### Summary

This plugin allows you to load test your site using
[BlazeMeter](http://blazemeter.com/ "BlazeMeter's site"). Jenkins will
show a report generated by the test.  
It includes the feature of setting the final build status as good,
unstable or failed, based on the reported error percentage, and response

### Installation & usage

    Please, refer to plugin's wiki for further instructions. 

### Features

\- support [pipeline](https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/);

\- support [Job

\- support remote agents;

\- can download JUnit report after finishing test;

\- can download JTL report after finishing test;

\- can push JMeter properties for test;

\- can push notes for test report;

\- logs communication with BlazeMeter server to separate log file (this
may simplify issue investigation) - \<WORKSPACE\>/\<build \#\>/http-log;

\- supports proxy server using built-in Jenkins functionality (Manage
Jenkins -\> Manage Plugins -\> Advanced);

### [Changelog](https://github.com/Blazemeter/blazemeter-jenkins-plugin/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) [](https://guide.blazemeter.com/hc/en-us/articles/206732669-BlazeMeter-s-Jenkins-Plugin-A-Guide)

### [Using pipeline](https://github.com/Blazemeter/blazemeter-jenkins-plugin/blob/master/usingPipeline.md)

### [Using Job DSL](https://github.com/Blazemeter/blazemeter-jenkins-plugin/blob/master/usingDSL.md)

### [Download latest version](https://plugins.jenkins.io/BlazeMeterJenkinsPlugin)