade Remoting from 3.12 to 3.13. pull: 3061 references: - issue: 47132 - issue: 38711 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#313 title: full changelog - type: rfe message: > Restart agent communication related threads on both controller and agents when encountering an unhandled exception, if possible, to improve stability. issue: 38711 pull: 3017 # and 3061 - type: rfe message: > Improve performance by not querying queue dispatchers from the UI. issue: 20046 pull: 3038 - type: rfe message: > Use node display name when printing "built on" message in the build log. pull: 3051 issue: 47168 - type: rfe message: > Enable cc.xml to export jobs in folders recursively when accessed with a query parameter named recursive. pull: 3060 issue: 36282 - type: rfe message: > Add new administrative monitor warning users about disabled CSRF protection. issue: 47372 pull: 3072 - type: bug message: > In rare configurations, agents tried to load unloadable classes from the controller, resulting in ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.ServletContextListener on agents. pull: 3067 issue: 46386 - type: bug message: > Jenkins did not correctly show parts of pipeline builds in side panel widgets if the current view is configured to filter their content. pull: 3008 issue: 46759 - type: rfe message: > Developer: Make Xstream2#addCriticalField available for use in plugins. pull: 3066 # pull: 3055 too minor (test fix) # pull: 3063 too minor (test fix) # pull: 3070 too minor (suppress test) - version: "2.86" date: 2017-10-22 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 3076 message: > Launch agent via execution of command on the master has been moved to a new Command Launcher plugin and integrated with the Script Security plugin. references: - issue: 47393 - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/command-launcher title: Command Launcher plugin site entry - url: /security/advisory/2017-10-11/#arbitrary-shell-command-execution-on-controller-by-users-with-agent-related-permissions title: related security advisory - type: rfe issue: 36282 pull: 3081 message: > Add link to recursive cc.xml output on build history page. - type: major bug issue: 47448 pull: 3093 message: > Fix Download from java.sun.com installation method for JDK for downloads requiring an Oracle login after change to the Oracle site. - type: bug pull: 3097 issue: 47500 message: > Secret threw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException trying to decrypt {}. - type: bug issue: 47455 pull: 3090 message: > Race conditions in agents going offline could result in an exception when picking a workspace for a build. - type: bug issue: 35459 pull: 2994 # and 3089 message: > Prevent duplicated elements with incorrect URL when using the search on Dashboard View plugin based views. - type: bug pull: 3099 issue: 47517 message: > StackOverflowError thrown under some conditions when using Pipeline on 2.85. - type: bug issue: 47416 pull: 3088 message: > Prevent NullPointerException updating a folder with a primary view specified in Folders plugin 6.2.0. - type: rfe pull: 3077 message: > Developer: Add an empty default implementation for previously abstract methods of SecurityListener. - type: rfe pull: 3091 message: > Developer: Deprecate hudson.util.Memoizer and replace its usage in core. - type: bug pull: 3069 message: > Developer: Slave.JnlpJar.getURL did not work in some modes when core had a snapshot dependency on the Remoting library. # pull: 3092 too minor (fix README typos) # pull: 3068 too minor (Chinese l10n) # pull: 3085 too minor (Chinese l10n) # pull: 3096 internal cleanup # pull: 3098 flaky test - version: "2.87" date: 2017-10-29 changes: - type: rfe message: > Stapler library upgraded from 1.252 to 1.253 with Servlet 3.1 support, improved Blue Ocean performance and changes of interest to plugin developers. references: - issue: 37062 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#1253 title: Stapler changelog pull: 3033 - type: rfe message: > Commons Codec library upgraded from 1.8 to 1.9. pull: 3033 - type: rfe message: > Agents JVM must be 1.8+ and a clear message is shown in connection logs if it is not. pull: 2915 issue: 44851 - type: rfe message: > Major improvement to Italian localization. pull: 3075 - type: rfe message: > Improvements to Chinese localization. references: - pull: 3104 - pull: 3105 - type: rfe message: > Retrieving the list of installed plugins now consumes much less memory. issue: 47713 pull: 3109 - type: bug message: > When the Jenkins root URL was not configured, the login CLI command did not work. - type: bug message: > Allow users with Job/Cancel permission to abort pipeline builds from the builds history widget. pull: 3101 - type: bug message: > Jobs no longer disappear from NestedView lists after renaming. pull: 1798 issue: 25276 - type: rfe message: > Internal: Move metadata about plugins split from core into a resource file. pull: 3110 - type: rfe message: > Developer: Add ExtensionList#lookupSingleton convenience method. pull: 3021 # pull: 3102 too minor (some pt-BR translations) - version: "2.88" date: 2017-11-05 changes: - type: rfe message: > Add sidebar link to create new view. pull: 3086 issue: 6290 - type: rfe message: > Improve robustness of the /user/(username)/configure page when a UserProperty is missing its descriptor. pull: 3121 issue: 45977 - type: rfe message: > Improve Russian localization. references: - pull: 3113 - pull: 3115 # pull: 3117 too minor (remove log message) # pull: 3108 too minor (Maven profile change) # pull: 3118 test fixes # pull: 3119 test fix - version: "2.89" date: 2017-11-08 changes: - type: security message: Security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2017-11-08/ title: security advisory - version: "2.90" date: 2017-11-12 changes: - type: major bug message: > Recover from legacy user configuration folders with $ characters that are not part of hex escape sequences. (regression in 2.89) issue: 47909 pull: 3134 - type: major bug message: > Fix Download from java.sun.com installation method for JDK for downloads requiring an Oracle login after change to the Oracle site (again). pull: 3136 issue: 47448 - type: rfe message: > Update Remoting from 3.13 to 3.14 in order to apply various performance and stability improvements. pull: 3138 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#314 title: full changelog - issue: 37566 - issue: 45294 - issue: 47425 - issue: 47901 - issue: 47942 - type: rfe message: > Add option to trim specified string parameter values. issue: 47115 pull: 3106 - type: rfe message: > Update Windows Agent Installer from 1.9.1 to 1.9.2: Do not try to update jenkins-slave.exe on Unix agents when they connect. pull: 3130 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#192 title: full changelog - issue: 47015 - type: rfe message: > Add a note explaining that the nodes count in label selection does not take into account permissions or other plugins. issue: 47940 pull: 3137 - type: rfe message: > Improve Chinese localization. pull: 3127 - type: rfe message: > Updated default workspace directory naming for new installations to use filesystem-safe variable ITEM_FULL_NAME. pull: 3124 issue: 12251 - type: bug message: > Fix icon for Manage Jenkins link in the sidebar of the Global Tool Configuration form. pull: 3139 - type: bug message: > Prevent caching of captcha on the login form. pull: 3126 issue: 43852 - type: bug message: > Ensure that the authenticated group is not added twice to the authorities for a user. issue: 47768 pull: 3123 # pull: 3131 too minor (French translation fix) # pull: 3132 too minor (Javadoc) - version: "2.91" date: 2017-11-19 changes: - type: major rfe references: - issue: 36088 - issue: 39179 pull: 3133 message: > Use Java NIO library instead of native code to create and detect symbolic links and Windows junctions to improve compatibility and robustness. - type: bug issue: 34138 pull: 3042 message: > Prevent concurrent installation of Maven on the same node to prevent problems. - type: rfe issue: 47718 pull: 3114 message: > Developer: Deprecate the ambiguous User#getUser(String) in favor of the User#getById() or the new User#getOrCreateByIdOrFullName() methods. - type: rfe pull: 3122 message: > Developer: Implement default methods in TaskListener and BuildListener interfaces so they don't have to be implemented in subclasses. - version: "2.92" date: 2017-11-26 changes: - type: rfe # https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/3154#issuecomment-345983962 pull: 3154 issue: 48116 message: > Revert internal change that broke assumption in ruby-runtime in 2.91, impacting plugins based on it. - type: rfe pull: 3143 issue: 48350 message: > Improve UI performance with long list of running builds by caching the estimated duration. - type: rfe pull: 3155 issue: 48349 message: > Cache permission names, allowing Jenkins to recover faster after "stop-the-world" Java GC pauses. - type: bug pull: 3156 issue: 48157 message: > Prevent potential NullPointerException when migrating the default "All View" name for a "My Views" user property. - type: rfe pull: 3149 message: > Developer: Add AccessControlled#hasPermission(Authentication, Permission) for convenience. # pull: 3153 too minor: Grammar fixes # pull: 3151 internal: Jenkinsfile # pull: 3158 internal: disable flaky test - version: "2.93" date: 2017-12-03 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3135 message: > Use Java NIO to read and write Unix file permissions by default. The previous behavior can be restored by setting the Java system property hudson.Util.useNativeChmodAndMode to true. references: - issue: 36088 - url: /doc/book/managing/system-properties/ title: Jenkins features controlled by system properties - type: rfe pull: 3167 message: > Better handling of certain unreproducible XML file load/save errors. - type: rfe issue: 47429 pull: 3150 message: > Improve user lookup performance, for example from Git changelog calculation. - type: rfe issue: 48348 pull: 3157 message: > Reduce memory usage when scheduling pipelines on big clusters. - type: rfe issue: 34855 pull: 2548 message: > Use atomic file moves if available on the underlying file system from AtomicFileWriter. - type: bug pull: 3164 issue: 48080 message: > Prevent setup wizard from hanging when the two provided passwords differ, instead show a validation error. - type: rfe pull: 3148 message: > Developer: Add ItemGroup#allItems and similar default methods to ItemGroup. - type: rfe pull: 3142 message: > Developer: Add default implementations of deprecated methods to BuildableItem and Item so they don't need to be implemented. - type: rfe pull: 3140 message: > Internal: Add documentation and convenience methods for the User.CanonicalIdResolver extension point. # pull: 3165 tests only (JENKINS-34855) - version: "2.94" date: 2017-12-11 changes: - type: rfe issue: 25286 pull: 1437 message: > Export assignedLabels for agents and labelExpression for applicable job types in remote API. - type: rfe issue: 20474 pull: 3177 message: > Optimization: Don't consult the authorization strategy about whether the internal SYSTEM pseudo-user has a given permission. - type: rfe pull: 3111 message: > Update SSHD Module 2.0 to 2.3 to fire authentication events in SecurityListeners when a user connects using SSH. references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/sshd-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md title: changelog - type: bug issue: 47439 pull: 3166 message: > The setup wizard is now resumed upon restart if it hasn't been completed yet, instead of showing the regular login screen (regression in 2.81). # pull: 3168 internal/build # pull: 3160 too minor (one file translated to Chinese) # pull: 3182 internal/build # pull: 3183 internal/build (update PowerMock and Objenesis) # pull: 3184 internal (GMaven cleanup) - version: "2.95" date: 2017-12-14 changes: - type: security message: > Security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2017-12-14/ title: security advisory - url: /blog/2017/12/14/security-update/ title: announcement blog post - version: "2.96" date: 2017-12-17 banner: > A bug introduced in Jenkins 2.96 will downgrade Script Security Plugin to version 2.18.1, possibly resulting in cascading failures to load other plugins (and reintroducing security issues). We recommend updating Script Security Plugin to its newest release and immediately restarting Jenkins to resolve this issue. changes: - type: major bug pull: 3193 issue: 48365 message: > Make sure detached plugins (plugins whose functionality used to be part of Jenkins itself) are installed when upgrading Jenkins past the version at which the plugin was detached. - type: rfe pull: 3129 issue: 22474 message: > Do not require CSRF crumb to be provided when the request is authenticated using API token. - type: rfe references: - issue: 47324 - issue: 48405 pull: 3169 # and 3173 message: > Improve robustness and error handling of various file operations by switching to NIO. - type: rfe pull: 3176 message: > Improve Chinese translation. - type: bug pull: 3187 message: > Update Stapler from 1.253 to 1.254 to make the form that shows up when a URL requiring POST is accessed using a different HTTP verb work with CSRF protection enabled. references: - issue: 34254 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#1254 title: Stapler changelog - type: bug pull: 3198 issue: 48505 message: > Fix a performance regression in Jenkins 2.86 due to lock contention in ExtensionList. - type: bug pull: 3175 issue: 48383 message: > Trigger SecurityListener#loggedIn events on programmatic login during self-registration when using HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm. - type: rfe pull: 3074 issue: 27027 message: > Developer: Capture more authentication-related events in SecurityListener. - type: rfe pull: 3191 message: > Developer: Deprecate hudson.util.Service in favor of Java's ServiceLoader. - type: rfe pull: 3162 message: > Developer: Introduce Cause.UserIdCause(String) constructor, which allows creating causes for specified users without switching the user context. # pull: 3159 too minor (localized file encoding) # pull: 3194 too minor (typo in German i18n) # pull: 3190 too minor (remove a flaky test) - version: "2.97" date: 2017-12-19 changes: - type: major bug issue: 48604 pull: 3201 message: > Fix regression in 2.96 that caused a downgrade of Script Security when upgrading Jenkins. - version: "2.98" date: 2017-12-24 banner: > The release introduced a serious regression (JENKINS-48761). We recommend upgrading to 2.100 or updating Remoting on agents to 3.15. changes: - type: major rfe pull: 3145 message: > Update Remoting from 3.14 to 3.15 to fix several issues. references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#315 title: full changelog - issue: 37566 - issue: 37670 - issue: 38696 - issue: 46724 - issue: 47965 - issue: 48055 - issue: 48130 - issue: 48133 - issue: 48309 - type: bug references: - issue: 48593 - url: /doc/book/managing/system-properties/ title: Jenkins features controlled by system properties pull: 3200 message: > Make the system property hudson.consoleTailKB actually work. - type: rfe issue: 48638 pull: 3195 message: > Developer: Jenkins#getInstance() is now deprecated as its semantics have been a source of confusion for some time. Use #get() in typical cases and Jenkins#getInstanceOrNull() in rare cases (see Javadoc). # pull: 3174 too minor (Chinese l10n) # pull: 3199 too minor (Chinese l10n) # pull: 3180 too minor (code cleanup) # pull: 3161 benefit unclear - version: "2.99" date: 2017-12-31 banner: > The release introduced a serious regression (JENKINS-48761). We recommend upgrading to 2.100 or updating Remoting on agents to 3.15. changes: - type: major bug pull: 3196 issue: 21017 message: > Updating Jenkins jobs and views by XML left fields at their old value if not defined in the new XML. - version: "2.100" date: 2018-01-03 changes: - type: major bug pull: 3212 message: > Restore binary compatibility with agents running Remoting versions older than 3.15 (regression in 2.98). references: - issue: 48761 - issue: 48754 - url: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/jenkinsci-dev/-VQ5YU0yYhg title: Retrospective thread in the developer mailing list - version: "2.101" date: 2018-01-07 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3214 message: > Log EOF exceptions on a FINE level instead of WARNING when the Jetty connection is closed by peer. - type: bug pull: 3178 issue: 48447 message: > Fix HTTP 404 error when clicking on New View sidebar link from another view. - type: rfe message: > Improve Chinese and French localizations. references: - pull: 3209 - pull: 3204 - pull: 3216 - pull: 3179 # Reverted: # - type: bug # pull: 3057 # issue: 46911 # message: > # Developer: Validate project names when creating projects using ItemGroupMixIn#createProjectFromXML() # and ItemGroupMixIn#createProject() method - version: "2.102" date: 2018-01-14 banner: > JEP-200: "Switch Remoting/XStream denylist to an allowlist " has been integrated to this release. This change implies a HIGH RISK of regressions in plugins. See this blogpost for list of plugins known to be affected, with instructions how to resolve possible problems. changes: - type: major rfe pull: 3120 # and 3230 message: > Switch Remoting/XStream denylist to an allowlist. references: - issue: 47736 - url: /blog/2018/01/13/jep-200/ title: upgrade guidelines for admins and plugin maintainers - url: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Plugins+affected+by+fix+for+JEP-200 title: list of affected plugins - type: rfe pull: 3120 message: > Update Jenkins Remoting from 3.15 to 3.16. references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#316 title: full changelog - issue: 47736 - issue: 48686 - type: rfe pull: 3213 issue: 48773 message: > Limit which section headers are added to the breadcrumb config outline. - type: rfe pull: 3227 message: > Reduce memory consumption for concurrent jobs when retrieving cause of blockage. - type: rfe pull: 3036 message: > Introduce new hudson.lifecycle.ExitLifecycle to exit instead of restart. references: - issue: 47043 - url: /doc/book/managing/system-properties/ title: Jenkins features controlled by system properties - type: bug pull: 3170 issue: 34855 message: > AtomicFileWriter was not fully atomic. Now it uses a FileChannel internally and forces a disk sync when committing. - type: rfe pull: 3220 message: > Developer: Add a constructor to ToolDescriptor so that subclasses are not required to be an inner class of their Describable. # pull 3222: too minor (christmas favicon revert) # pull 3210: too minor # pull 3221: too minor (update since in Javadocs) # pull 3219: too minor (hudson.util.fileToPath() refactoring) - version: "2.103" date: 2018-01-21 banner: > JEP-200: "Switch Remoting/XStream denylist to an allowlist" has been integrated into 2.102. This change implies a HIGH RISK of regressions in plugins. See this blogpost for list of plugins known to be affected, with instructions how to resolve possible problems. changes: - type: rfe message: > Permit additional safe types for use in XStream (XML serialization) and Remoting (agent communication). references: - issue: 48946 - issue: 49000 - issue: 49025 pull: 3234 # 3241, and 3245 - type: rfe references: - issue: 43786 - url: /blog/2018/01/21/overhaul-of-manage-jenkins-page/ title: blog post pull: 2857 message: > Re-style the Manage Jenkins page, including administrative monitors. - type: rfe message: > Make Blue Ocean work on Wildfly by excluding its outdated Jackson implementation from the Jenkins class path. issue: 48957 pull: 3235 - type: bug pull: 3229 issue: 48899 message: > Do not downgrade detached plugins when upgrading Jenkins while its previous version was not properly recorded. - type: bug pull: 3233 issue: 48407 message: > Restore file permissions granted to group and other for file created by Jenkins (regression in 2.93). - type: bug message: > Fix a race condition in Initializer implementations creating Items that resulted in their deletion. pull: 3078 issue: 47406 - type: bug message: > A ClassCastException or NoSuchMethodException could under certain circumstances mask the actual error when loading erroneous data from an XML file. pull: 3248 issue: 49054 - type: bug message: > Properly add apostrophes to several localized strings that were missing them before. pull: 3203 - type: rfe message: > Developer: Improve detection of current plugin's or test's classes for exclusion from JEP-200 filtering. pull: 3237 # pull: 3232 too minor (Italian localization) # pull: 3247 too minor (test only) # pull: 3239 remove obsolete test # pull: 3236 too minor (imports and Javadoc in test) - version: "2.104" date: 2018-01-28 changes: - type: rfe message: > Permit additional safe Java platform types for use in XStream (XML serialization) and Remoting (agent communication). references: - pull: 3251 - pull: 3252 - pull: 3253 # this one has no issue, so add all to references - issue: 49070 - issue: 49071 - type: rfe pull: 3258 message: > Remove support for unbounded number of SCM polling threads. Previously, the default was infinite and could be set to between 10 and 100. Existing installations with unbounded SCM polling threads will now use the default of 10, and it is no longer possible to use a value outside of this range. - type: rfe pull: 3250 message: > Define a minimum required version of the Remoting library (agent communication) and print warnings when an older version is connecting. - type: rfe pull: 3267 message: > Improve robustness in case of faulty SCM#guessBrowser implementations. - type: rfe pull: 3255 message: > Improve error message when failing to read some files to actually mention the file name. references: - issue: 49060 - issue: 49112 - type: bug pull: 3266 issue: 49129 message: > Restore Manage Jenkins submenu in the context menu accessible from the breadcrumb (regression in 2.103). - type: bug pull: 3259 issue: 49112 message: > Fix MalformedInputException or UnmappableCharacterException when reading the log file after finishing a build (regression in 2.102). - type: bug issue: 49147 pull: 3264 message: > Jenkins 2.102 and later could fail to start or run properly when loaded inside certain containers, including old versions of Tomcat. - type: bug issue: 24452 pull: 1384 message: > Don't attempt to export information about arbitrary offline causes as part of the /computer/(name)/api output, which could result in errors. # pull: 3257 too minor (adapt new admin monitor to restyling) # pull: 3262 too minor (fix Spanish typo) # pull: 3261 too minor (fix bold formatting on Old data monitor page) - version: "2.105" date: 2018-02-04 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3256 message: > When Jenkins fails to load plugins, show failures that users need to take action on separate from those due to other plugins failing to load. - type: rfe message: > Upgrade Executable War from 1.36 to 1.37 to allow supplying jenkins.war command-line arguments via standard input using the --paramsFromStdIn parameter. references: - pull: 3223 - title: documentation url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/extras-executable-war#parameters-from-stdin - type: rfe issue: 48463 pull: 3185 message: > Jenkins now creates XML 1.1 files to be more accepting of unusual contents. - type: bug issue: 47793 message: > Form validation for number of executors now properly shows validation errors and user-friendly message on form submission. - type: bug issue: 49206 pull: 3272 message: > Ensure that threads for background tasks cannot be created with a custom classloader to prevent possible Groovy memory leaks. - type: bug issue: 22088 pull: 3223 message: > Upgrade Executable War from 1.36 to 1.37 to prevent multiple copies of winstone-*.jar in the temp folder from using up disk space needlessly. - type: bug references: - issue: 48725 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/lib-task-reactor/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#version-15 title: full changelog pull: 3270 message: > Update to task reactor version 1.5 to prevent hanging of Jenkins on startup/reload when an initialization task throws an unhandled exception. - type: rfe pull: 3260 message: > Developer: Introduce ACL#lambda convenience method. references: - pull: 3260 - url: https://javadoc.jenkins-ci.org/hudson/security/ACL.html#lambda-java.util.function.BiFunction- title: Javadoc # pull: 3274 disables test (should be in 2.104 but whatever) # pull: 3275 enables test - version: "2.106" date: 2018-02-11 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3071 message: > Update Remoting library from 3.16 to 3.17 to improve diagnostic logging for channel read/write events and JEP-200 related class filtering. references: - issue: 27035 - issue: 49027 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#317 title: full changelog - type: rfe message: > Integrate SSHD module 2.4 which updates Apache Mina SSHD Core from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0. references: - pull: 3278 - title: SSHD module changelog url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/sshd-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#24 - type: rfe pull: 3279 message: > Internal/API: Add DataBoundConstructor to LegacySecurityRealm to facilitate reflective instantiation in Jenkins-related tools and frameworks. - version: "2.107" date: 2018-02-14 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2018-02-14/ title: security advisory - type: rfe message: > Security hardening to prevent problems like SECURITY-624 in the future. references: - url: /security/advisory/2017-12-05/ title: 2017-12-05 security advisory - url: /security/advisory/2018-01-22/#xss-vulnerability-in-job-configuration-forms-in-ant-plugin title: Ant Plugin fix in 2018-01-22 security advisory - version: "2.108" date: 2018-02-18 changes: - type: rfe issue: 34712 pull: 3294 message: > Always show the built-in node in the executors widget, even when it is offline. - type: rfe issue: 47142 pull: 3265 message: > archiveArtifacts in a Pipeline failed to throw a normal exception when there were no matches. - type: rfe pull: 3296 message: > Update Apache Mina SSHD Core from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 in CLI client. references: - issue: 49565 - title: changelog url: "https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=12341097&styleName=Text&projectId=12310849&Create=Create&atl_token=A5KQ-2QAV-T4JA-FDED%7C47f5fd1e799680219ff14477b5b2c29ce7aaf6fd%7Clin" - type: bug pull: 3292 message: > Don't show input validation errors in optional numeric form fields (regression in 2.105). references: - issue: 49387 - issue: 49520 - type: bug pull: 3286 issue: 49498 message: > Fix translation of 'sign up' in Dutch, used to be 'sign in'. - type: rfe pull: 3246 issue: 49044 message: > Extensibility: Allow SecurityRealm and AuthorizationStrategy implementations to be hidden on Configure Global Security form using DescriptorVisibilityFilter. # pull: 3290 too minor (unit test) # pull: 3298 too minor (Javadoc grammar) # pull: 3291 too minor (fix annotation) - version: "2.109" date: 2018-02-25 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3244 issue: 30909 message: > Periodically persist the build queue so it can be restored on abnormal process termination. - type: rfe pull: 3304 issue: 49661 message: > Add agent symbol for a permanent agent in Structs Plugin based configuration. - type: rfe pull: 3125 message: > Match more date formats for sortable tables. - type: bug pull: 3300 issue: 46638 message: > Prevent NullPointerException when saving a parameterized job without parameters defined. - type: bug pull: 3238 issue: 48467 message: > Don't link to a non-existing user profile from the build log of a build started by an anonymous user. # pull: 2768 test only # pull: 3297 Jenkinsfile only # pull: 3303 too minor (i18n in setup wizard) # pull: 3281 too minor (fixes annotations) - version: "2.110" date: 2018-03-05 changes: - type: major rfe issue: 22936 pull: 3289 message: > It is no longer possible to rename jobs from their configuration page. Jobs now have a link in the side panel titled "Rename" that links to a page specifically dedicated to renaming jobs. - type: rfe pull: 2926 issue: 43581 message: > Show the "Add" button in lists of tool installations also on the top. - type: rfe pull: 3315 issue: 49788 message: > Add ConcurrentLinkedQueue to white-listed classes for use in XStream (XML serialization) and Remoting (agent communication). - type: rfe pull: 3312 # and 3325 issue: 49795 message: > Issue warnings to the system log when attempts are made to use classes with unpredictable names and serial forms (such as anonymous classes) in Remoting or XStream (de)serialization. - type: bug pull: 3313 issue: 49543 message: > Make JEP-200 serialization allowlist more reliable on old versions of Tomcat 8. - type: bug pull: 3312 issue: 49795 message: > Clean up the build.xml files of parameterized projects that contained unnecessary serialized data. - type: bug pull: 3307 message: > Upgrade Winstone from 4.1.0 to 4.1.2 to prevent User session memory leak by setting the default idle session eviction timeout to 30 minutes. references: - issue: 49596 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#412 title: full changelog - type: bug pull: 3316 issue: 49642 message: > Make proxy views work inside folders. - type: bug pull: 3094 issue: 29470 message: > Prevent NullPointerException in AbstractProject#checkout when the agent disconnects during a build. - type: major rfe pull: 3289 issue: 22936 message: > Developer: Subclasses of AbstractItem can implement AbstractItem#isNameEditable and return true to get automatic support for renames. Subclasses are also able to dynamically validate renames by implementing AbstractItem#checkRename. - type: rfe pull: 2926 message: > Developer: Add support for also showing the "Add" button on top for lib/form/repeatable Jelly controls when the enableTopButton attribute is set to true. - type: rfe pull: 3277 references: - issue: 49319 - url: http://prototypejs.org/blog/ title: PrototypeJS blog/changelog message: > Internal: Upgrade PrototypeJS 1.7.0 to 1.7.3. - type: rfe pull: 3226 message: > Internal: Improve the implementation of Util#createTempDir. # Also throw a different exception with an odd number of chars in Util#fromHexString, but doesn't seem notable enough. - type: bug pull: 3287 message: > Internal: Make Apply buttons localizable. # Also Chinese i18n but too minor otherwise # pull: 3288 too minor (French i18n fix) # pull: 3322 too minor (more Chinese i18n) - version: "2.111" date: 2018-03-11 changes: - type: rfe issue: 46652 pull: 3254 message: > Pipeline builds could not be started if the Authorize Project plugin was configured to associate the build with a user to whom the authorization strategy was configured to deny Agent/Build permission on the built-in node. - type: rfe issue: 50056 pull: 3228 message: > Reduce memory footprint of jenkins.model.lazy.AbstractLazyLoadRunMap#search in descending order. - type: rfe pull: 3336 message: > Update Executable War from 1.37 to 1.38 to show an error when an attempt is made to run Jenkins on Java 9. references: - issue: 49737 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/extras-executable-war/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#138 title: full changelog - type: major bug pull: 3329 issue: 48821 message: > Display estimated remaining time again for Pipeline jobs (regression in 2.92). # and 2.89.4 - type: bug pull: 3342 issue: 49968 message: > Revert update of PrototypeJS in 2.110 due to regression. - type: bug pull: 3326 issue: 49906 message: > Do not show an error message when renaming an item before changing the name. - type: bug issue: 39495 pull: 3327 message: > Improve robustness in case a build with parameters was stored with a null list of parameters. - type: bug issue: 45387 pull: 3116 message: > Setup wizard did not properly display form validation errors in "Create First Admin User" form. - type: bug issue: 49971 pull: 3225 message: > Prevent FileNotFoundException in hudson.Util#loadFile in case of race condition. - type: bug issue: 32599 pull: 3317 message: > Ignore misplaced config.xml file directly in users/ directory. - type: rfe references: - pull: 3211 - pull: 3340 message: > Developer: Introduce hudson.util.TextFile#linesStream for file stream processing with proper error propagation. - type: rfe pull: 3311 message: > Internal: Choose more mnemonic artifactIds for modules not consumed externally. # pull: 3308 update parent POM # pull: 3323 too minor (Dutch i18n) # pull: 3330 too minor # pull: 3332 too minor (change issue in log message) # pull: 3335 access-modifier.version=1.13 # pull: 3341 too minor (typo) # pull: 3293 was reverted by 3339 - version: "2.112" date: 2018-03-18 changes: - type: major rfe issue: 22367 pull: 3301 message: > Install from java.sun.com installation method for JDK tools has been moved to a new JDK Tool Plugin. - type: major rfe references: - issue: 49415 - issue: 49472 - issue: 48561 - issue: 49994 pull: 3333 message: > Update Remoting from 3.17 to 3.18 in order to apply various performance and diagnosability improvements, such as logging warnings when anonymous classes are serialized over a Remoting channel. - type: rfe pull: 3014 issue: 26143 message: > Allow use of lists of options as provided by the Pipeline snippet generator for choice parameters. - type: bug pull: 3346 issue: 50124 message: > Restore serialVersionUID of AbstractTaskListener (regression in 2.91). - type: rfe pull: 3337 issue: 38812 message: > Use case-insensitive autocompletion for item selection dialogs if the current user prefers case-insensitive search. - type: rfe pull: 3345 message: > Better autocompletion for loggers supporting multiple tokens and proposing useful parent loggers. - type: rfe pull: 3319 message: > Internal: Move "Submit" button localization from various forms to the button control. # pull: 3309 too minor (form target fix for admin monitor) # pull: 3334 too minor (German translation) # pull: 3352 too minor (ExtensionList#lookupSingleton) - version: "2.113" date: 2018-03-25 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 3359 message: > Update Remoting from 3.18 to 3.19 so that Jenkins core can always deserialize exceptions even if they're not permitted. To benefit from this improvement, Remoting needs to be updated on the agent side as well. references: - issue: 50237 - issue: 49618 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#319 title: full changelog - type: bug pull: 3359 issue: 50237 message: > JEP-200: Allow org.apache.tools.ant.Location deserialization to prevent exception when listing agent files in non-existent directory or invalid filter. - type: bug issue: 46386 pull: 3362 message: > Prevent some cases of linkage errors relating to Servlet classes when code is run on an agent. - type: bug pull: 3363 issue: 50324 message: > Allow users without Overall/Read access to use the who-am-i and logout commands. - type: rfe pull: 3324 issue: 47020 message: > Show more entries in the search results dropdown and search results page. # pull: 3350 Jenkinsfile/ATH only - version: "2.114" date: 2018-04-01 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3367 issue: 50291 message: > Introduce hudson.triggers.SafeTimerTask.logsTargetDir system property to write logs usually written to $JENKINS_HOME/logs to another location. - type: rfe pull: 3374 issue: 50439 message: > Update Executable War from 1.38 to 1.39 to remove an irrelevant warning on Jenkins startup. - type: bug pull: 3376 issue: 44402 message: > Make Cancel Shutdown link in side panel work without requiring the page to be reloaded. - type: bug pull: 1111 issue: 21613 message: > Prevent f:combobox input fields from breaking customized form submission handlers. - type: bug pull: 3282 issue: 49401 message: > Fix a race condition in the Setup Wizard that could lead to it being skipped on the first startup when groovy scripts or init scripts are pre-installed. - type: rfe pull: 2567 message: > Internal: Minimize visibility of readResolve methods. # pull: 3371 internal (Jenkinsfile) - version: "2.115" date: 2018-04-08 changes: - type: rfe pull: 1498 issue: 25910 message: > Sort nodes matching labels on UI. - type: rfe pull: 3361 issue: 50296 message: > Internal: Run threadPoolForRemoting threads in the context of the SYSTEM user to be consistent with executor threads. - type: rfe pull: 3379 message: > Developer: Add new overloads for HttpResponses#errorJSON. # pull: 3381 internal (essentials.yml) # pull: 3365 seems internal (NPE during shutdown during tests) # pull: 3382 too minor (reduce logging noise in non default config) - version: "2.116" date: 2018-04-11 changes: - type: security message: Security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2018-04-11/ title: security advisory - version: "2.117" date: 2018-04-15 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3378 references: - title: full changelog url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#42 - title: Jetty 9.4.6 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.6.v20170531 - title: Jetty 9.4.7 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.7.v20170914 - title: Jetty 9.4.8 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.8.v20171121 message: > Update Winstone from 4.1.2 to 4.2 to update Jetty from 9.4.5 to 9.4.8 for various bugfixes and improvements. - type: rfe message: > Improve Chinese translation. references: - pull: 3368 - pull: 3385 - pull: 3386 - pull: 3387 - pull: 3391 - type: bug issue: 50748 pull: 3388 message: > Don't log null pointer exceptions on some forms with validation button (regression in 2.116). - type: bug issue: 50599 pull: 3383 message: > Make the logic for adding nodes atomic, so that if a newly added node fails to be persisted it will not exist in a partly-initialized state. - type: rfe pull: 3384 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkins-infra/helpdesk/issues/1236 title: Help desk issue 1236 message: > Internal: Add new update center root CA certificate. # pull: 3390 too minor (log message grammar) # pull: 3392 too minor (gitignore update) - version: "2.118" date: 2018-04-18 changes: - type: rfe references: - pull: 3398 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#320 title: full changelog message: > Update Remoting from 3.19 to 3.20 in order to refresh the code signing certificate. - type: bug references: - issue: 48347 - url: https://github.com/kohsuke/winp/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#126 title: full changelog pull: 3399 message: > Update WinP from 1.25 to 1.26 to fix loading of WinP libraries on Windows inside Weblogic web container. - type: major rfe references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/202 title: JEP-202 - pull: 3302 message: > Developer: JEP-202: Extend VirtualFile API to streamline external artifact storage. API additions are marked beta and may change at any time. # pull: 3395 too minor (French translation) # pull: 3355 too minor (Chinese translation) # pull: 3396 too minor (f:textbox checkMethod) - version: "2.119" date: 2018-04-25 changes: - type: rfe issue: 31661 pull: 3082 message: > Ensure as much as possible that the Jenkins root URL is defined by adding a new setup wizard page and an administrative monitor. - type: rfe pull: 3389 message: > Default Crumb Issuer proxy compatibility can be enabled on first startup by setting the system property jenkins.model.Jenkins.crumbIssuerProxyCompatibility to true on startup. references: - issue: 50767 - url: /doc/book/managing/system-properties/ title: Jenkins features controlled by system properties - type: rfe pull: 3364 message: > Remove the options to define custom Build Record Root Directory and Workspace Root Directory on the Configure System form to prevent unexpected failures during runtime. Instead, these locations can now be customized using system properties on startup. references: - issue: 50164 - url: /doc/book/managing/system-properties/ title: Jenkins features controlled by system properties - type: rfe pull: 3403 # and 3404 references: - issue: 50939 - issue: 50616 message: Allow java.util.EnumMap and org.jruby.RubyNil for use in XStream (XML serialization) and Remoting (agent communication). - type: rfe pull: 3082 message: > Developer: Add a new overload for HttpResponses#errorJSON. # pull: 3407 too minor (i18n encoding fix) # pull: 3401 too minor (Chinese i18n) # pull: 3409 too minor (@since) # pull: 3321 too minor? (annotation cleanup) # pull: 3410 too minor? (parent pom for junit) - version: "2.120" date: 2018-05-06 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 882 issue: 14713 message: > The Job/Build permission no longer implies the Job/Cancel permission. The latter needs to be granted explicitly to users who previously got it via this relationship. - type: major bug pull: 3357 # and followup fix in 3419 message: > Fix issue preventing process killing vetoes being effective on agents. references: - issue: 9104 - title: ProcessKillingVeto extension point implementations url: /doc/developer/extensions/jenkins-core/#processkillingveto - type: rfe pull: 3416 message: > Allow additional administrative monitors to be dismissed directly from their warning messages. - type: rfe pull: 3373 issue: 50412 message: > Make fingerprint logs less verbose. - type: bug pull: 3415 issue: 51064 message: > Be more lenient when validating the root URL (regression in 2.119). - type: bug pull: 3400 issue: 13128 message: > Archiving artifacts now preserves file permissions and last modification time. - type: bug pull: 3402 issue: 32778 message: > Don't extract files from plugin archives to outside their destination directory. - type: rfe pull: 3394 references: - title: JEP-305 url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/305 message: > Internal: Add support for incremental Maven releases. - type: rfe pull: 3405 message: > Internal: Further simplify storage of the Jenkins setup wizard’s installation state. - type: rfe pull: 3420 issue: 51062 message: > Developer: Extend ClassFilterImpl#isLocationWhitelisted Maven-oriented exclusions to plugin under test during Gradle builds. # pull: 3412 ATH only # pull: 3408 maven site build only (JENKINS-50969) - version: "2.121" date: 2018-05-09 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2018-05-09/ title: security advisory - version: "2.122" date: 2018-05-14 changes: # pull: 3426 internal (reincrementalify core) # pull: 3427 internal (fix PR failures pending reincrementalification) # pull: 3429 internal (fix snapshot revision after bad merge from security update) # pull: 3432 internal (specify packaging branch/revision to use in text file for INFRA-1620) # pull: 3434 too minor (stray space before period in help text) - type: rfe pull: 3428 issue: 51205 message: > Faster list rendering of Plugin Manager » Available. - type: rfe references: - pull: 3423 - pull: 3440 message: > Improve Chinese translation. - type: rfe references: - issue: 51187 - issue: 51247 - pull: 3430 #- pull: 3431 #- pull: 3435 - title: JEP-305 url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/305 message: > Internal: Various improvements related to incremental Maven releases. - version: "2.123" date: 2018-05-21 banner: > A Maven issue prevented 2.123 from being properly released. Use 2.124 instead. changes: # pull: 3442 internal (fix release build) # pull: 3443 too minor (Javadoc @since) # pull: 3448 too minor (executors help file) # pull: 3450 too minor (Chinese translation) - type: rfe references: - pull: 3422 - title: full changelog url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#43 - title: JMX Documentation for Jetty url: https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/jetty-9/index.html - title: full list of options url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone#command-line-options message: > Upgrade Winstone from 4.2 to 4.3, adding an option to enable JMX when running Jenkins using java -jar jenkins.war. - type: rfe issue: 51158 pull: 3424 message: > Improve Jenkins root URL validation. - type: bug issue: 51179 pull: 3439 message: > Prevent unhandled ClassCastException when loading fingerprints from corrupted files. - version: "2.124" date: 2018-05-21 changes: - type: major bug pull: 3452 message: > Fix release process issue that resulted in 2.123 not being properly released. - version: "2.125" date: 2018-05-27 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3206 message: > Export path to agent file system root directory in remote API. - type: rfe pull: 3444 issue: 27329 message: > Do not remove workspaces for projects with builds in progress. # pull: 3436 too minor (queue API messages) - version: "2.126" date: 2018-06-03 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3471 issue: 50217 message: > Robustness: A buggy ComputerListener#onConfigurationChange implementation should not block Jenkins startup. - type: rfe pull: 3447 issue: 51355 message: > Diagnostics: Log stack traces in JEP-200 rejection messages when jenkins.security.ClassFilterImpl logging level is FINE or above. - type: bug issue: 51650 pull: 3466 message: > Copying Run parameters did not work as expected as RunParameterDefinition#copyWithDefaultValue called the wrong constructor. - type: bug pull: 3462 issue: 51584 message: > Actions created from a TransientActionFactory that got attached to an item in the queue are no longer persisted, which could previously lead to duplicate actions shown for builds. - type: bug pull: 3453 issue: 20272 message: > Do not attempt to disconnect offline computers for not responding. - type: bug pull: 3454 issue: 51483 message: > Restore implied dependency on JDK Tool Plugin from Apache HttpComponents Client 4 API Plugin to fix dependency problems. - type: bug pull: 3467 issue: 14632 message: > Fix behaviour of Advanced button when a section element is nested inside. - type: bug pull: 3417 issue: 51082 message: > Do not duplicate caller stack trace when FilePath#act fails. - type: rfe pull: 3470 message: > Developer: Make various form validation related attributes in Jelly form taglib explicitly available. # pull: 3437 refactoring of anon classes # pull: 3457 too minor (test only) # pull: 3458 too minor (Grammar) # pull: 3459 too minor (Chinese l10n) # pull: 3461 too minor (Chinese l10n) # pull: 3463 too minor (annotation for CasC) - version: "2.127" date: 2018-06-11 changes: - type: major rfe issue: 50336 pull: 3370 message: > Optional extensions are now loaded without requiring to restart Jenkins after installing an optional dependency. - type: rfe pull: 3455 message: > Update Remoting from 3.20 to 3.21 to apply logging enhancements and better no_proxy support. references: - issue: 51223 - issue: 50965 - issue: 51551 - title: Remoting 3.21 changelog url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#321 - type: rfe issue: 20998 pull: 3079 message: > Add modification timestamp to files in directory browser views such as archived artifacts and workspaces. - type: rfe issue: 51608 pull: 3464 message: > Improve diagnostics of corrupted plugin archives during plugin dynamic loading. - type: rfe pull: 3486 references: - issue: 51155 - title: Executable WAR 1.40 changelog url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/extras-executable-war/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#140 message: > Update Executable WAR from 1.39 to 1.40 to allow running Jenkins with incompatible (too new) Java versions by setting the --enable-future-java flag. - type: bug issue: 51660 pull: 3474 message: > Have the setup wizard propose a root URL ending with a slash as is necessary. - type: bug pull: 3354 issue: 46248 message: > Fix a potential deadlock between queue maintenance and asynchronous execution. - type: bug pull: 3482 issue: 51777 message: > Security hardening: Prevent files in tar archives from being written to a path outside the destination directory. - type: bug pull: 3484 issue: 51819 message: > If using the Artifact Manager on S3 plugin with the (non-default) option to delete artifacts, they were not deleted when the entire build was deleted. - type: bug pull: 3483 issue: 51816 message: > Prevent Enter resulting in a broken presentation of the setup wizard. - type: rfe issue: 51598 pull: 3460 message: > Developer: PermissionGroups now expose their IDs to Java API. - type: rfe pull: 3455 issue: 51541 message: > Developer: ComputerLauncher implementations can now set channels with a custom CommandTransport implementation. - type: rfe issue: 51779 pull: 3481 message: > Developer/Internal: Remove use of a Guava method deleted in later versions, which could cause problems for plugins running functional tests. # pull: 3478 too minor (formatting of help file) # pull: 3451 too minor (Chinese l10n) # pull: 3472 too minor (quiet period help) # pull: 3477 too minor (internal only, amends 3463) # pull: 3475 too minor (order of symbols for DumbSlave) - version: "2.128" date: 2018-06-18 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 3380 message: > Redesigned login, signup, and Jenkins is (re)starting pages. Existing page decorators like Simple Theme Plugin will no longer work with these redesigned pages. references: - issue: 50447 - title: announcement blog post url: /blog/2018/06/27/new-login-page/ - type: major rfe pull: 3188 issue: 48480 message: > The deprecated Jenkins CLI Protocol versions 1 and 2, and Java Web Start Agent Protocol versions 1, 2, and 3 have been disabled. If you still use these protocols (e.g. remoting-based CLI, or old agent.jars on agents), you need to re-enable these protocols after upgrade, or upgrade the clients. The same recommendations as in The 2.121.x upgrade guide for remoting changes apply here. - type: rfe references: - pull: 3497 - title: full changelog url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#44 - title: Jetty 9.4.11 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.11.v20180605 - title: Jetty 9.4.10 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.10.v20180503 - title: Jetty 9.4.9 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.9.v20180320 message: > Upgrade Winstone from 4.3 to 4.4 to update Jetty from 9.4.8.v20171121 to 9.4.11.v20180605. - type: rfe pull: 3476 issue: 51667 message: > Jenkins remote API: Export fingerprints for builds which do not derive from AbstractBuild, like Pipeline builds. - type: rfe pull: 3489 issue: 51889 message: > Stop using deprecated com.google.common.io.NullOutputStream from Guava to avoid binary conflicts with plugins bundling newer Guava versions (regression in 2.127). # Developer - type: rfe pull: 3380 issue: 50447 message: > Developer: Introduce SimplePageDecorator extension point, which allows decorating the redesigned login page. references: - title: announcement blog post url: /blog/2018/06/27/new-login-page/ - type: bug pull: 3489 issue: 51955 message: > Developer API: Prevent NullPointerException in SlaveComputer#setChannel(Channel,OutputStream,Channel.Listener) with null OutputStream. - type: bug pull: 3489 issue: 51971 message: > Developer API: StreamTaskListener#getCharset() now returns the default charset when it is not configured. # pull: 3495 too minor (make some strings localizable) # pull: 3494 too minor (French translation fix) - version: "2.129" date: 2018-06-24 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 3271 references: - issue: 32442 - issue: 32776 - url: /blog/2018/07/02/new-api-token-system title: blog post message: > Replace single per-user API token with new system of multiple, revocable, unrecoverable API tokens with usage tracking. - type: bug pull: 3496 issue: 28683 message: > Dynamically loaded plugins now have any PeriodicWork/AperiodicWork extensions scheduled. - type: rfe pull: 3513 references: - issue: 51837 - url: /redirect/java-support/ title: supported Java versions message: > Upgrade Bytecode Compatibility Transformer from 1.8 to 2.0-beta-2, upgrading ASM from 5.0.1 to 6.2 to improve support of Java 9+ runtimes. - type: rfe references: - issue: 51818 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#322 title: Remoting 3.22 changelog pull: 3514 message: > Upgrade Remoting from 3.21 to 3.22 to have agents check availability of the controller's TCP Agent Listener port when connecting over TCP. - type: rfe references: - issue: 51994 - issue: 46622 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/extras-executable-war/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#141 title: Executable WAR 1.41 changelog - url: /redirect/java-support/ title: supported Java versions message: > Update Executable WAR from 1.40 to 1.41 to link the Jenkins Java support policy and to fix reflection warnings when running on Java 9+ (experimental support). - type: rfe issue: 51841 pull: 3514 message: > Developer API: Remoting 3.22 now offers a new Channel#readFrom(Channel, byte[]) method for a standardized command deserialization from the channel. # pull: 3506 too minor (fine logging) # pull: 3509 too minor (Korean l10n) # pull: 3488 too minor (NPE robustness improvement) - version: "2.130" date: 2018-07-01 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 3356 message: > Check SHA-512 or SHA-256 checksums of update site and tool installer metadata and core and plugin downloads if the update site provides them. - type: bug pull: 3525 issue: 52161 message: > Improve API token metadata to be able to distinguish between API tokens created today, and whose creation date is unknown (legacy API tokens). - type: bug pull: 3530 issue: 52204 message: > Update Remoting from 3.22 to 3.23 to skip TCP Agent Listener port availability check when the -tunnel option is set (regression in Remoting 3.22 and Jenkins 2.129). - type: bug pull: 3523 issue: 52164 message: > Instances of some item types could not be renamed (regression in 2.110). - type: rfe pull: 3522 issue: 52159 message: > Robustness: Don't break queue processing when the configured queue sorter throws exceptions. - type: rfe pull: 3528 references: - issue: 51965 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/instance-identity-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#22 title: full changelog message: > Update instance identity module from 2.1 to 2.2 to improve Java 11 compatibility. # pull: 3521 too minor (update JNLP help) # pull: 3526 too minor (i18n) # pull: 3519 too minor (API token related UI labels) # pull: 3524 too minor (API token UI) - version: "2.131" date: 2018-07-08 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3536 issue: 52356 message: > Add support for Zip files larger than 4 GB (Zip64). - type: rfe pull: 3480 issue: 52417 message: > Developer: Remove hudson.FilePath#copyFromRemotely(URL) Beta API. # pull: 3531 Javadoc fix # pull: 3520 Javadoc fix # pull: 3532 Chinese i18n # pull: 3535 add @CheckForNull # pull: 3533 Chinese i18n - version: "2.132" date: 2018-07-15 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3546 message: > Don't log warnings when SHA-256 checksums are provided (but SHA-512 are not) for plugin downloads. - type: rfe pull: 3542 issue: 52534 message: > Allow java.time.Ser for use in XStream (XML serialization) and Remoting (agent communication). - type: bug issue: 52325 pull: 3537 message: > Don't fail to archive artifacts when attributes cannot be preserved, instead log a message and proceed without preserving attributes (regression in 2.120). # pull: 3498 too minor (alt text) # pull: 3543 too minor (add @Nonnull annotation) # pull: 3541 too minor (Chinese i18n) - version: "2.133" date: 2018-07-18 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2018-07-18/ title: security advisory - version: "2.134" date: 2018-07-22 changes: - type: rfe references: - pull: 3547 - url: https://www.w3.org/TR/referrer-policy/#referrer-policy-same-origin title: referrer policy documentation message: > Instruct browsers to not send referrer headers when following links to other sites. - type: rfe references: - pull: 3550 - pull: 3555 message: > Improvements to Chinese localization. # pull: 3548 too minor (Javadoc) # pull: 3549 too minor (Contributing.md) - version: "2.135" date: 2018-07-29 changes: - type: rfe issue: 51666 pull: 3553 message: > Some deserialization rejections are now logged on WARNING log level, instead of only on FINER. - type: rfe issue: 50457 pull: 3540 message: > Prevent warnings about deserialization of hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty$1. - type: rfe issue: 52718 pull: 3559 message: > Developer: Make Jenkins#getInstallState and Jenkins#setInstallState(…) available to plugins. # pull: 3554 (minor CN i18n) # pull: 3552 (Chinese translation for API tokens) # pull: 3564 (Javadoc) # pull: 3538 (document split-plugins.txt content) - version: "2.136" date: 2018-08-05 changes: - type: rfe issue: 52822 pull: 3571 message: > Add a new CLI command enable-plugin to enable one or more installed plugins and optionally restart Jenkins. - type: rfe issue: 52771 pull: 3565 message: > Update JNA from 4.2.1 to 4.5.2 to add support for s390x, update GNU C minimal requirement to 2.7 on Unix platforms. - type: bug issue: 41127 pull: 3562 message: > Some types of builds, like pipelines, would sometimes run concurrently even when that was disabled. - type: bug issue: 52441 pull: 3558 message: > Legacy API token monitoring did not work correctly for users with id null. - type: bug issue: 52729 pull: 3563 message: > Launcher.ProcStarter.stdout(TaskListener) did not properly send its argument over a Remoting channel to an agent. - type: rfe issue: 52794 pull: 3566 message: > Developer: Add EnvironmentVariablesNodeProperty#getEnv() for better Configuration-as-Code support. # pull: 3568 Javadoc # pull: 3574 minor refactoring of AdminWhitelistRule with unclear result/goal - version: "2.137" date: 2018-08-12 changes: - type: bug pull: 3576 message: > Do not show scroll bar prematurely on long build display names in the sidepanel builds widget. - type: rfe issue: 52665 pull: 3551 message: > Developer: Downgrade errors about plugin dependency version mismatches to warnings when Maven snapshot versions are involved. Typically only relevant for developers, especially when using incrementals. - type: rfe pull: 3567 message: > Internal: Update parent POM. Jenkins now requires Maven 3.5.4 or newer to build. # pull: 3581 too minor (Chinese i18n) - version: "2.138" date: 2018-08-15 changes: - type: security message: Security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2018-08-15/ title: security advisory - type: rfe message: Security hardening related to Stapler routing. references: - url: /security/advisory/2018-12-05/#SECURITY-595 title: SECURITY-595 in the 2018-12-05 security advisory - version: "2.139" banner: > 2.139 was not properly released, so only the corresponding Git commits exist. changes: - type: rfe issue: 52181 pull: 3527 message: > Allow use of the console command with Job/Read permission. - type: rfe issue: 53055 pull: 3589 message: > Upgrade libpam4j from 1.8 to 1.11. - type: bug issue: 52950 pull: 3585 message: > CLI command enable-plugin -restart will no longer restart Jenkins if no plugins were actually enabled. - type: bug issue: 37599 pull: 3583 message: > Nested f:repeatable/f:repeatableProperty form elements inherited minimum when they shouldn't. - type: bug issue: 53016 pull: 3580 message: > Build logs were not displayed correctly when they contained hyperlinks whose link text contains newline characters. - type: rfe issue: 52818 pull: 3570 message: > Developer: Add support for the @PostConstruct lifecycle method annotation. - type: rfe issue: 52818 pull: 3570 message: > Developer: Add interface PersistentDescriptor that allows implementing Descriptors to skip explicit calls to load(). # pull: 3582 too minor (Chinese i18n) # pull: 3584 too minor (clean up @since) # pull: 3590 too minor (grammar) # pull: 3592 too minor (accessibility roles for search box) # pull: 3587 too minor (clean up reflection after security update) # pull: 3595 too minor (use redirect URL instead of wiki) - version: "2.140" date: 2018-08-26 changes: - type: bug issue: 48770 pull: 3591 message: > A configured quiet period was interpreted as milliseconds, instead of seconds. (regression in 2.82) # pull: 3598 too minor (serialization warning), JENKINS-53177 # pull: 3597 too minor (l10n file encoding) # pull: 3594 too minor (Chinese l10n) - version: "2.141" date: 2018-09-02 changes: - type: major bug references: - issue: 53239 - issue: 52804 - issue: 51136 - issue: 52358 pull: 3602 message: > Update Winstone-Jetty from 4.4 to 5.0 to fix HTTP/2 support and threading problems on hosts with 30+ cores. - type: rfe pull: 3606 references: - issue: 42533 - issue: 52945 message: Update Remoting from 3.25 to 3.26 to remove some unhelpful warnings. - type: rfe issue: 17116 pull: 3414 message: > Wait up to two minutes for process termination before killing it (typically when aborting a build). - type: rfe issue: 53282 pull: 3603 message: > Reduce logging level of restart and shutdown related notifications from SEVERE to INFO. - version: "2.142" date: 2018-09-20 # TBD, really changes: - type: bug issue: 50795 pull: 3614 message: > Improve robustness when search items don't specify a display name. - type: bug pull: 3612 message: > Certain kinds of errors in build console display were being suppressed and ANSI escape sequences displayed instead. - type: bug pull: 3601 message: > Further improvements to not show scroll bar prematurely on long build display names in the sidepanel builds widget. - type: rfe pull: 3622 # and 3628 issue: 53561 message: > Developer: Make HashedToken and ApiTokenStore Serializable. # pull: 3623 too minor (Slovak translation) # pull: 3607 too minor (typo in French translation) # pull: 3619 too minor (Chinese translation) # pull: 3621 too minor (JENKINS-53549: docs on workspace location) - version: "2.143" date: 2018-09-25 changes: - type: major bug pull: 3613 issue: 53729 message: > Hyperlinks in build logs for builds run using Jenkins 2.138 or older were not displayed correctly in newer versions of Jenkins. As a side effect of this fix, build logs created with Jenkins between 2.139 and 2.142 (inclusive) will lose the hyperlink metadata. - type: rfe pull: 3643 references: - issue: 52019 - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.12.html title: Groovy 2.4.12 changelog message: > Update Groovy from 2.4.11 to 2.4.12 to pick up fixes towards Java 11 support. - type: rfe pull: 3604 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/214 title: JEP-214 message: > Add extensibility mechanism for anonymous usage statistics with initial implementation collecting information about applied security fix escape hatches. - type: bug pull: 3609 issue: 53401 message: > Fix a thread safety issue when creating multiple nodes in parallel. - type: rfe pull: 3604 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/214 title: JEP-214 message: > Developer: Add Telemetry extension point. - type: rfe pull: 3637 issue: 53693 message: > Developer: Update PowerMock and Mockito to versions compatible with Java 11. - type: bug pull: 3631 issue: 53608 message: > Internal: Incorrect API signatures on some classes performing custom deserialization. - type: rfe pull: 3635 issue: 52024 message: > Internal: Update sezpoz from 1.12 to 1.13 to enable building plugins with JDK 11. # pull: 3644 too minor (Javadoc tt) # pull: 3642 too minor (Javadoc tt) # pull: 3638 too minor (FindBugs issue in test) # pull: 3632 too minor (Spanish i18n) - version: "2.144" date: 2018-09-30 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3659 issue: 46725 message: > Update jnr-posix to 3.0.45 to prevent Illegal Reflective access warnings when running with Java 11. - type: bug message: > Update Remoting from 3.26 to 3.27 to eliminate a potential deadlock. pull: 3657 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#327 title: full changelog - issue: 53569 - type: bug pull: 3627 issue: 53593 message: > Prevent process termination failure when ProcessKiller extension fails with NoClassDefFoundError. - type: bug pull: 3608 issue: 53353 message: > Remove unreliable action caching in views so that plugins installed after Jenkins startup can contribute to the UI. - type: rfe pull: 3650 issue: 46523 message: > Update Unix process management logic to support Process Tree termination when running with Java 11. - type: rfe pull: 3639 issue: 53721 message: > Developer: Introduce getPlatform() and setPlatform() methods in hudson.EnvVars. - type: rfe pull: 3656 message: > Developer: Introduce new hudson.Util#fixNull(value, defaultValue) method. # pull: 3646 too minor (Nonnull Method annotation) # pull: 3649 too minor (FindBugs suppression) # pull: 3640 too minor (refactoring - variable renames) # pull: 3651 too minor (PowerMock fixes) # pull: 3655 too minor (import fixes) # pull: 3658 Jenkinsfile - version: "2.145" date: 2018-10-07 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 3667 message: > Migrate most Simplified Chinese translations into Localization: Chinese (Simplified) Plugin. - type: bug issue: 31448 pull: 3671 message: > Prevent NullPointerException on restart with an undefined update site URL. - type: bug issue: 53710 pull: 3641 message: > Fix problems with update center metadata signature check on Java 11. - type: bug issue: 48516 pull: 3672 message: > The initial visibility of nested groups of radio buttons did not accurately reflect the current values. - type: rfe pull: 3653 issue: 53792 message: > New JENKINS_USER_ID and JENKINS_API_TOKEN environment variables can be used to configure the CLI authentication. - type: rfe pull: 3654 message: > Minor improvements to reduce minimum memory footprint for Jenkins, especially around update center & plugin metadata. - type: rfe pull: 3611 issue: 36547 message: > Developer: Add overridable Queue.Task#getAffinityKey() to allow consistent hashing for Pipeline builds in the future. - type: bug pull: 3662 message: > Developer: ConsoleAnnotatorFactory mishandled its type parameter, effectively forcing all implementations to use Object or raw types. - type: rfe pull: 3660 references: - issue: 52024 - url: https://github.com/kohsuke/metainf-services title: META-INF/services generator message: > Internal: Update META-INF/services generator from 1.4 to 1.8 to fix compilation on JDK 10+. - type: rfe pull: 3682 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/pom/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#149 title: Parent POM changelog message: > Internal: Update Parent POM to 1.49 to make the build flow compatible with Java 11. # pull: 3665 too minor (Javadoc) # pull: 3666 too minor (Javadoc) # pull: 3674 too minor (English i18n fixes) # pull: 3647 too minor (help text CSS overflow) # pull: 3675 too minor (help text wording) # pull: 3670 Dockerfile for master # pull: 3677 Javadoc only # pull: 3678 too minor (Telemetry Javadoc and default impl for #getId # pull: 3684 too minor (CLI help JENKINS-53792) # pull: 3681 too minor (icon size i18n) # pull: 3679 smoke test profile, doc update - version: "2.146" date: 2018-10-10 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2018-10-10/ title: security advisory - type: major rfe message: > Security hardening: Escape variables in Jelly views by default. references: - url: /blog/2018/10/10/security-updates/ title: announcement blog post - url: /doc/upgrade-guide/2.138/#security-hardening-to-prevent-xss-vulnerabilities title: LTS upgrade guide - url: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Plugins+affected+by+2018-10-10+Stapler+security+hardening title: list of affected plugins - type: rfe message: Security hardening related to Stapler routing. references: - url: /security/advisory/2018-12-05/#SECURITY-595 title: SECURITY-595 in the 2018-12-05 security advisory - type: rfe message: Security hardening related to HTTP verb restrictions for web methods. - version: "2.147" date: 2018-10-14 changes: - type: major rfe references: - issue: 51805 - issue: 53929 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#51 title: Winstone-Jetty changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.12.v20180830 title: Jetty changelog message: > Update Winstone-Jetty from 5.0 to 5.1 to update Jetty to 9.4.12, picking up TLS 1.3 support and fixes towards Java 11. - type: rfe references: - pull: 3690 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/pull/149 title: stapler/stapler#149 message: > Update Stapler from 1.254.2 to 1.255 to integrate a fix related to StaplerProxy#getTarget() return value handling. - type: rfe pull: 3668 message: > Print a warning when the long deprecated method Secret#toString() is being used. - type: rfe references: - pull: 3688 - pull: 3687 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/pull/148 title: stapler/stapler#148 message: > Add telemetry trials related to browser languages and Stapler request dispatching. # pull: 3685 internal (test fix for JENKINS-53863) # pull: 3676 too minor (CLI reformatting) - version: "2.148" date: 2018-10-21 changes: - type: bug references: - issue: 53462 - url: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1370630 title: Firefox bug 1370630 pull: 3689 message: > Make form submit buttons on the Jenkins classic UI compatible with potentially upcoming Firefox bug fix. # pull: 3693 too minor (Chinese l10n) - version: "2.149" date: 2018-10-28 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3697 issue: 54137 message: > Do not submit telemetry if there's no relevant data. - type: rfe pull: 3698 issue: 54136 message: > Use per-trial correlation IDs for telemetry submissions. - type: bug pull: 3699 # and 3700 issue: 54135 message: > Fix concurrency bug that caused requests to hang since 2.147. - type: bug pull: 3701 message: > When using elastic agents (clouds), agent JVMs could be incorrectly relaunched and never terminated. # pull: 3707 too minor (Javadoc fix) - version: "2.150" date: 2018-11-04 changes: [] - version: "2.151" date: 2018-11-11 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3648 issue: 27177 message: > Add a new CLI command disable-plugin to disable one ore more installed plugins and optionally restart Jenkins. - type: rfe pull: 3626 message: > Add new category Languages to the plugin wizard, which automatically installs available localization plugins based on browser language. - type: rfe references: - pull: 3723 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#193 title: Windows Agent Installer changelog message: > Update Windows Agent Installer from 1.9.2 to 1.9.3 to reduce remote class loading when not actually using Windows. - type: bug pull: 3695 issue: 49196 message: > Avoid Premature EOF error when using the shutdown CLI command. - type: bug pull: 3708 issue: 54310 message: > Prevent Stream is closed error in case a CLI command finishes before the input is entirely read. # pull: 3722 too minor (Surefire bug workaround) # pull: 3717 too minor (Nonnull annotation) - version: "2.152" date: 2018-11-19 changes: - type: bug references: - issue: 54261 - issue: 54333 - issue: 54570 pull: 3760 message: > Revert compatibility fix for future releases of Firefox due to regressions it caused since 2.148. - type: bug issue: 38719 pull: 3757 message: > Do not cache CSS/JS resource files for console annotations like Timestamper Plugin across Jenkins restarts. - type: bug pull: 3283 issue: 48775 message: > In some cases, HTTP proxies with authentication did not work for HTTPS URLs. - type: rfe pull: 3718 references: - issue: 54459 - url: /doc/book/managing/system-properties/ title: Jenkins features controlled by system properties message: > Improve robustness when checking for updates. Add hudson.PluginManager.checkUpdateSleepTimeMillis and hudson.PluginManager.CHECK_UPDATE_ATTEMPTS system properties to adapt to unreliable networks. - type: rfe pull: 3730 issue: 16867 message: > Add support for killing child processes on AIX. - type: rfe pull: 3715 issue: 20155 message: > Only select compatible plugin updates when clicking Select All below the list. - type: rfe issue: 54599 pull: 3758 message: > Internal: Upgrade the Maven Jenkins Dev plugin from 9.4.5.v20170502 to 9.4.12.v20180830 to align it with the Jetty version. - type: rfe references: - issue: 53863 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins-test-harness#changelog title: changelog pull: 3759 message: > Internal: Update Jenkins Test Harness from 2.36 to 2.41.1 to allow running tests with JDK11. - type: rfe pull: 3759 issue: 53716 message: > Internal: Introduce a new submodule for JDK8-only tests so that it is possible to run tests against codebase removed from JDK11. # pull: 3691 too minor (Chinese i18n) - version: "2.153" date: 2018-11-25 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3764 issue: 45318 message: > Add support for the ed25519 key algorithm in Jenkins CLI. - type: rfe pull: 3766 issue: 52282 message: > Do not show the Launch agent from browser button (Java Web Start) if Jenkins is running on Java 11. - type: bug issue: 45235 pull: 3269 message: > Do not hide newer releases of plugins from secondary update sites. # pull: 3769 test only # pull: 3771 too minor (Russian l10n) - type: bug references: - issue: 54731 - issue: 54459 pull: 3768 message: > Check hudson.PluginManager.checkUpdateAttempts system property instead of hudson.PluginManager.CHECK_UPDATE_ATTEMPTS. - version: "2.154" date: 2018-12-05 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2018-12-05/ title: security advisory - version: "2.155" date: 2018-12-09 changes: # pull: 3775 too minor (Javadoc @deprecated update) # pull: 3774 too minor (method @Nonnull) # pull: 3787 too minor (disable flaky test) # pull: 3792 too minor (l10n typo) # pull: 3779 too minor (help text grammar) # pull: 3789 too minor (JENKINS-55079 typo in API help) - type: major rfe pull: 3794 message: > Java 11 Support Preview is available starting from this version references: - issue: 52012 - url: /blog/2018/12/14/java11-preview-availability/ title: Announcement and run guidelines - type: rfe pull: 3794 message: > When running on Java 11, Jenkins by default is now using an update center with alpha/beta plugin releases that require Java 11. references: - issue: 55080 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/211#experimental-update-center-for-java-11 title: Experimental Update Center for Java 11 in JEP-211 - type: rfe pull: 3773 message: > Update SSHD Module from 2.4 to 2.5 to add support for the EdDSA signature algorithm. references: - issue: 45318 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/sshd-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#25 title: SSHD Module changelog - type: bug pull: 3794 issue: 55076 message: > Unix process manager and Agent Java Web Start UI now check the current Java version based on java.specification.version. - type: rfe pull: 3783 message: > Internal: update parent POM from 1.49 to 1.50 to get the SUREFIRE-1588 workaround. references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/pom/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#150 title: Parent POM changelog - url: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SUREFIRE-1588 title: SUREFIRE-1588 - version: '2.156' date: 2018-12-17 changes: - type: bug issue: 52869 pull: 3727 message: > User account creation by administrators did not show error messages when it failed. (regression in 2.129) - type: bug references: - issue: 55197 - issue: 55070 message: > Fix java.lang.IllegalStateException that could occur in rare cases on Jenkins startup. - type: bug issue: 26677 pull: 3778 message: > Attempt to prevent NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/ServletException under some conditions on agents. - type: rfe references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#328 title: full changelog - issue: 47977 - issue: 48778 - issue: 49987 - issue: 50730 - issue: 51108 - issue: 54005 message: > Update Remoting from 3.27 to 3.28 to fix some minor issues and enhance NO_PROXY options. - type: rfe issue: 54933 pull: 3780 message: > Replace the Flash implementation of the "copy to clipboard" feature with the native JavaScript equivalent. - type: rfe issue: 54325 pull: 3721 message: > Developer: Login and signup pages redesigned in 2.129 now can receive style contributions (footer view for SimplePageDecorator) from multiple plugins. # pull: 3776 too minor (bump ATH version) # pull: 3791 too minor (minor grammar fixes) # pull: 3795 too minor (test correction on Java 11) # pull: 3796 too minor (change assertion in test) # pull: 3799 too minor (suppress tests that fail in CI) # pull: 3801 too minor (update triggerRemotely doc) # pull: 3804 too minor (fix tests that attempt restart outside RestartableJenkinsRule) # pull: 3807 too minor (fix compile error after bad merges) # pull: 3809 too minor (ignore flaky test) - version: "2.157" date: 2019-01-06 changes: - type: rfe references: - issue: 47603 - issue: 47458 - issue: 55133 - issue: 53653 pull: 3827 message: > Update Trilead SSH library to add support for OpenSSH keys with AES256-CTR encryption. - type: bug issue: 55062 pull: 3793 message: > Restarting and Loading pages did not get CSS resources from the correct URL when using a context path. - type: rfe references: - pull: 3829 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/pom/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#151 title: changelog message: > Internal: Update parent POM from 1.50 to 1.51. - type: rfe pull: 3831 message: > Internal: update build-helper-maven-plugin from 1.7 to 3.0 to make Jenkins more easily importable in Eclipse IDE. # pull: 3816 ATH only # pull: 3818 ATH only # pull: 3812 too minor (fix test flakiness) # pull: 3822 too minor (adding space in localized texts) # pull: 3824 translation-tool.pl # pull: 3832 Jenkinsfile # pull: 3826 too minor (add some Polish translations) # pull: 3820 fix TZ related test when run in India # pull: 3833 Javadoc only - version: '2.158' date: 2019-01-13 changes: - type: rfe issue: 55048 pull: 3016 message: > Add support for plugins declaring a minimum Java version in manifest, showing warnings and refusing to load plugins with unsatisfied dependencies. Plugins should use the plugin POM 3.31 or newer to make use of this. # pull: 3836 too minor (Polish) # pull: 3837 @since tooling is not part of Jenkins - version: '2.159' date: 2019-01-14 changes: - type: major bug issue: 55448 pull: 3845 message: > Fixed issue that prevented Jenkins from deleting files in many cases. (regression in 2.157) - version: "2.160" date: 2019-01-16 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2019-01-16/ title: security advisory - type: rfe message: Invalidate sessions and CLI authentication caches when changing the user password in the Jenkins user database. - version: "2.161" date: 2019-01-20 changes: - type: rfe references: - pull: 3854 - url: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#220 title: Windows Service Wrapper changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#1100 title: Windows Agent Installer Module changelog message: > Update Windows Service Wrapper from 2.1.2 to 2.2.0 and Windows Agent Installer from 1.9.3 to 1.10.0 to support disabling, renaming and archiving service logs. - type: rfe pull: 3847 message: > Update Executable WAR from 1.41 to 1.44, allowing use of JENKINS_ENABLE_FUTURE_JAVA environment variable as an alternative to the --enable-future-java CLI switch. - type: bug references: - issue: 55016 - issue: 55448 - issue: 55450 pull: 3841 message: > Overhaul file deletion related code to be more reliable. # Difficult to write a message here. It's basically JENKINS-55016 all over, since #3812 was reverted in #3845 - type: bug issue: 55257 pull: 3851 message: > Improve robustness of console annotators such as the Timestamper plugin in conjunction with certain Pipeline steps such as git on an agent with an old agent.jar. - type: rfe pull: 3825 message: > Developer: Add SecurityListener#userCreated API to inform about user account creation in the Jenkins user database security realm. - type: rfe pull: 3852 message: > Developer: Deprecate ParserConfigurator. - type: rfe pull: 3830 message: > Internal: Update frontend-maven-plugin from 1.4 to 1.6. # pull: 3842 too minor (Javadoc) # pull: 3846 too minor (l10n) # pull: 3849 too minor (CONTRIBUTING.md) - version: "2.162" date: 2019-01-27 changes: - type: major bug pull: 3786 issue: 54903 message: > Jenkins did not use the configured proxy credentials for authentication unless they were saved since Jenkins was started. (regression in 2.152) - type: rfe message: > The list-jobs no longer lists items recursively when listing a specific folder. issue: 48220 pull: 3711 - type: rfe pull: 3857 message: > Replace deprecated Warnings and Checkstyle plugins with Warnings Next Generation Plugin in installation wizard. - type: rfe pull: 3728 issue: 53284 message: > Do not print a warning about a changed workspace location on every startup when using the system property jenkins.model.Jenkins.workspacesDir. - type: rfe pull: 3862 message: > Internal: Optimization in the method to read a remote file as text. - type: rfe pull: 3855 issue: 53935 message: > Internal: Add smoke-test JUnit category. To only run these tests, mvn -P smoke-test. # pull: 3860 too minor (log message level) # pull: 3858 too minor (grammar) # pull: 3814 too minor (Chinese i18n) # pull: 3624 not part of Jenkins # pull: 3588 too minor (message wording) # pull: 3445 too minor (queue message) # pull: 3208 too minor (code cleanup) # pull: 3835 too minor (translation tool) - version: "2.163" date: 2019-02-03 changes: - type: major rfe message: > Support running Jenkins WARs on Java 11 without downloading JAXB JARs. A new JAXB plugin is marked as a detached one when running with Java 11 or higher. references: - issue: 55681 - pull: 3711 - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/jaxb title: plugin page - type: rfe message: > Report names of items being deleted in confirmation dialogs. pull: 3871 issue: 55848 - type: rfe message: > Replaced text references to slave with agent in various log entries and built-in help pages pull: 3456 issue: 51320 - type: rfe message: > Improve diagnostics of missing Old Data Administrative Monitor. references: - pull: 3240 - url: https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-48985 title: related issue - type: bug message: > Prevent a potential startup deadlock situation in extension loading. references: - pull: 3828 - issue: 55361 - issue: 54974 - issue: 50663 - issue: 44564 - issue: 31622 - type: bug message: > Improve robustness of the partial page refresh logic when Jenkins is not available. pull: 3869 issue: 53077 - type: bug message: > Prevent NullPointerException in Run Parameter for jobs in rare race condition cases. pull: 3112 issue: 47530 - type: bug message: > Prevent NumberFormatException when a symbolic link is published as an artifact. pull: 3790 issue: 55049 - type: bug message: > Prevent NullPointerException when a fingerprint is loaded from a corrupted XML file without the usages section. pull: 3305 issue: 49588 # pull: 3875 too minor (tests for JENKINS-22566) # pull: 3366 too minor (test coverage for BuildAuthorisationToken) # pull: 3207 too minor (refactoring) # pull: 3870 too minor (Jenkinsfile optimization for Java 11) # pull: 3868 too minor (grammar) - version: '2.164' date: 2019-02-10 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3885 issue: 55980 message: > Make the plugin manager robust against Java version specification format mismatches while comparing versions (esp. after Java JEP 223). - type: rfe pull: 3861 issue: 55050 message: > Reduce the performance impact of the SECURITY-904 fix when downloading artifacts or workspaces as ZIP file. - type: rfe pull: 3887 references: - issue: 55976 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#329 title: full changelog message: > Update Remoting from 3.28 to 3.29 to add a missing log call for severe protocol failures. - type: rfe pull: 3881 issue: 55085 message: > Jenkins now uses the standard update center by default when running with Java 11. - type: rfe pull: 3882 references: - issue: 52285 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/extras-executable-war/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#145 title: full changelog message: > Update Executable WAR from 1.44 to 1.45 to allow running Jenkins with Java 11 without setting the --enable-future-java flag or corresponding system property. - type: bug pull: 3884 references: - issue: 55978 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/sshd-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#26 title: full changelog message: > Update SSHD Module from 2.5 to 2.6 to apply a proper Apache Mina idle timeout value when a custom value was set using the org.jenkinsci.main.modules.sshd.SSHD.idle-timeout system property. - type: bug pull: 3879 issue: 55936 message: Suppress error message when first viewing the agent-to-controller security configuration page. - type: bug pull: 3874 issue: 55738 message: > Fix log message when the built-in node runs out of disk space and is taken offline. - type: rfe pull: 3618 issue: 53511 message: > Developer: Improve discovery and readability of WebClient most popular options. # pull: 3872 internal (jenkins-test-harness) # pull: 3886 too minor (fix translation) # pull: 3883 Incrementals only # pull: 3880 too minor (Grammar/punctuation) # pull: 3877 too minor (stray text in doc) - version: '2.165' date: 2019-02-17 changes: - type: major rfe references: - pull: 3838 - url: /blog/2019/02/17/remoting-cli-removed/ title: announcement blog post message: > Support for the Remoting mode of the CLI (-remoting option) has been removed. - type: rfe pull: 3838 message: > Developer: Some public classes and methods which were already deprecated as specific to Remoting mode of the CLI have been removed, though those likely to be used by plugins have been retained for compatibility. - type: rfe pull: 3876 issue: 43780 message: > Internal: Replace Trilead SSH implementation of base64 with the JDK implementation. # pull: 3899 too minor (Fix single quotes in properties files) # pull: 3898 too minor (Update typo from "It'll to It will") - version: '2.166' date: 2019-02-25 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3906 issue: 56200 message: > Add support for turning off a log recorder in the logger configuration. - type: rfe pull: 3902 issue: 56167 message: > Replace Trilead-SSH implementation of SSH key loader in CLI with Apache Mina. - type: bug pull: 3910 issue: 43218 message: > Prevent NullPointerException when discarding unreadable fingerprint data. - type: bug pull: 3897 issue: 56161 message: > Avoid deserialization errors with EnvVars in rare circumstances by adding a stable serialVersionUID. - type: rfe references: - pull: 3896 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/216 title: JEP-216 - url: https://github.com/kohsuke/localizer/compare/localizer-parent-1.24...localizer-parent-1.26 title: full changelog message: > Developer: Update Localizer library from 1.24 to 1.26 allowing plugins to override the lookup for localized resource files. - type: rfe pull: 3912 message: > Internal: Update Jenkins Test Harness from 2.46 to 2.47. # pull: 3907 too minor (Rely on auto unboxing) # pull: 3909 too minor (Java cleanup) # pull: 3905 too minor (help: clean up LogRecorder.logger) - version: '2.167' date: 2019-03-03 changes: - type: bug pull: 3918 issue: 42443 message: > Actually show spinner when select tries to load an async request. - type: rfe pull: 3908 message: > Add a log message to build logs when builds run with the virtual SYSTEM authentication. # pull: 3917 too minor (correct the name of the Logger for the Legacy API Token monitor) # pull: 3821 too minor (spelling: dependent) # pull: 3916 too minor ([JENKINS-52818] Add the missing @since) - version: '2.168' date: 2019-03-10 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3923 issue: 56398 message: > Mobile friendly layout of the login, loading and restart screens. - type: rfe pull: 3919 # and 3926 issue: 24513 message: > Inform administrators about potentially unsafe permissions setup involving builds running as the virtual SYSTEM user. - type: bug pull: 3914 issue: 56114 message: > Workspace and artifacts browsing did not work on Windows Server 2016 with Microsoft Docker. (regression in 2.154) - type: rfe pull: 3146 message: > Developer: StringParameterValue.getValue() now returns a String avoiding an unnecessary cast. # pull: 3913 Java cleanup # pull: 3928 prevent regression from 3913 - version: '2.169' date: 2019-03-24 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3943 references: - issue: 56659 - issue: 56591 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#52 title: full changelog message: > Update Winstone from 5.1 to 5.2 to make HTTPS cipher exclusions configurable. - type: rfe pull: 3934 issue: 56554 message: > Add the run parameter filter value to REST API responses. - type: bug pull: 3932 message: > Fix highlighting of table entries when using checkboxes on the Legacy API Token usage page. - version: '2.170' date: 2019-03-31 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 3951 issue: 56776 message: > Remove misleading nonStoredPasswordParam symbol for password parameter definitions, since it's actually stored encrypted. - type: bug pull: 3940 issue: 45661 message: > Corrupted console notes could cause an uninformative NegativeArraySizeException to be thrown from ConsoleNote#readFrom and build log display to be broken. # pull: 3950 too minor (Switch a few URLs to HTTPS) # pull: 3781 too minor (Add periods to sentences) - version: '2.171' date: 2019-04-07 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3938 issue: 50095 message: |- Expose the minimum supported version of remoting to allow future releases to reject incompatible agent connections. - type: bug pull: 3960 issue: 56856 message: |- The setup wizard did not properly escape passwords, resulting in errors with certain special characters. - type: bug pull: 3930 message: |- Revert accidental change to hashCode computation of jenkins.util.TreeString in 2.168. - type: rfe references: - pull: 3967 - url: /doc/developer/security/secrets/ title: Storing Secrets in Jenkins message: |- Developer: Add Jelly UI component f:secretTextarea for multi-line secrets analogous to f:password for single-line. - type: rfe pull: 3963 message: |- Developer: Deprecated Run.getLogFile(), as it is not compatible with JEP-210. # pull: 3929 too minor (Internal Java code cleanup) # pull: 3942 too minor (Minor improvement to help text of archiveArtifacts pipeline step.) # pull: 3946 too minor (Add localization support for default API token name) # pull: 3954 too minor (Jenkins user database: Do not allow signup of new users by default) # pull: 3956 too minor (@since fix) # pull: 3957 too minor (Adding @CheckReturnValue to various log-writing methods) # pull: 3958 too minor (Noting JEP-210 impact on ConsoleNote encoding) # pull: 3962 too minor (Let some tests skip themselves which are sensitive to the live contents of the update center) - version: '2.172' date: 2019-04-10 changes: - type: security message: Security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2019-04-10/ title: security advisory - version: '2.173' date: 2019-04-14 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 2691 issue: 40750 message: |- Remove built-in support for CCtray (cc.xml) files. To restore this feature, install the CCtray XML Plugin. - type: rfe pull: 3961 message: |- Adjust stream flushing behavior for code running remotely on agents for better performance. This may lead to loss of messages for plugins which print to a build log from the agent machine but do not flush their output. Use -Dhudson.util.StreamTaskListener.AUTO_FLUSH=true to restore the previous behavior for freestyle builds. Note that Pipeline builds always expect remote flush. - type: rfe pull: 3977 issue: 56733 message: |- Add a button to copy new API tokens to the clipboard. - type: bug pull: 3761 references: - issue: 53462 - url: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1370630 title: Firefox bug 1370630 message: |- Make form submit buttons on the Jenkins classic UI compatible with potentially upcoming Firefox bug fix. - type: bug pull: 3955 issue: 50504 message: |- Do not offer a workspace lease to a new build if it is already in use by a (Pipeline) build running across an agent reconnection. - type: bug pull: 3973 issue: 55292 message: |- Remove Mailer related localized strings from core. Make sure you use Mailer Plugin 1.23. - type: bug pull: 3959 issue: 56995 message: |- Properly flush output from the Maven console annotator. - type: rfe pull: 3729 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/216 title: JEP-216 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#1257 title: full changelog message: |- Developer: Update Stapler from 1.256 to 1.257 to add support for loading localized webapp resources from any plugin. Add jenkins.PluginLocaleDrivenResourceProvider interface for plugins to participate in localized resource lookup. - type: rfe pull: 3961 message: |- Developer: SystemProperties may now be used from agent-side code. See SystemProperties#allowOnAgent. - type: rfe pull: 3959 message: |- Developer: Add LineTransformationOutputStream#Delegating for convenience. - type: rfe pull: 3900 issue: 56166 message: |- Developer: hudson.util.ssh.SFTPClient was removed. Use com.trilead.ssh2.jenkins.SFTPClient from the Trilead SSH library instead. - type: rfe pull: 3948 message: |- Internal: Update commons-beanutils from 1.8.3 to 1.9.3. # pull: 3976 (Improve help text) # pull: 3974 (Merge back different security tests that were split for the security release) # pull: 3803 (JENKINS-55130 - Rewrite OldDataMonitor configure text) # pull: 3971 (Remove debug timeout that was forgotten) # pull: 3944 (Fold tests back into normal files) # pull: 3933 (Update Jenkins initialization logging on FINE level to not log stack trace per extension) # pull: 3425 (fix a "not-yet-existing" bug introduced in #3402) - version: '2.174' date: 2019-04-21 changes: - type: bug pull: 3925 issue: 56403 message: |- Renaming an agent retained old agent configuration, causing it to re-appear on restart. # Not mentioning regression, since this apparently has existed for 3 years (since Jenkins 2.8) - type: rfe pull: 2831 issue: 43322 message: |- Nested views are now searchable by name. # pull: 3993 Removing forgotten mention of now-deleted -remoting CLI option - version: '2.175' date: 2019-04-28 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3952 issue: 16750 message: |- Update status icon of a build when the build is finished - type: rfe pull: 3985 issue: 56477 message: |- The Plugin Manager now provides easier selection for applicable plugin updates with options to select "All", "Compatible" or "None". The selection of "Compatible" plugins (previously "All") has been fixed to exclude all that contain any compatibility warnings. - type: rfe pull: 3998 message: |- Remove misleading references to Java Web Start and JNLP from GUI surrounding inbound Jenkins agents. - type: rfe pull: 3999 message: |- Re-enable Stapler request dispatching telemetry. - type: rfe issue: 47896 pull: 3980 message: |- Ensure that Remoting objects are being serialized only through Remoting channels. Certain classes which were never designed for persistence in XML will no longer be serialized to disk: FilePath, [Stream]TaskListener, and ProcessTree. - type: bug pull: 3987 issue: 57071 message: |- Fix some errors seen in the Linux agent installers. - type: bug issue: 57096 message: |- Make Debian/Ubuntu launcher script work with Java 11. - type: rfe pull: 3984 message: |- Developer: Make ${port} be honored by mvn -f war hudson-dev:run. # pull: 3873 ([JENKINS-55829] New getter method in AbstractCIBase) # pull: 3978 (Update Dockerfile) # pull: 3986 (Making ConfidentialKey instances safe to keep in static fields even across JenkinsRule starts) # pull: 3990 (Bump to more recent tip of ATH) # pull: 3995 (Add section for agent to controller configuration) - version: '2.176' date: 2019-05-05 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 4011 issue: 57244 message: |- Some plugins would fail in 2.175 with an error related to serialization of FilePaths. This is now downgraded to a warning. Plugin updates should still be applied to correct the underlying mistake. - type: rfe pull: 3686 issue: 11888 message: |- Add stop-job CLI command which allows aborting builds. - type: rfe pull: 4005 references: - issue: 51004 - issue: 57107 - issue: 46515 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#330 title: full changelog message: |- Update Remoting from 3.29 to 3.30 to fix a few minor issues. - type: rfe pull: 4008 message: |- Migrate all Chinese localization resources into Localization: Chinese (Simplified) plugin. - type: bug pull: 4004 issue: 57273 message: |- NodeListener#onCreated was called when Jenkins#addNode or Nodes#addNode actually replaced an existing node. - type: rfe pull: 4006 message: |- Developer: include generated source files of CLI module in the classpath. # pull: 4012 Run.keepLog-related names were misleading # pull: 3936 [JENKINS-56499] Remove synchronized on method updateUsageForId for API token usage stat - version: '2.177' date: 2019-05-12 changes: - type: rfe references: - url: /doc/pipeline/steps/core/#fingerprint-record-fingerprints-of-files-to-track-usage title: documentation - pull: 3915 message: |- Support setting excludes and case sensitivity in the fingerprint() build step in Pipeline and other job types. - type: rfe pull: 3997 message: |- Allow distinguishing between new projects, disabled projects, and those with aborted builds through differently shaded build balls. - type: rfe pull: 4010 references: - issue: 51577 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#111 title: full changelog message: |- Update Windows Agent Installer from 1.10.0 to 1.11, enabling TLS 1.2 on agent downloads when running with .NET 4.6 or newer. - type: rfe references: - pull: 4016 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#53 title: full changelog - title: Jetty 9.4.18 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.18.v20190429 - title: Jetty 9.4.17 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.17.v20190418 - title: Jetty 9.4.16 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.16.v20190411 message: |- Update Winstone-Jetty from 5.2 to 5.3 to update Jetty to 9.4.18. - type: bug pull: 4014 issue: 57412 message: |- Restore Chinese localized resources used by the setup wizard. (regression in 2.176) - type: bug pull: 4015 issue: 57111 message: |- Robustness: Do not put agent offline for runtime exceptions in ComputerListener#onOnline(). - type: bug pull: 3915 issue: 41696 message: |- Do not record fingerprints for files not included in archived artifacts due to exclude filter. - type: rfe pull: 4018 message: |- Developer: Make UserSeedProperty available to plugin developers. - type: rfe pull: 3922 issue: 56379 message: |- Developer: Add support for titleClassMethod (from symbol-hetero-list in Pipeline) to f:hetero-list. # pull: 3975 Internal: Internal Java code cleanup # pull: 4013 [JENKINS-11888] Cleanup StopBuildsCommandTest # pull: 4017 Remove manag_.groovy # pull: 4019 Update one message in Polish translation (typo fix) - version: '2.178' date: 2019-05-20 changes: - type: bug pull: 4021 issue: 25369 message: |- Update jmDNS from 3.4.0-jenkins-3 to 3.5.5 to prevent unnecessary DNS Multicast error messages. - type: bug pull: 4029 references: - issue: 57477 - url: https://github.com/kohsuke/winp/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#128 title: full changelog message: |- Update WinP from 1.27 to 1.28 to fix problems with a missing DLL and flickering console window in the Windows graceful process shutdown logic. - type: bug pull: 4000 issue: 57528 message: |- Make sure detached plugins (plugins whose functionality used to be part of Jenkins itself) are installed upon Jenkins startup when needed as implied dependencies of other plugins which were already present. This simplifies compatibility for specialized installation scenarios not using the update center, such as when Jenkins is run from a Docker image prepackaged with some plugins. - type: rfe pull: 4000 message: |- Bring the bundled version of the Script Security plugin up to date with recent security advisories, in the unlikely case it is indeed installed from the WAR rather than the update center. # pull: 4024 too minor (PR title: IntelliJ/HTML(fr): Start tag has wrong closing tag) # pull: 4020 (PR title: Java cleanup) # pull: 4028 ([JENKINS-21024] assertEquals between objects of inconvertible types) - version: '2.179' date: 2019-05-26 changes: - type: rfe pull: 4039 issue: 55582 message: |- Detached plugin handling changes in 2.178 could cause problems for some custom Jenkins home packaging schemes that use improper filenames. These cases are now at least warned about, and in some cases transparently handled. - type: rfe pull: 3921 issue: 55787 message: |- Change the presentation of boolean (checkbox) options for most options on configuration forms. - type: rfe pull: 4032 message: |- Developer: Make the XMLUtils class with utility methods related to safe XML processing available to plugins. # pull: 4037 too minor (Internal: Add the javadoc for the new class JenkinsJmDNS) # pull: 4044 irrelevant (Use the sponsor button to link to our donation page) # pull: 4043 too minor (Switch translations for 2 labels in iconSize_pl.properties) # pull: 4031 too minor (Add an example how to launch agent with secret not on command line) - version: '2.180' date: 2019-06-09 changes: - type: major bug pull: 4047 references: - issue: 57759 - issue: 57713 message: |- Remoting reverted to 3.29 because JNLP agents failed to connect cloud agents in certain situations. (regression in 2.176) - type: rfe pull: 3994 issue: 57121 message: |- Improve Configuration-as-Code compatibility of ListView. # pull: 4045 too minor ([JENKINS-55787] remove accidentally resurrected localization file) # pull: 4056 too minor (Fix login link localization in loginLink_tr.properties) - version: '2.181' date: 2019-06-16 changes: - type: bug pull: 4001 issue: 33843 message: |- The plugin manager UI no longer prevents disabling a plugin when other plugins only have optional dependencies to it. - type: bug pull: 4035 issue: 57725 message: |- A thread pool used to wait for external processes to complete could leak class loaders. - type: rfe pull: 4055 issue: 57805 message: |- Robustness: Exceptions thrown while scheduling jobs in the queue could prevent other jobs from being scheduled. - type: rfe pull: 4066 issue: 57993 message: |- Replace some exception stack traces related to agent channels with simpler messages. - type: rfe pull: 4060 issue: 57515 message: |- Update JNA from 4.5.2 to 5.3.1 to fix issue with shared library loading on AIX when using OpenJDK. - type: rfe pull: 4053 message: |- Developer: Update ant dependency from 1.9.2 to 1.9.14. - type: rfe pull: 4062 message: |- Internal: Switch from FindBugs to SpotBugs for static analysis. - type: rfe pull: 4023 issue: 57466 message: |- Internal: Mark hudson.model.UpdateSite#isDue as synchronized. # pull: 4033 (Cleanup groovy) # pull: 4064 (mark up variables) # pull: 4067 too minor ([JENKINS-57992] clarify that the system user is a jenkins concept) # pull: 4068 ([INFRA-2028] The timestamps step is no longer necessary) - version: '2.182' date: 2019-06-23 changes: - type: bug pull: 4059 issue: 57855 message: |- When deleting directories, remove the read-only flag on Windows. - type: rfe pull: 4087 references: - issue: 57959 - issue: 50095 - issue: 57713 - title: full changelog url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#333 message: |- Update Remoting from 3.29 to 3.33. # pull: 4074 too minor (Use a proper example domain in hudson.FunctionsTest#testGetActionUrl_unparseable()) # pull: 4081 too minor (Improved logging for NodeProvisioner) # pull: 4083 ([JENKINS-57922] - Ability to specify target directory for translation-tool.pl) - version: '2.183' date: 2019-06-30 changes: - type: rfe pull: 4072 issue: 58041 message: |- Add support for IPv6 addresses in the Jenkins URL configuration. - type: rfe pull: 4063 issue: 57959 message: |- Update args4j from 2.0.31 to 2.33. - type: rfe pull: 4046 issue: 58240 message: |- Developer: Allow plugins to provide onBlur() handlers for CodeMirror textarea controls. - type: rfe pull: 4038 message: |- Developer: Make WindowsUtil available to plugins. - type: rfe pull: 4050 issue: 47127 message: |- Internal: update maven-war-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.2.3. # pull: 4042 ([JENKINS-57678] - Change getInstance() (deprecated) to get()) # pull: 4061 ([JENKINS-49316] Create Item: OK button disabled until TAB pressed) # pull: 4079 (IntelliJ/Java: Duplicate code -- Refactored as ExtensionFinder.getClassFromIndex) - version: '2.184' date: 2019-07-07 changes: - type: rfe pull: 3939 issue: 25046 message: |- Remove obsolete session cookies when logging out, preventing errors related to headers being too large. - type: rfe pull: 4003 issue: 57223 message: |- Add telemetry trial related to missing classes when running on Java 11. - type: bug pull: 4096 issue: 56243 message: |- Fix performance issue when using "Remember me". (regression in 2.160) - type: rfe pull: 4086 message: |- Developer: Clean up constructors of AbstractCloudSlave. # pull: 4058 (Add unit tests for hudson.cli.HexDump) # pull: 4026 (Cleanup properties -- don't escape spaces) - version: '2.185' date: 2019-07-14 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 3982 issue: 37862 message: |- Jenkins no longer creates symbolic links inside project or build directories. The Build Symlink plugin may be installed to restore this functionality if desired. URLs such as /job/…/lastStableBuild/ are not affected, only tools which directly access the $JENKINS_HOME filesystem. - type: major rfe pull: 4085 # and 4109 issue: 43610 message: |- Remove Trilead SSH library from Jenkins core and make it available in a new detached plugin. - type: bug pull: 4104 issue: 57383 message: |- Do not throw exception when testing proxy configuration. (regression in 2.168) - type: bug pull: 4107 issue: 55945 message: |- Prevent occasional IllegalStateException on Jenkins restart and invalidate the user session. - type: bug pull: 4103 message: |- Avoid duplicate screenResolution cookie for views. - type: bug pull: 4099 issue: 58362 message: |- Due to a mixture of old and new “detached” plugins, under certain circumstances it was possible to have two versions of an extension point used by the command launcher option for agents. - type: rfe pull: 4098 message: |- Add a warning to the Installed tab of the plugin manager alerting administrators to possible problems from disabling detached plugins, which became possible as of 2.181. - type: rfe pull: 4082 issue: 24752 message: |- Remove unnecessary delay during cloud agent provisioning if the agent is available very quickly. - type: rfe references: - pull: 4052 - url: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-codec/changes-report.html title: changelog message: |- Update commons-codec library from 1.9 to 1.12. - type: bug pull: 4100 issue: 58362 message: |- Developer: Plugin Compatibility Tester did not skip bundled plugin installation even if a *.jpl file exists. # pull: 4106 (PR title: Fix typo) # pull: 4089 (Internal: Prepare for using latest dom4j library.) - version: '2.186' date: 2019-07-17 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2019-07-17/ title: security advisory - type: major bug pull: 4111 issue: 58483 message: |- Remove Trilead SSH dependencies from the Jenkins core. These dependencies caused SSH build agent connection issues in 2.185. - type: rfe references: - pull: 4111 - issue: 43669 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/ssh-cli-auth-module/releases/tag/ssh-cli-auth-1.7 title: changelog for 1.7 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/ssh-cli-auth-module/releases/tag/ssh-cli-auth-1.6 title: changelog for 1.6 message: |- Upgrade SSH CLI Auth Module from 1.5 to 1.7 to remove Trilead SSH references. - version: '2.187' date: 2019-07-21 changes: - type: rfe references: - pull: 4105 - url: /doc/book/managing/system-properties/ title: Jenkins features controlled by system properties message: |- The default interval for node monitors (e.g. free disk space) can now be changed by setting the system property hudson.node_monitors.AbstractNodeMonitorDescriptor.periodMinutes. - type: rfe pull: 4114 message: |- Robustness: Do not fail to render views when AdministrativeMonitor#isActivated fails. - type: rfe pull: 4118 message: |- Internal: Update slf4j version from 1.7.25 to 1.7.26. # pull: 4097 internal: [WEBSITE-634] - Add Release Drafter configuration for drafting Weekly release YAMLs # pull: 4112 too minor (Fixing hint for Jenkins.getInstance) - version: '2.188' date: 2019-08-07 banner: > This release failed. No artifact or Git tag exists. changes: [] - version: '2.189' date: 2019-08-07 changes: - type: bug pull: 4137 issue: 58733 message: |- A file handle leak in $JENKINS_HOME/jobs/*/builds/permalinks could prevent jobs from being deleted on Windows. (regression in 2.185) - type: bug pull: 4133 issue: 58548 message: |- Remove extra whitespace output from /scriptText endpoint. (regression in 2.186) - type: bug pull: 4123 issue: 29065 message: The install-plugin CLI command allowed files that aren't plugins to be installed, potentially breaking some functionality. - type: rfe pull: 3802 issue: 54854 message: |- Add a warning when cron trigger spends a long time in its execution. - type: rfe pull: 4124 message: |- Batch up plugin installations in setup wizard to improve performance. - type: rfe pull: 4123 message: |- Stop using the name argument in the install-plugin CLI command. - type: rfe pull: 4125 message: |- Update versions of some detached plugins. These are typically installed when upgrading Jenkins from much older releases, or when implied dependencies are not specified for manually managed plugins. - type: rfe pull: 4135 message: |- Internal: Add support running JMH benchmarks for Jenkins core. - type: rfe references: - pull: 4135 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins-test-harness/releases title: changelog message: |- Internal: Update Jenkins Test Harness from 2.49 to 2.54 to add support for JMH benchmarks. - type: rfe pull: 4120 message: |- Internal: Omit WEB-INF/lib/jquery-detached-1.2.jar from jenkins.war. # pull: 4115 too minor? (Remove extra space in css url()) # pull: 4117 (too minor: Make new Jenkins version notification noticeable in administrative monitors) # pull: 4119 (Add Latest release and Docker shields to README) # pull: 4128 too minor (Update last links from /people to /asynchPeople) # pull: 4129 (Run the Linux JDK 8 & 11 builds using ACI agents rather than Ubuntu VMs) # pull: 4142 (Test shouldn't be interactively breaking) - version: '2.190' date: 2019-08-18 changes: - type: bug pull: 4152 issue: 23349 message: |- Add support of emojis and other non-UTF-8 characters in job names. 🎉 - type: bug pull: 4148 issue: 58595 message: |- RSS and Atom feeds did not contain all necessary metadata. (regression in 2.186) - type: rfe pull: 3770 issue: 54772 message: |- Expose real environment variables from an agent on the UI. - type: rfe pull: 4134 issue: 58734 message: |- Use SHA-256 instead of MD5 for generating crumbs/CSRF tokens. - type: rfe pull: 4121 issue: 58157 message: |- Truncate long build names on the UI to prevent alignment issues. - type: rfe pull: 4122 issue: 58571 message: |- Developer: AbstractItem#renameTo now checks #isNameEditable before renaming. # pull: 4116 too minor (Correct package name) # pull: 4132 too minor (Replace Charset.forName with StandardCharsets) # pull: 4136 too minor ([JENKINS-58736] Correction of /assets throwing 500) # pull: 4140 too minor (Add Polish translations) # pull: 4141 not in product (Updating LICENSE section of readme.md) # pull: 4143 not in product (Clean up formatting) # pull: 4144 too minor ([JENKINS-58836] Wrong spanish argentinian translation for 'logout') # pull: 4147 too minor ([JENKINS-58892] - Remove build-pipeline-plugin from setup wizard) # pull: 4151 too minor (doQuietDown() cannot actually throw IOException) # pull: 4153 infra (Disable Windows builds and ATH to mitigate the ongoing INFRA issue) # pull: 4156 not in product (Release drafter: Order changelog entries using categories) # pull: 4157 not in product (README: Update the plugins number and link the plugins site) # pull: 4158 not in product (Release Drafter: RFE is used as a changelog filter for RFEs) - version: '2.191' date: 2019-08-25 changes: - type: rfe pull: 4165 references: - issue: 53461 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-3.34 title: full changelog message: |- Update Remoting from 3.33 to 3.34 to allow inbound TCP agents to connect directly without querying Jenkins via HTTP for connection parameters first. - type: rfe references: - pull: 4131 # Fixed some Spotbugs findings - pull: 4162 # Fix invalid condition in toEmailSafeString - pull: 4163 # Remove useless conditions - issue: 36720 message: |- Multiple minor code cleanups and internal fixes. - type: rfe pull: 4154 message: |- Internal: Update Mockito from 2.22.0 to 3.0.0. # pull: 4160 too minor (PR title: Remove JNLP terminology from GUI when referring to inbound agents in German translations.) - version: '2.192' date: 2019-08-28 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2019-08-28/ title: security advisory - version: '2.193' date: 2019-09-01 changes: - type: major bug pull: 4186 issue: 59094 message: |- Downgrade Remoting from 3.34 to 3.33 due to problems involving tunneled connections. (regression in 2.191) - type: major bug pull: 4176 issue: 58938 message: |- Jenkins UI broke when a slow trigger administrative warning would be shown. (regression in 2.189). # pull: 4168 (PR title: Fix counter which is not updated in the loop) # pull: 4173 (PR title: Format the mess codes) # pull: 4174 (PR title: Deprecating useless Util.getPastTimeString) # pull: 4175 (PR title: minor grammar improvements / Minor grammatical improvements to API doc for RetentionStrategy) # pull: 4179 (PR title: [JENKINS-59123] make none.gif transparent) # pull: 4181 (PR title: [JENKINS-59123] - Make save.png transparent) # pull: 4182 (PR title: make monitor.gif transparent) - version: '2.194' date: 2019-09-08 changes: - type: bug pull: 4188 issue: 59167 message: |- Fix missing absolute URL in the RSS / Atom feeds. (regression in 2.190) - type: rfe pull: 4193 references: - issue: 59094 - issue: 53461 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-3.35 title: full changelog message: |- Update Remoting from 3.33 to 3.35 to allow inbound TCP agents to connect directly without querying Jenkins via HTTP for connection parameters first. - type: rfe references: - pull: 4167 - url: https://github.com/kohsuke/winsw/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#230 title: WinSW changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/releases/tag/windows-slave-installer-1.12 title: Windows Agent Installer module 1.12 changelog message: |- Update Windows Service Wrapper from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 to pick up fixes and improvements. - type: rfe pull: 4130 issue: 53322 message: |- Internal: Update dom4j library from Jenkins project fork to upstream release 2.1.1. - type: rfe pull: 4169 message: |- Internal: Replaced different base64 implementations with java.util.Base64. # pull: 4172 (PR title: Add Polish translations) # pull: 4183 (PR title: Correct a [grammar] syntax error in the message in Russian) # pull: 4184 (PR title: Remove slave from french messages and correct one accent) # pull: 4185 too minor, basically unused code (PR title: [JENKINS-59164] - Functions#toEmailSafeString() was not really sanitizing the email string) # pull: 4187 (PR title: Fix Fingerprinter.Recording typo in german translation) # pull: 4190 (PR title: Fix annotations and remove unused imports) - version: '2.195' date: 2019-09-16 changes: - type: bug pull: 4170 issue: 59017 message: |- The setup wizard sometimes was removed improperly, and Jenkins would only show a blank screen. # pull: 4150 (PR title: [JENKINS-48578] BOM for Jenkins dependencies consumable by plugins) # pull: 4177 (PR title: Fixed deprecated warnings without changing behaviour) # pull: 4191 (PR title: Recommend better Jelly tag for delete buttons in the repeatableProperty taglib item) # pull: 4197 (PR title: Update Jenkins Acceptance Test Harness to the recent version) - version: '2.196' date: 2019-09-22 changes: - type: rfe pull: 4205 references: - issue: 26008 - url: /doc/book/managing/system-properties/ title: Jenkins features controlled by system properties message: |- Gzip compression when transferring artifacts being archived from agents to the controller can now be disabled by setting the system property jenkins.model.StandardArtifactManager.disableTrafficCompression=true. - type: rfe pull: 4138 issue: 58779 message: |- Make log rotation more robust. - type: bug pull: 4198 issue: 59231 message: |- Fix malformed XML in Atom and RSS 2.0 feeds. (regression in 2.194) - type: bug pull: 4204 issue: 59406 message: |- URLs of some projects with emojis in their name were inaccessible. # pull: 4199 (PR title: Replace internal search implementation in SortedIntList with java.util.Arrays.binarySearch) # pull: 4200 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720] - Spotbugs dodgy code) # pull: 4201 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720] - Add missing null checks in FilePath#installIfNecessaryFrom() logging) # pull: 4202 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720] - Suppress Spotbugs DM_EXIT warnings in methods where EXIT is intended) # pull: 4203 too minor (PR title: [JENKINS-59383] Fix the DiskMonitorSpaceDescriptor toString() message when the monitor alert is not triggered) # pull: 4210 (PR title: Remove unused imports) - version: '2.197' date: 2019-09-25 changes: - type: security message: Security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2019-09-25/ title: security advisory - version: '2.198' date: 2019-09-29 changes: - type: rfe pull: 4209 references: - issue: 19760 - issue: 31209 message: |- Remove 100 character length limitation of build description in build history widget. - type: rfe pull: 4208 message: |- Update the minimum required Remoting client version to 3.14 to simplify the implementation. - type: rfe pull: 4195 issue: 59283 message: |- Use different computer icon for temporary offline state. - type: rfe pull: 4223 issue: 59514 message: |- Robustness: Do not allow users to resubmit requests using POST on URLs requiring a form submission, as that will fail anyway. - type: rfe pull: 4226 message: |- Better diagnostics in a failure message from Computer.getLogDir. - type: rfe pull: 4230 message: |- Update bundled versions of Ant, PAM Authentication, Mailer, and Script Security plugins for the rare cases they're installed from bundled versions. - type: rfe references: - pull: 4221 - url: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-compress/changes-report.html title: changelog message: |- Update commons-compress from 1.10 to 1.19. - type: rfe references: - pull: 4229 - url: https://github.com/jfree/jfreechart#history title: changelog message: |- Update jfreechart from 1.0.9 to 1.0.19 to pick-up recent improvements and bugfixes. - type: bug pull: 4228 issue: 56809 message: |- The lastCompletedBuild permalink was not being cached in the …/builds/permalinks file. - type: rfe pull: 4227 message: |- Developer: Add TcpSlaveAgentListener#getAdvertisedHost(). # pull: 4206 (PR title: Extracted duplicate code) # pull: 4213 (removed powermock dependency because it was not used in cli) # pull: 4214 (Remove redundant String.format() and merge array creation with addAll()) # pull: 4217 (Remove sites.jelly (dead code)) # pull: 4219 too minor (JENKINS-59505 - Fix typo in plugin setup wizard) # pull: 4222 (JENKINS-59513 - Fixed defunct hyperlink in PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md) - version: '2.199' date: 2019-10-06 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 4171 issue: 58993 message: |- Prevent calls to Jenkins#save persisting data before we have finished loading the in-memory model. This prevents possible corruption of the main Jenkins configuration. - type: bug pull: 4263 issue: 59267 message: |- Increase client-side keep-alive ping frequency on the HTTP-based CLI to prevent timeouts. - type: rfe pull: 4225 issue: 59152 message: |- Reduce default soft-kill timeout from two minutes to five seconds so that builds that spawned other processes can finish more quickly. - type: rfe pull: 4242 message: |- Stop bundling Maven Plugin and Subversion Plugin with Jenkins. In very rare cases, this could result in problems when attempting to install plugins compatible with Jenkins before 1.310. The Jenkins project is currently not publishing any such plugins. - type: rfe pull: 4040 message: |- Remove plugins bundled only to promote their use, as they are not needed for compatibility with old plugins. Since Jenkins 2.0, the concept of plugins installed by default is replaced with the setup wizard. - type: rfe pull: 4245 message: |- Update bundled version of Script Security Plugin to 1.65. - type: bug pull: 4232 message: |- Developer: ProcessTree#killAll no longer fails with NPE if proc argument is null. - type: bug pull: 4231 issue: 59580 message: |- Internal: hudson.util.ProcessTree.OSProcess#getEnvironmentVariables returned null when an error occurred even though it shouldn't. # pull: 4234 (PR title: Fix ProcessTreeKillerTest#doNotKillProcessWithCookie to work on Windows) # pull: 4235 (PR title: Fix formatting of ProcessTreeKillerTest.java) # pull: 4236 (PR title: Annotate ProcessTree with @CheckForNull/@Nonnull) # pull: 4237 (PR title: Spotbugs: changed order for compare) # pull: 4238 (PR title: Spotbugs: Replaced inefficient Number constructor with static valueOf) # pull: 4243 (PR title: Use type inference instead of specifying it) # pull: 4244 (PR title: Misc cleanups) # pull: 4247 (PR title: Improved null handling in AbstractProject.) # pull: 4250 (PR title: Note that CSRF crumbs aren't really needed anymore for API clients) # pull: 4251 (PR title: minor improvements to unit tests) # pull: 4265 (PR title: English: an hpi file) # pull: 4266 (PR title: fix javadoc punctuation for Initializer.after) # pull: 4268 (PR title: Use more common MIT license URL) - version: '2.200' date: 2019-10-14 changes: - type: major rfe pull: 4239 issue: 41891 message: |- Add an option for a Resource Root URL through which Jenkins will serve user-generated static resources like workspace files or archived artifacts without the need for Content-Security-Policy headers. - type: major rfe pull: 3970 message: |- Remove the ability to download update center metadata using the user's browser (deprecated since 2015). Jenkins will no longer inform about available updates without a connection to update sites. We recommend the use of a local mirror of our update sites, or a self-hosted update center like Juseppe in these situations. - type: bug pull: 4276 issue: 59684 message: |- Fix style of administrative monitors showing informational messages in the popup. - type: bug pull: 4279 issue: 34226 message: |- Add a missing "pressed" style for the Create Item button. - type: bug pull: 4269 issue: 48375 message: |- Fix labels to Atom feed links. - type: rfe pull: 4278 message: |- Developer: Add Functions#urlEncode(String) to ease encoding of URL query parameters from Jelly views. - type: rfe pull: 4272 message: |- Developer: TarOutputStream is now marked restricted so it is not used from plugins. - type: rfe references: - issue: 36720 - pull: 4248 - pull: 4258 - pull: 4260 - pull: 4256 - pull: 4257 - pull: 4261 - pull: 4267 message: |- Internal: Various code cleanups. # pull: 4277 (PR title: Update documented Maven requirement: 3.5.3 -> 3.5.4) # pull: 4283 (PR title: Release Drafter: Split developer and internal changes) # pull: 4285 (PR title: [JENKINS-59605] Unify the JS validation behavior and the AJAX one) - version: '2.201' date: 2019-10-20 changes: - type: bug pull: 4302 issue: 59849 message: |- Resource URLs failed to serve files with nontrivial names due to encoding problems. - type: bug pull: 4295 issue: 59800 message: |- Fix presentation when localized headers span multiple lines in the setup wizard. # pull: 4249 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720] - Fix SpotBugs warnings for "Non-null field is not initialized" values) # pull: 4287 (PR title: Modernize LoginRedirectTest) # pull: 4288 (PR title: Resolve TODO using JenkinsRule#waitOnline) # pull: 4289 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720] - Spotbugs fix CO_COMPARETO_INCORRECT_FLOATING) # pull: 4290 (PR title: Resolve RunListener TODO using Functions#isExtensionsAvailable) # pull: 4291 (PR title: Add Polish translations) # pull: 4293 (PR title: simplified assertions and removed unthrown exceptions) # pull: 4296 (PR title: Contributing guidelines: Update the Java versions documentation) # pull: 4297 (PR title: Contributing guidelines: Skip SpotBugs instead of Findbugs for quick build) - version: '2.202' date: 2019-10-27 changes: - type: bug pull: 4246 references: - issue: 58296 - issue: 53462 - url: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1370630 title: Firefox issue 1370630 message: |- Revert changes in forms submission in Jenkins classic UI with Firefox have caused a regression on forms with "file" inputs. These were made to anticipate a bugfix in Firefox which has been backed out since. (regression in 2.173) - type: rfe pull: 3894 message: |- Add telemetry on the use of the 'auto refresh' feature. - type: rfe pull: 4300 message: |- Add java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque to the JEP-200 deserialization allowlist. - type: rfe pull: 4259 message: |- Developer: Introduce Run#getBuildsOverThreshold() method for getting runs above the desired execution result. # pull: 4155 (PR title: Revert "Disable Windows builds and ATH to mitigate the ongoing INFRA issue") # pull: 4253 (PR title: Replace ACL.impersonate with ACL.as) # pull: 4292 (PR title: Update at-since in Javadoc, make script work on Mac OS X) # pull: 4303 too minor (PR title: Use actual logger to record Jenkins home and where it was found) # pull: 4313 (PR title: [JENKINS-58625] Cancel older builds of a given branch) - version: '2.203' date: 2019-11-05 changes: # Major RFE - type: major rfe issue: 19887 message: |- Allow time zone to be set on a per-user basis. pull: 4113 authors: - silent-snowman # RFEs - type: rfe message: |- Logging UI: Reorder sidepanel entries, add a note that "all log messages" will only include entries on level INFO and up. pull: 4305 authors: - daniel-beck - type: rfe message: |- Update the Plugin Manager Updates tab with more information about incompatible dependencies. pull: 4299 authors: - andipabst - type: rfe issue: 17459 message: |- Build status balls on the build trend page now link to the respective build's console output. pull: 4312 authors: - rcsalome # Bug fixes - type: bug issue: 59775 message: |- Prevent permission problems when dynamically loading a plugin by making PluginManager#start() run as SYSTEM. pull: 4320 authors: - Dohbedoh - type: bug issue: 59859 message: |- Properly handle user names containing : characters in resource root URL tokens. pull: 4307 authors: - daniel-beck - type: bug issue: 59904 message: |- Prevent NullPointerException when accessing the /logout without sending cookies. pull: 4315 authors: - mawinter69 # Developer-facing changes (APIs, extensions, etc.) - type: rfe message: |- Developer: Make some methods in ResourceDomainConfiguration accessible from plugins. pull: 4335 authors: - jglick - version: '2.204' date: 2019-11-10 changes: # RFEs - type: rfe pull: 4273 issue: 59679 message: |- Plugin manager descriptions always link to the plugins site instead of the Jenkins wiki. authors: - zbynek - type: rfe pull: 4341 message: |- Increase the number of datapoints recorded for multistage time series graphs such as those used for load statistics. authors: - daniel-beck - type: rfe pull: 4340 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-3.36 title: Remoting release notes message: |- Update Remoting from 3.35 to 3.36 to add new command line options "-help" and "-version". authors: - jeffret-b # Developer-facing changes (APIs, extensions, etc.) - type: bug pull: 4311 issue: 59886 message: |- Prevent coding errors in canTake() and canRun() implementations in NodeProperty and QueueTaskDispatcher extensions from hanging the queue. authors: - MRamonLeon # pull: 4324 (PR title: added CheckForNull) # pull: 4326 (PR title: Fix Jenkins renaming leftovers in Turkish localization) # pull: 4332 (PR title: [JENKINS-55062] Correct tests) # pull: 4334 (PR title: Reenable ATH in Jenkinsfile) # pull: 4343 (PR title: Fix misspellings in doc for hudson.model.Cause) - version: '2.205' date: 2019-11-17 changes: # Major RFEs - type: major rfe pull: 4339 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Move cloud configuration from Configure System into its own configuration form on the Manage Nodes page. - type: major rfe pull: 3991 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Redesign password fields to prevent password auto-fill except for the login form. Reduce browsers offering to update stored passwords. Revert by setting the system property hudson.Functions.hidingPasswordFields to false. # RFEs - type: rfe pull: 4322 authors: - austry issue: 6722 message: |- Show agent error status on the dashboard as mouse over text. - type: rfe pull: 4349 authors: - fqueiruga issue: 59508 message: |- Show a tooltip with the full link name when hovering over sidebar links. - type: rfe pull: 4345 authors: - saledouble message: |- Reduce logging level of run completion and update center polling events from INFO to FINEST. - type: rfe pull: 3983 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Try to always execute flyweight tasks, such as the main builds for Pipeline or Matrix jobs, on the built-in node. - type: rfe pull: 4347 authors: - olamy issue: 60098 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#54 title: full Winstone 5.4 changelog - title: Jetty 9.4.22 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.22.v20191022 - title: Jetty 9.4.21 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.21.v20190926 - title: Jetty 9.4.20 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.20.v20190813 - title: Jetty 9.4.19 changelog url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.19.v20190610 message: |- Update Winstone from 5.3 to 5.4 to update Jetty from 9.4.18 to 9.4.22. - type: rfe pull: 3935 authors: - timja issue: 56553 message: |- Internal: Make ProxyConfiguration compatible with configuration-as-code plugin. Workaround on the configuration-as-code plugin side is no longer required. - type: rfe pull: 4330 authors: - tsparber message: |- Internal: Remove unused jenkins-slave.xml file template from core. Requires WMI Windows Agents plugin version 1.3.1 (Released Mar 14 2017) or newer. # Bug fixes - type: bug pull: 4298 authors: - DarphBoBo issue: 59665 message: |- Fix Uninstall column sorting in the Plugin Manager Install pane. - type: bug pull: 4342 authors: - kdanW issue: 59631 message: |- Fix build history table styling. - type: bug pull: 4346 authors: - MRamonLeon issue: 59793 message: |- Prevent faulty subtask contributors from leaving builds running forever. # Developer-facing changes (APIs, extensions, etc.) - type: rfe pull: 4350 authors: - jglick message: |- Internal: Remove unused remoting library from jenkins-cli.jar. - type: rfe pull: 4351 authors: - jglick message: |- Developer: Switch from maven-jenkins-dev-plugin to upstream jetty-maven-plugin. - type: rfe pull: 4359 authors: - Wadeck issue: 60180 message: |- Disable HTTP TRACE to prevent security scanner complaints. The risk was significant with web browsers in 2003. Modern browsers forbid TRACE requests to prevent cross-site tracing (XST) attacks, so there is no real risk. # pull: 4080 (PR title: IntelliJ/Java: Duplicate code -- Refactored as DOSToUnixPathHelper.validate) # pull: 4354 (PR title: Document workaround for Stapler data binding bug in repeatableProperty) - version: '2.206' date: 2019-11-24 changes: # Major RFE - type: major rfe message: |- Deprecate the macOS native installer packaging. references: - url: /blog/2019/11/25/macos-native-installer-deprecation/ title: Jenkins macOS native installer deprecation authors: - oleg-nenashev # RFEs - type: rfe pull: 4362 issue: 60189 message: |- Open plugin and license links on a separate tab from Plugin Manager. authors: - fqueiruga - type: rfe pull: 4363 message: |- Set the HttpOnly flag for the page auto-refresh tokens. authors: - StefanSpieker # Bug fixes - type: bug pull: 4348 issue: 60092 message: |- Avoid exception when views are defined using job DSL. authors: - pilou- - type: bug pull: 4357 issue: 60167 message: |- Fix AtomicFileWriter performance issue on CephFS when creating an empty file. authors: - bulanovk # Developer-facing changes (APIs, extensions, etc.) - type: bug pull: 4348 issue: 60092 message: |- Developer: ViewGroupMixIn#getPrimaryView() may return null, and needs to be checked by plugins depending on this version of weekly and beyond. It is an intermediate state until a default view is implemented. authors: - pilou- - type: rfe pull: 4220 message: |- Developer: Use junit5 for CLI tests. authors: - StefanSpieker # pull: 4262 (PR title: Replaced deprecated getActiveInstance() with get()) # pull: 4361 (PR title: Try with resources instead of try finally) # pull: 4364 (PR title: use StandardCharsets.UTF_8 instead of string) - version: '2.207' date: 2019-12-01 changes: # RFEs - type: rfe pull: 4367 message: |- Update bundled Script Security Plugin to 1.68. authors: - daniel-beck # Bug fixes - type: bug pull: 4366 issue: 6798 message: |- Do not reload too early when Jenkins is behind a reverse proxy and is restarting. authors: - Vlatombe # pull: 4372 (PR title: Removed some redundant constructs) # pull: 4375 (PR title: Jenkinsfile: Use -ntp in the Maven Build) # pull: 4377 (PR title: Race condition in PlainCLIProtocolTest) - version: '2.208' date: 2019-12-09 changes: - type: bug pull: 4383 message: |- Fix online example/documentation for File Access Rules. authors: - fedepell - type: bug pull: 4373 issue: 60278 message: |- Prevent Oops when Whitelisted Commands input is empty in 'Agent to Controller Access Control'. authors: - fedepell - type: bug pull: 4329 issue: 57304 message: |- Prevent 'zombie' executors on built-in node by removing one-off executors in Computer.removeExecutor. authors: - lgoenner - version: '2.209' date: 2019-12-15 changes: - type: bug pull: 4264 issue: 59656 authors: - thomasgl-orange message: |- improved stop button behavior in the executors widget of the classical GUI, to avoid accidentally interrupting the wrong job. - type: bug pull: 4337 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Fix spotbugs reported concurrency issue using an AtomicInteger in SCMDescriptor#generation. - version: '2.210' date: 2019-12-22 changes: # Major BUGs and regressions - type: major bug pull: 4400 issue: 60513 message: |- Resolve AtomicInteger and class-filter warnings in startup log. authors: - StefanSpieker - type: major bug pull: 4394 issue: 59107 message: |- User is no longer logged out when authenticating another user. authors: - jvz # Bug fixes - type: bug pull: 4401 issue: 60554 message: |- The text null could appear rather than blank text when rendering certain user-controlled strings. authors: - jglick - type: bug pull: 4397 issue: 60553 message: |- Remove vulnerable Team Concert Plugin from setup wizard. references: - url: /security/advisory/2019-12-17/#SECURITY-1605%20(1) title: CSRF vulnerability - url: /security/advisory/2019-12-17/#SECURITY-1605%20(2) title: Credential enumeration vulnerability authors: - daniel-beck - type: bug pull: 4382 issue: 60351 message: |- Disable multiple deletion attempts if hudson.Util.maxFileDeletionRetries is zero. authors: - jtnord # pull: 4380 (PR title: Spotbugs findings (catch runtime ex. and known null)) # pull: 4396 (PR title: fixed_typos_in_bom/pom.xml) # pull: 4398 (PR title: Adapt to newer HtmlUnit) # pull: 4399 (PR title: DNS comparisons of jenkins.io and www.jenkins.io do not pass.) - version: '2.211' date: 2020-01-02 changes: - type: rfe pull: 4378 issue: 60326 message: |- Make the queue/cancelItem REST API return meaningful result codes instead of a Error 404. authors: - PierreBtz - type: rfe pull: 4378 issue: 60326 message: |- Remove unused commons-codec dependency from Jenkins CLI. authors: - cesarsotovalero # pull: 4180 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720]: Fixed some Spotbugs issues) # pull: 4323 (PR title: Switch Release Drafter to GitHub Actions) # pull: 4371 (PR title: Replace compare() implementations with call to Integer.compare or Long.compare) # pull: 4403 (PR title: removed obsolete SpotBugs suppresses) # pull: 4409 (PR title: Spotbugs: remove UMAC_UNCALLABLE_METHOD_OF_ANONYMOUS_CLASS from global exclude) # pull: 4486 (PR title: Add Jenkins Changelog Generator to the GitHub Actions release drafter Pipeline) - version: '2.212' date: 2020-01-05 banner: |- WARNING: This release introduces a critical regression, see JENKINS-60644. Please avoid updating to this version. changes: - type: bug pull: 4413 issue: 60625 message: |- Prevent Jenkins page rendering from being blocked when the update center data parsing is in progress. authors: - jglick - type: bug pull: 4212 message: |- Return error when invalid string is passed as a Run status CLI argument. authors: - StefanSpieker - type: bug pull: 4393 issue: 60449 message: |- Fix an edge case of loading optional dependencies that cause Jenkins to blow up on startup. references: - pull: 4393 - pull: 4417 - issue: 60449 authors: - Vlatombe - jglick - type: rfe pull: 4254 message: |- Developer: Introduce new AntClassLoader.getUrl() method to prevent code duplication. authors: - jsoref # pull: 4408 (PR title: Fixed Spotbugs Switch related issues and added Suppresses) # pull: 4417 (PR title: [JENKINS-60449] Prevent endless recursion in SezpozModule.resolve) - amendment to 4393, referenced above - version: '2.213' date: 2020-01-06 changes: - type: major bug message: |- Fix plugin class resource loading failures for plugins which include library JARs. At least the Script Security, Active Directory and Maven Integration plugins are known to be affected. (regression in 2.212) pull: 4419 references: - issue: 60641 - issue: 60644 - issue: 60648 authors: - jglick - version: '2.214' date: 2020-01-11 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4387 issue: 60381 authors: - jeffret-b message: |- Remove old, deprecated, unsupported agent protocols Inbound TCP Agent Protocol/1, Inbound TCP Agent Protocol/2, and Inbound TCP Agent Protocol/3. Update Remoting from 3.36 to 3.40 to remove unsupported protocols and minor maintenance improvements. references: - issue: 60381 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-3.40 title: Remoting 3.40 release notes - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4415 issue: 40228 authors: - ksenia-nenasheva - jglick message: |- Remove Enable Security checkbox in the Global Security configuration. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4207 issue: 59412 authors: - jsoref message: |- Clarify that build history does not include pipeline stages. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4414 issue: 60634 authors: - jglick message: |- The environment variable WORKSPACE_TMP may now be used from (non-Pipeline) builds to access a temporary directory associated with the build workspace. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4194 issue: 59220 authors: - Karthik-13 message: |- Internal: Add a method in EnvVars that extends TreeMap.putAll() functionality by filtering out the null values. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4404 issue: 60579 authors: - aHenryJard message: |- Internal: Allow usage of DescriptorVisibilityFilter to filter View properties on UI. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4271 issue: 42658 authors: - ilpianista message: |- Fix null pointer exception in Agent API when the agent is offline (e.g. retrieving agent version or OS description). - type: bug category: bug pull: 3904 issue: 56152 authors: - jsoref message: |- Fix JavaScript error in Plugin Manager when optional dependency metadata cannot be retrieved. Improve wording in Plugin Manager UI. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4420 authors: - darxriggs message: |- Fix minor localization issues (escaping, incomplete entries, etc.). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4418 authors: - darxriggs message: |- Fix typos & spelling in Javadoc and WebUI. # pull: 4379 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720] - Fix Spotbugs issues (SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE, ES_COMPARING_STRINGS_WITH_EQ)) # pull: 4412 (PR title: Simplify CoreUpdateMonitor/message.properties: changelog.url → jenkins-version.properties) # pull: 4421 (PR title: Inlining test-pom into test and removing test-jdk8) # pull: 4423 (PR title: Add the maintainer checklist to the pull request template) # pull: 4424 (PR title: Upload draft Changelog YAMLs to GitHub Release assets) # pull: 4426 (PR title: Revert "Upload draft Changelog YAMLs to GitHub Release assets") # pull: 4427 (PR title: [JENKINS-60740] - Rely on GitHub Actions to generate the release draft YAMLs) - version: '2.215' date: 2020-01-19 changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 4430 issue: 60750 authors: - jglick message: |- If the Jenkins root URL has been configured by scripts prior to running the setup wizard, skip the location configuration panel even if selecting the option to skip creation of an admin user. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4411 issue: 60577 authors: - fcojfernandez message: |- Prevent the RSS feed in Computer page from returning an error 404 - type: bug category: bug pull: 4422 issue: 60716 authors: - jglick message: |- Include details in the system log when a build rotation fails. # pull: 4416 (PR title: Spotbugs issues) # pull: 4429 (PR title: Release Drafter Fix: Properly inherit the parent config) # pull: 4435 (PR title: Disable native maven based tests) - version: '2.216' date: 2020-01-22 banner: |- NOTE: This release build failed. Release bits were not deployed. changes: - type: bug category: bug authors: - kohsuke message: |- Build failed. Release bits were not deployed. - version: '2.217' date: 2020-01-23 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4440 issue: 60822 authors: - jonbrohauge message: |- Fix localized versions to no longer report can't parse argument number: changelog.url (regression in 2.214). - type: major bug category: major bug pull: 4444 issue: 60816 authors: - jglick message: |- Jenkins 2.212+ failed to load certain injected fields such as used by the Bitbucket Server Integration plugin. - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4369 authors: - jglick references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/222/README.adoc title: JEP-222 - url: /blog/2020/02/02/web-socket/ title: blog post message: |- Add experimental WebSocket support. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4369 authors: - jglick references: - title: Jetty 9.4.23 release notes url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.23.v20191118 - title: Jetty 9.4.24 release notes url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.24.v20191120 - title: Jetty 9.4.25 release notes url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.25.v20191220 message: |- Upgrade Jetty from 9.4.22.v20191022 to 9.4.25.v20191220. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4369 authors: - jglick references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.0 title: Remoting 4.0 release notes message: |- Upgrade to Remoting 4.0. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4433 issue: 60725 authors: - MRamonLeon message: |- Prevent inaccurate warnings about missing classes on Java 11 triggered by JavaMelody when Monitoring Plugin is installed. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4434 issue: 60678 authors: - MRamonLeon message: |- Fix java version check for AdoptOpenJDK 11. - type: major rfe category: developer pull: 4425 issue: 60734 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Internal: frontend toolchain upgraded to use webpack. Enabled babel to transpile certain JS modules. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4441 authors: - jtnord message: |- Developer: Update access-modifier to allow plugins to use suppressions # pull: 4438 (PR title: Removed unnecessary semicolons and unused imports) - version: '2.218' date: 2020-01-27 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4454 authors: - jglick references: - issue: 60857 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.8 title: Winstone 5.8 release notes - regression in 5.6 message: |- Winstone 5.8: Fix a KeyStores with multiple certificates are not supported error from Jetty when passing certain kinds of certificates, such as domain wildcards (regression in 2.217) - type: bug category: bug pull: 4452 issue: 57888 authors: - lrpg message: |- Winstone 5.7: Fix support of system logging customization (regression in 2.177) references: - issue: 57888 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.7 title: Winstone 5.7 release notes - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4436 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Add the boolean disabled flag to applicable jobs' REST API output for classic project types like Freestyle, Maven, or Multi-configuration (Matrix). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4452 issue: 60821 authors: - jtnord references: - pull: 4452 - issue: 60821 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.7 title: Winstone 5.7 release notes message: |- Internal: Winstone 5.7: Change the Jetty thread pool name to "Jetty (winstone)" - version: '2.219' date: 2020-01-29 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2020-01-29/ title: security advisory authors: - daniel-beck - jeffret-b - jvz - wadeck - type: rfe message: Security hardening related to Stapler routing. authors: - daniel-beck - type: rfe message: > Security hardening: Set X-Content-Type-Options to nosniff in REST API responses. authors: - wadeck - version: '2.220' date: 2020-02-09 banner: > This release includes an incompatible change which impacts users of the Self-Organizing Swarm Modules plugin. Users of this plugin should upgrade it and its CLI client to the version 3.18 or above. changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4476 issue: 60926 authors: - jeffret-b references: - issue: 60926 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.2 title: Remoting 4.2 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/slave-installer-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#17 title: Agent Installer Module 1.7 changelog message: |- Fix agent installation as a service on Windows (regression in 2.217). - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4471 issue: 60884 authors: - AaronZurawski message: |- Fix NullPointerException when getting a list of runs with a status threshold (regression in 2.202). - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4460 authors: - jeffret-b message: |- Remove network discovery services (UDP and DNS). Users of the Self-Organizing Swarm Modules plugin should update the plugin and its CLI client to 3.18. references: - issue: 60913 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/swarm-plugin/releases/tag/swarm-plugin-3.18 title: Self-Organizing Swarm Modules Plugin 3.18 changelog - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4450 issue: 51856 authors: - fcojfernandez message: |- Extends the current milestones so plugins can update jobs and configuration during Jenkins initialization. Adds initialization milestones: SYSTEM_CONFIG_LOADED, SYSTEM_CONFIG_ADAPTED, JOB_CONFIG_ADAPTED. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4385 authors: - LinuxSuRen message: |- Export the plugin compatibility flag in Update Site REST API. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4410 authors: - jetersen message: |- Suggest Jenkins Configuration as Code plugin in the installation wizard. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4473 issue: 21837 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Do not record the user creating an agent in some circumstances. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4461 issue: 54496 authors: - pjdarton message: |- Avoid logging node monitoring exceptions caused by node deletion. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4442 issue: 60848 authors: - jeffret-b message: |- Improve RSS feed titles. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4453 authors: - mguillem message: |- Display build duration as tooltip to build date/time in the job's build history. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4462 authors: - res0nance message: |- Improve performance of List Views when listing items. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4459 issue: 60907 authors: - thomasgl-orange message: |- Improve performance of artifact archiving when using jenkins.model.StandardArtifactManager.disableTrafficCompression=true. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4456 issue: 60867 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Prevent creation of duplicated SetupWizard singleton instances on Jenkins startup. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4439 issue: 60721 authors: - res0nance message: |- Fix IndexOutOfBounds exception in ChoiceParameterDefinition.getDefaultParameterValue. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4445 issue: 59486 authors: - jsoref message: |- Update Plugin manager pages to show icons while Jenkins is restarting. # pull: 4443 (PR title: Improve log after SECURITY-626) # pull: 4449 (PR title: Clean up Deprecation: Channel(...)) # pull: 4451 (PR title: set locale for test, because test fails on german system) # pull: 4458 (PR title: Spotbugs: Check for null issue) # pull: 4467 (PR title: Disable failing test in UDP broadcast) # pull: 4474 (PR title: Enforce singleton pattern in CaseInsensitiveComparator) # pull: 4481 (PR title: Release Drafter: Do not use regression-fix label for the changelog, use the global template) - version: '2.221' date: 2020-02-19 banner: > Globally configured build discarders are available for the first time with this release. Jenkins will now execute the configured per-project build discarder periodically even if no build is currently finishing. Globally configured build discarders may delete old builds if a project has been configured with a more aggressive build discarder configuration since the last build was run. changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4368 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Add globally configured build discarders that delete old builds not marked as "keep forever" even if there is no, or a less aggressive, per-project build discarder configured, executed periodically and after a build finishes. - type: major bug category: major bug pull: 4368 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Jenkins will by default execute the configured per-project build discarder periodically even if no build is currently finishing. This may delete old builds of projects that got a more aggressive build discarder configuration since the last build was run. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4491 issue: 61071 authors: - jglick - timja message: |- Dynamically loading certain plugins could result in permission errors. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4490 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Update bundled Script Security Plugin from 1.68 to 1.70. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4482 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Do not show disabled permissions in permission errors. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4493 authors: - jtnord message: |- Developer: Use correct alert box name in Javadoc description. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4469 authors: - res0nance message: |- Developer: Introduce filtering overload to getAllItems(), allItems() and getItems(). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4368 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Developer: Add new extension point BackgroundBuildDiscarderStrategy to allow more flexible build discarding strategies for the global build discarder configuration. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4381 authors: - jeffret-b message: |- Developer: Add findsecbugs plugin to spotbugs build plugin. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4455 issue: 60866 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Internal: Remove inline resources from HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm views. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 3989 authors: - olivergondza message: |- Internal: Changed exception presented when AtomicFileWriter fails to write to file. # pull: 4484 (PR title: [JENKINS-61024] Use LinkedHashMap for deterministic iterations) # pull: 4485 (PR title: Increase timeout on test to stop flaking) # pull: 4494 (PR title: Remove references to Azure maven cache) # pull: 4502 (PR title: [JENKINS-61102] Use XMLUnit to fix test) - version: '2.222' date: 2020-02-23 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4463 issue: 60920 authors: - fqueiruga - daniel-beck message: |- Revamp the layout and icons of the header bar and breadcrumbs. Instances with plugins that depend on details of the Jenkins layout (e.g. Simple Theme Plugin) may experience UI/layout problems. A new experimental header color scheme can be enabled by setting the jenkins.ui.refresh system property to true. - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4463 authors: - fqueiruga - daniel-beck message: |- Introduce a new experimental UI that can be enabled by setting the jenkins.ui.refresh system property to true. Currently it includes a new header color scheme, more changes to be added as a part of the UI/UX revamp. references: - pull: 4463 - issue: 60920 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/223/README.adoc title: JEP-223 - url: /sigs/ux/ title: Jenkins UX SIG - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4501 authors: - daniel-beck - mikecirioli - EstherAF - aHenryJard references: - pull: 4501 - issue: 60266 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/223/README.adoc title: JEP-223 message: |- Add a new experimental Overall/Manage permission which allows a user to configure parts of the global Jenkins configuration without having the Overall/Administer permission. This is an experimental feature, disabled by default, that can be enabled by setting the jenkins.security.ManagePermission system property to true. - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4506 authors: - timja - daniel-beck references: - pull: 4506 - issue: 12548 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/224/README.adoc title: JEP-224 - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/extended-read-permission/ title: Extended Read Permission plugin message: |- Add a new experimental Overall/SystemRead permission, which gives (almost) full read access to the Jenkins instance. The permission is disabled by default, install the Extended Read Permission plugin to activate it. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4365 issue: 60266 authors: - mikecirioli references: - pull: 4365 - issue: 60266 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/223/README.adoc title: JEP-223 - url: /security/advisory/2017-04-10/#matrix-authorization-strategy-plugin-allowed-configuring-dangerous-permissions title: 2017-04-10 security advisory for Matrix Authorization plugin - url: /security/advisory/2017-04-10/#role-based-authorization-strategy-plugin-allowed-configuring-dangerous-permissions title: 2017-04-10 security advisory for Role-Based Authorization plugin message: |- Deprecate the Overall/RunScripts, Overall/UploadPlugins, and Overall/ConfigureUpdateCenter permissions. Permissions were announced as dangerous and disabled by default in major authorization plugins in 2017. Custom authorization strategy implementations that grant Overall/Administer without implying one or more of these three permissions will no longer work as expected. Configurations that grant any of these permissions to users without Overall/Administer will no longer work as expected. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4509 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Remove the ability to have CSRF protection disabled. Instances upgrading from older versions of Jenkins will have CSRF protection enabled and the default issuer set if they currently have it disabled. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4487 issue: 60966 authors: - Dohbedoh message: |- Order Admin Monitors in Global Configuration page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4499 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Add memory usage monitor to system information page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4497 authors: - res0nance message: |- Improve performance when loading tied jobs. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4504 issue: 61121 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Fix issue with too many open files error when using resource domain. - type: rfe category: localization pull: 4505 authors: - jbleduigou message: |- Add french translation for concurrent build help. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4506 issue: 12548 authors: - daniel-beck - timja references: - pull: 4506 - issue: 12548 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/224/README.adoc title: JEP-224 message: |- Developer: Add new checkAnyPermission, hasAnyPermission methods that allow access if a user has one of the supplied permissions. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4506 issue: 12548 authors: - daniel-beck - timja references: - pull: 4506 - issue: 12548 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/224/README.adoc title: JEP-224 message: |- Developer: Add a new f:possibleReadOnlyField jelly tag, wraps fields in an if readonly check and then outputs the result as text if the authenticated user only has read access. N/A is added if the field is empty. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4506 issue: 12548 authors: - daniel-beck - timja references: - pull: 4506 - issue: 12548 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/224/README.adoc title: JEP-224 message: |- Developer: Add a new l:hasAdministerOrManage jelly tag, hides the body of the tag if the user doesn't have Overall/Administer or Overall/Manage. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4488 issue: 61046 authors: - jtnord message: |- Developer: Allow plugins to force an update of an UpdateSite. # pull: 4496 (PR title: Follow up optimizations to getAllItems() and getItems()) # pull: 4508 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720] Spotbugs fix possible NPE) # pull: 4510 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720] Fix instances of double checked locking) # pull: 4511 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720] Spotbugs fixes) # pull: 4514 (PR title: Update note after this was done wrong yet again) - version: '2.223' date: 2020-03-01 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4503 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Remove 'auto refresh' feature, including now obsolete auto refresh telemetry capability. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4524 issue: 61205 authors: - timja message: |- Allow users with system read permission to view the global security configuration page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4520 issue: 61201 authors: - timja message: |- Allow users with system read permission to view the About Jenkins page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4479 issue: 61202 authors: - timja message: |- Users with extended read permission now get a more read-only looking UI. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4525 issue: 55070 authors: - Wadeck - daniel-beck references: - pull: 4525 - issue: 55070 - issue: 59992 - issue: 60454 - issue: 61192 message: |- Prevent one occurrence of "Jenkins.instance is missing" - type: bug category: bug pull: 4529 issue: 61004 authors: - oleg-nenashev references: - pull: 4529 - issue: 61004 - issue: 60299 message: |- Reintroduce Build History description truncation by default. Allow managing/disabling the limit via the historyWidget.descriptionLimit system property. A negative value removes the limit, 0 forces empty descriptions. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4527 issue: 61197 authors: - jglick message: |- Avoid a NullPointerException when starting a non-Pipeline build with a custom root directory set to a filesystem root (e.g., C:\). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4478 issue: 28379 authors: - stellargo message: |- Allow FingerprintFacet to block the deletion of fingerprint. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4468 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Internal: Remove unused class StringConverter2. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4470 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Internal: Remove unused internal class Memoizer - use ConcurrentHashMap. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4515 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Developer: Listen on loopback interface by default in debug mode. # pull: 4516 (PR title: Allow secret to convert to itself) - version: '2.224' date: 2020-03-08 banner: |- WARNING: This release introduces a critical regression when saving jobs. See JENKINS-61398. Please avoid updating to this version. changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4542 issue: 60409 references: - pull: 4542 - issue: 60409 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.9 title: Winstone 5.9 changelog authors: - jglick - olamy message: |- Winstone 5.9: Fix propagation of the maximum form content size and form content keys number (regression in Jetty 9.4.20 and Jenkins 2.205). - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4542 issue: 60199 authors: - jglick - olamy references: - pull: 4542 - issue: 60199 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.9 title: Winstone 5.9 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.27.v20200227 title: Jetty 9.4.27 changelog message: |- Winstone 5.9: Fix reverse improper proxy redirects to Host due to X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Port ordering issue (regression in Jetty 9.4.20 and Jenkins 2.205). - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4541 issue: 61321 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Do not disable all controls on job configuration forms for some users with Job/Configure permission (regression in 2.223). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4535 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Show plugin release date in plugin manager. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4389 issue: 60410 authors: - jeffret-b message: |- Suppress error stack traces for non-administrator users as core capability. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4513 issue: 61166 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Indicate when security issues would be addressed by an update in plugin manager. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4534 authors: - daniel-beck - fqueiruga message: |- Show plugin categories as labels in the plugin manager instead of grouping them into different table sections. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4544 issue: 61345 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Prevent unhandled JSONException in DescriptorList#newInstanceFromRadioList() and ExtensionDescriptorList#newInstanceFromRadioList(). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4522 issue: 61300 authors: - zbynek message: |- Update size of the search box properly when screen is resized. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4536 issue: 61284 authors: - timja message: |- Remove grey bar below the textarea form elements for read only users. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4540 issue: 60788 authors: - slide message: |- Prevent NullPointerException when hitting "Check Now" against a custom update center without tool installer metadata. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4537 issue: 61285 authors: - timja message: |- Fix blank page on configure clouds page if no cloud plugin installed. - type: bug category: bug pull: 3969 issue: 51495 authors: - matsushou - oleg-nenashev message: |- Update the descriptorRadioList form elements to honor DescriptorVisibilityFilter extension points. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4532 issue: 61279 authors: - timja message: |- Update the Version Number library from 1.6 to 1.7 to remove transient dependencies on FindBugs annotations. - version: '2.225' date: 2020-03-09 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4559 issue: 61398 authors: - MarkEWaite message: |- Don't lose SCM configuration when saving job (regression in 2.224). - version: '2.226' date: 2020-03-15 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4568 issue: 61429 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Fix drag & drop for previously saved steps in the job configuration form (regression in 2.217). - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4546 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Organize entries on the Manage Jenkins page into categories and show them in a grid. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4555 issue: 61224 authors: - romenrg message: |- Remove the unnecessary "monitor[s]" text next to the bell for a cleaner UI. Change the colors of the notifications next to the bell to make them more noticeable. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4549 issue: 54662 authors: - timja message: |- Allow usage statistics to be configured with the configuration-as-code plugin. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4563 authors: - timja references: - pull: 4563 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/ssh-cli-auth-module/releases/tag/ssh-cli-auth-1.8 title: ssh-cli-auth 1.8 changelog message: |- Allow ssh authorized keys to be configured with the configuration-as-code plugin. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4548 issue: 60921 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Use modern system fonts provided by the browser when possible. Changes font size for body copy and headings to improve consistency and legibility. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4561 authors: - daniel-beck references: - pull: 4561 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/script-security-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#version-170 title: Script security plugin 1.70 changelog - url: /security/advisory/2020-03-09/#SECURITY-1754 title: SECURITY-1754 sandbox bypass vulnerability message: |- Update bundled Script Security Plugin from 1.70 to 1.71. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4553 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Show in plugin manager table when there are security issues in a currently installed plugin. - type: rfe category: localization pull: 4566 issue: 61424 authors: - jbleduigou message: |- Add French translation for 'New View'. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4556 issue: 61385 authors: - knapsu message: |- Fix support of the default attribute in the Jelly enum form control. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4546 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Add ManagementLink#getCategory() for entries on Manage Jenkins to be grouped into category. See the ManagementLink.Category enum for supported return values. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4573 issue: 61465 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Developer: Make h.checkAnyPermission and <l:layout permissions="…"> work on objects that aren't AccessControlled. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4543 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Document nullability of newInstanceFromRadioList() methods and callers. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4457 issue: 60866 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Internal: Remove inline resources from restart views. # pull: 4564 (PR title: Fixed spotbugs NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH) # pull: 4565 (PR title: Change UpdateSiteWarningsMonitor blurb punctuation) # pull: 4581 (PR title: Fix empty updates list) - version: '2.227' date: 2020-03-22 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4571 issue: 61456 authors: - EstherAF message: |- System Information management link is now accessible to users with Overall/Manage, showing only plugins and memory usage information. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4582 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Limit max width of Manage Jenkins entries on very large screens. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4570 issue: 61457 authors: - EstherAF message: |- Usage Statistics in Global Configuration is now configurable by users with Overall/Manage permission (as well as the usual Overal/Administer). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4590 issue: 61308 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Make HTTP DELETE based item deletion behave more like an API, recommend it over POST /doDelete. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4592 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Increase scroll speed of context menus. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4589 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- List plugins that failed to load on the Installed tab of the plugin manager. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4584 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Highlight in the plugin manager when plugins are looking for new maintainers ("Adopt this plugin"). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4578 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Developer: Add Javadoc for management link category definitions. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4594 issue: 61105 authors: - olivergondza message: |- Internal: Permit core building using newer JDK than version 8. # pull: 4587 (PR title: Update at-since up to and including 2.226) # pull: 4593 (PR title: Rework sectioning on /manage and /pluginsManager/advanced) # pull: 4595 (PR title: Ignore RemoteClassLoader$ClassLoaderProxy#fetch3 on telemetry) - version: '2.228' date: 2020-03-25 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2020-03-25/ title: security advisory authors: - daniel-beck - wadeck - type: rfe message: Security hardening related to request routing and CSRF protection. references: - url: /doc/upgrade-guide/2.204/#upgrading-to-jenkins-lts-2-204-6 title: related upgrade guide authors: - jvz - version: '2.229' date: 2020-03-29 changes: - type: major bug category: major bug pull: 4602 issue: 61688 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Use the saved global build discarder configuration on restart. Jenkins 2.221 through 2.228 ignore the saved global build discarder configuration when they restart. - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4607 issue: 61692 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Fix proxy form validation when a password is set (regression in 2.205). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4554 authors: - NextTurn message: |- Update .NET version checks to be more correct for modern .NET versions. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4569 issue: 61455 authors: - amuniz - timja message: |- About Jenkins management link is now accessible to users with Overall/Manage or Overall/SystemRead (as well as the usual Overal/Administer). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4608 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Robustness: Don't throw a NullPointerException when trying to convert null to Secret. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4601 issue: 61409 authors: - jeffret-b - jglick - Vlatombe references: - pull: 4601 - pull: 4596 - issue: 61409 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.3 title: Remoting 4.3 changelog - url: /blog/2020/02/02/web-socket/ title: WebSockets blog post - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/222/README.adoc title: JEP-222 message: |- Upgrade to Remoting 4.3 to fix an issue with large payloads over WebSockets. Requires a matching agent.jar with remoting 4.3 or later. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 3941 issue: 56643 authors: - jsoref message: |- Developer: Create symlinks atomically and log warning on failure. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4603 authors: - jglick message: |- Developer: Secret and ConfidentialKey implementations can now be used from unit tests without JenkinsRule. # pull: 4075 (PR title: IntelliJ/Java: Duplicate code -- Refactored as AntClassLoader.storeAndConvert(...Convert)) # pull: 4507 (PR title: Static nested classes) # pull: 4585 (PR title: Remove unused CSS file) # pull: 4596 (PR title: [JENKINS-61409] Websockets: Use AbstractByteBufferCommandTransport to transport messages) combined with pull 4601 # pull: 4605 (PR title: Do not print random binary data during WebSocketAgentsTest) - version: '2.230' date: 2020-04-06 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4610 issue: 61478 authors: - romenrg message: |- Improve styling of alert banners to be more visually appealing and to better match existing user interface components. Alerts now fully cover the navigation bar while they are displayed instead of covering only a portion of the navigation bar. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4575 issue: 61467 authors: - daniel-beck - timja message: |- Do not show disabled permissions in permission errors when checking for any of several permissions. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4616 authors: - jglick message: |- Allow hyperlinks to be used when displaying causes of blockage related to labels rather than individual nodes. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 3947 issue: 5597 authors: - mwinter69 message: |- Add option to configure follow symlinks when archiving artifacts. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4572 issue: 61453 authors: - escoem - timja message: |- Prepare for Shutdown management link is now accessible to users with Overall/Manage permission in addition to the usual Overall/Administer. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4599 issue: 61496 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Update footer styles. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4552 issue: 56937 authors: - timja message: |- Allow configuration-as-code plugin to disable admin monitors. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4606 issue: 61694 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Update Groovy Init hooks to run after all job configurations are adapted. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4577 issue: 61479 authors: - stellargo message: |- Fix class cast exception in fingerprint cleanup thread. # pull: 4598 (PR title: Fix various "incompatible" messages for plugin manager) # pull: 4612 (PR title: Use a jenkins Changelog Generator App in the release drafting flow) # pull: 4613 (PR title: Remove checkUpdates dead code) # pull: 4619 (PR title: [JENKINS-61466] Ignore war/work and war/target on frontend tests) # pull: 4624 (PR title: Revert "Use a jenkins Changelog Generator App in the release drafting flow") - version: '2.231' date: 2020-04-14 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4586 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Add section headers to context menu of Manage Jenkins. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4633 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Improve the view shown when there are no jobs. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4557 authors: - timja message: |- Configuration as code plugin support for configuring user timezones. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4617 authors: - jglick message: |- By default suppress log message about a missing optional extension. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4580 authors: - daniel-beck - timja - oleg-nenashev message: |- Don't show all available plugins by default; use search field to find plugins. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4580 authors: - daniel-beck - timja - oleg-nenashev message: |- Allow use of multiple space-separated filter terms in plugin manager. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4518 issue: 61203 authors: - timja message: |- Allow users with system read permission to view the Manage Plugins configuration. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4614 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Add support for serving file parameter values from the resource root URL, if set. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4609 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Set httpOnly header on cookie for iconSize storage. - type: bug category: regression pull: 4629 issue: 61660 authors: - sladyn98 message: |- Fix spacing between error messages in Setup Wizard (regression in 2.217). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4621 authors: - jglick message: |- Ensure that log messages are not missing numeric parameters when log entries are created on an agent. In particular, fix logs collected by the Support Core plugin. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4632 authors: - jglick message: |- Ensure that encoded console annotations are stripped from system logger messages. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4631 authors: - timja message: |- Update crypto-util from 1.1 to 1.5 to fix the license link in Jenkins Web UI. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4604 authors: - jtnord - timja message: |- Developer: Switch bug detection annotations from JSR-305 to SpotBugs / net.jcp equivalents. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4636 authors: - jvz message: |- Developer: Upgrade commons-codec to 1.14. # pull: 4597 (PR title: Hide message re disabling implied dependencies when no dependents exist) # pull: 4638 (PR title: Removing apparently unused Slave.labels) - version: '2.232' date: 2020-04-16 banner: |- NOTE: This is the first Jenkins weekly release delivered by the core release automation project. Some Jenkins Weekly distributables may not be accessible from the Jenkins Downloads page. In such case please see the package links on our mirrors in the Releases section. changes: - type: bug category: regression pull: 4653 issue: 61711 authors: - rishabhBudhouliya message: |- Fix input field hints for tools like the git plugin that search the PATH for their executable (regression in 2.205 and 2.222.1). - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4628 issue: 60866 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Internal: Remove inline resources from Job views. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4472 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Internal: Introduce a new Jenkins core maintainer guide. # pull: 4650 (PR title: [JENKINS-61878] Improve the queue/cancelItem endpoint API documentation) - version: '2.233' date: 2020-04-20 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4591 authors: - daniel-beck - fqueiruga message: |- Allow linking to plugin manager URLs with pre-filled filter field. Link labels in the plugin manager to pre-filtered lists. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4533 issue: 61208 authors: - timja - daniel-beck message: |- Add system read support to admin monitors. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4519 authors: - timja message: |- Allow users with system read permission to view the global tool configuration. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4588 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Sort plugins by popularity on the "Available" plugin manager tab if the update site provides popularity data. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4658 issue: 61840 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Restyle buttons. Add support for large buttons, hyperlinks styled as buttons and icon-only buttons. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4657 issue: 61905 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Forward Groovy view permission errors to login. Some views showed an error screen instead of forwarding to the login form when necessary permissions were missing. # pull: 4651 (PR title: Make the timestamp on the footer more compact) # pull: 4654 (PR title: Fix comment about when this is set) # pull: 4659 (PR title: [JENKINS-61932] Fix redirect URL) # pull: 4661 (PR title: Bump parent pom to 1.55) - version: '2.234' date: 2020-04-27 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4675 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Fix sort order in "Available" tab of the plugin manager (regression in 2.233). - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4682 issue: 62001 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Fix a regression where the dropdown of the autocomplete widget would not be rendered correctly (regression in 2.233). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4663 authors: - timja message: |- Restyle the help icon. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4530 issue: 61207 authors: - timja message: |- Allow users with system read permission to view the system logs. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4676 issue: 46669 authors: - samhrncir message: |- Reword "Continue as admin" button of the plugin setup wizard. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4677 authors: - jglick message: |- The default number of executors for an agent created programmatically (or as-code) is now 1 rather than 2. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4615 issue: 61738 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Session hijacking protection hardening. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4622 issue: 61812 authors: - timja message: |- Distinguish between defined (*****) and undefined (N/A) password on read-only configuration forms for users with Overall/SystemRead or Item/ExtendedRead permissions. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4667 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Developer: Remove unused deprecated HudsonExceptionNote. # pull: 4641 (PR title: Refactoring CLICommand.java) # pull: 4664 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720] Minor spotbugs issue regarding performance improvement) # pull: 4666 (PR title: minor test refactoring) # pull: 4669 (PR title: Link from cloud configuration to pre-filtered plugin manager) # pull: 4671 (PR title: Test refactoring, mainly to use hamcrest matcher instead of deprecated junit assertThat) # pull: 4672 (PR title: Removed unused imports) # pull: 4674 (PR title: Fix rendering of links in the Maintainer guide) # pull: 4678 (PR title: Reduce code duplication in SystemProperties) - version: '2.235' date: 2020-05-04 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4701 issue: 62133 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Prevent a form validation "404 Not Found" error when the resource root URL configuration points at a previously configured resource root URL (regression in 2.205). - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4696 issue: 62065 authors: - romenrg message: |- Make Breadcrumbs displayed after notification alerts clickable again. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4685 issue: 61208 authors: - timja message: |- Allow system read to view more admin monitors. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4655 issue: 61841 authors: - dwnusbaum message: |- Limit the number of exceptions thrown by some operations such as recursive directory deletion. Previously, in rare cases, exceptions thrown when failing to delete large directories could consume significant amounts of memory. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4668 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Indicate which component provides an URL that is always available without authentication in the global security configuration. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4681 issue: 62006 authors: - Vlatombe message: |- Fix a classloading issue while executing ProcessTree.get(). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4687 issue: 62056 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Developer: Make it possible to look up extension implementations from more than one specific extension point at a time. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4693 issue: 61326 authors: - uhafner message: |- Developer: Add nogrid option to layout.jelly tag to allow suppressing the bootstrap 3 grid. See bootstrap4-api-plugin for details. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4660 authors: - jvz message: |- Developer: Update javax.mail to jakarta.mail 1.6.5. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4626 issue: 60866 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Internal: Remove inline resources from ReverseProxySetupMonitor view. Add a specific warning when the Jenkins Root URL does not contain the contextPath. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4627 issue: 60866 authors: - Wadeck - timja message: |- Internal: Remove inline resources from LogRecorder views. Align the column headers of bigtables to the left # pull: 4686 (PR title: Add form validation warning when signup is enabled) # pull: 4691 (PR title: Maintainer guide: Reference the IRC channel) # pull: 4692 (PR title: JENKINS-62088 Fix correct fonts not loading for buttons and plugin manager filter) # pull: 4694 (PR title: Better logging for signature validation) # pull: 4695 (PR title: [JENKINS-62089] Reduces the help icon size to 20px) # pull: 4697 (PR title: Extracts essential CSS off the responsive-grid.css file) # pull: 4698 (PR title: Removed redundant suppressions) # pull: 4703 (PR title: Remove abusive badges) # pull: 4704 (PR title: Add proper title for setup wizard) # pull: 4705 (PR title: Update at-since up to May 3, 2020) - version: '2.236' date: 2020-05-11 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4713 issue: 62163 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Make plugin manager work on Internet Explorer 11 again (regression in 2.231). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4630 issue: 61808 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Security hardening: Always round-trip password form control values in an encrypted form, even if not backed by an encrypted Secret field. In case of problems, this can be disabled by setting the system property hudson.util.Secret.AUTO_ENCRYPT_PASSWORD_CONTROL to false on startup. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4630 issue: 61808 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Security hardening: Always use a placeholder value for password form control values in item related configuration forms when the user is missing Item/Configure permission, even if not backed by an encrypted Secret field. In case of problems, this can be disabled by setting the system property hudson.util.Secret.BLANK_NONSECRET_PASSWORD_FIELDS_WITHOUT_ITEM_CONFIGURE to false. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4707 authors: - oleg-nenashev references: - pull: 4707 - url: https://javadoc.jenkins.io/jenkins/util/SystemProperties.html title: Javadoc - url: /doc/book/managing/system-properties/ title: Jenkins Features Controlled with System Properties message: |- Developer: Make the SystemProperties API available to plugins so that their properties could be managed by a standard engine. # pull: 4708 (PR title: Fix up Protector class) - version: '2.237' date: 2020-05-18 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4712 issue: 61920 authors: - MRamonLeon message: |- Prevent telemetry warnings about missing javax.annotation classes when running with Java 11 (regression in 2.231). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4718 issue: 62231 authors: - MRamonLeon message: |- Prevent Old Data Monitor from failing plugin loading in the case of class field unmarshalling issues. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4711 issue: 60118 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Ensure that UserLanguages telemetry initializer always runs after extensions are augmented. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4725 authors: - jvz message: |- Update Apache Ant from 1.10.7 to 1.10.8. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4656 authors: - jvz references: - pull: 4656 - url: https://tomcat.apache.org/taglibs/CHANGES.txt title: Changelog up to 1.2.5 - url: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jstl-api/compare/1.2.3-RELEASE..1.2.7-RELEASE title: Diff of 1.2.3 to 1.2.7 - url: https://github.com/javaee/jstl-api/compare/javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.1..javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.3 title: Diff of 1.2.1 to 1.2.3 message: |- Internal: Update the JSTL API library from 1.2.1 to 1.2.7. - type: bug category: developer pull: 4684 issue: 61956 authors: - calvinpark message: |- Developer: Ensure that job/folder creation routines properly check the requested name for invalid characters. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4715 authors: - jglick message: |- Developer: Deprecate jenkins.model.Configuration in the Java API. # pull: 4689 (PR title: Minor pom cleanup and switched assertions to junit5) # pull: 4717 (PR title: Adapt to JUnit 4.13's deprecation of org.junit.Assert.assertThat) # pull: 4720 (PR title: System read code simplification) # pull: 4722 (PR title: Taglib descriptions) # pull: 4723 (PR title: Reduce heading for repeatable) # pull: 4727 (PR title: Fix ItemGroupMixInTest compilation.) - version: "2.238" date: 2020-05-25 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4714 issue: 62181 authors: - jglick message: |- Fix a deadlock involving custom loggers during agent startup (regression in 2.231). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4673 authors: - sorend message: |- Support Bearer tokens in Jenkins-CLI -auth parameter. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4531 issue: 61206 authors: - timja message: |- Add system read support for 'Node Monitoring Configuration' and configuring clouds. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4531 issue: 61206 authors: - timja message: |- Add Agent/ExtendedRead support for viewing agent configuration, system information, and logs. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4730 authors: - Vlatombe - jglick message: |- Fix a thread safety issue in Computer#getLogDir. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4700 issue: 61973 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Revamp the sidebar task list with improved aesthetics and accessibility. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4728 issue: 61458 authors: - escoem message: |- Allow users with Overall/Manage permissions to reload configuration from disk. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4531 issue: 61206 authors: - timja message: |- Developer: Add support for the permissions attribute to task.jelly. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4531 issue: 61206 authors: - timja message: |- Developer: Add hasAnyPermissions API to Functions to allow it to be called by views. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4702 authors: - oleg-nenashev - timja message: |- Developer: Add non-deprecated Jenkins core library dependencies to the BOM. # pull: 4732 (PR title: Fix hyperlink in maintainers doc) - version: "2.239" date: 2020-06-03 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4752 authors: - 95jonpet - timja - fqueiruga references: - issue: 60924 - pull: 4752 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/dark-theme title: Dark Theme repository message: |- Release 'alpha' dark theme. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4745 issue: 62433 authors: - res0nance message: |- Fix markup previews for disabled textareas shown to users with extended read permission. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4755 authors: - fqueiruga - timja message: |- Prevent side panel shrinking in specific resolutions (~1000px), regression in 2.238. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4739 authors: - res0nance message: |- Make the CLI link in Manage Jenkins visible to users with Overall/SystemRead permission. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4740 issue: 62421 authors: - romenrg message: |- Improve accessibility by adding aria-labels for username and password fields in login forms. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4756 issue: 62434 authors: - res0nance message: |- Implement the read-only mode in Expandable Text Box configuration form elements. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4466 issue: 20052 authors: - res0nance message: |- Performance: Reduce number of calls and iterations through the list of jobs when displaying List Views. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4750 issue: 62477 authors: - amuniz message: |- Remove Subversion Plugin from suggested plugins in the setup wizard. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4749 issue: 62470 authors: - stellargo message: |- Fingerprints browser: Move fingerprint link into existing fingerprint artifact text. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4724 issue: 62264 authors: - amuniz message: |- Allow users with Overall/Manage permission to configure Node Monitoring. - type: major rfe category: developer pull: 4752 authors: - 95jonpet - timja - fqueiruga references: - issue: 60924 - pull: 4752 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/dark-theme title: Dark Theme repository message: |- Developer: Add support for CSS variables, useful in themes. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4754 authors: - Vlatombe message: |- Internal: Print stack trace from the originating thread if SlaveComputer#_connect fails. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4753 issue: 62473 authors: - 95jonpet message: |- Developer: Add source maps for CSS and JavaScript. # pull: 4747 (PR title: JENKINS-60924 Add PostCSS pre-processor) # pull: 4761 (PR title: Allow customising call to action color) - version: "2.240" date: 2020-06-08 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4772 authors: - timja message: |- Make RSS field and agent disconnected images transparent for dark theme. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4742 issue: 62332 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Show in plugin manager when newer releases of plugins exist but aren't being offered due to unsatisfied requirements. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4763 issue: 62515 authors: - oleg-nenashev - timja references: - issue: 62515 - pull: 4763 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/dark-theme title: Dark Theme repository message: |- Add support for Dark Theme in the login screen. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4769 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Update bundled Script Security Plugin from 1.71 to 1.73. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4771 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Restore background colors on new item and job config pages. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4770 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Fix buttons lingering for a bit after closing modal (regression in 2.233). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4760 issue: 61972 authors: - silent-snowman message: |- Display correct time in the Build History Widget when a custom timezone is set in the user profile. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4743 issue: 60866 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Internal: Remove inline resources for non-standard showDetails. # pull: 4744 (PR title: Update build-time frontend dependencies) # pull: 4762 (PR title: moved test class closer to class and added a test) # pull: 4764 (PR title: Fixed some code style issues in CSS and Javascript) # pull: 4765 (PR title: Note deprecation of ClassicPluginStrategy#useAntClassLoader) - version: "2.241" date: 2020-06-16 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4781 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Restore colors on the Job configuration page, help page, and other controls (regression in 2.239). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4757 issue: 62496 authors: - EstherAF - timja message: |- Convert arrow icons from images to CSS. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4767 issue: 62175 authors: - fqueiruga - timja message: |- Restyle side panel widgets to have a more modern look & feel. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4766 issue: 29144 authors: - Zastai message: |- Developer: Plugins can now more easily add support for using build steps in pipelines with access to the appropriate environment variables (such as from tools/environment blocks or steps like withEnv). The fingerprint and archiveArtifacts pipeline steps will no longer apply any environment substitution. # pull: 4776 (PR title: Upgrade parent pom to 1.56 to use spotbugs annotation version from pom) # pull: 4777 (PR title: Use the 'agent' term more often) # pull: 4778 (PR title: Fixed some style errors in less files to reduce output during build) - version: "2.242" date: 2020-06-23 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4802 issue: 62622 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Do not log exceptions when browsing to the plugin manager while private source plugins are installed (regression in 2.240). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4814 authors: - timja references: - pull: 4814 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/dark-theme-plugin title: Dark theme plugin message: |- Remove white background of 'Keep this build forever' when using dark theme. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4808 issue: 62698 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Restyle hyperlinks to make them look more modern and readable. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4783 authors: - takashiharano message: |- Update the Japanese messages for the scheduler on the setting page. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4813 issue: 61438 authors: - rahulsom references: - issue: 61438 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/releases/tag/stapler-parent-1.260 title: Stapler 1.260 changelog message: |- Fix IllegalArgumentException for Choice Parameter when saving job configuration. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4813 issue: 61438 authors: - rahulsom references: - pull: 4813 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/releases/tag/stapler-parent-1.260 title: Stapler 1.260 changelog message: |- Correctly encode control and surrogate characters when exporting data to JSON. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4801 issue: 62714 authors: - clywyk message: |- Replace esclave with agent in French documentation. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4731 authors: - stellargo references: - issue: 62345 - pull: 4731 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/226 title: JEP-226 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/redis-fingerprint-storage-plugin title: Reference Implementation message: |- Developer: Add experimental External Fingerprint Storage API. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4731 authors: - stellargo references: - issue: 62345 - pull: 4731 - url: https://javadoc.jenkins.io/hudson/model/Fingerprint.html title: Fingerprint API Javadoc message: > Developer: Introduce new Fingerprint API methods: Fingerprint#getPersistedFacets(), Fingerprint#delete(String) and file-independent CRUD methods. Deprecate Fingerprint#save(File). # pull: 4780 (PR title: [JEP-15] - Add Community Bridge sponsorship metadata to the repository) # pull: 4806 (PR title: Add display name for the "theme" plugin label) # pull: 4809 (PR title: Fix a typo in Lithuanian translation.) - version: "2.243" date: 2020-06-30 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4782 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Update the styles for the links on the management page. - type: rfe category: rfe issue: 62750 pull: 4816 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Restyle and improve accessibility for the RSS feed bar. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4811 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Winstone 5.10: Add --httpsRedirectHttp option that activates automatic HTTP request redirects to HTTPs. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4811 authors: - oleg-nenashev references: - pull: 4811 - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.28.v20200408 title: 9.4.28.v20200408 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.29.v20200521 title: 9.4.29.v20200521 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.30.v20200611 title: 9.4.30.v20200611 changelog message: |- Winstone 5.10: Update Jetty from 9.4.27.v20200227 to 9.4.30.v20200611. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4811 issue: 61823 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Winstone 5.10: Fix --httpKeepAliveTimeout option which had no effect (regression in 2.224). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4805 issue: 62695 authors: - johnou message: |- Shutdown gracefully when SCM triggers are configured. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4807 authors: - Vlatombe message: |- Developer: Allow f:repeatableHeteroProperty to pick up field attribute from enclosing f:entry. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4803 issue: 62688 authors: - jtnord message: |- Developer: Switch to id from fullName in User.toString(). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4774 issue: 26097 authors: - Zastai message: |- Developer: auto-completion for labels is now available via LabelExpression.autoComplete(). Deprecate hudson.model.AbstractProject.LabelValidator in favour of jenkins.model.labels.LabelValidator. but the old version also has a new checkItem() method to allow it to validate non-Project items. Deprecate hudson.model.AbstractProject.DescriptorImpl.validateLabelExpression() in favour of LabelExpression.validate() (which takes any kind of Item object instead of only AbstractProjects). Aggregates all warnings and errors reported by LabelValidator (old and new). # pull: 4819 (PR title: Consolidate CSS theming values in a single file) - version: "2.244" date: 2020-07-07 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4824 issue: 41805 authors: - timja message: |- Clean up more workspace related directories, e.g. @libs from Pipeline libraries. - type: rfe category: localization pull: 4810 authors: - AlessandroMenti message: |- Update Italian localization. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4818 issue: 56109 authors: - timja message: |- Internal: JavaScript refactoring in preparation for form layout modernization. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4773 issue: 62572 authors: - Zastai message: |- Developer: Extend the DownloadService.Downloadable API to make it easier to work with default IDs. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4826 issue: 62889 authors: - jeffret-b message: |- Developer: Introduce an API to check ParameterDefinition validity. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4824 issue: 41805 authors: - timja message: |- Developer: Make WorkspaceList.COMBINATOR accessible to plugins. # pull: 4828 (PR title: Fix JavaScript typo) - version: "2.245" date: 2020-07-15 banner: > The Windows MSI package has not been released yet due to an unexpected release infrastructure issue. As a workaround, please download jenkins.war manually and replace it in JENKINS_HOME. changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2020-07-15/ title: security advisory authors: - wadeck - Absh-Day - version: "2.246" date: 2020-07-21 banner: > This release build was not properly signed on the release infrastructure. Distribution of jenkins.war has been suspended and it is not recommended for use. Installers and native packages were not published. changes: [] - version: "2.247" date: 2020-07-21 banner: > This release build was not properly signed on the release infrastructure. Distribution of jenkins.war has been suspended and it is not recommended for use. Installers and native packages were not published. changes: [] - version: "2.248" date: 2020-07-21 banner: > The Windows MSI package has not been released yet due to an unexpected release infrastructure issue. As a workaround, please download jenkins.war manually and replace it in JENKINS_HOME. changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4823 references: - url: /blog/2020/07/23/windows-support-updates/ title: announcement - url: /blog/2020/07/23/windows-support-updates/#use-cases-affected-by-net-framework-2-0-support-removal title: upgrade guidelines - issue: 60005 - issue: 61862 - url: /doc/administration/requirements/windows/ title: Windows support policy authors: - NextTurn - oleg-nenashev message: |- Stop supporting .NET Framework 2.0 for launching Jenkins server and agents as a Windows service. .NET Framework 4.0 or above is now required. - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4823 references: - url: /blog/2020/07/23/windows-support-updates/#windows-service-management-changes-in-jenkins-2-248 title: changes summary - url: https://github.com/winsw/winsw/releases title: full WinSW changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/releases/tag/windows-slave-installer-2.0 title: Windows Agent Installer 2.0 changelog authors: - NextTurn - oleg-nenashev message: |- Update Windows Service Wrapper (WinSW) from 2.3.0 executable for .NET Framework 2.0 to 2.9.0 for .NET Framework 4.0. Includes numerous improvements and bugfixes. Most notably, the service installer will now ask for permission elevation if the required. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4852 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Reorder configuration and delete buttons in the left sidepanel. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4683 issue: 62014 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Add the ability to filter out environment variables for Shell and Windows batch build steps. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4835 issue: 63002 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Revamp the tabs and tables with better spacing and a consistent color palette. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4748 issue: 61806 authors: - 95jonpet - jglick message: |- Remove page generation timestamp from the footer. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4840 issue: 25259 authors: - tizki message: |- Add sorting to Old Data management tables. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4834 authors: - stellargo message: |- Allow fingerprint storage engine to be selected from the configuration page. references: - issue: 63022 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/226 title: JEP-226 - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4073 issue: 59136 authors: - jetersen - daniel-beck message: |- Show warnings for deprecated plugins in the update manager and administrative monitors. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4820 authors: - timja message: |- Update Jenkins form styling in preparation for changing form layout. references: - issue: 56109 - url: https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-62437 title: "Configuration UI Accessibility: Tables to Divs migration" - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4841 issue: 61806 authors: - jglick message: |- Show hints about the current time on the server’s zone when configuring your User Defined Time Zone. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4833 issue: 62723 authors: - jglick - Zastai message: |- Fix IllegalArgumentException: Method not found error caused by misbehaviour in Util.isOverridden() (regression in 2.241). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4830 authors: - jglick message: |- Avoid a stack trace when an older version of glibc was used by an agent. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4839 issue: 63014 authors: - jglick message: |- Remove the fallback Jenkins URL from the JNLP launch file so that WebSocket agents can be connected over Java Web Start. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4823 authors: - NextTurn message: |- Fix the default domain name in Windows service serviceaccount configurations. references: - issue: 12660 - url: https://github.com/winsw/winsw/releases/tag/v2.7.0 title: Windows Service Wrapper 2.7.0 changelog - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4683 issue: 62014 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Developer: Add new extension points to define build step environment filters (currently in beta). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4842 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/dark-theme title: Dark Theme repository authors: - timja message: |- Developer: Add theming support for alert-* classes. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4842 issue: 62747 authors: - timja message: |- Developer: Add alert-success banner. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4843 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/dark-theme title: Dark Theme repository authors: - timja message: |- Developer: Allow theming the text area handle. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4834 issue: 63022 authors: - stellargo message: |- Developer: Require FingerprintStorage descriptors so they can be configured from the configuration page. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4838 authors: - jeffret-b message: |- Developer: Remove method BeanBuilder.loadBeans(String). - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4699 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Internal: Allow JUnit 5 tests in the Jenkins core unit tests. Jenkins Test Harness-based integration tests still require JUnit 4. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4823 references: - pull: 4823 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/windows-slave-installer-module/releases/tag/windows-slave-installer-2.0 title: Windows Agent Installer 2.0 changelog authors: - NextTurn - oleg-nenashev message: |- Internal: Use built-in WinSW features for permission elevation and strong cryptography. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4831 references: - pull: 4832 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.4 title: Remoting 4.4 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.5 title: Remoting 4.5 changelog authors: - jeffret-b message: |- Internal: Upgrade to Remoting 4.5. This switches agent.jar and remoting.jar to a code-signing certificate owned by the CDF. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4741 issue: 60866 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Internal: Remove inline resources from layouts. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4847 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Internal: Document the Jenkins core issue triage guidelines. references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/master/docs/MAINTAINERS.adoc#issue-triage title: documentation # pull: 4759 (PR title: add compilerArg -Xpkginfo:always for useIncrementalCompilation which make build fast) # pull: 4800 (PR title: less cleanup to reduce warnings by stylelint) # pull: 4822 (PR title: Added English localization for "orchestration") # pull: 4836 (PR title: Update README: Governance, Adopters and more links) # pull: 4837 (PR title: Document the weekly release line in README and the Maintainer guide) # pull: 4845 (PR title: Minor refactorings either for performance or readability) # pull: 4846 (PR title: tests: minor refactorings either for performance or readability) # pull: 4856 (PR title: Add .factorypath to .gitignore) - version: "2.249" date: 2020-07-24 banner: > The Windows MSI package has not been released yet due to an unexpected release infrastructure issue. As a workaround, please download jenkins.war manually and replace it in JENKINS_HOME. changes: - type: major bug category: bug pull: 4864 issue: 63168 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Do not throw exceptions when building environment for certain build steps (regression in 2.248). In particular, the Powershell step from the Powershell plugin was affected. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4858 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Align the Plugin Manager table headers. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4861 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Fix an issue where the header of certain elements such as the authorization matrix would have wrong styles. # pull: 4857 (PR title: Add the Core Infrastructure Initiative Badge to README) # pull: 4859 (PR title: Use support-log-formatter from jetty:run) # pull: 4862 (PR title: Add badges for Regular and LTS releases) - version: '2.250' date: 2020-07-28 changes: - type: bug category: internal pull: 4879 authors: - jglick message: |- Internal: Fix UsageStatisticsTest failure in java.vendor vs. java.vm.vendor. # pull: 4875 (PR title: Add new line at EOF in config.xml) - version: '2.251' date: 2020-08-04 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4870 issue: 63180 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Restore wrapping tabs into multiple lines instead of overflowing (regression in 2.248). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4893 issue: 63232 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Show build time data in the Build Time Trend Page (regression in 2.245). - type: bug category: bug references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/dark-theme-plugin/issues/126 title: Fixes bread crumbs flash in Dark Theme issue: 63285 pull: 4867 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Normalize widget colors to be consistent with the new color palette. - type: bug category: regression pull: 4892 issue: 63276 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Empty installed plugins table text is readable again (regression in 2.249). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4863 issue: 63166 authors: - takashiharano message: |- Replace text references to slave with agent in Japanese documentation and messages. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4889 issue: 42228 authors: - takashiharano message: |- Prevent JavaScript error when registering validators in some cases. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4881 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Do not block rendering of Manage Jenkins while waiting for update center data. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4825 issue: 62757 authors: - stellargo message: |- Developer: Allow migration of fingerprints from local storage to external storage. # pull: 4865 (PR title: Align plugin manager filter with table) # pull: 4869 (PR title: Fix typo in Lithuanian translation.) # pull: 4871 (PR title: Log expected and actual values for better UTF-8 decoding diagnosability) # pull: 4876 (PR title: Fix search JavaScript issue) # pull: 4877 (PR title: Update at-since Javadoc) - version: '2.252' date: 2020-08-12 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2020-08-12/ title: security advisory authors: - daniel-beck - wadeck - version: '2.253' date: 2020-08-18 changes: - type: major rfe authors: - oleg-nenashev - slide message: |- Major update of the Alpine-based Jenkins Docker image. Jenkins Docker image for Alpine now uses Alpine 3.12 and AdoptOpenJDK 8u262. references: - url: /doc/upgrade-guide/2.235/#docker-alpine-image-overhaul title: LTS upgrade guide - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4897 issue: 63274 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Fix button that copies API token to clipboard (regression in 2.238). - type: major bug category: major bug pull: 4886 issue: 63082 authors: - jglick message: |- Fix a deadlock in agent logging. - type: bug category: regression pull: 4901 issue: 63342 authors: - francoiscampbell message: |- Fix Cmd + Enter not running the script in the Script Console on a Mac (regression in 2.248). - type: bug category: regression pull: 4901 issue: 63342 authors: - francoiscampbell message: |- Fix backspace key sometimes did not delete text from the Script Console on a Mac (regression in 2.248). - type: bug category: regression pull: 4896 issue: 63308 authors: - timja message: |- Fix regular expression validator UI location (regression in 2.244). - type: bug category: bug pull: 4898 issue: 63330 authors: - timja message: |- Make alert colors consistent with 'Manage Jenkins' alert colors. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4904 authors: - takashiharano message: |- Add Japanese translations for user configuration screen. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4850 issue: 61687 authors: - gmshake message: |- Prevent concurrent build deletion. - type: bug category: developer pull: 4899 issue: 63331 authors: - timja message: |- Developer: Make unavailable plugin background themeable. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4888 authors: - stellargo message: |- Developer: Expose fingerprint range set serialization methods for plugins. - type: bug category: internal pull: 4866 authors: - jglick message: |- Internal: Remove some text messages from Jenkins core which had already been moved to the LDAP and PAM Authentication plugins. Be sure to upgrade to LDAP 1.22 or newer and PAM Authentication 1.5 or newer. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4874 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Internal: Remove deprecated and unused ProcessTreeKiller class. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4890 issue: 63269 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Internal: Exclude JUnit and Hamcrest libraries from the jenkins.war bundle. # pull: 4872 (PR title: Tests: minor refactoring around StandardCharsets, simplified JUnit ) # pull: 4873 (PR title: Merged security test back to test class) # pull: 4894 (PR title: Removed redundant suppressions) # pull: 4895 (PR title: Dark theme: Fix border of input area for secretTextarea) # pull: 4900 (PR title: Document read only inputs) # pull: 4906 (PR title: Fix invalid translations in ApiTokenProperty) - version: '2.254' date: 2020-08-25 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4912 issue: 63458 authors: - jglick message: |- Stop pre-formatting agent logs to prevent deadlocks (regression in 2.231). - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 4909 references: - pull: 4909 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/224/README.adoc title: JEP-224 authors: - timja message: |- Graduate Overall/SystemRead permission to general availability (GA) status. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4910 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Set Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy to same-origin. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4911 issue: 63429 authors: - jglick message: |- Avoid losing work in progress by using a new browser tab to open the plugin link in a configuration screen’s inline help. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4878 issue: 63220 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Developer: Remove the unused description attribute from f:dropdownList. # pull: 4915 (PR title: [INFRA-266] Adjust test for HTTPS core download URLs) - version: "2.255" date: 2020-08-31 changes: - type: bug category: developer pull: 4916 authors: - jglick message: |- Developer: Ignore flaky UpdateCenter2Test.install test. - version: '2.256' date: 2020-09-08 banner: > The Windows MSI package has not been released due to limitations in Windows product version numbers. As a workaround, please download jenkins.war manually and replace it in JENKINS_HOME. changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 4921 issue: 63563 authors: - MRamonLeon message: |- Avoid warning on logs about Anonymous Class in hudson.FilePath. - version: '2.257' date: 2020-09-15 banner: > The Windows MSI package has not been released due to limitations in Windows product version numbers. As a workaround, please download jenkins.war manually and replace it in JENKINS_HOME. changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4920 issue: 60972 authors: - romenrg message: |- Name the first breadcrumb "Dashboard" for clarity. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4517 issue: 43889 authors: - thomasgl-orange message: |- Make sure Environments are always torn down in AbstractBuild. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4517 issue: 43889 authors: - thomasgl-orange message: |- Developer: New static utility method Result#combine(Result,Result) to get the worst of two (nullable) build results. # pull: 4255 (PR title: IntelliJ/Java: Duplicate declaration -> ApiTokenProperty.checkPermission) # pull: 4721 (PR title: Try to make the cron help clearer) # pull: 4917 (PR title: Increase contrast of the disabled plugin uninstall button) # pull: 4927 (PR title: Added localizaton for devsecops=DevSecOps) # pull: 4930 (PR title: [JENKINS-63639] Update commons-io to 2.8.0) - version: '2.258' date: 2020-09-22 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4942 issue: 62661 authors: - res0nance message: |- Migrate the view status filter from views in previous Jenkins releases (regression in 2.240). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4926 issue: 63592 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Improve the layout and clarity of the page displayed when jobs are not yet created. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4938 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Update the bundled Mailer plugin from 1.21 to 1.32.1. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4936 issue: 63332 authors: - benebsiny message: |- Prevent radio buttons from moving when they are clicked. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4829 issue: 46175 authors: - Zastai message: |- Developer: A SimpleBuildStep or SimpleBuildWrapper can now choose not to require a workspace context (working directory and launcher). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4934 issue: 63682 authors: - PierreBtz message: |- Developer: PluginServletFilter is now final, making it impossible for plugins to mistakenly define their own. # pull: 4931 (PR title: Make the archived artifacts summary on build pages theme-aware) # pull: 4941 (PR title: Fix JavaDoc error) - version: '2.259' date: 2020-09-29 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4943 issue: 63712 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Show display names in change list again (regression in 2.243). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4947 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Update the bundled version of Script Security Plugin from 1.73 to 1.75. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4948 authors: - jglick message: |- Update the bundled version of Display URL API plugin from 2.0 to 2.3.1. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4922 authors: - Vlatombe message: |- Developer: Cloud implementations are given more context about ongoing planned nodes. Add CloudState to be passed to Cloud#provision and Cloud#canProvision methods. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4550 issue: 50669 authors: - neaguandrei101 message: |- Developer: Provide WebAppMain#getDefaultRingBufferSize method for use by telemetry. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4939 authors: - Vlatombe message: |- Developer: Improve the combobox component to support default value and readonly mode. # pull: 4907 (PR title: merged security tests back to original test class) - version: '2.260' date: 2020-10-06 changes: - type: major bug category: major bug pull: 4955 issue: 63828 authors: - Vlatombe message: |- Fix docker build agent provisioning (regression in 2.259). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4027 issue: 57484 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Improve the scripting capacity related to the API Token system. Provide a way to configure a fixed/default API Token for admin during installation phase. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4950 issue: 63795 authors: - aHenryJard message: |- Allow users with the Jenkins.MANAGE permission to restart and safe restart Jenkins. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4952 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Disable autocomplete of username on login form. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4958 authors: - jglick message: |- Internal: Update bundled version of Apache Ant from 1.10.8 to 1.10.9. # pull: 4945 (PR title: Refactoring CLIRegisterer) # pull: 4953 (PR title: [JENKINS-36716] Spotbugs cleanup) # pull: 4954 (PR title: Improve performance of MyView) - version: '2.261' date: 2020-10-13 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4970 issue: 63828 authors: - Vlatombe message: |- Fix docker build agent provisioning (regression in 2.259-260). - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4949 issue: 63798 authors: - yJunS message: |- Fix extensions footer location (regression in 2.230). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4975 references: - pull: 4975 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.11 title: Winstone 5.11 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.31.v20200723 title: Jetty 9.4.31.v20200723 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.32.v20200930 title: Jetty 9.4.32.v20200930 changelog authors: - olamy message: |- Introduce LowResourceMonitor from Jetty by upgrading to Winstone 5.11. Bump jetty.version from 9.4.30.v20200611 to 9.4.32.v20200930. - type: major rfe category: rfe pull: 4951 authors: - daniel-beck message: > SSHD module 2.7: Remove deprecated key exchange and MAC algorithms. references: - pull: 4951 - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/sshd-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#27" title: SSHD module 2.7 changelog - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4951 authors: - daniel-beck message: > SSHD module 2.7: Allow configuring disabled key exchange and MAC algorithms through system properties. references: - pull: 4951 - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/sshd-module/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#27" title: SSHD module 2.7 changelog - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4957 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Reduce memory consumption when loading classes from plugins. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4905 authors: - tszmytka message: |- Do not render parts of a serialized ConsoleNote in truncated log output. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4984 issue: 62347 authors: - benebsiny message: |- Replace "slave" reference with "agent" in Traditional Chinese translation. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4980 issue: 63905 authors: - MarkEWaite message: |- Use 'Agent to controller' to describe agent access control system rather than 'agent to master'. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4978 authors: - PhilippHomann message: |- Hide description panel in sidebar if historyWidget.descriptionLimit is 0. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4974 references: - pull: 4974 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/202 title: JEP-202 authors: - jglick message: |- Developer: Pluggable Artifact Storage: Make the VirtualFile API generally available to plugin developers. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4957 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Developer: Allow omitting ClassNotFoundException in AntClassLoader and ClassicPluginStrategy. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4988 references: - pull: 4988 - url: http://www.slf4j.org/news.html title: SLF4J changelog authors: - timja message: |- Internal: Update slf4j-api from 1.7.26 to 1.7.30. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 4982 authors: - timja references: - pull: 4982 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/pom/releases/tag/jenkins-1.58 title: Parent pom 1.58 changelog message: |- Internal: Update parent pom. Updates various maven plugins and developer tools. # pull: 4960 (PR title: Developer: Updated maven-war-plugin from 3.2.3 to 3.3.1) # pull: 4967 (PR title: Hacktoberfest: Java 8 migration. Replace statements with lambda) # pull: 4971 (PR title: Maintainer guide - Add a Release Process section) # pull: 4977 (PR title: Additional usages of preauth filtering) # pull: 4979 (PR title: Check for updates to GitHub Actions every weekday) - version: '2.262' date: 2020-10-15 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5001 issue: 63798 authors: - timja message: |- Stop showing JavaScript in the footer (regression in 2.261). - type: major bug category: regression pull: 4999 issue: 63937 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Restore reporting of ClassNotFoundException stacktraces in AntClassLoader and ClassicPluginStrategy due to the regressions for some agent types (regression in 2.261). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 4933 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Developer: Update ArtifactArchiver to no longer consult with environment variables injected by EnvironmentContributingAction added during the build, including ArtifactManager ones. # pull: 4940 (PR title: Fix error message) - version: '2.263' date: 2020-10-20 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5019 authors: - olamy message: |- Downgrade Jetty to 9.4.30.v20200611 to prevent a wrong port from appearing in URLs (regression in 2.261). references: - issue: 63958 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.11.1 title: Winstone 5.11.1 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/issues/5417 title: Root cause in Jetty - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5016 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Remove TFS Plugin suggestion from Setup Wizard. - type: rfe category: rfe authors: - gulyaev13 message: |- Optimize memory allocations in TcpAgentListener, LogRotator and RunList. references: - pull: 5011 - pull: 5012 - type: rfe category: localization pull: 4995 authors: - SoleneGK message: |- Add missing French localization for the login page, setup wizard and the main page. references: - pull: 4995 - pull: 4996 - pull: 4997 - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4972 issue: 49523 authors: - egor1989 message: |- Clarify the list separator in file excludes fields. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4919 authors: - directhex message: |- Do not use null value for aria-hidden HTML attributes. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4992 authors: - 95jonpet message: |- Prevent resource leak in the File Fingerprint Storage implementation. # pull: 4961 (PR title: [JENKINS-36720] Spotbugs issues) # pull: 4966 (PR title: removed redundant if statement) # pull: 4973 (PR title: Correct self label check) # pull: 4981 (PR title: Simplify code for tied jobs count) # pull: 4987 (PR title: Reduce the prototype.js usage) # pull: 5004 (PR title: removed dc-license.txt) # pull: 5007 (PR title: Improve tests for Labels) - version: '2.264' date: 2020-10-27 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 3895 issue: 56109 authors: - jsoref - timja - fqueiruga message: |- Change Jenkins configuration UI from tables to divs for layout in forms. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5034 issue: 64035 authors: - oleg-nenashev references: - issue: 64035 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.12 title: Winstone 5.12 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.31.v20200723 title: Jetty 9.4.31.v20200723 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.32.v20200930 title: Jetty 9.4.32.v20200930 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.33.v20201020 title: Jetty 9.4.33.v20201020 changelog message: |- Winstone 5.12: Update Jetty from 9.4.30.v20200611 to 9.4.33.v20201020. - type: bug category: bug pull: 4985 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Cleanup "esclave" references and fix terminology for jobs in the French localization. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5010 issue: 35452 authors: - jeffret-b message: |- Change the standard URL for obtaining the Inbound Agent configuration file from ${agent_url}/slave-agent.jnlp to ${agent_url}/jenkins-agent.jnlp. The old name is obsolete and will be removed at a future time. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5013 issue: 63868 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Prevent the Build History Widget from crashing when users have Discover permissions without Read for folders. # pull: 4993 (PR title: Made small changes to make the README and CONTRIBUTING files easier to follow) # pull: 5020 (PR title: Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from v5.11.0 to v5.12.1) # pull: 5031 (PR title: Fix JS tests failing on master) # pull: 5032 (PR title: Commenting out part of FunctionsTest.printThrowable which fails in JDK 11.0.9+) - version: '2.265' date: 2020-11-03 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5035 issue: 64039 authors: - jtnord message: |- Improve performance of authorisation strategies when the authentication realm is case insensitive. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5009 authors: - aHenryJard message: |- French translation for the token paragraph in user configuration and the root breadcrumb ("Dashboard"). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5038 issue: 62985 authors: - jglick message: |- Fix file handle leak when viewing corrupted build logs. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5037 issue: 63899 authors: - res0nance message: |- Fix redirects when renaming jobs with spaces or non-latin characters. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5039 authors: - jglick message: |- Developer: Deprecate UnbufferedBase64InputStream. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5026 authors: - jglick message: |- Developer: Added better parsing overloads to XMLUtils. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5030 issue: 60866 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Internal: Remove inline resources for LoadStatistics. - type: bug category: internal pull: 5041 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Internal: Correct the scope of the restriction on TokenUuidAndPlainValue. # pull: 5005 (PR title: Fixed eslint warnings of type no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs) # pull: 5006 (PR title: Stylelint fixes) # pull: 5027 (PR title: Hacktoberfest - Use StandardCharsets except deprecated Charsets from Apache Commons) # pull: 5029 (PR title: Queue (mainly) style consistency) # pull: 5033 (PR title: JDK 11.0.9 / 8.0.272+ compatible FunctionsTest#printThrowable()) - version: '2.266' date: 2020-11-10 banner: > This release replaces several key components. The Acegi security library used for authentication has been replaced by Spring Security (JEP-227). A fork of the XStream library used to read and write XML files has been replaced by the upstream version of XStream (JEP-228). Refer to the Spring and XStream updates (breaking changes!) blog post for more details. changes: - type: major bug category: major bug pull: 5046 issue: 64040 authors: - timja message: |- Fix hidden page elements from radio blocks appearing when they should not. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5043 authors: - jeffret-b references: - pull: 5043 - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.6" title: Remoting 4.6 changelog message: |- Upgrade from Remoting 4.5 to Remoting 4.6 with bugfixes and dependency updates. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5008 issue: 62446 authors: - aHenryJard message: |- Make the Maven Configuration of Global Tools compatible with configuration as code plugin. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4294 issue: 41891 authors: - jsoref message: |- Minor English cleanup for resource root URL setting. - type: major rfe category: developer pull: 4944 issue: 19561 authors: - jglick references: - pull: 4944 - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/227/README.adoc" title: JEP-227 - url: "/blog/2020/11/10/spring-xstream/" title: Spring and XStream updates (breaking changes!) blog post message: |- Developer: Jenkins now uses an updated version of the XStream serialization library without custom patches. - type: major rfe category: developer pull: 4848 authors: - jglick references: - pull: 4948 - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/228/README.adoc" title: JEP-228 - url: "/blog/2020/11/10/spring-xstream/" title: Spring and XStream updates (breaking changes!) blog post message: |- Developer: Jenkins now uses Spring Security rather than its predecessor, Acegi Security. Other bundled Spring libraries are also updated. - type: major rfe category: developer pull: 4929 authors: - fqueiruga references: - pull: 4929 - url: "https://blog.jquery.com/" title: jQuery older release notes (3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.3.0, 3.3.1, 3.4.0, 3.4.1) - url: "https://blog.jquery.com/2020/04/10/jquery-3-5-0-released/" title: jQuery 3.5.0 release notes - url: "https://blog.jquery.com/2020/05/04/jquery-3-5-1-released-fixing-a-regression/" title: jQuery 3.5.1 release notes message: |- Developer: Upgrade jQuery from 2.1.4 to 3.5.1. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5042 authors: - jglick message: |- Developer: Remove the deprecated zeroclipboard UI component and the unused dependency on ZeroClipboard. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5040 issue: 64037 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Developer: Remove obsolete support for live class reloading with JRebel. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5028 issue: 60563 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Internal: Modernize the hashing function of ConsistentHash. # pull: 5000 (PR title: Fix combobox.js issues) # pull: 5044 (PR title: Simplified IdentityRootAction.getFingerprint) - version: '2.267' date: 2020-11-17 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4274 issue: 1877 authors: - Austry message: |- Add the ability to specify a reason for quieting down Jenkins ("Prepare for shutdown"). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5015 issue: 63977 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Show security and non-security notifications in separate categories with their associated icons. # pull: 5056 (PR title: PR title: Bump actions/upload-artifact from v2.2.0 to v2.2.1) # pull: 5052 (PR title: Windows installer link tables to divs) - version: '2.268' date: 2020-11-24 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5067 issue: 64252 authors: - timja message: |- Fix drag and drop with environment filter (regression in 2.264). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5074 references: - pull: 5074 - url: "https://x-stream.github.io/changes.html#1.4.14" title: XStream 1.4.14 changelog authors: - jglick message: |- Update the bundled XStream library from 1.4.13 to 1.4.14. # pull: 5058 (PR title: Update which permission is needed for these actions) # pull: 5064 (PR title: Update the pinned version of ATH in use to a more recent version) # pull: 5066 (PR title: Remove unneeded and falsy String.trim polyfill) # pull: 5068 (PR title: Removed tweak for ie < 9) # pull: 5069 (PR title: Moved stylelint dependency to devDependencies) - version: '2.269' date: 2020-12-01 changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 5081 issue: 64071 authors: - fqueiruga references: - pull: 5081 - issue: 64071 - issue: 64125 message: |- Populate select fields with default values even when pre-populated select tags are used (regression in 2.244). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5063 authors: - fqueiruga - Wadeck message: |- Reduce page load time by loading the administrative monitors popup on demand. Allow keyboard navigation even when there are active administrative monitors. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5014 authors: - gulyaev13 - res0nance message: |- Improve pipeline startup performance with faster comparison method. Add equals and hashCode to ParameterDefinition implementations. Equals works strictly for the same classes to preventing issues with extended classes. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5048 authors: - jglick message: |- Remove an unused FileSystemProvisioner framework. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5087 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Developer: Update Node.js version to latest LTS (14.15.1). - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5072 authors: - timja message: |- Internal: iconset library inlined into Jenkins core, developers using this should remove the dependency. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5076 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Internal: Remove JOnAS application server support. # pull: 5071 (PR title: Custom workspace tr zh replace slave on agent) # pull: 5079 (PR title: Mark some more administrative monitors as security-related) # pull: 5080 (PR title: [JENKINS-64289] Make welcome message localizable) # pull: 5085 (PR title: Removed outdated browser workarounds) # pull: 5086 (PR title: Fixed some stylelint issues) - version: '2.270' date: 2020-12-08 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 5051 issue: 64196 authors: - timja message: |- Massive performance enhancement to available plugins page of Plugin Manager. Exact matches of plugin name are moved to the top. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5051 issue: 63684 authors: - timja message: |- Fix incorrect striping of rows on available page of Plugin Manager. - type: bug category: regression pull: 5099 issue: 64373 authors: - timja message: |- Ensure that help text expands correctly for GitHub organization folders (regression in 2.264). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5070 issue: 62347 authors: - Fargk message: |- Replace slave with agent in Brazilian and Turkish localization of Agent to Controller security. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5091 issue: 64329 authors: - benebsiny message: |- Add Traditional Chinese translation for description of built-in environment variables that are available to shell scripts. - type: rfe category: localization pull: 5090 issue: 64330 authors: - belingueres message: |- Use correct unicode in Spanish translation and other fixes. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5094 issue: 41729 authors: - jtnord message: |- Developer: Update localizer plugin to allow threaded builds and localization from XML as well as properties. # pull: 5057 (PR title: UpdateCenter2Test.installInvalidChecksum timed out) # pull: 5093 (PR title: Fix typo in automate publish release artifacts) # pull: 5095 (PR title: Replace() optimization) # pull: 5100 (PR title: minor optimization as suggested by todo) # pull: 5101 (PR title: Replaced deprecated Exception.none with assertThrows) - version: '2.271' date: 2020-12-15 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5102 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Stop bundling CVS plugin. Jenkins will no longer automatically install CVS plugin on startup if a plugin depending on Jenkins (then Hudson) 1.340 or earlier is discovered. If you use a plugin that relies on the functionality provided by CVS plugin and manage plugins outside the Jenkins plugin manager, you will now need to ensure yourself that a recent release of CVS plugin is installed. Jenkins will attempt to load such plugins but may fail at any time during startup or afterwards with ClassNotFoundException or similar. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5114 issue: 64426 authors: - timja message: |- Don't tell users to signup if they can't. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5113 issue: 64332 authors: - timja message: |- Correct Freestyle font-size for descriptions. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5105 issue: 64390 authors: - jtnord message: |- FieldUtils now silently fails to set public final fields again. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5075 issue: 64403 authors: - EstherAF message: |- The page variable divBasedFormLayout is globally available, not only within . - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5107 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Remove unused jquery dependencies. # pull: 5097 (PR title: [JENKINS-53720] is fixed already with spotbugs version update) # pull: 5103 (PR title: Avoid calling task.getCauseOfBlockage() twice) # pull: 5104 (PR title: [JENKINS-64393] update jupiter to fix not running junit4 tests) # pull: 5108 (PR title: Allow all updates from Dependabot) # pull: 5117 (PR title: Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from to 0.8.6) # pull: 5119 (PR title: Bump objenesis from 2.6 to 3.1) # pull: 5120 (PR title: Prevent Dependabot from updating Groovy) - version: '2.272' date: 2020-12-22 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5121 issue: 64445 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Prevent NullPointerException in Plugin Manager when using an update center without support for plugin categories (regression in 2.270). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5131 issue: 64465 authors: - amuniz message: |- Fix race condition on authentication filters registration. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4962 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Dropped support for deprecated system properties: hudson.model.Hudson.logStartupPerformance, hudson.model.Hudson.initLogLevel, hudson.model.Hudson.parallelLoad, hudson.model.Hudson.killAfterLoad and hudson.model.Hudson.workspaceDirName. Please use jenkins.model.Jenkins.-prefixed SystemProperties. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5123 authors: - oleg-nenashev message: |- Remove support for queue.txt format (replaced by XML in 2009). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5122 authors: - oleg-nenashev references: - pull: 5122 - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.13" title: Winstone 5.13 changelog - url: "https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.34.v20201102" title: Jetty 9.4.34 changelog - url: "https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.35.v20201120" title: Jetty 9.4.35 changelog message: |- Update Eclipse Jetty from 9.4.33.v20201020 to 9.4.35.v20201120 for bug fixes and enhancements. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5047 authors: - jglick message: |- Remove administrative monitor offering to migrate $JENKINS_HOME on a ZFS filesystem. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5115 references: - pull: 5115 - url: "https://x-stream.github.io/changes.html#1.4.15" title: XStream 1.4.15 changelog authors: - dependabot[bot] message: |- Update the bundled XStream library from 1.4.14 to 1.4.15. # pull: 5109 (PR title: Code cleanup) # pull: 5127 (PR title: Ignore is a list for dependabot) # pull: 5128 (PR title: Bump tyrus-standalone-client-jdk from 1.12 to 2.0.0) # pull: 5130 (PR title: Add comments for why dependabot updates are excluded) # pull: 5133 (PR title: Do not show an empty tooltip on svg icons) - version: '2.273' date: 2020-12-29 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5137 issue: 64504 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Fix plugin manager buttons to correctly reposition themselves instead of being stuck under certain conditions (regression in 2.270). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4965 issue: 63833 authors: - PierreBtz message: |- Make the root source paths of GroovyHookScript customizable with jenkins.util.groovy.GroovyHookScript.ROOT_PATH. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5132 issue: 64483 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Hide collapse icon in sidepanel widgets if they cannot be collapsed. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5111 authors: - timja references: - pull: 5111 - url: "https://github.com/stapler/stapler/releases/tag/stapler-parent-1.262" title: Stapler 1.262 changelog message: |- Update stapler to 1.262 to fix a number of IllegalReflectiveAccessWarnings when running on Java 11. # pull: 5135 (PR title: Update frontend-maven-plugin from 1.6 to 1.11.0) # pull: 5141 (PR title: Fix broken 'download Maven here' link) # pull: 5142 (PR title: Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from v5.12.1 to v5.13.0) - version: '2.274' date: 2021-01-05 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5082 issue: 58101 authors: - res0nance message: |- Reduce lock contention around jenkins queue. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5145 issue: 64439 authors: - benebsiny message: |- Prevent user input of 'e' or 'E' as 'positive-number', 'non-negative-number', or 'number'. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5129 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5129 - url: "https://github.com/jnr/jnr-posix/compare/jnr-posix-3.0.45...jnr-posix-3.1.4" title: Commits from jnr-posix 3.0.45 to 3.1.4 message: |- Update jnr-posix library from 3.0.45 to 3.1.4. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5125 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5125 - url: "https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/master/CHANGES.md#release-560" title: JNA 5.6.0 changelog - url: "https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/master/CHANGES.md#release-550" title: JNA 5.5.0 changelog - url: "https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/master/CHANGES.md#release-540" title: JNA 5.4.0 changelog message: |- Update Java native access (jna) library from 5.3.1 to 5.6.0 for most recent platform library fixes and enhancements. # pull: 5134 (PR title: Code cleanup) # pull: 5146 (PR title: Replaced deprecated IOUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR with System.lineSeparator()) # pull: 5147 (PR title: Minor spotbugs issues) # pull: 5149 (PR title: Update parent pom to 1.62) # pull: 5150 (PR title: Ignore jakarta.mail upgrades with dependabot) # pull: 5151 (PR title: Bump actions/upload-artifact from v2.2.1 to v2.2.2) - version: '2.275' date: 2021-01-13 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2021-01-13/ title: security advisory authors: - daniel-beck - jeffret-b - jvz - Wadeck - type: rfe message: Security hardening related to XML processing using Digester2. references: - url: /doc/upgrade-guide/2.263/#digester2 title: related LTS upgrade guide entry authors: - daniel-beck - type: rfe message: Security hardening related to form validation responses. references: - url: /doc/upgrade-guide/2.263/#formvalidation title: related LTS upgrade guide entry authors: - daniel-beck - type: rfe message: Security hardening restricting label names. references: - url: /doc/upgrade-guide/2.263/#labelatom title: related LTS upgrade guide entry authors: - jeffret-b - version: '2.276' date: 2021-01-19 changes: - type: security message: Security fix. references: - url: /security/advisory/2021-01-26/ title: 2021-01-26 security advisory - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5191 issue: 64655 authors: - jeffret-b message: |- Provide a default implementation of the "all files in zip" download link. This is especially important for external storage plugin (regression in 2.275). - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5188 issue: 64632 authors: - Wadeck references: - pull: 5188 - issue: 64632 - url: /security/advisory/2021-01-13/#SECURITY-1452 title: SECURITY-1452 message: |- Fix the file handle leak inside DirectoryBrowserSupport (regression in 2.275). - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5187 issue: 64621 authors: - Wadeck references: - pull: 5187 - issue: 64621 - issue: 61473 - url: /security/advisory/2021-01-13/#SECURITY-1452 title: SECURITY-1452 message: |- Include root folder in downloaded zip files (regression in 2.275). Resolve an additional related zip archive root folder issue. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5021 issue: 28022 authors: - gdubicki message: |- Allow job descriptions to be copied without zero-width spaces. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5166 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5166 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.4.2 title: Spring project spring-security 5.4.2 release notes message: |- Update spring-security from 5.4.1 to 5.4.2. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5165 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5165 - url: https://github.com/apache/commons-codec/blob/rel/commons-codec-1.15/RELEASE-NOTES.txt title: Apache commons-codec 1.15 release notes message: |- Update commons-codec from 1.14 to 1.15. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5153 issue: 63222 authors: - caseyduquettesc message: |- Add a system property jenkins.agent.inboundUrl to provide an alternate URL for inbound TCP agents. - type: bug category: internal pull: 5187 issue: 64621 authors: - Wadeck references: - pull: 5187 - issue: 64621 - issue: 61473 message: |- Restricted methods FilePath#zip(OutputStream, DirScanner, String, boolean) and VirtualFile#zip(OutputStream, String, String, boolean, boolean) have a new parameter String prefix. # pull: 5110 (PR title: [JENKINS-64423, JENKINS-46618] Resolve all core caused startup Illegal reflective access warnings) # pull: 5115 (PR title: fix build: Update ath docker image to latest) # pull: 5126 (PR title: Bump j-interop from 2.0.6-kohsuke-1 to 2.0.8-kohsuke-1) # pull: 5136 (PR title: Bump jcifs from 1.3.17-kohsuke-1 to 1.3.18-kohsuke-1) # pull: 5143 (PR title: Bump antlr from 2.7.6 to 2.7.7) # pull: 5148 (PR title: Added small part with tips for IntelliJ settings to the Contrubuting.md) # pull: 5152 (PR title: Bump powermock-api-mockito2 from 2.0.0-beta.5 to 2.0.9) # pull: 5154 (PR title: Log if no class paths was found for plugin) # pull: 5156 (PR title: EOL dependency on Maven Integration) # pull: 5157 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness-tools from 2.0 to 2.2) # pull: 5161 (PR title: Ignore guava in dependabot) # pull: 5168 (PR title: Factor out XMLUnit version into property) # pull: 5169 (PR title: Remove unused script-security dependency) # pull: 5170 (PR title: Fixed some deprecated warnings of mockito methods and minor cleanup) # pull: 5178 (PR title: Ignore security test that fails in CI) # pull: 5179 (PR title: Bump matrix-project from 1.17 to 1.18) # pull: 5180 (PR title: Bump xmlunit.version from 2.2.1 to 2.8.2) # pull: 5182 (PR title: Fix tests on newer java versions) # pull: 5183 (PR title: Ignore old servlet api in dependabot) # pull: 5185 (PR title: Bump Mailer from 1.23 to 1.32.1) - version: '2.277' date: 2021-01-26 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5176 authors: - fqueiruga - timja message: |- Use a more accessible color palette in configuration form tabs. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5198 authors: - res0nance - alecharp - batmat references: - pull: 5190 - pull: 5198 - issue: 64670 message: |- Improve fingerprint save performance. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5177 issue: 64291 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Fix drag & drop for form changes (regression in 2.264). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5195 issue: 64429 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Fix server-side form validation that broke client-side form validation (regression in 2.270). # pull: 5189 (PR title: Bump JUnit plugin from 1.29 to 1.48) # pull: 5196 (PR title: List the ATH 1.80 SHA1 in the athRevision) # pull: 5199 (PR title: Ignore dependabot for jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl) # pull: 5201 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 2.6.4 to 2.6.5) # pull: 5202 (PR title: Ignore dependabot updates for jfreechart and jansi) - version: '2.278' date: 2021-02-02 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5174 issue: 64650 authors: - dependabot[bot] - basil references: - pull: 5174 - issue: 64650 - url: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-fileupload title: Apache Commons FileUpload project message: |- Use an updated version of the Commons FileUpload library 1.4 without custom patches. - type: rfe category: rfe authors: - dependabot[bot] - basil - timja references: - pull: 5197 - pull: 5204 - pull: 5208 - pull: 5209 - pull: 5210 - pull: 5228 - pull: 5231 - pull: 5232 message: |- Library dependency updates: reflections, javassist, annotation-indexer, commons-compress, bridge-method-annotation, bridge-method-injector, access-modifier-annotation, jaxen. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5216 issue: 64746 authors: - escoem message: |- Restore, as deprecated, the old constructor based on acegisecurity Authentication parameter in order to keep backward compatibility. # pull: 5205 (PR title: Minor cleanups to Fingerprint writing codepaths) # pull: 5207 (PR title: Rename API endpoint to avoid URL collisions) # pull: 5217 (PR title: Ignore guice in dependabot) # pull: 5218 (PR title: Bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 2.6 to 3.1.1) # pull: 5221 (PR title: Remove Guava reference in PeepholePermalink public API) # pull: 5223 (PR title: Removed redundant String.format) # pull: 5225 (PR title: Bump awaitility from 3.0.0 to 4.0.3) # pull: 5226 (PR title: Dependabot: Ignore Servlet API) # pull: 5229 (PR title: Remove unnecessary Guava exclusion) # pull: 5230 (PR title: Bump antlr-maven-plugin from 2.1 to 2.2) # pull: 5233 (PR title: Bump maven-jellydoc-plugin from 1.4 to 1.5) # pull: 5234 (PR title: Stop overriding parent pom for maven-checkstyle-plugin) - version: '2.279' date: 2021-02-09 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5263 issue: 64805 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Fix Internet Explorer 11 rendering of the Available plugins tab (regression in 2.270). - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5236 issue: 64775 authors: - alecharp message: |- Include 'plugin-id' and 'plugin-version' data attributes in the Available plugins tab (regression in 2.270). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5244 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5244 - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/ldap-plugin/releases/tag/ldap-2.3" title: LDAP 2.3 changelog - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/ldap-plugin/releases/tag/ldap-2.2" title: LDAP 2.2 changelog - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/ldap-plugin/releases/tag/ldap-2.1" title: LDAP 2.1 changelog - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/ldap-plugin/releases/tag/ldap-2.0" title: LDAP 2.0 changelog message: |- Upgrade LDAP plugin from 1.26 minimum to 2.3. # pull: 4407 (PR title: Clean up some Deprecation warnings) # pull: 5212 (PR title: Clean up VirtualFile after adding base implementation) # pull: 5220 (PR title: Deprecate hudson.util.RunList#filter(com.google.common.base.Predicate)) # pull: 5240 (PR title: Stop overriding the parent pom for maven-deploy-plugin) # pull: 5243 (PR title: Bump parent POM from 1.62 to 1.63) # pull: 5245 (PR title: Add log4j1 dependabot ignore entry) # pull: 5247 (PR title: Bump CloudBees Folder from 6.3 to 6.15) # pull: 5248 (PR title: Remove unused mock-javamail dependency) # pull: 5249 (PR title: Eliminate barely-used Commons Collections 4 test dependency) # pull: 5250 (PR title: Remove unused Objenesis dependency) # pull: 5251 (PR title: Remove unused geb-implicit-assertions dependency) # pull: 5252 (PR title: Remove unused Javassist dependency) # pull: 5253 (PR title: Remove unused Reflections dependency) # pull: 5254 (PR title: Remove unused EasyMock dependency) # pull: 5255 (PR title: Bump Ant from 1.8 to 1.11) # pull: 5256 (PR title: Bump Javadoc from 1.1 to 1.6) # pull: 5260 (PR title: Bump mockito-core from 3.7.0 to 3.7.7) # pull: 5261 (PR title: Bump maven-shade-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.2.4) # pull: 5267 (PR title: Bump structs from 1.20 to 1.21) # pull: 5268 (PR title: Bump junit.jupiter.version from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1) # pull: 5270 (PR title: Bump localizer from 1.28 to 1.31) - version: '2.280' date: 2021-02-16 changes: - type: security message: Important security fix. references: - url: /security/advisory/2021-02-19/ title: security advisory - type: major bug category: major bug pull: 5281 issue: 64840 authors: - rsandell message: |- Fix plugin search over multiple update sites (regression in 2.270). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5282 issue: 41727 authors: - timja message: |- Show available plugin updates by reloading update center data on upgrade/downgrade. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5273 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5273 - url: https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/master/CHANGES.md#release-570 title: JNA 5.7.0 changelog message: |- Update JNA from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0. - type: rfe category: localization pull: 5271 authors: - damianszczepanik message: |- Provide new translations for Polish language. # pull: 5222 (PR title: Cleanup warnings for missing getPlugin() null checks) # pull: 5239 (PR title: Bump maven-jarsigner-plugin from 1.2 to 3.0.0) # pull: 5265 (PR title: Bump symbol-annotation from 1.1 to 1.21) # pull: 5285 (PR title: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.4.2 to 5.4.4) - version: '2.281' date: 2021-02-23 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5291 authors: - fqueiruga message: |- Improve button focus states. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5280 authors: - StefanSpieker message: |- Remove some workarounds for IE < 11. - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5293 authors: - jglick message: |- Developer: Revert symbol-annotation bump (regression in 2.280). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5275 authors: - jglick - timja message: |- Developer: Relax ParameterDefinition and subclass constructor signatures to allow optional attributes like description to be defined in setters. # pull: 5212 (PR title: Clean up VirtualFile after adding base implementation) # pull: 5269 (PR title: replaced deprecated jenkins.getInstance() calls with .get()) # pull: 5276 (PR title: Add at-since annotations up to 2.279) # pull: 5277 (PR title: Update RestrictedSince annotations with version numbers) # pull: 5288 (PR title: Merge back security tests) # pull: 5294 (PR title: Use FINE not FINEST for log messages that used to be INFO) # pull: 5295 (PR title: Update ATH) - version: '2.282' date: 2021-03-02 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5317 authors: - olamy references: - pull: 5317 - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.38.v20210224 title: Jetty 9.4.38 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.37.v20210219 title: Jetty 9.4.37 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.36.v20210114 title: Jetty 9.4.36 changelog message: |- Update Eclipse Jetty from 9.4.35.v20201120 to 9.4.38.v20210224 for bug fixes and enhancements. - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 5049 issue: 64107 authors: - kuisathaverat - timja references: - issue: 55582 - issue: 64107 - pull: 5049 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/sshd-module title: SSHD module repository message: |- SSHD module is no longer bundled in Jenkins core. Provide SSHD as a plugin. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5311 authors: - basil message: |- Do not force plugin upgrades of recently detached plugins. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5292 authors: - dependabot references: - pull: 5292 - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.7" title: Remoting 4.7 changelog message: |- Upgrade from Remoting 4.6 to Remoting 4.7 with bugfixes and dependency updates. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5266 authors: - gulyaev13 message: |- Remove the hardcoded JKS key store so that other key stores can be used, like BCFKS from the FIPS version of Bouncy Castle. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5138 issue: 64510 authors: - jeffret-b message: |- Improve reconnection behavior for inbound TCP agents. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5301 authors: - jvz message: |- Internal: Ensure that Jenkins#setViews() updates the configuration only when all views are successfully set. # pull: 5054 (PR title: Log a message about the interrupted exception at this level) # pull: 5272 (PR title: Bump jline from 2.12 to 2.14.6) # pull: 5289 (PR title: Bump frontend-maven-plugin from 1.11.0 to 1.11.2) # pull: 5300 (PR title: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.4.4 to 5.4.5) # pull: 5307 (PR title: Bump mockito-core from 3.7.7 to 3.8.0) # pull: 5312 (PR title: Replace usages of deprecated jenkins.widgets.HistoryPageFilter.add(java.util.List) with non-deprecated jenkins.widgets.HistoryPageFilter.add(Iterable)) # pull: 5313 (PR title: Use native Java functionality rather than Guava's Lists#newArrayList, Maps#newHashMap, and Sets#newHashSet where possible) # pull: 5314 (PR title: Clean up JUnit assertions) # pull: 5315 (PR title: Update jetty-maven-plugin to match winstone) - version: '2.283' date: 2021-03-09 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5316 issue: 64972 authors: - benebsiny message: |- Fix help buttons in the draggable section (regression in 2.264). - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 5065 authors: - timja - fqueiruga - josephbrueggen message: |- Add modern icons: build status and weather. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5341 authors: - felfert message: |- Accept negative numbers in number input controls (regression in 2.274). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5305 issue: 64931 authors: - olamy message: |- Prevent Jenkins queue deadlock when cancelling tasks under certain conditions. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5333 issue: 65017 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Do not render full error responses in case of internal errors when validating fields in configuration forms. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5326 authors: - jglick message: |- Lower verbosity of a Queue.save() error message. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5078 authors: - daniel-beck - fqueiruga message: |- Add indicator for security-related entries in the global administrative monitors configuration. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5334 authors: - takashiharano message: |- Add Japanese translations for New Job screen. - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 5065 authors: - timja - fqueiruga - josephbrueggen references: - pull: 5065 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/github-branch-source-plugin/pull/393 title: Example external SVG sprite implementation in GitHub Branch Source plugin message: |- Developer: Add support for plugins to use external SVG sprites in their icons. # pull: 5235 (PR title: replaced MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL general spotbugs exclude with individual excludes) # pull: 5242 (PR title: Bump antisamy-markup-formatter from 1.0 to 2.1) # pull: 5309 (PR title: Bump structs from 1.21 to 1.22) # pull: 5322 (PR title: Migrate from Guava's com.google.common.util.concurrent.SettableFuture to Java 8's java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) # pull: 5323 (PR title: Add missing @Override annotations) # pull: 5327 (PR title: Delete SSH-specific scenarios from CLITest) # pull: 5330 (PR title: Bump sshd from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3) # pull: 5339 (PR title: Declare modifiers in JLS order) # pull: 5340 (PR title: Migrate from com.google.common.base.Function to java.util.function.Consumer in hudson.model.listeners.ItemListener) # pull: 5343 (PR title: Bump Node.js from 14.15.1 to 14.16.0) - version: '2.284' date: 2021-03-16 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5354 authors: - timja message: |- Gear, clipboard, and user icons are transparent again (regression in 2.283). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5338 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5338 - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/ant title: Ant plugin - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/javadoc title: Javadoc plugin - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/rad-builder title: RAD Builder plugin message: |- Stop bundling the Ant and Javadoc plugins. Jenkins will no longer automatically install the Ant and Javadoc plugins on startup if a plugin depending on Jenkins 1.430 or earlier is discovered. If you use such a plugin that also relies on the functionality provided by the Ant or Javadoc plugin (e.g., the RAD Builder and manage plugins outside the Jenkins plugin manager, you will now need to ensure that a recent release of the Ant or Javadoc plugin is installed. Jenkins will attempt to load such plugins but may fail at any time during startup or afterwards with ClassNotFoundException or similar. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5206 authors: - res0nance message: |- Update Jenkins CLI to SSHD Core from 1.7.0 to 2.6.0. - type: rfe category: localization pull: 5350 authors: - takashiharano message: |- Add Japanese translations for Dashboard, Views, Rename. # pull: 5258 (PR title: Remove deprecated and unused jenkins.widgets.HistoryPageFilter.add(java.util.List)) # pull: 5342 (PR title: Use versions from parent POM where possible) # pull: 5346 (PR title: Bump Checkstyle from 8.29 to 8.41 and enable additional checks) # pull: 5348 (PR title: Bump jnr-posix from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5) # pull: 5355 (PR title: Fix build issues) # pull: 5356 (PR title: Fix sort order) # pull: 5357 (PR title: Test cleanup) - version: '2.285' date: 2021-03-23 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4623 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Switch to sending POST requests by default for form validation URLs. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5366 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5366 - url: /security/advisory/2021-03-18/ title: Security Advisory 2021-03-18 message: |- Bump matrix-auth from 2.6.5 to 2.6.6. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5360 authors: - MarkEWaite references: - pull: 5360 - url: https://x-stream.github.io/changes.html#1.4.16 title: XStream 1.4.16 message: |- Upgrade from xstream 1.4.15 to 1.4.16. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5347 authors: - jeffret-b references: - pull: 5347 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/bouncycastle-api-plugin/releases/tag/bouncycastle-api-2.20 title: bouncycastle-api 2.20 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/bouncycastle-api-plugin/releases/tag/bouncycastle-api-2.18 title: bouncycastle-api 2.18 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/bouncycastle-api-plugin/blob/master/docs/CHANGELOG.md#217 title: bouncycastle-api 2.17 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/bouncycastle-api-plugin/blob/master/docs/CHANGELOG.md#2163 title: bouncycastle-api 2.16.3 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/bouncycastle-api-plugin/blob/master/docs/CHANGELOG.md#2162 title: bouncycastle-api 2.16.2 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/bouncycastle-api-plugin/blob/master/docs/CHANGELOG.md#2161 title: bouncycastle-api 2.16.1 changelog - url: https://www.bouncycastle.org/releasenotes.html title: Bouncy Castle library 1.64 release notes message: |- Upgrade bouncycastle-api plugin from 2.16.0 to 2.20. Upgrade Bouncy Castle library to 1.64. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5367 issue: 62006 authors: - timja message: |- Fix NoClassDefFoundError exception while executing ProcessTree.get(). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5359 authors: - res0nance message: |- Sort available plugins by name when popularity is equal. # pull: 5362 (PR title: Bump mailer from 1.32.1 to 1.33) # pull: 5363 (PR title: Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from v5.14.0 to v5.15.0) # pull: 5364 (PR title: Update at-since annotations up to 2.284) - version: '2.286' date: 2021-03-30 changes: - type: security message: Important security fix. references: - url: /security/advisory/2021-04-20/ title: 2021-04-20 security advisory - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5379 issue: 65021 authors: - benebsiny message: |- Fix disabled dropdown items to appear disabled (regression in 2.264). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5365 issue: 65172 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Improve support for update site-defined setup wizard suggestions. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5370 issue: 36707 authors: - usmonster message: |- Add a "CI" environment variable, always set to "true" as in most other CI solutions. Note that the presence of this variable may change behavior of some of the tools used in your pipelines. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5192 issue: 63855 authors: - benebsiny - oleg-nenashev message: |- Support 'min' and 'max' values in field definitions of forms. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5337 authors: - jeffret-b - res0nance message: |- Add administrative monitors recommending no executors are configured on the controller. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5368 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Add a Jenkins User-Agent header to outgoing HTTP requests by default. Use jenkins.UserAgentURLConnectionDecorator.disabled to disable it if needed. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5380 authors: - olamy references: - url: /security/advisory/2021-04-20/ title: 2021-04-20 security advisory - pull: 5380 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.16 title: Winstone 5.16 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.39.v20210325 title: Jetty 9.4.39.v20210325 changelog message: |- Winstone 5.16: Update Jetty from 9.4.38.v20210224 to 9.4.39.v20210325 for bug fixes and enhancements. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5381 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5381 - url: https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/master/CHANGES.md#release-580 title: JNA 5.8.0 changelog message: |- Bump jna from 5.7.0 to 5.8.0. # pull: 5353 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.48 to 1.49) # pull: 5369 (PR title: Bump objenesis from 3.1 to 3.2) # pull: 5375 (PR title: fix non compilable code on eclipse compiler) # pull: 5376 (PR title: Refactored multiple assertion tests into parameterized ones) # pull: 5378 (PR title: frontend-maven-plugin from 1.11.2 to 1.11.3) - version: '2.287' date: 2021-04-07 changes: - type: security message: Security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2021-04-07/ title: security advisory authors: - daniel-beck - jvz - type: rfe message: Security hardening against some CSRF attacks. references: - url: /doc/upgrade-guide/2.277/#submittedform title: related LTS upgrade guide entry authors: - daniel-beck - version: '2.288' date: 2021-04-11 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5402 issue: 65308 authors: - res0nance message: |- Reduce task queue lock contention when creating or deleting nodes. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5392 authors: - uhafner message: |- Simplify icon for unstable builds (use an exclamation mark). - type: bug category: regression pull: 5408 issue: 65336 authors: - MarkEWaite message: |- Fix load statistics graph links to include correct graph duration (regression in 2.264). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5377 issue: 56934 authors: - jtnord message: |- Honor the current folder when creating new views with the "New View" link. - type: rfe category: localization pull: 5387 authors: - mustafau message: |- Add Turkish translations for new login form. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5385 authors: - alecharp message: |- Developer: Remove unnecessary bundled handlebars asset. There is no expected impact on plugins depending on handlebars. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5391 issue: 65288 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Developer: Restore support for Jelly debugging with stapler.jelly.trace. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5324 authors: - daniel-beck - jglick references: - pull: 5324 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/releases/tag/stapler-parent-1.263 title: Stapler 1.263 release notes - url: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-beanutils/changes-report.html#a1.9.4 title: Apache commons beanutils 1.9.4 release notes message: |- Internal: Update Stapler from 1.262.1 to 1.263 to use latest Apache commons-beanutils. Update Apache commons-beanutils from 1.9.3 to 1.9.4. # pull: 5373 (PR title: Bump mailer from 1.33 to 1.34) # pull: 5386 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 8.41 to 8.41.1) # pull: 5388 (PR title: Update login_tr.properties) # pull: 5389 (PR title: fixed some deprecation warnings) # pull: 5393 (PR title: Fixing deprecation link in Util.isAbsoluteUri) # pull: 5395 (PR title: [JENKINS-65291] Update recommendations to be more specific) # pull: 5396 (PR title: Do not shorten "number" to "#") # pull: 5397 (PR title: Bump actions/upload-artifact from v2.2.2 to v2.2.3) # pull: 5398 (PR title: Fix Java11 telemetry test broken after end of its sendings (MissingClassTelemetryTest)) # pull: 5399 (PR title: Merge back security tests into corresponding main test classes) - version: '2.289' date: 2021-04-20 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5411 issue: 65327 authors: - basil message: |- Ensure that file parameters correctly overwrite previous files (regression in 2.278). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5405 issue: 53462 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Stop using deprecated untrusted submit events on modern browsers for compatibility with future Firefox releases. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5424 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Improve UI of slow trigger administrative monitor. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5412 issue: 65308 authors: - res0nance message: |- Improve performance when creating or deleting nodes by reducing queue-lock contention. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5413 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5413 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.4.6 title: Spring project spring-security 5.4.6 release notes message: |- Bump spring-security-bom from 5.4.5 to 5.4.6. - type: rfe category: localization pull: 5410 authors: - takashiharano message: |- Update Japanese translations for login screen. # pull: 5403 (PR title: Ignore jetty 10.x and jetty 11.x updates) # pull: 5414 (PR title: Update at-since annotations up to 2.288) # pull: 5416 (PR title: Fix typo in Turkish translation of Configuration) # pull: 5418 (PR title: Reduce usages of com.google.common.collect in tests) # pull: 5419 (PR title: Use declaring class as qualifier) # pull: 5421 (PR title: Reduce usages of com.google.common.base) # pull: 5426 (PR title: Adapt to current jenkins-test-harness) # pull: 5428 (PR title: Ignore Dependabot updates for japicmp-maven-plugin) # pull: 5429 (PR title: Format POM files) # pull: 5431 (PR title: Fix form validation message for command tool installers) # pull: 5432 (PR title: Update Jira references from HUDSON to JENKINS) - version: '2.290' date: 2021-04-28 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5437 authors: - oleg-nenashev references: - pull: 5437 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.17 title: Winstone 5.17 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.40.v20210413 title: Jetty 9.4.40 changelog message: |- Winstone 5.17: Update Jetty from 9.4.39.v20210325 to 9.4.40.v20210413 for bug fixes and enhancements. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5435 issue: 52356 authors: - basil message: |- Fix an issue archiving files greater than 4 GiB in size when creating ZIP64 archives. # pull: 5420 (PR title: Enable `AvoidStarImport` Checkstyle check) # pull: 5427 (PR title: [JENKINS-65386] added some examples on how to archive multiple artifacts) # pull: 5430 (PR title: Add missing `@Override` annotations) # pull: 5434 (PR title: Bump ant from 1.10.9 to 1.10.10) # pull: 5440 (PR title: Exclude Winstone upgrades from dependabot) # pull: 5442 (PR title: Add link to LTS release checklist in MAINTAINERS doc) # pull: 5444 (PR title: Remove instance-identity from ALWAYS_READABLE_PATHS) - version: '2.291' date: 2021-05-04 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5454 authors: - daniel-beck references: - pull: 5454 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/5454#issue-627566656 title: Plugin versions with a fix - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/200 title: JEP-200 message: |- Remove JEP-200 compatibility workarounds for releases published before February 2018 of the following plugins: Maven Integration, Job DSL, Monitoring, Git Client, Pipeline: Supporting APIs, OWASP Dependency-Check. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5455 issue: 64294 authors: - jglick message: |- Improve performance for standard input of the Jenkins CLI, for example with the install-plugin command. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5448 issue: 65190 authors: - benebsiny message: |- Wrap the build name in the build results list if it is too long. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5452 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Stop sending HTTP response headers related to the remoting-based CLI (removed in 2.165). # pull: 5164 (PR title: Replaced synchronized String Object with Object) # pull: 5446 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 8.41.1 to 8.42) # pull: 5449 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1534.v6a685e457e95 to 1546.ve14c168c8a57) - version: '2.292' date: 2021-05-11 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5422 issue: 65442 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5422 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/releases/tag/1527.ve41b3ce15c05 title: Stapler 1527.ve41b3ce15c05 changelog - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/releases/tag/1532.vfcf95addcb5f title: Stapler 1532.vfcf95addcb5f changelog message: |- Update Stapler from 1.263 to 1532.vfcf95addcb5f to improve performance when encoding unicode characters in JSON API. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5465 issue: 59412 authors: - jglick message: |- Display Pipeline builds among user build history and remove incorrect warning about view build history. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5445 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5445 - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/external-monitor-job title: External Monitor Job Type plugin - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/ldap title: LDAP plugin - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/pam-auth title: PAM Authentication plugin message: |- Stop bundling the External Monitor Job Type, LDAP, and PAM Authentication plugins. Jenkins will no longer automatically install the External Monitor Job Type, LDAP, or PAM Authentication plugins on startup if a plugin depending on Jenkins 1.467 or earlier is discovered. If you use such a plugin that also relies on the functionality provided by the External Monitor Job Type, LDAP, or PAM Authentication plugin and manage plugins outside Jenkins' plugin manager, you will now need to ensure that a recent release of the External Monitor Job Type, LDAP, or PAM Authentication plugin is installed. Jenkins will attempt to load such plugins but may fail at any time during startup or afterwards with ClassNotFoundException or similar. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5471 issue: 65574 authors: - uhafner message: |- Improve build status progress animation. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5422 issue: 65442 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5422 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/releases/tag/1527.ve41b3ce15c05 title: Stapler 1527.ve41b3ce15c05 changelog - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/releases/tag/1532.vfcf95addcb5f title: Stapler 1532.vfcf95addcb5f changelog message: |- Internal: Update Stapler from 1.263 to 1532.vfcf95addcb5f to remove Guava dependency. # pull: 5438 (PR title: Enable Checkstyle for test sources) # pull: 5451 (PR title: Enable `AnnotationUseStyle`, `AvoidNoArgumentSuperConstructorCall`, and `NoEnumTrailingComma` Checkstyle checks) # pull: 5453 (PR title: Suppressed Spotbugs of type PREDICTABLE_RANDOM on not security relevant randoms) # pull: 5456 (PR title: Migrate some tests from `HudsonTestCase` to `JenkinsRule`) # pull: 5457 (PR title: Ensure there are no unused imports with Spotless rather than Checkstyle) # pull: 5458 (PR title: removed superfluous throws in tests) # pull: 5460 (PR title: Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.6 to 0.8.7) # pull: 5463 (PR title: Migrate remaining tests from `HudsonTestCase` to `JenkinsRule`) # pull: 5464 (PR title: Reduce usages of `com.google.common.collect` in favor of native Java functionality) # pull: 5467 (PR title: Deprecate `Util#join(Collection, String)` in favor of `String#join(CharSequence, Iterable)`) # pull: 5468 (PR title: Remove Guava test library) # pull: 5469 (PR title: Ensure files end with a newline with Spotless rather than Checkstyle) # pull: 5477 (PR title: Bump awaitility from 4.0.3 to 4.1.0) - version: '2.293' date: 2021-05-12 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5486 issue: 65611 authors: - res0nance message: |- Allow builds to complete when using fingerprints to track items associated with the build. Fix a regression where fingerprint facets were not removable (regression in 2.292). - version: '2.294' date: 2021-05-25 banner: > This release build does not include a Windows installer due to an infrastructure issue. Other installers and native packages are available for use. changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5506 issue: 65273 authors: - jtnord message: |- Fix SSH command line interface (CLI) authentication (regression in 2.284). - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5489 issue: 65605 authors: - jtnord message: |- Fix NoSuchMethodError when using plugins that rely on bridge methods for compatibility (regression in 2.278). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5450 authors: - res0nance message: |- Remove the requirement for locking the queue when adding a new node. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5462 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Explain that some plugin updates can be unavailable even on the latest version of a given release line (i.e. LTS). - type: rfe category: localization pull: 5499 issue: 65398 authors: - aHenryJard message: |- Update French terminology for controller. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5498 issue: 65657 authors: - MRamonLeon references: - pull: 5498 - issue: 65657 - url: https://x-stream.github.io/changes.html#1.4.17 title: XStream 1.4.17 message: |- Upgrade from xstream 1.4.16 to 1.4.17. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5478 issue: 40700 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5478 - issue: 40700 - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.8" title: Remoting 4.8 changelog message: |- Internal: Upgrade from Remoting 4.7 to Remoting 4.8 with bugfixes and dependency updates. # pull: 5473 (PR title: Deprecate `LinesStream` in favor of `Stream`) # pull: 5476 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.10.3 to 2.11.0) # pull: 5480 (PR title: Bump structs from 1.22 to 1.23) # pull: 5483 (PR title: Remove usages of deprecated (in Java 9 and above) `Class#newInstance`) # pull: 5484 (PR title: Bump actions/upload-release-asset from 1 to 1.0.2) # pull: 5485 (PR title: Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 2.3.4) # pull: 5488 (PR title: Stop sharing plugin versions between the WAR and tests) # pull: 5490 (PR title: Bump frontend-maven-plugin from 1.11.3 to 1.12.0) # pull: 5492 (PR title: Change old issue references from #... to JENKINS-...) # pull: 5493 (PR title: Bump junit.jupiter.version from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2) # pull: 5497 (PR title: [INFRA-2890] Remove unused configuration of `maven-site-plugin`) # pull: 5500 (PR title: Remove `-noverify` workaround) # pull: 5501 (PR title: Bump bridge-method-annotation from 1.18 to 1.21) # pull: 5502 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.11.0 to 2.11.1) - version: '2.295' date: 2021-05-25 changes: [] - version: '2.296' date: 2021-06-01 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5479 issue: 65585 authors: - thomasgl-orange - basil message: |- Fix regressions in forms submissions from unwanted form validation in any browser (regression in 2.289). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5474 issue: 65577 authors: - timja message: |- Recommend running on Java 11. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5538 authors: - benebsiny message: |- Change the word 'number' to 'integer' in the error message of the number field. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5472 authors: - TobiX message: |- Show implied plugin dependencies or a count of dependencies for plugins split from core. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5505 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5505 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.5.0 title: Spring project spring-security 5.5.0 release notes message: |- Bump spring-security-bom from 5.4.6 to 5.5.0. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5540 authors: - dependabot[bot] - basil references: - pull: 5540 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.18 title: Winstone 5.18 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.41.v20210516 title: Jetty 9.4.41 changelog message: |- Winstone 5.18: Update Jetty from 9.4.40.v20210413 to 9.4.41.v20210516 for bug fixes and enhancements. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5537 authors: - basil message: |- A specific and rarely encountered internal error now again correctly shows details about the cause (regression in 2.292). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5536 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Improve contrast for the checkbox in the login page. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5461 issue: 64991 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Jenkins redirects users to the previous page after login even if they were able to view it while not logged in (regression in 2.266). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5533 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Developer: View is now a DescriptorByNameOwner allowing its use as AncestorInPath. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5526 authors: - basil - timja references: - pull: 5526 - url: "https://plugins.jenkins.io/vertx/" title: Vertx plugin - url: "https://plugins.jenkins.io/slave-prerequisites/" title: Slave Prerequisites plugin message: |- Remove the Bytecode Compatibility Transformer library and related code from Jenkins core. Developer: Plugins that rely on the hudson.model.Queue$Item#id or hudson.model.AbstractProject#triggers fields must be updated to call the corresponding getters. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5521 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5521 - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/nis-notification-lamp/ title: NIS notification lamp plugin message: |- Developer: Remove JTidy dependency from Jenkins core. Plugins that use JTidy functionality must be updated to explicitly declare a dependency on JTidy rather than relying on Jenkins core to provide this library. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5518 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Internal: Remove partial (~6% complete) Arabic and Portuguese translations - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5539 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5539 - url: "https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.9" title: Remoting 4.9 changelog message: |- Internal: Upgrade from Remoting 4.8 to Remoting 4.9 with bugfixes and dependency updates. # pull: 5509 (PR title: Bump mockito-core from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0) # pull: 5510 (PR title: Fix `BadImport` Error Prone violations) # pull: 5516 (PR title: Fix redirect link) # pull: 5517 (PR title: Add www to jenkins.io URLs) # pull: 5522 (PR title: Fix `CatchAndPrintStackTrace`, `CatchFail`, and `EmptyCatch` Error Prone violations in tests) # pull: 5523 (PR title: Bump jnr-posix from 3.1.5 to 3.1.6) # pull: 5525 (PR title: Reduce usages of repackaged ASM 5) # pull: 5528 (PR title: Bump bytecode-compatibility-transformer from 2.0-beta-2 to 2.0) # pull: 5529 (PR title: Use semver range to exclude jetty major versions) # pull: 5530 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1546.ve14c168c8a57 to 1565.v51970ebd7896) # pull: 5534 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1.76 to 1.77) # pull: 5535 (PR title: Bump commons-io from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0) # pull: 5546 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 8.42 to 8.43) - version: '2.297' date: 2021-06-08 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 5320 authors: - olamy message: |- Remove Apache Commons Digester library and related code from the Jenkins core. references: - pull: 5320 - issue: 65161 - url: /blog/2021/06/04/digester-removal/ title: announcement and upgrade guidelines - type: bug category: bug pull: 5548 issue: 65195 authors: - ngg message: |- Fix incorrect process termination issues when running on macOS. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5548 issue: 64347 authors: - ngg message: |- Add check to prevent out of bounds memory access error on macOS. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5550 issue: 65766 authors: - jglick message: |- A race condition in class loading could result in a LinkageError. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5543 issue: 65751 authors: - sratz message: |- Do not change fonts when artifacts are as shown as a tree. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5547 authors: - dependabot[bot] - timja message: |- Bump sshd-core from 2.5.1 to 2.7.0 in Jenkins CLI. # pull: 5520 (PR title: Fix content security policy tests) # pull: 5541 (PR title: Replace usage of `com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap` with native Java equivalent) # pull: 5544 (PR title: Migrate from `RestartableJenkinsRule` to `JenkinsSessionRule`) # pull: 5551 (PR title: Bump matrix-project from 1.18 to 1.19) # pull: 5554 (PR title: Bump parent POM from 1.63 to 1.64) - version: '2.298' date: 2021-06-15 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5556 authors: - jglick message: |- Document REST methods to mark an (agent) node temporarily offline and related tasks. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5555 authors: - Wadeck message: |- Add X-Frame-Options header to AJAX responses. # pull: 5514 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Clean up build button column JS) # pull: 5519 (PR title: Fix violations of a handful of Error Prone checks) # pull: 5552 (PR title: Remove duplicate AOP classes in classpath) # pull: 5553 (PR title: Prefer `ArrayList` and `ArrayDeque` to `LinkedList`) # pull: 5559 (PR title: Remove StAX from WAR) # pull: 5564 (PR title: Upgrade ATH to version that uses https for artifactory) - version: '2.299' date: 2021-06-22 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5549 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5549 - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/releases/tag/1539.v2f05ce93882d title: Stapler 1539.v2f05ce93882d changelog - url: https://github.com/stapler/stapler/releases/tag/1563.v3da2d02f9572 title: Stapler 1563.v3da2d02f9572 changelog message: |- Update stapler from 1539.v2f05ce93882d to 1563.v3da2d02f9572. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5565 authors: - basil message: |- Developer: InterceptingExecutorService and its subclasses no longer extend com.google.common.util.concurrent.ForwardingExecutorService or com.google.common.collect.ForwardingObject. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5560 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5560 - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/maven-repo-cleaner/ title: Maven Repository Scheduled Cleanup plugin - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/sicci_for_xcode/ title: SICCI for Xcode plugin - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/tmpcleaner/ title: java.io.tmpdir cleaner plugin message: |- Remove jna-posix dependency from Jenkins core. Plugins that use jna-posix functionality must be migrated from jna-posix to jnr-posix. # pull: 5568 (PR title: Minor Refactoring: Use try with resources in PluginManager) # pull: 5571 (PR title: lib/form/RepeatableTest: tables-to-divs) # pull: 5575 (PR title: Remove meaningless @since) # pull: 5577 (PR title: Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4) # pull: 5578 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.11.1 to 2.12.1) # pull: 5579 (PR title: chore: bump ath Docker image to 1.97-pre to fix ATH runs) - version: '2.300' date: 2021-06-30 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2021-06-30/ title: security advisory - version: '2.301' date: 2021-07-06 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 5604 authors: - basil message: |- Fix a regression in 2.298 where some plugins (including Azure Storage) could not correctly parse streaming XML output. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5563 authors: - ngg - basil message: |- The Jenkins process management functionality now supports FreeBSD. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5594 authors: - dependabot[bot] message: |- Bump jenkins from 1.64 to 1.65. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5589 authors: - olamy references: - pull: 5589 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.19 title: Winstone 5.19 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.42.v20210604 title: Jetty 9.4.42 changelog message: |- Winstone 5.19: Update Jetty from 9.4.41.v20210516 to Jetty 9.4.42.v20210604. # pull: 5390 (PR title: Use system properties and declared some suggested static properties final) # pull: 5562 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1565.v51970ebd7896 to 1589.vc23fca066d5c) # pull: 5574 (PR title: Fix `ChainingConstructorIgnoresParameter` Error Prone violation) # pull: 5576 (PR title: Remove unnecessary parentheses) # pull: 5580 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 1.7.30 to 1.7.31) # pull: 5581 (PR title: Bump commons-io from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0) # pull: 5584 (PR title: Bump mockito-core from 3.10.0 to 3.11.2) # pull: 5587 (PR title: Bump jnr-posix from 3.1.6 to 3.1.7) # pull: 5590 (PR title: Remove unused resources) # pull: 5591 (PR title: Fix comma splice) # pull: 5593 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.49 to 1.50) # pull: 5595 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 8.43 to 8.44) # pull: 5600 (PR title: Fix up comments for SECURITY-2371) - version: '2.302' date: 2021-07-13 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5586 authors: - jglick message: |- Optimize access control checks affecting (at least) Pipeline node steps. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5603 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5566 - pull: 5603 message: |- Developer: The hudson.util.SubClassGenerator and experimental hudson.model.TreeView class have been removed without replacement. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5607 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5607 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.10 title: Remoting 4.10 changelog message: |- Internal: Upgrade from Remoting 4.9 to Remoting 4.10 with bugfixes and dependency updates. # pull: 5602 (PR title: Exception test modernization / clean up) # pull: 5614 (PR title: Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.0-beta-4 to 1.2) - version: '2.303' date: 2021-07-20 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5624 authors: - dependabot[bot] message: |- Bump commons-compress from 1.20 to 1.21. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5598 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - pull: 5598 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.5.1 title: Spring project spring-security 5.5.1 release notes message: |- Bump spring-security-bom from 5.5.0 to 5.5.1. # pull: 5608 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.50 to 1.51) # pull: 5619 (PR title: Exception tests modernized) - version: '2.304' date: 2021-07-27 changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 5613 issue: 66094 authors: - trungPa message: |- Fix an issue unzipping archives in a corner case when entries have the same path prefix as the target location. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5621 issue: 66139 authors: - MRamonLeon - jtnord message: |- Avoid polluting the log when usage statistics can not be sent. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5630 authors: - dependabot[bot] message: |- Bump matrix-auth from 2.6.7 to 2.6.8. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5620 message: |- Bump bundled Ant from 1.10.10 to 1.10.11. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5606 authors: - basil message: |- Remove support for native JNR (Java Native Runtime) chmod(2) and stat(2) implementations as opposed to NIO (Java non-blocking I/O) via the hudson.Util.useNativeChmodAndMode system property. This system property no longer has any effect. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5599 authors: - basil message: |- Developer: Allow consumers of XmlFile to disable fsync(2). - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5625 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Internal: Terminology cleanup to fix build time trend's distributed builds. Only show the agent column when the controller has agents defined. # pull: 5609 (PR title: Remove explicit dependency on ASM) # pull: 5617 (PR title: Remove unnecessary differences from upstream `AntClassLoader`) # pull: 5623 (PR title: Bump commons-io from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0) # pull: 5626 (PR title: Bump access-modifier-annotation from 1.21 to 1.22) # pull: 5627 (PR title: Bump access-modifier-checker from 1.21 to 1.22) # pull: 5631 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 1.7.31 to 1.7.32) - version: '2.305' date: 2021-08-03 changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 5634 issue: 65923 authors: - benebsiny message: |- Show tooltips when users hover on the SVG icons. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5628 issue: 66177 authors: - amuniz message: |- Ability to disable Java 11 administrative monitor with a system property. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5635 authors: - basil message: |- Developer: Make AntClassLoader multi-release JAR aware when it deals with java.util.jar.JarFile. # pull: 5611 (PR title: Shorter plugin label descriptions) # pull: 5618 (PR title: Bump jetty-maven-plugin from 9.4.42.v20210604 to 9.4.43.v20210629) # pull: 5632 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.15 to 6.16) # pull: 5633 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.12.1 to 2.12.2) # pull: 5639 (PR title: Bump annotation-indexer from 1.14 to 1.15) # pull: 5642 (PR title: Update `access-modifier` 1.22 → 1.24) # pull: 5647 (PR title: Javadoc update required for guava upgrade) # pull: 5648 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 8.44 to 8.45) # pull: 5649 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1.77 to 1.78) - version: '2.306' date: 2021-08-10 changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 5652 issue: 64666 authors: - tszmytka message: |- Provide working "Help About" links for Jenkins CLI, Jenkins core, and Jenkins war. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5650 authors: - basil message: |- Developer: AntClassloader will now ignore files that are part of the classpath but not zip files when scanning for resources. It used to throw an exception. # pull: 5655 (PR title: Fix typo in connection-debug.js) # pull: 5569 (PR title: Replaced own implementation with standard Java function (String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER)) - version: '2.307' date: 2021-08-17 banner: > The default Docker images for Jenkins 2.307 ('2.307', 'latest', 'alpine', 'slim', ...) use Java 11 unless specifically tagged with the jdk8 string. See the Docker images use Java 11 by default blog post for more details. changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 5425 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Replace the term "master" with "controller" (for the main Jenkins application) or "built-in node" in user interface strings and documentation as appropriate. - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 5425 authors: - daniel-beck references: - url: /doc/book/managing/built-in-node-migration/ title: Built-In Node Name and Label Migration message: |- Add migration code to change the node name (e.g. NODE_NAME environment variable) and label of the built-in node only after explicit migration by an administrator. New installations get the new node and label immediately. If a job definition, Pipeline definition, or tool installer reference must be tied to the built-in node, it should use the label "built-in". - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 5425 authors: - daniel-beck message: |- Add the system property jenkins.model.Jenkins.nodeNameAndSelfLabelOverride to specify a different node name and label for the built-in node (e.g. for Configuration as Code use cases) than the one otherwise determined. This will not affect other uses of the node name, such as the URL to the built-in node (now /computer/(built-in)/). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5662 authors: - knisht message: |- GDSL file in jenkins-core library no longer reports an IllegalStateException when used in IntelliJ IDEA. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5507 authors: - uhafner message: |- Improve layout of console output header. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5660 authors: - janfaracik message: |- Use the SVG version of the Jenkins text logo instead of the PNG. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5656 authors: - basil message: |- Developer: Jenkins now uses an updated version of the AntClassLoader class with fewer custom patches. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5651 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5651 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.5.1 title: Woodstox implementation - url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StAX title: StAX API - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/azure-artifact-manager/ title: Azure Artifact Manager plugin - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/azure-container-agents/ title: Azure Container Agents plugin - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/windows-azure-storage/ title: Azure Storage plugin - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/azure-sdk/ title: Azure SDK API plugin - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/jackson2-api/ title: Jackson 2 API plugin message: |- Removed: The Woodstox implementation of the StAX API has been removed from Jenkins core. Users of the Azure Artifact Manager, Azure Container Agents, Azure Storage, and Azure SDK API plugins must upgrade those plugins to the latest versions in lockstep with this core upgrade. Plugins that consume Woodstox should depend on it directly or via the Jackson 2 API plugin. # pull: 5612 (PR title: Add file handle leak detection) # pull: 5658 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 8.45 to 8.45.1) # pull: 5661 (PR title: Add missing `@since`) # pull: 5667 (PR title: Increase timeout for branch) - version: '2.308' date: 2021-08-24 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5663 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Use SVGs over PNGs for the sidebar when possible message: |- Use SVGs over PNGs for the sidebar when possible. Breadcrumb bar/logo/menu items are now correctly aligned on the left together. Move old war/images folder to webapp so they can be used in frontend - the SVGs are now in the webapp/images/svgs folder. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5664 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Revamp Feed bar and Add/Edit description button to be consistent + correctly spaced message: |- Update appearance for feed bar and description button to be modern and consistent. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5615 issue: 66105 authors: - i-am-vt pr_title: "[JENKINS-66105]The appropriate HTTP code in buildWithParameters." message: |- When the buildWithParameter API is called, if the requests with the same parameters in the queue are merged, the http response code of the request uses a more appropriate 303(see other) instead of 201(created). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5674 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: 'Terminology: Warn about use of ''master'' in label expression' message: |- Warn about use of master in a label expression when that's no longer in use. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5636 authors: - BradyShober pr_title: Encode special characters for generated shell command message: |- Use full URL character encoding for the generated inbound agent launch string. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5670 issue: 66379 authors: - jtnord pr_title: "[JENKINS-66379] upgrade winstone to allow non JKS keystores for https certificates" references: - pull: 5670 - issue: 66379 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.20 title: Winstone 5.20 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.21 title: Winstone 5.21 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.43.v20210629 title: Jetty 9.4.43 changelog message: |- Use the JVM's default keystore type for the Jenkins server when terminating TLS connections within Jenkins. Used if Jenkins is started with the --httpsPort argument. Winstone 5.21: Update Jetty from 9.4.42.v20210604 to Jetty 9.4.43.v20210629. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5672 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2 references: - pull: 5672 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.5.2 title: Spring project spring-security 5.5.2 release notes message: |- Developer: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2. # pull: 5583 (PR title: Automate jenkins.io changelog) # pull: 5610 (PR title: Stop setting `useAntClassLoader` which nothing consumes) # pull: 5665 (PR title: Bump `junit` from 1.51 to 1.52) # pull: 5666 (PR title: Remove Java 11 `ClassNotFoundException` telemetry) # pull: 5668 (PR title: Minor deprecation fixes) # pull: 5669 (PR title: Some test code clean-up) # pull: 5671 (PR title: Mark Resource Domain Recommendation monitor as security) # pull: 5676 (PR title: Bump mockito-core from 3.11.2 to 3.12.1) - version: '2.309' date: 2021-08-30 changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 5690 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Fix missing icons message: |- Fix missing settings/cog icon in Plugin Manager. Fix incorrect folder icon showing in projects (regression in 2.307). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5542 authors: - MadsJakobsen pr_title: Add `ABORTED` threshold to ReverseBuildTrigger message: |- Add ABORTED threshold to ReverseBuildTrigger. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5682 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump jna from 5.8.0 to 5.9.0 references: - pull: 5682 - url: https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/master/CHANGES.md#release-590 title: JNA 5.9.0 changelog message: |- Developer: Bump Java Native Access (jna) from 5.8.0 to 5.9.0. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5687 authors: - basil pr_title: Mark `PluginFirstClassLoader`, `MaskingClassLoader`, and `AntClassLoader` as parallel-capable message: |- Internal: AntClassLoader (and its subclass PluginFirstClassLoader) and MaskingClassLoader register themselves as parallel-capable. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5685 issue: 66507 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5685 - issue: 66507 - url: https://x-stream.github.io/changes.html#1.4.18 title: XStream 1.4.18 message: |- Upgrade from xstream 1.4.17 to 1.4.18. # pull: 5583 (PR title: Automate jenkins.io changelog) # pull: 5681 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.12.2 to 2.12.3) # pull: 5695 (PR title: Update at-since up to 2.308) - version: '2.310' date: 2021-09-07 banner: > This release build failed while release uploads were blocked. Installers, native packages, and jenkins.war were not published. changes: - type: bug category: internal authors: - MarkEWaite message: |- Jenkins 2.310 was not placed in the artifact repository or on the download site. - version: '2.311' date: 2021-09-09 changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 5704 authors: - jonsten pr_title: Fix bug in TextparameterDefinition message: |- Fix wrong parameter type for Text Parameter when triggering a build via the buildWithParameters API call. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5697 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Graphs now scale correctly for high-DPI screens message: |- Graphs now scale correctly on high resolution screens. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5694 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: Fix agent-to-controller security killswitch UI message: |- The checkbox labeled "Enable Agent → Controller Access Control" in the form "Configure Global Security" would always start out as disabled. Submitting the form without checking it would then cause a configuration change (regression in 2.307). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5699 issue: 23784 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-23784] - Register `DependencyClassLoader` in the default plugin strategy as parallel-capable" message: |- Load classes from plugins in parallel for faster startup on multicore machines. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5698 authors: - basil pr_title: Revive support for `URLClassLoader` in `ClassicPluginStrategy` message: |- Internal: Experimental support for URLClassLoader can be enabled by setting hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy.useAntClassLoader=false. # pull: 5678 (PR title: Added a few missing @NonNull annotations) # pull: 5680 (PR title: Use try with resources where spotbugs suggests) # pull: 5684 (PR title: Fix typo in menu-debug.js) # pull: 5686 (PR title: Clean up `PluginFirstClassLoader` and `PluginManager`) # pull: 5689 (PR title: Bump `json-lib` from 2.4-jenkins-2 to 2.4-jenkins-3) # pull: 5696 (PR title: Bump mockito-core from 3.12.1 to 3.12.4) # pull: 5701 (PR title: Replace some anonymous classes with lambdas) # pull: 5702 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 8.45.1 to 9.0) # pull: 5703 (PR title: Bump jnr-posix from 3.1.7 to 3.1.8) # pull: 5708 (PR title: Minor code cleanup) # pull: 5709 (PR title: Update external URLs) # pull: 5712 (PR title: Work around jnr/jnr-ffi#269) - version: '2.312' date: 2021-09-14 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5706 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump executable-war from 1.45 to 2.0 message: |- Update executable war from 1.45 to 2.0 - type: bug category: bug pull: 5700 issue: 65928 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-65928] Job trend page shows previous icons" message: |- Replace the old icons with the new SVG icons in the job trend page. # pull: 5713 (PR title: Prevent Junit 4 tests from being skipped due to jupiter engine) # pull: 5719 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.52 to 1.53) # pull: 5724 (PR title: Consistently use `issues.jenkins.io` for issue links) # pull: 5726 (PR title: Bump junit.jupiter.version from 5.7.2 to 5.8.0) - version: '2.313' date: 2021-09-21 changes: - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5711 issue: 66563 authors: - basil - jtnord - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-66563] add a supported API for a plugin to insert jars into its classpath" message: |- Allow a plugin to dynamically insert a JAR file into its classpath. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5561 authors: - ngg - basil - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Remove Akuma message: |- Remove the --daemon argument from Jenkins command line arguments. Replace Akuma library from Jenkins core with simpler implementations using ProcessTree capabilities - type: bug category: regression pull: 5723 issue: 66470 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-66470] Register view-related permission groups and permissions prior to the execution of JCasC" message: |- Allow Jenkins to start when the JCasC configuration defines view-related permissions (regression in 2.302). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5722 issue: 66613 authors: - Wadeck pr_title: "[JENKINS-66613] Correct Antlr grammar for LabelExpression" message: |- Correction of Label expression including a "implies" relationship without spaces around. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5716 issue: 61212 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-61212] Update Tyrus (WebSocket client) to 2.0.1" message: |- WebSocket connections now work when the Jenkins controller is running Java 11 and using self-terminated TLS. # pull: 5717 (PR title: Remove redundant 'continue' from conditional branches) # pull: 5721 (PR title: Bump jnr-posix + exclusion removal) # pull: 5727 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1563.v3da2d02f9572 to 1593.v0e838714faae and jnr-posix) # pull: 5728 (PR title: tidy up clicommand javadoc) # pull: 5731 (PR title: Adding `@deprecated` messages for `Fingerprinter.recordBuildArtifacts`) # pull: 5732 (PR title: Sort imports) # pull: 5733 (PR title: Introduce `Queue.Executable.getParentExecutable`) # pull: 5734 (PR title: Prefer `assertThrows` to try/fail) # pull: 5737 (PR title: Fix `UnnecessarilyFullyQualified` Error Prone violations) # pull: 5740 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.65 to 1.67) # pull: 5741 (PR title: Change freenode to libera) - version: '2.314' date: 2021-09-28 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5692 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Revamp build history search bar message: |- Modernise the "Build History" search bar - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5739 issue: 66659 authors: - zbynek pr_title: JENKINS-66659 Show new icons in build history message: |- Show new status icons in build history - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5693 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Modernise Manage Jenkins screen message: |- Modernise the "Manage Jenkins" screen # pull: 5715 (PR title: Attempt to fix SlaveComputerTest.startupShouldFailOnErrorOnlineListener) # pull: 5720 (PR title: [JENKINS-33596] Delete more of `UDPBroadcastThread` & `DNSMultiCast`) # pull: 5736 (PR title: 💣 Remove powermock) # pull: 5744 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.13.0 to 2.13.1) # pull: 5745 (PR title: Bump junit.jupiter.version from 5.8.0 to 5.8.1) # pull: 5746 (PR title: Renamed exclude file and set spotbugs default to medium) # pull: 5747 (PR title: Bump access-modifier.version from 1.24 to 1.25) # pull: 5749 (PR title: Removed unused `show-pom-version.rb`) # pull: 5750 (PR title: Exclude two generated classes from spotbugs) # pull: 5751 (PR title: Refactored `InitializeSVGS()` to fix Spotbugs error `WMI_WRONG_MAP_ITERATOR` and added test) # pull: 5753 (PR title: Fix typo in ProcessTree.java) # pull: 5756 (PR title: Lower 'reasonable' number of icons (fix master build)) - version: "2.315" date: 2021-10-06 changes: - type: security message: Security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2021-10-06/ title: security advisory authors: - daniel-beck - Wadeck - type: rfe message: > Security hardening: The "short description" of build causes is now defined as plain text instead of HTML. references: - url: /doc/upgrade-guide/2.303/#SECURITY-2452 title: related LTS upgrade guide entry - url: /doc/developer/security/xss-prevention/Cause-getShortDescription title: related developer documentation authors: - daniel-beck - version: '2.316' date: 2021-10-11 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5779 issue: 66681 authors: - algaillard - alauregaillard pr_title: Hacktoberfest update the French translation [JENKINS-66681] message: |- Update the French translation in the legend. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5766 issue: 66776 authors: - Wadeck pr_title: "[JENKINS-66776] Add full name of failed plugin when possible" message: |- Display full plugin name and link when a plugin fails to load. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5755 authors: - jglick - timja pr_title: Log the stack trace when `ComputerListener.onOnline` fails message: |- Improve error reporting for certain kinds of bugs in computer listeners. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5773 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5773 - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/workflow-api/ title: "Pipeline: API plugin" - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/workflow-step-api/ title: "Pipeline: Step API plugin" - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/scm-api/ title: "SCM API plugin" - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/structs/ title: "Structs plugin" pr_title: Upgrade detached plugins to versions with Guava compatibility fixes message: |- Update bundled versions of Pipeline: API, Pipeline: Step API, SCM API, and Structs plugins. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5757 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: Fix support of implicit collections when using Xstream2 message: |- Developer: Fix XStream2 support of unmarshalling implicit collections. # pull: 5752 (PR title: Enable Warnings Next Generation) # pull: 5758 (PR title: [JENKINS-66758] Add localization support for JDK label) # pull: 5761 (PR title: Minor test refactorings) # pull: 5762 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.13.1 to 2.15.0) # pull: 5765 (PR title: Removed superfluous throws) # pull: 5767 (PR title: Bump ant from 1.11 to 1.12) # pull: 5769 (PR title: Punctuation error) # pull: 5770 (PR title: Use java 8 built in string comparator) # pull: 5772 (PR title: Replaced volatile int with AtomicInt to fix spotbugs ) # pull: 5774 (PR title: Suppress some Spotbugs `MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL`) # pull: 5783 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.15.0 to 2.17.0) # pull: 5786 (PR title: [JENKINS-66723] Un-inlining ListView/configure-entries.jelly (CSP issue) #Hacktoberfest) # pull: 5790 (PR title: Security weekly 2021-10-06) # pull: 5791 (PR title: Fix few grammar and punctuation errors) # pull: 5792 (PR title: Bump mockito-inline from 3.12.4 to 4.0.0) # pull: 5795 (PR title: Spotbugs issues relating to Null checks) - version: '2.317' date: 2021-10-19 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5788 issue: 49675 authors: - jtnord pr_title: "[JENKINS-49675] Mark the cookie as secure when serving via HTTPS" message: |- Screen Resolution cookie now has the secure flag set when Jenkins is running on HTTPS. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5821 issue: 64831 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: "[JENKINS-64831] - Remoting 4.11: Deprecate the -cp option in the agent.jar" references: - pull: 5821 - issue: 64831 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.11 title: Remoting 4.11 changelog message: |- Deprecate the -cp option in the remoting agent.jar command line. Upgrade from Remoting 4.10 to Remoting 4.11. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5760 issue: 66753 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-66753] Ongoing build disappears from build history" message: |- Display ongoing build in build history (regression in 2.314). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5821 issue: 61212 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: "[JENKINS-61212] - Fix Agent handshake when connecting them over Websocket on Java 11" references: - pull: 5821 - issue: 61212 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.11 title: Remoting 4.11 changelog message: |- Fix agent handshake when connecting over Websocket on Java 11. Upgrade from Remoting 4.10 to Remoting 4.11. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5802 issue: 66854 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-66854] `AsyncPeriodicWork` should not touch its log file unless it has something to say" message: |- Reduce the amount of disk writes to logs/tasks/*.log when nothing interesting is happening. # pull: 5784 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 9.0 to 9.0.1) # pull: 5785 (PR title: Hacktoberfest update the French translation Jenkins administration [JENKINS-66797]) # pull: 5793 (PR title: Hacktoberfest add french rename action property file) # pull: 5796 (PR title: French translation for monitor warnings - Hacktoberfest) # pull: 5797 (PR title: Spanish translation for monitor warnings - Hacktoberfest) # pull: 5798 (PR title: Removed superfluous throws in tests) # pull: 5799 (PR title: Replaced magic constants in Calender constructors) # pull: 5800 (PR title: Minor grammatical mistakes update for MAINTAINERS.adoc) # pull: 5803 (PR title: Finalize version numbers for Cause#getShortDescription change) # pull: 5804 (PR title: Hacktoberfest [JENKINS-66658] Fix translation Number of executors) # pull: 5805 (PR title: Merge back tests for the 2.315 fixes) # pull: 5806 (PR title: [JENKINS-66658] Fix french encoding (Hacktoberfest)) # pull: 5807 (PR title: Hacktoberfest [JENKINS-66658] fix french translation delete view) # pull: 5808 (PR title: Hacktoberfest [JENKINS-66658] fix french translation People View) # pull: 5810 (PR title: Replaced deprecated methods with suggested replacements) # pull: 5811 (PR title: Fix pipeline syntax error) # pull: 5812 (PR title: `disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: true)`) # pull: 5813 (PR title: Copyright was wrong during security release) # pull: 5814 (PR title: Adjust the Id to ID change that "broke" i18n) # pull: 5815 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.17.0 to 2.17.1) # pull: 5817 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.17.1 to 2.17.2) # pull: 5818 (PR title: Bump antisamy-markup-formatter from 2.1 to 2.3) # pull: 5820 (PR title: Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5) # pull: 5830 (PR title: fix: use specific 'docker-highmem' instead of the combination of 'docker' and 'highmem' (INFRA-3099)) # pull: 5831 (PR title: Fix typo in treeview-debug.js) # pull: 5833 (PR title: Bump xmlunit.version from 2.8.2 to 2.8.3) - version: '2.318' date: 2021-10-26 changes: - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5844 issue: 66955 authors: - amuniz pr_title: "[JENKINS-66955] Add constructor matching super" message: |- Add XStream2 constructor matching super. - type: rfe category: internal pull: 5834 issue: 66930 authors: - olamy pr_title: "[JENKINS-66930] remove unsafe classes copied from Apache Ant which have been deprecated in Oct 2019" message: |- Remove deprecated, unsafe classes previously copied from Apache Ant. Docker Slaves plugin is incompatible with this change. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5841 issue: 66947 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-66947] Make `ExecutorListener` an extension point" message: |- ExecutorListener may now be implemented as a static extension. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5763 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Update tooltips to be consistent across Jenkins message: |- Update tooltips to be consistent across Jenkins. # pull: 5787 (PR title: [JENKINS-66729] Un-inlining UsageStatistics/footer.jelly (CSP issue) #Hacktoberfest) # pull: 5822 (PR title: Hacktoberfest [JENKINS-66658] fix french translation delete build) # pull: 5823 (PR title: Hacktoberfest [JENKINS-66658] add french translation build console output) # pull: 5837 (PR title: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.5.2 to 5.5.3) # pull: 5838 (PR title: Bump ant from 1.10.11 to 1.10.12) # pull: 5839 (PR title: [enh] add french translation in sidepanel) # pull: 5840 (PR title: Bump antisamy-markup-formatter from 2.3 to 2.4) # pull: 5843 (PR title: chore(Jeninsfile) Switch Maven commands to infra.runWithMaven) # pull: 5848 (PR title: [JENKINS-66728] Un-inline UpdateCenter/index.jelly (CSP issue) #Hacktoberfest) # pull: 5849 (PR title: [JENKINS-66968] Fix scaling of buttons in security realm) # pull: 5854 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1626.v46b0925e70db to 1640.vf14ba9a1eb71) # pull: 5855 (PR title: Stabilize `core` test suite) - version: '2.319' date: 2021-11-04 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2021-11-04/ title: security advisory - type: major rfe message: |- Security hardening: Require role check for remoting callables. references: - url: /doc/upgrade-guide/2.303/#SECURITY-2458 title: LTS upgrade guide - url: /doc/developer/security/remoting-callables/ title: developer documentation - type: rfe message: Always allow configuring agent-to-controller security subsystem. - version: '2.320' date: 2021-11-09 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 5707 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5707 - issue: 36779 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/233 title: JEP-233 - url: https://guava.dev/ title: Guava web site - url: https://github.com/google/guava/releases/tag/v31.0.1 title: Guava 31.0.1 changelog pr_title: "[JEP-233] Upgrade Guava from 11.0.1 to latest" message: |- Upgrade the Guava library from 11.0.1 (released on January 9, 2012) to 31.0.1 (released on September 27, 2021). Plugins have already been prepared to support the new version of Guava; use the Plugin Manager to upgrade all plugins before and after upgrading Jenkins. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5842 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Modernise the 'New view' and 'New node' pages message: |- Modernise the 'New view' and 'New node' pages. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5889 authors: - zbynek pr_title: Improve artifact list readability in dark theme message: |- Improve artifact list readability in dark theme. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5871 authors: - zbynek pr_title: Use CSS animation for console progress message: |- Use CSS animation for console progress. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5862 issue: 4814 authors: - slide pr_title: 'feat: Add ability to upload a plugin via URL [JENKINS-4814]' message: |- Allow plugin upload by URL in addition to file name. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5898 authors: - basil references: - pull: 5898 - url: https://www.bouncycastle.org/releasenotes.html title: Bouncy Castle release notes pr_title: Bump `bouncycastle-api` from 2.20 to 2.25 message: |- Update bundled version of Bouncy Castle API plugin from 2.20 to 2.25. - type: bug category: regression pull: 5865 issue: 66993 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-66993] Do not register `AntClassLoader` as parallel-capable" message: |- Prevent LinkageError during class loading (regression in 2.309). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5900 issue: 67063 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-67063] Revert canonicalization of entries when untarring" message: |- Do not attempt to canonicalize tar entries when untaring, as the result may be unexpected for symlinks. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5881 issue: 67061 authors: - daniel-beck references: - pull: 5881 - issue: 67061 - url: /doc/upgrade-guide/2.303/#SECURITY-2455 title: Upgrade guide - Agent to controller path filter security fixes pr_title: "[JENKINS-67061] Fix overload in ConfigDirectory" message: |- Fix form submission for file access rules of agent to controller security subsystem (regression in 2.111). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5870 authors: - zbynek pr_title: Avoid false positives in plugin search (installed tab) message: |- Avoid false positives in plugin search (installed tab). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5875 issue: 67028 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-67028] Fix missing project hyperlink in build history" message: |- Fix missing hyperlink in build history (regression in 2.314). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5887 authors: - uhafner pr_title: Add a gap between icon and text in build links message: |- Add space between icon and project name (or build number) in all links to builds. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5850 issue: 66749 authors: - jamesD33064 - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-66749] Missing spaces in upstream/downstream project view" message: |- Add space between icon and project name in upstream & downstream section of project page. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5874 issue: 67032 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-67032] Address dead URLs" message: |- Replace outdated URLs with working redirects. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5864 issue: 67002 authors: - jtnord pr_title: "[JENKINS-67002] protect Jenkins against bad RestartListeners" message: |- An exception thrown by a RestartListener no longer leaves Jenkins in a zombie-like state. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5801 issue: 66845 authors: - nom3ad pr_title: '[JENKINS-66845] Fix "User Defined Time Zone" configuration field to correctly show corresponding user''s timezone value #Hacktoberfest' message: |- Display the time zone of the user when an administrator updates a user account. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5524 authors: - basil - timja references: - pull: 5524 - url: https://asm.ow2.io/ title: ObjectWebASM web site pr_title: Stop bundling unnecessary copy of ASM 5 message: |- Developer: Provide a stable version of ObjectWebASM (currently 9.1) on the classpath. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5856 authors: - basil - timja pr_title: Unfork `AntClassLoader` message: |- Developer: Use the upstream version of AntClassLoader without custom patches. # pull: 5515 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Advanced button, build health, confirmation link, URI encoding monitor) # pull: 5835 (PR title: Hacktoberfest [JENKINS-66730] Un-inlining AsynchPeople/index.jelly) # pull: 5845 (PR title: Remove java webstart warning from agent page) # pull: 5852 (PR title: [JENKINS-66718] Un-inlining script in BuildTimelineWidget/control.jelly) # pull: 5853 (PR title: Bump awaitility from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1) # pull: 5857 (PR title: `surefire.runOrder=alphabetical` for reproducibility) # pull: 5859 (PR title: Bump jnr-posix from 3.1.10 to 3.1.11) # pull: 5860 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.17.2 to 2.17.3) # pull: 5861 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1640.vf14ba9a1eb71 to 1645.vf98fc478f846) # pull: 5863 (PR title: Update ATH) # pull: 5872 (PR title: Add a documentation for the attributes of `buildLink` ) # pull: 5873 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 9.0.1 to 9.1) # pull: 5877 (PR title: Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.5 to 2.4.0) # pull: 5878 (PR title: Use vectorized sprite on rage) # pull: 5879 (PR title: Add computer offline sprite override) # pull: 5892 (PR title: `AbstractBuild` should implement `getParentExecutable` better) # pull: 5893 (PR title: JENKINS-67071 Adjust class for section header change) # pull: 5894 (PR title: Fix typo in `ClassicPluginStrategy`) # pull: 5896 (PR title: Remove unused `jenkins.util.io.LinesStream`) - version: '2.321' date: 2021-11-16 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5851 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Modernise the table design message: |- Modernise the table design and add support for Ionicons. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5777 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Remove unused image assets message: |- Remove superfluous user interface elements, including images, mask-icon, and unnecessary resize handles. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5882 issue: 67099 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: "[JENKINS-67099] Make trim labels more selective when we're operating on selected nodes" message: |- Only apply trimLabels operation to affected nodes when adding or removing them. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5917 issue: 67109 authors: - timja pr_title: JENKINS-67109 Fix maven installations message: |- Maven tool configuration works again (regression in 2.320). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5906 issue: 66969 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-66969] Fix ongoing first build from disappearing from build history" message: |- Show ongoing first build in build history (regression in 2.314). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5908 authors: - zbynek pr_title: "[JENKINS-67107] Fix filtering in update tab of plugin manager" message: |- Fix filtering in update tab of plugin manager (regression in 2.320). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5907 issue: 67105 authors: - basil pr_title: '[JENKINS-67105] Upgrade to 2.320 gives "Failed to deserialize response" error' message: |- Permit additional safe types in agent to controller access control (regression in 2.320). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5858 authors: - basil pr_title: Upgrade Guice from 4.0 to latest references: - pull: 5858 - url: https://github.com/google/guice title: Guice library - url: https://github.com/google/guice/releases/tag/5.0.1 title: Guice 5.0.1 release notes message: |- Developer: Upgrade the Guice library from 4.0 (released April 28, 2015) to 5.0.1 (released March 2, 2021). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5921 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.5.3 to 5.6.0 references: - pull: 5921 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.6.0-RC1 title: Spring project spring-security 5.6.0-RC1 release notes - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.6.0 title: Spring project spring-security 5.6.0 release notes message: |- Developer: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.5.3 to 5.6.0. # pull: 5895 (PR title: Clean up usages of `ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit`) # pull: 5902 (PR title: Store plain `ArrayList` for `InterruptedBuildAction.causes`) # pull: 5903 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.17.3 to 2.17.4) # pull: 5904 (PR title: Bump jna from 5.9.0 to 5.10.0) # pull: 5911 (PR title: Fix typo in Specific Build Discarder description) # pull: 5912 (PR title: Bump task-reactor from 1.5 to 1.6) # pull: 5913 (PR title: Bump memory-monitor from 1.9 to 1.10) # pull: 5914 (PR title: Bump crypto-util from 1.5 to 1.6) # pull: 5915 (PR title: Bump version-number from 1.7 to 1.8) # pull: 5918 (PR title: Bump executable-war from 2.0 to 2.1) # pull: 5922 (PR title: Bump test-annotations from 1.3 to 1.4) - version: '2.322' date: 2021-11-23 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5890 authors: - jglick pr_title: Record an informative stack trace & telemetry whenever `FilePath` agent-to-controller access is permitted message: |- Issue a warning to the system log when using agent-to-controller file manipulation idioms considered for deprecation, and collect telemetry about this as well. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5937 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: Add descriptions to administrative monitors message: |- Add descriptions of built-in administrative alerts to the global configuration alert selection page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5925 authors: - farodin91 - timja pr_title: Use new style for more tables message: |- Modernise System Info and Log Recorder pages. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5932 issue: 67188 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-67188] Deadlock loading `TaskListener` vs. `StreamTaskListener`" message: |- Jenkins startup could hang due to a deadlock in class loading. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5925 authors: - farodin91 - timja pr_title: Use new style for more tables message: |- Display full user name, rather than id, in securityRealm page when using the built-in security realm (regression since 2.243). - type: bug category: bug pull: 5919 issue: 67033 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-67033] Missing icon in dashboard view" message: |- Display the "Configure System" icon in the drop down menu. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5931 authors: - basil pr_title: Register `UberClassLoader` as parallel-capable message: |- Developer: Register UberClassLoader as parallel-capable. # pull: 5891 (PR title: Supply a `SlaveComputer` context for both channels associated with a `maven-plugin` build) # pull: 5924 (PR title: split the index of javadoc) # pull: 5929 (PR title: Bump antisamy-markup-formatter from 2.4 to 2.5) # pull: 5930 (PR title: Sprinkle some `@NonNull` annotations in `ListBoxModel`) # pull: 5933 (PR title: Bump mockito-inline from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0) # pull: 5934 (PR title: Warn in `Queue.init` if items scheduled during startup will be clobbered) # pull: 5936 (PR title: Update at-since Javadoc up to 2.319) # pull: 5938 (PR title: Update 2.TODO documentation) # pull: 5940 (PR title: Include `symbol-annotation` in core BOM) # pull: 5944 (PR title: Fix typo in autocomplete-debug.js) # pull: 5947 (PR title: Bump ATH) - version: '2.323' date: 2021-11-30 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4538 issue: 61278 authors: - timja - oleg-nenashev pr_title: JENKINS-61278 JCasC support for managing log recorders message: |- Add configuration-as-code support for managing log recorders. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5926 authors: - timja pr_title: Inline form element path message: |- Add path to form elements giving stable selectors for UI testing. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5983 issue: 67227 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-67227] Integrate remoting 4.11.2" references: - pull: 5983 - issue: 67227 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.11.2 title: Remoting 4.11.2 changelog message: |- Update remoting from 4.11.1 to 4.11.2 to fix code signing. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5942 authors: - basil pr_title: "`Stream`/`Spliterator` support for `RunList`" message: |- Improve performance by lazy loading build records from the run list. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5946 issue: 67193 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: '[JENKINS-67193] "View as plain text" from polling log is behind top bar' message: |- "View as plain text" shows correctly in polling log page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5909 authors: - imonteroperez pr_title: "[JEP-234] Customizable header" references: - pull: 5909 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/234/README.adoc title: "JEP-234: Customizable Jenkins header" message: |- Developer: New extension point Header as an interface that provides capabilities to render a specific header and a default implementation of that, named JenkinsHeader that is enabled by default. # pull: 5771 (PR title: Replaced deprecated CaseInsensitiveComparator with java built in) # pull: 5948 (PR title: Bump jnr-posix from 3.1.11 to 3.1.12) # pull: 5957 (PR title: [JENKINS-67226] Deduplicate RPCRequest oids and proxy objects) # pull: 5960 (PR title: Remove `sorcerer`) # pull: 5961 (PR title: Enable `ArrayTrailingComma` Checkstyle check) # pull: 5963 (PR title: Enable `DefaultComesLast` Checkstyle check) # pull: 5964 (PR title: Enable `PackageDeclaration` Checkstyle check) # pull: 5966 (PR title: Enable `MissingSwitchDefault` Checkstyle check) # pull: 5967 (PR title: Enable `MissingDeprecated` Checkstyle check) # pull: 5969 (PR title: Enable `LineLength` Checkstyle check) # pull: 5975 (PR title: Removed LargeText which was moved a long time ago to stapler) # pull: 5986 (PR title: Bump junit.jupiter.version from 5.8.1 to 5.8.2) # pull: 5987 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 9.1 to 9.2) - version: '2.324' date: 2021-12-06 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6010 authors: - jglick pr_title: Improving logging from AbstractCloudSlave._terminate message: |- Improve logging for termination of cloud agents. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5949 issue: 67154 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-67154] Fix appearance of table tooltips" message: |- Fix appearance of table tooltips. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6014 authors: - basil pr_title: Align Guice and ASM dependencies message: |- Developer: Plugins now have their Guice dependencies aligned with core. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6000 issue: 21224 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-21224] Utility `Listeners.notify`" message: |- Introduced Listeners.notify utility method to encourage safe listener notification. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6004 authors: - timja - basil pr_title: Don't enable form element path in unit tests by default message: |- Developer: Disable form element path in unit tests by default. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5423 authors: - daniel-beck - timja - basil pr_title: Deprecate FingerprintStorage#getFileFingerprintStorage references: - pull: 5423 - url: https://javadoc.jenkins.io/jenkins/fingerprints/FingerprintStorage.html#getFileFingerprintStorage-- title: FingerprintStorage.getFileFingerprintStorage javadoc - url: /doc/developer/extensions/jenkins-core/#fingerprintstorage title: FingerprintStorage Extension API message: |- Deprecate FingerprintStorage.getFileFingerprintStorage. Developers should use FingerprintStorage Extension API instead. # pull: 5738 (PR title: Fix `UnusedException` Error Prone violations) # pull: 5927 (PR title: Clean up `ClassLoaderReflectionToolkit`) # pull: 5951 (PR title: Fix `PublicConstructorForAbstractClass` Error Prone violations) # pull: 5952 (PR title: Fix `ThrowsUncheckedException` Error Prone violations in tests) # pull: 5953 (PR title: Fix `BadAnnotationImplementation` Error Prone violation) # pull: 5962 (PR title: Enable `CustomImportOrder` and `UnusedImports` Checkstyle checks) # pull: 5965 (PR title: Enable `SuperClone` Checkstyle check) # pull: 5968 (PR title: Enable Javadoc-related Checkstyle checks) # pull: 5973 (PR title: Minor POM cleanup) # pull: 5977 (PR title: Enable `SuperFinalize` Checkstyle check) # pull: 5988 (PR title: Move Ant tests from core) # pull: 5990 (PR title: Bump parent POM from 1.67 to 1.69) # pull: 5991 (PR title: Enable `RequireThis` Checkstyle check) # pull: 5992 (PR title: Migrate from Apache Commons `StringUtils#join` to Java Platform `String#join`) # pull: 5993 (PR title: Bump bridge-method-annotation from 1.21 to 1.22) # pull: 5994 (PR title: Bump bridge-method-injector from 1.21 to 1.22) # pull: 5995 (PR title: Bump ant from 1.12 to 1.13) # pull: 5996 (PR title: Prevent the expansion of Guava usages) # pull: 5998 (PR title: Bump jnr-posix from 3.1.12 to 3.1.13) # pull: 5999 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.17.4 to 2.17.5) # pull: 6001 (PR title: Extract `bridge-method-injector` version to a property) # pull: 6003 (PR title: Fix typo in default-whitelist.txt) # pull: 6003 (PR title: Fix typo in default-whitelist.txt) # pull: 6007 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1645.vf98fc478f846 to 1666.vd1360abbfe9e) # pull: 6008 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 2.6.8 to 2.6.9) # pull: 6012 (PR title: Enable `VariableDeclarationUsageDistance` Checkstyle check) # pull: 6013 (PR title: Break lines at 240 columns) # pull: 6015 (PR title: Prevent new SpotBugs violations from being introduced) # pull: 6016 (PR title: Removed unused ByteBuffer (moved to stapler)) # pull: 6020 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.17.5 to 2.17.6) - version: '2.325' date: 2021-12-14 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5916 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Modernise the appearance of the plugin manager message: |- Modernise the appearance of the plugin manager. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6038 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: Use update site provided file size for better guessing message: |- More reliably estimate plugin download progress. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6040 issue: 21224 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-21224] Cannot use `Listeners.notify` in `ItemListener.fireOnCreated` due to `matrix-auth` tricks" message: |- Newly created items are again automatically made accessible to their creators to fix a regression in the matrix-auth plugin (regression in 2.324). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6034 authors: - basil pr_title: Release detached plugin class loaders on shutdown message: |- - Fix a resource leak when shutting down Jenkins. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6030 authors: - basil pr_title: Release class loader when a plugin fails to load message: |- - Fix a resource leak when a plugin fails to load. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5794 issue: 65084 authors: - Pldi23 pr_title: "[JENKINS-65084] fix filter for unavailable updates #Hacktoberfest" message: |- Filtering now hides unavailable updates on "Updates" tab in Plugin Manager. - type: bug category: bug pull: 5888 authors: - jglick pr_title: "`CallableRejectionConfig` just threw an error rather than persisting anything" message: |- An agent-to-controller security measure failed to persist configuration. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6018 authors: - jglick pr_title: "`RingBufferLogHandler.records` could leak records" message: |- Custom log records with large record parameters no longer interfere with garbage collection. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6033 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: Improve FilePath API and Javadoc around validation message: |- Developer: Add FilePath#validateAntFileMask(String, boolean) overload for convenience. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5970 authors: - basil pr_title: "`URLClassLoader` support for `PluginFirstClassLoader`" message: |- Developer: The option -Dhudson.ClassicPluginStrategy.useAntClassLoader=false allows experiments with plugin-first class loading alternatives. # pull: 5950 (PR title: Fix `CatchingUnchecked` Error Prone violations) # pull: 6017 (PR title: Bump MINA SSHD from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0) # pull: 6019 (PR title: Use `Listeners.notify` in more places) # pull: 6021 (PR title: Fix some SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6022 (PR title: Fix `IC_INIT_CIRCULARITY` SpotBugs violation) # pull: 6023 (PR title: Fix some equals-related SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6025 (PR title: Fix `RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED_BAD_PRACTICE` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6026 (PR title: Skip symlink tests on Windows) # pull: 6027 (PR title: Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.2.4 to 2.3.0) # pull: 6028 (PR title: Bump jnr-posix from 3.1.13 to 3.1.14) # pull: 6031 (PR title: [JENKINS-67332] Pull up `Telemetry.buildComponentInformation` for use in `SlaveToMasterFileCallableUsage`) # pull: 6032 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 2.6.9 to 2.6.11) # pull: 6035 (PR title: Ignore some tests on Windows) # pull: 6037 (PR title: Fix `IS_FIELD_NOT_GUARDED` SpotBugs violation) # pull: 6039 (PR title: Clarify how the config.xml API works) # pull: 6041 (PR title: Reduce usages of Ant) # pull: 6044 (PR title: `RingBufferLogHandler.getView` needs to be a live `List` for use from `Jenkins.logRecords`) # pull: 6053 (PR title: Bump ATH) - version: '2.326' date: 2021-12-20 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 5885 issue: 67173 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-67173] Remove Callable allowlist and FilePath agent-to-controller support" message: |- The agent-to-controller security subsystem is now always enabled. The admin-customizable allowlists for callables and file paths have been removed. The ability to access some files on the controller from agents has been removed. Some plugins are incompatible with this change and may need to be updated. references: - pull: 5885 - issue: 67173 - url: https://issues.jenkins.io/issues/?jql=%22Epic%20Link%22%20%3D%20JENKINS-67173 title: the issue tracker - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5905 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Add missing SVG for parameterized jobs message: |- Add missing SVG for parameterized job icon. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5358 issue: 65113 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-65113] Add issue tracker metadata support" message: |- Add "Report an issue" link to plugins in the plugin manager. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5939 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-65237] Bump Groovy from 2.4.12 to 2.4.21" references: - pull: 5939 - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.13.html title: Groovy 2.4.13 changelog - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.14.html title: Groovy 2.4.14 changelog - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.15.html title: Groovy 2.4.15 changelog - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.16.html title: Groovy 2.4.16 changelog - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.17.html title: Groovy 2.4.17 changelog - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.18.html title: Groovy 2.4.18 changelog - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.19.html title: Groovy 2.4.19 changelog - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.20.html title: Groovy 2.4.20 changelog - url: http://groovy-lang.org/changelogs/changelog-2.4.21.html title: Groovy 2.4.21 changelog - url: https://groovy-lang.org/ title: Groovy language site message: |- Upgrade Groovy from 2.4.12 to 2.4.21. - type: major bug category: regression pull: 6059 issue: 67372 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-67372] Restore support for symbolic links in the Jenkins home directory" message: |- - Restore support for symbolic links in the Jenkins home directory (regression in 2.325). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6066 authors: - basil pr_title: Bump Stapler from 1593.v0e838714faae to 1612.v2a13b906bf3a message: |- Developer: Stapler now returns an informative error message when a request is made for an invalid adjunct. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 5884 issue: 67173 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-67173] Deprecate `SlaveToMasterFileCallable`, log warning" message: |- Developer: Deprecate SlaveToMasterFileCallable. # pull: 5945 (PR title: Add nullability annotations to parameter definitions) # pull: 6029 (PR title: Fix various test bugs seen when running on Windows) # pull: 6047 (PR title: Fix `IS2_INCONSISTENT_SYNC` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6048 (PR title: Bump Apache Commons Validator from 1.6 to 1.7) # pull: 6051 (PR title: Only require one approval for minor changes) # pull: 6052 (PR title: Fix `XXE_SAXPARSER` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6053 (PR title: Bump ATH) # pull: 6054 (PR title: Bump `jenkins-test-harness` from 1666.vd1360abbfe9e to 1670.v5a5dbf551c41) # pull: 6057 (PR title: Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1) # pull: 6058 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 2.6.11 to 3.0) # pull: 6060 (PR title: Simplify JTH assertions) # pull: 6061 (PR title: Clarify that FilePath telemetry collects component versions now) # pull: 6063 (PR title: Miscellaneous test cleanup) # pull: 6064 (PR title: Bump access-modifier.version from 1.25 to 1.27) # pull: 6065 (PR title: Bump mockito-inline from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0) # pull: 6067 (PR title: Ship JCIP annotations in WAR) # pull: 6069 (PR title: Skip resource-intensive tests on Windows CI builds) # pull: 6071 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.17.6 to 2.17.7) # pull: 6072 (PR title: Bump version-number from 1.8 to 1.9) # pull: 6073 (PR title: Bump executable-war from 2.1 to 2.2) # pull: 6074 (PR title: Bump memory-monitor from 1.10 to 1.11) # pull: 6075 (PR title: Bump task-reactor from 1.6 to 1.7) # pull: 6076 (PR title: Bump `jenkins-test-harness` from 1670.v5a5dbf551c41 to 1674.v3b8b1441e939) # pull: 6078 (PR title: [JENKINS-67401] Update contributing guide) # pull: 6080 (PR title: Bump crypto-util from 1.6 to 1.7) # pull: 6081 (PR title: Bump xmlunit.version from 2.8.3 to 2.8.4) # pull: 6082 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1.78 to 1118.vba21ca2e3286) # pull: 6086 (PR title: Switch ATH from Java 8 to Java 11) # pull: 6087 (PR title: Bump bridge-method-injector.version from 1.22 to 1.23) - version: '2.327' date: 2021-12-27 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6103 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: "[JEP-7] Remove `jruby` support from Stapler" references: - pull: 6103 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/tree/master/jep/7#jep-7-deprecation-of-ruby-and-python-plugin-runtimes title: "JEP-7: Deprecation of Ruby and Python plugin runtimes" - url: /blog/2021/12/22/deprecated-ruby-runtime/ title: Deprecating non-Java plugins (blog post) - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/stapler title: Stapler repository - url: https://www.jruby.org/ title: JRuby project message: |- JRuby support has been removed from the Stapler web framework used in Jenkins core. A small number of JRuby-based plugins are affected; see the blog post for migration notes. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6111 authors: - basil pr_title: Remove JNDI support message: |- Remove support for setting the Jenkins home directory via Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6096 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: Make env-vars.html nicer and actually localizable message: |- Improve visualization of the Environment Variables page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6095 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: Ensure links in help files open in new windows message: |- Ensure that links from inline help (shown after clicking "?" icons) always open in new windows. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6077 authors: - jglick - basil pr_title: Include `shortName` in relevant `PluginWrapper.dependencyErrors` message: |- Include plugin short names in some error messages. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6089 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.6.0 to 5.6.1 references: - pull: 6089 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.6.1 title: Spring project spring-security 5.6.1 release notes message: |- Developer: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.6.0 to 5.6.1. # pull: 6024 (PR title: Restore Windows CI runs) # pull: 6049 (PR title: Triage some SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6050 (PR title: Fix `DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6062 (PR title: Clean-up / improvements) # pull: 6088 (PR title: More miscellaneous test cleanup) # pull: 6090 (PR title: Bump annotation-indexer from 1.15 to 1.16) # pull: 6091 (PR title: Display JUnit test results as they appear) # pull: 6094 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.16 to 6.17) # pull: 6097 (PR title: Miscellaneous test cleanup) # pull: 6099 (PR title: Spotbugs fixes for `LI_LAZY_INIT_STATIC`, `NP_LOAD_OF_KNOWN_NULL_VALUE`, and `UWF_UNWRITTEN_PUBLIC_OR_PROTECTED_FIELD`) # pull: 6100 (PR title: Use `Files.readSymbolicLink` where possible) # pull: 6102 (PR title: Bump ATH) # pull: 6104 (PR title: Clean up `Jenkinsfile`) # pull: 6105 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.17.7 to 2.18.0) # pull: 6107 (PR title: Fix `RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6108 (PR title: Fix `RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED_BAD_PRACTICE` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6109 (PR title: Fix `RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE` and `RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NULL_VALUE` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6110 (PR title: Suppress `MS_CANNOT_BE_FINAL` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6112 (PR title: Remove classes which got moved to Stapler a long time ago) # pull: 6113 (PR title: Ban `jline.internal` package) - version: '2.328' date: 2022-01-03 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6146 authors: - zbynek pr_title: Use SVG icons for agent context menu and executor status message: |- Use SVG icons for agent context menu and executor status. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6055 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Modernise the About Jenkins page message: |- Modernise the "About Jenkins" page. Update the table and tab design to use normal cased text. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6143 authors: - basil pr_title: Fix `LG_LOST_LOGGER_DUE_TO_WEAK_REFERENCE` SpotBugs violations message: |- Ensure that loggers exist before setting their log levels. In rare cases, setting the log level of a logger may have had no effect. # pull: 6015 (PR title: Prevent new SpotBugs violations from being introduced) # pull: 6115 (PR title: Add SortPom to build) # pull: 6117 (PR title: Move away from `` tags in documentation) # pull: 6118 (PR title: Bump `support-log-formatter` from 1.0 to 1.1) # pull: 6119 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 9.2 to 9.2.1) # pull: 6120 (PR title: Bump antisamy-markup-formatter from 2.5 to 2.6) # pull: 6121 (PR title: Suppress `SE_INNER_CLASS` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6122 (PR title: Fix `NP_BOOLEAN_RETURN_NULL` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6123 (PR title: Suppress `ST_WRITE_TO_STATIC_FROM_INSTANCE_METHOD` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6124 (PR title: Suppress `URF_UNREAD_PUBLIC_OR_PROTECTED_FIELD` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6125 (PR title: Fix `EQ_GETCLASS_AND_CLASS_CONSTANT` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6127 (PR title: Update ATH) # pull: 6129 (PR title: Fix `LI_LAZY_INIT_UPDATE_STATIC` SpotBugs violation) # pull: 6130 (PR title: Suppress `NP_NONNULL_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR` SpotBugs violation) # pull: 6131 (PR title: Suppress `NP_UNWRITTEN_PUBLIC_OR_PROTECTED_FIELD` SpotBugs violation) # pull: 6132 (PR title: Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.2 to 1.3) # pull: 6133 (PR title: Fix a `SE_BAD_FIELD` SpotBugs violation in `Job`) # pull: 6134 (PR title: Mark `PollingResult` as `SerializableOnlyOverRemoting`) # pull: 6135 (PR title: Fix `RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED_BAD_PRACTICE` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6136 (PR title: Remove dubious warning suppressions) # pull: 6137 (PR title: `ParametersTest` flaked on Windows) # pull: 6138 (PR title: Remove trailing whitespace) # pull: 6139 (PR title: Bump frontend-maven-plugin from 1.12.0 to 1.12.1) # pull: 6141 (PR title: Fix remaining `MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6142 (PR title: Fix `DMI_RANDOM_USED_ONLY_ONCE` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6144 (PR title: Fix `NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6145 (PR title: Removed unused class which got moved to stapler a long time ago) # pull: 6147 (PR title: Consistent indentation with spaces rather than tabs) # pull: 6148 (PR title: Fill in some deprecation TODOs) # pull: 6149 (PR title: Enable whitespace-related Checkstyle checks) # pull: 6155 (PR title: Update caniuse db) - version: '2.329' date: 2022-01-08 changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 6164 issue: 67470 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-67470] Extend shading of Tyrus WebSocket client" message: |- Fix ClassNotFoundException: io.jenkins.cli.shaded.org.w3c.dom.Node when using JAXB. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6162 issue: 67515 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-67515] Fix vertical icon alignment for build status in M and S icon sizes" message: |- Fix vertical icon alignment for build status in medium (M) and small (S) icon sizes. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6161 authors: - basil pr_title: Begin migration to Jakarta Annotations message: |- Developer: The javax.annotation.Generated, javax.annotation.ManagedBean, javax.annotation.PostConstruct, javax.annotation.PreDestroy, javax.annotation.Priority, javax.annotation.Resource, javax.annotation.Resources, javax.annotation.security.DeclareRoles, javax.annotation.security.DenyAll, javax.annotation.security.PermitAll, javax.annotation.security.RolesAllowed, javax.annotation.security.RunAs, javax.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition, and javax.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions annotations have been deprecated in favor of the equivalent classes in the jakarta.annotation package. Plugin developers should migrate to the Jakarta Annotations version of each of the above annotations. # pull: 6098 (PR title: Fix more `DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING` SpotBugs violations) # pull: 6128 (PR title: Stop spamming logs when retrieving AdminWhitelistRule) # pull: 6150 (PR title: Use explicit character set in tests) # pull: 6154 (PR title: Remove `UG_SYNC_SET_UNSYNC_GET` SpotBugs exclusions) # pull: 6156 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1627.v5c244c19f85f to 1635.vb_0ddedb_739f2) # pull: 6157 (PR title: Generalize compatibility warning for compatibleSince) # pull: 6158 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.69 to 1.70) # pull: 6159 (PR title: Bump mailer from 1.34 to 391.ve4a_38c1b_cf4b_) # pull: 6160 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1674.v3b8b1441e939 to 1682.v4a_71b_f124ca_3) # pull: 6166 (PR title: Do not use `javax.mail` for `doCheckAdminAddress`) # pull: 6167 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.18.0 to 2.19.0) # pull: 6168 (PR title: Bump jnr-posix from 3.1.14 to 3.1.15) # pull: 6169 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.19.0 to 2.19.1) # pull: 6170 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1118.vba21ca2e3286 to 1131.v8b_b_5eda_c328e) - version: '2.330' date: 2022-01-12 changes: - type: security message: Security fix. references: - url: /security/advisory/2022-01-12/ title: security advisory authors: - Kevin-CB - version: '2.331' date: 2022-01-21 changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 6172 issue: 67198 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-67198] Increase width of forms" message: |- Increase width of job configuration form on wide screens. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6151 authors: - zbynek pr_title: Unify labels in plugin manager message: |- Unify labels in plugin manager. Remove deprecated terminology labels from the Plugin Manager. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6165 authors: - jglick - basil pr_title: Detach JavaMail references: - pull: 6165 - url: https://github.com/javaee/javamail title: JavaMail - url: https://github.com/javaee/activation title: JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) message: |- The JavaMail and JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) libraries have been detached from Jenkins core into dedicated plugins. # pull: 6171 (PR title: Documentation is no longer in the wiki, so rephrase label) # pull: 6173 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1682.v4a_71b_f124ca_3 to 1690.vfcb_959006c07) # pull: 6173 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1682.v4a_71b_f124ca_3 to 1690.vfcb_959006c07) # pull: 6174 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.19.1 to 2.19.2) # pull: 6175 (PR title: `LazyBuildMixInTest#newRunningBuildRelationFromPrevious` flaked on Windows) # pull: 6176 (PR title: Bump antisamy-markup-formatter from 2.6 to 2.7) # pull: 6177 (PR title: Bump mailer from 391.ve4a_38c1b_cf4b_ to 408.vd726a_1130320) # pull: 6178 (PR title: Bump matrix-project from 1.19 to 1.20) # pull: 6182 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.19.2 to 2.20.0) # pull: 6183 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 1.7.32 to 1.7.33) # pull: 6190 (PR title: Fix Javadoc of SCM#requiresWorkspaceForPolling) # pull: 6194 (PR title: Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.15.0 to 5.17.6) - version: '2.332' date: 2022-01-24 changes: - type: bug category: regression pull: 6199 authors: - timja pr_title: Fix progress bar location message: |- Restore the location of the build progress bar (regression in 2.321). # pull: 6179 (PR title: Nullability annotations) # pull: 6185 (PR title: Merge back BuildAuthorizationTokenSEC2558Test) # pull: 6189 (PR title: Confirm that UMOMNEE2 is translated to UMOMNEE in legacy API) # pull: 6196 (PR title: Fix UtilTest#createDirectoriesInRoot() on mac) - version: '2.333' date: 2022-01-31 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6228 authors: - basil pr_title: Notify `systemd(1)` about start-up completion and other service status changes message: |- Startup completion notification is available with systemd(1). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6180 issue: 67674 authors: - Wadeck - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-67674] Update bundled dependencies after the advisory" references: - pull: 6180 - issue: 67674 - url: /security/advisory/2022-01-12/ title: 2022-01-12 security advisory message: |- Update the bundled Mailer Plugin from 1.32.1 to 408.vd726a_1130320. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6180 issue: 67674 authors: - Wadeck - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-67674] Update bundled dependencies after the advisory" references: - pull: 6180 - issue: 67674 - url: /security/advisory/2022-01-12/ title: 2022-01-12 security advisory message: |- Update the bundled Matrix Project Plugin from 1.18 to 1.20. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5778 authors: - janfaracik - basil pr_title: Remove assets that have been replaced with SVG versions message: |- Remove images from core that have been replaced by SVG images. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6203 issue: 56057 authors: - timja pr_title: JENKINS-56057 Support update site warnings with Configuration as Code message: |- Update site warnings can now be configured with Configuration as Code. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6209 authors: - basil pr_title: "EOL support for JRuby" references: - url: /blog/2021/12/22/deprecated-ruby-runtime/ title: Deprecating non-Java plugins blog post message: |- Remove support for plugins written in Ruby. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6193 issue: 67635 authors: - NivKeidan pr_title: JENKINS-67635 consider agent label expressions when applying trimLabels message: |- Launch only one agent to satisfy cloud agent requests that use label expressions. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6230 authors: - basil pr_title: Jenkins should terminate cleanly on `SIGTERM` message: |- Run cleanup before terminating the controller process due to a Unix TERM signal. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6225 issue: 67627 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-67627] Have expandable text boxes expand into multiple lines" message: |- Correctly render expandable text boxes into multiple lines (regression in 2.197 and 2.176.4). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6184 issue: 67496 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-67496] Drag & drop is messed up, drag placeholders always have tiny size" message: |- Keep the same height when dragging and dropping a component (regression in 2.277). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6206 issue: 67662 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-67662] Do not show wrong feature name in tooltips" message: |- Show correct feature name in tooltips of help links (regression in 2.179). - type: bug category: bug issue: 56911 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-56911] Debian package postinst script does not support group names with spaces" references: - issue: 56911 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/pull/268 title: pull 268 (packaging) message: |- Support group names with spaces in the deb package. - type: bug category: bug authors: - basil pr_title: "Drop dependency on daemon(1) in .deb packages" references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/pull/261 title: pull 261 (packaging) message: |- Remove requirement for daemon in deb packages. - type: bug category: bug authors: - basil pr_title: "Drop daemonize dependency" references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/pull/248 title: pull 248 (packaging) message: |- Remove requirement for daemonize in RPM packages. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6231 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump XStream from 1.4.18 to 1.4.19 references: - pull: 6231 - url: https://x-stream.github.io/changes.html#1.4.19 title: XStream 1.4.19 changelog - url: https://x-stream.github.io/CVE-2021-43859.html title: XStream CVE-2021-43859 message: |- Upgrade the XStream library from 1.4.18 to 1.4.19. Addresses the CVE-2021-43859 security vulnerability when unmarshalling highly recursive collections or maps causing a Denial of Service. # pull: 6191 (PR title: Prevent one redirect in `AsynchPeople`) # pull: 6204 (PR title: Add test to confirm bundled plugins don't have active warnings) # pull: 6205 (PR title: Remove `publish-over-ssh` from setup wizard suggestions) # pull: 6207 (PR title: Bump `matrix-auth` from 3.0 to 3.0.1) # pull: 6208 (PR title: Bump `mockito-inline` from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0) # pull: 6212 (PR title: deflake Security400Test#ensureDoStopStillReachable) # pull: 6213 (PR title: Bump mockito-inline from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1) # pull: 6214 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1682.v4a_71b_f124ca_3 to 1692.v0a_3884e172a_4) # pull: 6215 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1638.v229a_24fa_b_17c to 1642.ve454c4518974) # pull: 6216 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 1.7.33 to 1.7.35) # pull: 6217 (PR title: Clean up imports) # pull: 6218 (PR title: Bump xmlunit.version from 2.8.4 to 2.9.0) # pull: 6220 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1692.v0a_3884e172a_4 to 1697.v6b_1e34cb_4ee6) # pull: 6221 (PR title: leave link to JENKINS-67681) # pull: 6224 (PR title: [JEP-7] Comment updates after removing JRuby support) # pull: 6226 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1697.v6b_1e34cb_4ee6 to 1698.vc58b_4e102e41) # pull: 6227 (PR title: Exclude newer versions of `tyrus-standalone-client-jdk` that require Java 11) # pull: 6232 (PR title: Bump Checkstyle from 9.2.1 to 9.3) # pull: packaging#269 (PR title: [JENKINS-50986] Change JENKINS_USER and then Update Permissions of /var/cache/jenkins) # pull: packaging#252 (PR title: Drop support for migrating from Hudson) - version: '2.334' date: 2022-02-09 changes: - type: security message: Security fix. references: - url: /security/advisory/2022-02-09/ title: security advisory authors: - Wadeck - type: bug category: bug authors: - basil references: - issue: 67724 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/pull/278 title: pull 278 (packaging) message: |- Allow Debian package to start when JAVA_ARGS contains spaces. - version: '2.335' date: 2022-02-15 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 5923 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Modernise form components message: |- Modernise form components. - type: rfe category: rfe issue: 41218 authors: - basil message: |- Switch Linux installers from System V init to systemd. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6262 authors: - dependabot[bot] - basil pr_title: Winstone 5.22 - Bump Jetty from 9.4.43.v20210629 to 9.4.45.v20220203 references: - pull: 6262 - issue: 66379 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.22 title: Winstone 5.22 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.45.v20220203 title: Jetty 9.4.45 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/pull/200 title: Winstone PR-200 message: |- Winstone 5.22 - Update Jetty from 9.4.43.v20210629 to 9.4.45.v20220203. Append to log file rather than truncating it (Winstone PR-200). Write log file and access logs in UTF-8 encoding rather than default encoding (Winstone PR-200). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6273 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "Update Manage Jenkins icons plugins icon now shows how many updates are available" message: |- Update "Manage Jenkins" icons and controls. The plugins icon now shows how many updates are available. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6254 issue: 67742 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-67742] Replace computer-flash gif" message: |- Replace the computer-flash GIF icon with the hourglass icon. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5901 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Adapt to jenkinsci/remoting#490 references: - pull: 5901 - url: /doc/developer/security/remoting-callables/ title: Remoting callables documentation message: |- Remove support for RoleChecker#check(RoleSensitive) calls which were added again in Jenkins 2.319. All remoting Callable implementations need to perform an actual role check as documented. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6186 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Add support for Ionicons (symbols) to and components message: |- Several icons across Jenkins have been updated - the build icon, the delete icon, the settings icon, the about icon and the plugin icon. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6247 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Utilize new tables on fingerprints and expired tokens view message: |- Use modern table design for "Recorded Fingerprints" and "Legacy API Tokens" tables. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6259 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Polish forms components and split out CSS files message: |- Minor form and spacing changes. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6248 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Update table styling and spacing message: |- Update table styling and spacing with small table UI tweaks. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6228 authors: - basil pr_title: Notify `systemd(1)` about start-up completion and other service status changes message: |- Startup completion notification is available with systemd(1). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6241 authors: - daeho-ro pr_title: Update the internationalization of the build icon description for Korean message: |- Update the Korean internationalization for build icon descriptions. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6237 authors: - basil pr_title: Extend startup notification timeout as each initialization milestone is attained message: |- Extend startup notification timeout as each initialization milestone is attained. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6261 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: "[JENKINS-67000] Bump remoting from 4.11.2 to 4.12" references: - pull: 5983 - issue: 67000 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.12 title: Remoting 4.12 changelog message: |- Update remoting from 4.11.2 to 4.12 to allow Java web start agents to connect (regression in 2.318). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6264 issue: 67753 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: '[JENKINS-67753] Overwrite "grey" balls with modern build status' message: |- Overwrite grey balls icon with the modern "not built" status. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6245 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-67722] Fix `/configure` link on custom log recorders" message: |- Link the log recorder configure button to the associated log recorder (regression in 2.322). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6233 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-67609] Deduplicate help button question mark" message: |- Render the question mark on the new help button only once so that it is not shown twice, even while using different themes. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6234 issue: 67689 authors: - timja pr_title: JENKINS-67689 Don't hide cancel button with long build names message: |- Truncate long build names again (regression in 2.332). - type: bug category: bug issue: 31656 authors: - basil message: |- Return zero from RPM init script on successful stop. - type: bug category: bug issue: 55696 authors: - basil message: |- Do not print Java version message from Debian installer when correct Java version is detected. - type: bug category: bug issue: 56219 authors: - basil message: |- Restart systemd service when the controller exits unexpectedly. - type: bug category: bug issue: 65809 authors: - basil message: |- Restart the Jenkins service after plugin updates on Debian 11 (bullseye). - type: bug category: bug issue: 67404 authors: - basil message: |- Do not fail startup with timeout on systems with slow DNS resolution. Rely on the Jenkins process to check for port availability rather than using a separate shell function. - type: bug category: bug issue: 67487 authors: - basil message: |- Correctly report startup result on Amazon Linux 2 installed with the rpm package. # Installer issues that may be resolved by switch from System V init to systemd # - type: bug # category: bug # issue: 46020 # authors: # - basil # message: |- # Honor the value of the JAVA variable set in the Linux installation configuration file. # - type: bug # category: bug # issue: 51888 # authors: # - basil # message: |- # Do not overwrite PID file when multiple Jenkins installations are running from a single Linux installation. # - type: bug # category: bug # issue: 54588 # authors: # - basil # message: |- # Do not restart Jenkins service when Linux installation configuration has disabled restart. # - type: bug # category: bug # issue: 55053 # authors: # - basil # message: |- # Return non-zero exit code from systemctl start if JENKINS_HOME directory does not exist. # pull: 6242 (PR title: Remove unused deprecated method from `Listeners`) # pull: 6243 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.20.0 to 2.20.1) # pull: 6246 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.53 to 1.55) # pull: 6250 (PR title: Clean up Javadoc for Java 17) # pull: 6251 (PR title: Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.17.6 to 5.18.0) # pull: 6253 (PR title: Add a reminder to have Restricted or at-since in new public stuff) # pull: 6256 (PR title: Fix typo in event-debug.js) # pull: 6257 (PR title: Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.18.0 to 5.18.1) # pull: 6260 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1698.vc58b_4e102e41 to 1700.v6d3cd3101b_12) # pull: 6263 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 1.7.35 to 1.7.36) # pull: 6265 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.20.1 to 2.20.2) # pull: 6266 (PR title: Merge back test for 2022-02-09 release) # pull: 6268 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.70 to 1.71) # pull: 6269 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1700.v6d3cd3101b_12 to 1705.va_296493db_feb_) # pull: 6270 (PR title: Reduce usages of `StringUtils`) # pull: 6271 (PR title: Fixed some deprecation warnings in tests) # pull: 6272 (PR title: Deprecate `Util.copyFile()`) - version: '2.336' date: 2022-02-21 changes: - type: bug category: regression pull: 6289 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Fix broken script- and console icon in agent view message: |- Restore missing computer icon in the "System Information" view of an agent (regression in 2.335). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6288 issue: 67847 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-67847] booleanRadio button is not shown correctly" message: |- Place text correctly on boolean radio controls (regression in 2.335). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6286 issue: 67823 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-67823] Don't append leading slash to foreign icons" message: |- Don't add leading slash to foreign icons (regression in 2.335). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6287 issue: 67797 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Don't show status tooltip on nobuilt jobs message: |- Don't show build status on jobs that are not yet built (regression in 2.321). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6283 issue: 67837 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-67837] Restore labeled agents view" message: |- Use icon of the correct size in list of agents with a specific label (regression in 2.335). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6282 issue: 67828 authors: - timja pr_title: JENKINS-67828 Don't prepend icon if it's already there message: |- Don't prepend icon when it's already there. Resolves missing icons in some cases (regression in 2.335). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6280 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Register help icon again message: |- Restore missing help icon (regression in 2.335). # pull: 5979 (PR title: Remove JNR) # pull: 5979 (PR title: Remove JNR) # pull: 6279 (PR title: Add selector for theme manager preview) # pull: 6281 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.17 to 6.688.vfc7a_a_69059e0) # pull: 6284 (PR title: Add a full stop to the end of the Manage Users button description in the Manage Jenkins page) # pull: 6292 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.20.2 to 2.21.0) # pull: 6293 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1705.va_296493db_feb_ to 1706.v5257fc59612a_) # pull: 6294 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.688.vfc7a_a_69059e0 to 6.708.ve61636eb_65a_5) - version: '2.337' date: 2022-02-28 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6298 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Remove the 'cloud configuration has moved to a separate configuration page' notice message: |- Remove the 'cloud configuration has moved to a separate configuration page' notice. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6295 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: 'Update form bottom button bar appearance ' message: |- Update the appearance of the button bar at the bottom of forms. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6311 authors: - timja - basil pr_title: Persist changes made to boolean radio controls message: |- Persist changes made to boolean radio controls (regression in 2.336). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6305 issue: 67885 authors: - jtnord pr_title: "[JENKINS-67885] update the bundled `display-url-api` plugin" message: |- Update bundled Display URL API plugin to prevent issues starting the mailer plugin for offline installations. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6296 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Don't drop colors on active links message: |- Keep colors when interacting with ionicons as link icon. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6297 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump Spring Security from 5.6.1 to 5.6.2 references: - pull: 6297 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.6.2 title: Spring project spring-security 5.6.2 release notes message: |- Developer: Upgrade Spring Security from 5.6.1 (released on December 20, 2021) to 5.6.2 (released on February 21, 2022). # pull: 6290 (PR title: refactor: translation-tool.pl code formatting with perltidy) # pull: 6300 (PR title: Add TimeZoneProperty getter) # pull: 6301 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1131.v8b_b_5eda_c328e to 1138.v8e727069a_025) # pull: 6309 (PR title: Remove unused Brazilian Portuguese localizations) # pull: 6313 (PR title: Clarify that the changelog entry should be in the imperative mood) # pull: 6314 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1138.v8e727069a_025 to 1140.vf967fb_efa_55a_) - version: '2.338' date: 2022-03-08 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6229 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Use modern icons in workspace view of a job message: |- Use modern icons at the workspace view. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6319 authors: - glasswalk3r pr_title: Add Brazilian Portuguese translation property files message: |- Add Brazilian Portuguese translation property files. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6323 authors: - basil pr_title: Remove JNR references: - pull: 6323 - url: https://github.com/jnr title: Java Native Runtime project message: |- Remove the Java Native Runtime (JNR) library from Jenkins core. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6342 authors: - basil pr_title: Stop overemphasizing console logs message: |- Stop overemphasizing console logs (regression in 2.335). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6340 issue: 67965 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-67965] Fix checkbox focus state" message: |- Support focus state on checkboxes (regression in 2.335). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6341 issue: 67858 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: JENKINS-67858 Place ionicons at the same height as their associated text message: |- Place icons at the same height as their associated text (regression in 2.335). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6291 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Replace "unavailable" ionicon with a fixed size message: |- Replace the "unavailable ionicon" icon by a smaller "x". - type: bug category: bug pull: 6338 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-64435] Don't show two console boxes when rendering the log file" message: |- Show only one console box when viewing the build log (regression in 2.335 and 2.226). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6329 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump Remoting from 4.12 to 4.13 references: - pull: 6329 - issue: 66446 - issue: 67928 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/remoting-4.13 title: Remoting 4.13 changelog message: |- Allow agent reconnects on Java 11 and websocket. Prevent infinite loop in case of a closed SSL connection. Upgrade from Remoting 4.12 to 4.13. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6315 issue: 66446 authors: - jglick - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-66446] Adjust class loading behavior of `JnlpSlaveRestarterInstaller`" message: |- Ensure inbound agent restart logic is applied. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6310 authors: - zbynek pr_title: Allow missing logger name in log viewer message: |- Display log entries with missing logger names in the log viewer. - type: bug category: bug authors: - JPRuskin pr_title: Fixes MSI Parameters Port and InstallDir references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/pull/287 title: pull 287 (packaging) message: |- Honor MSI installer parameter values for PORT and INSTALLDIR. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6317 authors: - glasswalk3r pr_title: Refactor `translation-tool.pl` message: |- Developer: Add a --debug option to the translation tool to help in troubleshooting. Improve the readability of the translation tool command-line interface (CLI). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6322 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump Guava from 31.0.1 to 31.1 references: - pull: 6322 - url: https://github.com/google/guava/releases/tag/v31.1 title: Guava 31.1 changelog message: |- Developer: Upgrade the Guava library from 31.0.1 (released September 27, 2021) to 31.1 (released February 28, 2022). # pull: 6285 (PR title: `node` tag is updated to say `built-in` instead of `builtin`) # pull: 6318 (PR title: Ignore Checkstyle 10.0 and later) # pull: 6320 (PR title: Bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3) # pull: 6321 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.0.1 to 3.1) # pull: 6324 (PR title: Fix typo in datasource-debug.js) # pull: 6325 (PR title: Add annotations as documented) # pull: 6326 (PR title: Apply Perltidy to `translation-tool.pl`) # pull: 6327 (PR title: Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.3.1 to 3) # pull: 6328 (PR title: Bugfix/orphan pt_BR properties) # pull: 6330 (PR title: Bump Awaitility from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0) # pull: 6331 (PR title: Update javadoc @since for API additions) - version: '2.339' date: 2022-03-15 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5928 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: Update winstone to 5.24 references: - pull: 5928 - issue: 66379 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.23 title: Winstone 5.23 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.24 title: Winstone 5.24 changelog message: |- Winstone 5.24 - Add an option to write the listening port to a file. Remove automatic self signed certificate if TLS is specified but no keystore - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6350 issue: 67953 authors: - strangelookingnerd pr_title: JENKINS-67953 Unavailable plugin label is not themeable message: |- Make "Unavailable" label in plugin manager theme-able - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6356 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-67992] Add `Add-Opens` entry to `MANIFEST.MF`" message: |- Support Java 17 without --add-opens command-line options. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6359 issue: 67995 authors: - basil pr_title: '[JENKINS-67995] `SystemdLifecycle` logging "Operation not permitted" calling `sd_notify(3)` during startup' message: |- Remove unnecessary log spam when starting Jenkins under systemd on Debian 11 (regression in 2.333 and 2.332.1). - type: bug category: bug authors: - basil issue: 68007 pr_title: Prefer --httpPort from JENKINS_ARGS over HTTP_PORT when the two differ references: - issue: 68007 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/pull/296 title: pull 296 (packaging) message: |- Prefer --httpPort from JENKINS_ARGS over HTTP_PORT when the two differ. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6343 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Improve appearance of the changeset box (regression in 2.335) message: |- Improve appearance of the changeset box (regression in 2.335). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6344 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Don't cut off letters on the changeset view message: |- Prevent multiline letters from being cut off on the changeset view tab. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6334 issue: 67602 authors: - blackliner pr_title: "[JENKINS-67602] Skip corrupted fingerprint files" message: |- Skip corrupted fingerprint files. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6345 authors: - basil pr_title: Deprecate `PosixException` in favor of `IOException` message: |- Deprecate PosixException in favor of IOException. # pull: 6332 (PR title: Search for `@since` only in specific source files) # pull: 6335 (PR title: Minor improvements in fixing deprecation warnings and removed obsolete throws) # pull: 6346 (PR title: Update Brazilian Portuguese translations) # pull: 6347 (PR title: Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.18.1 to 5.19.0) # pull: 6348 (PR title: Bump mockito-inline from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0) # pull: 6349 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1706.v5257fc59612a_ to 1712.v68cd645cb_f35) # pull: 6353 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.55 to 1.56) # pull: 6354 (PR title: Bump matrix-project from 1.20 to 758.v7a_ea_491852f3) # pull: 6357 (PR title: Sort dependencies) # pull: 6362 (PR title: Miscellaneous code cleanup) # pull: 6365 (PR title: Remove `-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8` from Surefire JVM arguments) # pull: 6366 (PR title: Remove unneeded Javadoc workarounds) # pull: 6367 (PR title: Remove `japicmp`) # pull: 6368 (PR title: Forward compatibility with Java 17 Javadoc generation) # pull: 6369 (PR title: Remove obsolete workaround for SUREFIRE-1588) # pull: 6370 (PR title: Restore original method signature of `CLICommand#getClientCharset`) # pull: 6371 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.71 to 1.72) # pull: 6372 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1712.v68cd645cb_f35 to 1721.v385389722736) - version: '2.340' date: 2022-03-22 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6307 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Replace Tango icons with Jenkins Symbols message: |- Update icons. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6364 authors: - basil pr_title: Add Java 17 to build/test matrix message: |- Run core test suite on Java 17. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6381 issue: 68037 authors: - Langer0416 pr_title: '[JENKINS-68037] "Add to view" checkbox is placed higher than the button next to it' message: |- Vertically align the checkbox with the button in the new item page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6084 issue: 67396 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-67396] Update link and breadcrumb dropdowns" message: |- Update link and breadcrumb dropdowns. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6382 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Fix bad encoding of security warnings in French message: |- Fix bad encoding of security warnings in French showing special characters. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6376 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump Stapler from 1642.ve454c4518974 to 1666.v0275e61a_9874 references: - pull: 6376 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/stapler/pull/322 title: pull 322 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/stapler/releases/tag/1666.v0275e61a_9874 title: Stapler 1666.v0275e61a_9874 changelog message: |- Fail fast when the frontend sends an invalid class name. Upgrade Stapler from 1642.ve454c4518974 to 1666.v0275e61a_9874. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6351 issue: 67713 authors: - Langer0416 pr_title: '[JENKINS-67713] Align Polling Log "View as plain text" link with sidepanel' message: |- Move Polling Log "View as plain text" link to side panel. # pull: 6337 (PR title: Add getter for temp offline cause of nodes for plugins) # pull: 6363 (PR title: Don't overflow on longer build names) # pull: 6373 (PR title: Assumptions in `XStream2EncodingTest` are not correctly implemented) # pull: 6374 (PR title: Remove `NodeListTest`) # pull: 6375 (PR title: Remove redundant profile) # pull: 6377 (PR title: Document tag) # pull: 6378 (PR title: Eliminate mocks from `ViewTest`) # pull: 6383 (PR title: Stop serializing locks in `NodeProvisionerTest`) # pull: 6384 (PR title: Support Java 17 in `Security637Test`) # pull: 6385 (PR title: [JENKINS-67602] Recover from fingerprint corruption earlier) # pull: 6387 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1140.vf967fb_efa_55a_ to 1145.vb_cf6cf6ed960) # pull: 6388 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1721.v385389722736 to 1723.vcd938b_e66072) # pull: 6390 (PR title: Bump display-url-api from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6) # pull: 6391 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.708.ve61636eb_65a_5 to 6.714.v79e858ef76a_2) # pull: 6393 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1666.v0275e61a_9874 to 1669.v95a_4b_919a_b_a_2) - version: '2.341' date: 2022-03-29 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6395 issue: 68137 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: JENKINS-68137 - Enable custom icon symbols for plugins message: |- Developers can now use custom symbols in their plugins (link to Symbols docs) - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6403 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Don't show delete build button if build is marked to be kept message: |- Hide "Delete build '#'" button if "Keep this build forever" is selected. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5836 issue: 65928 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-65928-2] Job trend page use previous icon color for trend graph" message: |- Use new color in trend graph. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6394 authors: - kimsehwan96 pr_title: Add more Korean translation (improve) message: |- Add more Korean translations. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6386 authors: - kevinlin18 pr_title: Add Traditional Chinese translation property files message: |- Add Traditional Chinese translation property files. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6101 issue: 67237 authors: - Si-So pr_title: "[JENKINS-67237] BuildTrigger waits until the dependency graph has been updated" message: |- When triggering a new build while the build graph is currently being re-computed, jenkins waits for the re-computation to finish. This guarantees that recently updated build triggers are executed. - type: rfe category: bug pull: 6400 issue: 67967 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: '[JENKINS-67967] "View build information" is not readonly' message: |- Make "View build information" pages readonly for users who don't have permission. # pull: 6392 (PR title: Remove `java.util.concurrent` from `--add-opens` list) # pull: 6396 (PR title: Fill in `@since todo` annotations for the past releases) # pull: 6404 (PR title: Bump metainf-services from 1.8 to 1.9) # pull: 6406 (PR title: Use Eclipse Temurin, not AdoptOpenJDK in publish artifact action) # pull: 6407 (PR title: Bump jna from 5.10.0 to 5.11.0) # pull: 6410 (PR title: Update SCM URLs) - version: '2.342' date: 2022-04-04 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5417 authors: - jglick pr_title: Use `f:dropdownDescriptorSelector` for `securityRealm` & `authorizationStrategy` message: |- Change formatting in the "Configure Security" screen. f:dropdownDescriptorSelector now honors help.html for the selected descriptor. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6422 authors: - basil pr_title: Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.16 to 5.3.18 references: - pull: 6422 - url: https://spring.io/projects/spring-framework title: Spring Framework - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v5.3.17 title: Spring project spring-framework 5.3.17 release notes - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v5.3.18 title: Spring project spring-framework 5.3.18 release notes - url: https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2022-22965 title: CVE-2022-22965 - url: /blog/2022/03/31/spring-rce-CVE-2022-22965/ title: Spring vulnerability CVE-2022-22965 does not affect Jenkins core message: |- Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.16 to 5.3.18 (released on March 31, 2022). This release of Spring Framework addresses the security vulnerability CVE-2022-22965. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6411 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Miscellaneous modernization cleanup message: |- Miscellaneous polishing of various components. - type: rfe category: rfe authors: - slide issue: 68170 pr_title: "[JENKINS-68170] Show warning dialog if Java 8 is selected" references: - issue: 68170 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/pull/306 title: pull 306 (packaging) message: |- Show warning dialog if Java 8 is selected in Windows installer. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6402 issue: 64299 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-64299] Fix medium load statistics time series" message: |- Extend the medium length load statistics to cover 2 days instead of 1. Sometimes the data for the time period was not displayed correctly (regression in 2.204). # pull: 6413 (PR title: Adds PR labels definitions to contribution guide) # pull: 6415 (PR title: Bump maven-shade-plugin from 3.2.4 to 3.3.0) # pull: 6416 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.21.0 to 2.22.0) # pull: 6418 (PR title: Bump version-number from 1.9 to 1.10) # pull: 6419 (PR title: Remove mention of how to parse with Python < 2.6) # pull: 6427 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.56 to 1.57) # pull: 6428 (PR title: Use major version of GitHub Actions) # pull: 6431 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1723.vcd938b_e66072 to 1731.v383b_5d6c3393) # pull: 6432 (PR title: Upgrade build toolchain) # pull: 6433 (PR title: Fix typo in dragdrop-debug.js) # pull: 6436 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.57 to 1.58) - version: '2.343' date: 2022-04-12 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 6449 issue: 68122 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68122] Avoid deadlock involving `RingBufferLogHandler.LogRecordRef` class loading (III)" message: |- Avoid a deadlock between agent class loading and logging. - type: major bug category: regression pull: 6447 issue: 67237 authors: - MarkEWaite pr_title: Revert "`BuildTrigger` waits until the dependency graph has been updated (#6101)" message: |- Run downstream jobs (regression in 2.341). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6255 issue: 67744 authors: - mawinter69 - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-67744] make agent availability help more flexible" message: |- Improve agent availability help. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4579 issue: 50211 authors: - stellargo - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-50211] Reject connections from agents with unsupported Remoting versions" message: |- Reject connections from agents with unsupported Remoting versions. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5459 issue: 40700 authors: - Aki-7 - oleg-nenashev - basil pr_title: "[FIX JENKINS-40700] Display communication protocol in agent logs" message: |- Display communication protocol in agent logs. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6452 issue: 68055 authors: - res0nance pr_title: "[JENKINS-68055] retain label expressions when trimming labels" message: |- Preserve load statistics data for label expressions. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6303 issue: 67846 authors: - frankie699 - frankie139506 pr_title: "[JENKINS-67846] Icon alignment of build status is wrong" message: |- Fix the position of icon and text (regression in 2.335). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6456 authors: - basil pr_title: Stop builds in the order supplied message: |- Stop builds in the order they are provided from the CLI. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6435 issue: 68188 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-68188] Preview feature of isn't disabled when readOnlyMode is set" message: |- Hide textarea preview when the field is read only. # pull: 6116 (PR title: Removed legacy hudson update site logic) # pull: 6405 (PR title: [JENKINS-68121] Line under the "URL Copy" is out of place) # pull: 6437 (PR title: Bump asm.version from 9.2 to 9.3) # pull: 6438 (PR title: Enable unit test to work on non-EN locales) # pull: 6439 (PR title: Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.7 to 0.8.8) # pull: 6441 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1731.v383b_5d6c3393 to 1736.vc72c458c5103) # pull: 6443 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.22.0 to 2.22.1) # pull: 6448 (PR title: Add some nullability annotations) # pull: 6451 (PR title: Remove calls to fireBottomStickerAdjustEvent) # pull: 6453 (PR title: Improve queue restart tests) # pull: 6454 (PR title: Remove unnecessary shutdown hook) - version: '2.344' date: 2022-04-18 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6473 issue: 68284 authors: - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-68284] Modernise log recorder pages" message: |- Modernise log recorder pages. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6202 issue: 61985 authors: - timja pr_title: JENKINS-61985 Support 'myView' with configuration as code message: |- Allow setting a user's primary view via configuration as code. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6276 authors: - NotMyFault - basil pr_title: Add dropdown to user cause trigger message: |- Add a dropdown menu to the build trigger if it is instantiated by a user. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6480 issue: 68276 authors: - jtnord pr_title: "[JENKINS-68276] Upgrade bundled Jackson 2 API plugin from 2.12.0 to" references: - issue: 68276 - pull: 6480 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jackson2-api-plugin/releases title: Jackson 2 API plugin changelogs message: |- Upgrade bundled Jackson 2 API plugin from 2.12.0 to - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6474 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.18 to 5.3.19 references: - pull: 6474 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v5.3.19 title: Spring Framework 5.3.19 changelog message: |- Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.18 (released on March 31, 2022) to 5.3.19 (released on April 13, 2022). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6442 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Use the `jenkins-input` class in more locations message: |- Use modern form inputs in Plugin Manager, login form, and setup wizard. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6222 issue: 24513 authors: - timja pr_title: Revert [JENKINS-24513] Add access control for builds admin monitor message: |- Remove warning that recommends use of the Authorize project plugin. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6455 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Add "copy to clipboard" button to the script console output message: |- Add a "copy to clipboard" button to the script console output. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6457 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Align shutdown banner, starvation and add a sidepanel to the plugin uninstallation view message: |- Align shutdown banner with other top banners, align executor starvation icon with other build widget icons, and add a side panel to the plugin uninstallation view. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6464 authors: - mawinter69 pr_title: Use `f:dropdownDescriptorSelector` for agent launcher message: |- Improve the display of help text for agent launch methods. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6468 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Remove `html.jelly` in favor of `layout.jelly` message: |- Remove the html.jelly template in favor of the more feature-rich layout.jelly template. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6486 issue: 68277 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-68277] Fix not being able to disable a plugin when dependent plugins are disabled" message: |- Allow plugins to be disabled even when dependent plugins are disabled (regression in 2.325). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6481 issue: 68129 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-68129] Fix dropdown chevrons not separating links and overflowing" message: |- Fix dropdown chevrons not separating links and overflowing (regression in 2.340). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6482 issue: 68270 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-68270] Fix third party weather icons in table view" message: |- Fix third party weather icons in the table view (regression in 2.341). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6479 issue: 68103 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-68103] Fix build progress bar not taking the user to console output" message: |- Clicking the build progress bar again takes the user to the console output (regression in 2.340). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6476 issue: 67849 authors: - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-67849] Correct icon resolution for remote icons" message: |- Correct icon resolution for remote icons (regression in 2.335). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6483 issue: 68260 authors: - zbynek pr_title: "[JENKINS-68260] Allow filtering updates by plugin ID" message: |- Allow filtering updates in plugin manager by plugin ID (regression in 2.320). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6484 issue: 67933 authors: - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-67933] Move plugin manager search bar back to middle" message: |- Move plugin manager search bar back to middle (regression in 2.325). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6475 issue: 51913 authors: - basil - 'TODO: Greg Swift (gswift@newrelic.com)' pr_title: "[JENKINS-51913] Prevent `archiveArtifacts` from displaying a stack trace when no artifacts are found" message: |- Do not print a stack trace when archiveArtifact does not find a file. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6461 issue: 67962 authors: - Langer0416 pr_title: '[JENKINS-67962]The giant "No builds" message is shown even with a pending build' message: |- Hide "No builds" when there is a pending build. # pull: 5748 (PR title: Replaced usage of deprecated static field `DESCRIPTOR` and added `NoExternalUse`) # pull: 5825 (PR title: Enable JaCoCo code coverage) # pull: 6046 (PR title: Miscellaneous code cleanup) # pull: 6092 (PR title: Announce forthcoming requirement of Java 11) # pull: 6458 (PR title: Rewrite `update-since-todo.sh` in Python) # pull: 6465 (PR title: Russian misspelling correction) # pull: 6469 (PR title: Remove `msie.js`, `svgxuse.min.js` and CSS custom properties polyfill) # pull: 6471 (PR title: Remove invalid repeatable CSS) # pull: 6477 (PR title: Update domain for issues.jenkins.io in PR template) # pull: 6478 (PR title: Exchange issue tracker URL on PR template) # pull: 6487 (PR title: Bump executable-war from 2.3 to 2.4) # pull: 6488 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.58 to 1.59) - version: '2.345' date: 2022-04-25 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 5743 issue: 68293 authors: - jamesD33064 - timja - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68293] Login and signup page refresh" message: |- Refresh the login and signup page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6509 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Remove unnecessary padding around 'Build after other projects are built' radios message: |- Remove unnecessary padding around 'Build after other projects are built' radios. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 4688 issue: 62024 authors: - johnlinp - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-62024] Add quick filter box for dropdown lists in hetero-list" message: |- Add quick filter box for menus created by buttons. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6500 issue: 68291 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: '[JENKINS-68291] Plugin Manager ''Installed'' tab filter is not reset when clicking input "X" button' message: |- Plugin Manager 'Installed' tab filter now resets when clicking search clear button (regression in 2.325). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6380 issue: 68031 authors: - frankie699 pr_title: "[JENKINS-68031] Jenkins 2.0 style config form bottom border is cut off" message: |- Make bottom border visible in configure page (regression in 2.335). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6489 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Spring Security from 5.6.2 to 5.6.3 references: - pull: 6489 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.6.3 title: Spring project spring-security 5.6.3 release notes message: |- Developer: Upgrade Spring Security from 5.6.2 (released on February 21, 2022) to 5.6.3 (released on April 18, 2022). # pull: 6490 (PR title: Emphasize Jenkins project in idea) # pull: 6492 (PR title: Restore incrementals publishing) # pull: 6494 (PR title: Remove custom `MAVEN_OPTS` in favor of `.mvn/jvm.config`) # pull: 6495 (PR title: Remove pointless `JAVA_OPTS` variable) # pull: 6496 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1736.vc72c458c5103 to 1738.v649c72e3211b_) # pull: 6497 (PR title: Bump mockito-inline from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0) # pull: 6503 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.1 to 3.1.1) # pull: 6504 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1145.vb_cf6cf6ed960 to 1146.vdf547f19a_473) # pull: 6505 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.59 to 1.60) # pull: 6506 (PR title: Bump ant from 1.13 to 475.vf34069fef73c) # pull: 6507 (PR title: Bump mockito-inline from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1) # pull: 6508 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1146.vdf547f19a_473 to 1158.v7c1b_73a_69a_08) # pull: 6512 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.22.1 to 2.22.2) - version: '2.346' date: 2022-05-01 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6521 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Update search input clear button to respect user's theme message: |- Search input clear button now respects user's theme. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6519 issue: 68338 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68338] Credentials popup does not work in SSH Build Agents (regression in 2.344)" message: |- Restore functionality of credentials popup in SSH Build Agents (regression in 2.344). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6450 issue: 67237 authors: - Si-So pr_title: "[JENKINS-67237] BuildTrigger waits until the dependency graph has been updated - 2nd attempt" message: |- Wait for the computation to finish when triggering a new build while the build graph is being recomputed. This guarantees that recently updated build triggers are executed. # pull: 6513 (PR title: Clean up `Jenkinsfile`) # pull: 6515 (PR title: Bump structs from 308.v852b473a2b8c to 318.va_f3ccb_729b_71) # pull: 6517 (PR title: Bump javax-mail-api from 1.6.2-5 to 1.6.2-6) # pull: 6518 (PR title: Bump mailer from 408.vd726a_1130320 to 414.vcc4c33714601) # pull: 6520 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1738.v649c72e3211b_ to 1741.va_38664ed66c3) # pull: 6522 (PR title: Bump matrix-project from 758.v7a_ea_491852f3 to 771.v574584b_39e60) # pull: 6524 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.22.2 to 2.22.3) # pull: 6525 (PR title: Remove more references to JNDI) - version: '2.347' date: 2022-05-10 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6527 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Use new style checkboxes for plugin manager message: |- Use new style checkboxes for plugin manager. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6551 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Add syntax preview for user description message: |- Add syntax highlighting support to description at the user configuration page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6510 issue: 68286 authors: - ikedam pr_title: "[JENKINS-68286] Allow extra classes with " message: |- Allow extra CSS classes with <l:icon>. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6493 issue: 68042 authors: - Langer0416 - NotMyFault - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68042] Help button alignment is wrong if no object is present to place it on (regression in 2.320)" message: |- Fix the position of the help button when it is not directly attached to an object (regression in 2.320). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6534 issue: 68303 authors: - alecharp - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68303] Animate button when job already in queue" message: |- Fix indistinguishable build scheduling icon when the job is already in-queue (regression in 2.321). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6550 issue: 68537 authors: - timja - basil pr_title: Use Unicode escapes when properties files are both valid UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 message: |- Correct encoding for several localized strings. # pull: 6523 (PR title: Remove `requestAnimationFrame` polyfill ) # pull: 6528 (PR title: Fix invalid css in tabbar) # pull: 6529 (PR title: [JENKINS-68356] Icons and text contain misalignment and/or visual imbalance in /legend) # pull: 6533 (PR title: Add build number to `ParametersAction` log message) # pull: 6535 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1741.va_38664ed66c3 to 1746.v2b_3c5d1983b_e) # pull: 6536 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2) # pull: 6537 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.60 to 1.63) # pull: 6540 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.22.3 to 2.22.4) # pull: 6545 (PR title: Deprecate `Functions#getServerName`) # pull: 6548 (PR title: Bump executable-war from 2.4 to 2.5) - version: '2.348' date: 2022-05-17 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6566 authors: - timja pr_title: Update date for dropping Java 8 support in weekly line message: |- Announce Java 8 end of life for weekly line as June 21 2022 - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6571 authors: - basil pr_title: Use `URLClassLoader` by default message: |- Use native Java Platform functionality rather than Ant to load classes. The old behavior can be restored by setting -Dhudson.ClassicPluginStrategy.useAntClassLoader=true. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6565 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.19 to 5.3.20 references: - pull: 6565 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v5.3.20 title: Spring Framework 5.3.20 changelog - url: https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2022-22970 title: CVE-2022-22970 - url: https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2022-22971 title: CVE-2022-22971 message: |- Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.19 to 5.3.20. Spring Framework 5.3.20 includes 14 fixes and improvements. In addition, this releases include fixes for 2 vulnerabilities. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6543 issue: 51820 authors: - jglick - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-51820] Removing Java Web Start support" references: - pull: 6543 - url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Web_Start title: Java Web Start message: |- Remove Java Web Start support for launching inbound agents, along with the GUI mode, the platform-specific agent installers, and the JAR signature. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6555 authors: - jglick pr_title: Suppress more stack traces from `DefaultJnlpSlaveReceiver.channelClosed` message: |- Suppress some uninteresting stack traces related to closed agent channels. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6558 issue: 68200 authors: - MarkEWaite pr_title: "[JENKINS-68200] Winstone 5.25 - Bump Jetty from 9.4.45.v20220203 to 9.4.46.v20220331" references: - pull: 6558 - issue: 68200 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-5.25 title: Winstone 5.25 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.46.v20220331 title: Jetty 9.4.46 changelog message: |- Winstone 5.25 - Update Jetty from 9.4.45.v20220203 to 9.4.46.v20220331. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6549 issue: 20679 authors: - basil - timja pr_title: Revert JENKINS-20679 (support for plugin Java requirement metadata) message: |- Remove the ability for plugins to specify a minimum Java version. The minimum Java version of a plugin is always the same as the minimum Java version of the plugin's minimum core version. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6532 issue: 68381 authors: - mawinter69 - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-68381] allow to set id and style for l:icon with symbols" message: |- Allow setting an "id" and style attribute for l:icon in combination with symbols. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6556 issue: 68296 authors: - alecharp pr_title: "[JENKINS-68296] Restore actions icon lookup with size" message: |- Display icons searched without an icon size CSS value (regression in 2.341). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6554 issue: 68430 authors: - Langer0416 pr_title: "[JENKINS-68430] Underlined space in build executor status view" message: |- Use a space between the icon and the text in the build executor status view instead of an underline. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6538 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Add color override classes references: - pull: 6538 - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/design-library/ title: Design Library message: |- Developer: New series of colours and new range of semantic colours added. # pull: 6547 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.73 to 1.74) # pull: 6552 (PR title: Move Checkstyle configuration to a separate file) # pull: 6553 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1669.v95a_4b_919a_b_a_2 to 1685.v3b_5035c4ce05) # pull: 6557 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1746.v2b_3c5d1983b_e to 1751.v11e83a_ecfe14) # pull: 6560 (PR title: [JENKINS-68492] `javadoc:javadoc` can no longer be executed with `install`) # pull: 6561 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.22.4 to 2.22.5) # pull: 6563 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1751.v11e83a_ecfe14 to 1752.v86627a_c48d91) # pull: 6567 (PR title: [JENKINS-68531] Remove invalid translations of Java version monitor) # pull: 6573 (PR title: Remove element resize tracker JS) # pull: 6574 (PR title: EOL `msie.js`) # pull: 6580 (PR title: Bump executable-war from 2.5 to 2.6) - version: '2.349' date: 2022-05-23 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6581 issue: 68556 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: Remove SSH plugin from setup wizard message: |- Remove SSH Plugin from setup wizard plugin selection. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6591 issue: 68591 authors: - MarkEWaite pr_title: "[JENKINS-68591] Use new layout for remote class loader stats" message: |- Show remote class loader statistics of agents with new table layout. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6542 issue: 68205 authors: - Langer0416 - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68205] Strange line breaks on Firefox 91.8.0esr when Build History uses wbr within display: inline-flex (regression in 2.321)" message: |- Job name no longer separates randomly in the table on Firefox. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6582 issue: 68559 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: Update bundled plugins after 2022-05-17 security advisory references: - pull: 6582 - url: /security/advisory/2022-05-17/ title: 2022-05-17 security advisory message: |- Update bundled Script Security Plugin from 1.75 to v35f6a_0b_8207e Update bundled WMI Windows Agents Plugin from 1.0 to 1.8.1 - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6578 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Spring Security from 5.6.3 to 5.7.0 references: - pull: 6578 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.7.0 title: Spring project spring-security 5.7.0 release notes - pull: 6584 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.7.1 title: Spring project spring-security 5.7.1 release notes message: |- Upgrade Spring Security from 5.6.3 to 5.7.1. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6584 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1 references: - pull: 6584 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.7.1 title: Spring project spring-security 5.7.1 release notes message: |- Developer: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1. # pull: 6577 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.714.v79e858ef76a_2 to 6.722.v8165b_a_cf25e9) # pull: 6583 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1158.v7c1b_73a_69a_08 to 1172.v35f6a_0b_8207e) # pull: 6588 (PR title: Fix typo in `jstl-api` Dependabot exclusion) # pull: 6589 (PR title: Correct typo in servlet api dependabot exclusion) # pull: 6592 (PR title: Remove `jakarta.mail` from Dependabot configuration) # pull: 6593 (PR title: Use correct `Logger` import) # pull: 6594 (PR title: Upgrade `symbol-annotation` from 1.1 to 1.23) - version: '2.350' date: 2022-06-01 changes: - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6602 authors: - basil - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump executable-war from 2.6 to 2.7 message: |- Allow running on Java 17 without --enable-future-java. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6614 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Update font stack to use 'system-ui' message: |- Use the default system font for Google Chrome. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6596 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Update OpenSearch to use the newer Jenkins logo message: |- Use the newer Jenkins logo for OpenSearch. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6613 issue: 68640 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: "[JENKINS-68640] Fix z-index of `#bottom-sticker` vs. `#top-sticker`" message: |- Keep the Save and Apply buttons in front of menus (regression in 2.337). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6607 authors: - Langer0416 pr_title: "[JENKINS-63636] Ambiguous total length of build progress bar" message: |- Restore the frame color of the build progress bar of the executor widget. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6576 issue: 68542 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: "[JENKINS-68542] Store inbound cookie key in connection state" message: |- Fix websocket reconnection in edge cases. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6579 authors: - janfaracik - basil - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-68429] Remove superfluous spacing on job configuration page" message: |- Remove superfluous spacing on job configuration page. - type: bug category: developer pull: 6609 issue: 68630 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-68630] Fix classes not working for Jenkins Symbols" message: |- Fix class attribute for Jenkins Symbols using <l:icon ... />. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6597 issue: 63766 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-63766] Work around JDK-8231454" references: - pull: 6597 - issue: 63766 - url: https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8231454 title: JDK-8231454 metaspace leak message: |- Provide supporting infrastructure to enable Pipeline: Groovy to work around a metaspace memory leak (JDK-8231454) for users running Pipeline jobs on Java 11. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6600 issue: 68215 authors: - basil pr_title: Work around JENKINS-68215 when running on Java 17 message: |- Fix a runtime error when viewing the build time trend on Java 17. - type: rfe category: developer authors: - MarkEWaite pr_title: Use JDK 8u332 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1340 title: Docker pull request 1340 message: |- Upgrade Java 8 in Debian-based Docker images from 8u322-b06 to 8u332-b09. - type: rfe category: developer authors: - basil pr_title: Update plugin installation manager tool for AlmaLinux image references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1359 title: Docker pull request 1359 message: |- Update plugin installation manager tool in AlmaLinux-based Docker image from 2.10.0 to 2.12.6. - type: rfe category: rfe authors: - basil pr_title: Add debian_slim_jdk17 image references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1360 title: Docker pull request 1360 message: |- Add slim Debian-based JDK 17 Docker image. - type: rfe category: developer authors: - basil pr_title: Remove glibc from alpine_jdk11 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1361 title: Docker pull request 1361 message: |- Remove unused glibc package from Alpine-based Docker images. - type: rfe category: rfe authors: - basil pr_title: Add alpine_jdk17 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1362 title: Docker pull request 1362 message: |- Add Alpine-based JDK 17 Docker image. - type: rfe category: developer authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump alpine from 3.15.4 to 3.16.0 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1363 title: Docker pull request 1363 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1364 title: Docker pull request 1364 message: |- Upgrade Alpine-based Docker images from 3.15.4 to 3.16.0. - type: rfe category: rfe authors: - basil pr_title: useradd without flag -l and high UID will result in excessively large image references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1373 title: Docker pull request 1373 message: |- Do not add the jenkins user to the lastlog and faillog databases in Docker images. - type: rfe category: rfe authors: - basil pr_title: Avoid additional packages by specifying --no-install-recommends references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1375 title: Docker pull request 1375 message: |- Remove unnecessary packages from Debian-based Docker images. - type: rfe category: developer authors: - basil - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump Debian from bullseye-20220228 to bullseye-20220509 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1358 title: Docker pull request 1358 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1380 title: Docker pull request 1380 message: |- Upgrade Debian-based Docker images from bullseye-20220228 to bullseye-20220509. # pull: 6601 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1172.v35f6a_0b_8207e to 1175.v4b_d517d6db_f0) # pull: 6603 (PR title: Organize Dependabot configuration) # pull: 6605 (PR title: Remove polyfills.js) # pull: 6606 (PR title: Fix typo in container-debug.js) # pull: 6610 (PR title: Update Readme banner to be more reactive on different themes) # pull: 6612 (PR title: Bump mockito-inline from 4.5.1 to 4.6.0) - version: '2.351' date: 2022-06-07 banner: > This release build failed due to packaging changes. Installers, native packages, and jenkins.war were not published. changes: - type: bug category: internal authors: - MarkEWaite message: |- Jenkins 2.351 was not placed in the artifact repository or on the download site. - version: '2.352' date: 2022-06-07 banner: > This release build failed due to packaging changes. Installers, native packages, and jenkins.war were not published. changes: - type: bug category: internal authors: - MarkEWaite message: |- Jenkins 2.352 was not placed in the artifact repository or on the download site. - version: '2.353' date: 2022-06-07 banner: > This release build failed due to packaging changes. Installers, native packages, and jenkins.war were not published. changes: - type: bug category: internal authors: - MarkEWaite message: |- Jenkins 2.353 was not placed in the artifact repository or on the download site. - version: '2.354' date: 2022-06-07 changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 6595 issue: 67846 authors: - frankie699 - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-67846] Icon alignment of build status is wrong" message: |- Fix build status position. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6576 issue: 68542 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: "[JENKINS-68542] Store inbound cookie key in connection state" references: - pull: 6576 - issue: 68542 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/releases/tag/3025.vf64a_a_3da_6b_55 title: Remoting 3025.vf64a_a_3da_6b_55 changelog message: |- Fix websocket reconnection in edge cases. Upgrade from Remoting 4.13 to 3025.vf64a_a_3da_6b_55. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6615 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: Optional property can now have an inline help message: |- Developer: Optional property can now have inline help. # pull: 6617 (PR title: Bump junit from 1.63 to 1119.va_a_5e9068da_d7) # pull: 6619 (PR title: Bump mockito-inline from 4.6.0 to 4.6.1) # pull: 6622 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.722.v8165b_a_cf25e9 to 6.729.v2b_9d1a_74d673) # pull: 6623 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.22.5 to 2.22.6) # pull: 6624 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1752.v86627a_c48d91 to 1753.v45c760e2400f) - version: '2.355' date: 2022-06-13 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6460 issue: 68373 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-68373] Update form validation appearance" message: |- Update form validation appearance. # pull: 6590 (PR title: Add gitpod integration) # pull: 6641 (PR title: Preserve dumpstream on Maven failure) # pull: 6642 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.74 to 1.76) # pull: 6647 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.22.6 to 2.22.7) # pull: 6648 (PR title: Simplify contributing instructions to recommend `-Pquick-build`) # pull: 6650 (PR title: [JENKINS-68735] Missing sidepanel for user configuration if password is empty) # pull: 6652 (PR title: Upgrade Surefire from 2.22.2 to 3.0.0-M7) # pull: 6653 (PR title: chore: Compress and adjust IDEA svg) # pull: 6654 (PR title: Revert "[JENKINS-68735] Missing sidepanel for user configuration if password is empty") - version: '2.356' date: 2022-06-22 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2022-06-22/ title: security advisory authors: - daniel-beck - version: '2.357' date: 2022-06-27 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 6083 issue: 68570 authors: - basil - timja - janfaracik - NotMyFault - jglick pr_title: "[JEP-236] [JENKINS-68570] Require Java 11 or newer" references: - url: "/blog/2022/06/28/require-java-11/" title: Blog post - issue: 68570 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/236/README.adoc title: JEP-236 - pull: 6083 message: |- Require Java 11 or newer. - type: rfe category: rfe issue: 57800 authors: - timja references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/plugin-installation-manager-tool/ title: Plugin installation manager tool - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1408 title: pull 1380 message: |- The install-plugins.sh script has been removed from the Docker containers after 18 months as a deprecated script. Manage plugin versions in containers with the plugin installation manager tool. The plugin installation manager tool is available in the image as jenkins-plugin-cli. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6585 issue: 55582 authors: - basil - jglick - timja pr_title: "[JEP-230] [JENKINS-55582] Convert `instance-identity` to a detached plugin" message: |- The instance-identity module has been converted to a detached plugin. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6671 authors: - basil pr_title: Bump minimum supported Remoting version from 3.14 to 4.2.1 message: |- Update the minimum required Remoting version to 4.2.1. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6691 issue: 68799 authors: - pascal910107 pr_title: "[JENKINS-68799] Radio buttons have strange offset" message: |- Fix radio buttons selection offset. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6684 issue: 68730 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-68730] Plugin manager selection mode unselects updated plugins" message: |- Plugins selected for update cannot be unselected once the update has started. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6616 issue: 68639 authors: - Riliane - Vlatombe - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-68639] Check whether an icon path already contains the context path before appending the context path to it" message: |- Fix raster image build status icons no longer displaying when running Jenkins with a non-empty context path due to a malformed URL. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6672 issue: 68785 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68785] No log messages for inbound agents after the first message (regression in 2.310)" message: |- Show all log messages when an inbound agent fails to connect (regression in 2.310). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6656 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: Fix 'unavailable plugin' messages in plugin manager message: |- Fix 'unavailable plugin' messages in plugin manager. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6673 issue: 68752 authors: - timja pr_title: JENKINS-68752 Ignore duplicate log recorder keys message: |- Ignore duplicate log recorders keyed by same name. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6627 authors: - mjaggard pr_title: "[JENKINS-68710] Do not sort 2022.07.08 as numeric" message: |- Tags and other sortable items are now displayed in the alphabetical order if the name contains more than one dot. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6661 authors: - Langer0416 pr_title: Add the sidepanel which only for user enter error password. message: |- Add sidepanel links on the error page displayed when a user incorrectly updates their password. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory references: - url: /security/advisory/2022-06-22/#SECURITY-2760 title: 2022-06-22 security advisory - pull: 6582 message: |- Update bundled JUnit plugin from 1.47 to 1119.1121.vc43d0fc45561 for security advisory. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6674 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Spring Security from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 references: - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.7.2 title: Spring project spring-security 5.7.2 release notes - pull: 6674 message: |- Upgrade Spring Security from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6664 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump spring-framework-bom from 5.3.20 to 5.3.21 references: - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v5.3.21 title: Spring framework BOM 5.3.21 release notes - pull: 6674 message: |- Bump spring-framework-bom from 5.3.20 to 5.3.21. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6707 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Java Native Access (JNA) from 5.11.0 to 5.12.0 references: - url: https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/master/CHANGES.md#release-5120 title: JNA 5.12.0 changelog - pull: 6707 message: |- Upgrade Java Native Access (JNA) from 5.11.0 to 5.12.0. - type: rfe category: developer authors: - MarkEWaite references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/plugin-installation-manager-tool/releases/tag/2.12.7 title: Plugin installation manager tool 2.12.7 changelog message: |- Allow plugin definition file (plugins.txt) to be generated from contents of the plugins directory. Upgrade plugin installation manager tool from 2.12.6 to 2.12.7. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Update bundled Display URL API plugin from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Update bundled Pipeline API plugin from 2.42 to 1144.v61c3180fa_03f. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Update bundled Plugin Utilities API plugin from 1.5.0 to 2.16.0. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Update bundled Checks API plugin from 1.1.1 to 1.7.4. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Update bundled ECharts API plugin from 4.9.0-2 to 5.3.2-1. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Update bundled SnakeYAML API plugin from 1.27.0 to 1.29.1. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Update bundled JQuery3 API plugin from 3.5.1-2 to 3.6.0-2. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Update bundled Font Awesome API plugin from 5.15.1-1 to 6.0.0-1. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Update bundled SCM API plugin from 2.6.5 to 602.v6a_81757a_31d2. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Update bundled Structs plugin from 1.23 to 308.v852b473a2b8c. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Replace bundled Bootstrap 4 API plugin 4.5.3-1 with Bootstrap 5 API plugin 5.1.3-6. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Replace bundled Popper.js API plugin 1.16.0-7 with Popper.js 2 API plugin 2.11.2-1. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6678 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Update bundled JUnit Plugin (+ tons more) after security advisory message: |- Add bundled Pipeline Supporting APIs plugin 813.vb_d7c3d2984a_0. # pull: 6621 (PR title: Remove .textarea-handle and richtextarea.jelly) # pull: 6655 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.22.7 to 2.22.8) # pull: 6662 (PR title: Bump remoting from 3025.vf64a_a_3da_6b_55 to 3028.va_a_436db_35078) # pull: 6665 (PR title: Minify CSS for production releases of Jenkins) # pull: 6666 (PR title: [JENKINS-68767] feat: Use user-friendly name in uninstaller view) # pull: 6667 (PR title: Improve and simplify SCSS classes and variables) # pull: 6668 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1753.v45c760e2400f to 1784.v83a_b_3ce99392) # pull: 6679 (PR title: Bump junit from 1119.va_a_5e9068da_d7 to 1119.1121.vc43d0fc45561) # pull: 6682 (PR title: chore: Fill in since annotation for past releases) # pull: 6683 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3) # pull: 6686 (PR title: fix: Non-themable dot of tag SVG) # pull: 6697 (PR title: Increase timeout) # pull: 6699 (PR title: docs: Add Deprecated#since() to PR template) # pull: 6701 (PR title: Sleep less in `ViewTest`) # pull: 6705 (PR title: Ignore `hudson.model.QueueRestartTest`) # pull: 6711 (PR title: Bump matrix-project from 771.v574584b_39e60 to 772.v494f19991984) # pull: 6712 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.77 to 1.78) # pull: 6713 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.3 to 10.3.1) - version: '2.358' date: 2022-07-06 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6772 issue: 68198 authors: - Langer0416 pr_title: "[JENKINS-68198] Utilize modernized table in old data overview" message: |- Utilize modernized table in old data page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6687 issue: 68934 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: 'JENKINS-68934 Small revamp to loading spinner design ' message: |- Small revamp to loading spinner design. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6698 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Update the design of the copy button message: |- Copy button design updated. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6760 issue: 68912 authors: - ridemountainpig - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-68912] Plugin manager reboot check uses legacy checkbox design" message: |- Use modern checkbox for the reboot checkbox of the plugin manager. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6643 issue: 68417 authors: - jglick - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68417] Revert `LogRecord` tricks" message: |- Reverting prior attempts to make log records collectible. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6704 issue: 68836 authors: - ridemountainpig - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-68836] CodeMirror boxes have two borders" message: |- Use a single border around CodeMirror boxes. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6708 issue: 68644 authors: - ridemountainpig pr_title: "[JENKINS-68644] Build history pagination controls should not have transparent background" message: |- Use a solid background to make the build history pagination control more visible. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6714 issue: 68848 authors: - dwnusbaum pr_title: "[JENKINS-68848] Fix date format used to parse boot attempt timestamps" message: |- Make previous boot attempt timestamps available to boot-failure.groovy startup hooks (regression in 2.308). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6734 issue: 68642 authors: - Langer0416 pr_title: "[JENKINS-68642] Agents log link is shown to users without permission" message: |- Do not show the node log details link to users without permission to read the log. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6745 issue: 68906 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-68906] Fix children context menu links" message: |- Fix links in breadcrumb context menus to items in subfolders. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6706 authors: - basil pr_title: Inline `executable-war` references: - url: https://github.com/corretto/hotpatch-for-apache-log4j2/issues/53 title: Amazon Corretto JDK issue due to hotpatch for Apache Log4j 2 message: |- Avoid Amazon Corretto JDK issue by placing initialization logic into a well-defined package namespace. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6718 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Java Native Access (JNA) from 5.12.0 to 5.12.1 references: - url: https://github.com/java-native-access/jna/blob/master/CHANGES.md#release-5121 title: JNA 5.12.1 changelog - pull: 6718 message: |- Upgrade Java Native Access from 5.12.0 to 5.12.1. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6740 authors: - jglick pr_title: Deprecating `Functions.singletonList` message: |- Developer: Deprecate Functions.singletonList which is not normally needed in JEXL. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6719 issue: 41729 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-41729] Convert core `.properties` files to UTF-8" message: |- Developer: Jenkins core .properties files are now encoded in UTF-8. # pull: 6658 (PR title: Unignore `ClassPathTest`) # pull: 6694 (PR title: [JENKINS-68694] Winstone 6.0: Upgrade Jetty from 9.4.46.v20220331 to 10.0.11) # pull: 6700 (PR title: Use Java 11 methods where possible) # pull: 6710 (PR title: Use standard `doclint`) # pull: 6715 (PR title: Bump instance-identity from 3.1 to 116.vf8f487400980) # pull: 6720 (PR title: [JENKINS-68904] Run `stylelint fix` for `less`) # pull: 6721 (PR title: build: Add npm and yarn to dependabot ecosystem) # pull: 6726 (PR title: [JENKINS-68485] User status icon is misleading) # pull: 6735 (PR title: chore: Fix deprecated#since and #forRemoval format in PR template) # pull: 6736 (PR title: Javadoc links between `Run` constructors and `LazyBuildMixIn`) # pull: 6742 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.22.8 to 2.23.0) # pull: 6743 (PR title: `DoubleLaunchChecker` can use `ProcessHandle` to get its own PID) # pull: 6744 (PR title: [JENKINS-68887] `CssSyntaxError` when linting `war` module on Windows) # pull: 6746 (PR title: Use `ProcessHandle.current().pid()` in more places) # pull: 6747 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1784.v83a_b_3ce99392 to 1794.vfb_4a_4cde0824) # pull: 6748 (PR title: build: Use correct dependabot path for npm & yarn) # pull: 6749 (PR title: Bump stylelint from 13.5.0 to 14.9.1 in /war) # pull: 6749 (PR title: Bump stylelint from 13.5.0 to 14.9.1 in /war) # pull: 6750 (PR title: Bump file-loader from 6.0.0 to 6.2.0 in /war) # pull: 6751 (PR title: Bump webpack-cli from 3.3.11 to 4.10.0 in /war) # pull: 6754 (PR title: build: Bump Node from 14.x to 16.x) # pull: 6755 (PR title: build: Update yarn to 1.22.19) # pull: 6756 (PR title: Reduce usage of `FileUtils`) # pull: 6757 (PR title: `ZipFile.name` trick did not work, using fallback: `java.lang.NullPointerException`) # pull: 6758 (PR title: Use Java 9+ methods in `JavaVMArguments`) # pull: 6759 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4) # pull: 6762 (PR title: Eliminate reflection from `ProcessTree`) # pull: 6763 (PR title: `git status` no longer clean after building in IntelliJ) # pull: 6764 (PR title: Use diamond operator where possible) # pull: 6765 (PR title: Use try-with-resources where possible) # pull: 6766 (PR title: Bump eslint-plugin-only-warn from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 in /war) # pull: 6767 (PR title: Update Javadoc links) # pull: 6770 (PR title: Bump @babel/core, @babel/cli, @babel/preset-env from 7.10.1 to 7.18.6, bump babel-loader from 8.0.6 to 8.2.5 in /war) # pull: 6771 (PR title: Bump jquery from 3.5.1 to 3.6.0 in /war) # pull: 6773 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.78 to 1.79) # pull: 6777 (PR title: build: Pause creation of handlebars PRs) # pull: 6778 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5) # pull: 6779 (PR title: Bump clean-webpack-plugin from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0 in /war) # pull: 6781 (PR title: Revert #6694) - version: '2.359' date: 2022-07-11 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 6485 issue: 68282 authors: - janfaracik - NotMyFault - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-68282] New design for configure project page" message: |- New design for configure project page. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6730 issue: 68816 authors: - davidho0403 - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-68816] Sidebar symbols drop scale if the link text is longer than a line" message: |- Do not drop scale on sidebar symbols when the link text is longer than a line. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6808 issue: 68960 authors: - ridemountainpig pr_title: "[JENKINS-68960] Remove right margin from changelog link" message: |- Remove the margin from the changelog url. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6689 issue: 68208 authors: - frankie699 - frankie139506 - NotMyFault pr_title: '[JENKINS-68208] "Create a job" button is not hidden to users lacking permission.' message: |- Don't display the job creation button to a user without Job/Create permission. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6723 authors: - lgemeinhardt - basil pr_title: Avoid using deprecated -cp argument from Launcher message: |- Developer: Support Java 11 in hudson.slaves.Channels#newJVM. # pull: 6737 (PR title: Some Redundancy Code Cleanup) # pull: 6752 (PR title: Bump style-loader from 1.2.1 to 2.0.0, bump mini-css-extract-plugin to 1.0.0 in /war) # pull: 6780 (PR title: [JENKINS-68933] Better WebSocket testing, removal of reflection) # pull: 6782 (PR title: chore: Add label workflow for conflicting PRs) # pull: 6784 (PR title: De-emphasize label for generic tool installers) # pull: 6786 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1795.vdec8c5cf0eca_ to 1797.v711534844e8a_) # pull: 6787 (PR title: Bump webpack from 4.43.0 to 4.46.0 in /war) # pull: 6788 (PR title: Bump css-loader from 3.5.3 to 5.2.7 in /war) # pull: 6789 (PR title: Bump less from 3.11.1 to 3.13.1 in /war) # pull: 6790 (PR title: Bump postcss-loader from 3.0.0 to 4.3.0 in /war) # pull: 6792 (PR title: [JENKINS-68904] More stylelint fixes) # pull: 6793 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.79 to 1.80) # pull: 6794 (PR title: [JENKINS-68904] Address ESLint violations) # pull: 6796 (PR title: Bump handlebars-loader from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 in /war) # pull: 6797 (PR title: Bump copy-webpack-plugin from 5.1.1 to 6.4.1 in /war) # pull: 6798 (PR title: chore: Don't add conflicting labels to dependabot PRs) # pull: 6803 (PR title: Fix typo in editor-debug.js) # pull: 6807 (PR title: Easy PR! Minor comment rewrites) # pull: 6811 (PR title: Bump jest-junit from 12.0.0 to 14.0.0 in /war) # pull: 6812 (PR title: Bump less-loader from 5.0.0 to 7.3.0 in /war) # pull: 6813 (PR title: Bump eslint from 7.1.0 to 8.19.0 in /war) # pull: 6814 (PR title: Bump bootstrap from 3.3.5 to 3.4.1 in /war) # pull: 6815 (PR title: Update `yarn.lock`) # pull: 6817 (PR title: ci: Publish ESLint results for builds on ci.jenkins.io) # pull: 6818 (PR title: Discover the reference build before recording code coverage) # pull: 6819 (PR title: Bump autoprefixer from 9.8.0 to 10.4.7, bump postcss-loader from 3.0.0 to 4.3.0 in /war) # pull: 6820 (PR title: Bump sortablejs from 1.13.0 to 1.15.0 in /war) # pull: 6821 (PR title: chore: Rewrite Jest config in js and get a rid of obsolete CLI arguments) # pull: 6822 (PR title: Bump jest-standard-reporter from 1.0.4 to 2.0.0 in /war) # pull: 6823 (PR title: Bump less from 3.13.1 to 4.1.3 in /war) # pull: 6825 (PR title: Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 in /war) # pull: 6826 (PR title: Bump webpack from 4.46.0 to 5.73.0 in /war) # pull: 6827 (PR title: build: Temporarily freeze Jest updates) - version: '2.360' date: 2022-07-19 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6703 authors: - janfaracik - NotMyFault pr_title: Remove the 'New View' sidebar link message: |- Remove the "New View" sidebar link. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6806 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Rework "Updates" table checkbox selection controls message: |- Rework "Updates" table checkbox selection controls. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6126 authors: - daniel-beck - basil - timja pr_title: Render /manage using ManageJenkinsAction, handle links using StaplerF… message: |- Add breadcrumbs to "Manage Jenkins" and children of it. Developers should ensure they use relative links for navigating between pages if they are a child of "Manage Jenkins". - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6844 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.21 to 5.3.22 references: - pull: 6844 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v5.3.22 title: Spring Framework 5.3.22 changelog message: |- Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.21 to 5.3.22. Spring Framework 5.3.22 includes 45 fixes and improvements. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6837 issue: 68986 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-68986] Remove link element from breadcrumb items without href" message: |- Do not include links on bread crumb elements that do not define a hyperlink destination. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6838 issue: 68985 authors: - frankie699 pr_title: '[JENKINS-68985] Context menu shadow looks terrible on redesigned "About Jenkins" page' message: |- Make context menu shadow darker than before. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6651 issue: 68672 authors: - frankie699 - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68672] Total length of progress bar still difficult to see in shaded rows" message: |- Make progress bar easy to see. # pull: 6685 (PR title: [JENKINS-68805] Demonstrate that IconSet doesn't reset attributes with ampersand) # pull: 6795 (PR title: Add undo and redo icon) # pull: 6800 (PR title: Update symbols for build information (View/Edit)) # pull: 6804 (PR title: Forward compatibility with Servlet 4.0: `getTrailerFields()`) # pull: 6831 (PR title: Bump css-loader from 5.2.7 to 6.7.1 in /war) # pull: 6832 (PR title: Bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 1.6.2 to 2.6.1 in /war) # pull: 6833 (PR title: Bump less-loader from 7.3.0 to 11.0.0 in /war) # pull: 6834 (PR title: Bump style-loader from 2.0.0 to 3.3.1 in /war) # pull: 6835 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1797.v711534844e8a_ to 1802.v9de0d87365d2) # pull: 6836 (PR title: Bump postcss-loader from 4.3.0 to 7.0.1 in /war) # pull: 6839 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1802.v9de0d87365d2 to 1812.v6d4e97d91fd8) # pull: 6841 (PR title: ci: Publish Stylelint results for builds on ci.jenkins.io) # pull: 6842 (PR title: Remove redundant JUnit Jupiter dependencies) # pull: 6850 (PR title: Bump matrix-project from 772.v494f19991984 to 785.v06b_7f47b_c631) # pull: 6862 (PR title: New symbol for ParametersAction) # pull: 6864 (PR title: chore: Make Windows symbol themable) # pull: 6874 (PR title: Fix list indentation) # pull: 6881 (PR title: Remove markdown link at bottom pattern) - version: '2.361' date: 2022-07-26 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6918 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Remove 'Workspace' and 'Recent Changes' project summary buttons message: |- Remove 'Workspace' and 'Recent Changes' project summary buttons - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6873 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Tabs powered by `section-to-tabs.js` appear above its sections, rather than at the very top of the page message: |- Tabs now appear above their respective sections, not at the top of the page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6893 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Add a keyboard shortcut to focus the global search bar (CMD + K/CTRL + K) message: |- Keyboard shortcut added to focus global search bar (CMD + K/CTRL + K). - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6871 issue: 60866 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-60866] Remove attributes from `f:toggleSwitch`" message: |- Remove onclick and disabled attributes from f:toggleSwitch. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6840 issue: 68994 authors: - Wadeck pr_title: "[JENKINS-68994] Removal of SWF" message: |- Remove support for Flash-based cross-domain (XDR) transaction support in YUI 2: Connection Manager. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6675 issue: 68780 authors: - Si-So - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68780] Blocked upstream projects in the queue block downstream projects " message: |- Blocked upstream projects in the queue block downstream projects when the option "Block build when upstream project is building" is enabled for the downstream project. Blocked downstream projects in the queue block upstream projects when the option "Block build when downstream project is building" is enabled for the upstream project. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6680 issue: 68788 authors: - davidho0403 - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-68788] Update center checkboxes keep focus state post-click" message: |- Update center checkboxes keep focus state after they have been clicked. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6911 issue: 69110 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: '[JENKINS-69110] Plugin manager "select all" checkbox doesn''t change state on click' message: |- Change state of plugin manager "select all" checkbox when it is clicked. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6692 issue: 68390 authors: - Hildebrand-Ritense - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-68390] Fixed build number cutoff in build history widget" message: |- Fix build number cutoff in build history widget. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6709 issue: 68732 authors: - benebsiny - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-68732] Filter box for dropdown lists wipes search input after collapsing and reopening" message: |- Retain the search pattern and results across collapsing and reopening the dropdown list. # pull: 5824 (PR title: [JENKINS-68699] Upgrade Yarn from 1.22.19 to 3.2.0) # pull: 6604 (PR title: [JENKINS-68593] Dropdown chevrons overflow in build queue and executor status) # pull: 6657 (PR title: [JENKINS-48466] Provide JUnit 5 support for `JenkinsRule`) # pull: 6805 (PR title: Forward compatibility with Jetty 10 in `BootFailureTest`) # pull: 6845 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Extract inline JS for search box completion) # pull: 6846 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Extract inline JS for screen resolution cookie) # pull: 6847 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Extract inline JS for sidepanel widget refresh) # pull: 6848 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Extract inline JS for admin monitor positioning) # pull: 6849 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Extract inline JS for build caption update in log view) # pull: 6851 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Extract inline JS for stop button) # pull: 6852 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Extract inline JS for optional blocks in configuration) # pull: 6853 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Remove inline JS for plugin deploy URL validation) # pull: 6854 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Remove inline JS from admin monitors popup) # pull: 6856 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Remove inline JS for choice parameter validation) # pull: 6857 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Remove inline JS for retention strategy validation) # pull: 6858 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866][JENKINS-69030] Extract inline JS from 'new-from-list') # pull: 6860 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Extract inline JS from progressive rendering) # pull: 6866 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Extract inline JS from progressiveText (log view)) # pull: 6868 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Remove eval calls from JSON parsing in form controls) # pull: 6875 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.80 to 1.81) # pull: 6882 (PR title: Convert package.html to package-info.java) # pull: 6883 (PR title: chore: Setup renovate for js dependencies) # pull: 6885 (PR title: Bump mailer from 414.vcc4c33714601 to 438.v02c7f0a_12fa_4) # pull: 6887 (PR title: build: Update ES to 2022 (13)) # pull: 6889 (PR title: Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.3 to 1.4) # pull: 6890 (PR title: Bump javax-mail-api from 1.6.2-6 to 1.6.2-7) # pull: 6891 (PR title: Pin dependencies) # pull: 6894 (PR title: Switch yarn to pnp linker) # pull: 6895 (PR title: Specify package manager version for yarn (and bump patch)) # pull: 6898 (PR title: build: Let renovate detect node updates) # pull: 6899 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.2.2) # pull: 6900 (PR title: Update dependency node to v16.16.0) # pull: 6901 (PR title: chore: Update number of plugins in the README according to press info) # pull: 6904 (PR title: Bump structs from 318.va_f3ccb_729b_71 to 324.va_f5d6774f3a_d) # pull: 6905 (PR title: docs: Update yarn doc link in CONTRIBUTING.md) # pull: 6906 (PR title: [JENKINS-69105] Don't fail UtilTest#createDirectories() if /var/ is symlinked) # pull: 6908 (PR title: Remove legacy frontend unit tests) # pull: 6909 (PR title: Use JUnit BOM) # pull: 6913 (PR title: Run `yarn dedupe`) # pull: 6914 (PR title: build: Update pom to 1.82) # pull: 6916 (PR title: Upgrade transitive dependencies) # pull: 6917 (PR title: Pin dependency hotkeys-js to 3.9.4) # pull: 6919 (PR title: [JENKINS-69116] When the build queue has long words, it will cause it to cover other places.) # pull: 6920 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.74.0) - version: '2.362' date: 2022-08-01 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6728 issue: 68578 authors: - ridemountainpig pr_title: "[JENKINS-68578] Test overview bar is out of style with other Jenkins components" message: |- Use same styling on test overview bar as other Jenkins components. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6924 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Remove the tap highlight for iOS devices message: |- Remove the tap highlight for iOS devices. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6941 authors: - dependabot[bot] - basil pr_title: Upgrade Eclipse Tyrus to 2.1.0 references: - pull: 6941 - url: https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/ee4j.tyrus/releases/2.1.0 title: Eclipse Tyrus 2.1.0 overview message: |- Upgrade Eclipse Tyrus from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6903 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump mina-sshd.version from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0 references: - pull: 6903 - url: https://github.com/apache/mina-sshd/blob/master/docs/changes/2.9.0.md title: Apache MINA SSHD 2.9.0 release notes message: |- Upgrade Apache MINA SSHD from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6936 issue: 65873 authors: - dependabot[bot] - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-65873] [JENKINS-68954] Optimize `AnonymousClassWarnings`" message: |- Improve performance of a previous fix for java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread on agents. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6929 issue: 68750 authors: - DuMaM pr_title: "[JENKINS-68750] sorting by timestamp list of installed plugins in plugin manager " message: |- Fix sorting by timestamp list of installed plugins in plugin manager. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6902 issue: 68801 authors: - bzzitsme - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-68801] - Fix for Functions#extractPluginNameFromIconSrc" message: |- Use correct plugin identifier when plugin id includes '-plugin' more than once. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6922 issue: 68851 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-68851] Press enter in the filter box of dropdown lists leads to other pages" message: |- Do not lead to other pages when users press enter key in the filter box of dropdown lists. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6575 authors: - basil pr_title: Add `SetContextClassLoader` utility class message: |- Introduced SetContextClassLoader utility class to assist in plugin class loading. # pull: 6926 (PR title: Bump junit-bom from 5.8.2 to 5.9.0) # pull: 6927 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.729.v2b_9d1a_74d673 to 6.736.v5f554b_b_a_52b_3) # pull: 6931 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.736.v5f554b_b_a_52b_3 to 6.740.ve4f4ffa_dea_54) # pull: 6932 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.23.0 to 2.24.0) # pull: 6933 (PR title: Update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.8) # pull: 6934 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.740.ve4f4ffa_dea_54 to 6.758.vfd75d09eea_a_1) # pull: 6935 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.82 to 1.83) # pull: 6938 (PR title: Simplify lambda usage) # pull: 6940 (PR title: Miscellaneous cleanup) # pull: 6942 (PR title: [JENKINS-69182] Help button slightly below than text) # pull: 6946 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.3.1 to 10.3.2) # pull: 6947 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.21.0) # pull: 6952 (PR title: Bump ATH revision from 1.113 to 1.115) # pull: 6954 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.83 to 1.84) - version: '2.363' date: 2022-08-08 changes: - type: security message: Important security fix. references: - url: /security/advisory/2022-09-09/ title: 2022-09-09 security advisory - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6801 issue: 68694 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68694] Winstone 6.1: Upgrade Jetty from 9.4.46.v20220331 to 10.0.11" references: - pull: 6801 - issue: 68694 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.0 title: Winstone 6.0 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.1 title: Winstone 6.1 changelog - url: https://webtide.com/jetty-10-and-11-have-arrived title: Jetty 10 and 11 blog post - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/pull/232 title: Remove ability to load pem cert for winstone - url: /doc/book/installing/initial-settings/#https-with-an-existing-certificate title: Documentation message: |- Winstone 6.1: Upgrade Jetty from 9.4.46.v20220331 to 10.0.11. Remove support for OpenSSL-style PEM-encoded RSA private keys when running Jenkins with the embedded Jetty (Winstone) container and TLS. The flags --httpsPrivateKey and --httpsCertificate have been removed. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6956 issue: 69202 authors: - Langer0416 pr_title: "[JENKINS-69202] Computer status icon is misleading" message: |- Replace magnifying glass icon with computer icon in node overview. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6971 issue: 69210 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-69210] Unable to rebuild a job triggered by polling" message: |- Fix an error when rebuilding jobs triggered by polling (regression in 2.358). - type: bug category: bug pull: 6963 issue: 69240 authors: - ridemountainpig - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-69240] Version select input is out of style with other drop down select input" message: |- Version select input is out of style with other drop down select input - type: bug category: bug pull: 6930 issue: 68957 authors: - frankie139506 - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-68957] Job configuration page SCM radio buttons have an odd selection animation" message: |- Retain the position of the project configuration SCM checkbox when it is selected. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6961 issue: 69230 authors: - ridemountainpig - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-69230] There is no space between the form and the button" message: |- Add a space between repeating chunk items. # pull: 6897 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Add CSP/inline JS rule to PR template) # pull: 6953 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.18.10) # pull: 6957 (PR title: [JENKINS-69211] There is no space between the line and the button) # pull: 6962 (PR title: [JENKINS-69232] Drop down select input is out of style with other drop down select input) # pull: 6964 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.84 to 1.85) # pull: 6965 (PR title: [JENKINS-68926] update handlebars) # pull: 6969 (PR title: [JENKINS-69254] Drop down select input is out of style with other drop down select input) # pull: 6973 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.16) - version: '2.364' date: 2022-08-15 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6907 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Remove hierarchy-related sidebar links message: |- Remove hierarchal sidebar links. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6799 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Update buttons to use new classes on the dashboard message: |- Update design of buttons on the dashboard. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6982 authors: - basil pr_title: "`PluginManager#whichPlugin` does not work for `JenkinsRule`" message: |- Developer: Support usage of PluginManager#whichPlugin in JenkinsRule-based tests. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6978 authors: - basil pr_title: Upgrade Winstone from 6.1 to 6.2 references: - pull: 6978 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.2 title: Winstone 6.2 changelog message: |- Upgrade Winstone from 6.1 to 6.2. # pull: 6972 (PR title: [JENKINS-69269] There is no space between the text and the button) # pull: 6975 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1816.v8138d8056949 to 1827.v6b_cc1a_74b_ed5) # pull: 6977 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1711.v5b_1b_03f0fcf2 to 1728.v56ec83576669) # pull: 6979 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.24.0 to 2.24.1) # pull: 6984 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v27 and stylelint to v14.10.0) # pull: 6985 (PR title: Add configuration for `comment-ops`) # pull: 6991 (PR title: Bump mockito-inline from 4.6.1 to 4.7.0) # pull: 6992 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.22.0) - version: '2.365' date: 2022-08-23 changes: - type: bug category: regression pull: 6999 issue: 69320 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-69320] Resize behavior of Execute Shell build steps is broken" message: |- Fix the resize behavior of Execute Shell build steps. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7014 issue: 69370 authors: - timja pr_title: JENKINS-69370 Fix inbound agent connection message: |- Allow agent processes to access the changed inbound agent connection URL (regression in 2.364). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6976 issue: 69276 authors: - frankie139506 - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-69276] No focus state on checkboxes" message: |- Restore focus state for checkboxes (regression in 2.361). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6987 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: Deprecate AdministrativeError message: |- Developer: Deprecate AdministrativeError. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6997 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.7.2 to 5.7.3 references: - pull: 6997 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.7.3 title: Spring Security 5.7.3 changelog message: |- Developer: Upgrade Spring Security from 5.7.2 to 5.7.3. Spring Security 5.7.3 includes 19 fixes and improvements. # pull: 6980 (PR title: Replaced some deprecated methods with suggested alternatives) # pull: 6981 (PR title: Replaced several attribute calls with single Files.readAttributes call) # pull: 6994 (PR title: [JENKINS-69341] Text and logo exceed sidepanel in "About Jenkins" view) # pull: 6996 (PR title: [JENKINS-69344] Fix version number on About Jenkins page) # pull: 6998 (PR title: Update Maven Jellydoc and Stapler plugins) # pull: 7001 (PR title: [JENKINS-68484] Users views icon is misleading) # pull: 7004 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1827.v6b_cc1a_74b_ed5 to 1832.v0a_c4a_fc6c2c8) # pull: 7006 (PR title: Change icon for 'People' task on user profiles) # pull: 7007 (PR title: fix: Make wrench dot theme-able) # pull: 7008 (PR title: Update dependency node to v16.17.0) # pull: 7011 (PR title: Remove redundant `project.build.sourceEncoding` property) # pull: 7012 (PR title: [JENKINS-68934] Mild page loading animation cleanup) # pull: 7015 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.9.5) # pull: 7018 (PR title: Add renovate schema URL) # pull: 7019 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v14.11.0 and stylelint-config-standard to v28) - version: '2.366' date: 2022-08-29 changes: - type: bug category: regression pull: 7043 issue: 69250 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: "[JENKINS-69250] Searchbar is only present when using Jenkins header" message: |- Fix searchBar is null issue in setup wizard and when using custom Jenkins headers. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7027 issue: 67624 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-67624] `FileAlreadyExistsException` on startup" message: |- Fix a potential FileAlreadyExistsException error on startup on systems with slow I/O. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7017 issue: 69398 authors: - frankie139506 - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-69398] Missing focus state for selected radio buttons" message: |- Add focus state in radio buttons. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7033 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Stapler from 1730.v43d2c7b_11a_27 to 1733.v981fdd98007e message: |- Developer: Temporarily restore compatibility with PowerMock-based tests (regression in 2.358). Support for PowerMock will be completely removed on or after June 1, 2023. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7021 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade SLF4J from from 1.7.36 to 2.0.0 references: - pull: 7021 - url: https://www.slf4j.org/faq.html#changesInVersion200 title: Changes in version 2.0.0 of the Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) - url: https://www.slf4j.org/manual.html#fluent title: SLF4J fluent logging API message: |- Upgrade Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J from from 1.7.36 to 2.0.0. # pull: 6863 (PR title: Enable prettier) # pull: 7013 (PR title: [JENKINS-69373] Baseline is too long in manage plugins.) # pull: 7023 (PR title: Remove `junit-bom` from managed dependencies) # pull: 7025 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/core to v7.18.13) # pull: 7030 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.24.1 to 2.25.0) # pull: 7031 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.2.3) # pull: 7035 (PR title: Ignore git-blame for prettier reformat) # pull: 7036 (PR title: Use correct commit to ignore in git blame from prettier) # pull: 7038 (PR title: Update dependency jquery to v3.6.1) - version: '2.367' date: 2022-09-06 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6783 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Add sidebar to plugin manager, increase search bar size message: |- Add sidebar to plugin manager, increase search bar size. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6768 authors: - NotMyFault - basil pr_title: Add support for Apple touch bar icons message: |- Add support for Apple's touch bar icons. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7052 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Replace static icon references with symbol API message: |- Minor changes to empty state arrow icon and header user profile icon. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7061 authors: - basil pr_title: EOL `maven-assembly-plugin` references: - pull: 7061 - url: https://repo.jenkins-ci.org/releases/org/jenkins-ci/main/jenkins-parent/) title: Artifactory - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/tags title: GitHub source code download message: |- Removed: The signed jenkins-parent-${JENKINS_VERSION}-src.zip source archives have been removed from Artifactory for future releases. Users who wish to download source archives for offline consumption are encouraged to do so via GitHub. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7053 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: Better diagnostic when a connection gets EOFException message: |- Provide more information about the agent connection when it fails with EOFException. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6966 issue: 68952 authors: - Langer0416 - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68952] Wrong location of email form validation on setup wizard" message: |- Display email form validation errors near the data entry field in the setup form. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7010 issue: 69359 authors: - benebsiny - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-69359] Code Mirror textbox autosizing is broken" message: |- Fix autosizing of CodeMirror textbox. - type: bug category: regression pull: 6928 issue: 69145 authors: - frankie139506 - NotMyFault - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-69145] bouncing build number element on mouse hover" message: |- Fix bouncing build number element on mouse hover. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6989 issue: 68805 authors: - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68805] Reset cached attributes with ampersand as well" message: |- Properly reset attributes of cached symbols. - type: bug category: bug pull: 6923 issue: 69114 authors: - frankie699 - NotMyFault - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-69114] When executor widgets refreshes the down chevron of the build number gets misplaced" message: |- The dropdown chevron on the build executor queue is no longer misplaced, if the widget is refreshed. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6598 issue: 68602 authors: - mawinter69 - NotMyFault - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68602] parent name for ProjectNamingStrategy" message: |- Developer: Enable ProjectNamingStrategy to check the full name of a new item. # pull: 6870 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Extract inline JS from update center) # pull: 6988 (PR title: [JENKINS-68805] Fix test to actually demonstrate the problem) # pull: 7029 (PR title: [JENKINS-69417] Users views icon is misleading) # pull: 7032 (PR title: [JENKINS-69438] Filter drop select input is out of style with other components) # pull: 7044 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.3.2 to 10.3.3) # pull: 7045 (PR title: Fix Plugin Manager selection controller buttons appearance) # pull: 7047 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.86 to 1.87) # pull: 7050 (PR title: Remove inline SVG of 'concealed' field) # pull: 7055 (PR title: Remove inline CSS of setup wizard) # pull: 7057 (PR title: Allow `yarn.lint.skip` to be set by `-Pquick-build`) # pull: 7058 (PR title: Delete dead code to invoke `maven-stapler-plugin`) # pull: 7059 (PR title: Fill in recent 'since' annotations) # pull: 7060 (PR title: Run 'publish-release-artifact' GH action on Java 11) # pull: 7062 (PR title: Remove unnecessary workaround for JDK-8186464) # pull: 7064 (PR title: Ignore git folder in prettier checks) # pull: 7065 (PR title: Clean up `HistoryPageFilter` tests) # pull: 7066 (PR title: Make `TaskListener#_error` private) # pull: 7067 (PR title: Use `Runtime#version` where possible) # pull: 7068 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-remove-empty-scripts to v0.8.3) - version: '2.368' date: 2022-09-12 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7046 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: In the security warnings popup, show recommended actions message: |- Show recommended actions (e.g., to update affected plugins) in security warnings popup. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7076 issue: 69543 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: "[JENKINS-69543] Fix thread safety in websockets handling." message: |- Fix thread safety in websockets handling. # pull: 7069 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.19.0) # pull: 7070 (PR title: Remove .jelly from editorconfig rules) # pull: 7073 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1733.v981fdd98007e to 1736.vb_1e05c4231b_c) # pull: 7077 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.10.0) # pull: 7080 (PR title: Bump MINA SSHD from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1) # pull: 7081 (PR title: Bump task-reactor from 1.7 to 1.8) # pull: 7082 (PR title: Bump memory-monitor from 1.11 to 1.12) # pull: 7085 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-remove-empty-scripts to v0.8.4) # pull: 7086 (PR title: Document at-since for Util#fullEncode) # pull: 7088 (PR title: Update dependency css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to v4.1.0) - version: '2.369' date: 2022-09-20 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7098 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Use ionicons in header message: |- Replace header icons with ionicons. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7074 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Add search bar component message: |- Press '/' to focus the search bar on a page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7117 issue: 69624 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-69624] [JENKINS-69638] Winstone 6.4: Upgrade Jetty from 10.0.11 to 10.0.12" references: - pull: 7117 - issue: 69624 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.4 title: Winstone 6.4 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.3 title: Winstone 6.3 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/jetty-10.0.12 title: Jetty 10.0.12 changelog message: |- Winstone 6.4: Upgrade Jetty from 10.0.11 to 10.0.12. Support HTTP/2 without the use of a custom --extraLibFolder option. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7112 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.22 to 5.3.23 references: - pull: 7112 - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v5.3.23 title: Spring Framework 5.3.23 changelog message: |- Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.22 to 5.3.23. - type: major bug category: regression pull: 7122 issue: 69627 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-69627] Fix CGS form when unsafe plugins are installed" message: |- Fix broken UI on Configure Global Security form when plugins with active security warnings are installed (regression in 2.368). - type: bug category: regression pull: 6702 issue: 67864 authors: - pascal910107 - NotMyFault - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-67864] Table columns get wider and smaller if you click on buttons" message: |- Table columns get wider or smaller depending on the sort selection. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7072 issue: 68627 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-68627] Improve build progress animation after refresh" message: |- Improve build progress animation when refreshing parts of the history/executors widget. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7087 issue: 69534 authors: - jonaslind pr_title: "[JENKINS-69534] Fix a race condition that causes file descriptor leaks when cloud agents are created" message: |- Fix a race condition that causes file descriptor leaks when cloud agents are created. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7071 issue: 15604 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-15604] Trigger form validation when saving CodeMirror field" message: |- Trigger form validation events after editing a CodeMirror formatted text area. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7028 authors: - basil pr_title: Remove managed, provided dependency on log4j 1.2.17 message: |- Developer: Remove managed, provided dependency on log4j 1.2.17. Plugin builds that depend directly or transitively on log4j 1.2.17 must remove this dependency or exclude it from their build in order for their build to pass. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6829 issue: 68981 authors: - jmdesprez - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68981] Export `hudson.model.Run#isInProgress`" message: |- Export hudson.model.Run#isInProgress to the json API. # pull: 6859 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Remove inline JS from primary 'my views' name check (fake hidden form element)) # pull: 6970 (PR title: [JENKINS-69257] Model link chevron is not in center in user build cause) # pull: 7026 (PR title: Enable Dependabot security updates on LTS line) # pull: 7041 (PR title: [JENKINS-68712] updateCenter successfully installs nothing where there's nothing to install) # pull: 7054 (PR title: [JENKINS-69461] Setup wizard URL and password field use old form design) # pull: 7079 (PR title: Bump mockito-inline from 4.7.0 to 4.8.0) # pull: 7083 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.87 to 1.88) # pull: 7089 (PR title: Deprecate `AntClassLoader`) # pull: 7090 (PR title: Update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.11) # pull: 7093 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.23.1) # pull: 7094 (PR title: Remove usages of deprecated Apache Commons HttpClient 3.x library) # pull: 7095 (PR title: Document Jelly deprecations properly) # pull: 7096 (PR title: Keep Jelly samples as-is) # pull: 7097 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-remove-empty-scripts to v1) # pull: 7099 (PR title: Update ATH Docker image) # pull: 7104 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1) # pull: 7105 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.25.0 to 2.26.0) # pull: 7106 (PR title: Bump maven-shade-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0) # pull: 7107 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.19.1) # pull: 7108 (PR title: Revert "[JENKINS-68712] updateCenter successfully installs nothing where there's nothing to install") # pull: 7110 (PR title: Let the CI pass the appropriate forkCount) # pull: 7114 (PR title: Prefer `assertThrows` to try/fail) # pull: 7115 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1837.vb_6efb_1790942 to 1847.v10c7a_4c2e344) # pull: 7116 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1175.v4b_d517d6db_f0 to 1183.v774b_0b_0a_a_451) # pull: 7118 (PR title: Remove unneeded SUREFIRE-1226 workaround) # pull: 7123 (PR title: Bump ant from 475.vf34069fef73c to 481.v7b_09e538fcca) # pull: 7125 (PR title: Bump remoting from 3046.v38db_38a_b_7a_86 to 3063.v26e24490f041) # pull: 7127 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v14.12.0) - version: '2.370' date: 2022-09-21 changes: - type: security message: Important security fix. references: - url: /security/advisory/2022-09-21/ title: security advisory - version: '2.371' date: 2022-09-26 changes: - type: bug category: regression pull: 7138 authors: - basil pr_title: Remove custom arguments from Maven Release Plugin configuration message: |- Support staging of releases (regression in 2.361). - type: bug category: bug pull: 7141 issue: 69647 authors: - dependabot[bot] - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-69647] Bump WinP from 1.28 to 1.29" message: |- An exception is no longer thrown when stopping a stuck build on Windows on Java 17. # pull: 7119 (PR title: Don't escape special chars in Jelly doc) # pull: 7126 (PR title: Miscellaneous test cleanup) # pull: 7132 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-remove-empty-scripts to v1.0.1) # pull: 7133 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.26.0 to 2.27.0) # pull: 7134 (PR title: [JENKINS-69650] Fix test reporting of Security2779Test) # pull: 7137 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2) # pull: 7142 (PR title: Revise curl example for inbound agent) # pull: 7143 (PR title: Ignore `HudsonPrivateSecurityRealmSEC2566Test.noTimingDifferenceForInternalSecurityRealm`) # pull: 7144 (PR title: De-flake `ProjectTest#testScheduleBuild2`) # pull: 7145 (PR title: Skip remaining `NodeProvisionerTest` tests on Windows CI runs) # pull: 7146 (PR title: Increase timeout for `ManagementLinkTest#links`) # pull: 7147 (PR title: De-flake `BuildCommandTest#executorsAliveOnParameterWithNullDefaultValue`) # pull: 7148 (PR title: De-flake `NodeProvisionerRule`-based tests) # pull: 7150 (PR title: De-flake `DefaultCrumbIssuerTest`) # pull: 7151 (PR title: De-flake `InitMilestoneTest`) # pull: 7153 (PR title: Docs on linting) # pull: 7154 (PR title: Rerun failing tests twice instead of four times) # pull: 7156 (PR title: Bump junit from 1119.1121.vc43d0fc45561 to 1143.v8d9a_e3355270) # pull: 7158 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.24.0) # pull: 7160 (PR title: De-flake BuildCommandTest) # pull: 7162 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.3.3 to 10.3.4) # pull: 7164 (PR title: Revert "Bump junit from 1119.1121.vc43d0fc45561 to 1143.v8d9a_e3355270") - version: '2.372' date: 2022-10-03 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7185 authors: - basil pr_title: Improve error message when running on unsupported Java version message: |- Improve the error message when running the controller on an unsupported Java version. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6886 issue: 69032 authors: - benebsiny - NotMyFault - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-69032] Plugin manager update site URL can be saved empty" message: |- Add a "Reset to default" button to reset update site url to default. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7183 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Replace plugin manager's 'Check now' button with 'jenkins-button' message: |- Modernize update center check button. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7182 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Use 'jenkins-button' for session termination message: |- Modernize session termination button. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6236 issue: 67681 authors: - jtnord - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-67681] `ProcessTree$Windows#killAll` is slow on Windows" message: |- Improve performance when killing processes at the end of a build on Windows. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7175 authors: - basil pr_title: Upgrade bundled Instance Identity plugin from 3.1 to 116.vf8f487400980 message: |- Upgrade the bundled Instance Identity plugin from 3.1 to 116.vf8f487400980. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7131 authors: - jglick pr_title: Introduced `TriggeredItem` to better abstract `getTriggers` message: |- Introduce a new interface TriggeredItem. # pull: 7121 (PR title: [JENKINS-69537] Collapsing build history widget throws error) # pull: 7124 (PR title: Added individual suppression to spotbugs false positives) # pull: 7128 (PR title: GitHub Workflows security hardening) # pull: 7135 (PR title: Update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.12) # pull: 7136 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v14.13.0) # pull: 7149 (PR title: De-flake `PingThreadTest`) # pull: 7152 (PR title: [JENKINS-69676] Status filter dropdown icon is out of style with other) # pull: 7157 (PR title: Update dependency node to v16.17.1) # pull: 7161 (PR title: Update ATH docker image to 5439.vb_929a_7e53585) # pull: 7163 (PR title: De-flake `ResponseTimeMonitorTest`) # pull: 7165 (PR title: Bump junit from 1119.1121.vc43d0fc45561 to 1143.v8d9a_e3355270) # pull: 7166 (PR title: Improve `InitMilestoneTest` error message) # pull: 7168 (PR title: De-flake `BuildKeepsRunningWhenFaultySubTasksTest`) # pull: 7169 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.19.3) # pull: 7170 (PR title: De-flake `RepeatableTest`) # pull: 7172 (PR title: Remove apparently unused `Computer/custom-jnlp.jelly`) # pull: 7174 (PR title: De-flake `OfflineNodeCommandTest`) # pull: 7179 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.27.0 to 2.27.1) # pull: 7180 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3) # pull: 7181 (PR title: Bump font-awesome-api from 6.2.0-2 to 6.2.0-3) # pull: 7186 (PR title: More informative error message when `ViewDescriptorTest` fails) # pull: 7188 (PR title: Relax assertion in `InitMilestoneTest`) # pull: 7190 (PR title: Update dependency css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to v4.2.0) # pull: 7194 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.17) # pull: 7196 (PR title: [JENKINS-69602] Model link chevron is not in center in user build cause on main build page) # pull: 7199 (PR title: De-flake `AbstractItem2Test`) # pull: 7200 (PR title: Bump junit from 1143.v8d9a_e3355270 to 1144.v909f4d9978e8) # pull: 7201 (PR title: Bump javax-mail-api from 1.6.2-7 to 1.6.2-8) # pull: 7202 (PR title: Grammar and typos fixes) # pull: 7204 (PR title: Bump asm.version from 9.3 to 9.4) # pull: 7206 (PR title: Migrate `NodeProvisionerTest` to `RealJenkinsRule`) # pull: 7207 (PR title: Update ATH docker image to 5450.v1cfec809d04b) # pull: 7212 (PR title: Bump junit from 1144.v909f4d9978e8 to 1150.v5c2848328b_60) # pull: 7214 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1847.v10c7a_4c2e344 to 1854.v92f6cb_540509) - version: '2.373' date: 2022-10-11 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7217 authors: - basil pr_title: Improve log record icon message: |- Use a more appropriate icon for log records. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7216 authors: - basil pr_title: Improve `OldDataMonitor` icon message: |- Use a more appropriate Manage Old Data icon. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7195 authors: - basil pr_title: Ping asynchronously in `Jetty10Provider` message: |- Ensure that temporary network partitions do not cancel the WebSocket ping thread (regression in 2.363). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7223 authors: - basil pr_title: Upgrade Winstone from 6.4 to 6.5 references: - pull: 7112 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/pull/290 title: Deprecate --extraLibFolder option - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/pull/287 title: Remove unused JSP options message: |- Deprecate the --extraLibFolder option for removal on or after January 1, 2023. Remove the --toolsJar and --useJasper options. # pull: 7192 (PR title: Use enhanced `InboundAgentRule`) # pull: 7210 (PR title: Consolidate node provisioning tests) # pull: 7213 (PR title: Copyedit pull request template) # pull: 7215 (PR title: Bump tyrus-standalone-client-jdk from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1) # pull: 7218 (PR title: Add "Testing done" section to PR template) # pull: 7219 (PR title: Do not rerun failing tests) # pull: 7220 (PR title: Retry build on agent error) # pull: 7221 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.2.4) # pull: 7227 (PR title: Update dependency css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to v4.2.1) # pull: 7228 (PR title: Update dependency less-loader to v11.1.0) # pull: 7234 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.25.0) - version: '2.374' date: 2022-10-17 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7091 authors: - omehegan pr_title: Clarify safe restart won't wait for Pipeline jobs message: |- Clarify safe restart won't wait for Pipeline jobs. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6951 authors: - mawinter69 - basil pr_title: Allow Formchecker to check more than 1 thing at a time message: |- Allow form checker to check more than one thing at a time. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7205 issue: 69714 authors: - kaltepeter pr_title: "[JENKINS-69714] Use new jenkins-table for slow trigger admin monitor" message: |- Replace the old Jenkins table layout in the slow trigger administrative monitor with the new Jenkins table layout. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7246 authors: - basil pr_title: Document missing options message: |- Add documentation for the --paramsFromStdIn and --version command-line options. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7250 authors: - basil pr_title: Correctly encode pound sign in `sortable.js` message: |- Fix sorting of British currency in tables. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7051 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Bring native support for side panel app bars, sticky side bar and changing app bar heading level message: |- Developer: Add support for the app-bar component in the side panel. # pull: 7092 (PR title: Remove view-configuration checkbox overflow) # pull: 7191 (PR title: Use a jenkins-button at project creation page) # pull: 7238 (PR title: [JENKINS-68100] Support updating @Deprecated and @RestrictedSince TODOS) # pull: 7239 (PR title: Fill in since annotations) # pull: 7241 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/preset-env to v7.19.4) # pull: 7242 (PR title: Minor refactoring - replaced deprecated methods around `dumbSlave()`) # pull: 7244 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.758.vfd75d09eea_a_1 to 6.770.ve57b_a_fb_6a_67c) # pull: 7245 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.27.1 to 2.27.2) # pull: 7247 (PR title: Run `yarn dedupe`) # pull: 7248 (PR title: Replace HTML character references with Unicode in `.properties` files) # pull: 7249 (PR title: Fix corrupted Brazilian Portuguese translations) # pull: 7251 (PR title: Add debug logs to `NodeProvisionerTest`) # pull: 7252 (PR title: Use `InboundAgentRule` in `ResponseTimeMonitorTest#doNotDisconnectBeforeLaunched`) # pull: 7254 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.18) # pull: 7258 (PR title: Update dependency css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to v4.2.2) # pull: 7261 (PR title: Wait for inbound agent to go offline in tests) # pull: 7263 (PR title: Update dependency node to v16.18.0) # pull: 7264 (PR title: Address `set-output` deprecation) - version: '2.375' date: 2022-10-25 changes: - type: major bug category: regression pull: 7273 issue: 69850 authors: - Si-So pr_title: "[JENKINS-69850]: Queue.maintain() does no longer trigger an infinite recursive loop after loading a queue from xml" message: |- Prevent a stack overflow when loading a queue (regression in 2.361). - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 6912 authors: - janfaracik - timja - basil pr_title: Improve breadcrumb bar accessibility message: |- Improve breadcrumb bar accessibility. - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 7049 authors: - janfaracik - timja - NotMyFault pr_title: Update the design of notifications message: |- Update the design of notifications. - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 7208 issue: 65124 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-65124] Update weather icons" message: |- Update the weather and status icons. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7281 authors: - jglick pr_title: Do not print at `INFO` every time `AsyncPeriodicWork` starts/stops message: |- Suppress log messages from periodically running background tasks, such as "Periodic background build discarder". - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7197 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Update design of Manage Users page message: |- Update design of Manage Users page. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7286 references: - issue: 69904 - pull: 7091 authors: - dwnusbaum pr_title: "[JENKINS-69904] _safeRestart.jelly must not use parentheses in localizable messages" message: |- Prevent exception from being thrown when attempting to initiate a safe restart. (regression in 2.374) - type: rfe category: bug pull: 7277 references: - issue: 69509 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/pull/296 title: Align HTTP keep-alive with Jetty default authors: - basil pr_title: Align HTTP keep-alive timeout with Jetty default message: |- Align the default value of the HTTP keep-alive timeout in Winstone with that of the upstream Jetty project by changing it from 5 seconds to 30 seconds. Remove unused --ajp13Port, --ajp13ListenAddress, --handlerCountMax, and --handlerCountMaxIdle options. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7155 issue: 69689 authors: - ridemountainpig - NotMyFault - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-69689] Table columns shadow is overlapping with other button shadow" message: |- Table column header highlight is overlapping with other header highlight. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7140 issue: 69637 authors: - loganmzz - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-69637] Fix ClassCastException when param list is empty" message: |- Fix ClassCastException when trying to build a Job whose parameter list is empty. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7270 authors: - basil pr_title: Unable to serialize `AtomicBoolean` on Java 17 references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker-plugin/issues/905 title: Unable to serialize AtomicBoolean on Java 17 message: |- Allow serialization of atomic boolean data types on Java 17. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7275 authors: - daniel-beck - timja pr_title: Update bundled script-security and workflow-support plugins references: - url: /security/advisory/2022-10-19/#SECURITY-2824%20(1) title: 2022-10-19 Security Advisory - url: /security/advisory/2022-10-19/#SECURITY-2881 title: 2022-10-19 Security Advisory message: |- Update bundled Script Security Plugin from 1172.v35f6a_0b_8207e to 1189.vb_a_b_7c8fd5fde. Update bundled Pipeline: API Plugin from 1144.v61c3180fa_03f to 1164.v760c223ddb_32. Update bundled Pipeline: Supporting APIs Plugin from 813.vb_d7c3d2984a_0 to 839.v35e2736cfd5c. Update bundled SCM API Plugin from 602.v6a_81757a_31d2 to 608.vfa_f971c5a_a_e9. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7282 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump remoting from 3063.v26e24490f041 to 3068.v09b_895d8da_14 message: |- Developer: Improve JNLP Port Unreachable error message with host value. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7274 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Spring Security from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4 references: - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.7.4 title: Spring Security Release 5.7.4 message: |- Upgrade Spring Security from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4. Spring Security 5.7.4 includes dependency upgrades and minor fixes. # pull: 7184 (PR title: Use a destructive button for deleting API tokens) # pull: 7243 (PR title: Removed deprecated ApiTokenTestHelper) # pull: 7269 (PR title: UserProperty could be null (quality warning)) # pull: 7271 (PR title: Small terminology update) # pull: 7278 (PR title: Remove optional block scrolling) # pull: 7279 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/core to v7.19.6) # pull: 7279 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/core to v7.19.6) # pull: 7283 (PR title: Upgrade ATH from 5450.v1cfec809d04b to 5458.v911b_2f0818ee) # pull: 7289 (PR title: Use `setText` rather than `type` in `ViewDescriptorTest`) # pull: 7290 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1183.v774b_0b_0a_a_451 to 1189.vb_a_b_7c8fd5fde) # pull: 7291 (PR title: Loosen assertion in `NodeProvisionerTest` to account for conservative estimation in production code) # pull: 7292 (PR title: Ignore `BuildKeepsRunningWhenFaultySubTasksTest`) # pull: 7294 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.26.0) # pull: 7296 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.770.ve57b_a_fb_6a_67c to 6.773.vd2dcc704ee7e) # pull: 7297 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.88 to 1.89) # pull: 7298 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1865.vc314fb_c2fa_a_4 to 1868.v03b_7c6673e2e) # pull: 7300 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.89 to 1.90) - version: '2.376' date: 2022-10-31 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7305 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: Don't save Jenkins configuration on reload message: |- Avoid unnecessary configuration save when reloading configuration from disk. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7293 issue: 68652 authors: - slide - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68652] Update ANTLR2 to ANTLR4" message: |- Update ANTLR2 grammars and code to ANTLR4. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7203 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Update submit buttons to use `.jenkins-button` classes message: |- Update submit buttons to use .jenkins-button classes. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7171 authors: - jglick - NotMyFault pr_title: Prefer `inbound` as symbol for `JNLPLauncher` message: |- Use inbound as the preferred symbol rather than jnlp for inbound agents in JCasC. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7309 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump remoting from 3068.v09b_895d8da_14 to 3071.v7e9b_0dc08466 message: |- Prevent deadlock on WebSocket agents. # pull: 7302 (PR title: Clean up `JnlpSlaveRestarterInstaller`) # pull: 7304 (PR title: Improve negative tests in `CronTabTest` and `LabelExpressionTest`) # pull: 7307 (PR title: Update Node.js from 16.x to 18.x) # pull: 7310 (PR title: Fix a small typo and some grammar mistakes) # pull: 7311 (PR title: Bump maven-shade-plugin from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1) # pull: 7315 (PR title: Update eps1lon/actions-label-merge-conflict to v2.1.0) # pull: 7318 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.3.4 to 10.4) # pull: 7319 (PR title: Update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.13) # pull: 7320 (PR title: Bump eps1lon/actions-label-merge-conflict from 92924ba33a60e436034b0ac3838de523bf7df071 to 72a2cf9eb9640428abbd99bc0aa6dd522073b9d3) - version: '2.377' date: 2022-11-08 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7335 authors: - StefanSpieker pr_title: Removed unused `UnbufferedBase64InputStream` message: |- Remove deprecated and unused class UnbufferedBase64InputStream. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7303 authors: - car-roll pr_title: Allow detached plugin location to be overridden message: |- Developer: Allow detached plugin location to be overridden. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7322 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Spring Security from 5.7.4 to 5.7.5 references: - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.7.5 title: Spring Security Release 5.7.5 - url: https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2022-31690 title: CVE-2022-31690 - url: https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2022-31692 title: CVE-2022-31692 message: |- Upgrade Spring Security from 5.7.4 to 5.7.5. Spring Security 5.7.5 includes fixes for two authorization mapping issues affecting the scopes in spring-security-oauth2-client and org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept.AuthorizationFilter. # pull: 7317 (PR title: Update dependency babel-loader to v9) # pull: 7324 (PR title: Update more bundled plugins) # pull: 7325 (PR title: Add Polish translations for Jenkins) # pull: 7326 (PR title: Bump commons-compress from 1.21 to 1.22) # pull: 7327 (PR title: Bump junit from 1153.v1c24f1a_d2553 to 1156.vcf492e95a_a_b_0) # pull: 7328 (PR title: Clean up usages of `Callable#getChannelOrFail` and `Callable#getOpenChannelOrFail`) # pull: 7329 (PR title: Fix nested link Javadoc warning) # pull: 7330 (PR title: Remove unused metrics profile) # pull: 7331 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.90 to 1.91) # pull: 7332 (PR title: Update dependency babel-loader to v9.0.1) # pull: 7333 (PR title: Bump antisamy-markup-formatter from 2.7 to 155.v795fb_8702324) # pull: 7334 (PR title: Do not depend on english locale for tests) # pull: 7337 (PR title: Run `yarn dedupe`) # pull: 7338 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v14.14.1) # pull: 7339 (PR title: Remove obsolete css properties in `addform.less`) - version: '2.378' date: 2022-11-14 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7364 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Label destructive 'Dismiss' buttons red message: |- Label 'Dismiss' buttons red. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7229 authors: - EltonAlvess - NotMyFault pr_title: 'fix: change icon to symbol' message: |- Replace 'Changes' view icon with a symbol. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7352 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Update Manage Nodes page to use app bar and remove sidebar from New Node page message: |- Update 'Manage Nodes' page to use app bar and remove sidebar from 'New Node' page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7342 issue: 70044 authors: - dwnusbaum pr_title: "[JENKINS-70044] Add telemetry for activation of optional permissions" message: |- Add telemetry for activation of permissions that are not enabled by default. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7340 authors: - basil pr_title: Increase minimum required Remoting version from 4.2.1 to 4.7 message: |- The minimum required Remoting version has been increased to 4.7 (released on February 16, 2021). - type: bug category: regression pull: 7366 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Fix button padding in admin monitor message: |- Fix overlapping buttons in administrative monitors. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7348 issue: 69587 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-69587] Fix console view bouncing when new entries appear" message: |- Fix consoleview bouncing when new entries appear. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7350 issue: 70023 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-70023] Fix Gravatar error on profile page" message: |- Fix error on profile page if the gravatar plugin is installed. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7346 issue: 69517 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-69517] Make 'focus-visible' frame less excessive" message: |- Reduce size of the focus state (regression from 2.366). # pull: 7336 (PR title: Update babel monorepo) # pull: 7341 (PR title: Update more bundled plugins) # pull: 7343 (PR title: Update dependency node to v18.12.1) # pull: 7345 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.27.0) # pull: 7347 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1868.v03b_7c6673e2e to 1873.va_ed9d52f2b_42) # pull: 7349 (PR title: Remove obsolete browser-specific CSS animation properties in `pluginSetupWizard.less`) # pull: 7351 (PR title: Update terminology in usage statistics page) # pull: 7354 (PR title: De-flake `QueueTest#testGetCauseOfBlockageForNonConcurrentFreestyle`) # pull: 7359 (PR title: Bump junit from 1156.vcf492e95a_a_b_0 to 1159.v0b_396e1e07dd) # pull: 7360 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.773.vd2dcc704ee7e to 6.795.v3e23d3c6f194) # pull: 7361 (PR title: Replaced `stylelint-formatter.js` with direct parameter) # pull: 7363 (PR title: Implemented test in `ProcTest` for windows) # pull: 7370 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.75.0) # pull: 7371 (PR title: Removed obsolete browser workarounds for @keyframes in `pluginSetupWizard.less`) # pull: 7372 (PR title: Enable dependabot for gitpod Dockerfile) - version: '2.379' date: 2022-11-22 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7312 authors: - basil - daniel-beck pr_title: Remove Commons HttpClient 3.x references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/lib-commons-httpclient title: Jenkins patched HttpClient library - url: https://hc.apache.org/httpclient-legacy/ title: Commons HttpClient 3.x message: |- Jenkins no longer bundles a patched version of the deprecated Commons HttpClient 3.x library for use by plugins. Plugins should be migrated to the native Java 11 HTTP client or updated to depend on the legacy Commons HttpClient 3.x API plugin. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7376 issue: 64151 authors: - Dohbedoh - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-64151] Set a default file size rotation of AsyncPeriodicWork…" message: |- Set default file size rotation of AsyncPeriodicWork / AsyncAperiodicWork task logs. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7414 authors: - MarkEWaite - NotMyFault pr_title: Remove WMI Windows Agents plugin from setup wizard message: |- Remove the deprecated WMI Windows Agents plugin from the setup wizard. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7413 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: Remove deprecated Multijob plugin from setup wizard message: |- Remove the deprecated Multijob plugin from the setup wizard. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7367 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Add plugin URL to 'systemInfo' view message: |- Add the URL of a plugin to the 'systemInfo' view. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7368 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Add a "copy to clipboard" button to agent and controller thread dumps message: |- Add a "copy to clipboard" button to controller and agent thread dump pages. Remove the side panel from controller thread dumps. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7399 issue: 70036 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-70036] Weird animation artifacts in admin monitor popup" message: |- Fix the animation of the popup dialog in the admin monitor. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7412 issue: 70103 authors: - jglick - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-70103] `WeakHashMap` broken for looking up Jetty `Session` in WebSocket response" message: |- Memory leak when repeatedly connecting WebSocket agents. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7407 issue: 70105 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: "[JENKINS-70105] Slow down WebSocket reconnect logic when the controller is responding" references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/pull/603 title: Pull request 603 message: |- Wait for 10 seconds before attempting to reconnect a WebSocket agent regardless of whether or not the controller is responding. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7378 authors: - basil pr_title: Synchronize agent protocol access message: |- Fix a race condition affecting the launch of inbound agents. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7398 authors: - basil pr_title: Introduce a high-level HTTP client API message: |- Developer: Introduce a high level HTTP client API. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7391 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.23 to 5.3.24 references: - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v5.3.24 title: Spring Framework 5.3.24 message: |- Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.23 to 5.3.24. Spring Framework 5.3.24 includes 33 fixes and improvements. # pull: 7374 (PR title: Removed obsolete browser workarounds for `user-select` in `layout-mixins.less`) # pull: 7375 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.19) # pull: 7377 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1873.va_ed9d52f2b_42 to 1875.vf39637878e43) # pull: 7379 (PR title: De-flake `CancelQuietDownCommandTest`) # pull: 7380 (PR title: De-flake `TelemetryTest`) # pull: 7381 (PR title: Simplify `JNLPLauncherRealTest` using the new methods in `InboundAgentRule`) # pull: 7382 (PR title: Bump mina-sshd.version from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2) # pull: 7383 (PR title: Bump junit from 1159.v0b_396e1e07dd to 1160.vf1f01a_a_ea_b_7f) # pull: 7384 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1189.vb_a_b_7c8fd5fde to 1190.v65867a_a_47126) # pull: 7385 (PR title: [JENKINS-70083] Update bundled script-security and junit versions) # pull: 7387 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v14.15.0) # pull: 7390 (PR title: Ban spring-framework-bom 6.x onwards) # pull: 7393 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v6.7.2) # pull: 7394 (PR title: Compress `update-center.json`) # pull: 7395 (PR title: Bump bridge-method-injector.version from 1.23 to 1.24) # pull: 7396 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1190.v65867a_a_47126 to 1218.v39ca_7f7ed0a_c) # pull: 7397 (PR title: Stop using `infra.runATH`) # pull: 7400 (PR title: Remove unused .zip files from test resources) # pull: 7403 (PR title: [JENKINS-70099] Make expand button same style with the input box) # pull: 7404 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4) # pull: 7405 (PR title: Bump bridge-method-injector.version from 1.24 to 1.25) # pull: 7409 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1881.v5d4b_a_f650249 to 1893.v604f95e37d29) # pull: 7411 (PR title: Colorizing `InboundAgentRule`) # pull: 7415 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.3.0) # pull: 7422 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.91 to 1.92) # pull: 7423 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.7.0) # pull: 7424 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-cli to v5) # pull: 7429 (PR title: chore(windows/jdk17): provide an aci agent for windows with jdk17) # pull: 7434 (PR title: Use setup-java action to cache maven dependencies) # pull: 7435 (PR title: Ban Spring Security 6.x and newer from Dependabot) - version: '2.380' date: 2022-11-29 changes: - type: major rfe category: major rfe pull: 6408 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Replace YUI tooltips with Tippy.js message: |- Update appearance and framework for tooltips. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7436 authors: - dependabot[bot] - basil pr_title: Upgrade Spring Security from 5.7.5 to 5.8.0 references: - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/5.8.0 title: Spring Security 5.8.0 message: |- Upgrade Spring Security from 5.7.5 to 5.8.0. Spring Security 5.8.0 includes 71 fixes and improvements. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7042 issue: 68194 authors: - benebsiny - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68194] Delete `.disabled` file when uninstalling a plugin" message: |- Delete .disabled files when uninstalling a plugin. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7284 authors: - jglick pr_title: Capturing runtime exceptions from `Computer.threadPoolForRemoting.submit(Runnable)` message: |- Developer: better error logging for unexpected problems in Computer.threadPoolForRemoting. # pull: 7426 (PR title: [JENKINS-70116] Use ionicons in 'threadDump' view for agents) # pull: 7431 (PR title: Bump tyrus-standalone-client-jdk from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2) # pull: 7432 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1894.v471a_047124ce to 1900.v9e128c991ef4) # pull: 7437 (PR title: Remove unnecessary SpotBugs exclusions) # pull: 7439 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.28.0) # pull: 7444 (PR title: Fix typo in menu-debug.js) # pull: 7445 (PR title: De-flake `TelemetryTest`) # pull: 7446 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5) # pull: 7447 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.27.2 to 2.28.0) # pull: 7448 (PR title: Bump junit from 1160.vf1f01a_a_ea_b_7f to 1166.va_436e268e972) # pull: 7449 (PR title: De-flake `UserRestartTest`) # pull: 7450 (PR title: Increase timeout for `FreeStyleProjectTest#buildStabilityReports`) # pull: 7451 (PR title: Remove test-only agent protocol definitions) # pull: 7453 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.10.1) # pull: 7454 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v2.8.0) # pull: 7455 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.4 to 10.5.0) # pull: 7456 (PR title: Missing `since` tag on `ErrorLoggingExecutorService`) - version: '2.381' date: 2022-12-04 changes: - type: bug category: regression pull: 7464 issue: 70178 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-70178] Improve tooltip performance" message: |- Improve tooltip performance. # pull: 7458 (PR title: Clean up `executable.Main#getHomeDir`) # pull: 7463 (PR title: Bump symbol-annotation from 1.23 to 1.24) # pull: 7465 (PR title: Update core components to latest versions) # pull: 7466 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/core to v7.20.5) # pull: 7468 (PR title: Bump instance-identity from 116.vf8f487400980 to 142.v04572ca_5b_265) # pull: 7469 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1906.v1e0780b_3a_41a to 1910.vb_6b_b_2d4db_d2c) # pull: 7471 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.7.1) # pull: 7472 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-loader to v7.0.2) # pull: 7473 (PR title: Bump jaxen from 1.2.0 to 2.0.0) - version: '2.382' date: 2022-12-12 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7477 issue: 68692 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-68692] Upgrade Guice from 5.0.1 to 5.1.0" references: - url: https://github.com/google/guice/wiki/Guice510 title: Guice 5.1.0 Upgrade Guide message: |- Upgrade Guice from 5.0.1 to 5.1.0. Guice 5.1.0 contains eight fixes and improvements. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7470 issue: 70199 authors: - daniel-beck - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-70199] Add distributed builds telemetry" message: |- Add telemetry related to distributed builds. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7040 issue: 69183 authors: - benebsiny - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-69183] It is impossible to update disabled plugins" message: |- Fix the update of disabled plugins. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7508 authors: - basil pr_title: Provide native Java 11 HTTP client versions of `FormValidation#URLCheck`methods message: |- Provide native Java 11 HTTP client versions of FormValidation#URLCheck methods. # pull: 7476 (PR title: De-flake `QueueTest#persistenceBlockedItem`) # pull: 7478 (PR title: [JENKINS-68696] Remove `javax.servlet:servlet-api` dependency) # pull: 7480 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.29.0) # pull: 7481 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v14.16.0) # pull: 7482 (PR title: Add Java 19 to `Jenkinsfile`) # pull: 7483 (PR title: Make plugin installation tests less fragile) # pull: 7484 (PR title: Bump access-modifier.version from 1.29 to 1.30) # pull: 7485 (PR title: Decline to cache a likely incorrect computation) # pull: 7486 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1910.vb_6b_b_2d4db_d2c to 1912.v0cdf15450b_fb) # pull: 7497 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.5 to 3.1.6) # pull: 7498 (PR title: Fix diacritic in Catalan translation) # pull: 7499 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-cli to v5.0.1) # pull: 7500 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1218.v39ca_7f7ed0a_c to 1228.vd93135a_2fb_25) # pull: 7501 (PR title: De-flake `NodeProvisionerTest#baselineSlaveUsage`) # pull: 7502 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.7.2) # pull: 7503 (PR title: Keep ATH images up to date with renovate) # pull: 7504 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5478) # pull: 7505 (PR title: Remove Dependabot exclusion for log4j:log4j) # pull: 7506 (PR title: Update LTS line in Dependabot configuration) # pull: 7507 (PR title: Keep gitpods Dockerfile up to date with renovate) # pull: 7509 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v2.8.1) # pull: 7511 (PR title: Update dependency handlebars-loader to v1.7.3) - version: '2.383' date: 2022-12-20 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7314 authors: - janfaracik - NotMyFault - timja pr_title: Add search bar for top level settings in Manage Jenkins message: |- Add search bar for top level settings in Manage Jenkins. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7523 issue: 23152 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-23152] More robust handling of build number collisions" message: |- Robustness improvement regarding build number collisions. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7524 issue: 70240 authors: - julieheard - jtnord - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-70240] fix for non http based URLs in PluginManager.doCheckUpdateSiteUrl" message: |- Prevent Angry Jenkins when checking a non http(s) based update center URL. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7526 authors: - basil pr_title: Upgrade Remoting from 3077.vd69cf116da_6f to 3085.vc4c6977c075a message: |- Improve robustness of class loading on agents. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7514 issue: 70206 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-70206] Lazy initialization of `JnlpSlaveAgentProtocol4`" message: |- Delaying initialization of cryptography needed for TCP inbound agents unless and until such an agent is connected. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6659 issue: 68805 authors: - Vlatombe - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Expose `org.jenkins.ui.symbol.Symbol` message: |- Allow plugins to generate symbol markup from Java code. # pull: 7515 (PR title: Bump display-url-api from 2.3.6 to 2.3.7) # pull: 7518 (PR title: Bump SLF4J from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6) # pull: 7519 (PR title: De-flake `ProjectTest#testUnrestrictedJobNoLabelByCloudNoQueue`) # pull: 7521 (PR title: Better null safety for `createProject`) # pull: 7522 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.20) # pull: 7527 (PR title: Convert `README` and `CONTRIBUTING` from Markdown to AsciiDoc) # pull: 7528 (PR title: Move MAINTAINERS.adoc at the root folder) # pull: 7529 (PR title: Update dependency jquery to v3.6.2) # pull: 7530 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v6.7.3) # pull: 7531 (PR title: Clean up `ath.sh`) # pull: 7533 (PR title: Revert conversion of documentation to .adoc) # pull: 7534 (PR title: Upgrade Spring Security from 5.8.0 to 5.8.1) # pull: 7535 (PR title: Run `yarn dedupe`) - version: '2.384' date: 2022-12-26 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7427 issue: 70121 authors: - ridemountainpig pr_title: "[JENKINS-70121] Align Build Executor Status collapsed content with build queue design pattern" message: |- Align Build Executor Status collapsed content with build queue design pattern. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7256 authors: - basil pr_title: De-duplicate file-based logging implementations message: |- Remove support for log rotation via SIGALRM. The command-line argument --daemon has been removed. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7539 issue: 70169 authors: - timja pr_title: JENKINS-70169 Restore link to last breadcrumb message: |- Restore link to last breadcrumb. # pull: 7416 (PR title: Removed browser specific border-radius in `layout-mixins.less`) # pull: 7536 (PR title: Upgrade `cloudbees-folder` from 6.795.v3e23d3c6f194 to 6.800.v71307ca_b_986b) # pull: 7538 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.30.0) # pull: 7540 (PR title: Replaced unnecessary unicode escape sequences in tests) # pull: 7542 (PR title: Replaced some deprecated presetData annotations with the suggested replacement) # pull: 7543 (PR title: Fix URICheckEncodingMonitor NPE) # pull: 7544 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.3.1) # pull: 7545 (PR title: Update dependency jquery to v3.6.3) # pull: 7546 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.20.7) - version: '2.385' date: 2023-01-03 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6511 authors: - mPokornyETM - NotMyFault - daniel-beck - basil pr_title: Allow formatted markup for node descriptions message: |- Allow HTML syntax for node descriptions. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6843 authors: - daniel-beck - timja - NotMyFault pr_title: Hide potentially sensitive values (system properties and environment variables) by default message: |- Hide values in tables showing potentially sensitive system properties and environment variables by default. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 6995 issue: 69339 authors: - mawinter69 - basil - daniel-beck - timja - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-69339] Add support for badge icons in Management links" message: |- Add support for badge icons in Management links. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7373 authors: - janfaracik - NotMyFault - timja pr_title: Add tabs to System Information page message: |- Add tabs to System Information page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7495 issue: 70169 authors: - lemeurherve - timja - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-70169] Add missing breadcrumb items in `resources/hudson/model/Computer*`" message: |- Add missing breadcrumb items for agents. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7452 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Restyle file uploads to fit in with modern forms UI message: |- Restyle file uploads to match modern forms UI. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7490 issue: 70169 authors: - lemeurherve - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-70169] Add missing breadcrumb items in `resources/hudson/logging`" message: |- Add missing breadcrumb items in logging views. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7491 issue: 70169 authors: - lemeurherve pr_title: "[JENKINS-70169] Add missing breadcrumb items in `resources/hudson/model/Run`" message: |- Add missing breadcrumb items in builds. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7488 issue: 70169 authors: - lemeurherve - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-70169] Add missing breadcrumb items in `resources/hudson/slaves`" message: |- Add missing breadcrumb items for agents. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7493 issue: 70169 authors: - lemeurherve pr_title: "[JENKINS-70169] Add missing breadcrumb items in `resources/hudson/model/View`" message: |- Add missing breadcrumb items in Views. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7494 issue: 70169 authors: - lemeurherve pr_title: "[JENKINS-70169] Add missing breadcrumb items in `resources/hudson/model/Abstract*`" message: |- Add missing breadcrumb items in abstract classes. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7492 issue: 70169 authors: - lemeurherve pr_title: "[JENKINS-70169] Add missing breadcrumb items in `resources/hudson/model/User`" message: |- Add missing breadcrumb items in User page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7487 issue: 70169 authors: - lemeurherve - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-70169] Add missing breadcrumb items in `resources/jenkins`" message: |- Add missing breadcrumb items in system information page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7173 authors: - janfaracik - timja - NotMyFault pr_title: Update the design of the 'Advanced' button message: |- Update the design of the 'Advanced' button. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7548 authors: - dependabot[bot] - basil references: - pull: 7548 - url: https://x-stream.github.io/changes.html#1.4.20 title: XStream 1.4.20 changelog - url: https://x-stream.github.io/CVE-2022-40151.html title: XStream CVE-2022-40151 - url: https://x-stream.github.io/CVE-2022-41966.html title: XStream CVE-2022-41966 pr_title: Upgrade XStream from 1.4.19 to 1.4.20 message: |- Upgrade XStream from 1.4.19 to 1.4.20. This maintenance release addresses two security vulnerabilities that can cause a denial of service by raising a stack overflow in affected applications. It also provides new converters for Optional and Atomic types. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7556 issue: 70128 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: '[JENKINS-70128] Revert "Label destructive ''Dismiss'' buttons red"' message: |- Revert "Label 'Dismiss' buttons red." that was introduced in 2.378. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7555 issue: 70112 authors: - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-70112] Don't prompt the user that changes may not have been saved after apply clicked" message: |- Do not prompt the user that changes may not have been saved after apply has been clicked. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7475 authors: - Gadzy pr_title: fix letter-spacing message: |- Remove negative letter spacing to improve legibility in some languages and fonts. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7425 issue: 70117 authors: - ridemountainpig - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-70117] Align is not same between th and td" message: |- Align table headers with columns. # pull: 7549 (PR title: Remove Java 7 Spotbugs suppression) # pull: 7551 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven:maven-core to v3.8.7) # pull: 7552 (PR title: Replaced deprecated `impersonate2` with `as2` in Tests) # pull: 7553 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v14.16.1) # pull: 7557 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.28.0 to 2.29.0) # pull: 7558 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.5.0 to 10.6.0) # pull: 7559 (PR title: Make system info button text selectable in firefox) - version: '2.386' date: 2023-01-10 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7568 issue: 70301 authors: - MarkEWaite pr_title: "[JENKINS-70301] Do not report implied dependencies for WMI Windows Agents plugin" message: |- Do not report implied dependencies for WMI Windows Agents plugin. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7562 authors: - timja - NotMyFault pr_title: Use morph tag library for f:file message: |- Developer: f:file now uses the morph tag library, all unknown attributes will be copied to the element. # pull: 7560 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.31.0) # pull: 7561 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.92 to 1.93) # pull: 7563 (PR title: Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /war) # pull: 7570 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/core to v7.20.12) # pull: 7571 (PR title: Update dependency babel-loader to v9.1.2) - version: '2.387' date: 2023-01-17 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7362 issue: 62332 authors: - jglick - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-62332] Remove plugin update GUI “A newer version than being offered for installation exists…”" message: |- Remove the notice in the plugin manager "Updates" page for newer plugin versions that are not compatible with your current core version. Limit the display of updates to plugin versions actually being offered by the update center for your core version. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7496 issue: 70169 authors: - lemeurherve pr_title: "[JENKINS-70169] Add missing breadcrumb items in various `resources/hudson` locations" message: |- Add missing breadcrumb items in various locations. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7580 issue: 70414 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-70414] Missing agent-side `Channel.close` from `PingThread.onDead`" message: |- Close connection on the agent if the agent's liveness ping receives no response. # pull: 7285 (PR title: Replace EOL actions/upload-release-asset with softprops/action-gh-release) # pull: 7401 (PR title: [JENKINS-70052] Delete button in delete build has not enough padding) # pull: 7489 (PR title: [JENKINS-70169] Add comments explaining the absence of breadcrumb items in `resources/hudson/PluginManager`) # pull: 7489 (PR title: [JENKINS-70169] Add comments explaining the absence of breadcrumb items in `resources/hudson/PluginManager`) # pull: 7550 (PR title: Update Node.js requirement in CONTRIBUTING.md) # pull: 7572 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.21) # pull: 7574 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v2.8.2) # pull: 7576 (PR title: Bump xmlunit.version from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1) # pull: 7583 (PR title: Improve apple touch bar appearance) # pull: 7584 (PR title: Use hashes for third party action) # pull: 7585 (PR title: Fill in todo annotations) # pull: 7586 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.29.0 to 2.30.0) - version: '2.388' date: 2023-01-24 changes: - type: bug category: bug pull: 7547 issue: 70334 authors: - Dohbedoh - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-70334] Fix and simplify TcpSlaveAgentListenerRescheduler" message: |- Fix the TcpSlaveAgentListenerRescheduler functionality. TcpSlaveAgentListener is automatically restarted on failure. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7578 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v5.3.25 title: Spring Framework 5.3.25 release notes pr_title: Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.24 to 5.3.25 message: |- Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.24 to 5.3.25. Spring Framework 5.3.25 includes 18 fixes and documentation improvements. # pull: 7575 (PR title: Bump ant from 1.10.12 to 1.10.13) # pull: 7587 (PR title: Bump jna from 5.12.1 to 5.13.0) # pull: 7588 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v2.8.3) # pull: 7591 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.32.0) - version: '2.389' date: 2023-01-31 changes: - type: bug category: regression pull: 7577 issue: 70394 authors: - mPokornyETM - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-70394] Move 'set node temporarily offline/online' buttons to app-bar" message: |- Move set node temporarily offline/online buttons to appbar. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7573 authors: - yaroslavafenkin pr_title: Encode cloud name in `Cloud#getUrl` message: |- Encode cloud name in Cloud#getUrl. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7595 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: Compute agents log directory consistently with other tasks message: |- Developer: Agent log location honors system property hudson.triggers.SafeTimerTask.logsTargetDir. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7599 authors: - jglick pr_title: Introduce `SubTask.getOwnerExecutable` message: |- Developer: Introduced an API SubTask.getOwnerExecutable to be implemented in Pipeline. # pull: 7600 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1228.vd93135a_2fb_25 to 1229.v4880b_b_e905a_6) # pull: 7602 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1756.vec9071748061 to 1766.v4e428020d8a_f) # pull: 7603 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.93 to 1.94) # pull: 7604 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1929.vfb_39b_60fcea_f to 1934.v90a_c07cf5b_21) # pull: 7609 (PR title: copyNames has been removed a long time ago, use showCopyOption instead.) # pull: 7610 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.30.0 to 2.31.0) # pull: 7613 (PR title: Update dependency node to v18.13.0) - version: '2.390' date: 2023-02-07 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7614 authors: - jglick - daniel-beck pr_title: "`t:progressiveText` should tolerate 5xx HTTP errors" message: |- Running pipeline build logs can now be displayed across controller restarts without reloading in some environments. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7623 issue: 70554 authors: - MarkEWaite pr_title: Update bundled Apache Mina-sshd plugins references: - pull: 7623 - issue: 70554 - url: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-45047 title: CVE-2022-45047 message: |- Update bundled Apache Mina SSHD API plugins from 2.9.1-44.v476733c11f82 to 2.9.2-50.va_0e1f42659a_a. Include fix for unsafe deserialization in SimpleGeneratorHostKeyProvider. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7618 issue: 70533 authors: - daniel-beck pr_title: "[JENKINS-70533] Skip submitting telemetry when exception is thrown" message: |- Do not submit empty telemetry data if an error occurred during data collection. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7596 issue: 70531 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-70531] Apply timeout on WebSocket write operations" message: |- Allow WebSocket agent connections to time out after 5m if a write never succeeds. # pull: 7615 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.6.0 to 10.7.0) # pull: 7616 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.33.0) # pull: 7617 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5497) # pull: 7619 (PR title: [JENKINS-60866] Un-inline setup wizard root URL js) # pull: 7620 (PR title: Bump mailer from 438.v02c7f0a_12fa_4 to 448.v5b_97805e3767) # pull: 7621 (PR title: Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 in /war) # pull: 7622 (PR title: Messaging tweaks for `InstallUncaughtExceptionHandler`) # pull: 7626 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.4.1) # pull: 7628 (PR title: Update dependency node to v18.14.0) - version: '2.391' date: 2023-02-14 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7605 authors: - jglick pr_title: Default CLI mode to `-webSocket` message: |- The default connection mode for the Java CLI client is now webSocket. You can specify http to continue to use the former default (for example because you are running Jenkins in a servlet container other than the recommended builtin Jetty, or because you are running an unusual reverse proxy which does not support WebSocket). You can also continue to specify ssh to use SSH transport (for example because you prefer to authenticate with a private key rather than an API token), or use a native SSH client. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7627 issue: 70191 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-70191] Broken resize behavior on About Jenkins (regression in 2.340)" message: |- Correct responsive behavior on resize of the 'About Jenkins' page. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7589 issue: 70438 authors: - benebsiny - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-70438] Newer build displayed when filtering the builds in Build History Widget even if the build name didn't match" message: |- Fix the behaviour of filtering in Build History Widget. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7631 issue: 70139 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: "[JENKINS-70139] booleanRadio uses non-unique ID (regression in 2.335)" message: |- Fix behaviour of booleanRadio in a repeatable section. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7608 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: Fix computer links in some cases message: |- Fix computer links navigation consistency. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7632 authors: - jglick pr_title: Upgrade Winstone from 6.7 to 6.10 references: - pull: 7632 - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.10 title: Winstone 6.10 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.9 title: Winstone 6.9 changelog - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.8 title: Winstone 6.8 changelog message: |- Upgrade bundled Winstone from 6.7 to 6.10. Add the excludeProtocols option. Improve logging during shutdown. # pull: 7606 (PR title: Updating the descriptions for the escape/encode functions) # pull: 7629 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven:maven-core to v3.9.0) # pull: 7634 (PR title: Use 'one-column' design for fingerprint view) # pull: 7636 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1766.v4e428020d8a_f to 1770.v0c3dc82ee103) # pull: 7637 (PR title: Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.4 to 1.5) # pull: 7638 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.31.0 to 2.33.0) # pull: 7639 (PR title: Fixed minor deprecation from `IOUtils` in Tests) # pull: 7640 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v2.8.4) # pull: 7642 (PR title: Fix broken issueManagement URL) # pull: 7646 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v30) - version: '2.392' date: 2023-02-21 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7625 authors: - prathi-mani - MarkEWaite - NotMyFault pr_title: Added copy to clipboard button to agent launch snippets message: |- Add a copy button for the code snippets that start agents. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7651 authors: - daniel-beck - MarkEWaite pr_title: Update plugins after 2023-02-15 security advisory references: - pull: 7651 - url: /security/advisory/2023-01-24/ title: 2023-01-24 security advisory - url: /security/advisory/2023-02-15/ title: 2023-02-15 security advisory message: |- Update bundled plugins to include fixes announced in 20230124 and 20230215 Jenkins security advisories. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7644 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: Correct tag declaring required arguments in Jelly message: |- Developer: Ensure required Jelly arguments are correctly labeled as required. # pull: 7645 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15) # pull: 7647 (PR title: Bump commons-fileupload from 1.4 to 1.5) # pull: 7648 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.34.0) # pull: 7649 (PR title: Use artifact caching proxy for Jenkins Core builds) # pull: 7654 (PR title: Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.5 to 1.6) # pull: 7655 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.94 to 1.95) # pull: 7656 (PR title: Bump javax-mail-api from 1.6.2-8 to 1.6.2-9) # pull: 7657 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1934.v90a_c07cf5b_21 to 1938.ve4c94459431d) # pull: 7663 (PR title: Fix typo in element-debug.js) - version: '2.393' date: 2023-02-28 changes: - type: bug category: regression pull: 7668 issue: 70662 authors: - aneveux pr_title: "[JENKINS-70662] Disable browser form validation from submit button" message: |- Disable unwanted browser form validation. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7653 issue: 70599 authors: - MarkEWaite pr_title: "[JENKINS-70599] restore installNecessaryPlugins redirect destination" message: |- Restore installNecessaryPlugins redirect destination. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7665 issue: 21052 authors: - MarkEWaite pr_title: "[JENKINS-21052] Warn user that the copy button requires HTTPS" message: |- Warn user that copy button requires HTTPS. # pull: 7659 (PR title: Bump tyrus-standalone-client-jdk from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3) # pull: 7664 (PR title: Bump antlr.version from 4.11.1 to 4.12.0) # pull: 7667 (PR title: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.8.1 to 5.8.2) # pull: 7669 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.2.0) # pull: 7671 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.21.0) - version: '2.394' date: 2023-03-08 changes: - type: security message: Important security fixes. references: - url: /security/advisory/2023-03-08/ title: security advisory - type: rfe message: Limit the maximum number of search results. - version: '2.395' date: 2023-03-14 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7299 issue: 69853 authors: - Wadeck - NotMyFault - timja pr_title: "[JENKINS-69853] User experimental flags" message: |- Introduce user experimental flags. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7679 authors: - jglick pr_title: Make `StopBuildsCommand` work even if the last build is not running message: |- The stopbuilds command did nothing if the last build of the job was already finished, even while earlier builds were running. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7678 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Add copy button to Jenkins home directory message: |- Add copy button to Jenkins home directory. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7661 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Simplify settings names message: |- Simplify the names of the settings in Manage Jenkins. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7670 issue: 69955 authors: - Dohbedoh - timja - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-69955] Make websocket connection idleTimeout configurable" message: |- Adjust websocket idle timeout to 60s seconds by default to avoid "WebSocketTimeoutException: Connection Idle Timeout" issues. Idle timeout is configurable via jenkins.websocket.idleTimeout=<timeoutInSeconds>. # pull: 7643 (PR title: Minor updates to MAINTAINERS doc) # pull: 7682 (PR title: Update dependency node to v18.14.2) # pull: 7683 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.33.0 to 2.34.0) # pull: 7685 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.35.0) # pull: 7686 (PR title: Bump cloudbees-folder from 6.800.v71307ca_b_986b to 6.815.v0dd5a_cb_40e0e) # pull: 7688 (PR title: Remove config-scrollspy/config-tabbar) # pull: 7694 (PR title: Bump antisamy-markup-formatter from 155.v795fb_8702324 to 159.v25b_c67cd35fb_) # pull: 7697 (PR title: It's called update site, not central plugin repository) # pull: 7698 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5504) # pull: 7699 (PR title: Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v8.7.0) # pull: 7700 (PR title: Merge March 8 security tests into their main class) # pull: 7704 (PR title: [JENKINS-70647] Fix `hudson.util.ProcessTreeTest#considersKillingVetosOnSlave` on macOS) # pull: 7705 (PR title: [JENKINS-70646] Fix `hudson.cli.ConsoleCommandTest#consoleShouldSuccessWithLastNLinesAndFollow` on macOS) # pull: 7706 (PR title: Fix `RunRangeCommand2Test#dummyRangeShouldSuccessEvenTheBuildIsRunning` on macOS) # pull: 7707 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1938.ve4c94459431d to 1949.vb_b_37feefe78c) # pull: 7708 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.7.3) # pull: 7709 (PR title: Bump access-modifier.version from 1.30 to 1.31) # pull: 7710 (PR title: Move renovate configuration to `.github` folder) # pull: 7711 (PR title: Update dependency node to v18.15.0) # pull: 7713 (PR title: Update dependency jquery to v3.6.4) # pull: 7714 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.76.1) # pull: 7719 (PR title: Update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.14) # pull: 7720 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5509) # pull: 7721 (PR title: Bump spotless-maven-plugin from 2.34.0 to 2.35.0) # pull: 7723 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1775.v3181508ea_21e to 1777.v7c6fe6d54a_0c) - version: '2.396' date: 2023-03-21 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7718 authors: - janfaracik - timja pr_title: Revamp icon legend as a modal message: |- Revamp icon legend as a modal. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7732 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Remove the `expand-button` component as it's no longer used message: |- Remove the expand-button component as it's no longer used. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7712 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Refresh the design of the About Jenkins page message: |- Refresh the design of the About Jenkins page. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7740 issue: 69489 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-69489] - Hide restart checkbox if the controller doesn't support it" message: |- Hide the Restart Jenkins checkbox in the update center if the controller doesn't support it. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7743 issue: 70820 authors: - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-70820] - Restore 'New Node' button for users with node creation permission" message: |- Restore the New Node button in computer overview for users with node creation permission. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7681 authors: - jglick pr_title: Tune down warnings from `ProcessTree` message: |- Suppress some noisy stack traces from ProcessTree. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7724 authors: - jglick pr_title: Let `TokenBasedRememberMeServices2` tolerate `Authentication.principal` not `UserDetails` message: |- Avoid a ClassCastException from TokenBasedRememberMeServices2 (not known to occur in realistic environments). - type: bug category: bug pull: 7693 authors: - Vlatombe pr_title: Restrict JnlpSlaveRestarterInstaller to DumbSlave message: |- SlaveRestarter implementations are now only installed on static agents. Use Djenkins.slaves.restarter.JnlpSlaveRestarterInstaller.forceInstall=true to fall back to the previous behaviour in case of any issue. # pull: 7419 (PR title: [JENKINS-70102] Resizing browser window below 970px results in too narrow form elements) # pull: 7516 (PR title: Disambiguate and document the closure process) # pull: 7691 (PR title: Clearer docs about triggering builds via REST) # pull: 7702 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.7.0 to 10.8.1) # pull: 7725 (PR title: Fix security warning message when it's about core) # pull: 7726 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.36.0) # pull: 7728 (PR title: Remove Ajax.Request from filter-build-history) # pull: 7730 (PR title: Bump credentials from 1214.v1de940103927 to 1224.vc23ca_a_9a_2cb_0) # pull: 7733 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.95 to 1.96) # pull: 7736 (PR title: Remove space before colon in `Jenkins#setInstallState()`) # pull: 7739 (PR title: Update dependency style-loader to v3.3.2) # pull: 7742 (PR title: [JENKINS-68645] Move Java warning EOL buttons to upper right corner) # pull: 7744 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/core to v7.21.3) # pull: 7746 (PR title: Rename legend view) # pull: 7747 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven:maven-core to v3.9.1) # pull: 7749 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.76.2) # pull: 7750 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-loader to v7.1.0) # pull: 7751 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.7.5) # pull: 7753 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.3.0) # pull: 7754 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v31) # pull: 7755 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.5.0) - version: '2.397' date: 2023-03-28 banner: > A new GPG signing key is used for the Jenkins weekly package repositories. Follow the instructions in the Linux repository signing blog post to install the new public key on your computer. changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7767 authors: - mustafau pr_title: Add missing Turkish translations for plugins management page message: |- Add missing Turkish translations for plugins management page. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7762 authors: - mustafau pr_title: Add missing Turkish translations for tools management page message: |- Add missing Turkish translations for tools management page. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7689 issue: 70730 authors: - timja pr_title: JENKINS-70730 Don't remove id inside symbol message: |- Don't remove id inside symbol. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7735 issue: 70809 authors: - mamh2021 pr_title: '[JENKINS-70809] - Fix "delete build" button overflow the side-panel' message: |- Fix "delete build" button text overflow. - type: rfe category: developer pull: 6664 authors: - dependabot[bot] pr_title: Bump spring-framework-bom from 5.3.25 to 5.3.26 references: - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v5.3.26 title: Spring framework BOM 5.3.26 release notes - pull: 7760 message: |- Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.25 to 5.3.26. # pull: 7757 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7) # pull: 7758 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.8.1 to 10.9.2) # pull: 7763 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v2.8.5) # pull: 7764 (PR title: Bump commons-compress from 1.22 to 1.23.0) # pull: 7765 (PR title: Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v8.8.0) # pull: 7766 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v2.8.6) # pull: 7768 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.76.3) # pull: 7769 (PR title: [JENKINS-70779] Address Stylelint 15.x Deprecations) # pull: 7771 (PR title: Update deprecated gitpod commands) # pull: 7776 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v2.8.7) - version: '2.398' date: 2023-04-04 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7581 authors: - janfaracik - NotMyFault pr_title: Use a card layout instead of a table for the dashboard on mobile message: |- Use a card layout instead of a table for the dashboard on mobile. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7748 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Refresh the Build with Parameters interface message: |- Refresh the Build with Parameters interface. - type: bug category: bug pull: 7778 issue: 69129 authors: - basil pr_title: "[JENKINS-69129] Support escaped emoji characters in XML files" message: |- Support emoji in Job DSL scripts. # pull: 7774 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.96 to 1.97) # pull: 7775 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.9.2 to 10.9.3) # pull: 7779 (PR title: Update the IntelliJ Jenkins icon) # pull: 7780 (PR title: Record Launchable commits for successful builds) # pull: 7783 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5523) # pull: 7784 (PR title: [JENKINS-70895] skip `isSecureContext` check in automated tests) # pull: 7785 (PR title: Update dependency css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to v5) # pull: 7787 (PR title: Javadoc correction for `AsynchronousExecution`) # pull: 7789 (PR title: Use `withCredentials` for Launchable in `Jenkinsfile`) # pull: 7790 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.37.0) # pull: 7791 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.77.0) # pull: 7793 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1949.vb_b_37feefe78c to 1952.v3a_b_0cd3f5a_03) - version: '2.399' date: 2023-04-04 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe authors: - dduportal - markewaite - smerle - lemeurherve references: - url: https://github.com/jenkins-infra/release/pull/358 title: pull 358 message: |- Sign WAR file and Windows installer with new code signing certificate. - version: '2.400' date: 2023-04-11 changes: - type: security message: Important security fix. references: - url: /security/advisory/2023-06-14/ title: 2023-06-14 security advisory - type: bug category: regression pull: 7823 issue: 70988 authors: - jglick pr_title: "[JENKINS-70988] `TypeError: inputs[i].nextElementSibling is null`" message: |- Fix radio buttons in repeated blocks in configuration forms (regression in 2.391). - type: bug category: bug pull: 7701 issue: 70630 authors: - carlos-mon-inm - NotMyFault - MarkEWaite pr_title: "[JENKINS-70630] - Fix HTTP2 missing header" message: |- Fix null pointer exception on the "Manage Jenkins" page when HTTP/2 is enabled. # pull: 7690 (PR title: Use `String#isEmpty` where possible) # pull: 7727 (PR title: [JENKINS-70928] Remove `Ajax.Request` from breadcrumbs) # pull: 7773 (PR title: Upgrade ASM from 9.4 to 9.5) # pull: 7792 (PR title: [JENKINS-70932] Remove Prototype `Event.on` usages from `hetero-list.js`) # pull: 7794 (PR title: [JENKINS-70933] Remove Prototype `Event.on` usages from `confirm.js`) # pull: 7795 (PR title: [JENKINS-70939] Remove Prototype usages from `setInitialRootUrlFieldValue.js`) # pull: 7796 (PR title: [JENKINS-70936] Remove Prototype usages from `configure-entries-resources.js`) # pull: 7797 (PR title: [JENKINS-70970] Remove Prototype `Element.up` usages from `textarea.js`) # pull: 7798 (PR title: [JENKINS-70909] Remove Prototype usages from `behavior.js`) # pull: 7799 (PR title: [JENKINS-70953] Remove Prototype $ usage from `RenderOnDemandTest`) # pull: 7800 (PR title: Replace 'expr' with 'out' in prepareDatabinding) # pull: 7801 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.21.4) # pull: 7803 (PR title: Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.8 to 0.8.9) # pull: 7804 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5528) # pull: 7806 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.4.0) # pull: 7807 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v32) # pull: 7807 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v32) # pull: 7809 (PR title: Let Renovate run `yarn dedupe --strategy highest` on PRs) # pull: 7809 (PR title: Let Renovate run `yarn dedupe --strategy highest` on PRs) # pull: 7809 (PR title: Let Renovate run `yarn dedupe --strategy highest` on PRs) # pull: 7810 (PR title: [JENKINS-70935] [JENKINS-70952] Remove Prototype usages from `progressiveRendering.js`) # pull: 7812 (PR title: [JENKINS-70908] [JENKINS-70944] [JENKINS-70966] Remove Prototype usages from `hetero-list.js`) # pull: 7813 (PR title: Update name in .jenkins) # pull: 7814 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5534) # pull: 7816 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-loader to v7.2.4) # pull: 7817 (PR title: Upgrade `spotless-maven-plugin` from 2.35.0 to 2.36.0) # pull: 7818 (PR title: Upgrade `font-awesome-api` from 6.2.1-1 to 6.3.0-2) # pull: 7819 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.10.2) # pull: 7825 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.78.0) # pull: 7826 (PR title: Declare `@babel/preset-env`, `babel-loader`, `postcss-less`, and `stylelint-checkstyle-reporter` in `devDependencies`) # pull: 7829 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-remove-empty-scripts to v1.0.2) - version: '2.401' date: 2023-04-17 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7084 authors: - janfaracik - timja - NotMyFault pr_title: Add updates count badge to Updates sidebar item message: |- Add updates count badge to Updates sidebar item. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7827 authors: - basil pr_title: Remove dependency on `jenkins-js-modules` message: |- Simplify loading of JavaScript and CSS. Users of OWASP DependencyTrack must upgrade to 4.3.1 or later, and users of ServiceNow CI/CD must upgrade to 2.1 or later. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7845 authors: - basil pr_title: Copy multiple class names in `hetero-list.js` message: |- Properly iterate over class names in heterogeneous lists (regression in 2.400). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7838 authors: - dependabot[bot] references: - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v5.3.27 title: Spring Framework 5.3.27 release notes pr_title: Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.26 to 5.3.27 message: |- Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.26 to 5.3.27. # pull: 7811 (PR title: [JENKINS-70949] Remove Prototype $ usages from textarea.js) # pull: 7828 (PR title: Move `handlebars` out of `devDependencies`) # pull: 7832 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.38.0) # pull: 7833 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5536) # pull: 7835 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5537) # pull: 7843 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-remove-empty-scripts to v1.0.3) # pull: 7844 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5541) # pull: 7848 (PR title: Fill in todo annotations) - version: '2.402' date: 2023-04-25 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7474 authors: - janfaracik - daniel-beck pr_title: Update link dropdown menus to use new Tippy dropdowns message: |- Update appearance and framework for link dropdown menus. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7716 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: Small tidy up for the Tools page message: |- Remove duplicate section headers from the Tools page. Remove border at the top of the Tools page for consistency with other pages. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7673 issue: 70220 authors: - benebsiny pr_title: '[JENKINS-70220] Filter builds should be hidden when the big "no builds" block is visible' message: |- Hide the filter field when there's no build in Build History Widget. - type: bug category: regression pull: 7853 issue: 71089 authors: - janfaracik pr_title: "[JENKINS-71089] Fix `hasHeader` attribute for `f:hetero-list`" message: |- Restore conditional rendering of headers in some pages and remove non-functional drag handle from some headers (regression in 2.335). - type: rfe category: developer pull: 7858 issue: 70774 authors: - olamy pr_title: "[JENKINS-70774] Upgrade to Winstone 6.11 (e.g Jetty 10.0.13 to 10.0.15)" references: - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.11 title: Winstone 6.11 release notes - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-10.0.14 title: Jetty 10.0.14 changelog - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-10.0.15 title: Jetty 10.0.15 changelog message: |- Upgrade Winstone from 6.10 to 6.11. This includes the upgrade of Jetty from 10.0.13 to 10.0.15. # pull: 7830 (PR title: [JENKINS-70934] Remove Prototype usages from `buildListTable.jelly`) # pull: 7831 (PR title: Update code coverage step) # pull: 7834 (PR title: Format Groovy files in root Maven module with Spotless) # pull: 7841 (PR title: JENKINS-70914 Remove `Ajax.Request` from PluginManager) # pull: 7842 (PR title: JENKINS-70911 Remove Prototype `Ajax.Request` usage from ReverseProxySetupMonitor) # pull: 7846 (PR title: Remove `AntClassLoader`) # pull: 7849 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.79.0) # pull: 7850 (PR title: Migrate LESS to SCSS) # pull: 7851 (PR title: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.8.2 to 5.8.3) # pull: 7854 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1229.v4880b_b_e905a_6 to 1244.ve463715a_f89c) # pull: 7855 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.6 to 3.1.7) # pull: 7856 (PR title: Bump junit from 1189.v1b_e593637fa_e to 1196.vb_4cf28b_c7724) # pull: 7857 (PR title: Collect Launchable test results for core and ATH workspaces in core builds) # pull: 7859 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.5.0) # pull: 7861 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.22) # pull: 7862 (PR title: Bump matrix-project from 785.v06b_7f47b_c631 to 789.v57a_725b_63c79) # pull: 7863 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.97 to 1.98) # pull: 7864 (PR title: Bump ant from 481.v7b_09e538fcca to 487.vd79d090d4ea_e) # pull: 7866 (PR title: Record Launchable builds (to an approximation)) # pull: 7868 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5545) # pull: 7869 (PR title: Refactor combinations in `Jenkinsfile` for readability) # pull: 7873 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.23) # pull: 7874 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.80.0) # pull: 7877 (PR title: Bump junit from 1196.vb_4cf28b_c7724 to 1198.ve38db_d1b_c975) # pull: 7878 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.39.0) - version: '2.403' date: 2023-05-02 changes: - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7101 authors: - jglick pr_title: Remove WebSocket support for Jetty 9 message: |- Remove support for WebSocket agents when running inside Jetty 9. - type: rfe category: rfe pull: 7836 issue: 70805 authors: - uhafner - timja - NotMyFault pr_title: "[JENKINS-70805] Remove `!important` from styles in `
        message: |-
          Align source code text and line numbers in views that render source code with the Prism plugin.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7658
        issue: 70729
          - Vlatombe
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-70729] Rework clouds management into multiple pages"
        message: |-
          Rework clouds management into multiple pages to better scale to a large numbers of clouds.
          Users of EC2 Plugin should update it to version 2.0.7 or newer for compatibility.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 7870
        issue: 71115
          - niralmaruda
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71115] Builds filter field doesn't use full width on sub
          970px windows"
        message: |-
          Show full width filter field for builds on pages less than 970 pixels wide.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 7875
        issue: 71139
          - jglick
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71139] Fail fast when serializing invalid XML 1.1 data"
        message: |-
          Do not write NUL values to XML files.
          A technically illegal #x0 (NUL) could be written to Jenkins XML files but could no longer be read.
          Now the write will fail as well (regression in 2.398).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 7891
        issue: 71160
          - flabrie
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: '[JENKINS-71160] Fix "Tmp directories are hidden" alert icon'
        message: |-
          Fix the warning icon in the workspaces temporary directory message.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 7887
        issue: 71152
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71152] The System page breadcrumb no longer displays a
          list of page sections"
        message: |-
          Do not display a list of page sections on the System page breadcrumb.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 7420
        issue: 70115
          - davidho0403
          - NotMyFault
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-70115] The full width side panel's right side is too close
          to the border"
        message: |-
          Add padding to the right side of the full width side panel.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 7906
        issue: 70927
          - timja
        pr_title: JENKINS-70927 Remove unused projectViewNested
        message: |-
          Developer: The experimental projectViewNested view has been removed without replacement.

  # pull: 7860 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v33)
  # pull: 7876 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-cli to v5.0.2)
  # pull: 7880 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5554)
  # pull: 7881 (PR title: Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.9 to 0.8.10)
  # pull: 7882 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.6.0)
  # pull: 7883 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v2.8.8)
  # pull: 7884 (PR title: Remove EOL changelog.html file)
  # pull: 7888 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.9.3 to 10.10.0)
  # pull: 7889 (PR title: Update dependency node to v18.16.0)
  # pull: 7890 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5563)
  # pull: 7899 (PR title: JENKINS-70919 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from UserSeedProperty)
  # pull: 7904 (PR title: JENKINS-70926 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from project/configurable.jelly)
  # pull: 7907 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5568)
  # pull: 7909 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.62.1)
  # pull: 7910 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.81.0)
  # pull: 7917 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.21.5)
  # pull: 7918 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-loader to v7.3.0)

  - version: '2.404'
    date: 2023-05-09
      - type: major rfe
        category: major rfe
        pull: 7872
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Revamp the sign in and register pages
        message: |-
          Revamp the sign-in and register pages.
          Add support for browser-native themes like darkmode.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7922
        issue: 71177
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71177] modal with title for legend"
        message: |-
          Make title sticky in legend.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7770
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Move plugins refresh button to app bar
        message: |-
          Move plugins refresh button to app bar.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 7924
        issue: 71182
          - jglick
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71182] Correct Unicode behavior of `XML_1_1`"
        message: |-
          Fix the writing of emojis to XML (regression in 2.403).
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 7931
        issue: 71089
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Revert "[JENKINS-71089] Fix `hasHeader` attribute for `f:hetero-list`"
        message: |-
          Allow parameter positions to be reordered in job definitions (regression in 2.402).
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 7948
          - basil
          - timja
        pr_title: Add a user experimental flag to run Jenkins without Prototype.js
        message: |-
          Add a user experimental flag to run Jenkins without Prototype.js.
          Plugin authors should enable this flag and fix any issues that result from the removal of Prototype.js.
          In the future Prototype.js will be removed from Jenkins core.

  # pull: 7894 (PR title: JENKINS-70913 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from UpdateCenter)
  # pull: 7895 (PR title: JENKINS-70915 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from BuildButtonColumn)
  # pull: 7896 (PR title: JENKINS-70916 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from AdministrativeMonitorsDecorator)
  # pull: 7897 (PR title: JENKINS-70918 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usages from ApiTokenProperty)
  # pull: 7898 (PR title: JENKINS-70917 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from LegacyApiTokenAdministrativeMonitor)
  # pull: 7900 (PR title: JENKINS-70920 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from combobox.js)
  # pull: 7901 (PR title: JENKINS-70923 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from textarea.js)
  # pull: 7902 (PR title: JENKINS-70924 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from build-caption.js)
  # pull: 7903 (PR title: JENKINS-70925 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from progressive-text.js)
  # pull: 7905 (PR title: JENKINS-70929 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from task.jelly)
  # pull: 7908 (PR title: Bump credentials from 1224.vc23ca_a_9a_2cb_0 to 1236.v31e44e6060c0)
  # pull: 7915 (PR title: Improve WebSocket `Provider` interface)
  # pull: 7916 (PR title: Compile WebSocket SPI against more recent version of Servlet API)
  # pull: 7919 (PR title: Fix Launchable test result collection)
  # pull: 7920 (PR title: Drop reliance on GH-specific darkmode logic)
  # pull: 7925 (PR title: Deleting unused `ConfidentialStore.TEST`)
  # pull: 7927 (PR title: Upgrade Stapler from 1781.v62372c33644e to 1784.v56a_94d9727f2)
  # pull: 7928 (PR title: [JENKINS-70945] [JENKINS-70967] Remove Prototype.js usages from `radioBlock.js`)
  # pull: 7929 (PR title: [JENKINS-71190] Remove Prototype.js usages from `sortable.js`)
  # pull: 7930 (PR title: [JENKINS-70940] [JENKINS-70963] Remove Prototype.js usages from `advanced.js`)
  # pull: 7933 (PR title: Format `behavior.js`)
  # pull: 7934 (PR title: [JENKINS-70972] [JENKINS-70973] [JENKINS-70974] Reduce usages of Prot…)
  # pull: 7935 (PR title: [Jenkinsfile] Add source directory when recording coverage results)
  # pull: 7939 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.5.1)
  # pull: 7940 (PR title: Remove Prototype from `filter-build-history.js`)
  # pull: 7941 (PR title: Remove Prototype from `_table.js`)
  # pull: 7943 (PR title: Remove Prototype from various form elements)
  # pull: 7944 (PR title: Remove Prototype from miscellaneous files)
  # pull: 7945 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/core to v7.21.8)
  # pull: 7947 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.6.1)
  # pull: 7949 (PR title: JENKINS-70922 Remove Prototype Ajax.Request usage from select.js)
  # pull: 7950 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.82.0)
  # pull: 7952 (PR title: [JENKINS-70907] Remove Prototype `Ajax.Updater` usage from `URICheckEncodingMonitor`)
  # pull: 7953 (PR title: [JENKINS-70921] Remove Prototype `Ajax.Request` usages from `link.js`)
  # pull: 7954 (PR title: [JENKINS-70910] Remove `Prototype.Browser` usages from `hudson-behavior.js`)
  # pull: 7955 (PR title: [JENKINS-70947] Remove Prototype $ usage from `section_.js`)
  # pull: 7957 (PR title: Remove Roboto font)
  # pull: 7958 (PR title: Remove icomoon)
  # pull: 7959 (PR title: [JENKINS-71020] Remove Prototype usages from `buildTimeTrend_resources.js`)
  # pull: 7965 (PR title: Revert "[JENKINS-70922] Remove Prototype `Ajax.Request` usage from `select.js`")
  # pull: 7970 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.40.0)

  - version: '2.405'
    date: 2023-05-16
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7962
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Adjust form label padding
        message: |-
          Adjust form label padding.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7911
        issue: 13545
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-13545] use dialogs to delete computers, views, clouds,
          users and logrecorders"
        message: |-
          Use dialogs to delete computers, views, clouds, users and logrecorders.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7976
          - jglick
        pr_title: Refinements to `AssociatedConverterImpl.cache`
        message: |-
          Improve class loading behavior looking up special formatters for XML configuration files.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7990
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Upgrade from Guice 5.1.0 to 6.0.0
          - pull: 7990
          - url: https://github.com/google/guice/wiki/Guice600
            title: Guice 6.0.0 release notes
        message: |-
          Upgrade from Guice 5 to 6.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 7979
        issue: 71236
          - dependabot[bot]
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71236] Stapler Ajax proxy is broken"
        message: |-
          Restore support for ECharts API plugin (regression in 2.404).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 7956
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Make the skip link visible
        message: |-
          Make "Skip to content" link visible through keyboard navigation.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 7972
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Support clouds without a `config.jelly`
        message: |-
          Fix support of clouds without a config.jelly file.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 7926
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Introduce `jenkins.model.queue.QueueItem` interface
        message: |-
          Developer: Queue items elements are now formalized using jenkins.model.queue.QueueItem.

  # pull: 7946 (PR title: Tidy up Plugins' Updates jelly)
  # pull: 7951 (PR title: [JENKINS-70931] Remove Prototype `Ajax.Request` usages from `hudson-behavior.js`)
  # pull: 7960 (PR title: Remove fontawesome from setup wizard)
  # pull: 7961 (PR title: Convert `pluginSetupWizard.less` to SCSS)
  # pull: 7964 (PR title: Bump credentials from 1236.v31e44e6060c0 to 1254.vb_96f366e7b_a_d)
  # pull: 7966 (PR title: Better assertion in `jenkins.model.lazy.Build`)
  # pull: 7967 (PR title: More useful logging in `Trigger`)
  # pull: 7968 (PR title: Do not use `errorPanel` if the UC is offline)
  # pull: 7969 (PR title: Remove 'leading-icon' wrapper in 'Add/edit description' button)
  # pull: 7971 (PR title: Add missing braces to JavaScript files)
  # pull: 7973 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5581)
  # pull: 7974 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-cli to v5.1.0)
  # pull: 7975 (PR title: Disable spotless groovy formatting)
  # pull: 7977 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.10.0 to 10.11.0)
  # pull: 7980 (PR title: Bump junit from 1198.ve38db_d1b_c975 to 1202.v79a_986785076)
  # pull: 7981 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1954.v2e3fd5465b_a_6 to 1971.v8a_5a_6cfd6e5d)
  # pull: 7983 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven:maven-core to v3.9.2)
  # pull: 7985 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-cli to v5.1.1)
  # pull: 7986 (PR title: Fix delayedCheck for GET)
  # pull: 7988 (PR title: Bump plugin-util-api from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1)
  # pull: 7991 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.82.1)
  # pull: 7993 (PR title: Make Jenkins compile in Eclipse out of the box)
  # pull: 7994 (PR title: Fix compiler warning for intentionally bad type in test)
  # pull: 8000 (PR title: [JENKINS-71265] revert dialogs for deleting Runs)
  # pull: 8002 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1971.v8a_5a_6cfd6e5d to 1973.va_079654f6387)
  # pull: 8004 (PR title: Update dependabot stable branch)

  - version: '2.406'
    date: 2023-05-23
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8015
          - mawinter69
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Replace disconnect and system info symbols for agents
        message: |-
          Replace disconnect and system info symbols for agents.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 7942
        issue: 71200
          - Dohbedoh
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71200] Fix elements property overload in ListView"
        message: |-
          Prefix the name of input elements of ListView to prevent form submission issues when an Item (job) is named elements.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 7997
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Unrestrict `UserSeedChangeListener`
        message: |-
          Developer: Expose UserSeedChangeListener extension point.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 7984
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "`AbstractItem#doReload` should not be calling `SaveableListener#fireOnChange`"
        message: |-
          Developer: do not call SaveableListener.fireOnChange anymore when reloading an AbstractItem.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8008
          - basil
        pr_title: Deprecate `Form.findMatchingInput` Prototype extension in favor
          of a new non-Prototype replacement
        message: |-
          Developer: Support searches for matching form elements without the use of the Prototype JavaScript framework.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 7892
          - jglick
        pr_title: Introduced utility `HttpServletFilter`
        message: |-
          Developer: Added a utility HttpServletFilter to the API.

  # pull: 7982 (PR title: [JENKINS-70922] Remove Prototype `Ajax.Request` usage from `select.js`)
  # pull: 7996 (PR title: Update dependency jquery to v3.7.0)
  # pull: 7999 (PR title: Broken `toArray` implementations in `BuildReferenceMapAdapter`)
  # pull: 8001 (PR title: Bump mina-sshd.version from 2.9.2 to 2.10.0)
  # pull: 8005 (PR title: Replace hourglass tango icon with ionicon)
  # pull: 8006 (PR title: Fixing file leaks in tests (preadapting to proposed `TemporaryDirectoryAllocator.dispose` change))
  # pull: 8007 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1973.va_079654f6387 to 1977.v1363b_b_66d31b_)
  # pull: 8009 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1977.v1363b_b_66d31b_ to 1979.vcd137a_906b_c6)
  # pull: 8013 (PR title: Make padding consistent and reduce padding on mobile)
  # pull: 8014 (PR title: Remove use of Launchable shared library functionality)
  # pull: 8016 (PR title: Collect Launchable test results on Windows)
  # pull: 8018 (PR title: Remove Prototype usages in `BehaviorTest`)
  # pull: 8019 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5588)
  # pull: 8020 (PR title: Implement Launchable subsetting)
  # pull: 8021 (PR title: Extraneous `waitOnline` calls with `InboundAgentRule`)
  # pull: 8022 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.6.2)
  # pull: 8023 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.83.1)
  # pull: 8024 (PR title: Address javadoc warning and setup quality gates)
  # pull: 8026 (PR title: Shift quality gates for javadoc warnings from 'new' to 'total)
  # pull: 8028 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v6.7.4)
  # pull: 8029 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.7.6)
  # pull: 8030 (PR title: Update dependency style-loader to v3.3.3)
  # pull: 8031 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1979.vcd137a_906b_c6 to 1993.vdb_c571468e00)
  # pull: 8037 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1993.vdb_c571468e00 to 1994.vd69d1ecff273)
  # pull: 8038 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.98 to 1.99)
  # pull: 8040 (PR title: Update hamcrest imports)
  # pull: 8041 (PR title: Revert hamcrest updates and related changes in 5db5ceb, 6d2f930, 6d2f930)

  - version: '2.407'
    date: 2023-05-29
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7913
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: Warn when operating system end of life is approaching
        message: |-
          Warn administrators when their Linux operating system is approaching end of life.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7913
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: Warn when operating system end of life is approaching
        message: |-
          Announce early end of life for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and its derivatives (like CentOS Linux 7, Scientific Linux 7, and Oracle Linux 7).
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7989
          - janfaracik
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Minor footer appearance tweaks
        message: |-
          Minor footer appearance tweaks.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 7998
          - jglick
        pr_title: Lazy-load-friendly `Job.getEstimatedDurationCandidates`
        message: |-
          Reduce the circumstances under which recent old builds will be loaded when starting new builds.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8053
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Make Cloud#reconfigure public as it is necessary for downstream
        message: |-
          Developer: Make Cloud#reconfigure method public.

  # pull: 7921 (PR title: Guidance for new contributors)
  # pull: 8012 (PR title: Run ESLint on internal scripts)
  # pull: 8032 (PR title: Bump antlr.version from 4.12.0 to 4.13.0)
  # pull: 8033 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.41.0)
  # pull: 8034 (PR title: Add a test case for SystemPropertiesTest.java)
  # pull: 8035 (PR title: Add a test case for I18nTest.java)
  # pull: 8036 (PR title: new test case in SCMCheckoutStrategyTest.java)
  # pull: 8044 (PR title: Replace methods in deprecated hamcrest modules)
  # pull: 8045 (PR title: [JENKINS-71153] Remove top level error icons)
  # pull: 8047 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v13.3.0)
  # pull: 8049 (PR title: Bump mailer from 448.v5b_97805e3767 to 457.v3f72cb_e015e5)
  # pull: 8055 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1994.vd69d1ecff273 to 1999.v093b_8a_5013e1)
  # pull: 8056 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.84.0)
  # pull: 8057 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.84.1)
  # pull: 8059 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-loader to v7.3.1)
  # pull: 8060 (PR title: Update babel monorepo)
  # pull: 8062 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 1999.v093b_8a_5013e1 to 2002.v0b_78b_a_d69e5d)
  # pull: 8063 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.11.0 to 10.12.0)
  # pull: 8064 (PR title: Bump guava from 31.1-jre to 32.0.0-jre)

  - version: '2.408'
    date: 2023-06-06
    banner: >
      Jenkins 2.408 was not packaged or delivered.
      All changes planned for 2.408 are included in 2.409.
      - type: bug
        category: internal
          - lemeurherve
        message: |-
          Jenkins 2.408 was not placed in the artifact repository or on the download site.

  - version: '2.409'
    date: 2023-06-06
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7717
          - janfaracik
          - timja
        pr_title: Use jenkins-button for Repeatable buttons
        message: |-
          Use jenkins-button for repeatable buttons.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8082
        issue: 71394
          - zbynek
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71394] Fedora 38 should not show EOL warning until 2024"
        message: |-
          Do not show Fedora 38 as an end of life operating system before actual end of life in 2024.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8076
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Don't show arrow next to restart checkbox if OS doesn't support
        message: |-
          Hide the arrow next to the restart checkbox if the environment doesn't support it.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 7992
        issue: 71244
          - Bananeweizen
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71244] Avoid relative link in update center"
        message: |-
          Use correct update center proxy configuration hyperlink in error messages.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8065
          - basil
        pr_title: Move from `javax.inject` to `jakarta.inject`
        message: |-
          Add support for jakarta.inject annotations.

  # pull: 8050 (PR title: Update htmlunit to 3.x)
  # pull: 8058 (PR title: Remove Bootstrap usages from the New Item page)
  # pull: 8066 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.7 to 3.1.8)
  # pull: 8067 (PR title: Bump junit from 1202.v79a_986785076 to 1207.va_09d5100410f)
  # pull: 8069 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v6.8.1)
  # pull: 8070 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-loader to v7.3.2)
  # pull: 8071 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v13.3.1 - autoclosed)
  # pull: 8072 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.24)
  # pull: 8074 (PR title: Update URL to LTS backporting toolkit)
  # pull: 8075 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1244.ve463715a_f89c to 1251.vfe552ed55f8d)
  # pull: 8077 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/preset-env to v7.22.4)
  # pull: 8079 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 2002.v0b_78b_a_d69e5d to 2007.v8f9e5c18335a_)
  # pull: 8080 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5610)
  # pull: 8081 (PR title: Bump font-awesome-api from 6.3.0-2 to 6.3.0-3)
  # pull: 8084 (PR title: Remove font-size from html selector)
  # pull: 8088 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.85.0)
  # pull: 8090 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.6.0)
  # pull: 8091 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5618)
  # pull: 8092 (PR title: Bump font-awesome-api from 6.3.0-3 to 6.4.0-1)
  # pull: 8094 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5619)
  # pull: 8095 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.42.0)
  # pull: 8096 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.6.3)
  # pull: 8097 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5620)

  - version: '2.410'
    date: 2023-06-13
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7995
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: 'Improve sign in/register screens appearance on mobile '
        message: |-
          Improve sign in/register screens appearance on mobile.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8131
        issue: 71429
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71429] Fix deleting users via trashcan symbol"
        message: |-
          Allow user deletion from the trash can icon (regression in 2.405).
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8100
        issue: 71383
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71383] Confluence Publisher plugin space check not working
          (regression in 2.406)"
        message: |-
          Fix a bug when searching for matching form elements (regression in 2.406).
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 7932
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Make widgets really pluggable
        message: |-
          Developer: plugins can now contribute widgets for Computer, ComputerSet, View, Job.

  # pull: 8068 (PR title: Trying to deflake `DeleteBuildsCommandTest.deleteBuildsShouldSuccessEvenTheBuildIsRunning`)
  # pull: 8085 (PR title: Remove Bootstrap from pane.jelly)
  # pull: 8093 (PR title: Bump plugin-util-api from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0)
  # pull: 8098 (PR title: Remove usages of `IOUtils#toByteArray`)
  # pull: 8101 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5621)
  # pull: 8102 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-cli to v5.1.2)
  # pull: 8104 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-cli to v5.1.3)
  # pull: 8105 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 2010.v1888f1a_cd45a_ to 2024.vcb_b_ede610d76)
  # pull: 8106 (PR title: Remove dependency on spotless shared-resources)
  # pull: 8107 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.85.1)
  # pull: 8109 (PR title: Fix 'since' updater path in MAINTAINERS.adoc)
  # pull: 8112 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.7.0)
  # pull: 8113 (PR title: [JENKINS-71375] Bump guava from 32.0.0-jre to 32.0.1-jre)
  # pull: 8114 (PR title: [JENKINS-71153] Remove top-level fingerprint icon)
  # pull: 8115 (PR title: [JENKINS-71406] Flake in `NodeCanTakeTaskTest.becauseNodeIsBusy`)
  # pull: 8116 (PR title: Use GH 'tasklist' syntax for tasklists)
  # pull: 8117 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5623)
  # pull: 8119 (PR title: Remove nested list from GitHub tasklist)
  # pull: 8120 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.86.0)
  # pull: 8122 (PR title: Bump crypto-util from 1.8 to 1.9)
  # pull: 8123 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-cli to v5.1.4)
  # pull: 8124 (PR title: Bump instance-identity from 142.v04572ca_5b_265 to 173.va_37c494ec4e5)
  # pull: 8125 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 2024.vcb_b_ede610d76 to 2025.v6f97169a_d6a_f)
  # pull: 8130 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.63.2)
  # pull: 8137 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-loader to v7.3.3)
  # pull: 8138 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v13.3.2)
  # pull: 8139 (PR title: Fix failing builds)

  - version: '2.411'
    date: 2023-06-20
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8087
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Update the Log Recorders interface
        message: |-
          Update the Log Recorders interface.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8140
          - takashiharano
        pr_title: Add Japanese translation of Apply
        message: |-
          Add Japanese translation of Apply.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8127
          - jglick
        pr_title: Clean up `DoubleLaunchChecker`
        message: |-
          Switch the doublelaunch checker to a regular administrative monitor.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8147
        issue: 71246
          - timja
        pr_title: JENKINS-71246 Remove animations on login page causing high CPU usage
          in some cases
        message: |-
          Remove animations on login page causing high CPU usage in some cases.

  # pull: 8048 (PR title: `TransientActionFactory` cache simplification)
  # pull: 8126 (PR title: Deprecate `hudson.util.IOUtils#skip`)
  # pull: 8128 (PR title: Deprecate `hudson.util.NullStream`)
  # pull: 8133 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.22.5)
  # pull: 8134 (PR title: Update bundled plugins)
  # pull: 8135 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.63.3)
  # pull: 8136 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 2025.v6f97169a_d6a_f to 2028.vb_6e9c2a_8668a_)
  # pull: 8142 (PR title: Forward compatibility for Commons IO 2.13.0 in `hudson.Util#loadFile`)
  # pull: 8143 (PR title: Fix link from `/threadDump` to agent)
  # pull: 8144 (PR title: Remove usages of `org.apache.commons.io.output.NullOutputStream`)
  # pull: 8145 (PR title: Remove usages of `org.apache.commons.io.input.NullInputStream`)
  # pull: 8146 (PR title: Remove usages of `org.apache.commons.io.output.ByteArrayOutputStream`)
  # pull: 8150 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5625)
  # pull: 8151 (PR title: Bump spring-framework-bom from 5.3.27 to 5.3.28)
  # pull: 8154 (PR title: Bump remoting from 3107.v665000b_51092 to 3131.vf2b_b_798b_ce99)
  # pull: 8155 (PR title: De-flake `hudson.FilePathTest#archiveBug`)
  # pull: 8156 (PR title: Update dependency css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to v5.0.1)
  # pull: 8159 (PR title: Bump maven-shade-plugin from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0)
  # pull: 8160 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.63.4)
  # pull: 8162 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.87.0)
  # pull: 8163 (PR title: Fix a typo in DomainValidator's docs)
  # pull: 8166 (PR title: Bump core-annotation-processors from 1.0 to 9.v8d1b_e5888539)
  # pull: 8167 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.43.0)

  - version: '2.412'
    date: 2023-06-27
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8054
        issue: 71042
          - yaroslavafenkin
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71042] [JENKINS-71044] [JENKINS-71045] Improve CSP compatibility"
        message: |-
          Improve CSP compatibility.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8173
          - basil
        pr_title: Upgrade Winstone from 6.11 to 6.12
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.12
            title: Winstone 6.12 release notes
        message: |-
          Add or update MIME types for JavaScript files, JavaScript module files, AV1 Image File (AVIF) files, Web Open Font Format (WOFF) files, and WebAssembly files.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8039
        issue: 71040
          - yaroslavafenkin
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71040] [JENKINS-71041] Improve CSP compatibility"
        message: |-
          Improve CSP compatibility by removing inline JS event handlers.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8164
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Use CSS variables for logger colours
        message: |-
          Use CSS variables for logger colours.

  # pull: 8149 (PR title: Reenable media feature range notation Stylelint check)
  # pull: 8168 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.8.0)
  # pull: 8170 (PR title: Run ATH tests on Java 17)
  # pull: 8172 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.99 to 1.100)
  # pull: 8174 (PR title: Stop shipping `metainf-services` in the WAR)
  # pull: 8175 (PR title: Bump core-annotation-processors from 9.v8d1b_e5888539 to 13.v2dcfc22a_a_b_29)
  # pull: 8176 (PR title: Bump junit from 1207.va_09d5100410f to 1214.va_2f9db_3e6de0)
  # pull: 8177 (PR title: Bump commons-codec from 1.15 to 1.16.0)
  # pull: 8181 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 2028.vb_6e9c2a_8668a_ to 2031.v7dd434e9430e)
  # pull: 8182 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.63.5)
  # pull: 8183 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.88.0)
  # pull: 8184 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 2031.v7dd434e9430e to 2034.v41c9cb_349299)
  # pull: 8185 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.63.6)
  # pull: 8188 (PR title: Bump frontend-maven-plugin from 1.12.1 to 1.13.3)
  # pull: 8189 (PR title: Bump checkstyle from 10.12.0 to 10.12.1)
  # pull: 8190 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.9.0)
  # pull: 8191 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven:maven-core to v3.9.3)

  - version: '2.413'
    date: 2023-07-04
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8179
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: Update appearance of buttons for password and secretTextarea matching
        message: |-
          Update appearance of buttons for password and secretTextarea matching 'jenkins-button's.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8186
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Display a notice when there are no logs available
        message: |-
          Display a notice in the log manager page when no logs are available.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8221
        issue: 71553
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71553] Add history widget factory for job not implementing
        message: |-
          Restore missing build history for external jobs (regression in 2.409).

  # pull: 8108 (PR title: Bump commons-io from 2.11.0 to 2.13.0)
  # pull: 8132 (PR title: Add Russian localization for CLI)
  # pull: 8158 (PR title: Ensure that consumers of `Executors#startBlockingBuild` stop the blocking build)
  # pull: 8192 (PR title: Bump metainf-services from 1.9 to 1.11)
  # pull: 8194 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v8.5.1)
  # pull: 8195 (PR title: Clean up Stylelint configuration)
  # pull: 8196 (PR title: Update dependency node to v18.16.1)
  # pull: 8197 (PR title: Bump ant from 487.vd79d090d4ea_e to 497.v94e7d9fffa_b_9)
  # pull: 8198 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.10.3)
  # pull: 8199 (PR title: Select Java 17 in ath.sh)
  # pull: 8204 (PR title: Bump jenkins from 1.100 to 1.101)
  # pull: 8205 (PR title: Non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter)
  # pull: 8206 (PR title: Temporarily disable selective ATH tests)
  # pull: 8209 (PR title: Fill in todo annotations)
  # pull: 8212 (PR title: Revert "Temporarily disable selective ATH tests")
  # pull: 8213 (PR title: Bump access-modifier.version from 1.31 to 1.32)
  # pull: 8214 (PR title: Bump guava from 32.0.1-jre to 32.1.1-jre)
  # pull: 8215 (PR title: Bump bridge-method-injector.version from 1.26 to 1.27)
  # pull: 8216 (PR title: Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.6 to 1.7)
  # pull: 8217 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.88.1)
  # pull: 8222 (PR title: Bump frontend-maven-plugin from 1.13.3 to 1.13.4)
  # pull: 8224 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.6.1)
  # pull: 8225 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.44.0)

  - version: '2.414'
    date: 2023-07-11
      - type: major rfe
        category: major rfe
        pull: 7355
        issue: 70059
          - meiswjn
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-70059] Improve Safe Restart interface and user information"
        message: |-
          Allow cancelling the quiet down mode of a safe restart with an optional custom message for safe restarts (with new default message).
          Use a less dangerous color for the safeRestart banner.
          Allow setting the full prepareShutdown message instead of only the reason.
          Show a hint on the "Jenkins Unavailable" page about safe restarts.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8025
          - janfaracik
          - NotMyFault
          - timja
        pr_title: Move the 'Update' and 'Install' buttons to the app bar
        message: |-
          Move the 'Update' and 'Install' buttons to the app bar.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7893
        issue: 71034
          - yaroslavafenkin
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71034] [JENKINS-71035] [JENKINS-71036] [JENKINS-71037]
          Improve CSP compatibility"
        message: |-
          Improve CSP compatibility by uninlining javascript code.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8210
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: Update legacyapitoken revoke button style matching 'jenkins-button's
        message: |-
          Make the style of the legacy API token revoke button consistent with other buttons.

  # pull: 8220 (PR title: Read end of life data file less often)
  # pull: 8223 (PR title: Update textarea.js)
  # pull: 8227 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.10.4)
  # pull: 8228 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5658)
  # pull: 8229 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.8 to 3.1.9)
  # pull: 8230 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9)
  # pull: 8231 (PR title: Adapt maven-license-plugin changes)
  # pull: 8232 (PR title: Bump junit from 1214.va_2f9db_3e6de0 to 1217.v4297208a_a_b_ce)
  # pull: 8234 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.22.6)
  # pull: 8240 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.10.1 [SECURITY])
  # pull: 8242 (PR title: Update babel monorepo)
  # pull: 8243 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.25)

  - version: '2.415'
    date: 2023-07-18
      - type: major rfe
        category: major rfe
        pull: 7938
        issue: 71438
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: " [JENKINS-71438] Replace browser confirm with modal dialogs"
        message: |-
          Replace browser confirm with modal dialogs in many places.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8129
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Add last build status to job page
        message: |-
          Add last build status to job page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8258
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: Remove Rebuilder Plugin from setup wizard options
        message: |-
          Remove the rebuild plugin from the setup wizard plugin selection.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8233
          - jglick
        pr_title: "`LazyBuildMixIn.getEstimatedDurationCandidates` duplication"
        message: |-
          Estimate project duration accurately in more cases (regression in 2.407).
      - type: major rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 7938
        issue: 71438
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: " [JENKINS-71438] Replace browser confirm with modal dialogs"
        message: |-
          Developer: API for alert, confirm, prompt, modal and form dialogs
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 7641
          - StefanSpieker
          - NotMyFault
          - timja
        pr_title: Remove deprecated `DIR_SEPARATOR` and `LINE_SEPARATOR`
        message: |-
          Remove long deprecated hudson.util.IOUtils#DIR_SEPARATOR, hudson.util.IOUtils#DIR_SEPARATOR_WINDOWS, hudson.util.IOUtils#DIR_SEPARATOR_UNIX, hudson.util.IOUtils#LINE_SEPARATOR, hudson.util.IOUtils#LINE_SEPARATOR_WINDOWS, and hudson.util.IOUtils#LINE_SEPARATOR_UNIX which are available from org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.

  # pull: 8086 (PR title: Tidy up the Parameters page)
  # pull: 8219 (PR title: Small tweaks to theme.scss)
  # pull: 8226 (PR title: Inline taglib documentation site)
  # pull: 8235 (PR title: Noting purpose of the `META-INF/upgrade` pseudo-package)
  # pull: 8245 (PR title: Frequent failures in `ExecutorTest.disconnectCause_WithoutTrace`)
  # pull: 8246 (PR title: Update dependency babel-loader to v9.1.3)
  # pull: 8248 (PR title: Adapt stapler-maven-plugin changes)
  # pull: 8249 (PR title: Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /war)
  # pull: 8251 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1785.vf9cb_74a_b_ec5b_ to 1802.v9e2750160d01)
  # pull: 8252 (PR title: Update dependency @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs to v2.8.0)
  # pull: 8253 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v2.7.6)
  # pull: 8254 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven.skins:maven-fluido-skin to v1.12.0)
  # pull: 8255 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5659)
  # pull: 8256 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.11.1)
  # pull: 8257 (PR title: Link directly to changelog in weekly template)
  # pull: 8261 (PR title: Flake in `QuietDownCommandTest.quietDownShouldSuccessWithBlockPlusNonExpiredTimeoutAndRunningExecutor`)
  # pull: 8263 (PR title: Flake in `QueueTest.pendingsConsistenceAfterErrorDuringMaintain`)
  # pull: 8266 (PR title: Bump commons-jelly-tags-define from 1.1-jenkins-20230124 to 1.1-jenkins-20230713)
  # pull: 8267 (PR title: Bump spring-framework-bom from 5.3.28 to 5.3.29)
  # pull: 8268 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.11.2)
  # pull: 8271 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.22.9)
  # pull: 8272 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.26)
  # pull: 8274 (PR title: Bump font-awesome-api from 6.4.0-1 to 6.4.0-2)
  # pull: 8275 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 2034.v41c9cb_349299 to 2042.v787a_641a_9b_26)
  # pull: 8276 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10)
  # pull: 8277 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.45.0)

  - version: '2.416'
    date: 2023-07-26
      - type: security
        message: Important security fix.
          - url: /security/advisory/2023-07-26/
            title: security advisory

  - version: '2.417'
    date: 2023-08-01
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8299
          - jglick
        pr_title: Simpler `Jenkins.getComputers`
        message: |-
          Small optimization in computer list.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8265
        issue: 71054
          - yaroslavafenkin
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71054] Remove the treeview option for artifactList"
        message: |-
          Remove the treeview option for artifactList.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8193
          - basil
        pr_title: Remove `java.desktop/com.sun.beans.introspect` from `Add-Opens`
        message: |-
          Remove a workaround that was only necessary for OpenJDK 11.0.16 and earlier.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8180
          - mawinter69
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Move 'expandableTextbox' to a jenkins-button
        message: |-
          Use new jenkins-button styling for 'expandableTextbox' button.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8283
          - meiswjn
        pr_title: Add logging for agent usage by job
        message: |-
          Log agent usage by job.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8262
        issue: 71496
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71496] Make tab pane selection reachable via keyboard"
        message: |-
          Make tab panes accessible via keyboard.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
          - philfry
        pr_title: "RPM: Remove System V initialization script"
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/pull/409
            title: pull 409 (packaging)
          - url: https://www.jenkins.io/blog/2022/03/25/systemd-migration/
            title: Linux install packages migrated from System V init to systemd
        message: |-
          Remove System V initialization scripts from RPM based installers.
          The System V initialization scripts were replaced in March 2022 with systemd initialization.
          RPM users with a custom log directory no longer have a logrotate(8) configuration out-of-the-box.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8273
        issue: 71366
          - mattpulver
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71366] Set sandbox allow-same-origin in DEFAULT_CSP_VALUE."
        message: |-
          Add allow-same-origin to the sandbox ContentSecurityPolicy directive of workspace and artifact browsers if the Resource Root URL feature is not used.
          Allow requests to resources like stylesheets and images, even if a reverse proxy prohibits cross-site requests.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8288
        issue: 71186
          - programbeginnerTW
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71186] - Avoid a warning from web application scanners"
        message: |-
          Add the X-Content-Type-Options HTTP header to the response from the agent listener.
          Silence security scanners that incorrectly report an issue when the HTTP header is missing.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8293
        issue: 71698
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71698] Only disable plugin manager button if none are
        message: |-
          Only disable the plugin manager "install" button if no plugins are selected (regression in 2.414).

  # pull: 8211 (PR title: [JENKINS-71052] CSP compatibility: SetupWizard/wizard-ui.jelly)
  # pull: 8244 (PR title: Update to Prettier 3 and add trailing commas)
  # pull: 8259 (PR title: Flake in `ExecutorTest.disconnectCause`)
  # pull: 8278 (PR title: Add missing `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` header)
  # pull: 8279 (PR title: Pass POST parameters in body rather than query string)
  # pull: 8280 (PR title: `ReverseProxySetupMonitor` changed from POST to GET)
  # pull: 8281 (PR title: Bump spring-security-bom from 5.8.4 to 5.8.5)
  # pull: 8282 (PR title: Post LTS pre-releases to discourse and dev mailing list)
  # pull: 8287 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.88.2)
  # pull: 8290 (PR title: Add French translation for Build Step string)
  # pull: 8292 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v15.10.2)
  # pull: 8294 (PR title: Update dependency node to v18.17.0)
  # pull: 8295 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.64.1)
  # pull: 8296 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.27)
  # pull: 8298 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1254.vb_96f366e7b_a_d to 1271.v54b_1c2c6388a_)
  # pull: 8300 (PR title: Remove invalid Japanese mailing list URL)
  # pull: 8302 (PR title: Update dependabot branch for LTS 2.414.x)
  # pull: 8303 (PR title: `DescribableList.replace` called `Saveable.save` twice)
  # pull: 8306 (PR title: Label LTS PRs automatically)
  # pull: 8307 (PR title: `replaceDescription` is not robust)
  # pull: 8308 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.1.0)
  # pull: 8309 (PR title: Flake in `AbstractBuildTest.workspaceLock`)
  # pull: 8311 (PR title: Add many french translations for plugins manager)
  # pull: 8312 (PR title: Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v8.9.0)
  # pull: 8315 (PR title: Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.12.1 to 10.12.2)
  # pull: 8316 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.46.0)
  # pull: 8317 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2042.v787a_641a_9b_26 to 2044.v03c87927ff5c)

  - version: '2.418'
    date: 2023-08-08
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8341
        issue: 71238
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71238] New login page breaks `login-theme-plugin`"
        message: |-
          New login page breaks login theme plugin.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8322
        issue: 71744
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71744] Fix context menu"
        message: |-
          Fix "Manage Jenkins" context menu (regression in 2.415).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8324
          - takashiharano
        pr_title: Fix mistranslation of  noPrincipal_ja.properties
        message: |-
          Fix mistranslation of Japanese message in mailing list reference.

  # pull: 8285 (PR title: Minor Improvement: Add Java 20 version to assertJavaCheckPasses() in war>src>test )
  # pull: 8318 (PR title: Bump com.google.guava:guava from 32.1.1-jre to 32.1.2-jre)
  # pull: 8320 (PR title: Add French translations for Rename panel)
  # pull: 8323 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven:maven-core to v3.9.4)
  # pull: 8325 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.64.2)
  # pull: 8327 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project from 789.v57a_725b_63c79 to 802.v8013b_40c7edc)
  # pull: 8328 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:mailer from 457.v3f72cb_e015e5 to 463.vedf8358e006b_)
  # pull: 8329 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security from 1251.vfe552ed55f8d to 1264.vecf66020eb_7d)
  # pull: 8330 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:antisamy-markup-formatter from 159.v25b_c67cd35fb_ to 162.v0e6ec0fcfcf6)
  # pull: 8333 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5686)
  # pull: 8334 (PR title: Update dependency handlebars to v4.7.8)
  # pull: 8335 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.12.0)
  # pull: 8336 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v2.8.0)
  # pull: 8337 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.0.1)
  # pull: 8338 (PR title: Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v8.10.0)
  # pull: 8342 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-text-api from 1.10.0-36.vc008c8fcda_7b_ to 1.10.0-68.v0d0b_c439292b_)
  # pull: 8343 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:display-url-api from 2.3.7 to 2.3.8)
  # pull: 8346 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.103 to 1.104)

  - version: '2.419'
    date: 2023-08-14
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8355
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Remove the addition of the 'has-help' class from hudson-behaviour.js
        message: |-
          Remove the addition of the 'has-help' class from hudson-behaviour.js.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8208
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Display a notice when there are plugins installed or updates available
        message: |-
          Display a notice when there are plugins installed or updates available.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8363
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Update the design of the content blocks
        message: |-
          Update the design of the content blocks.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8089
          - dten
        pr_title: Use standard size node icon even with long node names
        message: |-
          Use standard size node icon even with long node names.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8357
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Deprecate findAncestor and findAncestorClass
        message: |-
          Deprecate findAncestor and findAncestorClass in hudson-behaviour.js.

  # pull: 8319 (PR title: Replace MD5 digest with SHA256 while logging payload in Mock class called from tests)
  # pull: 8347 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.1.1)
  # pull: 8348 (PR title: Update release chat room URL)
  # pull: 8349 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2044.v03c87927ff5c to 2053.v0ea_6fc5d99b_f)
  # pull: 8350 (PR title: Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v9)
  # pull: 8352 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5688 - autoclosed)
  # pull: 8353 (PR title: Bump bridge-method-injector.version from 1.27 to 1.28)
  # pull: 8358 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5689)
  # pull: 8360 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.22.10)
  # pull: 8361 (PR title: [JENKINS-71813] Run tests on Java 21 instead of 19)
  # pull: 8364 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5691)
  # pull: 8365 (PR title: Add Java 21 to supported Java versions)
  # pull: 8366 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.65.1)
  # pull: 8369 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5695)
  # pull: 8373 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.47.0)

  - version: '2.420'
    date: 2023-08-22
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8376
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Move app bar for plugins
        message: |-
          Move plugins page title into sidebar so that plugins app bar is at the top of the page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8370
        issue: 71514
          - yaroslavafenkin
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71514] Remove `eval` call in hudson-behavior.js"
        message: |-
          Remove eval call in hudsonbehavior.js.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8368
          - mustafau
        pr_title: Turkish localization fixes for the job configuration page
        message: |-
          Update Turkish localizations for the job configuration page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8375
          - janfaracik
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Update link design
        message: |-
          Refresh link design.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8208
          - janfaracik
          - NotMyFault
          - timja
        pr_title: Display a notice when there are plugins installed or updates available
        message: |-
          Display a notice when plugin updates are available or when there are no plugins installed.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8363
          - janfaracik
          - timja
        pr_title: Update the design of the content blocks
        message: |-
          Update the design of the content blocks.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8355
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Remove the addition of the 'has-help' class from `hudson-behaviour.js`
        message: |-
          Remove the unnecessary hashelp class additions from hudsonbehaviour.js.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8388
        issue: 71848
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71848] Remove admin monitors popup from `/manage/` again"
        message: |-
          Hide administrative monitors icons/popup in the header of Manage Jenkins, as they're shown directly on the page.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8378
        issue: 61452
          - jglick
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-61452] Tolerate corrupt Base64 in `PlainTextConsoleOutputStream`"
        message: |-
          The plain text console log will still be printed even if some console annotations are corrupt.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8387
        issue: 71833
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71833] Fix link to job in slow trigger admin monitor"
        message: |-
          Fix link to job in the message informing administrators of trigger computations that run for an unusually long time.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8357
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Deprecate `findAncestor` and `findAncestorClass`
        message: |-
          Deprecate findAncestor and findAncestorClass in hudsonbehaviour.js.

  # pull: 8340 (PR title: Replace hetero-list YUI button and menu with new style button and tippy.js menu)
  # pull: 8354 (PR title: Remove unused CSS variables)
  # pull: 8372 (PR title: Remove unused CSS classes)
  # pull: 8377 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5699)
  # pull: 8382 (PR title: Many French translations for plugin panels)
  # pull: 8383 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.846.v23698686f0f6 to 6.848.ve3b_fd7839a_81)
  # pull: 8384 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security from 1264.vecf66020eb_7d to 1269.v639888f5e366)
  # pull: 8389 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:structs from 324.va_f5d6774f3a_d to 325.vcb_307d2a_2782)
  # pull: 8391 (PR title: Remove 'track-mouse' JS)
  # pull: 8396 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.0.2)
  # pull: 8397 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:display-url-api from 2.3.8 to 2.3.9)
  # pull: 8398 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.28)
  # pull: 8400 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-scss to v4.0.7)
  # pull: 8401 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.6.2)
  # pull: 8402 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.66.0)
  # pull: 8405 (PR title: Bump org.apache.ant:ant from 1.10.13 to 1.10.14)
  # pull: 8407 (PR title: Bump org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom from 5.8.5 to 5.8.6)
  # pull: 8408 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security from 1269.v639888f5e366 to 1271.vdede89739a_81)
  # pull: 8409 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2053.v0ea_6fc5d99b_f to 2058.va_7b_41a_286207)
  # pull: 8411 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.66.1)
  # pull: 8412 (PR title: Revert "Replace hetero-list YUI button and menu with new style button and tippy.js menu")

  - version: '2.421'
    date: 2023-08-29
      - type: major rfe
        category: major rfe
        pull: 8250
        issue: 71087
          - daniel-beck
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71087] Nicer 404 error pages"
        message: |-
          Add a nicer 404 error page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8403
          - timja
        pr_title: Add `Appearance` system configuration page
        message: |-
          Add appearance system configuration page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8395
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Optimize Label parsing calls
        message: |-
          Optimize performance of label parsing.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8425
        issue: 71479
          - dwnusbaum
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71479] Do not use SCSS lighten function directly to avoid
          invalid CSS"
        message: |-
          Fix invalid CSS which caused some buttons to become invisible on hover.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8416
        issue: 38520
          - dependabot[bot]
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-38520] Every message in agent log appears twice with the
          `-agentLog` option"
        message: |-
          Message no longer appears twice when the agentLog option is used.

  # pull: 8406 (PR title: Simplify `fireEvent`)
  # pull: 8410 (PR title: Refactor SCSS structure)
  # pull: 8415 (PR title: Bump matrix-auth from 3.1.10 to 3.2)
  # pull: 8417 (PR title: `hudson.model.CauseTest#broadlyNestedCauses` flaked)
  # pull: 8419 (PR title: Minor correction in UpdateCenter restart UI internals)
  # pull: 8423 (PR title: Rename adjunct files to more easily associate with elements)
  # pull: 8424 (PR title: Bump script-security from 1271.vdede89739a_81 to 1273.v66c1964f0dfd)
  # pull: 8428 (PR title: Clear the queue before tearing down tests)
  # pull: 8429 (PR title: `MaintainCanTakeStrengtheningTest` is flaky)
  # pull: 8430 (PR title: `CauseTest#deeplyNestedCauses` is also flaky)
  # pull: 8432 (PR title: Bump jenkins-test-harness from 2058.va_7b_41a_286207 to 2062.v3efc79721e45)
  # pull: 8433 (PR title: Update dependency node to v18.17.1)
  # pull: 8437 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.6.3)
  # pull: 8439 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/core to v7.22.11)
  # pull: 8441 (PR title: Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.12.2 to 10.12.3)
  # pull: 8443 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.48.0)

  - version: '2.422'
    date: 2023-09-05
      - type: major bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8448
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Label parsing robustness fix
        message: |-
          Prevent incorrect readResolve implementations from breaking agent label parsing.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8418
          - mawinter69
          - timja
          - basil
        pr_title: Replace hetero-list YUI button and menu with new style button and
          tippy.js menu
        message: |-
          Update several buttons and menus to replace YahooUI in more locations.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8453
        issue: 71950
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71950] List plugins in deterministic order"
        message: |-
          List plugins in deterministic order to improve diagnosability of plugin linkage errors.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8440
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: Add telemetry for security-related settings
        message: |-
          Add telemetry collecting basic information about the security configuration.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8446
          - mustafau
        pr_title: Turkish localization fixes for the new job page
        message: |-
          Update Turkish localization for the new job page.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8447
          - olamy
        pr_title: Upgrade to winstone 6.13 which upgrades to Jetty 10.0.16
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.13
            title: Winstone 6.13 release notes
          - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-10.0.16
            title: Jetty 10.0.16 changelog
        message: |-
          Upgrade to Winstone 6.13 to include Jetty 10.0.16.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8413
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Initialize default view earlier in the init process.
        message: |-
          Developer: Initialize default view slightly earlier in the initialization process.

  # pull: 8414 (PR title: Side-port test cleanup from jenkinsci/remoting#587)
  # pull: 8434 (PR title: Fixed some deprecation warnings in tests)
  # pull: 8436 (PR title: Fixed some minor deprecation warnings in Tests)
  # pull: 8438 (PR title: Add more operating system end of life dates)
  # pull: 8444 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2062.v3efc79721e45 to 2064.vcd3b_b_8f3f2b_a_)
  # pull: 8445 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.104 to 1.105)
  # pull: 8449 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.1.2)
  # pull: 8450 (PR title: Update dependency jquery to v3.7.1)
  # pull: 8451 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security from 1273.v66c1964f0dfd to 1274.v2b_33362a_f2f5)
  # pull: 8452 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-remove-empty-scripts to v1.0.4)
  # pull: 8454 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.0.3)
  # pull: 8455 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security from 1273.v66c1964f0dfd to 1275.v23895f409fb_d)
  # pull: 8456 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.29)
  # pull: 8458 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/preset-env to v7.22.14)
  # pull: 8460 (PR title: [JENKINS-71958] Update scriptConsole_tr.properties)
  # pull: 8463 (PR title: Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4)

  - version: '2.423'
    date: 2023-09-12
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8381
          - janfaracik
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Move Node monitoring option to app bar
        message: |-
          Move node monitoring option to app bar.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8471
        issue: 71983
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71983] allow symbols in MenuItem#withIconClass"
        message: |-
          Symbols display in breadcrumbs now.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8462
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Make branding overridable in signin/login page
        message: |-
          Developer: make branding an extension via SimplePageDecorator.

  # pull: 8427 (PR title: Add test for SECURITY-3135)
  # pull: 8461 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 2.0.7 to 2.0.9)
  # pull: 8464 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-text-api from 1.10.0-68.v0d0b_c439292b_ to 1.10.0-78.v3e7b_ea_d5a_fe1)
  # pull: 8465 (PR title: Bump antlr.version from 4.13.0 to 4.13.1)
  # pull: 8466 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.1.3 - autoclosed)
  # pull: 8467 (PR title: Avoid usage of Guava from `ProcessTree`)
  # pull: 8469 (PR title: update badge documentation)
  # pull: 8470 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.22.15)
  # pull: 8472 (PR title: Prevent scrolling for textarea preview)
  # pull: 8475 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-scss to v4.0.8)
  # pull: 8478 (PR title: Bump org.apache.commons:commons-compress from 1.23.0 to 1.24.0)
  # pull: 8479 (PR title: Bump com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin from 1.13.4 to 1.14.0)

  - version: '2.424'
    date: 2023-09-20
      - type: security
        message: Important security fixes.
          - url: /security/advisory/2023-09-20/
            title: security advisory

  - version: '2.425'
    date: 2023-09-26
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8496
        issue: 71866
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: '[JENKINS-71866] Allow to use alternate values for "Build with Parameters"
          and the "Build" button on the parameters page'
        message: |-
          Allow alternate values for "Build with Parameters" and the "Build" button on the parameters page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8494
          - jglick
        pr_title: Optimization for `AbstractLazyLoadRunMap.loadNumberOnDisk`
        message: |-
          Small speculative optimization in build loading.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8484
          - basil
        pr_title: Increase minimum required Remoting version from 4.7 to 4.13
        message: |-
          The minimum required Remoting version has been increased to 4.13 (released on March 4, 2022).
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8474
          - jtnord
        pr_title: fix signup autofocus
        message: |-
          Prevent log spam when using the Jenkins security database and users signup.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8493
        issue: 71880
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71880] fix notification in breadcrumb"
        message: |-
          Show a confirmation popup when triggering l:task action from context menu.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8485
        issue: 71890
          - benebsiny
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71890] Model links in build history views and administrative
          monitors no longer work"
        message: |-
          Restore context menus of model links in build history views and in administrative monitors. (regression in 2.402).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8491
        issue: 72018
          - flabrie
          - 'TODO: Francis Labrie (francis.labrie@cgi.com)'
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72018] Form entries in .repeated-chunk using .show-if-not-only
          CSS class are not hidden when they are alone"
        message: |-
          Hide the delete button from the only repeatable element in configuration forms when at least one element is expected (regression in 2.344).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8490
        issue: 72016
          - jglick
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72016] Define a thread pool for `ProxyConfiguration`’s
        message: |-
          Do not create a large number of threads when making numerous HTTP requests.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8489
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: LogRecorder programmatic deletion support
        message: |-
          Developer: Provide programmatic deletion support for LogRecorder.

  # pull: 8476 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/core to v7.22.17)
  # pull: 8480 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.49.0)
  # pull: 8481 (PR title: `StringIndexOutOfBoundsException` in `AbstractItem.getUrl`)
  # pull: 8486 (PR title: Migrate from deprecated finalization API to Java 9+ API)
  # pull: 8487 (PR title: Remove usages of deprecated `ThreadDeath`)
  # pull: 8488 (PR title: Remove finalization from `RegistryKey`)
  # pull: 8495 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.67.0 - autoclosed)
  # pull: 8497 (PR title: Add the 'alt' attribute to the logo in the README.md)
  # pull: 8498 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.22.20)
  # pull: 8499 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-auth from 3.2 to 3.2.1)
  # pull: 8500 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:font-awesome-api from 6.4.0-2 to 6.4.2-1)
  # pull: 8501 (PR title: [chore] Remove useless TODO)
  # pull: 8502 (PR title: Bump org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom from 5.8.6 to 5.8.7)
  # pull: 8504 (PR title: Use functionality from `XStream2` where possible)
  # pull: 8506 (PR title: Fix typo in container-debug.js)
  # pull: 8507 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit from 1217.v4297208a_a_b_ce to 1240.vf9529b_881428)
  # pull: 8509 (PR title: Explicit log levels)
  # pull: 8510 (PR title: Turkish localizations for the clouds page)
  # pull: 8512 (PR title: Ignore `ProxyConfigurationTest.httpClientExecutor`)
  # pull: 8513 (PR title: Logging XmlFile write to help track race conditions during tests.)
  # pull: 8514 (PR title: fix(typo): adjust typos in pt br translation of plugin setup wizard)
  # pull: 8516 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.30)
  # pull: 8517 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.1.4)
  # pull: 8518 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5717)
  # pull: 8519 (PR title: Turkish localization for "Build with Parameters" link)
  # pull: 8520 (PR title: Fix compilation error with `maven.compiler.release=21`)
  # pull: 8521 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.68.0)
  # pull: 8522 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1802.1804.va_8d30483a_7f7 to 1814.vdc9dd5217ee2

  - version: '2.426'
    date: 2023-10-03
      - type: major rfe
        category: major rfe
        pull: 7781
        issue: 70906
          - timja
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-70906] Remove prototype from core"
          - issue: 70906
          - pull: 7781
          - url: https://www.jenkins.io/blog/2023/05/12/removing-prototype-from-jenkins/
            title: blog post
        message: |-
          Remove outdated Prototype.js library.
      - type: major rfe
        category: major rfe
          - basil
        pr_title: "Java 17 by default"
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/pull/1724
            title: Docker pull request 1724
        message: |-
          Use Java 17 as the default Java version in container images that do not specify a Java version in the container label.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8526
          - basil
        pr_title: Automate Java version recommendation administrative monitor
        message: |-
          Automate the display of an administrative monitor when approaching Java end of life (EOL) dates.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8528
          - jglick
        pr_title: Avoid saving disabled status when deleting a project
        message: |-
          Optimized project deletion.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8503
          - basil
        pr_title: Remove KXML2 library
        message: |-
          Stop shipping net.sf.kxml:kxml2 because Jenkins no longer depends on it.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8529
        issue: 72067
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72067] High memory usage from `XStream2.AssociatedConverterImpl`"
        message: |-
          Reduce high memory usage from XStream2.AssociatedConverterImpl (regression in 2.405).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8511
          - Vlatombe
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Add data-bound setters for View
        message: |-
          Developer: Added setters for View#filterExecutor and View#filterQueue.
          Fix missing help sections for view filter executor and queue fields.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8482
          - jtnord
        pr_title: "[JEP-237] introduce FIPS property"
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/237/README.adoc
            title: Jenkins Enhancement Proposal 237
        message: |-
          Developer: introduce FIPS property for JEP-237

  # pull: 8473 (PR title: Use `isEmpty()` and simplified assertions in Test)
  # pull: 8524 (PR title: Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1)
  # pull: 8525 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.50.0)
  # pull: 8530 (PR title: Fill in since annotations)
  # pull: 8531 (PR title: Allow location of `queue.xml` to be overridden)
  # pull: 8532 (PR title: Tweak changelog entry placeholder)
  # pull: 8533 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.23.0)
  # pull: 8535 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2064.vcd3b_b_8f3f2b_a_ to 2085.va_c531db_287b_d)
  # pull: 8536 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:display-url-api from 2.3.9 to 2.200.vb_9327d658781)
  # pull: 8537 (PR title: Update dependency node to v18.18.0)
  # pull: 8538 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:plugin-util-api from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0)
  # pull: 8539 (PR title: add gitter link)
  # pull: 8540 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.31)
  # pull: 8541 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-scss to v4.0.9)
  # pull: 8543 (PR title: Warn users of old Java version 18 months before end of life)
  # pull: 8545 (PR title: Bump asm.version from 9.5 to 9.6)
  # pull: 8547 (PR title: Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.12.3 to 10.12.4)
  # pull: 8548 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1271.v54b_1c2c6388a_ to 1290.v2e5b_13eb_b_127)
  # pull: 8549 (PR title: Fix encoding of Brazilian Portuguese localization)
  # pull: 8550 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.105 to 1.106)
  # pull: 8552 (PR title: Bump bridge-method-injector.version from 1.28 to 1.29)
  # pull: 8553 (PR title: Tweak changelog guidance in PR template)

  - version: '2.427'
    date: 2023-10-10
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8564
        issue: 71937
          - Vlatombe
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71937] Fix deprecated `Slave` constructor"
        message: |-
          Fix agent allocation due to label issue detected by vSphere Cloud plugin (regression in 2.421).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8422
        issue: 71252
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71252][JENKINS-70793] Multiple form validation fixes"
        message: |-
          Show form validation results for form elements that are initially hidden. (regression in 2.355).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8422
        issue: 71252
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71252][JENKINS-70793] Multiple form validation fixes"
        message: |-
          Remove previous form validation errors when the form validation is updated with new content. (regression in 2.355).
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8483
          - jtnord
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JEP-237] Disable usage stats in fips mode"
          - pull: 8483
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/237/README.adoc
            title: JEP-237
        message: |-
          Disable anonymous usage statistics when run in FIPS mode.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8557
        issue: 72114
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72114] Fix serialization of `HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm.UserDetailsImpl`"
        message: |-
          Developer: HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm objects are now serializable.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 7056
        issue: 41516
          - meiswjn
          - daniel-beck
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-41516] Add script console listener"
        message: |-
          Developer: Add extension point to notify about in-process scripting events.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8393
        issue: 71971
          - divyasivasamy
          - jtnord
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71971][JEP-237] FIPS-140 compliant version of HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm"
          - issue: 71971
          - pull: 8393
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jep/blob/master/jep/237/README.adoc
            title: JEP-237
        message: |-
          Developer: Optionally support a FIPS140 compliant algorithm in the Jenkins' own user database.

  # pull: 8546 (PR title: Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.13.0 to 2.14.0)
  # pull: 8554 (PR title: Actually adjust copy button logic to new API)
  # pull: 8560 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1290.v2e5b_13eb_b_127 to 1293.vff276f713473)
  # pull: 8563 (PR title: Merge back test for 2023-09-20 release)
  # pull: 8566 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven:maven-core to v3.9.5)
  # pull: 8571 (PR title: Update Node.js from 18.x to 20.x)
  # pull: 8572 (PR title: Link to jenkins.io/redirect URL, not directly into docs)
  # pull: 8573 (PR title: Add note that general usage statistics submission is disabled with FIPS)
  # pull: 8574 (PR title: Fix tests that the PR build did not run on Windows)
  # pull: 8575 (PR title: Update Yarn to v3.6.4)
  # pull: 8579 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.69.0)

  - version: '2.428'
    date: 2023-10-17
      - type: security
        message: Important security fix.
          - url: /security/advisory/2023-10-18/
            title: 2023-10-18 security advisory

      - type: major rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8586
        issue: 72148
          - jgreffe
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72148] Add missing fr properties in hudson directory"
          - pull: 8594
          - pull: 8595
          - pull: 8578
          - pull: 8577
        message: |-
          Add missing *_fr.properties in win32errors and hudson, lib, and Jenkins resources.
          Translate hudson/Messages.properties, hudson/model/Messages.properties, and jenkins/model/Messages.properties into French.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8596
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: Add telemetry for Jenkins uptime
        message: |-
          Add telemetry for Jenkins uptime.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8587
        issue: 72156
          - olamy
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72156] Upgrade to Winstone 6.14 which contains an upgrade
          to Jetty 10.0.17"
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.13
            title: Winstone 6.13 changelog
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.14
            title: Winstone 6.14 changelog
          - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-10.0.16
            title: Jetty 10.0.16 changelog
          - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-10.0.17
            title: Jetty 10.0.17 changelog
          - url: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-44487
            title: CVE-2023-44487
        message: |-
          Upgrade Winstone from 6.12 to 6.14.
          This includes the upgrade of Jetty from 10.0.15 to 10.0.17.
          The Jetty upgrade includes fixes for several CVEs.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8602
        issue: 72170
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72170] fix nested hetero-list entries with mixture of
          inputs and buttons"
        message: |-
          Fix multibranch Pipeline Add source and other uses that mix inputs and buttons (regression in 2.422).
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8492
        issue: 72020
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72020] Restore ability to reorder clouds"
        message: |-
          Allow clouds to be reordered.
          This was previously possible, but disappeared when the cloud management was moved to a separate page (regression in 2.403).
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8544
        issue: 72107
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72107] Introduce `Loadable` interface"
        message: |-
          Developer: Formalize an interface for objects that can be loaded from disk.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8589
        issue: 72111
          - jglick
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72111] Allow `Lifecycle` to load implementations from
        message: |-
          Developer: Allow plugins to define a custom Lifecycle.

  # pull: 8565 (PR title: [JENKINS-72028] replace deprecated `URL()` at  `core/src/main/java/hudson/`)
  # pull: 8568 (PR title: [JENKINS-72028] replace deprecated `URL()` at  `core/src/main/java/jenkins/`)
  # pull: 8569 (PR title: [JENKINS-72028] at ` test/src/test/java/hudson/` replace deprecated `URL()`  )
  # pull: 8570 (PR title: [JENKINS-72028] at `test/src/test/java/jenkins/` replace deprecated `URL()`  )
  # pull: 8584 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.51.0)
  # pull: 8585 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2085.va_c531db_287b_d to 2090.v6d1706e434a_b_)
  # pull: 8588 (PR title: Restrict helper classes in `ScriptListener` for internal use)
  # pull: 8591 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1814.vdc9dd5217ee2 to 1819.v4a_093e9c82f9)
  # pull: 8597 (PR title: Bump com.google.guava:guava from 32.1.2-jre to 32.1.3-jre)
  # pull: 8599 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.2.0)
  # pull: 8600 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting from 3148.v532a_7e715ee3 to 3160.vd76b_9ddd10cc)
  # pull: 8601 (PR title: Bump org.springframework:spring-framework-bom from 5.3.29 to 5.3.30)
  # pull: 8603 (PR title: Remove unnecessary `` entry)
  # pull: 8604 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.69.1)
  # pull: 8605 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v3)
  # pull: 8609 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.69.2)
  # pull: 8610 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.23.2)
  # pull: 8611 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.69.3)
  # pull: 8616 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project from 808.v5a_b_5f56d6966 to 818.v7eb_e657db_924)

  - version: '2.429'
    date: 2023-10-24
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8612
          - SujathaH
        pr_title: "[JEP-237] Do not support shortening of HMAC code on FIPS mode"
        message: |-
          Prevent trimming HMAC codes (using HAMCConfidentialKey) when running in FIPS mode only.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8622
        issue: 72181
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72181] Restore flushed output for 'groovy' CLI command"
        message: |-
          Restore printing output from println and similar methods for the groovy CLI command (regression in 2.427).
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8606
        issue: 72179
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72179] Show description of boolean build parameter values"
        message: |-
          Show the description of boolean build parameter values on the Parameters view (regression in 2.179).

  # pull: 8534 (PR title: Diagnostics for `QuietDownCommandTest.quietDownShouldSuccessWithBlockPlusNonExpiredTimeoutAndRunningExecutor`)
  # pull: 8565 (PR title: [JENKINS-72028] replace deprecated `URL()` at  `core/src/main/java/hudson/`)
  # pull: 8615 (PR title: Bump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.10 to 0.8.11)
  # pull: 8617 (PR title: Bump org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom from 5.8.7 to 5.8.8)
  # pull: 8619 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.89.0)
  # pull: 8620 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5735)
  # pull: 8621 (PR title: Test of `JNLP4-connect-proxy` connection protocol)
  # pull: 8623 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.848.ve3b_fd7839a_81 to 6.858.v898218f3609d)
  # pull: 8626 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.8.1)
  # pull: 8627 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.69.4)
  # pull: 8628 (PR title: Rename Hudson to Jenkins in JavaDoc)
  # pull: 8632 (PR title: [JENKINS-72221] loginError.jelly no longer contains messages to be translated)
  # pull: 8635 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5740)
  # pull: 8636 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting from 3174.v2c9e67f8f9df to 3181.v78543a_987053)
  # pull: 8638 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.52.0)

  - version: '2.430'
    date: 2023-10-31
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8613
        issue: 72189
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72189] fix drag&drop handle for existing repeatables"
        message: |-
          Fix drag and drop handles for existing repeatables (regression in 2.335).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8633
        issue: 72222
          - mustafau
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72222] Fix inconsistent wording between login page and
          security configuration"
        message: |-
          Refer to the correct option in the security configuration help text.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8630
          - mustafau
        pr_title: Fix issues with help texts under security configuration
        message: |-
          Restore security configuration help text and remove obsolete help text.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8651
          - mustafau
        pr_title: Turkish localization fixes for build page
          - pull: 8651
          - pull: 8631
        message: |-
          Turkish localization fixes for build, login, and user management pages.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8643
          - dependabot[bot]
          - basil
        pr_title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting from 3181.v78543a_987053 to 3186.vc3b_7249b_87eb_
        message: |-
          Fix a minor memory leak in a Remoting log statement.
          Add forward proxy support for WebSocket.
          Support custom certificate options for WebSocket.

  # pull: 8641 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4)
  # pull: 8646 (PR title: More helpful error message for `ExtensionList.lookupSingleton`)
  # pull: 8647 (PR title: Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.14.0 to 2.15.0)
  # pull: 8649 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting from 3186.vc3b_7249b_87eb_ to 3190.va_7870fc137d9)
  # pull: 8653 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2096.vcfd8fa_a_67f86 to 2099.vc95b_86578f37)
  # pull: 8654 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting from 3190.va_7870fc137d9 to 3192.v713e3b_039fb_e)
  # pull: 8656 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.9.0)
  # pull: 8657 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.69.5)
  # pull: 8659 (PR title: Update dependabot branch for LTS 2.426.x)

  - version: '2.431'
    date: 2023-11-07
    banner: >
      The Windows container image of this release is using Java 17 by default like
      the Linux images.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 6869
        issue: 60866
          - daniel-beck
          - basil
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-60866][JENKINS-71797] Remove timeline widget"
        message: |-
          Remove build timeline widget from the build history pages of views, jobs, and agents.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8675
          - jglick
        pr_title: Log `Error`s from `SlaveComputer._connect`
        message: |-
          More consistently report errors launching outbound agents.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8661
        issue: 72252
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72252] Warn 12 months and 3 months before end of Java
        message: |-
          Warn users at 12 months prior to end of Java support and again at 3 months prior to end of Java support.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8666
        issue: 72266
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72266] Upgrade Winstone from 6.14 to 6.16 (upgrade Jetty
          from 10.0.17 to 10.0.18"
        message: |-
          Add support for Unix Domain Sockets.
          Upgrade Jetty from 10.0.17 to 10.0.18.

  # pull: 8660 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.106 to 1.107)
  # pull: 8664 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v3.0.1)
  # pull: 8665 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.0.1)
  # pull: 8667 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.modules:instance-identity from 173.va_37c494ec4e5 to 185.v303dc7c645f9)
  # pull: 8668 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-text-api from 1.10.0-78.v3e7b_ea_d5a_fe1 to 1.11.0-94.v3e1f4a_926e49)
  # pull: 8669 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1819.v4a_093e9c82f9 to 1822.v120278426e1c)
  # pull: 8671 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2099.vc95b_86578f37 to 2104.v8d1866dd0ea_f)
  # pull: 8672 (PR title: Finish French translations for Update Center)
  # pull: 8674 (PR title: [JENKINS-70994] Upgrade bundled SnakeYAML plugin from 1.33-95.va_b_a_e3e47b_fa_4 to 2.2-111.vc6598e30cc65)
  # pull: 8676 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.3.0)
  # pull: 8677 (PR title: Complete french translation for Confirm Rename view)
  # pull: 8680 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v3.0.2)
  # pull: 8682 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.53.0)

  - version: '2.432'
    date: 2023-11-14
    banner: >
      The Windows container images of this release switch from a windowsservercore-1809
      Temurin base image to a windowsservercore-ltsc2019 Microsoft base image.
      Note also that a proper set of tags is now published and they include "ltsc2019"
      instead of only "2019".
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8639
          - basil
        pr_title: Stop recommending `-jnlpUrl`
        message: |-
          Stop recommending JNLP URL in agent launch instructions.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8679
          - StefanSpieker
        pr_title: Deleted long deprecated and unused `UserProperties`
        message: |-
          Removed deprecated and unused class UserProperties.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8640
          - jglick
        pr_title: Temporary memory leak in `FutureImpl.executors`
        message: |-
          Some agent-related objects could be kept in memory after being disconnected and removed from the computer list.

  # pull: 8684 (PR title: Update French translation for Save button and add one for Apply)
  # pull: 8685 (PR title: French translations for plugin manager)
  # pull: 8690 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.23.3)

  - version: '2.433'
    date: 2023-11-21
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8618
        issue: 72159
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72159] deactivate MarkedOffline monitor when agents are
        message: |-
          Deactivate the administrative monitor when all previously offline agents are again online.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8629
        issue: 64816
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-64816] prepare for support of node monitors by JCasC"
        message: |-
          Prepare node monitors to work with configuration as code.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8321
        issue: 71715
          - jgreffe
          - batmat
          - dwnusbaum
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71715] Allow plugins with alternate build log visualizations
          to handle console links from core and other plugins"
        message: |-
          Introduce an API for build visualization plugins to serve alternative build console views and an API for plugins to produce links to the build console.

  # pull: 8313 (PR title: [JENKINS-71726] [JENKINS-71727] remove inline javascript)
  # pull: 8477 (PR title: Bump tibdex/github-app-token from 1 to 2)
  # pull: 8645 (PR title: Pull up `AbstractFolder.delete` logic into `AbstractItem`)
  # pull: 8673 (PR title: Bump org.glassfish.tyrus.bundles:tyrus-standalone-client-jdk from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4)
  # pull: 8691 (PR title: Bump actions/github-script from 6 to 7)
  # pull: 8692 (PR title: Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.12.4 to 10.12.5)
  # pull: 8695 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.1.0)
  # pull: 8696 (PR title: Bump org.springframework:spring-framework-bom from 5.3.30 to 5.3.31)
  # pull: 8697 (PR title: Bump org.apache.commons:commons-compress from 1.24.0 to 1.25.0)
  # pull: 8698 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security from 1275.v23895f409fb_d to 1281.v22fb_899df1a_e)
  # pull: 8699 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.0.2)
  # pull: 8703 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v3.1.0)

  - version: '2.434'
    date: 2023-11-28
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8705
          - janfaracik
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Use symbols for build status
        message: |-
          Refine build status icons.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8694
          - Santhosh-CloudB
        pr_title: Added validation of FIPS password length
        message: |-
          FIPS mode now requires a minimum of 14 characters for a password.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8593
        issue: 72009
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72009, JENKINS-72200, JENKINS-24947] various fixes and
          improvements around disk space monitoring"
        message: |-
          Allow configuration of disk thresholds globally and for each agent.
          Improve warning when disk space is too low.
          Ensure agents are taken offline when disk space is low.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8714
          - basil
        pr_title: Refuse to load the Jenkins test harness in production
        message: |-
          Fail fast when attempting to load a broken plugin that contains the Jenkins test harness in production.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
          - minfrin
        pr_title: "Add packaging support for unix domain sockets"
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/pull/442
            title: pull 442 (packaging)
        message: |-
          Add support for Unix domain sockets.

  # pull: 8701 (PR title: improve dialog form handling)
  # pull: 8704 (PR title: Avoid scrollbar in dropdown popups (page footer, log recorder))
  # pull: 8707 (PR title: Use secondary text color for build history descriptions rather than lowering opacity)
  # pull: 8712 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.54.0)
  # pull: 8716 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/cli to v7.23.4)
  # pull: 8720 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.10.0)

  - version: '2.435'
    date: 2023-12-05
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8700
        issue: 72343
          - lemeurherve
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72343] Accept all 2xx and 3xx status codes to validate
          proxy in HTTP Proxy Configuration"
        message: |-
          Accept all 2xx and 3xx status codes to validate proxy in HTTP Proxy Configuration
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8689
          - jtnord
        pr_title: do not specify anti-aliasing
        message: |-
          Tweak font styling to remove anti-aliasing.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8740
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: make displayname of HistoryWidget configurable for alternate text
        message: |-
          Make display name of HistoryWidget configurable for alternate text.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8693
          - olamy
        pr_title: Move proxy configuration form out of pluginManager screens as it
          is not related
        message: |-
          Move the proxy configuration form to its own screen.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8505
        issue: 71737
          - car-roll
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71737] fix redirect when submitting cloud changes"
        message: |-
          Fix redirect when renaming a cloud.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8739
        issue: 72196
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72196] avoid wrong styling when deleting the first of
          2 shell steps"
        message: |-
          Avoid incorrect styling when deleting the first of two shell steps in a job definition.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8735
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Add `ExtensionList.lookupFirst` convenience method.
        message: |-
          Developer: A new convenience method ExtensionList.lookupFirst allows retrieval of the first implementation of an extension point.

  # pull: 8718 (PR title: Remove reference to timeline widget in build history)
  # pull: 8723 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.12.1)
  # pull: 8724 (PR title: Upgrade bundled plugins)
  # pull: 8726 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.12.2)
  # pull: 8727 (PR title: Bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4)
  # pull: 8733 (PR title: Don't try to publish artifacts on RC GitHub releases)
  # pull: 8734 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven:maven-core to v3.9.6)
  # pull: 8738 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.23.5)
  # pull: 8741 (PR title: Update dependency sortablejs to v1.15.1)
  # pull: 8748 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.55.0)

  - version: '2.436'
    date: 2023-12-12
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8736
          - jglick
        pr_title: "Class loading deadlock between `PermalinkProjectAction.Permalink`
          & `PeepholePermalink`"
        message: |-
          Prevent a deadlock that can occur when loading PermalinkProjectAction.Permalink.

  # pull: 8730 (PR title: Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.15.0 to 2.15.1)
  # pull: 8742 (PR title: Fixup yarn update to 4.0.2)
  # pull: 8747 (PR title: Bump `tibdex/github-app-token` from 1 to 2)
  # pull: 8749 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.32)
  # pull: 8750 (PR title: Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v9.1.0)
  # pull: 8754 (PR title: Avoid `CLICommandInvoker.authorizedTo` in `QuietDownCommandTest`)
  # pull: 8756 (PR title: Ssh Command modified in PrivateKeyProvider.java File in CLI module)
  # pull: 8759 (PR title: Bump `tibdex/github-app-token` from 1 to 2 (try 2))
  # pull: 8770 (PR title: Bump net.java.dev.jna:jna from 5.13.0 to 5.14.0)

  - version: '2.437'
    date: 2023-12-19
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8787
          - daniel-beck
          - timja
        pr_title: Add telemetry for basic Java system properties
        message: |-
          Add telemetry for basic Java system properties describing the environment.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8761
          - janfaracik
          - NotMyFault
          - timja
        pr_title: Restyle widget panes
        message: |-
          Restyle widget panes.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8719
        issue: 72371
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72371] rework node monitor configuration"
        message: |-
          Rework node monitor configuration.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8771
        issue: 72157
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72157] ensure uptime is independent of system clock"
        message: |-
          Ensure uptime is independent of system clock.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8725
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: show node monitors on agent page
        message: |-
          Show monitoring data on agent page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8762
          - jglick
        pr_title: Simplifying `JNLPLauncher`
        message: |-
          Deprecate all configurable options in **Launch agent by connecting it to the controller** (inbound in JCasC), as these are only useful in conjunction with the deprecated jnlpUrl mode.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8773
          - basil
        pr_title: Print deprecation warning when using `-jnlpUrl`
        message: |-
          The jnlpUrl ${JENKINS_URL}/computer/${AGENT_NAME}/jenkinsagent.jnlp argument to the agent JAR has been deprecated.
          Use url ${JENKINS_URL} and name ${AGENT_NAME} instead, potentially also passing in webSocket, tunnel, and/or work directory options as needed.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8776
        issue: 72449
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72449] Specify that no fallback to the default locale
          should be used when looking up a resource bundle via `I18n` action."
        message: |-
          Display strings consistently in the requested language when running Jenkins in a JVM with a non-english locale.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8765
        issue: 72288
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72288] fix nested job link in mobile view"
        message: |-
          Fix nested job link in mobile view.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8763
        issue: 72443
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72443] Do not show copy option without visible items"
        message: |-
          Do not show option to copy items when there are no items visible.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 7635
        issue: 60866
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-60866][JENKINS-71051][JENKINS-71048] Un-inline 'Build
          Now' JS"
        message: |-
          Developer: Allow replacing onclick attributes containing inline JS on l:task with datacallback.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8269
        issue: 71578
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71578] allow making sidepanel sticky"
        message: |-
          Allow users to make side panel sticky.

  # pull: 8745 (PR title: Avoid file locks in `LauncherTest.remotable`)
  # pull: 8767 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16)
  # pull: 8775 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.1.1)
  # pull: 8777 (PR title: Logging improvements to `Run` related classes)
  # pull: 8782 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.23.6)
  # pull: 8783 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.0.2)
  # pull: 8784 (PR title: Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4)
  # pull: 8786 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5770)

  - version: '2.438'
    date: 2023-12-25
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8780
          - janfaracik
          - timja
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Update the appearance of the stop button
        message: |-
          Update the appearance of the stop button.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8394
          - janfaracik
          - timja
        pr_title: Use Jenkins modal for 'Apply' button failures
        message: |-
          Use a notification and Jenkins modal for 'Apply' button failures.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8800
        issue: 71965
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71965] fix timezone in build history"
        message: |-
          Display correct time zone in build history.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8793
          - jglick
        pr_title: Restore JCasC compatibility for `JNLPLauncher.tunnel`
        message: |-
          The tunnel property on an inbound agent was inadvertently broken for JCasC usage in 2.437.
          It remains deprecated and usages should be deleted (regression in 2.437).

  # pull: 8788 (PR title: Bump org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom from 5.8.8 to 5.8.9)
  # pull: 8789 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.56.0)
  # pull: 8790 (PR title: Fix import used for Javadoc)
  # pull: 8792 (PR title: Bump com.google.guava:guava from 32.1.3-jre to 33.0.0-jre)
  # pull: 8795 (PR title: Update Freestyle project description)
  # pull: 8796 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project from 818.v7eb_e657db_924 to 822.v01b_8c85d16d2)
  # pull: 8797 (PR title: Remove last usages of .bigtable)
  # pull: 8799 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2137.vb_4eb_49f51c4b_ to 2140.ve736dc2b_b_d2c)
  # pull: 8801 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:plugin-util-api from 3.6.0 to 3.8.0

  - version: '2.439'
    date: 2024-01-02
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8814
        issue: 72469
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72469] Avoid repeated tool downloads from misconfigured
          HTTP servers"
        message: |-
          Avoid repeated tool downloads from misconfigured HTTP servers.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8717
        issue: 72370
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72370][JENKINS-11889] fix SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy
          with inbound agents"
        message: |-
          Fix SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy on inbound agents.
          Allow suspended inbound agents to again accept tasks when they are reconnected and the configured scheduling policy is enabled.

  # pull: 8803 (PR title: Use spotbugs 4.8.2 with more exclusions)
  # pull: 8804 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.1.0)
  # pull: 8808 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v13.3.3)
  # pull: 8809 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10)
  # pull: 8810 (PR title: [JENKINS-71666] Adapt to Popper deprecation in Jenkins core)
  # pull: 8811 (PR title: [JENKINS-72466] Upgrade jbcrypt dependency)
  # pull: 8812 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-loader to v7.3.4)
  # pull: 8813 (PR title: Run GH actions release artifact uploader with JDK 17)
  # pull: 8816 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.69.6)
  # pull: 8817 (PR title: Update XML namespace schemaLocation)
  # pull: 8818 (PR title: Update JDK recommendations for contributors)
  # pull: 8819 (PR title: Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.12.6 to 10.12.7)
  # pull: 8820 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.23.7)

  - version: '2.440'
    date: 2024-01-09
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8822
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Add an 'Appearance' category to the wizard
        message: |-
          Add an Appearance category to the setup wizard.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8442
          - timja
        pr_title: Allow plugins to override boot failure view
        message: |-
          BootFailure subclasses can now override the Jenkins startup failure page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8815
          - basil
          - timja
        pr_title: Improve crash consistency on Linux
        message: |-
          Reduce the window of time during which a crash may lead to an inconsistent state on Linux.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8791
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Update appearance of controls in header
        message: |-
          Update the appearance of controls in header.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8802
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: allow to change the icon size of the node overview table
        message: |-
          Allow icon size to be changed in the node overview table.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8836
          - basil
        pr_title: Use ConcurrentHashMap#computeIfAbsent in JarCacheSupport
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/pull/713
            title: Remoting PR 713
        message: |-
          Remove code that may have caused an agent-side hang under a rare race condition.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8847
          - basil
        pr_title: Avoid continual thread replacement in JarCacheSupport
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/remoting/pull/717
            title: Remoting PR 717
        message: |-
          Reduce the likelihood of thread creation errors on agents.

  # pull: 8824 (PR title: Uppercase build cancellation message in build queue)
  # pull: 8826 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security from 1294.v99333c047434 to 1305.v487433146192)
  # pull: 8828 (PR title: Update XML namespace schemaLocation for incrementals)
  # pull: 8833 (PR title: Replace deprecated `-jnlpUrl` in `JNLPLauncherTest`)
  # pull: 8834 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.108 to 1.109)
  # pull: 8835 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.69.7)
  # pull: 8836 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting from 3198.v03a_401881f3e to 3203.v94ce994fdb_31)
  # pull: 8837 (PR title: Increase test timeout of MavenTest#sensitiveParameters())
  # pull: 8839 (PR title: Fill in since todo)
  # pull: 8840 (PR title: Increase MavenTest#sensitiveParameters() timeout to 500s)
  # pull: 8841 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.33)
  # pull: 8845 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2140.ve736dc2b_b_d2c to 2146.v6b_f8b_1cb_d12d)
  # pull: 8847 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting from 3203.v94ce994fdb_31 to 3206.vb_15dcf73f6a_9

  - version: '2.441'
    date: 2024-01-16
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8864
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: Update operating system end of life data
        message: |-
          Update operating system end of life data for Amazon Linux, Alpine Linux, and Fedora Linux.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8831
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Remove unused material-icons
        message: |-
          Remove unused material icons.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8854
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: do not generate td when outside table for buildbutton
        message: |-
          Fix build button rendering for Dashboard View plugin.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8807
        issue: 66530
          - dsrink
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-66530] Change focus in the 'new item' page only if 'from'
          has a valid job name"
        message: |-
          Change focus in the new item page only if from has a valid job name.

  # pull: 8855 (PR title: Rely on parent pom spotbugs configuration)
  # pull: 8856 (PR title: Increase memory for war assembly)
  # pull: 8857 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2146.v6b_f8b_1cb_d12d to 2148.v80482520b_d2c)
  # pull: 8858 (PR title: [JENKINS-72543] Fix permission check in script console view)
  # pull: 8859 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/preset-env to v7.23.8)
  # pull: 8861 (PR title: Update dependency style-loader to v3.3.4)
  # pull: 8862 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v6.9.0)
  # pull: 8863 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v3.1.1)
  # pull: 8865 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.7.7)
  # pull: 8867 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.109 to 1.110)

  - version: '2.442'
    date: 2024-01-24
      - type: security
        message: Important security fixes.
          - url: /security/advisory/2024-01-24/
            title: security advisory

  - version: '2.443'
    date: 2024-01-30
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8832
        issue: 72505
          - timja
          - MarkEWaite
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72505] f:validateButton finds selected radio button"
        message: |-
          Find selected radio option when validating instead of the last one.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8872
        issue: 72407
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72407] missing folder icon"
        message: |-
          Fix missing folder icons.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8874
          - jglick
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: Missing `VirtualFile.run` usage in `DirectoryBrowserSupport`
        message: |-
          A security fix in 2.394 caused a substantial slowdown in displaying build artifacts when using remote artifact managers such as in S3.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8881
        issue: 72579
          - balaji-sivasakthi
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72579] Adjust heap dump file name for compatibility with
          OpenJDK file suffix requirements"
        message: |-
          Adjust heap dump file name for compatibility with OpenJDK file suffix requirements.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8891
        issue: 72603
          - daniel-beck
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72603] Update bundled Matrix Project Plugin to 822.824.v14451b_c0fd42"
        message: |-
          Update the bundled Matrix Project Plugin from 818.v7eb_e657db_924 to 822.824.v14451b_c0fd42.

  # pull: 8805 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v36)
  # pull: 8866 (PR title: [JENKINS-71025] Remove inline JS from configure-common)
  # pull: 8868 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.2.1)
  # pull: 8869 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit from 1252.vfc2e5efa_294f to 1256.v002534a_5f33e)
  # pull: 8871 (PR title: Update dependency sortablejs to v1.15.2)
  # pull: 8873 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2148.v80482520b_d2c to 2152.v60323ca_97732)
  # pull: 8875 (PR title: Bump org.glassfish.tyrus.bundles:tyrus-standalone-client-jdk from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5)
  # pull: 8876 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:structs from 325.vcb_307d2a_2782 to 337.v1b_04ea_4df7c8)
  # pull: 8877 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v14)
  # pull: 8879 (PR title: Replace cobertura with coverage plugin in plugin installation wizard)
  # pull: 8880 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-loader to v8)
  # pull: 8882 (PR title: Update dependency css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to v6)
  # pull: 8883 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.70.0)
  # pull: 8885 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v6.9.1)
  # pull: 8886 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.2.0)
  # pull: 8887 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:font-awesome-api from 6.5.1-1 to 6.5.1-2)
  # pull: 8890 (PR title: [JENKINS-66677] Localize "This folder is empty" text)
  # pull: 8892 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.2.4)
  # pull: 8894 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.858.v898218f3609d to 6.897.vb_943ea_6b_a_08b_)
  # pull: 8896 (PR title: Upgrade transitive frontend dependencies)
  # pull: 8899 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.11.0)
  # pull: 8906 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.90.0)
  # pull: 8909 (PR title: Replace reference to ui-samples-plugin with design-library in javadoc)
  # pull: 8910 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.23.9)

  - version: '2.444'
    date: 2024-02-06
      - type: security
        message: Important security fix.
          - url: /security/advisory/2024-03-20/
            title: 2024-03-20 security advisory
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8922
        issue: 72636
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72636] Prevent authenticated access to Resource Root URL"
        message: |-
          Prevent authenticated access to Resource Root URL.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8912
        issue: 72627
          - BobDu
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72627] Improve locale parsing for loading of localised
          help files"
        message: |-
          Improve locale parsing for loading of localised help files.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8852
        issue: 72532
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72532] CLI `-noCertificateCheck` does not work with `-webSocket`"
        message: |-
          Support noCertificateCheck with webSocket on the CLI.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8907
        issue: 72509
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72509] show error message in progressive logs on 4xx status
        message: |-
          Show error message in progressive logs on 4xx status codes.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8908
        issue: 71700
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71700] avoid stacktrace from artifactarchiver when no
          artifacts are found"
        message: |-
          Avoid stacktrace from artifactarchiver when no artifacts are found.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8923
          - olamy
        pr_title: Upgrade to Winstone 6.18 which include Jetty 10.0.20 upgrade
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.15
            title: Winstone 6.15 changelog
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.16
            title: Winstone 6.16 changelog
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.17
            title: Winstone 6.17 changelog
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.18
            title: Winstone 6.18 changelog
          - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-10.0.18
            title: Jetty 10.0.18 changelog
          - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-10.0.19
            title: Jetty 10.0.19 changelog
          - url: https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-10.0.20
            title: Jetty 10.0.20 changelog
        message: |-
          Upgrade Winstone to 6.18 in order to update Jetty from 10.0.18 to 10.0.20.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8913
          - rsandell
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Unrestrict FilePath.isDescendant
        message: |-
          Developer: Unrestricted FilePath.isDescendant
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8902
        issue: 72613
          - jglick
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72613] Introduced `ItemGroup.getItemName`"
        message: |-
          Introduce an API to be used by the Folders plugin to fix some corner cases involving branch project reloading.

  # pull: 8914 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-api from 1289.va_cf779f32df0 to 1291.v51fd2a_625da_7)
  # pull: 8918 (PR title: Fixing `NotSerializableException: org.acegisecurity.context.SecurityContext$1`)
  # pull: 8919 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint-checkstyle-reporter to v1)
  # pull: 8920 (PR title: Add marker class to submit buttons )
  # pull: 8921 (PR title: `AbstractPasswordBasedSecurityRealm.authenticateByPassword`)
  # pull: 8927 (PR title: Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5 to 6)
  # pull: 8930 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.1.0)
  # pull: 8931 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v6.10.0)
  # pull: 8932 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-loader to v8.1.0)
  # pull: 8933 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v14.1.0)
  # pull: 8934 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v3.1.2)
  # pull: 8935 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.2.1)
  # pull: 8936 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.90.1)
  # pull: 8937 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.8.0)

  - version: '2.445'
    date: 2024-02-13
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8944
        issue: 72637
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72637] Make Cloud permission scope inherit from Jenkins"
        message: |-
          Make the Agent/Provision permission available in the global Security configuration when using matrix-based authorization strategies.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8938
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: fix margin in readonly mode
        message: |-
          Remove the extra margin when viewing in read only mode.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8929
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: Create new index page for heap dump creation
        message: |-
          Create an index page for heap dump creation.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8941
        issue: 72679
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72679] Allow button clicks after an administrative monitor
          popup is closed"
        message: |-
          Allow button clicks after closing an administrative monitor popup.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8924
          - rsandell
        pr_title: Cleaning up more FilePath API restrictions
        message: |-
          Developer: Grant access to more FilePath APIs.

  # pull: 8905 (PR title: Use truly large fictional core versions in tests)
  # pull: 8939 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 2.0.11 to 2.0.12)
  # pull: 8940 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.2.5)
  # pull: 8942 (PR title: Fix UI for plugin manager's Advanced settings with SystemRead)
  # pull: 8943 (PR title: Do not offer impossible Cloud options to users with SystemRead)
  # pull: 8946 (PR title: Update dependabot stable branch)
  # pull: 8947 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2158.v9eed8a_eb_c04b_ to 2161.v114f3cb_78326)
  # pull: 8948 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.34)
  # pull: 8949 (PR title: Bump commons-codec:commons-codec from 1.16.0 to 1.16.1)
  # pull: 8950 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.35)

  - version: '2.446'
    date: 2024-02-20
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8821
        issue: 69113
          - mawinter69
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-69113] renovate progressBar"
        message: |-
          Modernize progress bar UI in various locations.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8951
          - olamy
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Allow update sites to define a custom URL for wizard plugin suggestion
        message: |-
          Add ability for custom update centers to override the suggested plugin list.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8955
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: readonly mode for f:select
        message: |-
          Enable readonly mode for dropdown menus when using the Extended Read Permission plugin.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8966
        issue: 72711
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72711] Restore progress animation in build history and
          buildtime trend views"
        message: |-
          Restore progress animation in build history and build time trend views (regression in 2.434).
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8954
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72679] Don't animate admin monitor popup on page load,
          properly remove interactable UI elements"
        message: |-
          Admin monitor does not animate on page load (regression in 2.445).

  # pull: 8917 (PR title: `WebSockets.upgradeResponse`)
  # pull: 8952 (PR title: Basic `ProxyConfigurationManagerTest`)
  # pull: 8959 (PR title: Fix login form window size responsiveness thresholds)
  # pull: 8961 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security from 1321.va_73c0795b_923 to 1326.vdb_c154de8669)
  # pull: 8967 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.90.2)
  # pull: 8968 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.11.1)
  # pull: 8969 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.71.0)

  - version: '2.447'
    date: 2024-02-27
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8977
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: use symbol for parameters in build history of pending jobs
        message: |-
          Use the symbol for parameters in build history of pending jobs.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8975
        issue: 71148
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-71148] avoid empty tooltips"
        message: |-
          Do not show empty tooltips.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 6865
        issue: 60866
          - daniel-beck
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-60866][JENKINS-71513] Apply Stapler update for CSP-compliant
          st:bind and renderOnDemand"
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/stapler/releases/tag/1839.ved17667b_a_eb_5
            title: Stapler 1839.ved17667b_a_eb_5 Release Notes
        message: |-
          Developer: Update Stapler from 1822.v120278426e1c to 1839.ved17667b_a_eb_5 to no longer generate line JavaScript with Stapler bound objects to improve compatibility with ContentSecurityPolicy Plugin.

  # pull: 8980 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.90.3)
  # pull: 8981 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v14.1.1)
  # pull: 8983 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.4.0)
  # pull: 8991 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.71.1)

  - version: '2.448'
    date: 2024-03-05
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8986
          - jglick
        pr_title: Use `ABORTED` from `Run.reload`
        message: |-
          Non-Pipeline builds interrupted by a controller restart will now be marked as aborted rather than failed.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8990
          - jglick
        pr_title: Null out `ProxyConfiguration.userName` on save
        message: |-
          Proxy configuration saved via the GUI always configured an authenticator even if the username was blank.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 8984
        issue: 72759
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72759] fix handling of readonly for select without parent
        message: |-
          Restore functionality of some dropdown list form fields outside configuration forms (regression in 2.446).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9009
        issue: 72799
          - jglick
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72799] Apply `SlaveComputer.decorate` also to `openLogFile`"
        message: |-
          Customization of agent log files did not work for inbound agents.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 8976
          - jglick
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Move `CloudList.setOwner` call from `Jenkins.loadTasks` to `load`
        message: |-
          Setting a proper owner for Jenkins.clouds after Jenkins.load().

  # pull: 8884 (PR title: Replace pipeline-stage-view with graph-view in the setup wizard)
  # pull: 8988 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:plugin-util-api from 3.8.0 to 4.1.0)
  # pull: 8994 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v8.57.0)
  # pull: 8997 (PR title: Stop shipping `commons-lang3`)
  # pull: 8999 (PR title: Reduce usage of `StringUtils`)
  # pull: 9001 (PR title: Remove usages of `ArrayUtils`)
  # pull: 9002 (PR title: Further reduce usages of `StringUtils`)
  # pull: 9003 (PR title: Remove usages of `StringUtils#join`)
  # pull: 9005 (PR title: Update Messages_es.properties, minor fixes in spanish translations)
  # pull: 9006 (PR title: use tabPane to show agent systeminfo extensions)
  # pull: 9008 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.8.1)
  # pull: 9010 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-loader to v8.1.1)
  # pull: 9011 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.24.0)

  - version: '2.449'
    date: 2024-03-11
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8825
          - Abhishekkr3003
        pr_title: Adds support of sessionId for External-Job-Monitor
        message: |-
          Support Session ID for External Job Monitor to avoid HTTP 503 response.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8860
        issue: 72540
          - lne3
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72540] FilePath.copyRecursiveTo() copying now also if
          local and remote have incompatible character sets at binary level"
        message: |-
          Allow recursive remote file copy even if local and remote nodes have incompatible character sets at binary level, e.g. ISO-8859-1 and CP-1047.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8960
          - anhcraft
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Add copy-to-clipboard button to the build console output
        message: |-
          Add "copy to clipboard" button to the build console output.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9025
        issue: 72833
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72833] Do not attempt to self-`exec` on systems without
        message: |-
          Do not attempt to self-restart on operating systems where this is not supported.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9026
        issue: 65911
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-65911] Correct JNA method signature for `fcntl(2)`"
        message: |-
          Fix a crash when restarting Jenkins on macOS.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9022
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: Update bundled trilead-api to 2.84.86.vf9c960e9b_458
        message: |-
          Update bundled Trilead API Plugin to 2.84.86.vf9c960e9b_458.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9012
        issue: 72796
          - jtnord
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72796] stable context classloader for Computer.threadPoolForRemoting"
        message: |-
          Ensure threads in the Computer.threadPoolForRemoting executor service always have the Jenkins webapp ClassLoader set as the context ClassLoader to prevent random class loading issues when code is running in this ExecutorService.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 8979
          - jglick
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "`Nodes` persistence cleanup, APIs to control loading"
        message: |-
          Add experimental APIs to control which agents are loaded and when.

  # pull: 8985 (PR title: Link to individual releases' changelog pages)
  # pull: 9013 (PR title: `Lifecycle.supportsDynamicLoad`)
  # pull: 9015 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:mailer from 463.vedf8358e006b_ to 470.vc91f60c5d8e2)
  # pull: 9017 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2165.vf0266a_2d187f to 2171.v048c97409d12)
  # pull: 9018 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-auth from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2)
  # pull: 9019 (PR title: `Job.fastUpdateNextBuildNumber`)
  # pull: 9021 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.1.1)
  # pull: 9028 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.0)
  # pull: 9029 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5814)
  # pull: 9030 (PR title: Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2)
  # pull: 9031 (PR title: Bump org.apache.commons:commons-compress from 1.26.0 to 1.26.1)
  # pull: 9033 (PR title: Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.14.0 to 10.14.1)

  - version: '2.450'
    date: 2024-03-18
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8823
        issue: 69191
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-69191] new icon for agent not accepting tasks and computer
          icon legend"
        message: |-
          Add a computer icon legend and a new icon for agents that are not accepting tasks.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 8827
          - janfaracik
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: Add components for dropdown items
        message: |-
          Add components for dropdown items.  Refer to the new Design Library Dropdowns page for implementation details.

  # pull: 9020 (PR title: `QueueIdStrategy`)
  # pull: 9034 (PR title: Remove lingering reference to `maven-makepkgs-plugin`)
  # pull: 9035 (PR title: Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4)
  # pull: 9036 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:mailer from 470.vc91f60c5d8e2 to 472.vf7c289a_4b_420)
  # pull: 9037 (PR title: Remove unnecessary `` entries)
  # pull: 9038 (PR title: Add help text for Markup Formatter setting)
  # pull: 9039 (PR title: Improve description of "Plain text" markup formatter)
  # pull: 9040 (PR title: Bump com.google.guava:guava from 33.0.0-jre to 33.1.0-jre)
  # pull: 9042 (PR title: Bump org.springframework:spring-framework-bom from 5.3.32 to 5.3.33)
  # pull: 9043 (PR title: Bump org.awaitility:awaitility from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1)
  # pull: 9045 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.1)
  # pull: 9046 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.72.0)
  # pull: 9047 (PR title: Bump org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom from 5.8.10 to 5.8.11)
  # pull: 9048 (PR title: Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.14.1 to 10.14.2)

  - version: '2.451'
    date: 2024-03-26
      - type: major rfe
        category: rfe
          - TobiX
        pr_title: "Require Debian 10 / Ubuntu 20.04 or newer, include jenkins.tmpfiles"
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/pull/456
            title: pull 456 (packaging)
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/packaging/issues/455
            title: Packaging issue 455
        message: |-
          Add specific temporary files to the Debian package for better support of Unix domain sockets.
          Require Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 as the minimum supported versions for Debian packages.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9067
          - mustafau
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: Translate appearance link to Turkish
        message: |-
          Translate the Appearance link to Turkish.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9062
          - mustafau
        pr_title: "Translate description of 'Plain text' markup formatter to Turkish"
        message: |-
          Translate description of the Plain text markup formatter to Turkish.

  # pull: 9049 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2171.v048c97409d12 to 2174.v111a_b_471784f)
  # pull: 9050 (PR title: `RunListener.allowLoad` + `AbstractLazyLoadRunMap.recognizeNumber`)
  # pull: 9053 (PR title: Follow-up fixes to `Nodes` refactoring)
  # pull: 9054 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.2)
  # pull: 9055 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.36)
  # pull: 9056 (PR title: Remove duplicated words in Javadoc comments)
  # pull: 9057 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.37)
  # pull: 9058 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.111 to 1.112)
  # pull: 9059 (PR title: Minor improvements to readability within tests)
  # pull: 9061 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.24.1)
  # pull: 9063 (PR title: Removed unneeded exclusions of core dependency in `war`)
  # pull: 9064 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.24.3)
  # pull: 9065 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.91.0)
  # pull: 9068 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.38)

  - version: '2.452'
    date: 2024-04-02
      - type: security
        message: Security fix.
          - url: /security/advisory/2024-04-17/
            title: 2024-04-17 security advisory
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-18884] Remove 'People' view"
          - issue: 18884
          - pull: 9060
          - url: https://plugins.jenkins.io/people-view/
            title: People View plugin
        message: |-
          Remove People view.
          Administrators can install the new People View plugin to restore this functionality.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9089
          - daniel-beck
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: Bump Mina to 2.12.1 in the CLI
        message: |-
          Update Apache Mina in the CLI from 2.11.0 to 2.12.1.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9071
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Set current object to be the administrative monitor itself when
          loading its description view
        message: |-
          Developer: Provide current administrative monitor as a context object when loading its description.

  # pull: 9044 (PR title: Further reduce usages of `StringUtils`)
  # pull: 9066 (PR title: Translate freestyle project description to Turkish)
  # pull: 9072 (PR title: Use Collection.isEmpty() to test if collections are empty)
  # pull: 9075 (PR title: Bump asm.version from 9.6 to 9.7)
  # pull: 9076 (PR title: Bump commons-logging:commons-logging from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1)
  # pull: 9077 (PR title: Fill in since todos)
  # pull: 9081 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-step-api from 639.v6eca_cd8c04a_a_ to 657.v03b_e8115821b_)
  # pull: 9082 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.3.0)
  # pull: 9084 (PR title: Remove usage of `org.apache.commons.lang.Validate`)
  # pull: 9085 (PR title: Deprecate `Util#RFC822_DATETIME_FORMATTER`)
  # pull: 9088 (PR title: Deprecate `hudson.Util#XS_DATETIME_FORMATTER`)
  # pull: 9091 (PR title: Upgrade bundled plugins)
  # pull: 9092 (PR title: Remove JENKINS-24380 unmigrate functionality)
  # pull: 9093 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins.mina-sshd-api:mina-sshd-api-core from 2.11.0-86.v836f585d47fa_ to 2.12.1-101.v85b_e08b_780dd)
  # pull: 9094 (PR title: Replace usages of `org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils` with Guava)
  # pull: 9095 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:design-library from 91.v257f311ea_1dc to 286.v6643a_81e02b_8)
  # pull: 9096 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2174.v111a_b_471784f to 2182.v0138ccb_c0b_cb_)
  # pull: 9097 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins.mina-sshd-api:mina-sshd-api-common from 2.12.0-99.vdb_f07841c2db_ to 2.12.1-101.v85b_e08b_780dd)
  # pull: 9098 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit from 1259.v65ffcef24a_88 to 1265.v65b_14fa_f12f0)
  # pull: 9101 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.3.1)
  # pull: 9102 (PR title: Introduce a property for Mina SSHD API plugin version)
  # pull: 9103 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-support from 881.v7663695646cf to 896.v175a_a_9c5b_78f)
  # pull: 9104 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.12.0)
  # pull: 9108 (PR title: Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.14.2 to 10.15.0)
  # pull: 9110 (PR title: Remove usage of `org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils`)

  - version: '2.453'
    date: 2024-04-09
      - type: major rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9069
          - Regnander
        pr_title: Updated Swedish translation
        message: |-
          Major overhaul of the entire Swedish translation.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9132
          - timja
        pr_title: Improve Edit build information page
        message: |-
          Improve the edit build information page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9111
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Refresh the 'New item' page
        message: |-
          Refresh the 'New item' page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9115
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Refresh the style of alerts
        message: |-
          Refresh the style of alerts.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9133
        issue: 70246
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-70246] Unexpectedly wide sidepanel"
        message: |-
          Adjust side panel sizes for certain screens like iPad Pro.

  # pull: 8110 (PR title: Move `AbstractBuild/index.jelly` to `Run/index.jelly`)
  # pull: 9105 (PR title: use symbol for keep build forever badge)
  # pull: 9106 (PR title: replace usage of old build status sprite svgs with the new symbol-status svgs)
  # pull: 9107 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:ionicons-api from 56.v1b_1c8c49374e to 70.v2959a_b_74e3cf)
  # pull: 9114 (PR title: Bump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.11 to 0.8.12)
  # pull: 9117 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2182.v0138ccb_c0b_cb_ to 2185.v796448319b_7c)
  # pull: 9118 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2185.v796448319b_7c to 2186.v5a_b_e6dd02a_35)
  # pull: 9119 (PR title: Remove usage of `org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils`)
  # pull: 9120 (PR title: Add /manage to uninstall plugin redirect to preserve breadcrumb)
  # pull: 9121 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.3)
  # pull: 9125 (PR title: ci: Set tests check to pending when maven build starts)
  # pull: 9129 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.4)
  # pull: 9130 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:checks-api from 2.0.2 to 2.2.0)
  # pull: 9134 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.24.4)
  # pull: 9135 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v6.11.0)
  # pull: 9136 (PR title: Remove dead JS code)
  # pull: 9138 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.12.1)
  # pull: 9139 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.74.1)
  # pull: 9140 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v7)
  # pull: 9145 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.112 to 1.113)

  - version: '2.454'
    date: 2024-04-16
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9127
        issue: 72947
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72947] Support symbols in `TopLevelItemDescriptor#getIconClassName()`"
        message: |-
          Support symbols in the newJob page.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9167
        issue: 73007
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73007] Create-item button no longer disabled when duplicate
          name present"
        message: |-
          Create-item button is no longer disabled when a duplicate name is present.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9155
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Fix badges appearance
        message: |-
          Fix the appearance of badges.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9170
        issue: 73011
          - jglick
        pr_title: '[JENKINS-73011] Round-trip `JNLPLauncher.tunnel` to `null` not
        message: |-
          After reconfiguring a static inbound agent in the GUI using fields such as WebSocket, deprecated in 2.440.x, the suggested launch instructions would incorrectly include tunnel (with no argument) even if that field had been left blank.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9083
        issue: 65829
          - Dohbedoh
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-65829] Fix WorkspaceCleanupThread to consider suffixed
        message: |-
          Fix the WorkspaceCleanupThread to consider workspaces with suffixes even if the original is nonexistent.
          Reduce the number of remoting calls made by WorkspaceCleanupThread.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9157
        issue: 72998
          - jtnord
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72998] call refresh on the Extension providers again"
        message: |-
          If the variant plugin is installed at the same time as a plugin that has an OptionalExtension, these extensions would not be correctly discovered until the next scan for new Extensions.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9141
        issue: 69588
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-69588] Stop installed plugins page jumping on load"
        message: |-
          Installed plugin view no longer jumps during first load.

  # pull: 9109 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:asm-api from 9.6-3.v2e1fa_b_338cd7 to 9.7-33.v4d23ef79fcc8)
  # pull: 9131 (PR title: Use 'jenkins-button' for tables)
  # pull: 9142 (PR title: [JEP-235] Remove leftover unused resources)
  # pull: 9143 (PR title: Remove table usage from buildCaption.jelly)
  # pull: 9144 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security from 1326.vdb_c154de8669 to 1335.vf07d9ce377a_e)
  # pull: 9146 (PR title: Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.16.0 to 2.16.1)
  # pull: 9149 (PR title: Update license file path in README)
  # pull: 9151 (PR title: Fix formatting)
  # pull: 9154 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:design-library from 286.v6643a_81e02b_8 to 296.v56576267b_508)
  # pull: 9156 (PR title: Bump tar from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 in /war)
  # pull: 9158 (PR title: Update dependency style-loader to v4)
  # pull: 9159 (PR title: Bump org.springframework:spring-framework-bom from 5.3.33 to 5.3.34)
  # pull: 9160 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2186.v5a_b_e6dd02a_35 to 2189.v1c38d94b_43b_a_)
  # pull: 9161 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v7.1.1)
  # pull: 9163 (PR title: Bump slf4jVersion from 2.0.12 to 2.0.13)
  # pull: 9164 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v7.1.1)
  # pull: 9165 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1843.ve7da_6a_9cf575 to 1847.v97341b_b_a_414f)
  # pull: 9166 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.tools.incrementals:git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.7 to 1.8)
  # pull: 9168 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.12.2)
  # pull: 9171 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.5)
  # pull: 9172 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v14.2.0)
  # pull: 9173 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.75.0)
  # pull: 9174 (PR title: Bump org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom from 5.8.11 to 5.8.12)

  - version: '2.455'
    date: 2024-04-22
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9182
        issue: 73046
          - jonesbusy
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73046] Remove ASM from core"
        message: |-
          Remove ASM dependencies from core.

  # pull: 9162 (PR title: Set Locale.ROOT when use String.toLowerCase)
  # pull: 9178 (PR title: Remove duplicate words in Javadoc and test comments)
  # pull: 9179 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v3.1.3)
  # pull: 9180 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.9.0)
  # pull: 9181 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v14.2.1)
  # pull: 9183 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.6)
  # pull: 9184 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-text-api from 1.11.0-95.v22a_d30ee5d36 to 1.11.0-109.vfe16c66636eb_)

  - version: '2.456'
    date: 2024-04-30
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9191
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Update restart banner to align with updated banners
        message: |-
          Update restart banner to align with updated banners.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9123
        issue: 72845
          - Lmh-java
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72845]: Fix status icon animation display on Safari"
        message: |-
          Fix status icon animation display on Safari.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9185
          - jwojnarowicz
        pr_title: Fix phrasing error in Polish translation of install wizard
        message: |-
          Update Polish translation for install wizard message to skip first user.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9214
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-67344] Poor performance of UpdateSite.getData"
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/json-lib/pull/30
            title: json-lib PR 30
        message: |-
          Improve the performance of JSON parsing.

  # pull: 9153 (PR title: Migrate to ESLint 9.1.1)
  # pull: 9186 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:font-awesome-api from 6.5.1-3 to 6.5.2-1)
  # pull: 9187 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:scm-api from 689.v237b_6d3a_ef7f to 690.vfc8b_54395023)
  # pull: 9188 (PR title: Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3)
  # pull: 9189 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1847.v97341b_b_a_414f to 1849.v2fdf1a_5359b_4)
  # pull: 9190 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.8)
  # pull: 9192 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1849.v2fdf1a_5359b_4 to 1850.v191b_f2fee423)
  # pull: 9193 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.9)
  # pull: 9195 (PR title: Bump org.kohsuke.stapler:json-lib from 2.4-jenkins-3 to 2.4-jenkins-5)
  # pull: 9196 (PR title: Log explanation for denial from `MappingWorksheet`)
  # pull: 9197 (PR title: Flake in `GNUCLibraryTest`)
  # pull: 9200 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.4.0)
  # pull: 9205 (PR title: Update dependabot stable branch)
  # pull: 9206 (PR title: Bump xmlunit.version from 2.9.1 to 2.10.0)
  # pull: 9207 (PR title: Bump commons-codec:commons-codec from 1.16.1 to 1.17.0)
  # pull: 9208 (PR title: Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.15.0 to 10.16.0)
  # pull: 9209 (PR title: Do not reuse `WebClient` in `StaplerAbstractTest`)

  - version: '2.457'
    date: 2024-05-07
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9201
        issue: 72744
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72744] remove tooltip when widget is refreshed"
        message: |-
          Remove tooltip when a widget is refreshed.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9224
        issue: 73093
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73093] Update script-security to 1336.vf33a_a_9863911"
        message: |-
          Update bundled Script Security plugin from 1335.vf07d9ce377a_e to 1336.vf33a_a_9863911.

  # pull: 9216 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.1.0)
  # pull: 9217 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.936.v3c5cd2190e9e to 6.940.v7fa_03b_f14759)
  # pull: 9218 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-support from 896.v175a_a_9c5b_78f to 907.v6713a_ed8a_573)
  # pull: 9220 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:ionicons-api from 70.v2959a_b_74e3cf to 73.vb_f522f227457)
  # pull: 9225 (PR title: Bump com.google.guava:guava from 33.1.0-jre to 33.2.0-jre)
  # pull: 9226 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.24.5)
  # pull: 9230 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.76.0)
  # pull: 9234 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.113 to 1.114)
  # pull: 9235 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.5.0)
  # pull: 9237 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.2.1)
  # pull: 9239 (PR title: Enable reproducible builds)
  # pull: 9240 (PR title: Update dependency @eslint/js to v9.2.0)
  # pull: 9241 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v9.2.0)

  - version: '2.458'
    date: 2024-05-14
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9232
          - basil
        pr_title: Upgrade Winstone from 6.18 to 6.19 (remove support for multiple
          WAR files)
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/tag/winstone-6.19
            title: Winstone 6.19 changelog
        message: |-
          The webappsDir argument to run Winstone with a directory full of WAR files has been removed without replacement.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9203
        issue: 53958
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-53958] allow pipeline jobs to run when built-in is offline"
        message: |-
          Allow pipeline jobs to run when built-in node is offline.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9248
        issue: 21605
          - cottsay
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-21605] Further reduce number of recorded upstream causes"
        message: |-
          Further reduce number of recorded upstream causes.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9257
        issue: 60997
          - dependabot[bot]
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-60997] Work around BEANUTILS-509"
        message: |-
          Work around an upstream issue that could cause a hang in rare cases when two users load a configuration screen of the same type at the same time.

  # pull: 9202 (PR title: Remove 'Disable project' button from project view)
  # pull: 9233 (PR title: Translate item type label to Turkish)
  # pull: 9242 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.11)
  # pull: 9243 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:prism-api from 1.29.0-13 to 1.29.0-14)
  # pull: 9244 (PR title: Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5)
  # pull: 9245 (PR title: Add Reproducible Builds badge)
  # pull: 9246 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.11)
  # pull: 9247 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:prism-api from 1.29.0-14 to 1.29.0-15)
  # pull: 9249 (PR title: remove some Java 8 related parts in war pom)
  # pull: 9250 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2193.v71b_f09ec6d46 to 2199.v5c2ef8ce998f)
  # pull: 9251 (PR title: Clean up `executable` package)
  # pull: 9252 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.77.0)
  # pull: 9253 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2199.v5c2ef8ce998f to 2202.va_a_4166b_05253)
  # pull: 9255 (PR title: Update dependency css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to v7)
  # pull: 9256 (PR title: Bump eps1lon/actions-label-merge-conflict from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1)
  # pull: 9260 (PR title: Clean up file parameter tests)
  # pull: 9261 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.13.0)
  # pull: 9262 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.2.2)
  # pull: 9264 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.2.0)
  # pull: 9265 (PR title: Remove unnecessary references in allowed classes list)
  # pull: 9267 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.13.1)
  # pull: 9269 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:design-library from 296.v56576267b_508 to 303.v6b_23c12334c9)
  # pull: 9270 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:ionicons-api from 73.vb_f522f227457 to 74.v93d5eb_813d5f)
  # pull: 9272 (PR title: Revert "Remove 'Disable project' button from project view")
  # pull: 9273 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.77.1)

  - version: '2.459'
    date: 2024-05-21
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9259
        issue: 73170
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73170] Upgrade Commons FileUpload from 1.5 to 2.0.0-M2"
          - url: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-fileupload/changes-report.html
            title: Apache Commons 2.0.0-M2 release notes
        message: |-
          Upgrade Commons FileUpload from 1.5 to 2.0.0-M2.
          Users of the miniorange-saml-sp plugin should upgrade to a compatible version in lockstep with upgrading Jenkins core.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9223
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: move the header parts in a taglib
        message: |-
          Provide header parts as a tag library.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9263
        issue: 73158
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73158] avoid jumping layout due to tooltips"
        message: |-
          Avoid jumping layout due to tooltips.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9286
        issue: 73166
          - zbynek
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73166] Fix PKCS#12 certificate save to credentials"
        message: |-
          Allow PKCS 12 certificates to be added to the credentials store again (regression in 2.453).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9283
        issue: 73168
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73168] Restore 'No changes' label when there are no changes
          in a build"
        message: |-
          Restore No changes label when there are no changes in a build (regression in 2.453).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9266
        issue: 73156
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73156] handle svg cleanup of symbols via an xml document"
        message: |-
          Handle svg cleanup via an xml document to avoid broken symbols.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9198
        issue: 72622
          - Dohbedoh
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72622] Rename CloudSet query parameter to avoid conflict"
        message: |-
          Rename CloudSet query parameter type to cloudDescriptorName to avoid conflicts in Cloud implementations.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9219
        issue: 73090
          - jglick
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73090] Handle CR from `LineTransformationOutputStream`"
        message: |-
          Treat lines of text (mainly in build logs) as completed by a single carriage return in addition to a newline or carriage return plus newline, avoiding an out of memory error if a large number of such lines are printed in sequence.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9254
        issue: 73114
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73114] avoid conflicts with css classes from bootstrap"
        message: |-
          Add new CSS classes to avoid conflicts with CSS classes from bootstrap.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9277
          - jtnord
        pr_title: Ensure `ClassLoader`s have names for debugging
        message: |-
          Developer: Add debugging information to remote classloaders.

  # pull: 9268 (PR title: Clarify state of `{Job,LazyBuildMixIn}#createHistoryWidget()` method.)
  # pull: 9274 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.12)
  # pull: 9278 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5829)
  # pull: 9279 (PR title: Bump commons-logging:commons-logging from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2)
  # pull: 9280 (PR title: Bump org.springframework:spring-framework-bom from 5.3.34 to 5.3.35)
  # pull: 9282 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.13)
  # pull: 9285 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-api from 1291.v51fd2a_625da_7 to 1311.v4250456a_e552)
  # pull: 9288 (PR title: Manage the version of `jakarta.servlet-api` consistently with the version of `jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-api`)
  # pull: 9289 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5851)
  # pull: 9290 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.77.2)
  # pull: 9291 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1863.vd250086e9885 to 1869.v3605a_771fb_e3)

  - version: '2.460'
    date: 2024-05-28
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9287
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Remove 'Disable project' button from project view
        message: |-
          Remove Disable project button from project view.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9221
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Display how many users there are on the 'Users' page
        message: |-
          Display how many users there are on the Users page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9314
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: Warn  Java 11 users of 18 Jun 2024 end of life in weekly
        message: |-
          Warn Java 11 users of the new end of life (June 18 2024) in weekly releases.
          This is a change from the previously announced date of September 30 2024.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9312
          - basil
        pr_title: Replace usages of JZlib with native Java Platform functionality
        message: |-
          Improve the performance of file compression and decompression.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9303
        issue: 64356
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-64356] fix legacyIds missing when creating jobs via REST
          API or CLI"
        message: |-
          Improve startup performance when jobs have been created via REST API or command line interface.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9169
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Add download option to 'Console output', move 'View as plain text'
          and 'Copy' buttons to app bar
        message: |-
          Add download option to Console output, move View as plain text and Copy buttons to app bar.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9304
        issue: 64553
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-64553] fix ItemListener not called after updating job
          via REST API or CLI"
        message: |-
          Consistently notify job listeners when the job definition is updated from the REST API or command line interface.

  # pull: 9293 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.3.0)
  # pull: 9294 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5853)
  # pull: 9295 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:design-library from 303.v6b_23c12334c9 to 304.v44f7d19e8537)
  # pull: 9298 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5858)
  # pull: 9299 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2202.va_a_4166b_05253 to 2205.v7e19cc98f9c7)
  # pull: 9300 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.3.0)
  # pull: 9301 (PR title: Bump org.springframework:spring-framework-bom from 5.3.35 to 5.3.36)
  # pull: 9302 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project from 822.824.v14451b_c0fd42 to 830.v7ea_da_561b_a_34)
  # pull: 9306 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-api from 1311.v4250456a_e552 to 1312.ve804c2f2d51e)
  # pull: 9308 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2205.v7e19cc98f9c7 to 2206.v84d5d81e76db_)
  # pull: 9309 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:javax-mail-api from 1.6.2-9 to 1.6.2-10)
  # pull: 9310 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:javax-activation-api from 1.2.0-6 to 1.2.0-7)
  # pull: 9311 (PR title: [JENKINS-10629] Migrate from Commons Compress to Ant)
  # pull: 9313 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven:maven-core to v3.9.7)
  # pull: 9315 (PR title: Update dependency css-loader to v7.1.2)
  # pull: 9318 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.14)
  # pull: 9319 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.24.6)
  # pull: 9320 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.6.0)

  - version: '2.461'
    date: 2024-06-04
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9323
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: Retain Java 11 EOL date for LTS lines
        message: |-
          Restore the September 30 2024 Java 11 end of life date for LTS releases.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9271
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: move the add/edit description button to the app-bar
        message: |-
          Move Add description to app bar.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9227
        issue: 73047
          - SNanda8895
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73047] Fix weather icons "
        message: |-
          Fix width of weather icons in Safari when zoomed.

  # pull: 9317 (PR title: Remove 'button-with-dropdown' JS)
  # pull: 9324 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:gson-api from 2.10.1-15.v0d99f670e0a_7 to 2.11.0-41.v019fcf6125dc)
  # pull: 9325 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.940.v7fa_03b_f14759 to 6.942.vb_43318a_156b_2)
  # pull: 9326 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:bouncycastle-api from to
  # pull: 9327 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1870.v48cc46ef5fee to 1872.ve203fa_6b_b_98d)
  # pull: 9330 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-api from 1312.ve804c2f2d51e to 1316.v33eb_726c50b_a_)
  # pull: 9331 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:trilead-api from 2.142.v748523a_76693 to 2.147.vb_73cc728a_32e)
  # pull: 9332 (PR title: Ban library plugins)
  # pull: 9333 (PR title: Bump eps1lon/actions-label-merge-conflict from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2)
  # pull: 9334 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project from 830.v7ea_da_561b_a_34 to 831.v084e85a_b_4ea_d)
  # pull: 9335 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security from 1336.vf33a_a_9863911 to 1341.va_2819b_414686)
  # pull: 9337 (PR title: Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin from 3.5.3 to 3.6.0)
  # pull: 9338 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.6.1)
  # pull: 9339 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.14.0)
  # pull: 9340 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.77.3)
  # pull: 9341 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.77.4)
  # pull: 9342 (PR title: Bump com.google.guava:guava from 33.2.0-jre to 33.2.1-jre)
  # pull: 9343 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:design-library from 304.v44f7d19e8537 to 307.vecc0205ca_707)
  # pull: 9344 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2207.v3b_df04c801d4 to 2211.v29b_b_b_2e79c5a_)
  # pull: 9345 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.114 to 1.115)
  # pull: 9346 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.4.0)

  - version: '2.462'
    date: 2024-06-10
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9367
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Refine button appearances in sidebars, menus, pages and breadcrumbs
        message: |-
          Refine button appearances in sidebars, menus, pages and breadcrumbs.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9366
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Adjust heading weights and sizes
        message: |-
          Adjust heading weights and sizes.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9370
        issue: 73246
          - BobDu
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73246] Fix text shown in unexpected locale"
        message: |-
          Show help text in the correct locale even if user has an alternate language option defined in their browser (regression in 2.444).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9347
        issue: 73243
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73243] quote replacement string in symbol tooltips"
        message: |-
          Quote replacement string in symbol tooltips.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9336
        issue: 72854
          - Pldi23
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72854] fix the enum jelly to take readOnlyMode into account"
        message: |-
          Honor readonly mode when displaying enumerations on pages.

  # pull: 9349 (PR title: Bump mina-sshd-api.version from 2.12.1-101.v85b_e08b_780dd to 2.12.1-113.v4d3ea_5eb_7f72)
  # pull: 9350 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.3.0)
  # pull: 9351 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.modules:sshd from 3.322.v159e91f6a_550 to 3.328.v659088899699)
  # pull: 9356 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-lang3-api from 3.13.0-62.v7d18e55f51e2 to 3.14.0-76.vda_5591261cfe)
  # pull: 9360 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v3.1.4)
  # pull: 9363 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.3.1)
  # pull: 9364 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.24.7)
  # pull: 9369 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.4.0)
  # pull: 9371 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2216.v8f497401120d to 2223.v062296742946)
  # pull: 9372 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.modules:sshd from 3.328.v659088899699 to 3.330.vc866a_8389b_58)
  # pull: 9373 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness from 2223.v062296742946 to 2225.v04fa_3929c9b_5)

  - version: '2.463'
    date: 2024-06-18
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9358
          - basil
        pr_title: Require Java 17 or newer
          - url: https://www.jenkins.io/blog/2024/06/11/require-java-17/
            title: Announcement blog post
          - pull: 9358
        message: |-
          Require Java 17 or newer.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9148
          - janfaracik
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: Rewrite the build history widget
        message: |-
          Update the design of the build history widget.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9380
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Refine radio inputs
        message: |-
          Refine radio inputs.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9365
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Refine form controls appearance
        message: |-
          Refine form controls appearance.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9395
          - zbynek
        pr_title: Replace usages of YUI framework by simple JS/CSS
        message: |-
          Remove some usages of the YahooUI framework in the user interface.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9379
          - basil
        pr_title: Delegate compression to servlet container
        message: |-
          Update Stapler from 1880.vb_6d94a_3b_05db_ to 1881.vd39f3ee5c629 and Winstone-Jetty from 6.19 to 6.20 to let Jetty handle HTTP response compression.
          A new command line option compression can be used to disable compression if desired.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9177
          - mawinter69
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: remove idle executors from widget
        message: |-
          Remove idle executors from widget.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7037
        issue: 14789
          - das7pad
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-14789] Configurable interval for computer retention check"
        message: |-
          Provide a global configuration option, "Computer Retention Check Interval", to adjust the latency period for checking offline agents.
          Administrators can trade elevated CPU usage from frequent agent checks for responsiveness to capacity needs.
          An "In demand delay" of zero on the agents reduces the time to enable an agent by checking status more frequently.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9387
        issue: 73129
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73129] Remove Windows path traversal escape hatch from
          SECURITY-2481 "
          - issue: 73129
          - url: https://www.jenkins.io/security/advisory/2021-10-06/#SECURITY-2481
            title: Path traversal vulnerability on Windows - SECURITY-2481
        message: |-
          Remove Windows path traversal vulnerability escape hatch that was provided with the SECURITY-2481 fix.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9381
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Fix badge color in dropdowns
        message: |-
          Fix badge color in dropdowns.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9379
          - basil
        pr_title: Delegate compression to servlet container
        message: |-
          Developer: Deprecate StaplerResponse#getCompressedOutputStream, StaplerResponse#getCompressedWriter, and st:compress.
          Use StaplerResponse#getOutputStream, StaplerResponse#getWriter, and j:jelly instead.

  # pull: 9354 (PR title: Add a null check for a method return result that may return null)
  # pull: 9374 (PR title: [JENKINS-72577] Revert "Increase MavenTest#sensitiveParameters() timeout to 500s")
  # pull: 9375 (PR title: Fix description of View/Read permission)
  # pull: 9376 (PR title: Needs Java 17 for development now)
  # pull: 9378 (PR title: Fix web references in comment on obtaining process info on Mac OS)
  # pull: 9382 (PR title: Use pattern matching for `instanceof`)
  # pull: 9383 (PR title: Use `isEmpty()` where possible)
  # pull: 9384 (PR title: Miscellaneous code cleanup)
  # pull: 9385 (PR title: Bump org.springframework:spring-framework-bom from 5.3.36 to 5.3.37)
  # pull: 9386 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-text-api from 1.11.0-109.vfe16c66636eb_ to 1.12.0-119.v73ef73f2345d)
  # pull: 9388 (PR title: Bump stapler.version from 1872.ve203fa_6b_b_98d to 1880.vb_6d94a_3b_05db_)
  # pull: 9389 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.3.0)
  # pull: 9390 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.3.2)
  # pull: 9391 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.92.0)
  # pull: 9394 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.77.5)
  # pull: 9396 (PR title: Update javadoc and other docs with dates of API changes)
  # pull: 9397 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven:maven-core to v3.9.8)
  # pull: 9399 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.5.0)

  - version: '2.464'
    date: 2024-06-25
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9411
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Refine table and tabs
        message: |-
          Refine tables and tabs with reduced padding, rounded corners to match cards, and borders that are visible in dark mode.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9393
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Align font weights and font sizes
        message: |-
          Align font weights and font sizes.

  # pull: 9398 (PR title: Bump org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom from 5.8.12 to 5.8.13)
  # pull: 9402 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.5.0)
  # pull: 9404 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.6.0)
  # pull: 9406 (PR title: Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6)
  # pull: 9407 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.77.6)
  # pull: 9408 (PR title: Remove duplicate Enforcer configuration)
  # pull: 9412 (PR title: Upgrade Remoting from 3248.v65ecb_254c298 to 3256.v88a_f6e922152)
  # pull: 9413 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.92.1)
  # pull: 9414 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.15.0)
  # pull: 9416 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.3.1)
  # pull: 9417 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint-config-standard to v36.0.1)
  # pull: 9418 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5883)

  - version: '2.465'
    date: 2024-07-02
    banner: >
      This release failed due to breaking changes in the Maven Release plugin.
      Installers, native packages, and jenkins.war were not published.
      - type: bug
        category: internal
          - MarkEWaite
        message: |-
          Jenkins 2.465 was not placed in the artifact repository or on the download site.

  # pull: 9425 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1344.v5a_3f65a_1e173 to 1350.v1b_df4d227d1b_)
  # pull: 9426 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.116 to 1.117)
  # pull: 9423 (PR title: Upgrade HtmlUnit from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0)
  # pull: 9419 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:structs from 337.v1b_04ea_4df7c8 to 338.v848422169819)
  # pull: 9420 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1337.v60b_d7b_c7b_c9f to 1344.v5a_3f65a_1e173)
  # pull: 9418 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5883)

  - version: '2.466'
    date: 2024-07-02
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9428
        issue: 73381
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73381] Downloading `tar.gz` artifacts in Firefox is broken"
        message: |-
          Fix download of .tar.gz artifacts in Firefox (regression in 2.463).
      - type: bug
        category: developer
        pull: 9430
          - dependabot[bot]
          - basil
        pr_title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.117 to 1.118
          - url: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MRELEASE-1151
            title: Maven Release Plugin MRELEASE-1151
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/pom/pull/576
            title: parent pom PR 576
          - pull: 9430
        message: |-
          Fix the release build that failed due to breaking changes in the Maven Release plugin.
          Downgrade Maven Release plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.0.1.

  # pull: 9427 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.6.0)

  - version: '2.467'
    date: 2024-07-09
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9440
          - basil
        pr_title: Increase minimum required Remoting version from 4.13 to 3107.v665000b_51092
        message: |-
          Increase the minimum required Remoting version to 3107.v665000b_51092 (released on February 2, 2023).

  # pull: 9429 (PR title: Bump mina-sshd-api.version from 2.12.1-113.v4d3ea_5eb_7f72 to 2.13.1-117.v2f1a_b_66ff91d)
  # pull: 9431 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1350.v1b_df4d227d1b_ to 1355.v46f52a_b_98d64)
  # pull: 9432 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.39)
  # pull: 9433 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.15)
  # pull: 9435 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.7.0)
  # pull: 9436 (PR title: Bump commons-logging:commons-logging from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3)
  # pull: 9438 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.8.0)
  # pull: 9439 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:bouncycastle-api from to
  # pull: 9441 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1355.v46f52a_b_98d64 to 1361.v56f5ca_35d21c)
  # pull: 9444 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-step-api from 657.v03b_e8115821b_ to 678.v3ee58b_469476)

  - version: '2.468'
    date: 2024-07-15
      - type: major rfe
        category: major rfe
        pull: 7268
        issue: 69869
          - Wadeck
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-69869] Categorize the user properties"
        message: |-
          User properties are now categorized in different pages.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9437
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Allow administrative monitors to be displayed for users with `Overall/MANAGE`
        message: |-
          Allow some administrative monitors to be displayed for users with Overall/MANAGE permission.

  # pull: 9445 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.6.0)
  # pull: 9452 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-support from 907.v6713a_ed8a_573 to 920.v59f71ce16f04)
  # pull: 9454 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.15.1)
  # pull: 9455 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1361.v56f5ca_35d21c to 1371.vfee6b_095f0a_3)
  # pull: 9457 (PR title: Call out body of `main-panel` using HTML comments)
  # pull: 9458 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.77.7)
  # pull: 9460 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5895)
  # pull: 9466 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.24.8)
  # pull: 9467 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.77.8)
  # pull: 9468 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.93.0)
  # pull: 9469 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.118 to 1.119)
  # pull: 9470 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.7.0)
  # pull: 9471 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.7.0)
  # pull: 9472 (PR title: Fix lint on default branch)
  # pull: 9473 (PR title: Upgrade test harness from 2225.2227.vfc00092c557a_ to 2225.2229.vc4c7fcb_6673c)

  - version: '2.469'
    date: 2024-07-22
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9465
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: modernise build time trend page
        message: |-
          Modernize the build time trend page with a time since column, a link to the console, and allow the table to be resized.
          Remove the agent column from the Pipeline build trend page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9483
          - jglick
        pr_title: "`Lifecycle.onBootFailure`"
        message: |-
          Exit the process immediately upon a boot failure when using ExitLifecycle.
          Allow custom lifecycles to react similarly.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9449
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Show plugin source URL when downloading it
        message: |-
          Display the source URL in logs when installing a plugin.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9482
        issue: 73453
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73453] make icons in table buttons resizable"
        message: |-
          Change icon size in table when resizing the table.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9485
        issue: 73467
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73467] No facility to try unsupported Remoting versions
          when using inbound agents"
        message: |-
          Fix the hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer.allowUnsupportedRemotingVersions escape hatch, which was previously not working with inbound agents.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9446
        issue: 66105
          - jglick
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-66105] Allow follow redirects to work after 303 from `buildWithParameters`"
        message: |-
          /queue/item/nnnnn/ URLs (with no api/… suffix) now return a 200 text/plain response to emphasize that the queue item does exist but that you would need to construct a specific query to find out more.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9489
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: experimental flag to run Jenkins without YUI
        message: |-
          Add a user experimental flag to run Jenkins without the YUI JavaScript library. Plugin authors should enable this flag and fix any issues that result from the removal of the YUI library.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9450
        issue: 73404
          - jtnord
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73404] SecretTextArea missing FormValidation support"
          - url: https://reports.jenkins.io/core-taglib/jelly-taglib-ref.html#form:secretTextarea
            title: SecretTextArea documentation
          - pull: 9450
          - issue: 73404
        message: |-
          Form validation now works for SecretTextArea fields.

  # pull: 9442 (PR title: Deprecating `SubTask.getLastBuiltOn`)
  # pull: 9474 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.3.3)
  # pull: 9475 (PR title: Bump commons-codec:commons-codec from 1.17.0 to 1.17.1)
  # pull: 9477 (PR title: Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7)
  # pull: 9478 (PR title: Note the plugin responsible for loading a detached plugin)
  # pull: 9479 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/core to v7.24.9)
  # pull: 9481 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-api from 1316.v33eb_726c50b_a_ to 1322.v857eeeea_9902)
  # pull: 9484 (PR title: Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8)
  # pull: 9486 (PR title: Update version numbers of new APIs in Javadoc)
  # pull: 9490 (PR title: Remove Jira issue from changelog summary in PR template)

  - version: '2.470'
    date: 2024-07-29
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9495
          - jglick
        pr_title: Tolerate `HttpResponse` thrown from `Descriptor.newInstance`
        message: |-
          Developer: HttpResponse exceptions such as Descriptor.FormException are now rendered properly from @DataBoundConstructors.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9501
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: Add end of life dates for Alpine 3.20, Ubuntu 24.04, Fedora 40
        message: |-
          Add end of life dates for Alpine 3.20, Ubuntu 24.04, and Fedora 40. Correct several end of life dates, including CentOS 8.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9476
          - basil
        pr_title: Use detached plugins as a cache for the Update Center
        message: |-
          Avoid unnecessary download of bundled plugins during the setup wizard.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9488
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: scroll fields from added hetero-list entry into viewport
        message: |-
          Scroll fields from added heterolist entry into viewport.

  # pull: 9480 (PR title: `ItemListener.onCheckDelete` & `ItemDeletion.cancelBuildsInProgress`)
  # pull: 9492 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit from 1265.v65b_14fa_f12f0 to 1279.v72cf99b_25c43)
  # pull: 9493 (PR title: Add missing at-since in AdministrativeMonitor)
  # pull: 9494 (PR title: Deprecate AdministrativeMonitor#getRequiredPermission)
  # pull: 9496 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5906)
  # pull: 9497 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5909)
  # pull: 9498 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v15)
  # pull: 9499 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.40)
  # pull: 9500 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.16.0)
  # pull: 9503 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:scm-api from 690.vfc8b_54395023 to 696.v778d637b_a_762)
  # pull: 9504 (PR title: Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit from 1279.v72cf99b_25c43 to 1280.v310a_78b_9a_1e0)
  # pull: 9506 (PR title: Update JTH from 2225.2229.vc4c7fcb_6673c to 2225.2230.v6210cb_b_827f9)
  # pull: 9507 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/preset-env to v7.25.0)
  # pull: 9508 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v16)
  # pull: 9509 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.8.0)

  - version: "2.471"
    date: 2024-08-07
      - type: security
        message: Important security fixes.
          - url: /security/advisory/2024-08-07/
            title: security advisory

  - version: '2.472'
    date: 2024-08-13
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9604
        issue: 73563
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73563] Create a `jenkins-button` instead of a YUI button
          in `makeButton`"
        message: |-
          makeButton creates jenkins-buttons on the fly instead of using YUI.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9590
        issue: 73130
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73130] Upgrade core from Jetty 10.x to 12.x (EE 8)"
        message: |-
          Upgrade Jetty from 10.0.22 to 12.0.12.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9461
          - timja
        pr_title: Modernise project relationship page
        message: |-
          Modernize project relationship page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9502
        issue: 73495
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73495] Clarify the plugin incompatibility message"
        message: |-
          Clarify that the plugin incompatibility message applies to the current plugin.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9519
        issue: 73554
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73554] fix jelly exception"
        message: |-
          fix IndexOutOfBoundsException in cloud management pages when controller has no executors (regression in 2.463).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9520
        issue: 73586
          - scherler
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73586] Fix New Item page layout if no icon is defined
          for an item type"
        message: |-
          Fix "New Item" page layout if no icon is defined for an item (regression in 2.453).

  # pull: 9459 (PR title: Switch to Renovate from Dependabot for remaining dependencies)
  # pull: 9510 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5911)
  # pull: 9511 (PR title: [JENKINS-73563] create a jenkins-button instead of a yui button in makeButton)
  # pull: 9514 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.8.1)
  # pull: 9517 (PR title: Bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-text-api from 1.12.0-119.v73ef73f2345d to 1.12.0-129.v99a_50df237f7)
  # pull: 9518 (PR title: Update babel monorepo)
  # pull: 9522 (PR title: Remove an old m2e configuration)
  # pull: 9523 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.9.0)
  # pull: 9525 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.4.0)
  # pull: 9526 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5929)
  # pull: 9527 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10)
  # pull: 9531 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:snakeyaml-api to v2.2-121.v5a_68b_9300b_d4 (master))
  # pull: 9533 (PR title: Update dependency org.awaitility:awaitility to v4.2.2 (master))
  # pull: 9541 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1284 (master))
  # pull: 9567 (PR title: Remove accidental debug output from test)
  # pull: 9572 (PR title: Remove Renovate LTS updates)
  # pull: 9574 (PR title: Update antlr.version to v4.13.2)
  # pull: 9576 (PR title: Update slf4j monorepo to v2.0.14)
  # pull: 9577 (PR title: Update dependency args4j:args4j to v2.37)
  # pull: 9578 (PR title: Update dependency org.glassfish.tyrus.bundles:tyrus-standalone-client-jdk to v2.2.0)
  # pull: 9579 (PR title: Update dependency org.jvnet.winp:winp to v1.31)
  # pull: 9580 (PR title: Update mina-sshd.version to v2.13.2)
  # pull: 9581 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ant to v511)
  # pull: 9582 (PR title: Format Renovate JSON file)
  # pull: 9583 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:command-launcher to v115)
  # pull: 9584 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:jdk-tool to v80)
  # pull: 9585 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting to v3261)
  # pull: 9586 (PR title: Add version comment for renovate)
  # pull: 9587 (PR title: Disable renovate updating org.apache.commons:commons-compress)
  # pull: 9588 (PR title: Rerun failing tests once during releases)
  # pull: 9589 (PR title: Update slf4j monorepo to v2.0.15)
  # pull: 9592 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.41)
  # pull: 9593 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v3.2.0)
  # pull: 9595 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-api to v1332)
  # pull: 9596 (PR title: Update slf4j monorepo to v2.0.16)
  # pull: 9597 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.9.0)
  # pull: 9602 (PR title: Revert "[JENKINS-73563] create a jenkins-button instead of a yui button in makeButton")
  # pull: 9603 (PR title: Fix `jetty:run`)

  - version: '2.473'
    date: 2024-08-20
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9594
        issue: 73597
          - jeromepochat
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73597] Remove `RekeySecretAdminMonitor` and related resources"
        message: |-
          Remove obsolete RekeySecretAdminMonitor.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9453
          - zbynek
          - timja
        pr_title: "Use standard dropdowns for autocomplete"
        message: |-
          Use dropdown component for autocomplete fields (instead of YUI framework).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9625
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: "Remove trailing backslash from 'Keep this build forever' hover
        message: |-
          Remove trailing backslash from 'Keep this build forever' hover text.

  # pull: 9601 (PR title: Use SLF4J BOM)
  # pull: 9606 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:commons-lang3-api to v3.16.0-82.ve2b_07d659d95)
  # pull: 9607 (PR title: Update mina-sshd-api.version to v2.13.2-125.v200281b_61d59)
  # pull: 9608 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security to v1354)
  # pull: 9609 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-api to v1336)
  # pull: 9610 (PR title: Tweak pom so that renovate is able to update test harness)
  # pull: 9611 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2254)
  # pull: 9612 (PR title: Update dependency org.springframework:spring-framework-bom to v5.3.39)
  # pull: 9613 (PR title: Fix Spotless)
  # pull: 9617 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5941)
  # pull: 9620 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:echarts-api to v5.5.1-1)
  # pull: 9621 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:font-awesome-api to v6.6.0-1)
  # pull: 9626 (PR title: Update dependency com.google.guava:guava to v33.3.0-jre)
  # pull: 9627 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.0.1)
  # pull: 9628 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven:maven-core to v3.9.9)
  # pull: 9629 (PR title: Update @since javadoc comments for recent API additions)
  # pull: 9630 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.8.2)
  # pull: 9632 (PR title: Update dependency commons-logging:commons-logging to v1.3.4)
  # pull: 9633 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:prism-api to v1.29.0-16)
  # pull: 9634 (PR title: Update dependency org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom to v5.8.14)
  # pull: 9635 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1291)

  - version: '2.474'
    date: 2024-08-27
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9405
        issue: 68822
          - madisparn
          - timja
        pr_title: JENKINS-68822 added support for removing all builds with LogRotator
        message: |-
          Allow all builds to be removed by the build discarder.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9654
        issue: 73330
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73330] Fix dropdowns and tooltips on HDR displays"
        message: |-
          Fix dropdown and tooltip brightness on HDR displays.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9641
        issue: 73668
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73668] fix styling of rowSelectionController dropdown"
        message: |-
          Fix the appearance of the Plugin Manager actions dropdown.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9658
        issue: 73302
          - MarkEWaite
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73302] Restore margins around setup wizard alert messages"
        message: |-
          Restore margins around setup wizard alert messages (regression in 2.459).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9649
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: don't use backdrop for dialogs
        message: |-
          Prevent backdrop color from affecting dialogs that appear above the backdrop.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9624
        issue: 73613
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73613] refresh buildhistory widget in all cases"
        message: |-
          Refresh build history widget in all cases, including on background tabs or hidden tabs.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9616
          - zbynek
        pr_title: Allow plugins to customize number of suggestions in autocomplete
        message: |-
          Allow plugins to customize maximum number of suggestions in autocomplete text fields.

  # pull: 9639 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.0.2)
  # pull: 9640 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1295)
  # pull: 9642 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:prism-api to v1.29.0-17)
  # pull: 9643 (PR title: Turn down log level of `StaplerFilteredActionListener`)
  # pull: 9646 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.9.1)
  # pull: 9647 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v16.0.1)
  # pull: 9650 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1296)
  # pull: 9651 (PR title: Update stapler.version to v1896 (major))
  # pull: 9655 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.17.0)
  # pull: 9656 (PR title: Bump micromatch from 4.0.7 to 4.0.8 in /war)
  # pull: 9657 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/preset-env to v7.25.4)
  # pull: 9659 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.94.0)
  # pull: 9660 (PR title: Update dependency com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to v10.18.0)
  # pull: 9661 (PR title: Fix PathRemoverTest timeout in RISC-V devices.)
  # pull: 9662 (PR title: Fix error message when creation of item by type is prohibited)
  # pull: 9664 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.9.1)

  - version: '2.475'
    date: 2024-09-04
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73278] Migrate core from EE 8 to EE 9"
          - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v6.0.23
            title: Spring Framework 6.0.23 release notes
          - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/releases/tag/v6.1.12
            title: Spring Framework 6.1.12 release notes
          - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/6.2.6
            title: Spring Security 6.2.6 release notes
          - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/6.3.2
            title: Spring Security 6.3.2 release notes
          - url: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/releases/tag/6.3.3
            title: Spring Security 6.3.3 release notes
          - url: https://projects.eclipse.org/releases/jakarta-ee-9
            title: Jarkata EE 9 release page
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/ldap-plugin/releases/tag/733.vd3700c27b_043
            title: LDAP plugin 733.vd3700c27b_043
          - url: 
            title: Reverse Proxy Auth plugin 1.8.0
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/mailer-plugin/releases/tag/489.vd4b_25144138f
            title: Mailer plugin 489.vd4b_25144138f
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/cas-plugin/releases/tag/cas-plugin-1.7.0
            title: CAS plugin 1.7.0
          - url: 
            title: Windows Negotiate SSO plugin 136.vda_2b_6a_744b_d8
          - url: 
            title: Servlet Container Support Policy
          - pull: 9672
          - issue: 73278
        message: |-
          Upgrade Spring Framework from 5.3.39 to 6.1.12, upgrade Spring Security from 5.8.14 to 6.3.3, and upgrade Java EE from 8 to 9.
          Users of the LDAP plugin must upgrade it to version 733.vd3700c27b_043 in lockstep with upgrading Jenkins core.
          Users of the Reverse Proxy Auth plugin must upgrade to version 1.8.0 in lockstep with upgrading Jenkins core and must also upgrade the Mailer plugin to version 489.vd4b_25144138f.
          Users of the CAS plugin must upgrade it to version 1.7.0 in lockstep with upgrading Jenkins core.
          Users of the Windows Negotiate SSO plugin must upgrade to version 136.vda_2b_6a_744b_d8 in lockstep with upgrading Jenkins core.
          Users of third-party servlet containers must upgrade the servlet container to an EE 9 version in accordance with the Jenkins Servlet Container Support Policy.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9644
        issue: 73422
          - Dohbedoh
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73422] Add escape hatch for Authenticated user access
          to Resource URL"
        message: |-
          Add escape hatch for authenticated user access to Resource URL.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9591
          - jglick
        pr_title: Friendlier handling of `DeploymentHandshakeException` from CLI in
          `-webSocket` mode
        message: |-
          Better display HTTP handshake errors (such as authentication issues) from the CLI in webSocket mode.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9648
        issue: 73669
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73669] don't change unrelated checkboxes in rowSelectionCont…"
        message: |-
          Don't change unrelated checkboxes in rowSelectionController.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9665
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Add -webSocket option by default when creating an inbound agent
        message: |-
          Use websocket in the inbound agent command line sample.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9667
        issue: 73695
          - scherler
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73695] BUG: Dashboard shows white space on certain width
          space >900px"
        message: |-
          Update dashboard to remove white space in widths over 900px.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9663
        issue: 73692
          - jglick
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73692] Turn off logging from `BackgroundGlobalBuildDiscarder`"
        message: |-
          No longer printing verbose and uninformative messages to $JENKINS_HOME/logs/tasks/Periodic background build discarder.log.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9150
          - krisstern
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: Add doCheckDisplayNameOrNull to jenkins core
        message: |-
          Move doCheckDisplayNameOrNull from AbstractProject to TopLevelItemDescriptor to allow reuse in pipeline.

  # pull: 9666 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.4.1)
  # pull: 9668 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:jenkins to v1.120)
  # pull: 9669 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5957)
  # pull: 9670 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:jenkins to v1.121)
  # pull: 9671 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:jenkins to v1.122)
  # pull: 9675 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.ant:ant to v1.10.15)
  # pull: 9676 (PR title: Update dependency com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to v10.18.1)
  # pull: 9677 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2265)
  # pull: 9678 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.9.0)
  # pull: 9679 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/cli to v7.25.6)
  # pull: 9680 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:commons-lang3-api to v3.17.0-84.vb_b_938040b_078)
  # pull: 9682 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:snakeyaml-api to v2.3-123.v13484c65210a_)
  # pull: 9685 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security to v1358)
  # pull: 9686 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.42)
  # pull: 9687 (PR title: Disable newly-added flaky test)

  - version: '2.476'
    date: 2024-09-10
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9696
          - basil
        pr_title: "Compatibility for `ChainedServletFilter`"
        message: |-
          Restore compatibility with the OpenId Connect Authentication and Reverse Proxy Authentication plugins (regression in 2.475).
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9152
        issue: 72988
          - mawinter69
          - krisstern
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72988] validate displayname against items in the same
        message: |-
          Validate display name only against items in the same ItemGroup.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9463
          - timja
        pr_title: "Disable dependents toggle in plugin manager with system read"
        message: |-
          Correct styling for plugins that can't be disabled in plugin manager when user has system read permission.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9673
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "Introduce `ComputerListener#onIdle`"
        message: |-
          Developer: Add a new listener when a computer becomes idle.

  # pull: 9645 (PR title: Add `WithConsoleUrl` interface)
  # pull: 9689 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:checks-api to v2.2.1)
  # pull: 9690 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.43)
  # pull: 9691 (PR title: Update dependency sortablejs to v1.15.3)
  # pull: 9692 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5967)
  # pull: 9694 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.44)
  # pull: 9699 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5968)
  # pull: 9700 (PR title: Update dependency org.eclipse.jetty.ee9:jetty-ee9-maven-plugin to v12.0.13)
  # pull: 9701 (PR title: pass the docker group to the container so it can run docker tests)
  # pull: 9702 (PR title: fix(i18n): correct typo in Spanish translation for 'Preparation')
  # pull: 9703 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.78.0)
  # pull: 9704 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.45)
  # pull: 9708 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:font-awesome-api to v6.6.0-2)
  # pull: 9710 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.10.0)

  - version: '2.477'
    date: 2024-09-17
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9521
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Refine content and appearance of the user account screen
        message: |-
          Refine content and appearance of the user account screen.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9724
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: Use Notice component for views lacking jobs
        message: |-
          Use Notice component for views lacking jobs.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9707
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: "Update appearance of 'Jenkins is starting' pages"
        message: |-
          Update appearance of Jenkins is starting pages.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9737
        issue: 73785
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73785] Restore `ContextMenu#from` with `StaplerRequest`/`Response`
        message: |-
          Restore compatibility with plugins contributing new objects with context menus, like Nested Views plugin. (regression in 2.475)
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9695
        issue: 73695
          - scherler
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73695] Prevent unnecessary horizontal scrollbar in Firefox"
        message: |-
          Prevent unnecessary horizontal scroll bar in Firefox.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9653
        issue: 73687
          - dwnusbaum
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73687] Make deserialization of `Map` fields in XML files
          more robust"
        message: |-
          Make deserialization of Map fields in XML files more robust.

  # pull: 7240 (PR title: Automate the since updater)
  # pull: 9674 (PR title: Introduce `HistoricalBuild` interface)
  # pull: 9709 (PR title: [JENKINS-73709] Build without forking the compiler)
  # pull: 9712 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jarsigner-plugin to v3.1.0)
  # pull: 9714 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1299)
  # pull: 9715 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder to v6.951.v5f91d88d76b_b_)
  # pull: 9716 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1300)
  # pull: 9717 (PR title: Build tests without forking the compiler)
  # pull: 9718 (PR title: [JENKINS-73744] npm scripts lint:fix do not work )
  # pull: 9719 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security to v1361)
  # pull: 9720 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v5992)
  # pull: 9721 (PR title: Fill in since annotations)
  # pull: 9722 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.0.3)
  # pull: 9725 (PR title: Update peter-evans/create-pull-request digest to d121e62)
  # pull: 9726 (PR title: Update dependency org.springframework:spring-framework-bom to v6.1.13)
  # pull: 9730 (PR title: Update dependency net.java.dev.jna:jna to v5.15.0)
  # pull: 9731 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2270)
  # pull: 9736 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security to v1362)

  - version: '2.478'
    date: 2024-09-24
    changes: []

  - version: '2.479'
    date: 2024-10-02
      - type: security
        message: Security fixes.
          - url: /security/advisory/2024-10-02/
            title: security advisory
      - type: rfe
        message: |-
          Developer: Add ExtendedReadRedaction extension point to allow plugins to redact content from config.xml files served via API or CLI to users with Extended Read permission.
          - url: /security/advisory/2024-10-02/#SECURITY-3373
            title: SECURITY-3373

  - version: '2.480'
    date: 2024-10-08
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9735
          - janfaracik
          - timja
        pr_title: Refine 'Administrative monitors' interface
        message: |-
          Refine Administrative monitors interface.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9797
        issue: 73838
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73838] Compatibility for `Jenkins#doSafeRestart(StaplerRequest,
        message: |-
          Restore compatibility with plugins calling Jenkins#doSafeRestart(StaplerRequest, String).
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9764
        issue: 73801
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73801] Nested Views plugin overrides `View#doConfigDotXml(StaplerRequest)`"
        message: |-
          Restore compatibility with plugins contributing new views with custom XML, like Nested Views plugin.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9790
        issue: 73824
          - dwnusbaum
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73824] Wait for Pipeline builds to complete before allowing
          their jobs to be deleted"
        message: |-
          Wait for ongoing Pipeline builds to fully complete before allowing their parent job to be deleted.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9760
        issue: 73760
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73760] Updates fail due to invalid JSON from HTTP Update
        message: |-
          Migrate from http://updates.jenkinsci.org to https://updates.jenkins.io when the initial installation version was 2.76 or older.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9693
        issue: 73437
          - ridemountainpig
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73437] Fix build history no automatic line wrapping"
        message: |-
          Wrap long lines in the build history.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9743
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Introduce `SaveableListener#onDeleted`
        message: |-
          Developer: Add a new method SaveableListener#onDeleted so that plugins can be notified when a Saveable is deleted.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 6867
        issue: 71515
          - daniel-beck
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-60866][JENKINS-71515] Use `JSON#parse` to process `codemirror-config`
        message: |-
          Developer: Improve Content Security Policy compatibility by removing an eval call from JS.
          Require syntactically valid JSON snippet to be returned from MarkupFormatter#getCodemirrorConfig / provided to codemirrorconfig in f:textarea.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9827
          - basil
        pr_title: " Override the outdated managed dependency on `asm` in `guice-parent`"
        message: |-
          Developer: Prevent an old version of ASM from appearing as a managed dependency in plugin builds.
  # pull: 9749 (PR title: Extract interfaces for objects to be used through the executors widget)
  # pull: 9766 (PR title: Be more explicit about not being logged in on 404 error page)
  # pull: 9772 (PR title: Download Yarn Berry with Corepack rather than Yarn 1.x)
  # pull: 9779 (PR title: Update dependency com.google.guava:guava to v33.3.1-jre)
  # pull: 9783 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.0.5)
  # pull: 9785 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6016)
  # pull: 9786 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1302)
  # pull: 9789 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder to v6.955.v81e2a_35c08d3 - autoclosed)
  # pull: 9791 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.11.1)
  # pull: 9792 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2299)
  # pull: 9793 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.95.0 - autoclosed)
  # pull: 9794 (PR title: Update dependency com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to v10.18.2)
  # pull: 9796 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:mailer to v488)
  # pull: 9798 (PR title: Update access-modifier.version to v1.34)
  # pull: 9799 (PR title: Update bridge-method-injector.version to v1.30)
  # pull: 9800 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.lib:support-log-formatter to v1.3)
  # pull: 9801 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:annotation-indexer to v1.18)
  # pull: 9802 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:crypto-util to v1.10)
  # pull: 9803 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:memory-monitor to v1.13)
  # pull: 9804 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:symbol-annotation to v1.25)
  # pull: 9805 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:task-reactor to v1.9)
  # pull: 9806 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:version-number to v1.12)
  # pull: 9807 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.modules:instance-identity to v201)
  # pull: 9808 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.79.4)
  # pull: 9812 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project to v838)
  # pull: 9814 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials to v1381)
  # pull: 9815 (PR title: `mvn clean` should clean frontend artifacts)
  # pull: 9816 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.10.0)
  # pull: 9817 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.25.7)
  # pull: 9818 (PR title: Update mina-sshd-api.version to v2.14.0-131.v04e9b_6b_e0362)
  # pull: 9819 (PR title: Update mina-sshd.version to v2.14.0)
  # pull: 9820 (PR title: Fill in since annotations)
  # pull: 9822 (PR title: Account for new Maven version requirement)
  # pull: 9824 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2307)
  # pull: 9825 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1303)
  # pull: 9828 (PR title: Update mina-sshd-api.version to v2.14.0-133.vcc091215a_358)
  # pull: 9831 (PR title: Update dependency org.ow2.asm:asm to v9.7.1)
  # pull: 9834 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:asm-api to v9.7.1-95.v9f552033802a_)
  # pull: 9835 (PR title: Fix dropdowns being added multiple times to the same element)
  # pull: 9837 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.18.0)
  # pull: 9838 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials to v1384)
  # pull: 9839 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6022)
  # pull: 9840 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1304)
  # pull: 9842 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.0.6)
  # pull: 9843 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.12.0)

  - version: '2.481'
    date: 2024-10-15
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9787
        issue: 73813
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73813] Show a notification when scheduling a build fails"
        message: |-
          Show a notification when scheduling a build fails.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9833
          - janfaracik
        pr_title: "Refine content and appearance of the 'Edit View' screen"
        message: |-
          Refine content and appearance of the Edit View page.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
          - basil
        pr_title: "Winstone 8.2: Upgrade Jetty from 12.0.13 to Jetty 12.0.14"
          - pull: 9841
          - url: https://github.com/jetty/jetty.project/releases/jetty-12.0.14
            title: Jetty 12.0.14 changelog
          - url: https://github.com/jenkinsci/winstone/releases/winstone-8.2
            title: Winstone 8.2 changelog
        message: |-
          Upgrade Winstone to 8.2 in order to update Jetty from 12.0.13 to 12.0.14.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-30101][JENKINS-30175] Simplify persistence design for
          temporarily offline status"
          - pull: 9855
          - issue: 30101
          - issue: 30175
        message: |-
          Retain user-generated offline reason when agent connects or disconnects for technical reasons.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9727
        issue: 63343
          - dwnusbaum
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-63343] Validate element types for collections and maps
          when deserializing XML files"
        message: |-
          Ignore values with incorrect types when deserializing collections and maps in XML files.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9739
        issue: 72979
          - debayangg
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-72979] Remove trailing space from Windows agent secret
          file instructions"
        message: |-
          Remove trailing space from Windows agent secret file instructions.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9810
        issue: 73835
          - dwnusbaum
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73835] Do not allow builds to be deleted while they are
          still running and ensure build discarders run after builds are fully complete"
        message: |-
          Do not allow builds to be deleted while they are still building.
          Ensure build discarders only process builds which have fully completed.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9813
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "Create a new taglib to capture the save/apply bottom bar"
        message: |-
          Developer: Add a new taglib saveApplyBar for configuration forms.
  # pull: 9809 (PR title: Add tests for empty directory in tar and zip archives)
  # pull: 9844 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project to v839)
  # pull: 9845 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6032)
  # pull: 9847 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6034)
  # pull: 9848 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:scm-api to v698)
  # pull: 9850 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2341)
  # pull: 9851 (PR title: Update dependency lit to v3.2.1)
  # pull: 9853 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials to v1389)
  # pull: 9854 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6038)
  # pull: 9856 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.11.0)
  # pull: 9859 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:display-url-api to v2.209.v582ed814ff2f)
  # pull: 9860 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:mailer to v489)
  # pull: 9861 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project to v840)
  # pull: 9863 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.25.8)
  # pull: 9864 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.0.7)
  # pull: 9865 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.79.5)
  # pull: 9866 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:asm-api to v9.7.1-97.v4cc844130d97)
  # pull: 9868 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:json-api to v20240303-101.v7a_8666713110)
  # pull: 9870 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security to v1365)

  - version: '2.482'
    date: 2024-10-22
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9462
          - timja
        pr_title: Use standard dropdowns for combobox
        message: |-
          Modernize ComboBox component.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9734
          - janfaracik
          - timja
        pr_title: "Refine content and appearance of the project ''Configure'' screen"
        message: |-
          Refine content and appearance of the project Configure screen.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9855
        issue: 30101
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-30101][JENKINS-30175] Simplify persistence design for
          temporarily offline status"
        message: |-
          Retain user generated offline reason when agent connects or disconnects for technical reasons.

  # pull: 8351 (PR title: [JENKINS-71728] Add CSP compatible version of `FormApply#applyResponse`)
  # pull: 9728 (PR title: [JENKINS-73768] Handle base=derived case in Util#isOverridden)
  # pull: 9867 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:gson-api to v2.11.0-85.v1f4e87273c33)
  # pull: 9869 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.10.0)
  # pull: 9872 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6040)
  # pull: 9873 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:echarts-api to v5.5.1-2 - autoclosed)
  # pull: 9874 (PR title: Fix run generate-weekly-changelog.sh failed)
  # pull: 9876 (PR title: Stop build in `DeleteBuildsCommandTest.deleteBuildsShouldFailIfTheBuildIsRunning` so test can be cleaned up on Windows consistently)
  # pull: 9877 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:jenkins to v1.125)
  # pull: 9878 (PR title: Print Jenkins version on boot)
  # pull: 9879 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:echarts-api to v5.5.1-3)
  # pull: 9880 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting to v3270)
  # pull: 9881 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-support to v930)
  # pull: 9882 (PR title: Allow for null to be passed to `doSafeRestart`)
  # pull: 9884 (PR title: Update dependency org.springframework:spring-framework-bom to v6.1.14)
  # pull: 9885 (PR title: Migrate `site.xml` to new model)
  # pull: 9886 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1307)
  # pull: 9887 (PR title: Reduce default size of diagnostic buffer for `FlightRecorderInputStream` from 1MiB to 1KiB)
  # pull: 9888 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting to v3272)
  # pull: 9889 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.80.1)
  # pull: 9892 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.80.2)
  # pull: 9893 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.5.1)
  # pull: 9894 (PR title: Update dependency org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom to v6.3.4)
  # pull: 9895 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting to v3273 - autoclosed)
  # pull: 9896 (PR title: Update dependency @eslint/js to v9.13.0)
  # pull: 9897 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2345)
  # pull: 9898 (PR title: Update dependency eslint to v9.13.0)
  # pull: 9899 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.80.3)

  - version: '2.483'
    date: 2024-10-29
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9903
          - jglick
        pr_title: Removing configurability of `Jenkins.agentProtocols`
        message: |-
          Stop allowing configuration of the agent protocols list.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9883
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: Display appropriate GUI that accurately displays offline by design
        message: |-
          The agents online/offline status and icon can now be influenced by the offline cause, giving better information to users.
          Clarifies some use cases when an agent was offline by design and not because of a configuration or technical error.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9916
          - mustsafu
        pr_title: Turkish localization fixes for node list page
        message: |-
          Translate node list page to Turkish.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9908
        issue: 73845
          - Dohbedoh
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73845] Fix OperatingSystemEndOfLifeAdminMonitor endOfLifeDate
          displayed on first warning day"
        message: |-
          Fix end of life operating system monitor that shows 2099-12-31 on the first day a warning should be displayed.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9905
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: When calling Nodes#setNodes, NodeListener methods should be called
          as required
        message: |-
          Developer: Calls to Nodes#setNodes now notify NodeListener implementations.

  # pull: 9890 (PR title: Turkish localization fixes for security configuration)
  # pull: 9891 (PR title: Translate user property categories to Turkish)
  # pull: 9902 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-auth to v3.2.3)
  # pull: 9904 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6052)
  # pull: 9906 (PR title: Add Resource Root URL test for permissions assigned to groups)
  # pull: 9909 (PR title: Add note about environment variable in parameter file.html)
  # pull: 9910 (PR title: Fill in since annotations)
  # pull: 9911 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6058)
  # pull: 9912 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.26.0)
  # pull: 9913 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security to v1366)
  # pull: 9914 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6059)
  # pull: 9915 (PR title: Update babel monorepo to v7.26.0)
  # pull: 9916 (PR title: Turkish localization fixes for node list page)
  # pull: 9917 (PR title: Update dependency com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to v10.19.0)
  # pull: 9918 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.0.8)
  # pull: 9919 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.80.4)
  # pull: 9922 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:echarts-api to v5.5.1-4)

  - version: '2.484'
    date: 2024-11-05
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9928
          - mustafau
        pr_title: Translate RSS links to Turkish
        message: |-
          Translate RSS links to Turkish.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9925
          - jglick
        pr_title: "Race condition & memory leak in TypedFilter"
        message: |-
          Fix a rare race condition rendering pages soon after startup.

  # pull: 9778 (PR title: Avoid saving `nextBuildNumber` while loading `Job`)
  # pull: 9846 (PR title: `Job.BuildNumberAssigner`)
  # pull: 9923 (PR title: Skip `LogRotatorTest#ableToDeleteCurrentBuild` on Windows)
  # pull: 9924 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security to v1367)
  # pull: 9926 (PR title: Update dependency com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to v10.20.0)
  # pull: 9927 (PR title: Fill in since annotations)
  # pull: 9929 (PR title: Update softprops/action-gh-release action to v2.0.9)
  # pull: 9932 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.80.5)
  # pull: 9934 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.96.0)
  # pull: 9935 (PR title: Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.9.2 - autoclosed)
  # pull: 9936 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v16.0.3)
  # pull: 9937 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.96.1)
  # pull: 9938 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.0.9)
  # pull: 9939 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.14.0)
  # pull: 9943 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.80.6)

  - version: '2.485'
    date: 2024-11-12
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9930
          - jglick
        pr_title: Clarify SECURITY-3315 error code on client side
        message: |-
          Clearer error message for the CLI in the default webSocket mode when a 403 error results from a reverse proxy misconfiguration.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9947
        issue: 74795
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-74795] Job created via REST API attaches to default view"
        message: |-
          Do not add jobs created via the REST API to the default view.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9921
          - jglick
        pr_title: Introducing `ControllerToAgentCallable` and `ControllerToAgentFileCallable`
        message: |-
          Developer: Introduce ControllerToAgentCallable and ControllerToAgentFileCallable with support for records in controller to agent callables.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9945
        issue: 74814
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-74814] `java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException`: This
          stack walker does not have `RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE` access"
        message: |-
          Developer: Allow context classloaders to be defined without making explicit reference to the calling class.

  # pull: 9931 (PR title: Update operating system end of life test data)
  # pull: 9940 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-support to v932)
  # pull: 9941 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6072)
  # pull: 9942 (PR title: Update stapler.version to v1922 (major))
  # pull: 9944 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:remoting to v3283)
  # pull: 9946 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven.skins:maven-fluido-skin to v2.0.0)
  # pull: 9949 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:jenkins to v1.126)
  # pull: 9950 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.12.0)
  # pull: 9952 (PR title: Update dependency com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to v10.20.1)
  # pull: 9954 (PR title: Update dependency com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream to v1.4.21 [SECURITY])
  # pull: 9957 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1309)
  # pull: 9960 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:prism-api to v1.29.0-18)
  # pull: 9961 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:design-library to v323)
  # pull: 9962 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2351)
  # pull: 9963 (PR title: Update softprops/action-gh-release action to v2.1.0)

  - version: '2.486'
    date: 2024-11-19
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9982
          - dependabot[bot]
        pr_title: Bump @eslint/plugin-kit from 0.2.0 to 0.2.3
        message: |-
          Developer: Upgrade ESLint plugin-kit from 0.2.0 to 0.2.3.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9986
          - dependabot[bot]
        pr_title: Bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.5
        message: |-
          Developer: Upgrade cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.5.

  # pull: 9966 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:command-launcher to v116)
  # pull: 9967 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6081)
  # pull: 9969 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.48)
  # pull: 9970 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:script-security to v1369)
  # pull: 9971 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.1.0)
  # pull: 9974 (PR title: Fill in since annotations)
  # pull: 9976 (PR title: Update dependency org.springframework:spring-framework-bom to v6.2.0)
  # pull: 9977 (PR title: Update dependency postcss to v8.4.49)
  # pull: 9978 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2353)
  # pull: 9984 (PR title: Update dependency org.jvnet.hudson:commons-jelly-tags-define to v1.1-jenkins-20241115)
  # pull: 9985 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.80.7)
  # pull: 9987 (PR title: Update stapler.version to v1927 (major))
  # pull: 9988 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder to v6.959.v4ed5cc9e2dd4)
  # pull: 9989 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.15.0)
  # pull: 9990 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.81.0)
  # pull: 9991 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.1.1)

  - version: '2.487'
    date: 2024-11-27
      - type: security
        message: Important security fix.
          - url: /security/advisory/2024-11-27/
            title: security advisory

  - version: '2.488'
    date: 2024-12-03
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 10000
        issue: 73907
          - ridemountainpig
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: '[JENKINS-73907] Fix double-escaped tooltips in "Help for feature"'
        message: |-
          Fix double-escaped tooltips in "Help for feature".
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 9983
        issue: 73487
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73487] Fix Stapler exception with multiple security warnings"
        message: |-
          Fix exception error message about hudson.model.UpdateSite$Warning on Manage Jenkins that may be shown when plugins with known security issues are installed.

  # pull: 9638 (PR title: Fixed spotbugs `PATH_TRAVERSAL_IN` issue in `FileBoolean`)
  # pull: 9964 (PR title: Ensure NodeListener#onCreated is called once the Node initialization is complete)
  # pull: 9993 (PR title: Update dependency org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom to v6.4.1)
  # pull: 9999 (PR title: Update dependency commons-io:commons-io to v2.18.0)
  # pull: 10001 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-support to v936)
  # pull: 10003 (PR title: Fix controls attribute leaking in the card component)
  # pull: 10004 (PR title: Update dependency node to v20.18.1)
  # pull: 10005 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.5.3)
  # pull: 10006 (PR title: Update dependency sortablejs to v1.15.4)
  # pull: 10007 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2361)
  # pull: 10011 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:design-library to v325)
  # pull: 10012 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.4.1)
  # pull: 10013 (PR title: Run `npm run lint:fix`)
  # pull: 10014 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2363)
  # pull: 10015 (PR title: Update dependency com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to v10.20.2)
  # pull: 10016 (PR title: Update dependency sortablejs to v1.15.5)
  # pull: 10017 (PR title: Update dependency sortablejs to v1.15.6)
  # pull: 10018 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.11.0)
  # pull: 10020 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.16.0)

  - version: '2.489'
    date: 2024-12-09
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 7569
          - janfaracik
          - timja
          - NotMyFault
        pr_title: Overhaul search with a Command Palette
        message: |-
          Add Command Palette as a replacement for the search bar.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 9995
        issue: 74858
          - tejasdrolia
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-74858]  Added validation for Password length in FIPS mode"
        message: |-
          Added password validation to ensure that existing users cannot create a password of less than 14 characters in length when in FIPS mode.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 7078
        issue: 69549
          - frankie139506
          - NotMyFault
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-69549] Margins for headers and paragraphs make descriptions
        message: |-
          Reduce spacing in help files.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 10022
          - daniel-beck
        pr_title: Revert "Fixed spotbugs `PATH_TRAVERSAL_IN` issue in `FileBoolean`"
        message: |-
          Restore the original behavior of FileBoolean(Class, String) (regression in 2.488).
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9958
        issue: 73355
          - jonesbusy
        pr_title: JENKINS-73355 Removal of commons-compress from core
        message: |-
          Developer: The commons-compress library is no longer provided by Jenkins core, use the Commons Compress API plugin instead.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 10019
          - slide
        pr_title: Allow subclasses of UpdateSite to call updateData
        message: |-
          Developer: Allow UpdateSite subclasses to call updateData method in UpdateSite to write out JSON.
      - type: rfe
        category: developer
        pull: 9959
        issue: 37241
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-37241] Support for query parameters in autocomplete"
        message: |-
          Developer: Add support for @QueryParameter to the autocomplete component.
          Change autocomplete component to use POST for sending requests.
  # pull: 8435 (PR title: Update appearance of keyboard shortcut tooltips)
  # pull: 10021 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2364)
  # pull: 10027 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.13.0)
  # pull: 10029 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1311)
  # pull: 10030 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.82.0)
  # pull: 10031 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.97.0)
  # pull: 10033 (PR title: Update dependency prettier to v3.4.2)
  # pull: 10034 (PR title: Update dependency sass-loader to v16.0.4)
  # pull: 10035 (PR title: Fix attributes leaking in the toggle switch component)
  # pull: 10037 (PR title: Update dependency webpack to v5.97.1)
  # pull: 10038 (PR title: Update dependency @babel/cli to v7.26.4)

  - version: '2.490'
    date: 2024-12-17
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 10049
          - janfaracik
          - timja
        pr_title: Add icons to Command Palette
        message: |-
          Add icons to Command Palette.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 10045
        issue: 73539
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73539] Disable YUI by default"
        message: |-
          Disable the Yahoo! User Interface library by default.
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 10065
        issue: 75003
          - basil
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-75003] Zip-based tool installer configuration incorrectly
          rejects non-HTTP(S) URLs (regression in 2.379)"
        message: |-
          Allow non-HTTP(S) URLs in zip-based tool installer configuration (regression in 2.379).
      - type: bug
        category: regression
        pull: 9951
        issue: 73942
          - basil
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-73942] Downloading tgz artifacts in Firefox is broken"
        message: |-
          .tgz files are no longer double-gzipped.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 10054
          - timja
        pr_title: Fix scrolling with keyboard
        message: |-
          Fix scrolling with keyboard.

  # pull: 8769 (PR title: Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.13.9)
  # pull: 10025 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder to v6.969.v7d22c6eb_fde1)
  # pull: 10039 (PR title: Expose `User.reload` as beta API)
  # pull: 10041 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials to v1393)
  # pull: 10042 (PR title: `PeepholePermalink.Cache`)
  # pull: 10044 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6103)
  # pull: 10046 (PR title: Refine Command Palette UI)
  # pull: 10047 (PR title: Update softprops/action-gh-release action to v2.2.0)
  # pull: 10048 (PR title: Update jenkins/ath Docker tag to v6107)
  # pull: 10050 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder to v6.971.v9a_984fd08864)
  # pull: 10051 (PR title: Update dependency org.apache.maven.skins:maven-fluido-skin to v2.0.1)
  # pull: 10052 (PR title: Update mina-sshd-api.version to v2.14.0-136.v4d2b_0853615e)
  # pull: 10053 (PR title: Update dependency org.springframework:spring-framework-bom to v6.2.1)
  # pull: 10055 (PR title: Update dependency com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to v10.21.0)
  # pull: 10056 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder to v6.973.vc9b_85a_61e4fc)
  # pull: 10059 (PR title: Reduce usage of Ant)
  # pull: 10060 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.83.0)
  # pull: 10062 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.1.2)
  # pull: 10063 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder to v6.975.v4161e479479f)
  # pull: 10064 (PR title: Update dependency org.springframework.security:spring-security-bom to v6.4.2)

  - version: '2.491'
    date: 2024-12-19
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 10058
          - Vlatombe
        pr_title: "Simplify AtomicFileWriter and use clearer temporary file names"
        message: |-
          Avoid printing the same stack trace multiple times when file persistence fails.
          Temporary file names used by the AtomicFileWriter are now derived from the target file name.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 10070
          - timja
        pr_title: Revert "Update dependency hotkeys-js to v3.13.9"
        message: |-
          Revert update of hotkeys-js dependency introduced in 2.490.
          The hotkeys-js bump caused a regression with Jenkins plugin BOM tests.

  # pull: 10058 (PR title: Simplify AtomicFileWriter and use clearer temporary file names)
  # pull: 10066 (PR title: Update dependency com.google.guava:guava to v33.4.0-jre)
  # pull: 10067 (PR title: Update eslint monorepo to v9.17.0)
  # pull: 10069 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:design-library to v332)
  # pull: 10071 (PR title: Improve Command Palette on mobile)
  # pull: 10073 (PR title: Update dependency stylelint to v16.12.0)

  - version: '2.492'
    date: 2025-01-07
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 10026
          - mtughan
        pr_title: Allow all immutable List subclasses from Java 11
        message: |-
          Allow all immutable List subclasses from Java 11 over remoting.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 10106
        issue: 74868
          - timja
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-74868] Use new build status symbols in multi branch projects"
        message: |-
          Use refined build status icons in multibranch projects.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 10081
          - timja
        pr_title: Form checker enhancements for radio
        message: |-
          Form validation that depends on radio buttons now finds the selected one and not the previous one.
      - type: bug
        category: bug
        pull: 10089
          - jglick
        pr_title: "`headerCommandPaletteButton` undefined when `JenkinsHeader` not
        message: |-
          Since 2.489, JavaScript errors could be seen in some Jenkins pages, such as the setup wizard, omitting the usual header bar.

  # pull: 9980 (PR title: Register `OptionHandler`s through `META-INF/services/annotations` and Annotation Indexer rather than `META-INF/services` and Commons Discovery)
  # pull: 10076 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2370)
  # pull: 10077 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit to v1312)
  # pull: 10080 (PR title: Use modern color function notation)
  # pull: 10083 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci:jenkins to v1.127)
  # pull: 10085 (PR title: Update progressiveText.jelly with documentation tag)
  # pull: 10086 (PR title: chore(actions): restore actions-gh-release due to known issue)
  # pull: 10087 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials to v1405)
  # pull: 10088 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:design-library to v335)
  # pull: 10090 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:design-library to v336)
  # pull: 10091 (PR title: Update dependency globals to v15.14.0)
  # pull: 10093 (PR title: Update dependency net.java.dev.jna:jna to v5.16.0)
  # pull: 10094 (PR title: Update dependency webpack-cli to v6)
  # pull: 10095 (PR title: Fix typo in renovate config)
  # pull: 10096 (PR title: Update mina-sshd-api.version to v2.14.0-138.v6341ee58e1df)
  # pull: 10097 (PR title: Update peter-evans/create-pull-request digest to 67ccf78)
  # pull: 10099 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:echarts-api to v5.5.1-5)
  # pull: 10100 (PR title: Update dependency com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle to v10.21.1)
  # pull: 10101 (PR title: Fail CI build on `prettier` errors)
  # pull: 10102 (PR title: Fix Prettier errors)
  # pull: 10104 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:bouncycastle-api to v2.30.1.79-254.vfdb_814e7791e)
  # pull: 10105 (PR title: Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v10.1.3)
  # pull: 10107 (PR title: Restore trailing period on 'Jenkins is getting ready to work' screens)
  # pull: 10109 (PR title: Update Yarn to v4.6.0)
  # pull: 10110 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:json-api to v20241224)
  # pull: 10111 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:design-library to v342)
  # pull: 10112 (PR title: Correcting API documentation of `builds` vs. `allBuilds`)
  # pull: 10118 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:design-library to v350)
  # pull: 10120 (PR title: Update eps1lon/actions-label-merge-conflict action to v3.0.3)
  # pull: 10124 (PR title: Update dependency commons-codec:commons-codec to v1.17.2)

  - version: '2.493'
    date: 2025-01-14
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 10141
        issue: 74832
          - mawinter69
        pr_title: "[JENKINS-74832] disable copybutton in insecure context"
        message: |-
          Disable the copy button in insecure contexts.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 10135
        issue: 75100
          - timja
        pr_title: Remove YUI
        message: |-
          Remove the Yahoo! User Interface library.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 10139
          - janfaracik
          - timja
        pr_title: Update the 'Copy' button animation
        message: |-
          Update the Copy button animation.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 10122
          - basil
        pr_title: Remove Commons Discovery
        message: |-
          Remove Commons Discovery from the Jenkins WAR.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 10115
          - janfaracik
          - timja
        pr_title: Display Console Output on the build page (behind an experimental
        message: |-
          Add the option to display the Console Output on the build page behind an experimental flag.
      - type: rfe
        category: rfe
        pull: 10119
          - janfaracik
          - krisstern
        pr_title: Wrap app bars on smaller screens
        message: |-
          Wrap app bars on smaller screens.

  # pull: 10126 (PR title: Update dependency sass to v1.83.1)
  # pull: 10128 (PR title: Consistent Jelly version for `commons-jelly-tags-fmt`)
  # pull: 10129 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:design-library to v352)
  # pull: 10131 (PR title: Consistent Jelly version for `commons-jelly-tags-xml`)
  # pull: 10132 (PR title: Update jelly.version to v1.1-jenkins-20250108)
  # pull: 10133 (PR title: Stop ignoring updates to `softprops/action-gh-release`)
  # pull: 10134 (PR title: Update softprops/action-gh-release action to v2.2.1)
  # pull: 10136 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2375)
  # pull: 10138 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2376)
  # pull: 10140 (PR title: Update comment in `additionalAuthenticationChecks` to clarify why our no-op implementation is ok)
  # pull: 10142 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder to v6.976.v4dc79fb_c458d)
  # pull: 10144 (PR title: Update dependency io.jenkins.plugins:design-library to v353)
  # pull: 10146 (PR title: Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-test-harness to v2378)