This plug-in provides utilities for getting svn info from upstream job to downstream job The original purpose of creating BlameSubversion is to solve [JENKINS-7509]( **Why need BlameSubversion plugin?** ![](docs/images/why_need_BlameSubversion.jpg) \*When some body check the code in , the Upstream job1 or upsteam job2 will build the source code. \*When the upstream job1 or upsteam job2 is done, it will invoke the build of downstream job2 \*When the downstream job2 build failed, the svn info about who check in upstream job1 or upstream job2 was lost **How did BlameSubversion plugin work?** \*1 get the build of upstream job who trigger this build of downstream \*2 get svn info from it \*3 copy svn info to downstream build \*4 provide interfaces for other official hudson plugins. **How did BlameSubversion plugin work?** Easy configure of BlameSubversion plugin 1 choose the checkbox of Blame Subversion in Souce code Management 2 choose the checkbox of Always Collect SVN info from upstream job if you are sure to do it. ## Change Log ##### Version 1.200 (Jan 4, 2012) - Release 1.200 to get rid of version order issue with 1.121 (assuming this was a typo releasing 1.21) ##### Version 1.25 (Nov 1, 2010) - Fix a bug ##### Version 1.24 (Nov 1, 2010) - Add new feature for up down stream job build number synchronize - Add help.html - Fix a bug for notify ##### Version 1.121 (Oct 15, 2010)